How to cope with parting with a loved one. Why do people worry so much about parting. And what after

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Loving a person, spending years next to him, but unexpectedly being erased from his life is not an easy test. Such a denouement causes physical and mental torment, and the heart is squeezed for a long time from injustice, longing and loneliness. Such wounds do not heal right away - painful attacks sometimes make themselves felt for years. The question of how to stop worrying about separation from a loved one for women who find themselves in an unforeseen situation is especially acute.

There is nothing to be surprised at: this part of humanity is genetically tuned to find happiness through self-realization in the family. The plans for the future of most girls are correlated with the duties of a wife, the joys of the desired motherhood. The disappearance of the object of love, with which dreams and hopes were associated, no matter what the circumstances, is perceived as a tragedy. The problem of how to relieve mental pain becomes central during this period.

How to get rid of the heartache of love: step by step

The fact that from the state of deep sensory shock more slowly than others "climb out" of the face complicates the matter. It is vital for such people to find peace of mind. And without realizing that the goal cannot be achieved at an accelerated pace, they will not be able to get out of the created conflict. For a long journey, you also need to stock up on strength of mind. Nevertheless, for the sake of a renewed self - one who has said goodbye to illusions and is ready for a new one - it is worth overcoming all the milestones of this path.

Time heals: give it to yourself

  • -. Do not think why it is so bad in your soul - just take a walk in a space conducive to light sadness: on a walk, in a quiet room, in the kitchen over a cup of tea.
  • - Let disappointment, anger, grief, anxiety and uncertainty about the future pass before your eyes sequentially, stage by stage. Plunge into the sea of ​​emotions, but don't let yourself drown in it forever.
  • - If at this phase you lost interest in everything - right up to the desire to leave the house, take care of yourself, observe an elementary regimen - seek the help of a psychologist. Such stress will be relieved by a professional.

Get rid of reminders and help others

  • - Tips on how to get rid of the past will not work if you constantly bump into the things of the ex. Bridge burning rituals are overkill. Give unnecessary trash to someone who needs such good.
  • - Perhaps, along the way, you will remember about charity and pick up items that will bring joy to people in need and deprivation. Agree: their grief is incomparable with your loss.
  • Move from being with comforter friends to being comforter. Try on the role of a comrade and advisor. Begin to listen, comfort, and lend a shoulder to help others.

Get away from provocations and start to recover

  • - Avoid provocative factors such as association-generating songs, haunted cafes, community photos. Do not linger on them, switch to fresh songs and resting places.
  • - Use energetic, incendiary music, rhythmic dance melodies as a medicine. They will create an endorphin surge and lift your spirits. Dance and move more.
  • - Change from the position of "tired of everything" to the enjoyable chain of reading a book, watching a thriller, a concert, a comedy show.

Change your lifestyle and be positive

  • - The habitual way of life that accompanies your coexistence is destroyed - that's understandable. But it doesn't mean that. To cope with your mental pain, look for alternatives to your previous activities.
  • - You may not need drastic changes. But a pleasant hobby, a trip to another city in a nice company or a lone tourist is what you need. The change of scenery sets up a different plot.
  • - Change your image, engage in personal growth. Feel the reserves hidden in you and give them a go. We dreamed of mastering the macrame technique, karate techniques - go ahead. A lot of time and you are free!

  • - Love yourself - this trait does not repulse, but attracts, gives success and endows with resilience.
  • - Compassion and help to others is a guarantee that you will never be left alone.
  • - Joke and smile: now you not only know how to live on - you have someone to support you.
  • - Trust people and give them love. Sad experience is not a reason to lose faith in good. It is not far off.

A breakup is stressful both for the initiator of the breakup and for his partner. It is much harder psychologically for an abandoned person, because parting is not always expected for him. Instead of falling into a deep depression, in this case, it is better to learn from the situation and try to start living anew. You should not blame yourself for what happened and constantly remember the past love. To quickly forget about parting, you can use the advice and recommendations of psychologists.

According to research by psychologists, the initiator of the breakup leaves one third of negative emotions for himself. Even if the separation is expected, the second partner still receives psychological trauma. This is especially true for women. It doesn't matter how long the relationship lasted and what was the status of the initiator of the breakup - husband, beloved man, first boyfriend, wife or girlfriend. After parting, any person will ask the question: what is this for me?

Any pain needs to be experienced.

Psychological advice will help you get over the breakup with your loved one:

  • You should not keep everything to yourself, you need to go through the situation. As with illness, symptoms can be alleviated, but they cannot be quickly cured. You need to try to distract yourself from sad thoughts. Meet friends, treat yourself to your favorite dishes, listen to music. In order to accept what happened, cope with emotions and come to terms with the fact that the couple broke up, you need to feel all the pain, and then it will become easier over time.
  • You need to firmly put an end to the relationship and remove all reminders and "connecting threads": erase SMS messages, unsubscribe from each other in social networks, remove your partner's gifts, his things, joint photos. Don't keep the past in the present.
  • In the first time after parting, it is better not to communicate at all. If this is not possible, then try to keep the dialogue to a minimum. In about a month, "emotional immunity" is developed.
  • If there is a need to throw out your pain, then you can contact a professional psychologist. For many, it will be easier to tell a loved one or a loved one about parting - mother, friend. It is worth going out to people, organizing an evening for the most dear people, whom you rarely saw during a whirlwind romance or during long years of marriage.
  • It is more pleasant to experience your pain, loss and separation with your head held high, impeccable styling, manicure and makeup. This is a kind of "armor" against all adversity and the best recipe for any negativity.
  • When one source of joy disappears, it is worth switching to something else, new and interesting. Learn how to bake a pie using a new recipe, start learning a foreign language, go on a long-awaited vacation, help mom with repairs. Do small good deeds that will improve your mood. Reconsider plans for the future - after all, they were previously joint. Holidays, meeting friends, new experiences, changing professions will be the beginning of a new life.

How to break up with a boyfriend

Frequent delusions when parting

It would seem that the relationship is over and the end is set. But many begin to look for the reasons for what happened in themselves. A person is visited by negative thoughts, a feeling of guilt appears.

Most people make common breakup mistakes:

  • Feeling understated. You should not write and try to continue a conversation that has ended long ago. When the answer comes, it gives false hope. A person spends a lot of energy on non-existent ghostly relationships.
  • There is no need to wait and hope for the restoration of relations, look for information about a former partner in social networks. It will only hurt. Leaving old relationships is the path to new ones. You need to calm down.
  • You shouldn't talk about your ex all day and thus make it even more painful. We must drive away bad thoughts. There is no need to find out through acquaintances how the ex-partner is doing.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

Each person has to deal with parting in one way or another. And no matter how old you are and what is the reason for the separation, the feelings caused by this event cause indescribable pain, torment, torment and kill a piece of the soul. What happened is a colossal stress for a person. Faced with this, he either closes in on himself, or begins to look for ways to survive parting with a dear person, recover faster and return to normal life. This is what experienced psychologists advise for those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Why do people have a hard time breaking up?

Parting with a loved one causes a feeling of emptiness, grief and despair, and causes a difficult healing mental trauma. Among the main reasons forcing them to react so sharply to a break in a relationship, psychologists single out sincerity of feelings, affection, fear of loneliness and self-flagellation. Let's take a closer look at each factor.

Sincere love inspires and inspires, encourages you to give yourself completely and completely to your loved one. The lover cannot imagine life without a partner. A strong and all-encompassing feeling cannot go away immediately after a breakup. It takes time to calm down and recover. Until emotions cool down and fade into the background, the memories of parting will cause torment and pain.

It is no less difficult to part with a person to whom you are very attached. This is especially familiar to couples who have lived together for many years. For a long time, they studied each other's habits well, learned to trust and predict the partner's reaction. It's hard to lose it in an instant. It is difficult to realize and come to terms with the fact that everything is left behind.

Often, fear of loneliness becomes the main reason forcing an acute reaction to parting. The abandoned person's self-esteem drops sharply. Thoughts about unworthiness and inferiority are constantly spinning in my head. An obsessive fear “what if” appears: “What if I will not meet anyone”, “What if I will forever remain alone (lonely)”, etc. Such reflections do not inspire optimism, catch up with melancholy and depress, and are increasingly immersed in negative feelings associated with separation.

Self-flagellation forces you to relive the fact of parting again and again. A person constantly returns with his thoughts to the past, recalls the happy and joyful days he lived together, looks through photographs, listens to music associated with this or that event. All this causes him to feel depressed and guilty, which does not allow him to quickly recover from the event. So how do you get over a breakup?

Psychological practice shows: to get over a separation, it takes time and a person's desire to cope with the problem. Don't hold on to the past and let go of all thoughts and feelings about the person who passed away. Understand: life goes on, and a new stage awaits you ahead. To make the separation less painful, psychologists recommend adhering to a certain sequence.

To begin with, take a sober look at what happened and reconsider your attitude towards your partner. After all, the very feeling of love does not cause suffering. They are caused by other motives masquerading as love: hurt pride or an unbridled sense of ownership, a desire to live someone else's life, or low self-esteem. Don't blame others for what happened. Take an honest look at your shortcomings and draw useful conclusions. Try to keep them in mind when building new relationships. Remember: trials are not given to a person just like that. They are needed to make us stronger and wiser.

Psychological practice shows that it takes time and a person's desire to cope with the problem in order to get over a breakup.

Try to find something positive about the breakup. Stop being offended and hating. Negative emotions destroy health. Throw away anything that is reminiscent of the person who has passed away and brings up sad memories, tears, or resentment. Don't be reclusive. Communicate more with friends and family. Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. Having poured out the experiences accumulated in the soul, you will feel relief. In addition, the support of loved ones will help to cope with low self-esteem and increase self-confidence.

Don't give up on a new relationship. Understand: the gap that happened was the beginning of a new life, full of new impressions, joys and meetings. Open your heart to new love, believe that you are worthy to love and be loved.

Distraction methods

New hobbies and activities will help to leave the depression and negativity caused by the breakup. There is no need to radically change your life. It is enough to make a few innovations for it to play with bright colors again. Here are some of the most popular ways to cope with a breakup and rebuild yourself in a new way.

  • Change your image.
    Psychologists say: a radical change in appearance helps to recover faster after a breakup. Change your haircut or dye your hair a different color. Refresh your wardrobe or change your style completely. Visit the beauty salon and enjoy a great time.
  • Play sports.
    Buy a gym membership. Physical activity can help improve your mood and get an extra boost of energy. Plus, you can build confidence, keep fit, make new acquaintances, and elicit rave glances from members of the opposite sex.
  • Take advantage of shopping therapy.
    For many women, this is the best way to deal with anxiety and depression. The updated wardrobe has a beneficial effect on the mood, distracts from sorrowful thoughts. Connect your friends and girlfriends to the shopping trip, and then you will not only get new clothes, but also have fun.
  • Take a trip.
    Visiting unfamiliar places, you will get unforgettable impressions and emotions, enjoy the beauties of local nature and architecture, and be able to take a fresh look at the old life. Being far from the place where the break occurred, it is easier to analyze your actions and deeds, to reflect on why a loved one could stop loving.
  • Start renovating your home.
    A small redevelopment, new wallpaper, or a change of furniture is a great way to distract yourself. Have a party in a refreshed apartment. Enjoy chatting with friends, relax and have fun.
  • Visit theaters, exhibitions, museums.
    Go to the movies or read positive literature. Cultural events will allow you to recharge with inspiration and introduce you to the beautiful, change your worldview and become a source of positive emotions. In addition, you will have a wonderful chance for spiritual development and self-improvement.
  • Get a pet. Caring for a living creature will be a great way to get rid of loneliness, help to distract and dull the pain of the breakup. An affectionate kitten or a funny puppy will not only brighten up your leisure time, but also become a source of great mood.

Popular techniques

There are many special practices known to help cope with stress and bring back the joy of life. They can be useful to those who believe in the possibility of adjusting the human energy body. Here are some of them.

  • "Second birth".
    Collect a bucket of cold water every morning. With the fingers of your right hand, begin to spin the whirlpool clockwise and say the following words: "Pure water, wash away my anger and attachments, help me to be born again!" Repeat the phrase 6 times. Then pour the spell water over the top of your head. Try to accompany your actions with positive emotions. Imagine that you have just been born and are pure as a baby.
  • "Annealing the bonds."
    Get a wax candle (preferably a church candle). Light it, take it with both hands and position it so that the flame is at knee level. Slowly raise your arms up, keeping to the middle of your body. Stay in places where the flames crackle and begin to flutter. At the same time, mentally call up the image of the person who has left you and say: “I am getting rid of all connections with you. I am freeing myself from you. Forgive and let go. " Bring the candle to forehead level and extinguish it.
  • "Airing the heart".
    Do the exercise in the evening before bed. Sit facing the window and play soft music. Try to relax and get rid of bad thoughts. Apply some fir or lavender oil to the center of your chest, neck and forehead. Focus on your inner feelings. Feel the pain and heaviness in the region of the heart, arising from the thought of the departed person. Take a deep breath and imagine that a hole appears in the center of your chest through which pain and suffering begin to flow. Breathe slowly and deeply. Feel how with each exhalation it becomes easier on your soul, a feeling of a pleasant chill appears in your chest. When all the pain has poured out, fill the resulting void with a warm feeling of love. Remember everything you love: beautiful sunsets, the smell of baked goods, parents and pets. Wait for the warmth to spread throughout your body, smile and go to bed.

Breaking up with a loved one is hard. It takes time to come to terms with what happened and continue to live without the usual relationship. It does not immediately come to the realization that everything has changed and it will not be possible to return the past. The main thing is not to cheat yourself and do not look for someone to blame. Slowly, step by step, rebuild your life and move forward. Try to erase the memories of this person from your memory for the next few months. Follow the advice of psychologists on how to cope with a breakup, and perhaps in the future you will remember this episode with a smile, as it will be the start of an amazing new relationship.

In an ideal world, former lovers part with a smile and promise to be friends to the grave. In reality, it can be painful to see someone who used to give love and affection, and now put someone else's photo on the desktop. If the wounds haven't healed, allow yourself to be and don't promise to stay with your ex or ex. At least until the moment when passions subside and mental wounds heal.

Unfriend on social media

The problem of our time is that every step of a person is captured on the Internet. If your heart is broken, turn the page and don't be friends with your ex on social media. You don't need to know where the ex-lover spent his vacation, with whom he went to the movies, or what gifts her new boyfriend was giving her yesterday's passion. If the hand does not rise to press the coveted button, at least exclude the news of the former from the feed. And there - time will tell.

Delete saved messages and dialogs

New life - clean archives in the phone and messengers. As sorry as the past may be, delete all chat messages to avoid the temptation to reread them in a melancholy mood. Otherwise, drunken tantrums, as well as calls, for which you will later be ashamed, are guaranteed to you. Both of you are already different people, and there is no going back to the past. It's time to clear your memory.

Delete the number of the ex

Intrusive calls with attempts to explain themselves will not benefit anyone. You will be hurt, your ex will be embarrassed. Remove ex-boyfriend numbers immediately after. After a couple of months of silence on the air, you may well not want to communicate with someone you once loved passionately.

Rearrange the apartment

After parting, girls often want to do something with their appearance: in spite of the former, to get a haircut or dye their hair daring pink. Not worth it. Instead, rearrange your apartment or at least your bedroom so that nothing is reminiscent of lazy Sunday mornings in bed. No way to rearrange the furniture? Buy a couple of new sets of underwear. A new chapter in life - new bedding. Guys, that won't hurt you either.

Go in for sports

Sport not only helps to tighten the body, but also boosts mood through the production of endorphins. If the pain of parting is too much, sign up for and beat the pear from your heart. Naturally, under the supervision of a coach.

Take your time to date others

Spontaneous sex with unfamiliar people has not yet cured anyone from heart pain. It will only get worse. Take your time, take care of yourself, the desire to enter into a relationship will come later. Watch all the films and programs that the former half did not want to watch, go to those places where there was no time to go in the relationship. Consider your 30 Day Love Detox.

Don't whine on social media

Take your time to tell the world how painful you are. The pain will pass, but the sediment and the glory of the whiner will remain. Leave foggy statuses, tearful verses and other vanilla things for teenagers. You are taller and stronger than that. So be it, one photo can be uploaded. But only the one where you are happy and content with life.

Don't analyze the past

“If I hadn’t started a quarrel,” “If I had become a blonde,” “If I had come home from work earlier,” you can continue indefinitely. That's it, the train has left. What had to happen happened. Do not overload yourself and do not analyze the past. The best is yet to come.

How did you deal with the breakup? Share in the comments!

Each of us at least once, but suffered the severity of parting with a loved one. Endured the pain of separation, the feeling of loneliness, the collapse of all hopes. But everyone takes it in their own way, someone falls into a terrible depression, shedding rivers of tears every day, someone drowns their grief in alcohol, someone goes headlong into work, someone tries to quickly switch to someone else ... But whatever we do, the mental trauma does not heal so quickly, and torments us for some time. The past will remind of itself, constantly touching up an unhealed wound. How to get out of this situation with the least losses.

The content of the article:

What awaits us after the breakup?

For the first time in days, we still experience the shock of hearing the words about the breakup. We refuse to believe in all this. Your loved one insistently says that everything is over, there can be nothing else between you, but you listen and cannot believe it, it seems that what is happening is just a dream, and what is happening is not at all with you. And when you already begin to understand everything, to realize, this is where it all begins, tears of despair, indescribable mental pain, unwillingness to put up with what is happening. Everything, emptiness, life collapsed, that happy life collapsed, which we imagined together, about which we dreamed, all plans for the future, everything, there is nothing else. Loneliness, and the feeling that the half of you was taken. But here you need to immediately realize that no matter how painful it is, life goes on, and whatever you say, you also need to continue your life, but without him.

Many people prefer to seek help from their friends. Agree it is much easier to become when there is an opportunity for someone to cry, to hear advice, to get support.

Some in such a situation try to protect themselves from others, go somewhere to the country, or close at home, not answer calls, and a sea of ​​tears, blocks of smoked cigarettes, insomnia, swollen eyes, etc. The best thing is not to withdraw into yourself at such moments. It is very difficult for one to cope with grief, recovery in this case will be very long and painful.

Someone prefers to go all the way, have a full blast, visit discos, nightclubs, drink alcohol. But even in this state, one should not forget about the measure. You can, of course, visit some fun event - unwind, cheer yourself up, and there, you can meet your destiny. But it is not recommended to sleep with the first person you meet, transverse, since casual connections never lead to good. And in this situation, they are unlikely to be comforting. Then you can regret it even more and much more. Alcohol is also not a way out of the situation, it is unlikely that it will help you to forget, on the contrary, feelings and pain can play out with even greater force, and it does not affect your appearance and health in the best way.

What will help us?

Doctors say sport is the best way to deal with stress. You need to overpower yourself and go to the gym. Walks in nature are also treated.

We need to comprehend everything well and think it over, because we are all adults, and we need to soberly assess the current situation. It will come in handy in the future as well. Think about what you were wrong, maybe you undeservedly hurt him, hurt him, of course, he also cannot be an angel, but still you should think it over, weigh the pros and cons. Only such an analysis should be carried out exclusively on your own, without the help of anyone, because these are your feelings, and the relationship was only yours, and only you can judge them. You shouldn't call him and beg to come back. Most likely, it will annoy him, well, and please his pride - "she suffers because of me." Do not reproach yourself too much, so you can earn an inferiority complex. Life is what it is, everyone leaves sooner or later.

You were left alone, and this is not at all because you are unlucky, fat, old or ugly, no, the card just fell out. It is so today, but life is such an amazing thing that fate has left you alone now, just because it has a trump card for you, a real "prince on a white horse", or a black BMW. Agree, it's stupid to cry and suffer about the past, not knowing what awaits you in the future.

Your future depends only on you, you just need to believe that everything that is done in our life is for the better.

In order to make it easier to endure a breakup with a loved one, you can follow some of the rules described below. It would seem who can be an advisor in such spiritual matters, but one cannot do without advice, instructions, since you can simply go crazy delving into your memories and in the past. Believe me, it has been tested by my own bitter experience.

Any event, even the saddest, carries its own positive points, advantages and benefits... Before you come to the conclusion that life no longer makes sense and luck has turned away from you, you should check whether this is really so.

In this case, you can make a list, in which to bring only the positive aspects of your parting. It is necessary to understand how this is beneficial for you, and to put this list in a prominent place.

In such a list, you, for example, can add an item such as: "Free communication with friends, man", "Do not be afraid to give reason for jealousy", "Finally, you can wear a short skirt" and the like. The bigger your list is, the better.

And yet, such an old axiom as “everything is for the best in the best of worlds” cannot fail to work. If you remember Demi Moore... After all, it was also not easy for her to part with the Hollywood actor and sex symbol Bruce Willis. The newspapers pitied her with might and main, but it was all until she began dating a young Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher. By proving once again that the good is the enemy of the best. The reward for her pain and feelings was a new wave of popularity, a famous young lover and a contract with Versace. Therefore, you should not go to extremes, it is not yet known what gifts life is preparing for you.

It is worth solving all unfinished business with your ex when you are able to remain calm and cool. Such a delicate operation must be carried out very delicately, so that he does not go from the rank of the ex-boyfriend to the rank of the enemy.

You need to part beautifully so that there are no quarrels, fights, some sort of showdown, insults, this is useless. It is unlikely that they will bring you both joy, nothing good will happen from this.

You should not take revenge and quarrel to the last... You should not pick up gifts, or throw gifts at him that he once gave you, this is low, because what was done before the breakup was done with completely different feelings.

It is best to part with a person so that later you can become friends, or at least not remember each other with an evil word. If you still have his things, or vice versa, it is better to call and agree in advance about when you can pick them up. Do not try !

Anger will pass sooner or later, and then how can you remember your actions? What if, by chance, fate will once again bring it together, in some way, how to behave in such a situation? After all, it will be a shame to look in the eyes later.

Still, in such a situation it is better to remain adequate and correct... It is better to remain grateful to the person who gave you many happy days and hours, minutes and moments.

In such a period of time, it is best present your plans for the future... What are you going to do, becoming a completely free and independent person. Introduce your prospects.

Can get together and "wave" to the sea, or to Paris, or to Venice. Dye yourself into a hot brunette or a dazzling blonde. Learn to dance Latin dances, etc. You can go to some useful courses, or take a license.

Best of all, if for now it will not be included in your plans. Thus, torn between your ex and your future boyfriend, you will forget about the most important person in your life: about yourself. Very soon you will meet a new lover, but until this happens, enjoy the freedom. And if you still want the new lover to be much better than the previous one, then in this case, it is worth using the time with benefit and becoming the best. Set a goal for yourself and stick to it. Alternatively, you can create a list of your desires, make a kind of book of desires, decorating it with appropriate pictures. Thoughts, no matter how they materialize, so it is worth dreaming and striving for something beautiful. On the one hand, such childish fun will bear fruit, do not hesitate. It is only worth dreaming about something real and more accessible.

Change yourself!

Agree, probably the biggest test for a girl is the first meeting with her ex. Since no one has yet canceled the law of meanness, the former must meet exactly at the moment when we, with unwashed heads, in old trousers, walk with loaded bags from the store.

For many girls, for some reason, parting with a loved one is to some extent associated with a huge amount, extra pounds gained, unkempt hair, etc. Are you really claiming the title of a self-loving girl? If this is not the case, and you want to conquer men's hearts, you urgently need to take care of yourself!

You should not arouse pity from your acquaintances with your appearance. You need to discipline yourself, especially since you now have much more time for yourself. You can make all kinds of masks for the skin without fear of frightening anyone with your appearance. It's time to go to a beauty salon, besides the fact that you will look great, all procedures, from a pedicure to a solarium, will be morally beneficial. And when you meet with your ex, you will look stunning, let him once again regret what he refused. Let everyone think that parting was only good for you.

Once again, having analyzed well why you broke up, you should not blame yourself for everything. Even if you have given some reason for this, nothing is done just like that, think, maybe it was He who provoked you to such behavior or actions? It may be so much easier for him to part than to admit his guilt in something. Just in order not to be guilty in the current situation. Or maybe there really was no love, just attachment. If you have to part with someone or something, it is best to let it go with a light heart, if you both really have sincere and bright feelings, true love, then everything can still return. When people simply cannot live without each other, despite the mistakes committed by someone, they forgive. To love, to some extent, means to be able to forgive. We all learn from our mistakes, and if we are ready to change something in ourselves for the sake of our loved one, then it is worth doing, because no matter how one may say love is the most wonderful feeling that transforms people. Feelings in this case should be sincere.

If you broke up, and one of you two does not agree to reconciliation, then what is there to kill yourself, spoil your nerves, health, then this is not the person whom fate has prepared for you. This means that your true love goes somewhere, and waits for you to appear in his life, and you cry and grieve for the past.

You should not do this, no matter how painful it is, as they say, patience, and work will grind everything, time heals, everything passes and is forgotten. The one who faces his past, turns his back on his future, the past is on that and the past, which has already passed and cannot be returned, but his future can still be corrected. So do not panic, everything is entirely in your hands. Correct yourself, correct your future. Do not leave yourself to the mercy, because the one who values ​​and loves himself attracts the same feelings. Love yourself, pamper yourself, because you deserve it, and until you do it yourself, no one will.

Life is still beautiful, no matter how difficult it is, we continue to go forward, fight for our happiness, rise up. Take a look around how beautiful there is. Open yourself up to the beautiful, passion makes us better. Do not waste time in vain, life does not stand still. And you really shouldn't worry about parting for a long time, nothing good will come of it, and when everything is forgotten, you yourself will understand that really, how stupid it was to suffer for a person who was not destined for you, embracing that one and only one who seeks to do first of all happy you!

Do not dwell on one thing, do not stand still. Man was created to feel, to forgive, to love, without feelings in any way, people are not robots. In order to endure all the hardships and hardships easier, you need to soberly assess the situation, whether it is worth it in this case. Love, quarrels, partings, tears and depression, all these are components of the complete picture of our life. A person cannot do without love, cannot but love, and accordingly wants to be loved, but in order to meet his destiny, sometimes you have to go a long and not always pleasant way.

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