How to simplify your life and make it truly fulfilling. How to make your life easier

Man has the habit of confusing his life by creating a thick cocoon around himself, which cuts him off from the simplicity and beauty of life. This cocoon is difficult to break once you get used to its presence. However, if you really want, you can bring back the simplicity of your life. Here's how you can do it.

Indeed, life would be much simpler if we stopped making a fuss about its complexity. There are times when we start looking for ways to simplify our lives, but don't know how to do it. I'm not here to preach philosophy or spiritualism, but I have compiled a list of simple things that can help , simplify your life . It works on the basic principles of removing unwanted things from life and developing a new lifestyle to create a new, simpler Self!

The simple road to simplicity

Personal life

If you want to rediscover the simplicity of life, the best place to start is with your personal life. Here's how:

  • Get started on this journey by learning how to declutter your life. To do this, look around your home or office and make sure to give away items that are useless and unwanted. There are a lot of people who want to take these things and will thank you if they get them.
  • Write down 5 to 10 of the most precious people in your life (maybe more) that matter in your life. Establish a connection with them and maintain relationships more often, meet or call each other. Try to get close to them.
  • Make a list of hobbies that bring you happiness. It may be difficult at first, but gradually you will be able to make this list. Do this as often as possible. At the same time, reduce the list of things you don't like.
  • Find time for yourself and your family. Try to make at least 5 people happy every day.
  • Try to stay away from internet and mobile phone addiction as they are often a waste of time.
  • Avoid getting addicted to TV. Instead, use your free time to read books you love.
  • Politely refuse to do anything that limits your freedom.
  • Eat simple foods and don't overeat.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and exercise to keep your body fit and toned.
  • There is a difference between beauty and fashion obsession. Clothes should highlight your beauty.
  • List the things you would like to do every day.

At home and at work.

  • Go to minimalistic Lifestyle. Throw away anything you don't need or won't use for a long time.
  • Clean your home and office regularly to feel clean around you. However, you should not focus on cleanliness.
  • Take part in all household activities.
  • If you have a vegetable garden, take part in “vegetable gardening” and eat home-grown fresh vegetables from your garden.


  • Don't show off your car. You could save more money if you bought a cheaper car...
  • You can also choose to use a bicycle to explore your city or walk to work. This will save fuel and help you get a lot of attention.


  • Stop being materialistic and hoarding money.
  • Stop depending on your credit card. Use a credit card only if absolutely necessary.
  • Try to avoid loans. This will give you great peace of mind.
  • Live a frugal lifestyle and try to save money wherever possible without compromising your health and comfort.
  • Avoid fuss over financial matters. You can even take help from online investing and financial advisors.

Simply put, live life to the fullest. You see, there are hidden surprises at every turn of the road of life, make an effort to find them. But don't expect to find these surprises overnight. Enjoy every moment of your gradual transition to simplicity. Keep a personal journal to record daily experiences and expenses. This journal writing habit will act as a mirror to reflect your progress towards achieving a simpler life.

From 0 to 7, your life is easy
all wishes are easily fulfilled!
From 8 to 16, just like in the game
Life is filled with different colors!

From 16 to 30,
your outlook on life changes.
And it’s already very difficult to go through life
if you are always filled with rubbish.

And if you want to make your life easier
Welcoming a new day after night
You need to open your suitcases
seeing off your luggage forever!

(Vasily Kozhemyakin)

How often can you hear that life used to be much simpler? But the truth is that we have filled ourselves with unnecessary worries, running after conventional success, thus becoming dependent, from which we plunge into stress, irritability, resentment, envy, etc.

In our younger years, we looked at life carefree and were confident that all problems would somehow be solved.

Now we carefully select our menu, working in the evenings and on weekends. We drink to relax, or because it’s customary at get-togethers and corporate events. We do things in which we do not have the slightest interest and constantly think about tomorrow with anxiety. We are always dissatisfied with something, constantly tired and always trying to catch up and overtake someone.

Let's try together to make our life simple and add the former ease to it:

1. Be open and communicate openly! Don't try to become a telepath and read other people's thoughts. Don't expect this from other people either. Avoid ambiguity in your words.

2. Be polite, but don't try to please everyone around you. Instead, focus on the relationships that really matter.

3. Take care of your health. Eat in moderation, sleep enough. Don’t stress over little things and don’t make mountains out of mountains.

4. Live within your means. Buy only what you really need. And everything that is not needed, just throw it away, give it away, sell it. Set aside some money and let it be your safety net.

5. Don't waste time and energy on envy and comparing yourself to others. Spend your energy and time building the life you dream of.

6. Surround yourself with the right people. Don't adapt to those around you. Do what you think is right to benefit yourself, but not to the detriment of others.

7. Save your time. Spend some time learning ways to save time. It pays off.

8. Don't drink “alcohol” when you're sad. It won't bring real relief. remember problems don't drown, they can swim.

9. Use advanced technology to make your life easier, not the other way around: don't let it steal your time.

10. Be honest with yourself and those around you, don’t spread lies around yourself: sooner or later you will get confused in them.

11. Tell your loved ones more often that you love them.

12. Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary baggage, either in your life or while traveling.

13. Stay focused. Productivity increases if you do only one thing at a time.

14. Don’t put off cleaning until later. Clean up after yourself (dishes, work area, etc.) immediately, it’s easier.

15. Smile more often, even to strangers on the street. Like in the song “After all, a smile is the flag of a ship”

16. Be open to new thoughts and ideas.

17. Eat only when you are really hungry. Don't eat stress and laziness.

18. Add a little physical activity to your every day; walking or half an hour of home exercises are quite suitable to maintain minimal tone.

19. Don't beat yourself up over things you can't change. Concentrate on what you can do.

20. Remember your priorities in life and always act accordingly.

21. Strive to fulfill your desires. Don't waste your life making someone else's dream come true.

22. No matter how bad (or good) it is at the moment, everything changes. Take this simple fact for granted: “Everything passes!”

These ten tips will help you simplify your life and reduce the impact of obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. Incorporate them into your life and see if they help you feel better. Just try it and see what changes!

1. Clear your brain– If you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed, you need to clear your mind of your internal to-do list and other emotional baggage. Let go of all the thoughts about what you need to do, what you haven't done yet, and all the feelings that come from it. Your goal is to clear your head. Free her up to start planning and taking action with more clarity and less negativity.

2. Get rid of the influence of vampires– Get rid of those relationships that suck energy out of you. If these are family members you can't avoid, take steps to limit the time you spend with them.

Be honest in your assessment. Who helps you and who pulls you down? Who eats up your time and gives nothing in return? Who makes you feel good, supports you, and who keeps you on your toes? Anyone who adds value to your life should stay, others should leave.

3. Listen to your heart– By letting go of the past and long-standing relationships, you can free yourself from the emotional baggage that weighs down your heart and spirit. Forgive and forget. Let go. Mentally talk to a person from your past, or write a letter that you will never send, this will make it easier to get rid of his influence. You can't move on if you're stuck in the past. Think about why you continue to deprive yourself of the future by living in the past? The past is gone, you need to build your future!

4. Clean the house– You can do a great job of simplifying your life by tidying up your physical space. Start with one small area, such as the kitchen table or your personal desk, and immediately create order there. Focus your energy on one space and don't worry about the clutter in your garage or closet.

If necessary, make small reminders that may encourage you to protect your home from future clutter. It is important to develop a system or organization for taking action to prevent clutter from entering your home. You can contact companies and ask them to remove you from their mailing list. There must be order in everything. Remember, external order becomes a reflection of internal order, and vice versa.

5. Improve your body health– When getting rid of clutter in your home, pay attention to yourself. On your diet and habits, eliminate undesirable aspects. Along with limiting caffeine, sugar, alcohol and tobacco products, you should learn to eat healthy and get rid of everything that is harmful to your health.

In addition, it would be nice to update the appearance. Do you still cut your hair like you did in the eighties or wear clothes you bought five to ten years ago? It's time for an update!

6. Get rid of debt– Stop impulse shopping and start paying off your credit cards. Set a budget and start living within your means. Can you imagine how much free time you will have when you stop worrying so much about money? There will be no more wasting time on applying for loans and paying off debts. There will be no more phone calls with creditors and lawyers. You will stop feeling guilty and gain more freedom.

7. Simplify your language– Speak honestly and directly, with politeness and kindness. Don't use whining and apologetic language when asking for what you want. Stop using jargon and slang. Eliminate euphemisms and get rid of rebuttals.

Stop using obscene words and hostile remarks. Get rid of the idea that you have to have an opinion on everything. Leave your opinions of others to the wayside.

8. Learn to say no“It was one of the first words you ever learned.” So why are you having such a hard time using it now? Start using it as you wish. This is your life, your time, your resources and you have every right to use them the way you want. Stop feeling like you have to explain, justify, or justify your “no.”

9. Limit traditions– traditions are wonderful until they start to control your life. If a tradition has lost its meaning and purpose, it becomes a time waster, get rid of this tradition. When someone says, “But we've always done it this way,” find out why. If it no longer makes sense, feel free to abandon or change the tradition.

10. Free up time for yourself– Time is precious for most of us. Make a decision that you will set aside time for yourself on a regular basis. Start with fifteen minutes a day if that's all you can find for yourself. Close the doors, turn off the phone, get rid of anything that might distract you. It's important to create a space where you can focus only on yourself. Meditate, write in a journal, or eat an apple, whatever works for you. Whatever you want to do with your personal time, do it.

1. Try completely opposite things. For example, if you've been eating a lot of meat, it's time to try giving it up for at least a short period of time. If you like to argue, try to remain silent. If you woke up late, get up early, etc. Make these small experiments part of your daily life and it will be a kind of inoculation of “getting out of your comfort zone.” Firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, at the moment of the next sharp turn in your life, going beyond comfort will not be so noticeable.

2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier. You can do this in several approaches of 20 minutes each, and then you can easily wake up an hour earlier and have time to do many interesting things that you never got around to doing before. Just recently we touched on the topic of getting up early, so if you haven’t started yet, you have a great opportunity to include this point in your life as a whole.

3. Arrive to all meetings and appointments 10 minutes early. Firstly, by leaving early you won’t worry about being late and keeping your colleagues waiting. Why do you need extra stress before an important meeting? Secondly, by arriving a little earlier, you can prepare and double-check that you haven’t forgotten anything.

4. Single-tasking. Our brains are unable to multitask. We still have to switch from one task to another. When you work on just one thing, you do it better and more focused, without distractions.

5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple? Analyze the situation. If it turns out that with your actions you are complicating things even more, think about how to break it down into simpler components and solve the problem.

6. Ask yourself: will this matter in 5 years? Before you make mountains out of molehills and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And in 5 weeks?

7. Make purchases only based on the money you have earned or saved. Before buying something expensive, think carefully and remember the rule “think about the purchase for as many days as hundreds are included in its price (if 100, then one day, if 200 - 2 days, etc.).” This will help you make smart purchases and avoid stupid loans.

8. Learn a few recipes and cook at home more often. This will save you money and allow you to eat healthier (as long as you cook healthy). By the way, there are quite a lot of interesting and simple recipes on our blog.

9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat. This will save you time - next time you will only need to reheat what is already ready. And, of course, you won’t have to wash the dishes so often.

To be honest, I don't really like eating heated food. But during periods of blockages, this is a great help. In addition, there are dishes that become tastier on the second day (some soups, for example).

10. Write it down. Human memory is not the most reliable tool. Therefore, make notes of things to do, purchases, meetings, etc. Also, try to identify 4 priority goals for this year and periodically look at them in your notes so as not to deviate from the set course.

11. Remember that there is much more to life than you think. You don't know everything and sometimes you make mistakes. This will help you listen with great patience to other people's opinions and accept them, change yourself and always remain open to new knowledge and opportunities.

12. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. And then learn from them, absorb the lessons that life brings, and with the knowledge and experience gained, boldly take on new ideas.

13. Do what you really enjoy! Don't live by other people's dreams and desires.

14. Try to purchase groceries for the week at once. This will save not only money, but also time.

15. Go shopping when you're full. The surest way to go to the store and buy only what you need is to not go there hungry. There will be no temptation to buy something else and, standing at the checkout, your hands will not reach for chocolates and cookies, so helpfully laid out at the last line :)

16. Enjoy small joys. A beautiful sunset, blooming trees outside the window after a long winter, the last most delicious piece of cake. Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you.

17. Drink water. Instead of eating when you get bored, it is better to drink a glass of water - get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time replenish the water supply in the body.

18. Eat more slowly. Don’t fly as if you are late for the last train in your life to a bright and happy future. Food should be taken in a good mood and slowly, enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will be full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, this will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

19. Be kind. Be kind to the people around you, and especially to yourself.

20. Write short letters. Usually 1-5 sentences are enough.

21. Reply to emails once a day. Set aside the most optimal time for yourself to check your email and respond to incoming letters. Checking your mailbox every 5 minutes will take time and add stress.

22. Learn new ways to deal with stress and try them. Meditation, yoga, classical music, a couple of laps around the stadium after work - any of these methods can help you relieve stress.

23. Keep your home and work area in order. Then you can quickly find the things you need and thus save time and nerves.

24. Live “here and now.” Enjoy life, seize every moment. Be aware of each day instead of rushing through it headlong, constantly thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

25. Spend more time with people who make life easier. And try to avoid the company of those who complicate everything for no reason.

26. Exercise every day. Let it be at least a walk or a walk during lunch. This will help you get rid of stress, add energy, help put your body in order and drive away negative thoughts.

27. Get rid of clutter. Get rid of unnecessary things in your home, projects that slow down your development, bad thoughts in your head and people who are an obstacle to your goals and take up too much time and energy with constant complaints about life.

28. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people who have been in situations similar to yours and were able to find a solution.

29. Stop trying to please everyone. Simply because it's useless. This is impossible because there will always be people who don't like you for one reason or another. And there can be thousands of such reasons.

30. Break complex tasks into small ones. If a task seems difficult, break it down into several small tasks and solve them one by one.

31. Stop trying to do everything perfectly. This does not mean that everything should be done carelessly. Just instead of obsessing over the smallest details, just do your job well. We have also written more than once about the side effects of perfectionism - a waste of time, energy and nerves, plus increased dissatisfaction with oneself and others due to an inflated standard.

32. Stop for a moment and just take a deep breath. And then exhale slowly. Deep breathing relaxes and saturates the blood with oxygen. It also helps you focus better on important things.

33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% solving it. And not vice versa.

34. Focus on a few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and unimportant. Instead of being scattered on 10 projects at once, direct all your energy to solving two or three main tasks.

35. Keep a diary. By writing down your thoughts and actions every day, you can then easily track what exactly helped you find the right solution. Also, re-reading your notes will help you clearly see your progress and avoid making the same mistakes.

36. If you no longer like your activity, find something else. The world around us is changing and we are changing with it. What we were simply delighted with yesterday may no longer be of any interest to us today. If you feel that what you once loved no longer brings you satisfaction, it's time to think about changes.

37. Use a minimalist workspace. Nothing should bother you. Your desk should be in order and contain only those things that are necessary for work. Clutter distracts and reduces productivity. I think that order should be not only on the desktop, but also on the desktop of your computer.

38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan for the upcoming work week. This will help you get your head in order, prioritize and order things, set goals, tune in to the work ahead, and reduce stress.

39. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions. Be it disconnecting from cable TV with a huge number of channels, or clearing your RSS feed of junk that you continue to view out of habit. You can also add some magazines and newspapers here.

40. Ask instead of guessing. While we are not able to read other people's thoughts, we can only find out what a person is thinking about by asking him a direct question. Stop guessing - just ask what interests you. And incorrect interpretation and guesswork can lead to very sad consequences. Don't be afraid to ask - they don't charge you for asking.

41. Make one change at a time. Getting rid of old habits (especially if they are bad) and introducing something new into your life is very difficult. Make changes gradually. For example, start with the first item on this list and gradually, securing one item after another, change your life for the better.

42. Sometimes allow yourself to just be lazy. If you can put your life in order, get rid of negativity and unnecessary things, you will have time for small and pleasant laziness. Sometimes laziness is an obstacle that prevents us from achieving our desired goals, but sometimes it is a cure. Allow yourself to be a little lazy at least once a week. Don't think about work, don't think about goals, but just enjoy the silence, a book, a walk or solitude. This little laziness will allow you to have a good rest and start the work week with new strength and inspiration. You know, when your head is not occupied with anything, very interesting thoughts pop in there

In the world of progress and constantly developing technologies, it is simply unforgivable to live “the old fashioned way” and ignore all the benefits that the modern market offers. Considering how difficult it is for us to manage our own lives, using smart technology and modernizing our lives as much as possible is common sense. We decided to help you with this issue and recommend several really working ways to simplify your life and get the most out of purchasing modern devices. If you are a bachelor, then knowledge in the field of choosing good consumer electronics will come in handy. You will immediately feel the difference in quality and functionality, but the price is practically no different from the cost of ordinary household appliances.

1. Create a bachelor's cozy

Coziness is something that a bachelor's nest often lacks, since a man's abode requires creative disorder and versatility. Instead of paintings, candlesticks, carpets and other decorative elements, you will most likely like something more practical, preferably inexpensive and capable of performing several tasks at once: from satisfying an aesthetic thirst to, say, a completely physical one. Products for such a request should not at all look like robots or machines, the work of which only a seasoned IT specialist can handle. Take, for example, an electric kettle, which can serve you both as a kitchen appliance and as a stylish lamp.

The smart kettle-lamp SkyKettle G200S can be found from the company REDMOND, whose products are not only practical and multifunctional, but also modern, since in addition to the kettle glowing in a variety of colors, you will have the opportunity to control this miracle of technology using your smartphone. By installing the Ready For Sky application on your gadget, you can customize the color of the kettle and its intensity, as well as adjust the water temperature, turn the night light on and off, and the coolest thing is to block the work panel, in case you don’t live alone or even together, if you know what we mean. Heat-resistant glass lighting, which you can turn on when you wake up early in the morning and go out to the kitchen or at night to fall asleep under the soft and cozy light - this, of course, is great and pleasant, but you can also use the kettle for its intended purpose.

2. Cook quickly and tasty

If you live alone or are too protective of your girlfriend from everyday feminine duties in the kitchen, then you both need the optimal solution that will cope with the task and will not hit the budget. A slow cooker is a real miracle that has saved many families from domestic turmoil and thousands of bachelors from hunger, but it’s time to move on and enjoy all the joys of progress. The smart multicooker M223S is not just a household appliance, but a device adapted to modern life, which you can control via your phone. Everything you need can be found in the same app for the kettle, Ready For Sky.

If you want to cook a dish, select settings right during the cooking process; If you don’t know what to eat, look at more than 120 suggested recipes; confident in your abilities and capabilities - just adjust the settings via your smartphone, and the multicooker will completely obey you. Considering that you will have as many as 11 cooking modes at your disposal, your breakfast, lunch and dinner will become tasty, healthy and varied without unnecessary effort and wasting time.

3. Keep it clean

It's not a gentleman's business to clean the house. Regardless of whether you manage the household yourself, or someone close and dear does it for you, there is no point in wasting energy and time on keeping the apartment clean if you can have a real robot, not C-3PO, of course. but maybe even better. The REDMOND RV-RW001 window cleaning robot will not bother you with chatter, but instead will do all the dirty work for you. With it you can wash windows, mirror and glass surfaces, furniture and tiles, again using only the application. You just need to install the robot cleaner in the area of ​​your apartment that requires cleaning, and then you can adjust the route and other details remotely. In two minutes of operation, such a smart robot cleans 1 square meter of any surface. If you are distracted, the robot will determine the scope of work automatically. You can even leave it alone at home, because without power the robot will clean within 15 minutes, if necessary staying on a vertical surface, and at the end of cleaning it will automatically turn off and will not fall or break - just use the safety rope.

4. Drink coffee in the morning

There is nothing better than drinking coffee in the morning, and it’s even better when by the time you finally get out of bed, the coffee is already ready and waiting for you in the kitchen. We have a smart solution for this case too. The smart coffee maker SkyCoffee M1509S, of course, won’t bring coffee to bed, but it can easily prepare it at any time you set. Activate the coffee maker through the same Ready For Sky application, go wash your face and brush your teeth, and by the time you finish, the coffee will be ready.

You can also stop or cancel the machine if your plans suddenly change. Afterwards, all you have to do is heat up the finished drink or make a new one in advance, right on the way home. The operation of the smart coffee maker is absolutely safe, and the operating panel can always be locked if desired. Here, in the application, you can choose the strength of your drink, remove the sound and use many other settings for smarter and more progressive coffee drinking.

5. Remember safety

The following advice is suitable for the most advanced or laziest users of household appliances, as well as for those who know a lot about saving energy and care about their comfort and the safety of their loved ones. The SkyPlug 100S smart socket is an excellent purchase with which you can control your appliances both inside and outside the home. Now you won’t need to get up from the couch to turn off something from the outlet; you just need to turn off the outlet by pressing the button on your smartphone.

Your friend will no longer forget to turn off the iron, because you can turn it off through the application - you just need to have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile Internet. Also, thanks to such an outlet, you will be able to control energy costs, turn on or off practically any electrical appliances in your home in advance. Let's say you need to ventilate or heat the room before you return home, or heat the kettle. If you have already managed to have a family and children, then the safety of their lives is now literally in your hands. In other words, with such a smart outlet, your life in the apartment will become much more comfortable, practical and, most importantly, more modern.

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