Male love, the main differences from female love. What is the difference between male and female love?

What is the difference between male and female love?

A woman's love is the best thing in the world. Everything is concentrated in it, right down to maternal love, which also lurks in the depths of love for a man. A loving woman has enough patience for everything. She will always find words, support, console, encourage, inspire, forgive and, if necessary, help out and even save. But a man needs this constantly and from one woman only when he finds this one - his own. Otherwise, he will be completely satisfied with the help and support of a variety of representatives of the opposite sex. He is ready to pay for this support in any currency except freedom. But a woman is also able to show her love only when she has found her man. In this case, she does not listen to the opinions of her friends, friends, relatives, if they tell her that he is unworthy of her, and how they together in the future will lack something (money or usual comfort) and in general - what they say , so different... how can they stay together for a long time and stably? Logic is alien to a woman in love; she does not believe forecasts, even if you give her an astrological forecast or a world economic forecast. She can believe in them only in one case: if the forecast coincides with her expectations and bright hopes associated with love for this man.

The mistake of women is that they judge by themselves, although, I don’t argue, all people first of all see the world from the bell tower of their own experience. But a woman expects the same love and the same manifestations from a man in return for her own. And this inevitably leads to disappointment.

How to avoid this? Look at things soberly, become realistic.

Women are looking for something perfect. So that “he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and always gives flowers, sees him off to work, calls his mother-in-law mom.” Well, okay, fine, let him smoke and not call him mom, but so that he speaks kind words, consoles and supports, helps around the house and in life, is able to provide for his family, and also that he is handsome and a good lover... A list of requirements combined with and individually in real life is sometimes very long. Moreover, some character traits that you want in your man are simply mutually exclusive. If he makes excellent money and was able to swim in a profitable business in a sea of ​​competitors, then he is an intelligent and energetic person, but, most likely, he is by no means soft and modest. And you want him to be able to wipe away a tear, to resolve everything with you collectively, and to spend time with his family. It is unlikely that all of this together is possible. Be prepared for the fact that some things on your ideal list will have to be sacrificed. What are you willing to give up? What are you ready to endure if what is guaranteed on his part is what you are not ready to sacrifice under any circumstances? These are very serious questions. You have something to think about...

Men, just like women, are capable of love, but love is of a completely different kind. For some reason, you women often forget the main thing: we are more straightforward creatures, if not straightforward. If we like something, we go for it. If we said that we love, we will not repeat it every half day, every day, and in some cases, every year. Calling you at work every hour and asking how you are doing is also not in our rules. We ourselves also don’t like it when we are distracted from our work just to inquire how it’s going. Can you imagine what kind of “truth” you have to say in response when you say “good”?

A man can show love and care in a way that is completely incomprehensible from the point of view of the female soul. When his beloved does not have money, he will bring her a bag of food, give it to her for expenses and at the same time burst into an angry speech on the topic “How could you not tell this to me?” I know one such man, a fairly noble man, who sincerely wanted to help his somewhat feminized girlfriend. Having discovered (quite by accident) her financial difficulties, he rushed to help her with the words: “I am surprised at you, dear! You are silent here when I could have resolved everything long ago! Am I a telepath? You take me for some kind of rag! Let this not happen in the future! Or maybe someone else should help you? Well, tell me...” A scene of jealousy almost followed.

In the case described, you have a choice of what to do with our hidden or obvious desire to lend a shoulder to your difficulties. After such a speech, you can kick us out, you can respond in the same spirit, if it really hurts your ears - throw the food out the window or give it to your neighbors. You can adapt and tame such a man, and in return for some of your concessions you will receive a stable conveyor of food supplies to your home. But if you don't let him help you, he may lose his temper...

What are you going to do here? This is not for me to decide, but for you.

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3.2. Male and female psychology In the history of mankind, it is difficult to find examples of a woman’s refusal of female psychology for the sake of personal self-realization in egoistic psychology. If a woman gives all her strength to crush the penis - a symbol of strength, then her fate awaits

Every person has many emotional needs, but all this multitude can be reduced to just one formula: need for love. But the fact is that men and women have very different needs. Men need admiration, approval, trust, encouragement, appreciation and acceptance for who they are. And women need understanding, respect, care, recognition, devotion and a sense of confidence that everything is fine.

The mistake is that we often confuse other people's needs with our own, and give love as we see fit. Women understand love as caring, and as a result, they begin to sincerely and zealously take care of their man, and then they wonder why the man has lost interest in them.

He just doesn't need care, he needs trust! Trust is that he himself is able to solve all his tasks and problems.

When a woman begins to satisfy a man's primary needs, he will automatically begin to satisfy her primary needs.

So, now let's break it all down.

Male and female need for love: differences

1. A woman needs care, a man needs trust.

When a woman completely trusts a man and believes that he is doing everything he can to make her feel good, he begins to sincerely care about her. The more a woman trusts and opens up, the more people take care of her. If a woman does not trust her partner in anything, instructs and educates him everywhere and in everything, actively taking on the role of a mother, the man stops seeing the woman as a Woman, feels unnecessary and unable to make his beloved happy.

2. A woman needs understanding, a man needs acceptance

3. A woman needs respect, a man needs gratitude.

When a man feels a woman's gratitude, he redoubles his efforts and his respect for her increases. And vice versa, the more a man respects a woman, that is, he considers her desires, rights, feelings and thoughts, the more grateful the woman is. As a result of some efforts of a man, the woman feels good, she is grateful to him for this and he, feeling this, will try even more. For example, when a man remembers some family dates, gives flowers and pays a lot of attention, a woman feels respected. She expresses her gratitude and the man begins to respect her even more.

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4. A woman needs devotion, a man needs admiration.

5. A woman needs recognition, a man needs approval.

Every man wants to be a knight, a hero for his woman. And when a woman approves of a man, it means to him that he has passed the test and the woman is satisfied with him. Approving does not mean not having an opinion; approving means recognizing that one’s actions are driven by good intentions. Receiving support in the form of approval, a man begins to accept and acknowledge the woman’s feelings and desires. He doesn't look down on her point of view or any thoughts, he acknowledges them (even if he doesn't agree with them).

6. A woman needs confidence, a man needs encouragement.

Encouragement from a woman gives a man incentive and hope that they believe in him. They believe in his abilities, knowledge, skills and strength of character. When she shows him admiration, approval, appreciation, and trust, it inspires him to become an even better person. As a result, the man will again and again reinforce the woman’s confidence in his love, which is exactly what she needs.

If all these six needs of a man are satisfied, his soul reveals itself from its best sides! Give a man what he wants to receive, not what you want to give. If a woman, instead of love-trust, pours love-care on a man, she contributes to the discord of the relationship. Or if she constantly tries to make him confident in her love by writing him 50 SMS a day and constantly repeating her feelings, instead of simply admiring his actions (words, gifts, etc.), encouraging and approving of him, this can also lead to a cooling of relations.

And always remember that the most important human need is this is the need for love. Give love, radiate love, breathe love and Love Love!

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In love, men and women behave differently. Before a man realizes that he loves a woman and wants a serious relationship, his feeling goes through several emotional stages.

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A man needs his feelings to be understood and his decisions to be made with a cool head. Many men prefer to act either within the framework of emotions or under the influence of logic. And to bring the mind and feelings into harmony, they need a certain time.

What can cause feelings?

It is impossible to understand by what principles men fall in love. Falling in love begins with attraction, emotions that cannot be explained or argued. You can feel your heartbeat more clearly when you see your beloved girl. The prerequisites are absolutely individual: smiles, random words, timid actions, but at a certain moment they become the source of emerging feelings. Mentality, character, experience in relationships, upbringing - all this determines how men fall in love.

Often, the deep awareness that a man can be surrounded by the attention and care of the woman he likes prompts him to fall in love. At an unconscious level, a man perceives possible reciprocity, so he begins to seek the girl’s company. He doesn't fully understand why he feels this way, but he notices something special about his lady that others don't have.

Stages of falling in love

In psychology, there are seven stages in the process of the birth of love in men:

  1. 1. Assessment of external data.
  2. 2. Interest, as a result of which the intention to create a relationship arises.
  3. 3. Attraction: if a lady accepts the courtship of a gentleman, he develops a pronounced attraction and a desire to develop communication. At this stage of falling in love, a man tries to charm her in order to invite her on a date. The woman supports him with minor reciprocal signs of attention.
  4. 4. The desire to impress, to touch the lady’s attention and her feelings.
  5. 5. Confidence in his choice: sympathy is confirmed, the guy takes measures to make his chosen one fall in love with him, often thinks about her.
  6. 6. Reflections on the prospects for the development of relationships: meetings and communication between a guy and a girl take place. At this stage, the man reflects on all the advantages and disadvantages of the union, making a decision to take the relationship to the next level.
  7. 7. Repeated persuasion: the man tries to understand his partner’s feelings.
  8. 8. Falling in love comes with the conscious intention of creating a serious relationship.

Behavior and feelings of men

Men are less focused on emotions compared to women. It’s a rare man who makes a decision about marriage based only on what he feels. He evaluates many factors: the reliability of the partner, her environment, age. If there is a negative relationship experience and a person is cautious about feelings, then he falls in love for a long time, looking closely and analyzing, but without showing himself emotionally.

If there is only a need for sex, which is not supported by the partner, then the man’s feelings disappear just as quickly, and it becomes clear that he did not expect more. If a person is more prone to emotional attachment, then his feelings will be relatively long-lasting and constant.

The straightforwardness of a man's character does not require speculation, but in many cases young men analyze relationships while simultaneously assessing their chances of creating an alliance with a woman. They ask themselves questions about their suitability and compatibility, the deep meaning of the relationship, their impressions, and draw conclusions based on what they feel on a date with a girl. You may not notice that a person is experiencing any emotions while he maintains his distance and analyzes everything that is happening.

Signs of falling in love appear taking into account the preferences, taste, intelligence, and upbringing of a man. These include:

  • changing habitual shyness to determination and activity; gaiety - to secrecy and isolation;
  • the desire to take care of a woman in important and small things;
  • presence of constant interest in your loved one;
  • passivity and boredom in the absence of a partner, and vice versa;
  • searching for a reason to communicate, trying to meet eyes, touch your beloved;
  • attention: first of all, in the company of friends it will be focused on the girl you love;
  • unconscious copying of the interlocutor’s actions, called “mirror”.

Sexual attraction cannot be characterized as falling in love: it is passion, affection, interest, which does not yet provide grounds for building a serious relationship.

Signs of desire for intimacy:

  • an appraising look at a woman from the bottom up, in which greed is visible, in contrast to the tenderness of a loving gaze;
  • indifference to the thoughts, feelings, dreams of the partner, interest exclusively in intimate relationships;
  • tense behavior, possible defensive reactions in the form of caustic phrases, painful sensitivity or rudeness.

What causes falling in love?

In accordance with the peculiarity of male perception, if a guy does not like a girl’s appearance, then it is hardly worth counting on reciprocity and the development of a relationship.

However, in addition to appearance, a woman must have appropriate qualities that can evoke trembling feelings. Each man has his own preferences, but among them there are four main types:

The type of woman who makes you fall in loveDescription of attractive features
FeminineA stylish, elegant lady who surrounds herself with luxury evokes attraction due to her strong and sensual nature. She can remain open and vulnerable, but knows how to control her emotions. Such a woman emphasizes her physical attractiveness, and does it for herself
CheerfulSuch a woman is smiling, energetic, bright, cheerful, which wins hearts from the first minutes. She strives for pleasure and adventure without fear of standing out from the crowd. Men are attracted by her spontaneity, changeability, unpredictability
RoyalThis is a prudent, secretive, balanced, powerful woman who knows her worth. Men are attracted to her restraint and mystery, taciturnity, and ability to listen rather than speak. Everyone wants to be heard and understood, this saves time when meeting people, and men appreciate it
EducatedAn intelligent, independent, goal-oriented, educated woman stimulates men to develop intellectually

A man becomes imbued with feelings for the woman who corresponds to his individual concepts of spiritual comfort, but not every crush turns into true love. With communication, a deeper unity is achieved, or over time, disappointment comes, freeing the soul to love another.

Therefore, if a mature man inwardly falls in love, he hides his feelings until he is able to understand whether he can call the woman his own.

Women talk about business, insignificant things, and men listen to them, moving away from romantic experiences. If ladies allowed themselves to be soft and show hidden feelings, they would receive the same in return.

If a woman manages to show sensuality without risking her self-control, at a stage when a man does not yet allow himself frank confessions, then a passionate and exciting relationship is possible between partners.

Feelings of a married man

If a man is not free, but is caring for another woman, several factors could have pushed him to do this: lack of love in family life, haste in marriage, lack of compatibility with his wife, disappointment. His search is not complete, and marriage does not resolve the existing problem.

A common situation is when a man needs novelty, and his attention constantly switches to new women. Such a partner is focused on his own feelings, and is of little interest to the inner world of his chosen one. In such relationships, his egocentricity is especially clearly manifested.

Signs of falling in love will be noticeable to a careful eye: from a brave man a man can turn into a modest admirer, from a shy guy into a brave knight. If a person hides feelings, you should not rush him, you should let him sort them out. But if people have known each other for a long time, it is useful to take a step forward.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Does a man really love with his eyes, and a woman with her soul?

What are the differences between female love and male love?

How to distinguish love from infatuation?

What does the phenomenon of love mean for a man and a woman?

What place does love occupy in life for representatives of different sexes?

The nature of the mating strategy of the biological species of people

At the core marriage strategy Men and women have the most important and powerful instinct - the continuation of the human race.

The need to preserve the species drives people through emotions. At the same time, people often do not realize the true motivation of their actions.

The primitive instinct that arouses in a woman the desire to decorate herself does not say why she should do it - she just likes it. Logic dictates that women do this to attract male attention. It is interesting that representatives of the fair sex began to decorate themselves even before they put on clothes.

So that she can choose, she needs to conquer the maximum number of men. Moreover, for a wider choice there should be as many of them as possible. Ideally, she will make all the men around her fall in love with her. But it will belong to one thing - the best. It turns out that the meaning of the female primitive mating strategy is to have the largest possible number of fans.

By the way, in nature there is no such shameful phenomenon as rape. A female of any species can refuse without any consequences for herself.

From a survival standpoint, the main thing for a man is to increase his genetic heritage. He should look for as many partners as possible. Biologically, he has no obstacles - he can make children all his life.

A woman must start a family in order to raise children. The survival of the offspring is ensured by a full-fledged family, where there is a mother and father - the breadwinner and protector. Love is an instinctive attachment of nature that encourages a fickle man to take care of his offspring.

Nowadays, there is no urgent need for the reproduction and preservation of the human species. But there remains a “memory”, thanks to which a woman must fulfill her function of childbearing. Without this, she cannot feel absolutely happy. Men do not necessarily want to get married and raise offspring.

So, a woman has an instinctive focus on “family,” and a man is looking for “his place in life.” Love, as one of the strongest instinctive feelings, is important for a woman emotionally and for fulfilling her feminine destiny.

The power of a woman's love

If a woman has made her choice and found her Man, she will follow him through fire and water. She is ready to encourage him when he needs support, will be on his side, even when she is not entirely sure that he is right, will listen, even when his words are not at all worthy of attention.

Without taking into account his actions and the opinions of his friends, who suggest that he is a weakling and a loser, despite his statements to end the relationship right now, she will live for him. And she will not stop fighting for his heart. Contrary to his statement about the inconsistency of her desire to bear the title of His One and Only.

Women's love will overcome any temporary obstacles and obstacles in life.

But a woman should not think that a man will love her the same way in return.

That’s why men’s love is different and not like women’s.

A man loves a woman in his own way. He won't call her half an hour later to tell her that he loves her more at 5:30 than at 5:00. He won't sit with a woman and stroke her head when she's sick. It is absolutely unrealistic to count on such sacrificial love from a man.

However, male love is also love. Although it is different from the love given and desired by women.

What are the manifestations of male love?

Men love differently than women. A loving man will be ready to do three things that serve as a manifestation of his love: inform about his love, support and protect.

A manifestation of true male love is his willingness to tell everyone: "This is my woman". The woman will be given an official status higher than just the title of “my friend.” This status indicates that he placed the woman in his heart.

This is an opportunity to tell those around him that he is proud of the right to be near a woman, that he has serious plans for her. This is an application for a long-term cordial relationship. This is a conditional code that tells other men “no move.”

If you have been dating for more than three months and don’t even know his friends, and when he introduces you, he introduces you as his girlfriend, it means that for now there is no place for you in his plans for the future.

A man's calling to provide

For thousands of years, a man has been convinced of his primary purpose - to provide for his family. Under any circumstances, loved ones should not be in need. To become a breadwinner is the meaning of a man’s calling.

Sometimes he just had to meet a woman who would reveal his best qualities: a real woman knows how to convince a man to be a provider.

A man is your protector

If a man loves, anyone who simply thinks of offending or offending his woman risks being destroyed. A man will sweep away everything in his path to make sure that everyone who treated you disrespectfully pays for it. This is his nature.

Three key needs of a man

Family support

Men need to feel supported like they are kings, even if that's not entirely true.

A man is constantly in a state of combat readiness, observing and assessing other men nearby. At any moment he is ready to protect you and all his achievements. Therefore, it is important for him to relax at home. He needs to hear: “Honey, thank you. We love you and need you, we are happy to have you.”

It is important for them to feel like kings, even when they do not behave like royalty. Trust me, the more you make them feel special, the more they will be able to give to you.

Female fidelity

Devotion is a man's understanding of female love. Devotion and love are synonyms for a man. The love that a woman demands is beautiful, but a man's love is different from a woman's. She's different. A man's love is an amazingly powerful thing. If a woman's devotion is true, a man will indeed kill anyone for you without hesitation.

Sex is like air to him

There is nothing else in the world that men would like constantly and strongly, without which they simply cannot live. A man has a physical need to be connected with the woman he loves. And he realizes this connection by making love to her.

Sensual emotions, hugs, emotional conversations - men do this because it is important for women. At the same time, you need to understand that a man is connected to a woman by sex. This is for him to connect, recharge and reconnect.

For most men, the need for sex is the same as the need for air. Even if a man loves you very much, but you dosage sex, he will have to find it elsewhere. Men understand that different circumstances are possible. You just can’t come up with excuses ad infinitum. No matter how much a man loves you, no matter how much he values ​​his status as the head of the family and the owner of the house, as soon as you try to dose out sex, problems will definitely arise.

Support. Devotion. Sex. You must provide these key needs for a man. And in return you will receive a man who can move mountains for you and do everything you want.

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