DIY queen of the night adult costume. How to make a New Year's costume Night (Lady Night, Queen Night)? Festive costume “On board!”

Making a beautiful New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands using step-by-step photos is not as difficult as it seems. If you are ready to allocate half a day for a New Year's costume from 2 years to 12 years old, having patterns available, then it will turn out better than store-bought, and, moreover, it will remain for a long memory, like an outfit sewn by the hands of a beloved mother.

The coming New Year is always a piece of magic. And how I want to instill this piece of magic in my children! Charming outfits of fairy-tale characters will help turn a little girl into a miraculous fairy, and an older child into a beautiful princess. Your child can even personify the symbols of winter and its bright holiday - a snowflake, a Christmas tree or the Snow Maiden. The best option is to make a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands!

An example of creating a costume for a girl

Let's look at the most attractive and extraordinary examples of creating a bright and interesting image.

The best way to show off your elegant luxury and original New Year's outfit is a full skirt, which is easy to make. The material required is tulle in several colorful colors. To secure the skirt at the waist, you can use either an elastic band or an elastic band. Step-by-step creation instructions:

  1. We fix the elastic band (tape) around the girl’s waist.
  2. Take one strip of tulle and throw it over the elastic band (ribbon).
  3. For convenience, we assemble the fabric and make two successive knots - one to create the volume of the skirt itself, the second to secure the first.
  4. We straighten the free part of the material and spread it out as wide as possible.
  5. Using the same principle, we sequentially tie the tulle across the entire width of the elastic band (ribbon) alternating different shades (you can make smoothly flowing tones throughout the circle, depending on the chosen character).
  6. We secure it with a satin ribbon around the circumference of the future tutu skirt and make a bow in the front (you can also make it on the side, if desired).
  7. We cut strips of tulle at the hem of equal length and carefully straighten them to give additional pomp.

Ready! The making of this holiday decoration for your child is clearly shown in the photo.

Photo: tulle skirt for New Year 2018

Snow White costume

You can sew a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands, even in White White's trim (see photos and patterns below). A special feature of the tutu skirt is its versatility. Depending on the combination of colors and top, you can create absolutely any image - from a squirrel, a fox or a bunny to Disney characters.

The length of the product does not have to be short, although it is this property that provides its volume. But if you want to create a costume, for example, Snow White, then the upper part can be a checkerboard woven top to the waist with silk ribbons crossed crosswise, and the straps on which it will be held are also created from them.

To complement the look, you should make a large bow as a hair decoration, preferably red. To make it more complete, the top can be decorated with real and artificial roses or peonies.

In the final form, Snow White's New Year's costume using a tutu skirt, made with her own hands, is shown in the photo.

Photo ideas for fashionable New Year's costumes for girls:

Snowflake Costume

One of the most popular DIY New Year's costumes for girls based on step-by-step photos is the Snowflake, a very airy and aesthetic costume, the cost of creating which will be minimal if you want to sew something economical in which your girl will shine.

This costume is suitable for girls from 2 to 12 years old!

In order to create such an image, you can use several combinations of materials: for a skirt, organza, tulle or even satin are best (it all depends on what you want the outfit to look like in the end); for a bodice, it is quite suitable satin, cambric or plain cotton.

You need to start with a pattern, an example of which is shown in the photo.

This New Year's dress is suitable for girls 2-5 years old. The sequence of actions for its manufacture:

  • to add more pomp, you should additionally sew a petticoat following the example of the skirt itself (but this element is not necessary). You may not need extra volume if the skirt should be straight or made according to the example given above;
  • on two separate sheets of paper we cut out patterns for the front and back of the future bodice;
  • fold the fabric chosen for the upper part of the costume in half, then place the cut out parts on it and fasten it tightly with pins;

  • we outline the patterns with chalk or a pencil along the perimeter, the strokes should be thin in case it is necessary to correct some parts, but clear enough so that during further work they seem distinguishable;
  • cut out the resulting drawings not exactly along the contour, but a centimeter along it;

  • we mark the key places of the future dress and turn it over to the reverse side;
  • we make appropriate marks along the contour and transfer seams and darts from the front part;

  • Continuing our costume for girls for the New Year, which is suitable from 2 to 12 years old, we use pins to pin the stitches together on the back of the product;

  • we make manual darts in the fastenings exactly along the drawn lines, since in these places the bodice will need to be stitched;
  • We go through the sewing machine needle;

  • fold the resulting parts towards each other on a flat surface;

  • we connect the cutouts on the shoulders with pins;
  • we sweep it with thread and sew it on the machine in the same way;
  • we hide the cut parts using an overlocker, and do the same with the neck;

  • smooth the back seam in different directions;
  • You can see from the step-by-step photos that the bodice is ready. After this, we proceed to decorate the upper part of the outfit with sleeves. We make a pattern and fit it tightly to the fabric using pins or needles;

  • cut out the prepared parts and put them together, fix them;

  • using stitching on a sewing machine, we make two parallel lines, marking the center of the sleeve with a pin;

  • we tighten the sleeves until assembled and measure them with the bodice, both parts should be the same;

  • we thread the blanks into the armholes on the bodice and sew them inside, making an overlock;

  • we turn the sewn sleeves outside and decorate the ends with openwork or ruffles;

  • we go through the sewing machine along the unconnected edges of the bodice, we overcast the fabric sections;

  • The top part of the girl's dress for the New Year 2018 is finished! Using our step-by-step photos, patterns and video tutorials, you should not make mistakes in the process of making a New Year's costume. All that remains is to make a skirt that suits the style. To do this, we make a petticoat from a piece of tulle (about 30 cm wide), tightening one of its sides with stitched threads, the free edges are then sewn together;

  • We cut out a circle from newsprint, the diameter of which is identical to the diameter of the skirt. Folded in half, it is applied to the material, which is neatly folded into two layers;

  • By analogy with sewing a bodice, we transfer the outline of the pattern to the fabric, trim off the excess, sew a wider edge and process it with an overlocker;

  • after that we decorate the hem of the skirt with openwork;

  • connect the main lower part to the petticoat and secure with pins;

  • We baste it and use a machine stitch for stability, then turn it right side out. In a similar way we connect the bodice with the skirt;

  • we sew the openwork to the neck, and in place of the fastener on the back - a button;

  • for additional decoration with foil stars, you need to pinpoint the lower part of the dress along the entire length;

  • attach sequins in fixed places;

  • we do the same with the bodice;

  • To create a more complete image, create a headband. Along the elastic band, the length of which corresponds to the circumference of the head, we sew an openwork and decorate it.

A DIY snowflake costume for a 2-5 year old girl for the New Year is complete! The general appearance of the outfit is shown in the photo.

A similar master class on making a dress of this style can be studied in more detail in the video.

Costume "Angel" for the New Year

The image of a little angel, shining with purity and innocence, is an excellent choice for a New Year’s costume for a 10-11 year old girl. Let's analyze its key part - the wings, according to the stages of creation:

  1. The simplest thing you can use for a solid base is metal hangers. Using pliers, we break off the hook and rewind the resulting protruding ends with electrical tape or regular tape, having previously connected them together.
  2. We apply glue to the skeleton; it is better to use one that should be allowed to dry for a while before further use.
  3. We cut the paper and attach the strips to the adhesive base, or you can use real feathers by simply scattering them on the metal body of the future wings.
  4. We wait several hours for the material to attach tightly.
  5. Ropes or tapes are usually used as parts attaching this part of the costume to the back, but the former will hold the improvised structure much more firmly.

Step-by-step visual instructions are shown in the photo.

The wings will turn out to be more elegant if you weave New Year's rain into them or spray them with glitter varnish.

Now you need to make a halo. The main elements are metal wire and Christmas tree tinsel; in addition, you need a headband.

  1. Cut two pieces from the wire and wrap the ends tightly around the rim.
  2. We roll the other piece in the shape of a circle and connect it with the previous sections by folding it on its opposite sides.
  3. Using tape or glue, we connect the tinsel to the resulting circle, or, as an option, we decorate it with artificial snow.

With this simple maneuver we made another element of the angel's costume, the principle of creation of which is reflected in the photo.

For the dress itself, you can use a white cape or nightgown, or a light summer sundress.

Fairy costume

The mysterious outfit of a fairy or some forest spirit has not gone unnoticed by children of all ages for many years. How to make your own fairy costume for girls 11-12 years old for the New Year 2018? It is much easier to bring this to life using patterns.

Let's see what it looks like.

  1. We measure the girl’s parameters, cut the elastic to the required length, and stretch it on a device convenient for us (accessories, for example).
  2. We create a skirt in the image and likeness of the one that we considered as an element of the image of Snow White with weaving ribbons and additional accessories.
  3. When connecting the two ends of the elastic, we decorate the seam with a floral element.

The whole process is clearly shown in step-by-step photos.

After the skirt is sewn, let's start making the wreath. For this:

  • We measure the circumference of the child’s head and use a cardboard strip as a base for the future product.
  • We cut out the same strip from felt according to size and connect both elements.
  • We decorate the entire circumference of the wreath with artificial flowers, pearl beads or sequins with rhinestones.

This is the final result of this delicate and sensual detail of the fairy’s image.

To finish the costume, you should make wings like a real lady of the forest!

  1. We use any T-shirt that matches the color as the top. We decorate it so that it matches the wreath and matches the skirt.
  2. On a sheet of paper we make a sketch of the future wings (general silhouette).
  3. Copy the drawing onto pink, orange or yellow cardboard.
  4. We cut out two symmetrical parts and fasten them with a glue gun (or any substance that replaces it).
  5. At a distance of 4-5 cm from the center we make holes for the straps on which the wings will be held.
  6. We close the joint between the parts with a beautiful bud, add ribbons and rain to it.
  7. We draw magical patterns on the wings themselves. You can outline them with regular glue and sprinkle them with glitter.
  8. We take a Chinese sushi stick and paint it as our heart desires, crowning it with an elegant star with ribbons at the end.

Magic fairy wings are an integral attribute of this fairy-tale creature!

You can learn more about creating the image of a little sorceress from the video.

Cat costume for New Year 2018

Another image, bold, insidious, fiery, bright - a cat costume.

  1. Draw the pattern on paper and cut it out.
  2. Glue the paper and the template cut along its contours onto the fabric.
  3. We wrap the hair hoop in felt according to size, and place the ears at different ends of the headband.
  4. We stitch the ears for a tighter fit.
  5. We sketch the triangles so that they fit freely inside each ear.
  6. We connect the cut out blanks with pink material and glue them inside.

So, the sequence of actions is more clearly displayed in the photo.

To make the tail you will need to do the following:

  1. Place two toilet rolls in a plastic bag.
  2. We wrap these parts with knitted socks or a woolen sock of the required length.
  3. Inside the golf course you should place a paper towel tube in a plastic wrap.
  4. Finally, glue small pieces of fur to the tail.
  5. We make a tutu skirt, under which tight-fitting leggings will look nice, take a classic black T-shirt as a top, and add gloves if desired.

The stages of creating a cat's tail are shown in more detail in the photo.

In the end, the image of the cat girl should look like this.

Suit of Snow Maiden

Of course, the most important female character at the winter holiday is the Snow Maiden, the creation of whose vestments is shown in detail in the video.

Among the numerous design options, the most current and most popular costumes for girls from 2 to 12 years old for the New Year 2018 were presented. Magical ideas will certainly help your child shine as a little star who will win the hearts of everyone who sees him on a magical night. All other experiments with costumes and decorations are limited only by your imagination!

Valentina Korobkova

New Year's costume - Queen Night.

New Year is the most favorite children's holiday! New Year is a fairy tale and miracles! To create an atmosphere of magic, adults need to try hard. Children learn poems, songs, dances, and get used to their roles. In general, they are preparing New Year's performance. Parents also have their own worries - they sew fabulous costumes, help decorate the group. Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention costume« Queen Night» .

"I Queen of the Black Night,

I bring darkness and darkness..."

Regina’s mother, Elena Aleksandrovna Minibaeva, sewed such a beautiful outfit. These are the craftswomen who live in our village!

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How time flies! Today we have to think about preparing for the New Year 2019. To bring joy to the little ones, adults have no choice but to worry about costumes for concerts and matinees in kindergartens and elementary schools. But how to please girls aged 3, 4, 5, 6 years old and, at the same time, please yourself and celebrate the holiday with a sense of accomplishment? Which New Year's costume to choose for a girl? To do this, you need to make a choice that suits both children and adults.

Beautiful New Year's costumes for girls 3, 4 years old and 5-6 years old

Girls aged 3-6 years are not afraid to look funny, which is why animal costumes are a good choice. Imagine how much affection little ones will feel dressed as squirrels with fluffy tails, bees with sharp stings or mice with rounded ears.

Transformation of young ladies into funny animals and fairy-tale princesses

Most often, caring parents focus on New Year's costumes for children that do not create problems in preparation. Such a choice is limited only by your own ideas and imagination.


Since not a single New Year tree is complete without the company of a hare, the popularity of this costume is understandable. And how can you not try to choose, sew or purchase a bunny outfit if your girl will be happy to be under the Christmas tree surrounded by a white and fluffy flock with long ears and miniature tails, like her own?

To prepare this costume you will only need a white jumpsuit or a sweater with a skirt of a suitable color. It will not be difficult to prepare fluffy paws, ears, tail and muzzle. Even those parents who are sorely short of time, but really want to bring joy to their offspring, can cope with this task.


Often the girl herself and her loved ones are ready to work for the benefit of the role of the cunning fox. A choice made of your own free will or under the dictation of the New Year's scenario will not be too difficult to implement. For a granddaughter or daughter in the form of this animal, a sundress or skirt with a vest and a hat of the appropriate type is suitable. In this regard, there are no restrictions for imagination. And the more original the style of the costume, the more joint invention of children and their parents is required, the longer it will be used and bring joy. Moreover, the outfit of a red-haired cheat is quite suitable for children under 1 year old.


If the child really wants it, and the parents are ready to fulfill his desire and create a costume of a specific type, then a bat is just what is needed. In this case, you will need a black tight-fitting jumpsuit. In addition, you will need a raincoat for your back. If adults are frightened by the too gloomy appearance of their little princess, then here you will have to pay special attention to the details. For example: the situation can be corrected with the help of a transparent cape dotted with white veins. The contrasting colors of the raincoat and overalls also promises a good effect.

A mandatory addition to the image of a bat should be a hat with triangular ears. It will be even better when the headdress matches the face of this animal. The final point in the New Year's costume will be only black shoes.

Little mouse

Judging by the fairy tales we know, the gray mouse is perceived as nothing other than a positive character.
In addition, this New Year's costume for girls has become so popular because of its simplicity and many options for making it yourself. Eg:

  1. a mouse costume in the form of a white turtleneck, gray shorts and vest;
  2. emphasis on a graphite-colored dress or sundress;
  3. gray T-shirt, skirt and cape over the shoulders.

The look is completed with a long ponytail, a hat with ears or a headband. In addition, a butterfly around the neck and knee socks with ballet shoes will not be superfluous.


The originality of such a suit, pleasantly surprising in its simplicity, but very cute, depends on the ability to use such foam bases. True, given the somewhat massive nature of the latter, you need to be prepared for some inconveniences. In addition, you will need to prepare a yellow dress with black stripes placed around the entire perimeter or at the bottom of the outfit. Considering the volume in the area of ​​the bee’s butt, a good solution would be to choose a full skirt.

To make this New Year's costume with your own hands, you will need striped tights and black boots. But the most important thing that cannot be ignored is the antennae on the head and wings on the back.


To play the role of a star well, you will have to worry about a dress with rhinestones and beautiful shoes. For the desired effect, you cannot do without choosing a silver color dress and shoes.

With this carnival costume for a matinee, you should decide in advance about the outfit option:

  • a poor, but very kind and hardworking girl;
  • a dress like a princess, as well as shoes, transparent, like crystal.


What could be cuter than a little one in a yellow chicken costume? To achieve the corresponding effect, you will need a voluminous jumpsuit. To create the look of wings, wide sleeves with ribbed patterns or feathers are suitable.

When the role of the chicken is played by girls, they manage to get by with a yellow flared dress with frills and ruffles. And to make the image more believable, you need a deep hat with a spout. A hood (with a muzzle) sewn to the dress can also be used in this capacity. It will be great if you can make slippers in the shape of paws.


If your daughter or granddaughter wants to celebrate the New Year in a frog costume, you can use different outfit options:

  1. T-shirts and a vest, complemented by shorts with cuffs;
  2. a voluminous dress or sundress at the bottom;
  3. skirt, turtleneck and cape.

Regardless of the type of outfit, its chest should be white, and other details should be grass or marsh color. In addition to a hat with a frog's face and miniature ears, yellow frills and other elements in the same colors can be useful. And to look as natural as possible, use salad shoes and colored gloves.

Little Red Riding Hood

New Year's carnival costumes for girls are unthinkable without the Little Red Riding Hood outfit, because this costume has long been no longer considered an unexpected decision, since it is often used at children's parties of any scale, and not just for the New Year. Here, blouses and vests, as well as dresses, will be equally cute. One thing cannot be excluded - a red riding hood, made in the form that one’s own imagination suggests. In such a costume, both a very tiny baby and a teenage girl will look equally good.

Christmas tree - green needle

There is no arguing about the brightness and originality of this costume. An outfit made from many layers, providing a visual tiered effect, is considered especially successful.

The basis of this girl’s costume is a green dress made of any material. For example: to maintain a given shape, tulle is often used, with which the mood of celebration and magic is associated. If in one case, achieving the desired effect will be achieved by applying layers, leading to an increase in the circumference of the bottom, then in other cases, they use a contrasting frill design and adding New Year's toys to the layers of fabric. Both real small sizes and foam balls or decorative fittings will be suitable.

To decorate the head you will need a green cap, decorated in the same way as the dress. Grass-colored shoes are used as footwear.


There will be no difficulties with creating a snowflake costume. Here you can use any dress of a suitable color. The most important thing is to show imagination and invention when decorating an outfit with the help of New Year's rain and other tinsel that takes place during this holiday.


The firecracker costume can often be found at children's New Year's parties. Some moms remember wearing it when they were little girls. You can buy a ready-made Flapper dress, or you can sew it yourself. You don't need any special sewing skills for this.

So, we choose the brightest summer dress in the closet and add tinsel to it. The main element of the New Year's costume is a head cap in the shape of a Firecracker's tail. You can make it from a cardboard cylinder and cover it with colored paper. Tie a knot on top using rain, stick bright patterns on top of it in the video of an oval, circle, triangle. The Flapper's dress can be decorated with rain or multi-colored satin ribbons.


In every little fashionista's closet there is a dress that can be used to create a candy dress with your own hands. You can stick bright sparkles on it. Some mothers use wrappers from real candies as decoration, which are sewn to the hem of the New Year's Candy dress. Bright bows and beads are also suitable for this purpose. You will need to make a cap on your head, which will be covered with paper for gifts. They collect it from above, imitating candy, and tie it on the girl’s head so that it does not fall apart.

Choosing a costume for the New Year is a joy for children and adults

No matter how you intend to celebrate the New Year: surrounded by loved ones or in a large company, the most important thing is to bring joy to yourself and your children. So that everything goes like clockwork, the wishes of the children should be taken into account, as well as the suitability of the costume and the child’s character. Eg:

  • for a slow, phlegmatic child, it is better to choose a bear costume;
  • for a child who cannot sit still for a minute, the image of a reckless robber is suitable;
  • a girl who tends to be neat looks good in the outfit of Malvina or a Barbie doll;
  • A little minx should buy a Pippi Longstocking costume, etc.

Another thing worth paying attention to is the ability of children to move freely. In order to be happy, run, jump and dance until they drop, kids should feel as comfortable as possible, no matter what costume they wear at the holiday. So, before you dress the kids for the holiday, first evaluate the quality of tailoring of the outfit. It is unlikely that a good mood will remain after this or that detail of the costume simply falls off under the tree - and this will cause laughter from those around you.

I know that I will never do anything like this, but I still save it. For what? Just to admire. And maybe someday... So what? But what if?...

Be patient, a lot of photos + a little more text

"Queen of the Night", Creative Journey

A few years ago, I made an OOAK art doll to represent the "Queen of the Night", from Mozart's "The Magic Flute". The doll went to a new home, but I was never able to get her costume out of my mind. Ever since getting into the BJD costumes hobby, I wanted to make a duplicate of this costume for one of my ball-jointed dolls. The problem was always deciding which doll to do it for, and finding enough time between commissions to actually do it. I'm still left about sourcing most of the materials, so I decided the doll would be MSD size to better approximate the size of my original doll.Now that I'm actually going to start working on the costume, I've decided to document my progress in this “Creative Adventure” album. I won't share patterns - just my ideas and methods - but maybe those who will be interesting or useful enough.

One of the main things keeping me busy since starting the queen of the night costume was finding the right base fabric for the dress. I still had enough of everything I used for the original dress - except for the embroidered blue taffeta. I looked everywhere and purchased at least There are at least eight different blue fabrics that I now have to choose from.

Preliminary - who will become queen?

In the summer of 2013 I finally decided my Iplehouse JID Asa would become my "Queen of the Night". She had face up chipped issues and needed a new face up anyway. I recently purchased JID SOA and she was able to step into the costumes and characters that were originally created for Asa. So I brought my Asa away to Charie Wlison Grenier (who does all the faceups of my doll) for a new, more dramatic upside.

The new face-up Asa was perfect for the character! Now she needs a suit.

Stockings & Underwear


* In order to prevent this thread from becoming too massive, more detailed Apoxie Mask construction
information is posted in a separate Textbook. Click on the photo to go to the Mask Tutorial....


* In order to prevent this theme from becoming too massive, more detailed Rococo Shoe construction
information is posted in a separate Textbook. Click on the photo to go to Rococo Shoes Tutorial....


January 25 - Even if the dress is inspired by the costumes of that Rococo period, I'm not a fanatic about historical accuracy.
so I'm not going to stress over making everything exactly period perfect. All I want is something stable to keep out of the skirt. Here's Ace with a basic slip crinoline I designed. The belt hangs low on the waist to reduce bulk at the waist, and there are two others that have skirts going to the top. There's also two channels sewn on the inside for the wires, and it needs soft thigh rolls to fill the top sides. Without wires it hangs, but strangely enough, with wires and hip pads it will be in the appropriate shape.

The thigh pads were designed after the main crinoline structure was connected because I needed to know the exact
size and shape of the space to be filled. After sewing and stuffing, I had to hand stitch the pillows into place. Next
since I need to do one of these it can be done as a whole in one part and it should be much easier.


Jan 27 - I have to design a pattern for the petticoat, but I'm not sure what length to make it yet. I want to switch Asa's body with my new Leona, which has a new JID girl body and a big glamor bust. New bodies stand about 1/2 higher at the shoulder than old bodies, so skirts should be lengthened accordingly. I'm going to use Leona to design the skirt models. At the same time, I painted the edges of the blue petals that are going to be sewn onto the petticoat. I bought blue catholic petals many years ago. The veins in the petals reminded me of the underbelly of a dragon. I wish I had bought a few of them as I never saw them again. Luckily I have enough petals for my Asa dress, but I'll have to use the less sharp ones I didn't use last time. After painting any edge light dark blue, I brushed on some silver paint sheen.

January 28 - painting for the Queen's petticoat was a challenge. The skirt needs to be a little larger than
in a skirt with baskets underneath, and it is necessary to gather nicely in the front and fit smoothly throughout
basket hips without additional mass. So using the sub-pinnings patterns as a guide, this is what
The picture below ends up looking like.... with big darts on both hips....

Then I had to draw up a sample skirt to see if the pattern worked. I always keep the old bed
sheets for testing clothes so I don't have to waste good fabric. I think it looks good.....

January 29 - Time to cut out the bottom from good fabrics. I collected several
from jewelry together inspires

But first the main skirt. Both fabrics I use are sheer metallics, and the pale blue periwinkle is especially thin and flimsy, so it needs to be supported by a white cotton backing. I laid the two fabrics on top of each other, smoothed them out and secured the layers. After tracing the pattern onto the back of the cotton, I cut out the skirt, but decided not to cut out the darts.

The pale blue fabric is so flimsy and moves so much that I want to first sew two layers of fabric together.
I stitch all the way around the edge of the skirt, stitching on the inside to create a seam allowance.....

Then I cut out the darts...... Here's the right one. Even with all the care I took to prevent
The fabric is from moving, there is still a small stain on the back hem that doesn't match.

So, to prevent slipping and missmatching, I decide to water the cotton belt on the blue fabric before cutting it....

With the top and bottom stitched, I put it on Asa. I switched her to Leon's bust body glamor so I know the right one
the length of the skirt to aim for, and using a ruler, measure and secure a line around the bottom where I want the ruffle to go.

The dotted red and metallic blue is very clean, so I cut the strip twice as wide as I need and fold it in half to
double the thickness so it's not as transparent. The width of the gathers is slightly more than double the circumference of the bottom
overskirt. After sewing on the ruffles, the skirt is ready for embellishment. I passed Asa's head to Leona's
bust body glamor. The resin match is excellent. All she needs now is some blushing and her own hands.

February 1 - The first layer of decoration is now on the petticoat. I hand stitched on fancy blue lace - first sewing along the bottom edge, ruffle an inch above, and then tack all the way around again all the way down to the fancy top edge. The work went very slowly, as he always does manually - it took him three hours!

Hand sewing is very labor intensive, and this is just the beginning. I collected all the trimmers and balls that should go on the petticoat. There are three different petals from a Nativity Hydrangea purchased in the same year in blue Catholic. They will all only go on the front half as there is no point in putting all that detail work into something that will never show.

February 2 - I finished with beads along the edge of the blue lace, and completed two rows of petals along the top edge of the ruffle. The purple velvet petals are from a fancy Christmas Hydrangea that was purchased the same year as the blue Catholic ones. It's so nice yet quite left-handedly more trimmed from the original costume. There's still one more row of petals to go, otherwise I'll have some ribbon sewn in to the edge of the edge that will be sewn in to fill the space between the petals and blue lace. (*Note: A pin marks the center front of the skirt)

February 3 - I sewed the final row of velvet petals on the skirt, then measured how much ribbon I would need for the ties that fill the space between the lace and the petals. The bottom edge of the ribbon requires a bead decoration. I used picot stitch but used three beads in the middle each time instead of one.

After beading the edge of the ribbon, I carefully divided it into six equal parts, and pre-sewed each section.
I collected all the trimmers I needed for the puffs.

Finished bottom embellishments... after sewing everything on and adding a little more sparkle...

Finished bottom. SOA is my model again, since both Asa and Leona went to my face up artist yesterday. It's convenient
have multiple JIDs that can step into each other. I just can't work on a bodice, since Soa has a small bust.


The next step will be the most difficult part of the entire project - deciding on the main fabric for the dress. I don't know,
what happened to the remains of the original material, but I couldn't find it. It was a lovely dark blue taffeta with silver
floral embroidery. I've spent years searching for a replacement - something that will come close enough.

I'm going to have to choose from these six fabrics. Metallic velor is closer model-wise, but it's so period inappropriate. The flocked organza is very nice, with the right sized flowers, but it's a solid fabric and will need some goodness - that's why I bought regular taffeta. Flocked taffeta is the right type of fabric, but the flocked flowers are too large a scale. Silk brocade is good, but silver birds and flowers cost too much. I wonder what would happen if I over-colored it?
I just want to be able to play with them all and see how they look and how they drape. Then I will decide.

Feb 4 - I decided to go with regular blue taffeta. It doesn't have any patterns or embroidery, but the curtains are better and will look very elegant with all the more intricate details. The back of the dress will be covered behind a huge cape with glittering stars and moons anyway, so it can create interest in the back. So now I have to come up with the Overskirt pattern.

I use some old sheets, pin it in place, and cut it on the skirt. This will be my drawing. I just need to add some seam allowance. I tried to soften the colors a little in the photo above so they look more like what these colors look like in real life. The blue lace is still too dark, but the other colors are pretty good. The Queen of the Night is one of the main characters from Mozart's The Magic Flute. It actually takes place in ancient Egypt, but when I made my original queen, I was going more for the style of the original costumes it probably was - during the fashion period of the day. I'm guessing that Mozart was preceded by Napoleon and his adventures in Egypt, so the costumes and scenery will be quite a lot left up to the imagination, since they don't know about the real ancient Egyptian styles yet. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm going with. So when I made my "Queen of the Night" I decided to make a rough period style dress in dark, vibrant shades of blue and purple like the night sky, with lots of sequins and sparkle to represent the stars.

February 5th - Yesterday I cut the Overskirt and grunted the sides - which took a while. I machine embroidered the front holes because they won't show the embellishment, but the hem will, and they don't have sewing machines back to the Rococo period, so the machine stitched hem will look completely different. So it had to be grunted manually. After measuring where the trim would go along the top front opening, I cut some of the same stippled sheer line as the bottom ruffle into the petticoat. I sewed it onto the skirt fabric, then decided it wouldn't work that way as it needed to be a little crooked at the leading edge of the skirt. I tried to pick it up from my seam ripper, but I can't see the detail in the dark fabrics anymore, so I ended up cutting it off instead - along with some of the taffeta edge. Well, some fry check and zig zag over the cut edge and it will be just fine. Then I cut some new strips a little bigger so I could gather them up a little to make aa a little crooked. After setting the velvet petals on, they were sewn down. I'm in the process of beading the petals on the second front opening.

I would have liked to have made the narrow purple ruffle a little fuller, but there wasn't enough purple tape to cut it to 3 times the length of the space it would have filled - well, there was, but then there wouldn't have been any left in the bodice. So I should have gone with just twice. I have to pay attention not to place the bead right at the top of the skirt (far left) as I need room for the sewing machine leg when I sew the skirt to the waistband. February 6 - Finished beading on the second side and it was time to attach the skirt to the waistband. I cut the waistband out of blue fabric, and because the fabric frays super easily, I Fry checked all the ribs. I had originally planned on having the skirt open at the front, but this would mean being super precise with the measurements. I figured there would be more freedom if I made an opening in the back. Then if the belt was a little wide, it might overlap a little -. What would not be possible if the belt was opened at the front The top of the skirt was going to be very large to gather at the waist, so I decided to sew creases at the top in order to reduce the amount of fabric. I sewed sixteen darts into the top of the skirt and trimmed off the excess fabric by zig zagging the raw edges. It's a good thing I went with the opening back because the waistband ended up overlapping by almost an inch.

Here is the Overskirt with the side panels attached to the back.

February 8 - I didn't have much to do on my queen's dress yesterday as I was busy clearing out everyone that had returned from Charie's. I stitched some very large pictures onto the inside of the Overskirt, so that the side panels can be snapped into position on the Overskirt....

The next step is to sew embellishments on the other side of the snap, but I misplaced a pouch with glitter edges, clear flower petals I needed to make some flowers for the tie-back. It was right there in the morning, but disappeared later. I looked everywhere - twice, but couldn't find it anywhere. The next day, I was cutting silk ribbons, I realized that I would have had a silk ribbon box from the morning my bag of flower petals disappeared. So I went to have a look, and sure enough, they were there, right at the top. I made two flowers from several sets of petals and painted stems on ribbon roses.
Here are some of the embellishments to complete the over-skirt.....

And Overskirt with embellishments sewn on. I still need to apply some glitter, but that can wait....


February 9 is the time to develop a bodice template. This is the very first time working with a glamorous bust so I have to start from scratch - almost. I folded a paper towel in half and traced the neckline with a small bust pattern, cut it out, and using artist's tape, tapped it into position at the shoulders. Then they placed it in the central front below. I drew the darts and seams on one side only. Then I took off the towel, folded the paper back in half along the center front and cut out the "pattern".

I added the back to the shoulder and traced everything onto some sturdy scrap paper and then cut out the first one
Test a white cotton bodice by cutting off all the outer edges of the seam allowance and sewing it together.
After making changes to the test bodice fabric, and the template paper, I cut out the second test bodice...

Final drawing of the bodice

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