The lightest base oil. What are base oils and how do they differ from essential oils?

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

When using essential oils for daily care for skin care and during massage, it is not advisable to use essential oils in pure form(undiluted). They can be diluted with oil, which will form the base.

Carrier oils spread easily and evenly over the skin and help healing essential oils to be absorbed faster. A number of oils that are especially suitable for mixing with essential oils also have properties that are beneficial to humans (for example, containing vitamins A, D, E), especially if they are extracted by cold pressing. Cold pressing is a method of extracting oils without the use of heat or chemicals. Although oils obtained in this way may be more expensive, they retain great nutrients than in oils extracted by other methods.

In addition, these carrier oils can help balance and stabilize the essential oil. Vitamin E in wheat germ oil, for example, acts as an antidote and enhances the restorative effect massage oil, if the extract is mixed with other vegetable oil.

The best carrier oils are almond oil, from grape seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, peach and apricot kernels, avocado, corn, sunflower seeds, calendula and castor oil. They are quite often used in .

The oil should be able to easily penetrate the skin. Some people like to use aromatic oils, such as coconut, sesame or olive, others prefer to use oil with a slight scent of its own. You have a lot of choice.

For example, almond oil obtained from sweet almonds. It has nourishing and renewing properties and is useful for dry, wrinkled hands, eczema and skin irritations. This is one of the best universal carriers and can even be used when massaging babies.

Castor oil- more viscous, it can be mixed with other oils for better absorption into the skin, it also has a beneficial effect on eczema and very dry skin.

Grapeseed oil It has the consistency of water and is therefore easily absorbed. It has an astringent effect, which is useful for acne.

Soybean oil It is easily absorbed and is known to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Wheat germ oil especially useful for skin diseases Due to the high content of vitamin E, it is usually added to another base oil (literally 1-2 drops), as it is very rich and heavy.

Avocado oil is also rich in vitamin E and heavy.

Calendula oil helps relieve inflammation, it can be used for problems in the circulatory, digestive, muscular and nervous systems, in case of violations menstrual cycle, as well as for skin diseases. It is often mixed with other carrier oils as it is quite expensive.

Apricot, peach oil improve tissue regeneration.

When using essential oils for daily skin care as a base, you can also use jojoba oil or almond(50 ml).

For aging and very dry skin, add 10% wheat germ oil, for unclean, inflamed skin - 2-3 drops of oil tea tree. Add 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil to the prepared base and shake well. For children, 5 drops are enough, for infants - one.

Cosmetic oils are a storehouse of various vitamins and minerals and, unlike artificial oils, do not have harmful impurities: dyes, preservatives and flavors. For this reason, when they come into contact with the body, they do not provoke allergies.

Oils nourish and moisturize our skin, saturating it with beneficial microelements, have rejuvenating and emollient properties. They are also used to treat various dermatological diseases.

Base oils are the main ingredient home cosmetics. Unlike purchasing funds, you yourself choose the dosage of one or another component, depending on the desired result.

Solid oils used in soap making, creating creams and lip balms. Their properties are similar to human sebum, so they are easily accepted by the body and are necessary as a conductor for essential oils, which in turn have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Liquid oils no less useful. They are used in the preparation of soap, cosmetics for face and hair, nail products, and also for massage oils.

Basic cosmetic oils can act as independent body care products for maximum nutrition and hydration. They help the skin produce collagen, become more elastic and soft.

Due to the high content of vitamin E, a natural preservative and antioxidant, oils slow down the aging process, help improve microcirculation and regeneration in the skin.

List of cosmetic oils and properties:

    Avocado: moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, protects against ultraviolet radiation

    Apricot: nourishes the deep layers of the skin, slows down aging, promotes regeneration, increases elasticity, prevents pore enlargement, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands

    Peanut: softens the skin, even the most sensitive.

    Oil apricot kernels : smoothes wrinkles, restores microdamage to the skin

    Grape seed oil: tightens pores, relieves fatigue and inflammation

    Cherry seed oil: relieves pain and inflammation, smoothes and restores damaged skin, has a whitening effect

    Mustard: prevents gray hair, restores hair structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects

    Jojoba: regulates sebum production, relieves irritation, moisturizes, prevents dandruff, treats burns

    Wheat germ oil: powerful immunomodulatory effect, promotes regeneration, increases skin tightness

    St. John's wort: anti-inflammatory, promotes hair growth, reduces acne, used for burns

    Calendula: relieves inflammation, soothes and heals. Suitable for very sensitive skin, tightens pores, prevents acne

    Cocoa: softens, nourishes, restores, protects skin from external influences

    Castor: nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, restores hair structure

    Kedrovoe: prevents aging, nourishes and restores hair, improves skin elasticity

    Coconut: heals skin infections, nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

    Almond: stimulates hair growth, increases skin elasticity, prevents pore enlargement.

    Peach: prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles.

    Shea Butter: regenerates, protects against harmful effects sun.

    Rosehip: has rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effects, helps the skin with damage, dryness, dehydration, removes stretch marks.

Definitely a list cosmetic oils is huge, we have only indicated the most popular and accessible means.

Nourishment, moisturizing, softening and smoothing are the properties of each of the listed oils, but some of them stand out for their special targeted action. Therefore, some oils are used with enviable frequency and to solve very specific problems.

List of cosmetic hair oils

Every day, hair is exposed to various physical and chemical influences: streams of hot air from a hair dryer or a heated curling iron, severe frosts, caustic hair dyes, fixatives and much more. For this reason, they need our special attention.

There are many various reasons, according to which cosmetic oils are used for hair care. We list the main ones:

    Hair structure restoration

    Giving them extra shine

    Preventing Split Ends

    Stimulating hair growth - nourishing hair follicles and scalp

    Dandruff treatment

    Reducing oily scalp

    Improvement of sebaceous gland secretions

    Protection from thermal effects (hot hair dryer or curling iron, severe frosts)

To solve these problems there is whole line cosmetic oils. All of them, in addition to the general nourishing effect, provide special benefits to the hair, which makes them popular hair care products.

So, the list of cosmetic hair oils:



    Grape seeds



  • Pumpkin



  • Rizhikovoe

    St. John's wort

    tea tree



  • Corn

For normal hair it is better to use corn, olive, flaxseed and almond oil. Avocado, jojoba, shea and coconut will restore dry and damaged hair, will give them volume and protect them from dandruff and fragility.

Tea tree oil, like grape seed oil, normalizes the level of oiliness in the scalp. Special attention It is worth paying attention to those products that prevent hair loss.

Basic hair oils in the table.

Basic hair oils are good both on their own and in combination with other ingredients. They are added to various means for hair care, but their quantity leaves much to be desired. In addition, mass-used items may not bring the desired result.

For this reason, many resort to using homemade cosmetics. This allows you to make your hair care procedure as effective and individual as possible. Don't get too carried away with the amount of additives. Let it be from 2 to 5 ingredients, then the properties of the oil will not be lost in the total mass.

Table 1. Basic hair oils

OilAction and application
BurdockHelps strengthen hair roots and creates an excellent nutritional environment for them. Awakens hair follicles, promotes the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, protects against dandruff.
CoconutUsed for hair care unrefined oil, which prevents loss of hair shine, protects against excess moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the hair. Promotes easy combing.
AlmondSuitable for any oily scalp, nourishes it, stimulates hair growth and strengthens roots. Prevents hair loss.
CastorWidely used for hair restoration after chemical influences, such as perming or dyeing. Nourishes the scalp, eliminates neoplasms. Gives hair a healthy shine.
AvocadoNourishes hair and scalp, quite thick, but absorbs well. Opposes ultraviolet radiation. Works great as independent means, and can also be easily combined with other oils
LinenImproves appearance and hair structure, gives it shine and volume. Contains in large quantities vitamin F. Used both as an independent remedy and in combination.
JojobaImproves the growth of eyelashes, scalp hair and eyebrows, increases their volume and improves hair structure, removing fragility and dullness.

Cosmetic oils for face and body in the table

Natural oils are one of the the best means for skin care of the whole body. They contain a huge amount useful components, do not contain harmful substances, unlike store supplies, and therefore do not cause allergies.

Cosmetic oils can act as independent care products.

Can be smeared on the body after a bath or as an assistant during massage. Oils are often added to various creams, serums and lotions.

The nutritional value of cosmetics is determined not only by the amount of oil, but also by its properties. To understand them, consider the table.

Table 2. Cosmetic oils and their properties

OilAction and application
ApricotSuitable for aging and dry skin, significantly stimulates cellular metabolism and nourishes the skin. Eliminates peeling, wrinkles and dehydration.
AvocadoBest suited for dry and damaged skin. Promotes collagen production and good blood circulation. Gives skin elasticity.
AlmondSuitable for all skin types except oily. Relieves irritation, eliminates hypovitaminosis and dryness.
OlivePerfectly moisturizes and nourishes, smooths out wrinkles, not recommended for those with oily skin.
Sea buckthornThe oil is suitable for sensitive and problem skin. Well nourishes, rejuvenates, rich in antioxidants
PeachIdeal for facial skin, especially around the eyes. The oil reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation and circles under the eyes, whitens and cleanses the skin.

The choice of cosmetic oils is very large. All you have to do is choose the option that will help you get desired result. What homemade cosmetics recipes have you used? How do you evaluate the effectiveness of using oils?

Hello, my dear readers!

I decided to make a page where I will add links to all my posts about the best base oils, so that all those who need such information can find everything they need right away, and not have to crawl around looking for the required material all over the blog.

To begin with, I want to give a short description of base oils and determine their properties and applications.

From this article you will learn:

Base oils - properties and application

Base oils are natural vegetable fats obtained from plants by hot and cold pressing and liquid extraction.

Types of base oils

  • Base oils are solid (butter) and consist mainly of saturated fatty acids.
  • Liquid (oily), which consist for the most part from unsaturated fatty acids and due to the presence in their molecules double bonds, they oxidize quickly and are sensitive to the action of microorganisms and heat.

Which base oils are healthier?

The most beneficial for the skin are oils obtained by cold pressing.

The lowest quality oils are those obtained by extraction and their use in cosmetics is undesirable.

Basic oils in cosmetology

Today, base oils, added to cosmetics, play the role of not only a base, but also biologically active components.

They not only ensure the penetration of other biologically active substances into the skin, but also affect physiological processes in the skin.

Particularly valuable in this regard are oils containing: linoleic, alpha-linolenic and gamma-linolenic (omega 3 and omega 6)

For normal functioning of the skin, these acids must enter the body in correct ratio, range 4:1-1:1.

With a lack of these acids, the skin begins to peel, becomes dry and irritated.

Base oils may also contain such valuable components as carotenoids, phytosterols, squalene, and tocopherol.

Main functions of base oils

  1. Formation of the epidermal barrier (fats are necessary for the formation of lipid layers of the stratum corneum)
  2. Participation in the metabolism of biologically active molecules
  3. Increasing the permeability of the stratum corneum for other active components.

In addition to the fact that they can be used as full-fledged cosmetic products for the care of any parts of the body, taking into account their properties, they serve as the basis for preparing homemade cosmetics and various mixtures with.

What are the base oils?

Just follow them and read about the properties and uses of the base oil you need. Everything is written in very detail and clearly.

In this article we will talk about unique properties base oils. competes with the most expensive and elite creams, second only to them in price :) . Besides, 100% natural oils do not contain preservatives, fragrances or other toxic components.

Vegetable oils are divided into base and essential.

Base oils according to biochemical parameters similar to skin properties, which allows them to penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis and deliver healing substances there. Therefore, they are also called carrier oils, transport or carrier oils.

They can be used independently cosmetic product, and as a base for mixing with essential oils and other ingredients.

When buying base oils, pay attention to the composition, it should not contain synthetic impurities, dyes, or preservatives.

To produce 100% pure vegetable oils the cold pressing method is used and subsequent high-quality filtration without the use of high temperatures. This method preserves all the valuable properties of the oil and extends its shelf life.

Carrier oils have unique regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, which is due to their composition: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, phytosterols, phospholipids.

Well absorbed by the body, oils participate in chemical processes and are a natural stimulator of the most important biochemical and physiological processes:

  • accelerate cellular metabolism;
  • improve skin nutrition;
  • promote the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen;
  • improve lymph and blood circulation;
  • increase skin tone;
  • effectively cleanse the skin while nourishing it;
  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fatty acid

Unique healing properties many oils are due to the presence of fatty acids in their composition, which are divided into saturated and unsaturated.

With a high content of saturated acids, oils will be hard even at room temperatures. The lower the acid content, the softer the oil.

Unsaturated fatty acids have great value for the body: they actively participate in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate the production of hormones necessary for the body. The higher the content of unsaturated acids in the oil, the more liquid it is.

Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, which is responsible for the construction of biological membranes in the human body, has especially valuable properties. Oils containing it in large quantities are easily absorbed and absorbed by the skin. Richest in oleic acid olive oil(up to 85%).

Many unsaturated acids are not synthesized by our body and can only be obtained through food or through the skin. They are called essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3), they are vital for the health of the skin and the body as a whole. These include linoleic, linolenic, gamma-linolenic acids, as well as their derivatives.

Deficiency of essential acids leads to:

  • to damage the skin barrier, as a result of which microorganisms, allergens, harmful substances, inflammatory reactions and skin diseases occur;
  • to transepidermal loss of moisture;
  • to chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes;
  • to deterioration of brain function.

Signs of essential acid deficiency: peeling skin, feeling of dryness, increased irritability and sensitivity skin, itching, redness.

To permanently eliminate these unpleasant symptoms must be included in your diet and skin care natural fats and oils containing essential fatty acids.

Best sources of essential fatty acids oils of borage (borage), black currant, and aspen (evening primrose) are considered. Gamma linolenic acid contained in these oils

  • stops
  • normalizes hormone levels, reduces skin oiliness,
  • suppresses the formation of melanin, brightens the skin.

Useful to use internally:

  • flaxseed oil (the required daily balance of essential fatty acids is contained in one or two tablespoons). Before using oil, be sure to read the contraindications!
  • Fish oil (salmon, mackerel, salmon, sardines, eel and so on),
  • pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, soybeans, wheat germ, nuts.

So, let's summarize and list

oils to look for if you are deficient in essential fatty acids

Liquid oils:

In the following publications:

  • what oils are suitable for .

Come in for beauty recipes!

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