Sad stories about school love. School love for life

My school crush. I want to tell a love story that happened to me while still in school. Surely each of us had our first love at school, or at least we really liked someone. When I was in eighth grade, this topic did not pass me by. When I entered eighth grade, a new girl joined our school and I immediately liked her! And like everyone else at this age, when you like someone, you don’t know how best to make them pay attention to you. I tried in every possible way to attract her attention, at every break I tried to be in her sight. Having found out where she lived, he followed her home, although he lived on the other side. I wrote some ridiculous notes (it’s even funny now to remember the contents of these notes) In general, it was love, I tried, as they say, the entire “arsenal” of signs of attention. But as many remember from their school years, if a new, pretty girl comes to school, then competition immediately appears among the same suitors. As you know, girls grow up with their brains faster than their peers, but at that moment everything seemed different. She quickly realized that she was popular among the guys and began to play on it. She allowed herself to be looked after, accepted signs of attention, but did not let anyone get close to her. I began to study worse, worry, think about how to please her, but it was all in vain! Having already entered the tenth grade, I calmed down a little and focused on my studies, since I had to think about going to college. She started running around all sorts of discos with older guys. Finally the time came when we graduated from school and ran away in all directions. Soon I entered college, and student life began to swirl. At the institute, the overwhelming majority of students were girls, and from the first year I began to feel a lot of attention from them. Meetings, celebrations and everything connected with it began. I tried to fit in, develop, always tried to look good. By the end of my studies, my self-esteem was as good as they say! Then I served and got a job in a good company. Life was in full swing, I often flew abroad on business trips, met interesting people, etc. It's been 10 years since I graduated from school. One day, while walking through the shopping center, a woman with a child stopped next to me and said hi! I turned in her direction and couldn’t believe my eyes, it was my school love, the once pretty, slender girl whom everyone was running after. In front of me stood a woman in a body with dirty hair, looking five years older than her age, with a child of about six. We exchanged a couple of sentences, she complimented me on how I looked. I didn’t even dare to answer her in kind. For a long time I could not get over the slight shock, and compared two pictures in my head (did I once love this person?). Then I learned from a former classmate that she got pregnant from someone, then lived with someone else. In general, life has battered a person and changed him beyond recognition! I realized that everything in life can change dramatically. School love, childhood memories, great time)

Well, the moment has come when all my teenage wishes began to come true, but I don’t need it anymore. I am now quoting about the same thing about boys. I especially recommend that girls aged 13-16 years old read my story. When I was 13 years old, I was already thinking about love, creating a picture of guys for myself and dreaming that he would someday come to my room, hug me, kiss and say I love you, with these thoughts I fell asleep and lay down in my soft bed, I was pleased to fall asleep with these thoughts. Okay, let’s get closer to the point. At the age of 13-14, I already stopped playing with rubber bands and balls, changed company and began to communicate with girls who communicate with older boys, I mean who are not interested play Cossacks-robbers and catch-up. I had a lot of fun there and I boasted to my boys who were playing at the same time with the guys I communicate with. I remember we were standing in the entrance, guys of about 18 years old, and we were girls of 13-14 years old, drinking wine that day It was my first glass of wine, I didn’t even get a little drunk and thought why mom and dad were drinking it, it’s not tasty and it’s useless. (((. We started talking to cool guys with a car, I saw him for the first time and immediately fell in love at first sight his name was Mitya, he was 18 and I was 14, he immediately showed sympathy for both me and my friend, when he was with her I was furious with jealousy, it hurt me but I didn’t show it to anyone, a smile on his face and a loud laughter, when he was myself, I just flew with happiness, he said beautiful words and kissed great, and I dreamed that this guy would come to his senses and be only myself forever. I confessed my feelings to him through a friend, but he didn’t say no, no, no, just didn’t talk about relationships. The moment came when we stopped communicating with our cool boys, they just changed the group of girls, then they kept changing girls every month. And I suffered, sobbed into my pillow, asked myself, why am I doing this??? My heart was simply breaking into small pieces from love for him, I was ready to run to him at his first call. Half a year passed, I calmed down a little, but still he remained in my heart. We also communicated with many companies, but still I I didn’t fall in love with them. Summer, river sand, I became prettier, I started applying cosmetics correctly, tastefully, I dyed my hair blonde, I began to dress more beautifully, the attention of guys became more intense. We joined the group of guys, 18-21 years old, I immediately liked 20-year-old Andrey, he was so cool but his friend began to show initiative towards me, but unfortunately I didn’t like him, then I found out that Andrey has a girlfriend and he’s been with her for a long time, but that didn’t stop me because when we met with the whole company, he ditched his girlfriend and went for a walk with us. And then that long-awaited moment happened, we started dating, but he was also with his girlfriend, we didn’t have sex with him and he didn’t ask for love, it lasted 1 month, then again tears, just like with the first guy. And I remember I’ll stand near the window and say to myself in the reflection: Well, why am I suffering so much, why am I suffering all this, why am I so unlucky in love, etc. A little time passed, I began to meet a guy who is also 20 years old and I’m 15 but I didn’t have love for him, he ran after me, he was jealous, and I mocked him, I didn’t want to be with him, I was just there and cheated on him behind his back, he came home and tried to improve the relationship and I mocked him, I don’t even know why I did it, sure showing off in front of his friends, in the end I left him, I was completely tired of him. Then I met a guy his name was Vasya, he was 23 and I was 16, I started dating him, he was serious, I also fell in love with him, in short, we mutually, but he is not a jealous person or maybe he just didn’t show it and it scared me when he left for work I hung out with others so that he would recognize and be jealous of me, it got to the point that I persuaded the guys to call him and tell him that I was hanging out with them (WHAT A FOOL NOW I THINK WHAT A STUPID I AM) he came home from work and left me, in short, he was tired of this kindergarten, I ran after him, wrote love SMS, passed it through his friends so that he would come back, in short, I got a meeting with him and now we are sitting alone on the river car romance and happiness full pants that day I had for the first time, but the happiness did not last long we broke up, after that we met again but it was not the same as at first, in short as now I think that I wanted it and got it. After that I found out that he found someone the same age as himself and they began to live in a civil marriage. (They lived for 2 years and broke up). Before that, I met the guy of my dreams, we loved each other very much, we had a very good relationship, but he began to drink more, even raising his hand against me , his family loved me, everything was fine, we wanted a child and to get married, although I was 17 and so was he, but Anton (that was his name) became a drug addict, I struggled with it but it was useless, he only promised and when I left he threatened suicide but I loved him and endured everything. We met like that for another half a year, then I found out that he cheated on me, this was the last straw of my patience, it was very painful for me, I didn’t understand how he could, and to spite him, I cheated on him with his best friend. then she quit, the next day after that he tried to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital, he cut his wrists. I felt guilty and was there as before, he kept injecting drugs and did not quit drugs, I look at him and think what a handsome and fool you are. Soon the betrayal was repeated on his part and I left in English, this story continued for a couple more months but in in the end we broke up, the breakups were very painful because we loved each other. Then I wanted to return but couldn’t. Then I met a guy 13 years older than me, but he’s married, we didn’t want to fall in love, just spend time because I didn’t want to suffer again, but he the first one said I love it, the story is very long, maybe you read it in my other stories, the point is that in the end he got divorced himself, but what did it cost me, how much did I suffer from him. There are still unresolved problems, so we are already 3 years. In general, after Anton, many fell in love with me, but I threw everyone away and mocked other people’s feelings and now I understand that everything comes back to you. Many girls here write to girls 13-16 years old about their unreciprocated love, and you answer: Are you a fool? Go and learn to think about love better early, kindergarten I don’t think you need to write this, but just remember yourself at their age, and if you didn’t have that, just be happy for yourself. Not long ago, Mitya offered me his love (this is my first boyfriend), but Now it’s funny to me how I could suffer so much for him, and Vasya also wanted to bring me back, and now I understand how I could with him...... It’s funny really! Now I don’t need them, but once I loved madly, suffered, and now they want me, I tell them: It’s too late, boys, it’s too late!!!

Photo: Ekaterina Pokrovsky/

My classmate married a guy from a parallel class. And this is not a fantasy story, but a real life incident. Their marriage has lasted for 6 years, although we graduated from school 12 years ago. It turns out that the first love that arose at school can last a lifetime.

Irina and Vadim

In fact, the young people at school barely knew each other. They met in the corridors, sometimes saw each other in joint lessons, but there was no strong friendship or love during their school years. Even at the 11th grade graduation, everyone was in the same room, but communication ended with only a few phrases. At that time, Irina and Vadim could only be called casual acquaintances. Their feelings began a year after graduation, when they were invited to one birthday party at the dacha.

It so happened that there were no other men in Irina’s life. She liked Vadim precisely at that holiday, when they talked almost all night about life and plans. As students, they dreamed of being realized in this world, and the coming years seemed like something magical.

Vadim did not dare to propose a relationship to Irina, he understood that the interest was mutual, and tried to see each other as often as possible. But being together is a responsibility, and he didn’t want it. This happened for about six months, and the girl waited for him to make up his mind. And one day he confessed to her that he saw her in his dreams. From that day their future together began.

The young people dated for 5 years before they got married. Today they have already taken out a mortgage on an apartment and are planning to give birth to their first child. And their relationship seems joyful and cloudless, although sometimes they grumble at each other.

Relationship difficulties

The love of young people had many obstacles. Firstly, they studied full-time at the same time. As a result, they could not live together, since there was not enough money for a rented apartment. Secondly, there was no money even for dates, so they rarely went to cafes or movies, preferring to meet with friends in the evenings or walk around the city.

Before the wedding, young people rarely gave each other gifts and did not travel together. They were deprived of many of the joys that mature people have. But after every exam at the institute, Vadim met Irina at the entrance and rejoiced at her success or consoled her in case of failure.

The couple was unable to have a big wedding. They had a small one, to which only parents were invited. But today all these little things are compensated for. Every year they go skiing in winter and to the sea in summer. Today they make love in their own bed, not in a friend's bathroom, and happily remember their youth. And school love has its advantages, which are sometimes much more important than small disadvantages.

Pros of school love

Early ones help people not to waste their time, but to devote their lives to each other. There are several main advantages of early relationships:

1. It’s easy for young people to get used to each other. They have not yet experienced the delights of a free life, have not yet fluttered out of their parents’ nest, which means that living together does not cause problems. You can get used to it very easily.

2. The lack of comparison also makes the union stronger. When there are no disappointments, when love is not yet overshadowed by pain, it is more sincere and lasting.

3. Being flexible at a young age helps you find compromises and adapt. Adults are less willing to change their lives and make adjustments to it.

4. Early life creates a feeling of need, and this allows you to direct your energy not to searching for sexual adventures, but to realizing yourself in society and building a career. Having a permanent relationship helps you grow up and set your priorities right.

Only a few manage to preserve school love for many years. Usually, children's feelings are forgotten or disappear in the fascinating world of students. But for those who know how to preserve the brightest feelings of youth, it is much easier to build a harmonious family than for those who have experienced several separations in life.

Irina and Vadim are happy. And although they did not manage to learn much, they have almost no one to compare their partner with, they are sure that they have found their soul mate.

Remember that boy you wrote notes to in class? And the girl they were so afraid to approach? And you probably remember how you dreamed that he or she would always be by your side. You may or may not be a fatalist, but in everyone’s life some kind of fairy tale turns into truth. For the eight heroes I met, it was precisely one of the very first, most sincere fairy tales about love that became true. The stories of four Novosibirsk couples, whose relationship from their first school crush grew to family happiness.

Kristina (25) and Artyom (27) Spitsyn:
We are very different, but that is what unites us

Through the glass doors of the cafe I see a couple of young people holding hands crossing the street. He holds the door, letting his wife pass first. Very carefully - by the third wedding anniversary there will be three of them. Kristina and Artyom seem very similar: balanced, calm, they seem to pick up and develop each other’s thoughts. Christina says that it was thanks to her husband that she learned calmness and patience.

I understand with my head that it was us at school too. But they are completely different! Where did I get the courage to call first and introduce myself? I should have been more proud. On the other hand, would I be happy now if I behaved “correctly”?

Ten years ago, she saw a smiling high school student in the school hallway and smiled back at him. Next time, say hello. A month later, clutching the phone in her hand with a damp palm, she came up and said: “They gave me a mobile phone, give me your number.” For the next few years, Christina says, she did not let him out of her hands - they constantly corresponded.

He was confident and mature; from the ninth grade he lived absolutely independently, which is apparently why he was not at all interested in school clubs. But she, on the contrary, tried herself everywhere she could: in fitness, sports, even on youth television.

I even watched some programs, although I turned them off almost immediately,” recalls Artyom. - It was funny and cute. But I didn’t take it seriously, although I liked that Christina had her own hobbies and interests.

But the boy from the “star class” went to study in Novosibirsk, and she remained in Leninsk-Kuznetsk.

He didn't reject me, but he didn't let me get close either. We were still friends for two years, and started dating during his first student holidays.

When two years later Christina was awarded a certificate, she decided to enroll in a Kemerovo university - Artyom did not immediately invite her to Novosibirsk. But every month they visited each other, just for a day or two. A year later they decided that it was time for Christina to move closer.

Did such a long and difficult relationship prevent you from enjoying the most crazy and eventful student years?

One is not a hindrance to the other,” Artyom answers. - You need to gain experience not only while hanging out and meeting new people. It is important to learn to build serious relationships. We had such an opportunity.

Only in the middle of our conversation do I understand that cherishing long and strong connections is a special talent that the guys have: they have known almost all their close friends almost since kindergarten.

Therefore, we probably retain the status of not even a school couple, but such “old-timers in relationships,” Artyom laughs.

There is, of course, a subconscious pride that through the years we walk hand in hand,” adds Christina. “We don’t put it on a pedestal, we just rejoice.”

Tatyana (22) and Artyom (25) Kolesnikovs:
The main thing is to be on the same page

Based on the history of this couple’s relationship, it’s time to make a series. She is the daughter of a school teacher, a bright blonde whom everyone seems to know. He is an athlete, a great guy - the dream of many younger schoolgirls. It is curious that Tanya’s attention was drawn to the young man by the names of her mother. Although then, at the age of 14, the topic of friendship with young people did not really interest her. And only two years later interest arose in my soul.

I remember how it all started. It was in autumn. My friend and I were asked to help referee a basketball game. And the day before I read in the horoscope that November 15th is the day that will change my life. Naturally, I thought it was some kind of nonsense. It was a day off, there was nothing to do after school, so I decided to go. Artyom was just playing on the school team. I saw him, and everything just turned upside down inside me! So, my friend and I went to games for the next week.

Then - as if according to the script: correspondence until the morning, the first awkward date in the company of friends, the first kiss in the wet December snow, and a common photo, also one of the first, which gossips from other classes constantly send to each other. And there was something to envy - Tanya shares her favorite joke: there were many interesting couples at school, but she and Artyom were the most beautiful.

I took this relationship seriously even then, even if it was my first. The turning point was when Tyomino entered the university. I was in ninth grade then. Teenagers change a lot when they graduate from school: they feel like adults and free. And this period is psychologically difficult not only for themselves, but also for loved ones. We separated for six months. And it was difficult later to decide to be together again. We understood: if we renewed the relationship, it would be for good.

And so it happened. The first school love was replaced by a strong student love, romantic and beautiful in its own way: with long trips to Academy Town in an embrace and walks in the forest. And there was never any doubt that because of the relationship they missed something or didn't try something.

It seems to me that the ideal relationship model for a girl is one man for life. Additional experience is simply not needed. Guys are another matter. Artyom is older than me, so he already had some experience. And it is right. And we are definitely not bored: every year our relationships change along with our social roles, ages, and views. And these emotions and feelings make life interesting and rich.

Artyom and Tatyana will get married in the summer. But, Tanya admits, registering a marriage is unlikely to fundamentally change their relationship:

A wedding does not bring stability, but simply proves once again that everything is serious. You confirm that this is your person. It seems to me that even if you love someone deeply, with whom you cannot keep up in life, whose thoughts you cannot voice, happiness is hardly possible. If you are on the same wavelength, then get married and you will definitely be happy

Irina (21) and Mikhail (23) Grishchenko:
Caught up and didn't let go

How did you meet? - I ask my youngest interlocutors: Ira and Misha have been together for seven years, married for two years, but still look like schoolchildren. Probably because everyday school life is still going on for them. In the summer, both will receive diplomas: Ira - a bachelor's degree, Misha - a master's degree.

“Oh, that was a very funny story,” Mikhail rubs his hands. - In 2009, flash mobs were still popular. We met at one of them. In fact, the flash mob was idiotic. Members of the first team ran down the street shouting: “I am a deer! I am a deer!". The second team, hunters with pistols and machine guns, ran through the same place a few minutes later, asking passers-by: “Have you seen any deer here?”

Which one of you was the hunter and which one was the prey?

I was the hunter.

You caught up with Ira, it turns out?

“They probably caught up with me,” Misha winks at his wife.

I noticed him after the flash mob, when we exchanged impressions. A month later I decided to write to him. We became close on the basis of common interests,” Irina answers embarrassedly.

That is, she became acquainted with very specific intentions! And it was only some time later that I realized that we were similar in many ways.

If at school the children’s interests and hobbies seemed identical, they share, now they are as different as possible. But this also has its own charm, in any case, love for different performers or films certainly does not separate them from each other.

Unlike the other heroes, Misha and Ira studied in different parts of the city, so they didn’t see each other very often. The young man even had to perform detective feats: for example, using a phone number to find out where Irina lives in order to arrange a surprise.

The young people decided to get married already at university, after five years of relationship: for both, almost a quarter of their life. Apparently, this is why Mikhail cannot even remember what he was like before he met his future wife. For the boys’ parents, of course, the deadline did not seem serious: Ira’s father hesitated whether his daughter should get married at 19.

They had their doubts right up until the wedding. Only now, when our relatives see that we are coping, the torment has come to naught.

For now, their plans for the future are focused on self-development: Ira will continue to study microbiology in her master’s degree, and Misha is going to enroll in graduate school. But it seems that they especially like the romance of student marriage - it gives the feeling that they are growing together.

Of course, we have changed a lot over these seven years,” says Mikhail. - Feelings too. At school it was a game: a lot of emotions without depth. Now the feeling is deeper, wider, more serious. You can't just take him out. And I don’t want to.

Valentina (29) and Ilya (29) Bannikovs:
Always had each other

It seems to me that we initially existed together,” says Valya, smiling. - We started being friends in the fifth grade, and then we kissed for the first time, at Ilyusha’s birthday.

Valya and Ilya have been married for seven years. During this time, two sons appeared: the youngest, three-month-old Vanya, dozes in his armchair while his parents and I go through memories of school and student life. Looking at them laughing, it seems that I see exactly what they were like 15 years ago: an exemplary excellent student, an activist and a mischief maker with sparkling mischievous eyes. So it turns out. Therefore, Valya shares, her mother warned her for a long time: maybe a bully boy is not the one you need? But, apparently, they were really destined to be together.

At first they lived in the same house, then they sat at the same desk, and together they began to attend preparatory courses in Sibstrin, from where Ilya was quickly kicked out.

Probably, if they had separated for a long time then, the relationship would have ended,” he reasons.

But for some reason, unexpectedly, the parents of the young people decided to move. And again to the same area. Without saying a word. Already students, they found themselves together again. In general, the word “together” best characterizes this couple: Valya and Ilya have never been apart for more than two weeks. Even their jobs are shared between them: Valya helps her husband with his business, and he works as an assistant on her wedding shoots.

Their own wedding, the heroes say, became a truly new stage in the relationship. Six months before final exams, with diplomas unfinished, they were renovating their apartment and preparing to start living together.

Everything has always been very easy for us. But on the eve of the wedding, I realized that this was serious. I just cried the whole day.

Yes, you were crying because we didn’t have time to finish the repairs! - Ilya immediately laughs it off.

And... or that’s why,” Valya answers with a laugh.

Probably, this frivolity and ability to look at things joyfully is their little family secret.

Do you think it was more difficult for you to build relationships than people who met as adults?

More difficult. Because we did not go through different stages of relationships, like other couples - once, and already in the finale. “We didn’t live together before the wedding,” Ilya answers seriously.

On the contrary, it seems to me that it is easier. I know the most important things about him. I can’t imagine how I would trust a stranger now. And so, we always had each other, although feelings, of course, changed. Previously, they were immature, although even then I thought that he was the man of my life. But serious love is just beginning to come.

At first glance, it seems that the feelings then and now are different. And I’m trying to understand why... but I don’t see much difference,” says Ilya. - There were, of course, impulses of passion, love took on a different form, Valya became a mother, more feminine. But apparently my feelings haven't changed at all

Photos provided by the heroes of the article.

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This is a very sad story that changed my whole life. I was 15, he was 17. We met when I was languishing from idleness at my computer. I found him, it happened completely by accident, without any purpose. He said that he had a girlfriend and I was going to delete him, because I was sure that he would be against communicating with me. But to my surprise, he wrote to me the next day. And then again and again... We began to have many common themes. I saw that he was interested in me, and I was interested in him, but we communicated exclusively as friends. He continued to meet with his girlfriend and told me a lot about her. I became a good friend to him. We didn’t have the opportunity to exchange photos, so we limited ourselves to describing each other.

Six months passed, and I realized that I was very attached to it. We talked almost every day, texting especially often at night. Then he said that he broke up with his girlfriend and asked to meet him in real life. I agreed.

When I saw him, I thought that I imagined him to be somewhat different, and I didn’t like him. But I couldn’t leave, so I asked to take me home and supposedly take a walk. He agreed and after a while he began to hug me and tried to kiss me. I realized that he liked me. As a result, for the first time in my life, I kissed a boy with whom I had previously communicated for six months on ICQ, and whom I disliked so much in real life. That night I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about him, about the kiss.

After that, he began to write to me even more often. I also corresponded with him, I was interested, as before. And then I decide, without understanding why, to contact his ex-girlfriend. I find her on social media and add her. And as it turned out, at the time of our first meeting with him, they were still dating, but now... This surprised me very much; I could not understand why he did this. She told him about what I wrote to her. Having learned about this, he became very angry with me and wrote that they don’t do that, you could have told me, we won’t communicate anymore. After reading this message, I felt funny - yes, please. But a week passed and he wrote to me again. He wrote that he was not dating her and wanted to communicate with me. I forgave him and we started communicating again.

This year he was graduating from school, and he needed to decide in which city he would continue his studies. During another telephone conversation, he said that he would go to Kyiv. It’s quite far from where we live and only a few go there to study.

Summer came and we began to see each other often. My attitude towards him changed, I realized that I liked him very much and was surprised how he could not like the site at the first meeting. So the summer was coming to an end, and we became intimate, he was my first.

He left to study in another city. And I thought that I would forget him, but he himself did not let me forget about himself. He also continued to communicate with me. Once I asked if we would meet with him. And he answered yes. I was very happy and looked forward to the meeting.

A year has passed, I graduated from school. Summer came and he came home. We began to see each other often, but he never started dating me. I went to study in another city, and he said that he did not want a long-distance relationship. I didn’t understand it then, that it wasn’t a matter of distance. I often cried and said how much I loved her. He saw all this and said: “I’m communicating with you.” His attitude towards me changed: on the one hand, he communicated with me the same way as before, but on the other hand, he very often did not answer my calls, said that he was busy, the site was with friends, etc. I fell madly in love, and he just took advantage of me, came when he needed me. And I couldn't refuse him.

This went on for three years. We talked and saw each other during the holidays, when we both came home. He didn't start a new relationship and I didn't have anyone. I always loved, waited and remained faithful to him alone. All the time I thought that he would come to his senses and say: “Let's be together.” But this never happened.

After finishing his 3rd year at university, he had a girlfriend. She was from our village, and is now still in school, finishing 11th grade. I couldn’t understand why she hooked him, what he saw in her that wasn’t in me.

I stopped eating, drinking, sleeping. I literally ceased to exist for myself and for others. He removed me from all social networks. I couldn’t and still can’t believe that this happened, that nothing else would happen. I can’t believe that I won’t see his kind, beloved eyes. He is a special person, I have never met anyone like him. I will never forget the day when I found out that he was no longer alone. He just left for her without calling, without writing, without saying anything goodbye. I sincerely wish him happiness, even though he caused me so much pain. How painfully the rest of the summer passed for me. I wanted to leave for Moscow as soon as possible, although I knew that this would not help.

I tried to start a new life. I wanted me to have as little free time as possible. I started studying, got a job, and signed up for dance classes. But that didn't help either.

It’s been four months since he’s been with her, and I’m still suffering. You see, such a longing for a person that it tears everything inside, I can’t believe that this is all happening to me. I know that he is not worthy of me or my tears. I realize that he never loved me, he only used me when he needed it. I just don’t understand why it hurt so much. I think if he had left then, I would have forgotten his site. I greatly regret that I met him, that I trusted him. I regret the uselessly wasted years of my life. I know that I should have left myself, but I couldn’t. I loved him very much, and I still do.

There were always quite a lot of guys around me. But I can’t start a relationship with anyone, no matter how hard I try. I always think about him, imagine him when another guy is next to me. It seems that I will never be able to love anyone the way I once loved him. I truly loved. I don’t believe in love the way God created it. I suffered with him, but without him it became even worse.

Now I am 19 years old and for me life has lost its meaning.

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