Conclusion in the act of examining the living conditions of the family. Living conditions inspection report

Certificate of inspection of housing and living conditions

G. _______________

A commission consisting of: ________________________________________ checked the living conditions of citizen _________________________________.


working in __________________________________ in the position of __________________________, living in house No. _________________________________ apartment No. _____ on the street __________________________________________ in the living area __________________________.

The house belongs to _________________________________.

The survey established:

The living area where _________________________________ lives consists of rooms _____ sq. m. m, size of each room: _____ sq. m, _____ sq. m on the _____ floor in a _____ storey building.

Quality of the house (brick, panel, wooden, etc. in normal condition, dilapidated, emergency rooms, dry, bright, walk-through, number of windows, etc.) __________.

Improvement of the house and this living space (water supply, sewerage, what kind of heating, gas, bath, elevator, telephone, etc.) ____________________.

An act of inspection of living conditions in the presence of minor children in the family who attend any educational institutions.

Date of examination: _____________________

FULL NAME. position of the specialists who conducted the survey:


An examination of the living conditions of the minor was carried out:

Full name, date of birth, student of class ____ MB(A)OU " Secondary school No. ___ "

1. Information about parents (guardians)

Mother: Full name date of birth, place of work

Father: Full name date of birth, place of work

2. Information about minors

2.1 Health status: the children’s physical development corresponds to their age, no external signs of the disease have been identified (detected). There are no (present) signs of physical or mental abuse of children.

2.2 Appearance: children are clean, well-groomed, have the necessary clothes and shoes for home, visiting an educational institution, and walking. All items are in good condition, appropriate for the age of the children, and outerwear is available according to the season and time of year.

2.3 Social adaptation: during the visit, the children (child) are calm, friendly, interested (indifferent) to the visit of a stranger. During the conversation they make contact (they are shy), the answers to questions are complete (monosyllabic). Relations with family members are good, friendly (tense, conflicting). The nature of the relationship is built on trust or on grievances and isolation. Whether I help or not with household chores, my attitude towards parents’ instructions is responsible, they show initiative (the performance of duties is formal, without initiative).

2.4 Upbringing and education: academic performance is good (if low, what is explained by: pedagogical neglect, lack of conditions, lack of development of cognitive processes or other disorders). What difficulties are there, what is being done to correct and correct them. Attitude to the difficulties of other family members.

3. Housing and living conditions:

3.1 The family lives in ____ apartment with an improved layout ( Khrushchevka, "hotel" "), privatized or not, total area ____ sq.m

3.2 The house in which minors live is in good condition, the entrance is clean, renovated (the repairs were carried out a long time ago, the entrance is not cleaned).

3.3 The apartment is clean, comfortable, there are no unpleasant odors (dirty, not cleaned, smoky, the smell of alcohol, acetone, etc.) The children have a separate room, a place for study and relaxation, school writing supplies (upholstered furniture, a corner schoolchildren, renovations in the apartment and in the children's room, wardrobe for storing clothes).

4. Approximate family income, whether financial assistance is required, and in what form.


1. Housing and living conditions are satisfactory (unsatisfactory)

2. who cares for and supervises the children, and fulfills parental responsibilities in full (partially, parental responsibilities are not fulfilled)

3. Disadvantages of family education and training were noted (conflicts in the family between parents, conflicts with the child, parenting styles, control over the completion of homework, parents’ awareness of the child’s success at school, the child’s extracurricular activities, family holidays, traditions).

1. Provide child care

2. Cleaning the apartment, child’s room

3. Help in preparing homework

Gennady Tikhonov

Articles written

To protect the interests of a minor child, legislation provides the opportunity to study the premises in which he lives. Based on the results of the inspection, a living conditions inspection report is drawn up. There are many situations when such a document is required. Let's look at examples of writing documents based on the results of a home inspection, and what they should contain.

Why is it necessary to conduct a survey of a family’s living conditions?

A certificate based on the results of a residential housing inspection is drawn up in order to document how the family and child live and, based on the inspection data, draw certain conclusions. The act is drawn up in the following cases:

  • when exploring the possibility of adopting a child;
  • if a case of termination of parental rights is being considered;
  • in the case of a claim for the designation of a place where a child under 18 years of age should live;
  • if a teenager is registered at a police station, he has committed a crime;
  • when studying the possibility of returning reformed parents to their rights in relation to the child.

The commission examines the condition of the home and prepares the report. Its composition depends on the purposes for which an act of determining the condition of housing, living conditions, and comfort is required. The district police officer, teachers of a minor child, employees of the guardianship institution, BTI, housing department can take part in the commission and the signing of the act.

Where is it provided?

The inspection report of reinforced concrete structures is presented upon request to various authorities:

  1. Social Security Bodies. This is necessary so that it is recognized that the family needs to change its living conditions for the better.
  2. Housing inspection. An inspection report is submitted to this institution for the purpose of obtaining a subsidy.
  3. School, Children's Commissioner. If a teenager’s behavior is unsatisfactory, the conditions in which he lives and relationships in the family are checked.
  4. Child protection. Many issues regarding the fate of the child are resolved with the participation of this institution. To resolve the issue of adoption, deprivation of parental rights or their restoration, an act of inspection of housing and communal services is required.

If a family expects to become a participant in a housing improvement program, they will also need an act drawn up based on the results of a survey of residential buildings.

What time is the inspection of concrete buildings carried out?

A commission to study the situation in which the family lives may come at a time previously agreed upon by the parties or without warning. The second option is practiced when it is necessary to determine in what conditions a minor lives, a typical everyday environment. Without a preliminary agreement to draw up a ZhBU act, the commission comes when there are signals about the antisocial lifestyle of parents or a teenager.

A planned visit is possible when the family expects to receive a subsidy or improve their living conditions. The government has developed state programs to improve housing. To become a participant in a federal or municipal program, a family will need a housing construction inspection report.

There is no specially approved form for writing a report based on the results of studying living conditions. The act is written in free form, the content of the main part is determined by the purpose of its preparation. The document contains the following information:

  1. The name of the document is “Act”, the date and name of the locality where it was drawn up.
  2. The date when the residential premises were examined is indicated. It may differ from the date of the inspection. The report is drawn up no later than 3 days after the inspection.
  3. List of commission members: full name, position, organization of which they are representatives.
  4. The purpose of conducting a reinforced concrete inspection and writing a report is indicated.
  5. The object of inspection and its characteristics are recorded: the appearance of the house, apartment, residential premises, amenities.
  6. The inspection report contains an indication of the owner of the property and a list of all registered residents. In some cases, references to the residents’ place of work and family members’ income are required. The act must describe the characteristic behavior of family members and their appearance.
  7. The document notes whether there are pets in the premises and whether hygiene standards are met.

The certificate of inspection of residential buildings makes a conclusion about the compliance of housing and sanitary conditions with established standards. Members of the commission must sign the document. At the same time, persons whose housing was inspected have the right to read it.

If the child is underage

Today one mother of many children from the Omsk region wrote to me:

“Today they came to us again to check. They didn’t even knock, they came in with the question why my daughter was not at school for 2 days, but she got sick and we didn’t warn, another question: why do the children borrow food at school? I explained that not yet We went through and saw that everything was in order, they were wearing shoe covers, everything was as it should be,...they didn’t write anything and I didn’t sign..On Monday the firemen will arrive and they will check the conditions of the stove, they say it’s all right. “Everyone with many children will be checked... I thought they had already forgotten about us and would leave us alone, but no, they’ve arrived.”

It turns out that every day our personal-private-family life more and more, against our will, falls under the magnifying glass of the attention of government agencies.

And most of all they are interested in our children. We are assured that control is being increased solely to protect their rights and best interests.

In general, it turned out as if the parents, unexpectedly for themselves, had now become unwitting participants in some creepy game in the dark, where their children were at stake. And only those who set them themselves know the rules of this game. They did not bother to inform parents either about the existence of the new rules or about their content.

The problem of interference in the private life of a family through inspections of the home where a family with children lives is becoming increasingly urgent. Every day the number of reasons for unauthorized persons to enter our apartments is growing. Teachers are required to give reports on the social status of their students, the police are forced to visit families after they call an ambulance for a child, guardianship authorities conduct “preventive” examinations of large families that have been equated against their will as disadvantaged, and so on. Just recently this was not the case. And this is our new unpleasant reality.

We parents are never told that it is in our apartments and houses that these uninvited visitors and other invaders check. From experience I can say that they check this:

odors in the apartment/house - musty, damp, rotting
appearance of all household members
state of repair
degree of cleanliness and order
domestic insects - flies, cockroaches, bedbugs
availability of separate beds for all children
availability of bed linen, including in closets
degree of freshness of bed linen
Availability of clothes and shoes according to season and size
Availability of food supplies in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets
availability of baby food if children are young
availability of cooked hot dishes, soup
availability of play and/or study space
availability of toys, books, educational games, stationery
availability of diapers and bath hygiene products
children's access to dangerous objects and dangerous places
heating condition, if stove
wiring condition
availability of water supply/sewerage
serviceability and cleanliness of plumbing/refrigerator
family composition
family income
living together with a sick/drinking/old person
children's contact
state of health of children at the time of examination
conflict in the family
presence of alcohol bottles or cans
presence of pets

This is from life experience.

And here is a small document from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which talks about what exactly we must check according to the law.

The document is called the Order conducting a survey of the living conditions of minors and their families
(approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2009 N 334). I made his points not in order, but according to the degree of practical value for each of us.

Of course, this is not exciting reading, everything is quite boring, but don’t blame me, tediousness and dryness of language are an ordinary property of normative acts.

You can see the entire procedure

6. During the examination, the following is revealed:

6.1 Level of provision of the child’s basic needs.

6.1.1. Health status: general visual assessment of the level of physical development and its correspondence to the child’s age, the presence of diseases, special needs for medical care, drug provision; presence of signs of physical and (or) mental abuse of the child.

6.1.2. Appearance: compliance with the child’s personal hygiene standards, availability, quality and condition of clothing and shoes, their compliance with the season, as well as the age and gender of the child, and so on.

6.1.3. Social adaptation: the presence of communication skills with others, self-care skills in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, the adequacy of the child’s behavior in different environments, and so on.

6.1.4. Upbringing and education: form of mastering educational programs, visiting educational institutions, including institutions of additional education for children; successes and problems in mastering educational programs in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development; the child’s daily routine (sleep, nutrition, their correspondence to age and individual characteristics), organization of the child’s free time and rest; the presence of a developmental and learning environment;

6.1.5. Ensuring safety: lack of access to dangerous household items, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., risk of harm to the child both at home and outside the home.

6.1.6. Satisfying the child's emotional needs.

6.2. Family environment of the child.

6.2.1. Family composition, who actually cares for and supervises the child; the presence and place of residence of close relatives of the child, the degree of participation of parents and other persons living together, relatives in the upbringing and maintenance of the child; the degree of attachment and relationship of the child with parents and family members.

6.2.2. The relationships between family members, their nature; features of communication with children, children among themselves; family values, traditions, family history, family lifestyle, distribution of roles in the family, parents’ social circle; social connections of the child and his family with neighbors, acquaintances, contacts of the child with peers, teachers, educators.

6.3. Housing, living and property conditions.

6.3.1. Living conditions in which the child lives: the presence and ownership of living quarters, its total and living area, number of rooms, landscaping and sanitary and hygienic condition; the child has a separate equipped place (room, corner) for sleeping, games, activities, and so on.

6.3.2. Family income structure: main sources of income (income of parents and other family members, alimony, pensions, benefits, other social benefits); average monthly and per capita family income; information about the property and property rights of the child; sufficiency of family income to meet the child’s basic needs (food, clothing and shoes, medical care, toys and games, printed and audiovisual products, school writing and stationery, and so on).

6.4. The presence of circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of the child, his physical and moral development, or violate his rights and interests protected by law; facts of neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of a child, physical or mental violence against a child, an attempt on his sexual integrity.

7. During the survey, such forms of obtaining information are used as a conversation with the child, his parents and other family members, a survey of persons who have data on the relationship between the parents and the child, their behavior in everyday life, observation, study of documents, educational and creative works of the child and other.

During the survey, the confidentiality of citizens' personal data is ensured.

8. Based on the results of the survey, an inspection report on the living conditions of a minor citizen and his family (hereinafter referred to as the inspection report) is drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated "____"_________ 2009 No. ______, containing:

An assessment of the circumstances identified during the survey, specified in paragraph 6 of this Procedure;

Conclusions about the presence of conditions that pose a threat to the life or health of the child or impede his normal upbringing and development;

Conclusions about the presence of circumstances indicating a lack of parental care over the child;

You need to know and remember that you must receive this act in your hands. And you also need to know that this inspection report can be challenged in court. And this can only be done by receiving it in your hands and reading what the gentlemen visitors wrote there:

9. The survey report is drawn up within 3 days from the date of the survey, signed by the authorized specialist of the guardianship and trusteeship body or organization who conducted the survey, and approved by the head of the guardianship and trusteeship body or organization.

The inspection report carried out by the organization is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is sent to the relevant guardianship and trusteeship authority within 1 day following the day of its approval, the second is stored in the organization.

A copy of the examination report, certified by the head of the guardianship and trusteeship body or the organization that conducted the examination, is sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within 3 days from the date of approval of the examination report if there is information about the place of residence or place of stay of the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

The examination report may be challenged by the parents (legal representatives) of the child in court.

10. If, based on the results of the examination, circumstances are revealed indicating the absence of parental care of the child, the organization is obliged, within 1 day following the day of the examination, to report this to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of the child’s actual location.

This explains why the examination can be carried out:

2. The examination is carried out in order to identify circumstances indicating the lack of parental care over a minor citizen (hereinafter referred to as the child, children) in cases of death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights, restrictions on their parental rights, recognition of parents as incompetent, illness of parents, prolonged absence of parents , evasion of parents from raising children or from protecting their rights and interests, including the refusal of parents to take their children from educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations, when the actions or inaction of parents create conditions that pose a threat life or health of children or impeding their normal upbringing and development, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care.

Who has the authority to conduct such inspections:

3. The examination is carried out by the guardianship and trusteeship body or by an educational organization, a medical organization, an organization providing social services, or another organization, including an organization for orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the organization), which, in accordance with the established procedure, the authority of the guardianship and trusteeship body to identify minor citizens in need of establishing guardianship or trusteeship over them has been transferred, including an examination of the living conditions of such minor citizens and their families.

Here is the additional beauty of the document - about the benefits of denunciation:

4. The basis for conducting the survey are oral and written requests from legal entities and individuals received by the guardianship and trusteeship authority or organization at the actual location of the children, containing information about the children specified in paragraph 2 of this Procedure (hereinafter referred to as information).

Well, who is this mysterious “authorized specialist”, how many years of school he completed, whether he himself has a family, children, we, of course, will never know. We only learn that he has only three days after the denunciation:

5. The examination is carried out by an authorized specialist (specialists) of the guardianship and trusteeship body or organization within three days from the date of receipt of the information.

And in such a situation, we have no other choice but to improve our legal literacy. And although occasionally there are dysfunctional families, and all sorts of them in general, the issue now is primarily about ensuring that ordinary people are not affected by possible excesses and that a simple disregard for the laws by government officials does not become the cause of someone’s misfortune.

PS The guardianship authorities are not used to handing over the inspection report. The law is not always written to them, as we know.

Here is the approximate text of the application, which can be submitted to the office of the local administration, social security agency, or others, having prepared it in two copies and be sure to receive an incoming registration number for one of them. It is also advisable to write down the date of filing the application in memory so that you can request a response on time. Giving answers, including in writing, is also not always held in high esteem by officials:

Head of Administration or
OSZN or Education Committee
(depending on who has custody under you)
from full name
Child's full name. Date of Birth
Contact phone number



According to paragraph 9 of the “Procedure for conducting a survey of the living conditions of minors and their families,” approved by Order No. 334 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2009:

“A copy of the inspection report on the living conditions of minors and their families, certified by the head of the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the organization that conducted the survey, is sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within 3 days from the date of approval of the inspection report if information about the place of residence or place of stay of the parents is available child."

Therefore I ask:

- provide me with copies of all inspection reports conducted by representatives of prevention subjects in my home at the address:...

Please send these copies, duly certified, to the following postal address:

Here is your address

Full name
City or town

One of the tasks of the state is to monitor and control the conditions in which minors live. In order to ensure safety and acceptable conditions for the normal life, growth and development of a child, authorized officials have the right to inspect the house or apartment where the child lives with his parents/guardians to ensure that the conditions comply with existing standards. Based on the results of the visit, the social service employee must draw up an inspection report on the family’s living conditions in the apartment. Under normal circumstances, a visit by a teacher under whose supervision the student is, a social worker or a representative of guardianship authorities, law enforcement agencies or other categories is carried out with the consent and prior agreement with the parents. However, in some cases this has to be done without the consent and even against the wishes of adults.

Grounds for checking the living conditions of a child

Under normal conditions for keeping children, social service employees have no reason to check how the child lives in the family. If parents/guardians are socially adapted, work and are able to financially provide for the child’s needs, there is no need to do a check if the psychological and financial situation in the family is stable. Most often, grounds for examining a family’s living conditions arise when there is an obvious or indirect factor of violations of the rights of the child. The basis for the inspection is complaints from neighbors, teachers or educators that the family’s apartment may be in poor condition for raising children. The check is required if:

  • there is a suspicion that the child is being abused (physical, sexual or psychological violence is being committed);
  • they do not provide him with the living conditions necessary for life and development, including high-quality and nutritious food, living space, toys, textbooks, etc.;
  • the minor has committed an administrative or criminal offense, uses intoxicating substances, behaves antisocially, etc.

Socially disadvantaged families are becoming a priority target of attention from government services and school staff responsible for respecting student rights. If it is known that the parents of a minor are alcoholics or drug addicts, immoral or antisocial personalities, mentally ill or unbalanced people, then the regulatory authorities have to carefully monitor the maintenance of the children and, if necessary, send an application for deprivation of parental rights.

What should be contained in the document

The housing inspection report must be filled out, including the following information:

Socially disadvantaged families are not the only case when reports are drawn up to check the student’s living conditions. During the adoption procedure, social workers must also inspect the child’s future place of residence to ensure that the future adoptive parents are able to provide normal conditions for the child’s life. In this case, the inspection report of the residential premises must be present in the package of documents required in court to legitimize adoptive parenthood. Otherwise, when depriving people of parental rights in relation to a child, a certificate of verification of living conditions, drawn up by an authorized social service employee, is required. To fill out a residential premises inspection report, a sample is provided at the inspector’s place of work (at school, social service, police). You can also download it here.

What do they pay attention to?

When drawing up an inspection report for a residential building where a child is kept, social workers or teachers pay special attention to:

  • the sanitary and hygienic condition of the apartment and the child’s room (under normal circumstances, an apartment or privatized private house, an apartment where there are children must be kept clean, heated, there should be no access to pet feces, chemicals and other potential - substances dangerous to the life and health of a child);
  • the availability of necessary food products and/or medicines necessary to maintain the health of the child as prescribed by the doctor;
  • the social, moral and external appearance of the parents (they must be provided with work, not use drugs and alcohol, and be mentally stable);
  • the external appearance of the child (the living conditions report must indicate that the child is well-groomed, in clean clothes, not hungry, and there should be no signs of violence on his body).

Failure to comply with at least one of these requirements is a reason for the employee checking the compliance of the minor’s living conditions with the established standards to contact the guardianship authorities and register the family.

Illegal actions with residential properties

In addition to supporting the child, employees of authorized services have the right to inspect the housing where the family lives if it moves to a new place of residence. Often there is a deliberate deterioration of housing conditions when owners, in order to register apartments for the issuance of municipal housing, commit fraud with their own real estate. Example: a person already living in his own apartment intends to receive an apartment from the state on the basis of a lack of square footage for all family members (depending on the region, the minimum square footage is 18 square meters per person). To do this, he exchanges his own two-room apartment for a one-room apartment, as a result of which the new housing does not meet the established standards. If the deliberate exchange of living space is revealed, then the applicant’s actions are regarded as a deliberate deterioration of living conditions. On this basis, a citizen who worsens his own living conditions may be refused entry into the queue to improve his living conditions for five years.

At the same time, the deliberate deterioration of living conditions is not regarded as illegal actions when moving children, spouses, or parents into the specified living space. However, such actions as divorce with the allocation of shares of the apartment, as well as non-compliance with the requirements of the social tenancy agreement, exchange and change in the procedure for using the premises are regarded as a deliberate deterioration of housing conditions. It does not matter what category the applicant belongs to: they can be beneficiaries, recipients of social benefits, military personnel, government employees. The deterioration of the living conditions of military personnel, in accordance with the actions described above, deprives the right to register as a person in need of improved housing conditions. In other circumstances, if the applicant for municipal housing did not own his own home, in most cases an act of checking the applicant’s living conditions is not required.

Living conditions inspection report- a document that is drawn up by several persons and confirms the fact of checking living conditions. There are some organizations and official reasons for checking the state of living conditions. An act of checking living conditions is necessary for the guardianship and guardianship service, or it is drawn up at the request of a citizen who needs to improve living conditions. This document certifies the level of satisfaction of living conditions.

It is the official reason for the actions of the relevant organizations or services in the future.

The act is signed by authorized persons and interested parties or their representatives.

The act describes the improvement of the apartment or house, including the presence of sewerage and water supply, the presence of a bathroom, telephone, elevator, hot water, and type of heating. In conclusion, the commission decides on the need (or lack thereof) to improve living conditions.

When is a living conditions inspection report drawn up?

A housing inspection report can be drawn up in several cases.

If employees of educational or medical organizations or law enforcement agencies have reason to believe that the conditions of the child’s detention do not meet established requirements (hygiene and sanitation rules are violated, parents do not fulfill their duties, the child is subjected to cruel treatment, etc.).

In case of a citizen’s application for registration of guardianship or trusteeship.

When a child receives an injury and seeks medical help - in order to identify the nature of this injury (accident or intentional harm).

When a family moves to another residential area in which the child’s living conditions are assessed as worse than the previous one.

An inspection report on living conditions can be drawn up in the event of a child’s aggressive, nervous, unbalanced behavior at school, as well as when law enforcement agencies receive an application against a minor about committing an administrative offense or crime.

An act of inspection of the family’s living conditions is drawn up even if the child is registered in the police children’s room or when a decision is made to return the child to the family from which he was previously removed by court decision.

Also, an inspection can be carried out on the basis of a statement from neighbors, teachers, a local police officer, etc.

Depending on each specific case, an act of checking the living conditions of the family can be drawn up with the participation of representatives of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the educational institution where the minor is studying, the district police officer, an employee of the juvenile affairs unit, the health department, the sanitary-epidemiological service, the BTI etc.

Why is a report drawn up for examining a family’s living conditions?

Checking the conditions in which a child lives is one of the ways to protect the rights of minors. During the inspection, inspectors must assess the child’s provision with living space (in the amount of the accounting standard area for each family member, as well as a personal room in cases established by law), necessary furniture (including a desk, bed), toys, place for games . In addition, it is checked that the child has clothes for different seasons, food appropriate to the child’s age and individual characteristics (for example, when, for medical reasons, the child needs to adhere to a certain diet).

Experts also assess the condition of the home: the presence of necessary repairs, cleanliness, compliance with the rules for storing household chemicals, poisons, etc. For example, if there are animals in the house, then their places must be kept clean; the child should not have access to animal waste products. In addition, inspectors evaluate the appearance of the parents and the child: the neatness of clothing, whether there are any signs of violence. The act may also reflect whether the parents have a place of work and whether they suffer from addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse).

It must also be said that the act of examining the living conditions of the family is an integral part of the package of documents when the court decides on the deprivation of parental rights, determining the place of residence of a minor, and making a decision to bring him to administrative or criminal liability; when authorized state bodies make a decision to register a child, when registering guardianship and trusteeship, etc.

It should also be said that in most cases the inspection is carried out by prior agreement between the inspector and the family. The exception is when checking in families where parents lead an immoral lifestyle, abuse alcohol and drugs, use violence against a child as an educational measure, etc.

Parents can familiarize themselves with the drafted act, but their signature on the document is not required.

Sample certificate of inspection of living conditions

Certificate of inspection of the applicant’s living conditions

"____" _______________ 20 __

Locality: city ___________

The commission consists of: Deputy Head of Department L.P. Selivanova, head of sector N.I. Trefilova, chief specialist E.V. Kropotina checked the living conditions of Ms. _______________________ living at the address: _________ st. ____________________ house _______ apt. ________ and established the following:

1. The occupied residential premises in the house_________________ (indicate the enterprise servicing the housing stock) consists of ____________ rooms with a living area of ​​_______ sq.m., a total area of ​​________ sq.m. located on the ________floor _______of a storey building.

House _____________________________ (stone, wooden, dilapidated, unsafe).

Rooms _________________________ (dry, damp, light, dark).

Apartment ________________________ (separate, communal).

2. Improvement of the house (residential premises)_________________ (plumbing, sewerage, hot water, heating (central, stove), bathroom, elevator).

3. ____________________________ (full name) – tenant of the residential premises, a member of the tenant’s family, owner of the residential premises (shares in the residential premises), member of the owner’s family, is not a tenant, is not the owner.

4. The following people live in this area: (Full name, Year of birth, Relationship to the applicant, How long have they lived, When registered in this residential premises, Permanently or temporarily, Place of work)


5. Additional information about the applicant’s family ______________________________
(the family of a disabled person from the Great Patriotic War, a deceased serviceman, a pensioner, a large family, etc.).

6. Commission conclusion: needs to obtain a housing loan


Signatures of the commission members _____________________________________________
Applicant's signature ______________________________________________

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