Shoemaker's Day is celebrated around the world. International Shoemaker's Day. Traditions of celebrating International Shoemaker's Day

November 26

November 26 marks International Shoemaker's Day - a professional holiday of craftsmen and artisans involved in the design, manufacture and sewing of shoes, as well as workers involved in this production and shoe repair specialists.

Making shoes and mending them is a very ancient craft, and initially the work of a shoemaker was exclusively manual labor, and very difficult at that. After all, shoemakers, or shoemakers, had to sew all types of shoes by hand - from slippers to boots. Therefore, it is not surprising that their profession was considered one of the most in demand. And skilled shoemakers, whose shoes were considered practically works of art, were generally worth their weight in gold.

Over the years, many crafts have gone through the process of mechanization and “becoming” on an industrial footing, including this industry. Today, the business associated with the art of making shoes for various purposes, types, categories and accessories for general use is called the shoe industry, which is aimed at meeting the needs of broad sections of the population. Shoe manufacturing companies produce a huge variety of footwear products from a variety of materials - leather, wood, rubber, plastic, jute, fabric and others.

But the manufacture of shoes by hand by craftsmen is gradually disappearing these days, giving way to large companies. Only a few well-known brands with a history of hundreds of years can afford such luxury as handicraft production.

But any shoe, even one made in industrial production, can tell a lot about its “owner.” After all, its appearance (style, material, finish, color, brand, condition) has long become the object of close attention of many people when choosing a wardrobe. For example, someone is ready to endure any inconvenience when walking for the sake of pathos, chasing fashionable new shoe products, someone doesn’t even look at labels, for them the main selection criterion is comfort, and someone will never give up the eternal classics...

And yet, there are people behind the machines and operating lines in shoe production, and even earlier, designers create sketches of new models. But there is another “specialization” of this profession, without which we cannot do without in modern life. The heel has fallen off, the heel has broken, the sole has worn out or fallen off, the strap has come off, the lock on the boot has broken... - and now we are rushing to the shoemaker for help. And, by the way, over the entire centuries-old history of this profession, the work of a specialist who repairs shoes has changed little (only if the tools have become more advanced) - the main role in this matter is still played not by technology, but by the skill of the performer.

And although the word “shoemaker” is rarely found in our speech today, more often – “shoemaker” or “shoe repairman”, the essence has not changed - this master not only repairs our shoes (one of the most important items in our wardrobe), but literally gives her second, or even third, life. That is why the work of shoemakers remains honorable and in demand at all times. In addition, there are many sayings about this profession: “A shoemaker without boots,” “A shoemaker always has thin shoes,” “What kind of a shoemaker would he be if he made all his boots on one last,” “It’s a disaster if a shoemaker starts baking pies.” , and the boots are made by the pirozhnik” and others.

International Shoemaker's Day is celebrated on November 26, 2018. This is a professional holiday of craftsmen and artisans involved in the design, manufacture and sewing of shoes, as well as workers involved in this production and shoe repair specialists.

The craft of a shoemaker or, as it was previously called, a shoemaker, is an old and difficult business. For several centuries in a row, the work of shoemakers was exclusively manual work, which brought a good stable income, but also required a lot of time and effort in return. The profession of a shoemaker was one of the most in demand. Good shoemakers were highly valued.

Modern shoe production has moved far beyond handmade work. Factories daily produce millions of pairs of shoes made from various materials - rubber, leather, wood, etc. There are very few craftsmen left who sew shoes by hand. Large companies simply swallowed up single professionals.

Before hitting store shelves, shoes still go a long way from a designer sketch to a finished pair on the assembly line. Behind every process of making a boot or shoe there is human labor, despite modern mechanization of production.

There is another branch of the profession of shoemakers or cobblers - shoe repair. This specialization is not much different from shoe repair, which was carried out several centuries ago. Except that professional tools have become more advanced and convenient for the master.

Traditions of celebrating International Shoemaker's Day

Most often, workers in the shoe industry celebrate their professional holiday at their workplaces. And yet, on this day, many manufacturing companies congratulate their employees on their professional holidays in the form of bonuses and shortened working hours.

Television and radio stations do not stand aside, preparing congratulatory words to workers in the shoe industry. Viewers and listeners are also presented with useful information regarding the quality of shoes and care at different times of the year. Experts introduce people to new products in the world of shoe fashion.

It wouldn’t hurt to go into a shoe workshop on this day and say a few warm words to the craftsmen who know how to give new life to your favorite boots or shoes.

In recent years, for this Day in some countries, the media have been preparing materials on the topic of shoe fashion, how to choose the right shoes and how to care for them. A number of shoe companies and brands conduct various educational and promotional campaigns.

Intensive information about shoes

The Bata Shoe Museum, located in the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario, the city of Toronto, is the largest shoe museum in the world and the only shoe museum in North America.

Because children expend enormous amounts of energy trying to stand or walk, their feet can become very hot. This often causes children's feet to produce twice as much sweat as adult feet.

In Japan, it is not customary to enter a house wearing “street” shoes. The etiquette rules of the Land of the Rising Sun state that such shoes or boots should be left on the doorstep, and slippers should be worn in the home. In the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe, heels were always painted red.

During the reign of King William II of England (11th century), it was customary to wear shoes with pointed toes, curled like ram's horns. According to the Code of Jewish Law, also known as the Shulchan Aruch, the right half pair of shoes is always put on first, and the left one is removed. The same rule is followed in Islamic states.

November 26 International Shoemaker Day is coming in Russia - a special day for all shoe sewing and shoe repair specialists.

Since ancient times, shoes have been made exclusively by hand. It was not easy work and the masters who knew this art enjoyed well-deserved respect among the people. This profession was in great demand and paid extremely well. The most skilled shoemakers made shoes for noble people, when just one pair of shoes could cost a colossal amount of money.

Now knowing when the holiday is Shoemaker's Day in Russia and its date, you can congratulate your acquaintances and friends who are somehow connected with the shoe business.

What date is International Shoemaker's Day in 2016?

All over the world this holiday is celebrated on November 26th. In Russia it is not marked in red on the calendar, but this is not at all a reason to ignore the opportunity to thank the workers with a kind word for the shoes that we now wear.

Alas, in modern society, tailoring shoes to order has practically disappeared. It has become unprofitable to work with one client when you can release a whole batch of goods at a time. And although real master shoemakers are practically no longer found, shoe repair is still carried out individually, with the help of a thread and a needle in tired hands.

The world continues to remember the art of the masters. In Italy there is an entire museum dedicated to the “shoemaker of the stars.” We are talking about Salvatore Ferragamo, a man whose shoes were worn by Hollywood stars, including Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren. He also patented various shoe parts necessary for its correct design.

Shoe making today

Having found out when shoemaker's day is in the Russian Federation, it would not be amiss to evaluate how the shoe business has changed over the centuries of its existence.

In the 18th centuries, shoemakers were known as rude people, and various unflattering sayings were even invented about them. It’s not surprising, because the manual labor of sewing shoes is not for the weak in spirit and body.

But now the holiday is Shoemaker's Day and its date is on everyone's lips. All thanks to the work of masters of past centuries.

In modern society, hand-tailoring has disappeared and has been replaced by mass production of shoes. It has become cheaper, more varied and has something for almost every foot. But quality suffered, because aesthetics and individuality came to the fore, rather than reliability and durability.

International Shoemaker's Day is celebrated on November 26th. I have searched all over the Internet, but have not found a reason why this particular day is dedicated to the workers of the hammer, needle and dredge. Nearby is the day of St. George, who, as you know, was a warrior. Maybe thanks to him this day appeared? As you know, warriors certainly could not do without shoes.

In any case, long live International Shoemaker's Day! Their work, without a doubt, is worthy of mention on a global scale.

After all, no matter what the simpletons say, walking barefoot is uncomfortable and often cold. Therefore, shoes, like clothes, are a long-standing attribute of a person. But making shoes is not at all easy. Shoe making is an ancient profession. And the repair, by the way, too. Because repairs extend the life of shoes by half, and sometimes even three times.

Shoemakers and shoe manufacturers were always in demand. And good shoemakers, masters of their craft, were truly “golden” specialists. At the same time, assessing the skill of a shoemaker was very simple. Put on your shoes or shoes, walk a few steps in them and you will immediately understand who he is, this master. Either the one who can make another flying sandals for the god Mercury, or the one whose boots are fighting for the title of “Spanish”.

By the way, about Spain. She is known, among other things, for her wonderful shoes. Wonderful, although not cheap, shoes are made in the area of ​​the town of Ronda. But still, the champions in making beautiful, comfortable and cheap shoes are Italy and Türkiye. Note for travelers and shopping lovers.

Up until the 18th century, the work of a shoemaker was entirely manual and was not easy. Probably, since then, the epic image of a shoemaker has arisen, a strong man, a rude man and always drunk. “Cursing like a cobbler”, “drunk like a cobbler”, and even better, “drunk as hell” are stable figures of speech and, it seems, not only in the Russian language. Yes, and another enduring image from the past - a shoemaker without boots.

Beginning in the 18th century, shoemaking developed into the shoe industry. As a result of this, shoes became plentiful, shoes became cheap and at the same time became very diverse. Literally for all tastes and for all feet.

Therefore, the requirements for shoes themselves have changed. Reliability and durability have faded into the background, although they are still valued. But the main requirement of a modern person for shoes is beauty and unusualness. Of course, not at the expense of convenience. Shoes are increasingly becoming a characteristic of their owner, the person who wears these shoes. Accordingly, the role of designers in shoe production has increased. They come up with new styles and new types of shoes, introduce previously unknown, unusual materials into shoe production.

But for those who repair shoes, manual labor remains in full force. But here too there are masters of their craft. They nail down the flying heel, glue on a new sole, replace the broken zipper, and a small miracle happens. The shoes that come out of the hands of the “cold shoemaker” are simply a sight to behold, as if they were brand new. And if you take into account that your foot is already so called “accustomed” to it, you will be happy to wear these shoes for another season.

By the way, who knows where this phrase “cold shoemaker” came from?

Before the revolution, “Cold shoemakers” were called shoemakers who worked right on the street, “in the cold.” It’s uncomfortable, of course, but there are no expenses for renting a room or a tent. The “cold shoemakers” had few tools, and they were engaged in shoe repair.

What do all-knowing statistics tell us on International Shoemaker Day? And she tells us sad news (at least for the heroes of the occasion). Shoe industry workers are the lowest paid in Russia. And their workload is decreasing. So they have something to wish for their international holiday.

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