Side effects and special instructions. Emla instructions for use

Among the abundance of drugs for pain relief for a variety of actions, Emla cream (ointment) performed excellently.

- a panacea for superficial anesthesia of the skin, which has a uniform white texture. The active components of the drug are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, eliminating pain.

Indications for use

Emla and its analogues are quite successfully used for the surface analgesic effect of the mucous membranes and epidermis during surgery. The drug is widely used in cosmetology:

  • For pain relief of the desired area during hair removal and depilation.
  • Emla cream allows you to achieve the necessary anesthetic effect when removing tattoos.

Based on the instructions, Emla cream should be applied in a thick layer. The immediate application area of ​​the device depends on the following factors:

  • Planned manipulations.
  • Immediate pain threshold.

Methods of use

It is better not to dosage the medication yourself, but to entrust it to a professional. The cream layer should be covered with a sticker specially designed for this purpose, which comes as an addition to the drug. The bandage must be worn for some time. Experts believe that an analgesic effect on the surface of the epidermis can be achieved after excision for 1 hour. As for the mucous membranes, pain relief occurs after 10 minutes. . It should be borne in mind that on the mucous membranes the analgesic effect occurs faster, but it is short-lived.

The main nuances include:

  • Do not use the device on sensitive areas of the epidermis.
  • Do not use ointment on damaged skin.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the active substance does not get on the mucous membranes.
  • If you experience discomfort when using the product, it is better not to use it.

Important! Before using the product, you should carefully study the instructions, since there are a number of rules that must be followed!

Existing analogues

Emla cream for hair removal can be bought at pharmacies. The drug is manufactured in a few countries, and the pricing policy for the Emla anesthetic device depends on this. This medicine can hardly be called cheap. The cost of an analgesic product may vary. Approximately for a tube of ointment you will have to pay about 1000 rubles. Not every person is ready to pay that kind of money. Consequently, most citizens have a completely natural question whether there are cheaper analogues of Emla.

Before looking for an analogue of the Emla anesthetic cream, you need to understand its structure and then find a similar composition in other drugs. The main purpose of Emla cream is an analgesic effect. It should be borne in mind that all drugs exhibit their qualities differently. Regarding reviews, among the cheap analogues we can highlight sprays based on lidocaine or. As evidenced by reviews of this kind, the medicines are slightly cheaper than Emla cream, and in terms of effectiveness they are not much inferior.

Popular analogues and their characteristics

Name of analogue Characteristic
Menovazin It is a cheaper analogue of Emla. The product differs in composition. Ingredients: menthol, benzocaine, procaine. This analogue has a number of side effects: allergic reactions, weakness, and dermatitis may occur. The medication should not be applied to damaged areas.
Anestezin The analogue is basically similar in effect to Emla cream. The active substance is bezocaine.
Ultracain D A cheaper analogue of Emla cream. The medicine is based on articaine hydrochloride. Although this drug is much cheaper than Emla, it has an extensive list of contraindications. Before using it, it is better to consult a specialist.
Cream Light Dep Light Dep anesthesia cream for depilation is an optimal and cheaper analogue of Emla. For such a painkiller you will have to pay 2.5 times less.
Kamistad The active ingredient is lidocaine. The analogue can be purchased at a pharmacy quite cheaply compared to Emla. The product has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect on the treated surface.
Rinpoche Lidocaine Anesthetic Cream It is an excellent cheap analogue. The drug has a fast-acting analgesic effect.

When purchasing cheaper analogues, most women begin to suspect whether the medication will be as effective as Emla. You should not think that cheap means not effective. Since each organism is individual, therefore the effects of drugs are different. And if there are negative reviews on the Runet that cheaper analogues of Emla did not bring the desired result, this does not mean that the drug is bad. Because one drug can have different effects on different organisms.

Emla cream is actively used in dermatology, traumatology, and cosmetology. The drug is intended for local anesthesia before minimally invasive procedures. The analgesic effect of the cream is due to the presence of two anesthetics in the composition - lidocaine and prilocaine. When the drug comes into contact with the skin, the analgesic effect appears within an hour. This allows it to be used before catheterization, hair removal, drug blockades, and parenteral administration of solutions.

Before prescribing Emla, doctors take into account the patient’s age and the purpose of using the cream. The drug does not have a wide list of contraindications, it is not toxic to the human body. But if the dosage regimen is violated, there is a possibility of developing local adverse reactions.

Emla is a thick white cream without any specific odor. After application to the skin or mucous membranes, the active ingredients are released gradually. In the process of transdermal and transepidermal absorption, the analgesic effect of Emla ointment is manifested. The duration of the anesthetic effect depends on the area of ​​application, the amount of the drug, and the patient’s pain threshold. The nature of the minimally invasive procedure also matters. Long-term anesthesia is not required before administering injection solutions. And before drug blockade, there is a need for a long-term analgesic effect. How long does a local anesthetic last?

  • an hour after application, the skin is anesthetized to a depth of 0.2 cm;
  • 2 hours after application, nerve endings located at a depth of 0.3 cm lose sensitivity;
  • 10 minutes after distribution on the mucous membranes, complete anesthesia occurs.

Emla is often used for epilation - artificial hair removal by destroying hair follicles. The procedure is quite painful, so the use of a local anesthetic is very important.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Emla cream is included in the clinical and pharmacological group of local anesthetics used before minimally invasive interventions.

pharmachologic effect

Emla cream is intended only for local anesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes. Its therapeutic effect is due to the pharmacological properties of lidocaine and prilocaine. Anesthetics stimulate blocking of voltage-gated sodium channels. Sensitive nerve endings stop generating impulses and entering the central nervous system. Lidocaine has a less potent anesthetic effect than prilocaine. The combination of anesthetics in Emla explains the pharmacodynamics of the drug:

  • lidocaine provides a quick (within a few minutes) analgesic effect;
  • Prilocaine causes long-term pain relief, which lasts 3 hours or more.

Upon contact with the skin or mucous membranes of the genital organs, the cream slightly dilates the blood vessels. Therefore, during its use, slight redness of the tissues is often observed, which disappears at the end of the procedure. The undoubted advantage of the drug is the absence of local irritation. The use of anesthetics does not cause stimulation of nerve endings located in the subcutaneous tissue.

The degree of absorption of the active ingredients of the cream depends on the site of application. Their absorption is affected by the rate of perfusion. Lidocaine and prilocaine are absorbed into the mucous membranes several times faster than into the skin.

Release form and composition

Emla is produced at a Swedish pharmaceutical factory. The cream is packaged in tubes of 5.0 g, which are placed in five pieces in cardboard boxes. If necessary, you can purchase the drug in tubes of 30.0 g.

Each secondary packaging also contains detailed instructions for use and occlusive dressing inserts. The Emla line includes a therapeutic system. It is a flexible plate with a cellulose disk impregnated with anesthetic solutions.

The total quantitative content of anesthetics in the ointment is 5 percent. The active ingredients of all dosage forms of Emla are lidocaine and prilocaine. The auxiliary composition of Emla is represented by the following components:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate;
  • purified water.

The drug does not contain dyes, flavors, or preservatives, so the risk of irritation of the skin and mucous membranes is minimized. Additional ingredients ensure optimal, gradual absorption of anesthetics into the dermis and epidermal layers.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the local anesthetic is 36 months. It shrinks somewhat after opening the sealed tube. But this is only relevant when using the product in a large package. Typically, the contents of a 5.0 g tube are intended for single use. Emla should be stored at room temperature no higher than 30°C.

Do not expose the tube to direct sunlight or freeze it. Damage to the cream is indicated by a change in its consistency, color and/or the appearance of a rancid odor. Small children should not have access to the storage area of ​​the drug.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Emla cream should be used only as prescribed by a doctor or cosmetologist. Despite the limited list of contraindications, therapy with a local anesthetic can worsen a person’s well-being.

For example, if it gets into the eyes, there is a high probability of damage to the cornea. A quick rinse of the mucous membranes with water, or preferably an isotonic sodium chloride solution, will help to avoid this.

Indications and contraindications

Emla is used as an anesthetic to eliminate the pain syndrome characteristic of trophic ulcers. The cream is intended for superficial anesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes before minimally invasive procedures. These include:

  • installation of catheters;
  • carrying out medicinal blockades with analgesics, glucocorticosteroids;
  • taking biological samples by puncture;
  • intramuscular or intravenous administration of injection solutions;
  • minimally invasive surgical operations, such as removal of papillomas and moles.

The instructions for use recommend using Emla before applying a tattoo. The drug facilitates mesotherapy, hair removal, scar correction, and removal of spider veins and spider veins. The cream is applied before the introduction of drugs to remove nasolabial folds, deep and fine wrinkles.

Another range of use of the drug is local anesthesia before intravenous or intramuscular injections in children. The child's blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, so during the injection he feels severe pain. Before the subsequent administration of solutions, children experience fear, which increases the severity of discomfort. The use of Emla cream eliminates the possibility of even mild pain in the child.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance to its active and auxiliary ingredients. It is not included in the therapeutic regimens of premature children and infants whose weight does not exceed 3 kg.

Relative contraindications are atopic dermatitis, methemoglobinemia of any origin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Directions for use and doses

Single and daily doses of the cream are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the area of ​​pain relief and the duration of the invasive procedure. The product is applied in a thick layer to the skin or mucous membranes after they have been cleansed and treated with antiseptics. To increase the therapeutic effect, occlusive stickers are used, which are attached to the package. After removing the central part, the paper edging is separated. Apply the sticker to the area where the cream is applied and press lightly. How long should you keep Emla?

  • when applied to mucous membranes - from 10 to 20 minutes;
  • when distributed on the skin - from 1 to 2 hours.

The duration of pain relief for trophic ulcers is up to 4 hours. In this case, the supplied sticker is not used. Special occlusive PVC dressings are used.

Application before hair removal

Using the same algorithm, Emla is used before sugaring and epilation of the bikini area. The cream is spread in a thick layer, and an occlusive sticker is applied on top of it. Before applying wax or sugar paste, carefully remove all remnants of Emla cream from the bikini area. Otherwise, the effectiveness of sugaring will significantly decrease due to poor quality capture of all hair.

After completion of cosmetic procedures, the remaining product is removed. The skin is washed with warm water and soap, and if necessary, rub in a nourishing cream.

Side effects and special instructions

If the dosage regimen is violated or there is hypersensitivity to the ingredients, there is a possibility of developing an allergy. Clinically, it manifests itself as a rash, swelling, itching, and burning. It is necessary to quickly remove any remaining cream from the skin and seek medical help.

Emla during pregnancy and breastfeeding is used only as prescribed by a doctor. There were no cases of teratogenic effects of the drug.

No chemical drug interactions between Emla and other drugs have been detected. But when taking a course of antiarrhythmic drugs, you should inform your dermatologist or cosmetologist about this. It is not advisable to use the cream together with other anesthetics due to the mutual increase in the therapeutic effect. This can cause the development of not only local, but also systemic adverse reactions.

The high concentration of anesthetics in the drug determines its weak bactericidal and antiviral properties. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it before the administration of live vaccines.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Cream with anesthetics is available over-the-counter from pharmacies. The average cost of a package of Emla No. 5 is 1,700 rubles.


Emla cream has analogs that are only active, that is, they have similar properties. These are Lidocaine spray, Ultracaine and Articaine preparations.

Many types of depilation are associated, unfortunately, with painful sensations. However, beauty requires sacrifice, and women bravely endure pain. This situation can be completely corrected if Emla cream is used before the hair removal procedure.

Pharmacological properties of the product

The main components of Emla cream are the anesthetic substances lidocaine and prilocaine, which produce an analgesic effect when they come into contact with the skin.

Lidocaine, penetrating the skin tissue, blocks the nerve endings, as a result of which they stop sending pain impulses to the brain. The anesthetic effects of prilocaine develop somewhat more slowly compared to lidocaine, but prilocaine is less toxic.

The bioavailability of the drug (its ability to reach the site of action) is 3–5%.

Emla is available in 5 g tubes; one package contains 5 tubes and 12 stickers used to fix the cream at the site of anesthesia.

The package includes 5 tubes of Emla 5 g each and 12 occlusive dressings

Emla is used in the following cases:

  • for anesthesia during puncture;
  • for superficial operations (removal of warts, moles);
  • when cleansing trophic ulcers;
  • vascular catheterization;
  • for anesthesia of the mucous membranes of the genital organs during painful procedures;
  • during cosmetic procedures (depilation, hair removal, tattooing, elimination of skin defects, etc.).

How to use it correctly for pain relief

The process of plucking hairs from the surface of the skin can be made more comfortable with the help of Emla cream. Before using the drug, you need to know that its anesthetic effect is not achieved instantly. The effect of Emla will become noticeable only after 30 minutes. after application, but optimal effectiveness will appear after 1 hour.

The longer the cream is on the skin, the deeper its components penetrate, and the more pronounced its analgesic effect. The maximum application time for Emla is 5 hours.

Studies have shown that a full analgesic effect is observed in 91% of women, the remaining 9% experience slight pain. This may be caused by applying an insufficient amount of cream or a short duration of application before the procedure. In addition, the effectiveness of anesthesia is influenced by the physiological characteristics of the skin: the thicker the skin by nature, the longer the agent should remain on the skin.

Using Emla for pain relief before depilation is carried out as follows:

  • the skin should be cleansed of dirt and sebum;
  • apply Emla cream to the problem area in a thick layer so that the skin is not visible through it;
  • Cover the area of ​​the skin surface with the applied cream with an occlusive sticker. This must be done in order to achieve the maximum effect of anesthesia. The film has an adhesive surface on one side, so it can easily be fixed to the skin;
  • The holding time for Emla is 30–60 minutes. An hour after application, the product will penetrate the skin layers by 2 mm. This depth is quite enough to effectively numb the skin before depilation;
  • remove the sticker and remove the remaining cream with a dry cloth;
  • start the depilation procedure.

For anesthesia of the skin of the hands or feet, the required application time is 40 minutes

The effect of anesthesia after removing the application lasts 2 hours. During this time, you can treat several problem areas.

Attention! After opening the tube, unused cream residues cannot be stored.

Video: using Emla at home

Features of use in different zones

The skin in the bikini area, armpits and upper lip is particularly sensitive, so the depilation procedure in these areas is the most painful, and Emla should be applied as thickly as possible. The application must be maintained for at least 1 hour (while 30–40 minutes are enough to numb the skin of the hands and feet).

Do not be afraid of accidental contact with the genital mucosa, since the cream is indicated for anesthesia in this area. However, Emla should be used with extreme caution to anesthetize the upper lip, since getting the product into the oral cavity is undesirable.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Emla is a medicinal product, so it has a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity of the skin to the anesthetic components in the cream;
  • methemoglobinemia (a condition characterized by an increased content of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood and tissue hypoxia);
  • taking certain medications (sulfonamides);
  • pregnancy period;
  • fresh wounds, scratches (the cream does not have healing or bactericidal properties);

When using Emla, some side effects may occur:

  • pallor or redness of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • itching and burning at the site of application of the cream;
  • non-inflammatory rashes.

If an accidental overdose of Emla occurs, some consequences may occur:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • decreased muscle tension and muscle weakness;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • general weakness.

What can replace Emla?

Emla cream is quite expensive (365 rubles for 1 tube of 5 g), and many women cannot afford to purchase this drug. It can be replaced with less expensive means.


For depilation at home, it is convenient to use Lidocaine in the form of a spray. It is sprayed over the surface of the skin from a distance of 5–7 cm. A powerful analgesic effect occurs within 30–40 seconds. However, the duration of anesthesia is only 15 minutes. Therefore, the drug is best used for small areas of depilation or during the procedure, gradually treat individual areas of the skin with the product.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to use lidocaine in the form of a spray for anesthesia of the upper lip, since once on the oral mucosa, the medicine can suppress the pharyngeal reflex.

According to statistics, 99.4% of people tolerate the drug without any complications. However, a number of contraindications to its use still exist:

  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance.

The cost of Lidocaine spray (38 g) is 360 rubles.

Lidocaine instantly numbs the skin, but the duration of the anesthetic effect is also short-lived

Acriol Pro cream, like Emla, contains lidocaine and prilocaine. For pain relief before depilation, the drug is applied to the skin, covered with an occlusive dressing and left for 30–60 minutes.

Acrylic Pro has contraindications, side effects and possible consequences similar to Emla cream. The difference between the drugs is their cost (a 5 ml tube of Acrylic Pro costs 216 rubles)

Akriol Pro is similar in its action and contraindications to Emla cream, but its cost is lower

Light Dep

Light Dep is often used by cosmetologists to anesthetize the skin before the depilation procedure. In addition to lidocaine and prilocaine, it contains epinephrine, a component that prevents the formation of irritation, redness and swelling in the treated area of ​​the skin.

After applying the cream, the analgesic effect occurs within 15–60 minutes, and the duration of anesthesia is 4 hours.

For a tube of Light Dep with a volume of 15 ml you need to pay only 750 rubles.

Light Dep products can be purchased in different volumes and packaging

All women and girls strive to look perfect. For this they spare no effort or time. One of the rather serious problems that have to be solved in the struggle for beauty is getting rid of unnecessary vegetation. The depilation procedure is a rather unpleasant task, and also painful.

Some people treat such sensations quite calmly, but for others it is unbearable torment. How to avoid or at least reduce pain symptoms during procedures to remove excess hair? Today, there are a large number of proposals that will help not only relieve pain, but also completely block it.

Depilation of hair on legs

"Emla" - a drug for local anesthesia during depilation

All methods that allow you to reduce the level of pain during depilation are conventionally divided into non-medicinal and medicinal. When using painkillers, there are 3 options for their use:

  • application to skin;
  • ingestion;
  • subcutaneous injections.

Among the most popular anesthetics that are used during depilation for application to the surface of the skin is Emla cream. User reviews cannot be called unequivocally positive, since this tool does not help everyone. The anesthetic contains substances used for local anesthesia: lidocaine and prilocaine . They begin to work as a pain reliever when they penetrate the skin. And the degree of their impact depends both on the dose of the drug applied to the surface and on the duration of the drug’s presence on it.

"Emla" - a drug for local anesthesia during depilation

Each package comes with instructions for use of the drug, detailing what needs to be done to get the desired result:

  • the main condition is to apply the cream in a thick layer;
  • cover the treated surface on which the cream is applied with a special adhesive sticker supplied with the package. This is necessary so that the moisture contained in the product does not evaporate and ensures better penetration of the anesthetic into the skin. When depilating a large surface, you can use regular film instead of stickers.

When using Emla cream, you need to remember that the effect of the composition does not begin instantly, but only after 20-25 minutes. The maximum effect of the anesthetic is achieved after an hour and can last up to 5 hours.

The effect of the cream begins only 20-25 minutes after application to the body

This composition is specifically designed for use on the surface of the skin. The instructions explain that in the case of anesthesia penetrating to a depth of 2 mm, the composition must be applied under the bandage for at least 60 minutes. And if you need to penetrate 3 mm, then the time doubles - up to 2 hours. Periodically you will have to renew the layer of anesthetic under the bandage. It is very convenient that Emla cream can be applied in advance, before visiting the salon, and using a sticker to create conditions under which the composition is well absorbed into the skin and does not stain clothes. Reviews about this drug, as usual, vary: some are simply enthusiastic, while others are clearly negative.

In what cases is pain medication used?

with lidocaine "Emla" is used for such salon procedures as:

  • piercing;
  • tattoo;
  • depilation;
  • epilation;
  • any cosmetic procedures requiring injections.

Emla cream should not be applied around the eyes.

Instructions for use of Emla warn users about the following points:

  • Do not apply cream around the eyes;
  • cannot be used on damaged skin and open wounds (scratches, abrasions, inflammation);
  • it is necessary to ensure that the cream does not get into the ear;
  • the appearance of overexcitation, cardiac dysfunction, or, conversely, depression of the nervous system serves as a signal to immediately stop the procedure: you need to remove stickers or bandages and remove all remaining cream from the treated area.

During use, Emla may cause the following side effects:

  • pallor;
  • allergies;
  • itching and burning;

  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • hemorrhagic rash;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages.


A contraindication to the use of Emla may be the presence of methemoglobinemia and the body’s reaction to its components. If you follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions, an overdose is unlikely. It should be noted that many users, leaving their reviews of the anesthetic, talk about complete anesthesia and advise using this particular option for depilation.

In case of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, it is always possible to find a replacement in the form of other painkillers. These may be: “Menovazin”, “Anestezol”, “Dentinox”, “Kamistad” and others.

A contraindication to the use of Emla may be the presence of methemoglobinemia and the body’s reaction to its components.

When removing unnecessary vegetation, Emla patches are also used. The disadvantage of this option is that the patches are small in size. And if you consider that only 3 pieces can be used at a time, then the scope of its application is significantly narrowed. They are mainly used in small and most painful areas: the armpit and bikini area. Reviews from those who have used Emla are mostly positive. The pain relief is obvious, and the result lasts long enough to remove the vegetation.

Other painkillers

In addition to “Emla”, on today’s market of painkillers for hair removal, more and more new names are appearing, which in their qualities are not inferior to traditional and well-known anesthetics.

Light dep anesthetic cosmetic cream

A new product is Light Dep - a combined version of an anesthetic that can successfully replace Emla in case of individual intolerance to any of the components included in its composition. The principle of action of Light Dep is to block the main pain receptors located in the epidermis. But at the same time, the skin remains sensitive to external factors such as temperature changes or touch. The use of this product is absolutely harmless to health and does not cause side effects or allergic reactions.

Significantly reduces pain during depilation by taking medications such as tempalgin, ibuprofen or analgin. It is also recommended to take them in advance - at least 40 minutes before the start of depilation.

Special scrubs, ointments and gels are good for pain relief; they exfoliate skin particles near the hair follicles, thereby freeing them and making removal almost painless.

Lidocaine Asept spray for topical use

For local anesthesia during depilation, in addition to the above options, the following medicinal solutions are widely used: lidocaine and prilocaine.

A lidocaine solution is usually applied to the surface of the problem area, and is also used in the form of subcutaneous injections, which begin to act within 15 minutes. But when lubricating the surface - as the required amount of medicine accumulates. The period required for this is usually individual for each individual client and depends on a number of components. For example, the thickness of subcutaneous fat, body temperature, the amount of solution on the surface, the time it spent there.

Emla is a drug for local anesthesia in the form of a cream. Indicated for external use for pain relief of the skin and mucous membranes. The cream contains amide anesthetics: prilocaine and lidocaine, which penetrate deep into the dermis and disable the sensitivity of nerve endings. The analgesic effect on the skin lasts 2 hours, and on the mucous membranes – up to 20 minutes.

Properties of the cream

The nature of the drug's effect on different areas of the dermis differs, depending on the area of ​​application, the dose of the drug and the period of time for which the occlusive dressing was applied. When applying the drug, it is worth considering its features:

  • 1 hour after application, the ointment anesthetizes 2 mm of the dermis in depth;
  • 2 hours after application, the sensitivity of nerve endings 3 mm from the surface of the skin is lost;
  • 10 minutes after treatment of the mucous membranes, their complete anesthesia is observed.

The course of pain relief is not affected by a person’s age or skin color. The only indicator that affects the action of the drug is an abnormality of nerve sensitivity - atopic dermatitis. In this case, the effect of using Emla will be noticeable after 20 minutes.

Application of cream

The instructions contain a comprehensive list of indications for use: it is recommended to use the cream before any procedures that involve injury to the upper layers of the dermis. Severe pain should not be neglected, because constant irritation of nerve endings can negatively affect the functioning of nearby organs, and even the heart.

Emla significantly reduces the pain threshold during the following procedures:

  • Ear piercings, piercings;
  • Permanent makeup, tattooing;
  • Injections of aggressive medications and vitamins;
  • Subcutaneous cosmetic injections;
  • Epilation and depilation.

Emla ointment is most actively used to treat the bikini area before hair removal. The largest number of nerve endings are localized in this area, so it is extremely difficult to do without medical supplies. For successful hair removal (laser or photo), you need to use 8-10 g for the entire bikini area, and for depilation (with wax, sugar and a mechanical device) - 3-5 g.

Precautionary measures

The instructions for the drug state that the cream is absolutely safe for all age groups and health conditions. The only exceptions are methemoglobinemia and allergies to the components of the drug. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can use the ointment before bikini hair removal, making sure that the body is not hypersensitive to lidocaine.

The cream may cause local side effects such as itching and burning. The skin is characterized by pallor and a short-term hemorrhagic rash; barely noticeable swelling is acceptable on the mucous membranes. Damage to microvessels causes pinpoint hemorrhages and hyperemia (oversaturation of capillaries with blood).

When using the product, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The instructions prohibit contact of the ointment with the area around the eyes and ears;
  2. It is not permissible to apply the cream to damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the bikini area;
  3. If tachycardia or apathy or lethargy appears, the drug must be completely removed.

Rules of application

The package contains ointment and occlusive dressing. The cream must be applied no later than an hour before hair removal. Anesthesia will be complete only if all rules are followed. Instructions for use:

  1. Cover the entire bikini area with a thick layer of Emla so that the skin does not show through.
  2. Separate the film of the occlusive dressing from the surface of the template and stick it to the epilation area.
  3. Remove the edges and leave for 1-2 hours: the anesthetic ointment should be on the skin for at least 40 minutes, and on the mucous membrane for at least 10, otherwise the effect will be incomplete or completely absent.
  4. Remove the film and remove any remaining product.

Before removing hair, you need to make sure that the skin surface is absolutely clean from Emla residues. This is of particular importance for waxing and sugaring, since the adhesive substance will not be able to properly capture all the vegetation, and the procedure will be delayed. Regarding photo and laser hair removal, they are less demanding in terms of the presence of the product on the skin, since their operating principle is based on burning out hairs and follicles in the bikini area.

The cream can become a catalyst for the appearance of bruises and bruises after the procedure, but all skin imperfections should go away within 2-3 days. "Emla" is not recommended for repeated use until damage in the upper layers of the dermis has passed. This rule is easy to follow, because hair in the bikini area will appear no earlier than in 2-3 weeks.


If for some reason the cream is not suitable for you, and anesthesia is necessary before epilation of the sensitive area, use analogue products. The classic option is the drug “Lidocaine spray”. It has virtually no contraindications and is well tolerated by people of any age.

Spray the product over the entire bikini area and immediately begin removing hair. Loss of sensitivity occurs within 1-3 minutes, but lasts no more than an hour. The cream prevents pain not only during, but also after the procedure, while skin damage heals. Using Lidocaine Spray, you will feel itching and burning immediately after hair removal.

A new product on the market of local anesthetics is Light Dep cream, an analogue of Emla in terms of effect, but not in composition. The main active ingredient of anestoderm is less toxic than lidocaine and has a faster effect. Loss of skin sensitivity in the bikini area occurs within 15-20 minutes (in rare cases, you need to keep the occlusive dressing on for an hour). "Light Dep" is cheaper than "Emla", but the ointment can only be purchased from official representatives of the NNPTSTO.

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