Where do they find girls? Where can you find a good girl? Where to find the girl of your dreams? Where to find a girl: effective places to look

With the development of social Online dating networks have become a simple matter. Many people think that all they have to do is go online and the job will be done. But not all girls are ready to meet guys. This means that it is important to understand how to find a girl to meet on VKontakte, so that she definitely wants to meet you. To solve this problem it is necessary to consider several factors.

Two types of girls for dating VK

There are 2 types of girls you can meet on VKontakte. This:

  1. Your friends. Moreover, it is possible that distant or old acquaintances;
  2. Absolutely unknown. Stupidly from the search;

In the first case, you have the advantage of a common past. For example, you can write: “Hi, remember we did something there together.” And you will start communicating.

And in the second case, you can come up with a new legend for yourself. The girl is absolutely “leftist”. She doesn't know you. This means you can hide your shortcomings in front of her.

So choose which type of ladies suits you best and try to meet them.

How to look for girls for dating on VK?

To find exactly the one who will communicate with you, you need to look at her profile. Good signs are:

  • Lack of relationships, children, husbands and everything else;
  • Relatively few comments from men under the photo;
  • Lack of “glamorous” photos with butts, breasts, etc.;
  • Posts on the page about relationships and other signs that she is looking for a guy;
  • It’s good if there is an “active search”.

Remember that there are many girls on VK who are called Instagrammers. They just post half naked pictures of themselves to get likes. Dating people like that doesn't lead to anything.

In addition, you are better off looking for girls with average appearance. Don’t think that if she’s not a super star in the photo, then she’s not the right one for you. After all, often, guys chase only beauty and lose.

But this does not mean that you should look for the ugliest ones! No. Just choose something in between.

Is it worth using dating groups?

There are many VK groups where you can find a girl. It's definitely worth using them. But there is no need to rely on them.

The thing is that in all sorts of things: Overheard..., Dating, Let's go for a walk... losers often sit. These are girls who have many complexes. They have fun chatting online, but nothing more.

Among other things, there are many people here who just come in and don’t know what they want. As a result, you risk wasting a lot of time without getting anything in return.

Therefore, you need to try everywhere. Look for girls in special groups and through search at the same time. This makes it more likely that everything will work out.

The main thing here is not to be shy. If you saw a girl whom you could theoretically meet, so squeak to her. It doesn't matter what she says. If anything, you just move on.

Don't be shy about your true intentions. There are many guys who find VK girls, communicate with them, but never dare to transform the relationship into something more. Therefore, we definitely cannot stand still here.

And most importantly, in the vastness of social media. there is a lot of “garbage” in networks. Know how to weed it out. For example, you understand that a girl is playing with you, do not communicate with her, calmly move on. Otherwise, you will get stuck in meaningless online communication.

You don't have to act cool or put in any effort; just be yourself. Don't go looking for a girl, otherwise you will look desperate. Confidence and self-sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities for a man, and you won't appear that way if you're begging every girl you meet to go on a date with you.

  • When meeting girls, try to make friends with them, and not start a romantic relationship. This means that you need to talk to as many women as possible, not just the girls you're directly attracted to. Having a lot of good female friends will teach you how to talk to them and will also teach you how women feel and think in general. The most important thing is that you won't feel so lonely and desperately looking for a girl.

Flirt. In all your friendships, flirt a little to avoid falling completely into the friend zone. This doesn't mean you should try to win over every girl you know, but flirting will help them understand that you can be considered not only as a friend, but also as a partner. Even if she is not interested in you, she may introduce you to a friend.

  • Cross the touch barrier. Take a small “touch risk.” Be playful, but don't overdo it. Take her by the elbow or around the waist to guide her through the crowd, touch her shoulder and laugh together if she says something funny. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know about it. Touching lets a person know that you find them attractive and that you are confident in yourself. Both can make you more attractive to a girl.

Hook a girl

  1. End the conversation. If you like the woman you're talking to, finish the conversation yourself. This will avoid any awkward silences and will also show that you are not jumping at any opportunity to get her attention. This will also allow you to end the conversation on a positive note. When ending a conversation, simply say, “Listen, I have to go, but it was really nice talking to you. Would you like to continue the conversation over a cup of coffee sometime?” If she answers in the affirmative, take her phone number and go about your business. She's not the only girl you'll meet along the way.

    Be assertive. Many women love it when a man takes the initiative, at least during the bouquet and candy period. When you call her to set up a time and place for a date, keep at least two options in mind that are attractive to her. You shouldn't call her and ask her what she would like to do if you don't have your own options for spending time, otherwise she will probably think that you are lazy or not interested enough in the relationship.

    • For example, if you are talking to her and discussing a meeting, then say something like: “Well, I was thinking that we could go to this wonderful new restaurant downtown... But I would also like to go to the new bowling alley in the shopping center... What do you think?” If she likes one of your suggestions, she will tell you, and if she doesn't, she will suggest something else. This way you will show your self-confidence. If she doesn't care, just choose one of the two.
  2. Be kind to her. Just because she shows attention to you when you tease her doesn't mean she will develop feelings for you. Girls are much more vulnerable than you might imagine. Make a rude remark about her and she will never speak to you again. Praise her for every little thing and sympathize when she makes mistakes. But be careful in your words - they should not sound sarcastic.

    Follow through. When you meet a nice girl who takes a liking to you, don’t stop halfway. If you like her too, show confidence and ask her out. Keep a low profile. A candlelit dinner for two on a first date can scare a girl away. Invite her for coffee after school or work. If she refuses, there are two options: she is not ready or she does not like you. Don't insist, it will push her away even more. Be friendly and patient. Wait until she shows feelings for you and try to ask her out again.

    Go on a date. When you've met a girl with whom you feel a real connection, it's important to make her like you. If you followed all the above tips, then she is probably already interested in you; The only thing that needs to be done is to strengthen the relationship. Invite her on a date or for a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, take her to the designated place, or ride the bus together. This will not only show you politeness, but you will also have more time to communicate with each other.

    • Do not use chats or SMS. Call her or invite her in person. At first glance, nothing unusual, but this small gesture will show the girl that you are sincere in your intentions and that you are not looking for easy flings.
    • Offer to pay yourself. Be prepared to pay for both her and yourself. Again, this will show the girl your good manners and let her know that you are not the greedy type. She'll probably object out of politeness, but she'll probably appreciate the gesture, so persist.
  3. Think of a date as an interview for a new position. There's a big difference between a guy who bends over backwards to get a job and someone who knows he has a lot to offer the company, just as the company does to him. When you're with a girl, don't act like you're interviewing to become her boyfriend. Imagine that you are interviewing her to become your girlfriend. Being in control of the situation will make you more attractive to a girl. Otherwise, if you give up, the girl may not be the one you dreamed of - after all, in such a situation they choose you, not you.

  4. Keep her on the hook. After the date, do not call or write immediately. Some guys follow the general rule of waiting 48 hours before calling a girl back. You don't need to put yourself under a time limit, but you also shouldn't be impatient. Don't call or text her immediately after the date, at least wait until the morning.

    • End the conversation yourself. Whether you're texting or talking on the phone, when you feel like a conversation is ending, try to end the conversation yourself. You will seem busier and she will always want more.
    • There is nothing wrong with starting a chat or calling first. It actually shows that you are interested and serious in your intentions. Don't worry about it. If she sees that you are serious about her, she will take the initiative herself without even noticing it. If she doesn't do this, it means she's not that interested in you.
    • Please wait a few minutes to respond to the message. If you respond immediately, it will mean that you were sitting and waiting for her to write. Wait 5-20 minutes before replying to a message. But don't wait too much for a long time, otherwise the thread of the conversation may get lost.
  5. Be the one to initiate the second date. If you still have butterflies in your stomach when you think about her a week after your first date, then ask her out again. Try to make it more romantic than the first - invite her to dinner instead of a cup of coffee, or spend the evening together instead of with a group of friends.

    • Kiss her! If you're in a romantic mood and you haven't kissed yet, then take the opportunity to kiss her goodbye. When you get closer and look into each other's eyes, it's time to decide to kiss. Take your time, give her time - she will either reciprocate or push you away. Pay attention to signs that she wants a kiss. If this is your first kiss with a girl, stop there, even if she asks you to come over. Just answer: “Not today, next time!” This will show her that you want something more meaningful than a fling and that you are interested in a relationship with her.
  6. Repeat. Every relationship develops differently. Sometimes you will have to initiate all the dates until you officially become a couple. Sometimes she will initiate. In the first case, you need to try to pick up signals that will let you know whether she is interested in communicating with you or is just shy.

    • Recognize the signals in a face-to-face meeting. If she responds to your flirtations, laughs at your jokes, and seems like she's comfortable with you, she's probably interested in you. On the other hand, if she sits away from you and crosses her arms, or if she refuses to look you in the eyes, then this is a sure sign of lack of interest in you. Try holding her hand while walking, or placing your hand on her knee while watching a movie or having dinner. If she moves your hand away or makes it clear that she is uncomfortable, then she is probably not warm enough to you.
    • Recognize signals in messages. If you feel like you're constantly dragging out your correspondence or she's constantly responding with short phrases like "okay," "great," etc., she's probably not interested in you. She probably knows that such words will not lead to a meaningful conversation and is simply trying to be polite and not give a reason to misunderstand her. However, pay more attention to signals in face-to-face meetings. In a difficult situation, talk to mutual friends to better understand her behavior.
  • Progress to touching gradually. Touch her shoulder, put your arm around her waist, or give her your hand if she trips.
  • If she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, don't go to extremes. Perhaps she's just not ready yet.
  • Have your own personal life. Girls don't like guys who don't have their own personal lives, who stick to them like a bath leaf. Some girls like it, but because of the wrong motives - they are either insecure or they need attention, and sometimes they are driven by the desire to dominate guys. If you're not comfortable with either of these scenarios, make sure you have enough friends, hobbies, and goals in your life.
  • Lovers usually look into each other's eyes for a long time. This can be done when both of you are in a romantic mood. Make eye contact while talking, but periodically look away and redirect your interest to other things. Make sure you don't look long at the person's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever), even with admiration and curiosity. In general, you don't want the person to feel like they're under a microscope.
  • If she already has a partner, don't get involved in their relationship.
  • One of the best ways to find out how you can get a girlfriend is to understand why you don't have one right now! Look inside yourself and think about what you can improve and what you already do well.
  • Whenever you are in an environment where there are many girls, talk to each of them and choose the one you would like to spend more time with. Get into the habit of exchanging contact information with at least one girl every time you are around them. If she's not interested, that's okay, you'll find the one next time. If you went on a few dates and they didn't turn into a relationship, that's okay. The more often you go on dates, the greater your chances of finding a girl.
  • Be polite to every girl, not just the one you like.
  • Don't rush things. It may take a week, a month, or even several months before the girl realizes that you are “the one.”
  • If you are very shy, invite a friend with you - if something happens, he will cheer you up.
  • Learn to read body language. Whether you feel it or not, people always express their attitude towards you through signals. If you learn to read these signals, you can adapt your words and behavior to make her more attractive, or stop wasting time with someone who doesn't like anything you say or do.


  • Don't talk about past relationships. This should under no circumstances be done. You will only create the impression that you cannot let it all go. If a girl asks about your past relationships, simply say that you realized that you weren't right for each other the way you originally thought, so you decided to move on and find someone with whom you will experience great mutual happiness. Keep it short and don't ask about her ex.
  • Be positive. If you're having a bad day, still greet her with a kind look and a big smile. When you hang out with a girl, don't complain about traffic, your boss, or your job. If you just have to complain, do it in moderation, and then say, “I'm glad I'm here with you now!”
  • It is worth emphasizing that you should not go into depth and talk about your unique hobbies and interests if the person does not share them or does not ask a lot of questions. If she only asks a few questions, then she may not be as interested as you are. She's probably trying to be polite, so don't focus on your enthusiasm in the conversation. At the first meeting, it is better to listen to the person and find out what he has to say, rather than talking about himself.
  • Don't use memorized phrases to meet a girl. Girls love sincere guys, not those who memorize phrases from the Internet.
  • Many guys are held back by the fear of being misunderstood. For example, she is carrying a bag, and you are afraid to offer help; it seems to you that this way you will hint at her weakness, and that she will consider you “macho”. Set aside your fears and think about what you are actually doing. You help her because you really want to. What could be wrong with this? If you don't question her capabilities in any way, then she's probably not good enough to think that way about you, is she? Go for it. If your actions come from the heart, then a decent girl will see it.

1. The number of registered users of the site is impressive. It amounts to several million people. Among them are many charming girls and women who also dream of finding a partner for a serious relationship.

2. Convenient advanced search system. With its help, you can meet a girl who matches your ideas about the ideal.

3. The site is highly effective. According to statistics, most LovePlanet participants make new acquaintances. Often they develop into serious relationships. People meet, create families.

How to find a woman for a relationship on LovePlanet?

To find a girl for a serious relationship on “LovePlanet”, you need to register and fill out a form. After this, you will be able to use the advanced candidate search system for dating. Mark the desired parameters in your search query, and profiles of those who meet them will be presented to your attention.

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Every person dreams of finding his soul mate. Many young men are faced with the fact that finding a good girl for a serious relationship is not so easy. On their way they meet a wide variety of ladies, but the choice of a companion must be taken responsibly, since the woman with whom you want to build a relationship must suit the man in all respects. And if she is only used to going to expensive restaurants and hanging out, then it will be very difficult to build a serious relationship with such a girl, have children and grow old together. To find a girl to start a family who will be beautiful, gentle, caring, smart and economical, you must first understand why some young people are unlucky in finding a soul mate.

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    Why is it difficult for guys to find girls to live with?

    It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the young man, from his passivity in serious matters to certain emotional traumas that began to develop into serious complexes.

    There are several main reasons that prevent young people from starting dating good and beautiful ladies:

    • The bar is too high. In this case, the young man begins to court young ladies, whom, by and large, he is unworthy of. If a guy chooses a model-looking girl who is used to an expensive life, then it is not surprising that she will not pay attention to his pathetic advances. If you really want to strive for the ideal, then you need to do serious work on yourself and become a worthy gentleman for such a young lady.
    • Not understanding your mistakes. If a man repeatedly encounters the fact that a girl breaks off relations with him, then he needs to analyze the whole situation and understand what exactly this is connected with.
    • Uncertainty. Many young men behave too modestly towards ladies. You need to remember that girls love confident and serious guys who clearly define what they want. If a young man has been stupidly courting a young lady for several months and does not offer her any specifics, then she will prefer to spend time with someone else.
    • Assertiveness in intimacy. Some men are in too much of a hurry to get a girl into bed. If we are talking about a serious relationship, then it is quite stupid to offer the lady you like to move on to intimacy already on the first date. No self-respecting and worthy woman would agree to this.

    Where to find a good girl?

    A man’s life is often scheduled by the hour and he has no time to “wait by the sea for weather.” Of course, a decent, intelligent and educated woman cannot be found at a disco drinking beer at the bar. Therefore, you should immediately exclude these places from your list. You should look for more serious ladies in the following places:

    Place to search What is the advantage
    MetroIn the metro there are a huge number of pretty girls who are in a hurry to get to work. In this case, you can easily determine the geolocation of your future passion and choose the one who lives at the nearest station. It is best to start searching in the morning, when ladies go to school or work
    CafeBored girls often spend their time in such establishments, drinking juice or tea. It is best to go to a cafe during the hours when classes at institutes are over and the working day has come to an end.
    SupermarketsThere are a huge number of women in shopping malls every day
    Bus/tram/trolleybus stopIn this case, it is also recommended to go out searching in the morning or evening. If a guy sees an interesting girl, he has a great reason to get to know her. Just ask for the transport schedule or find out which bus goes to this or that place
    Gym or swimming poolIf the main priority is the appearance of a young lady, then you should go to these establishments to find your beauty
    BeachIf a guy is interested in a girl's appearance, then he should look at the beach. In this case, he will see all its advantages and disadvantages
    At the exhibitionIf the main priority is the erudition and intelligence of a lady, then you should start visiting book exhibitions, art galleries, museums and other places visited by people with a higher IQ

    Dating on a social network

    Sitting at home and using the Internet, it is very easy to find a huge number of single and unmarried ladies. Information is indicated in women's profiles, so a man does not have to waste time finding out what his potential passion is. The young man has the opportunity to meet the lady in absentia. If you study the information that the young lady indicates in her profile, it becomes clear how suitable she is for a serious relationship.

    In the social network search engine, you need to select the city and age of the potential girl. We must not forget about the marital status of the future passion. It is recommended to choose girls “actively searching”. If a lady has the status “everything is complicated,” then this means that she is still in a relationship, there is no point in wasting time.

    It is not recommended to have affairs with ladies from out of town, since in this case there will be a lot of difficulties with meetings.

    Having specified all the necessary parameters and found the most interesting lady, you need to proceed to communication. You don't have to pick just one girl and attack her with your messages. It’s worth choosing several “contenders” and liking their photos.

    If a girl is interested in meeting him, then she will definitely prove herself by giving him a “thumbs up” on his photo. If a positive answer is received, then you need to boldly start a conversation. You need to communicate on a wide variety of topics. You need to understand what exactly is interesting to your chosen partner. You shouldn’t talk too much about yourself; it’s better to get as much information as possible about the girl herself.

    You can’t delay correspondence on a social network for too long. If the girl is interesting to talk to and looks good, then you need to make a date. You must come to the meeting neat, clean-shaven and preferably with a bouquet of flowers.

    How can you tell if a girl is good?

    There are many situations when a young man finds himself a more or less attractive girl who suits him in most respects. But after a while he begins to wonder how suitable she is for a long and serious relationship.

    Guys are afraid that young ladies are only interested in fleeting romances, and they are of little interest in starting a family. To determine that a lady is serious, you need to pay attention to several important nuances.

    Attitude to intimacy

    If a girl agreed to move on to intimacy already on the first date, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this could happen to her and any other young man. A woman for whom it is not difficult to undress in front of a stranger is too liberated (in the bad sense of the word) person.

    There are situations when a guy met a young lady at a party, they both drank too much, and intimacy happened by itself. You need to understand that such situations do not happen to decent girls, and if something like this happens, it leads them into serious confusion, they blush and begin to ask for forgiveness for their frivolity.

    However, you need to be prepared for the fact that if she slept with a guy while drunk, then there is a high probability that this could happen to another man. A real woman who values ​​herself, respects herself and wants a normal relationship will never turn to bed games on the first date, no matter how many strong drinks she has consumed.


    Dealing with a stupid person is hard work. If during a conversation a guy feels bored and tries to find at least some common topics, then, most likely, this person is not for him. Even if she has the most stunning appearance, her face will become boring very quickly.

    If a lady does not know how to talk to a man on equal terms, then she will be boring to him. The same applies to arrogant young ladies who begin to put themselves much higher than their partner and the rest of the world. In this case, the guy begins to feel like henpecked long before the real relationship begins.

    You need to give preference to those people who are able to carry on a conversation, have a sense of humor and know how to enter into discussions. These women know what they want and they make great life partners.


    If a girl lives like a moth, only one day at a time, and childhood is still playing in her soul, then she is absolutely not ready to build a serious relationship. If a man has a very strong affection for her, then you can wait a little.

    If we are talking about a woman who is already over 30 years old, then you should not expect changes in the character of such an eternal “girl”. Sometimes ladies overcome their teenage capriciousness, but most of them remain naughty children.

    At first, this touches men, especially if they are much older than their chosen ones. Over time, the guy will get bored and want to see next to him an interlocutor who will take life seriously and make plans for the future.

    Is it right to look only for beautiful girls?

    Even if we discard the talk that the soul is much more important than appearance, then you need to understand that male psychology changes over time. The woman who seemed the most beautiful in the world a few years ago now looks like a gray mouse.

    Men very often change their priorities regarding the beauty of representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, being guided solely by external data when choosing a woman for a serious relationship is very stupid. You need to understand that even the last gray mouse can hook a gentleman with a well-aimed word, or show such femininity that no fashion model is capable of.

    Beauties are usually very demanding and not very intelligent. Girls who are used to living luxuriously believe that they should not improve themselves, develop, or be interested in what is happening in the world. Such a lady will spend her whole life visiting shopping centers, beauty salons and spending fabulous amounts of money. In return, the man will receive quite tolerable sex, but nothing more.

    Is it worth making an offer?

    If a young man has found the young lady of his dreams, at least he thinks so, and has already begun to think about a serious relationship, then there are several points that are worth paying attention to before moving on to a marriage proposal:

    • Honesty. If a lady constantly lies even about the most insignificant little things, then in the future it will only irritate you. It is impossible to build a serious relationship with a liar and live with the constant thought that you are being deceived.
    • Loyalty. It is very difficult to predict whether a woman is capable of cheating. You need to pay attention to how she behaves towards other men. If a woman constantly flirts with them, then there is a very small chance that over time she will turn into a faithful and devoted life partner.
    • Listening skills. Some women, especially very beautiful ones, have one big problem - they are ready to talk about themselves day and night and never listen to what their interlocutors are saying. At first this is not annoying, but over time the man will get tired of the fact that the lady is absolutely not interested in what he tells her.
    • Interest. If there is nothing to talk about with a woman, then such relationships will become boring, lethargic and monotonous.

    It should be said right away that this issue is very controversial. Regardless of a woman’s experience, her situation and how relationships were built in her family, she can always overcome her complexes and become a completely different person. However, some experts recommend staying away from the following ladies:

    • From single-parent families. It is believed that these young ladies do not know how a normal family life should develop.
    • From families where matriarchy reigns. If in a girl’s family the mother completely controls the father, who is under her steel heel, then the daughter will also promote this model of behavior.
    • With kids. There is always a risk that the lady will resume her relationship with her ex-husband.
    • Callers. Bitches and “crazy empresses” are not created for love and building serious relationships. They like to manipulate and use men.
    • Conflict. If a young lady constantly swears and sorts things out with colleagues, relatives and friends, then she will behave the same way with her husband.
    • Sloppy. Such a lady will have to be retrained for a long time in order to instill in her at least a little housekeeping.

    It is worth paying attention to the profession of a potential sweetheart. If a lady works as a singer, model, dancer, waitress, realtor, etc., then this leaves a strong imprint on her character. She knows how to “sell” a product, so in domestic quarrels she will always be the winner. If she dances or sings, she will constantly be absent from home in the evening hours or hang out in the company of drunk men.

    It’s best if a girl doesn’t have to constantly go on business trips or expose herself to other men. It is worth marrying a kindergarten teacher, a cook, a seamstress, a freelancer (the girl works from home), etc.

    To quickly find a girl to build a strong, loving family, you should adhere to the following tips:

    • Don't be afraid to meet people. If ten ladies in a row refuse to give out their phone number, don’t give up. We need to continue looking for new acquaintances. If the first person did not like the man, this does not mean that the second one will “send” him.
    • Learn to enjoy the conversation. When talking to a representative of the opposite sex, you should not look as if tomorrow the guy will have surgery to remove the frontal lobe. You need to smile and be relaxed.
    • Don't be afraid of beauties. No matter how funny it sounds, very often it is the beauties who suffer from the absence of a gentleman. Men are sure that the beautiful lady is already taken, so they don’t even try to approach her.
    • Sure. Even if a guy falls into a puddle on a date, you need to be able to laugh at yourself and act as if nothing had happened.

    It’s worth thinking about what kind of men ladies consider ideal, and becoming one of them. To do this, it is recommended to study women's forums, where ladies often share their deepest dreams.

    It is recommended to quit smoking, drinking and other bad habits. A serious girl would never want to date an alcoholic who only knows how to swear and drink beer with friends. However, if these are the main activities in life, then you should look for a lady who will share such hobbies.

    How to find a girlfriend for an ugly guy?

    If a guy considers himself scary, then you need to understand that this is not a death sentence. Women are very different from men when it comes to their preferences when choosing a partner to build a family. Only a guy will look at the size of a girl’s breasts, how long her legs are and whether there are freckles or pimples on her face. For a woman, personal qualities are much more important.

    You need to be courteous, gallant, honest, confident (but not too confident), caring, gentle and loyal. If these qualities are complemented by humor and charm, then no one will look at the man’s appearance.

    If an ugly guy wants to build a relationship with a beautiful girl, but he is unsure of himself, it is worth “practicing” on ladies of ordinary appearance. If a guy sees that a girl is reaching out to him and reciprocates his feelings, then self-confidence will begin to grow inside.

    But you shouldn’t offend girls, regardless of whether they are beautiful or not. Perhaps the unattractive lady also suffers from complexes.

    Many girls complain that men are unable to understand their subtle mental organization. If a guy is not distinguished by outstanding external data, he must learn to understand the female soul. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the inferiority complex and try to try on the “skin” of another person. You need to understand what ladies are afraid of, what they dream about.

    Among unattractive guys there are a huge number of womanizers who have affairs with beauties. Inner confidence helps them in this. Women sense a man's energy very well. If he has a complex and hides deep in his soul under the pillow, then the lady will see it. Therefore, it is important to be positive and love yourself.

You can meet the fair sex anywhere, but you yourself understand that good girls don’t lie around on the street. How and where to find a good girl?

Many men find it difficult to answer where is the best place to pick up girls. On the street, in a club, in public transport, in a fitness club or cafe. As practice shows, girls are willing to meet anyone anywhere, but the percentage of successful acquaintances varies everywhere.

Night club and girls

Chance of success: 10%

Dating instructions: Picking up in nightclubs requires a little aggressiveness and brings girls into your life more easily. But easier does not mean better. Let's be honest, 90% of women in clubs are not suitable for the role of a permanent significant other. Regulars or frequent visitors get too accustomed to the atmosphere of club life. Anyone who has looked into a nightclub understands what we are talking about. These girls do not have a “heavy” character and all acquaintance with them follows a well-trodden path. Too boring and banal. I wouldn’t like to use the TP cliche, but that’s how it is. A couple of cocktails, a disco and you take her home to your crib. If the girl is not in a hurry, then you take the phone number, then two or three dates and the long-awaited sex. It's a matter of technology.

Results: Everything is predetermined and somehow sad. You don't want to sing serenades under her window, pick daisies, write poetry and go crazy. You have never met the one who excites the blood. Good girls rarely go to clubs.

Meeting people on the street, in a store, on public transport

Chance of success: 15%

Dating instructions: Dating on the street requires quickness and the ability to instantly navigate. Often, girls are in a hurry to run errands and are not particularly inclined to respond to the advances of men. Meeting people in stores, according to experts from the University of Southern Brittany, is also not very fruitful. This is also confirmed by practice. Girls react too sluggishly to men in such places.

Results: Most likely she was in too much of a hurry or ran away from the annoying pick-up artist. You already drove three extra stops on the subway. (cm. Meeting a girl on public transport)

Dating in public places

Chances of success: 30%

Results: You can do it. It was not for nothing that she came to this cozy cafe with her friend. If she's lucky, she knows who Kusturica is, reads books and is smart.

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