The theme is Maslenitsa for the second younger group. Integrated lesson “Maslenitsa. Preliminary work with children, discussion of the topic

In the second junior group on the topic: “Maslenitsa”


Mastering ideas about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature. Enrich children's vocabulary by expanding their understanding of
people, objects, natural objects of the immediate environment, their actions,
pronounced features. Develop the ability to create simple images, take
the idea proposed by an adult, reveal it in work, using
mastered methods of creating images, forms, elementary
composition. Support children's initiative.

Integration of educational areas: speech development (communication), physical education (health), artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, (socialization).

Methods and techniques: Psychological mood (greeting), creating a game situation, artistic expression, dynamic pause, productive activity, reflection with chips.

Vocabulary work: Maslenitsa, scarecrow of Maslenitsa.

Materials and equipment: presentation for the lesson, music for relaxation, silhouettes of boats cut out by the teacher in advance, glue brushes, PVA glue, napkins, silhouette of the Maslenitsa face glued in advance by the teacher.

Organizing time. Psychological mood. (Greeting) (Children stand in a circle)


Let's say hello to you.

Hello, palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello, chubby cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Hello sponges. Smack - smack - smack.

Hello, teeth. Click - click - click.

Hello, my little nose. Beep - beep - beep.

And now let’s hold hands together and smile at each other.

Guys, today I invite you to go on a trip. But our path will not be easy, we will need to guess riddles about Maslenitsa, we will do a physical exercise, and then we will do one very interesting work with you. Are you guys ready to hit the road? (yes) Then let's go! Here is the first clearing. Sit down, guys. Maslenitsa is one of the most joyful holidays. All week long, people have been celebrating winter in a merry way. These farewells are accompanied by folk festivities; pancakes are an integral element of these festivities.

The name of the holiday “Maslenitsa” is based on the tradition of baking pancakes. People tried to attract the mercy of the sun so that it would warm them and help them in difficult times. That's why the pancakes are shaped like a little sun. It was also customary in the villages to conduct round dances and organize festivities. It was believed that such ceremonies make the sun kinder, that is, the sun is “anointed.” Hence the name - “Maslenitsa”.

Let's solve the riddles:

It's worth copper,
And under it is an empty glass.
The steam is puffing, the pancakes are crackling,
Everyone wants to pour a glass.
Let's bring up the heat with our boots.
Before us...


He is round and ruddy,
They love it with sour cream
And with jam and honey,
We all know its taste.

We are seeing off the winter
And we bake and eat pancakes,
We welcome spring together,
What are we celebrating?


Symbol of winter - winter,
We must burn today.
Arms, legs, head,
But we don't feel sorry for you.
Burn to the ground quickly
Then spring will come to us.

(Maslenitsa Scarecrow)

What a great fellow you are! All the riddles were solved.

Fizminutka (movements are performed according to the text)

I, you have ringing palms
You and I have legs like springs
We are with you, we are with you slap, slap, slap, slap
You and I, you and I, jump-jump, jump-jump.

Me, your eyes are like buttons
I, your lips are like cranberries
You and I with our eyes clap, clap, clap, clap
You and I with sponges smack, smack, smack, smack

I, you have a miracle of elbows
I have, you have pointy toes
You and me, you and me hop, hop, hop, hop
We are with you, we are with you jump-jump, jump-jump

We all had time to rest,
And they sat down quietly.

Guys, I really love this Maslenitsa holiday. Guys, tell me, what is the symbol of Maslenitsa?


Guys, now we will make Sunny. Shall we do it, guys? (Yes)

Guys, look, each of you has hand silhouettes that I cut out in advance. And on the board I have Sunny’s face. Guys, you and I will glue our palms around our faces and we will make a sun.

Guys, what needs to be done to make our parents like the application?

That's right, you need to try very hard to glue carefully and with love (the children begin to complete the task, the teacher provides all possible assistance)

Well done guys, you all worked really hard!

Our walk has come to an end and it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Did you enjoy the walk?
What did you like most?
Well done, I really enjoyed hanging out with you too.

Reflection. There are chips on the table: red and green. Whoever thinks that he answered very well takes a red chip, whoever did not answer or answered poorly takes a green chip.

Maslenitsa in the second junior group of kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario "Maslenitsa" for young children of kindergarten

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Rybakova, music director of the Raduga Secondary School, Samara.
Description of material: I offer you the Maslenitsa script for children of the second younger group (3-4 years old). This is the author's script for the spring holiday held during Maslenitsa week. This material will be useful for music directors, preschool teachers, additional education teachers, as well as for parents.
Target: bring joy to children and guests of the holiday.
Educational: develop children's creative activity;
Educational: cultivate interest in folk traditions;
Educational: expand children's knowledge about the spring season.
Progress of the event:
(Before the holiday begins, the Bear quietly sits in a corner and covers himself)
Presenter. Get ready, people!
Red spring is coming!
We need to send Zimushka away,
Let's celebrate Maslenitsa together!
Spring is Red!
Warm sunshine!
Come quickly
Keep the children warm!
Spring has a lot of worries:
Warm the dense forest with the sun.
And in the forest under an old spruce
The Bear is waking up!
Bear. It got hot in my den,
I want to stretch my legs.
Winter is over, it's time to get up!
Happy warm spring to you, kids!
Presenter. Hello, Mishenka the Bear!
Can you sing songs?
Bear. I can.
(The presenter gives the harmonica to the Bear, the Bear plays and sings barely audibly)
Presenter. Oh, you’re singing something quietly, Mishka.
Come on, sing it louder!
(The bear suddenly growls loudly, the presenter gets “scared”)
Presenter. Oh, I scared you, Mishka! (Takes the harmonica from him)
Can you dance?
Come on, Mishka, dance,
Your legs are good!
(The bear dances, the children clap their hands)
Presenter. Mishka, you know how to dance,

Now let's play.
Game with Mishka
(The bear sits in a den, children go to him and sing):
Teddy Bear,
Beckons the children with his paw,
Invites everyone to go for a walk,
Play catch-up.
(The bear catches up, the children run to the chairs)
Presenter. Well, Mishka, stay with us to celebrate Maslenitsa.
We continue the fun
For fun and for laughter.
Like a week of oil
Pancakes were flying from the oven.
And Kolobok too,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
Dance "Kolobok", music. T. Morozova
(Sit down)
Presenter. Let's continue the celebration
Yes, entertain all the guests.
The tools are good
Let's all play from the heart.
Orchestra "Kalinka", Russian folk melody
Presenter. The red sun is rising
People are rushing to the fair.
And at the fair there are goods,
Painted samovars.
Here comes Ivanushka,
Sings a Russian song.
Dramatization "Where was Ivanushka"
Presenter. Taras-bars-rastabars!
The fair praises its goods!
Here are scarves, and here are shirts,
And here are our Slaves!
Dance "Slave"
(Sit down)
Presenter. Like ours at the gate
All the people are having fun.
We'll take the scarves now
And we’ll invite everyone to play.
Game with handkerchiefs
(Sit down)

Presenter. Like on oil week
The carousel started spinning.
Everybody come here quickly
And ride for free!
Game "Carousel"
(Sit down)
Presenter. Clap your hands louder
Matryoshka came to visit us! (Matryoshka enters)
Matryoshka. Hello guys!
I brought you a treat
Not pancakes, not cookies -
For cheerful kids
I'll bake pancakes now! (A table is brought out on which there is a saucepan, an open package of milk, an open package of flour, salt in a salt shaker, sugar in a sugar bowl, a ladle)
Matryoshka. Let's make the dough soon,
Let's bake pancakes together.
Milk was poured into the pan (pours in)
And they poured flour (pours),
Salted and sweetened (puts everything according to the text),
Stirred, diluted (mixes everything with a ladle).
Open the door wider (comes to the kitchen with a saucepan),
Let's put everything in the oven now (goes to the kitchen and stays there).
Presenter. And so that the pancakes are baked delicious and golden brown, you and I, guys, will sing a song about them.
Song "Pancakes"
(After the song, Matryoshka comes in from the kitchen with pancakes)
Matryoshka. Pancakes, pancakes!
Just baked!
Receive my treat
Have fun, friends, don't be bored! (Places it on the table)
Presenter. Thank you, Matryoshka, for the treat!
Stay with us and enjoy some pancakes.
Well guys
Everyone has been to Maslenitsa,
We learned how to celebrate it.
Maslenitsa, goodbye!
Come next year!
And you and I will listen to Maslenitsa songs,
Yes, eat pancakes! (Pancake treat)

Outline of the educational activity itself: “Dear Maslenitsa is our golden guest” with preschoolers in the second junior group

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children 3-4 years old on the topic “Maslenitsa”. This material will be useful to teachers of the second junior group. This material is aimed at introducing preschoolers to the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa, with the symbols and traditions of seeing off winter in Rus', and at fostering a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people.

Outline of the educational activity itself: “Dear Maslenitsa is our golden guest.” with preschoolers in the second junior group.

Topic of the week:"Maslenitsa"

Theme of the day:“Goodbye, Zimushka” NOD “Like Maslen’s week...” Integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, socialization.

Target. Introducing children to the Russian folk calendar festival Maslenitsa, dedicated to the end of winter.

Objectives: To introduce the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa, its meaning, symbols, traditions, to introduce children to the rituals of Maslenitsa week and festive cuisine, to learn folk outdoor games and ritual songs, to develop direct emotional perception. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people, the ability and desire to apply them in life; love for one's native land

Methods and techniques:

Practical techniques: finger play, articulation gymnastics, physical exercise, outdoor game.

Visual techniques: pictures from the “Maslenitsa festivities” series.

Verbal techniques: conversation, riddles.

Materials and equipment: pictures from the series Maslenitsa folk festivities, cotton snowballs, Sun mask, scarecrow Maslenitsa, flannelograph, pictures of the sun and rays (for flannelgraph)

Preliminary work: acquaintance with nicknames and folk outdoor games.

Logic for constructing GCD:

1. Surprise moment.

A magic box is brought into the group, in which the sun is hidden. It invites children to visit for a holiday.

2. Conversation: “Farewell to Winter”

Goal: To introduce children to folk traditions.

Organization of children's leisure time.

Give children the opportunity to express themselves in a collective activity.

Guys, I want to introduce you to a fun holiday - Maslenitsa. You have noticed that the days are gradually becoming long and bright, the sky is becoming blue, and the sun is becoming bright. It was at this time that folk festivals were held in Rus'. And this holiday was called Maslenitsa. Cheerful and mischievous, it lasted a whole week: On these days, fairs, street games, performances by mummers, and dances were held. It was not without reason that people called this holiday the broad Maslenitsa. With songs and cheerful calls they called the Sun so that it would warm the earth more warmly, and the red Spring would not linger.

a/ What kind of holiday is this?

b/Why do they say goodbye to Winter?

Q/Have you taken part in Maslenitsa festivities before?

3. Working with flannelgraph. Collective application - Sun and rays

Target. Develop visual attention, the ability to correlate a diagram with a real image.

Procedure: children take turns placing rays of the sun on the flannelgraph.

4. Outdoor game Shine, Sun, brighter

Progress of the game.

In the center of the circle is the “Sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer. Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” catches up with the children.

4. Conversation Maslenitsa week, looking at illustrations.

Target. Introduce children to the history of Maslenitsa. To provide knowledge about the rituals of the past, celebration traditions; Tell that each day of Shrovetide week was special and had its own name.

Maslenitsa festivities lasted seven days. For a whole week, everyone had a lot of fun: sledding down the mountains, taking part in fistfights, competing... Children played snowballs, built snow forts, and as they flooded the icy mountains, they said: “Are you my soul, my Maslenitsa, quail bones, paper your body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech! Come visit me in the wide yard, ride in the mountains, roll in the pancakes, amuse your heart. You, my Maslenitsa, red beauty, blond braid, sister of thirty brothers, you are mine. quail! Come to visit me in the plank house, have fun with your soul, have fun with your mind, and enjoy your speech! "And then the children ran from the mountains and shouted: “Maslenitsa has arrived!” Sometimes children made a woman out of snow, who was called Maslenitsa, put him on a sled and rolled him down the mountain with the words: “Hello, wide Maslenitsa!”

A) How long does the holiday last?

B) Why did children really like this holiday?

4. Outdoor game Snowballs Children take turns throwing cotton snowballs into a container.

Goal: continue to learn how to throw snowballs at horizontal and vertical targets; develop the eye, speed of reaction, continue to cultivate the ability to rationally use physical exercises in independent motor activity; create conditions for training small and large muscles of the hand.

5. Conversation “Maslenitsa Pancake Day”

Throughout Maslenitsa they bake pancakes and pancakes. This is where the saying came from: “It’s not life, but Maslenitsa.” What is the most important thing about Maslenitsa? Well, of course, pancakes! Without them there is no Maslenitsa. Housewives baked pancakes every day from buckwheat or wheat flour. On the first day - pancakes, on the second - pancakes, on the third - pancakes, on the fourth - pancakes, on the fifth - pancakes, on the sixth - pancakes, on the seventh - royal pancakes. The pancakes were served with sour cream, jam, butter, honey, fish roe, and eggs.

Damn is not the only one good.

Damn is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly!

Like during Shrovetide, pancakes were flying out of the chimney!

You, my pancakes, my pancakes!

Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you,

We ride in the mountains and gorge ourselves on pancakes!

During Maslenaya Week, ritual pancakes were baked - the personification of the sun; the girls danced in circles and sang songs. The songs talked about the abundance of butter, cheese, and cottage cheese.

A) What is the main treat for Maslenitsa?

B) What do pancakes look like?

6. Finger game “Masha began to call guests..” Purpose. Develop speech, form correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly. Develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. Improve memory, attention, ability to coordinate movements and speech.

Masha began to gather guests (clap your hands)

And Ivan come (with the tip of the half-bent index finger of your right hand, run over all the fingers of your left hand in turn; start with the thumb),

And Stepan come,

Yes, Andrey come,

Yes, and Matvey come,

A Mitroshechka

Oh please! (with the index finger of your right hand, shake the little finger of your left hand four times)

Became Masha

Treat guests (clap your hands)

And damn it to Ivan (turn your left hand palm up with the thumb of your right hand and press the pads of each finger in turn)

And damn Stepan,

And damn it to Andrey,

Damn Matvey too,

And Mitroshechka

Mint gingerbread! (the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger of the left hand four times)

Became Masha

To see off guests (clap your hands)

Goodbye Ivan! (take turns bending the fingers on your left hand)

Goodbye, Stepan!

Goodbye, Andrey!

Goodbye, Matvey!

And Mitroshechka, goodbye.

7. Conversation Straw Maslenitsa

Target. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about national holidays

Enrich your vocabulary with folk terms.

Involve children in folk games, songs, and round dances.

Develop agility, speed, attention.

To instill in children interest and respect for the culture of the Russian people.

The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa, Maslena, Avdotya Izotyevna... She was dressed up in a dress, a scarf was tied on her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes. The doll was seated on a sleigh and taken up the mountain with songs, and rode on a carousel. The fun continued all week, and at the end of all the activities they “said off Maslenitsa” - they burned an effigy. the ashes were scattered across the field in order to reap a rich harvest the next year.. On the same day they went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if they had offended them earlier. They said: “Please forgive me.” “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and no longer remembered the insults. But even if there were no quarrels or insults, they still said: “Forgive me.” Even when they met a stranger, they asked him for forgiveness. This is how Maslenitsa ended.

Maslenitsa, goodbye!

Come next year!

Maslenitsa, come back!

Show up in the new year!

Goodbye, Maslenitsa!

Goodbye red!

A) What did people make during Maslenitsa week?

B) Why was the Maslenitsa effigy burned?

Q) What is the name of the last Maslenitsa day?

8. Outdoor game "Carousel"

Target. Exercise children in walking and running in circles holding hands.

Help improve motor skills.

Develop children's dexterity, attention, and speed of reaction.

Educate to create a positive emotional attitude.

Progress of the game.

Children form a circle, hold hands and move in a circle to the words: “Barely, barely, barely, barely The carousel is spinning. And then, then, then, Everyone run, run, run Quiet, quiet, don’t rush, stop the carousel! One-two, one-two. So the game is over.” First, the children walk in a circle, then run, and stop when the words are finished.

9 The sun thanks the children for the holiday, says goodbye to them and treats them to pancakes.

Program content:

  • arouse interest in the traditions of the Russian people - the ritual holiday of Maslenitsa;
  • develop fine motor skills during games;
  • introduce the decoration of a Russian hut, arouse interest in new objects;

Progress of the lesson:

The children sit in a semicircle with a table in front of them. On the table is a toy painted house, a toy Clown and a basket of scarves. Children sit on chairs. Suddenly the Clown starts crying.

The teacher and the children ask:

- What happened, why are you crying Clown?

- Guys, I’m crying because I’m very sad!

- Why are you sad?

— While I was bringing you this magical house, I remembered that when I was little, I lived in a village. All the houses in the village were beautiful - painted, colorful! I really loved the holidays, and most of all Maslenitsa - then half the city dressed up in bright clothes, like our clowns, put on wigs, painted their noses....., laughed, joked and ate delicious pancakes!!! Eh, it was fun!!! And now no one knows about such a holiday, they don’t organize games and dances, they don’t know how to have fun, and for a long time no one treated me to pancakes! So I'm sad and crying!

Educator: Clown, let the guys and I play with you!

Clown: I will be very glad! Just let everything be for real! Do you have clown costumes?

Children: No!

Clown: Oh! What to do! Now I’ll look in my basket, maybe I’ll come up with something for you!!!

(The clown looks into the basket, gives the girls handkerchiefs and the boys “butterflies”)

Clown: Oh, how great it turned out! You are like Matryoshka!!! I announce Matryoshkina Maslenitsa!!!

Educator: Clown, tell us how the holiday begins?

An approximate story of the Clown during the action:

Monday – Maslenitsa meeting. People made a doll from straw, old clothes, scraps, and threads and put it on a sleigh and rolled it around the city! Sing songs to her! I didn’t waste any time either, I’ve already made a doll! Do you have a sleigh?

Places the Maslenitsa doll in a sleigh.

Children ride a doll on a sleigh, while saying:

- Maslenitsa has arrived! With cheese, butter and pancake,

And a rosy pie! Hello, Maslenitsa!!! Our dear guest!

Tuesday is a game. Children and adults went from house to house, congratulating them on Maslenitsa and begging for pancakes. On this day, games and fun began, as well as horse riding!

Game "Funny Horses"

Wednesday is delicious. From that day on, we rode around the village in a troika with bells. Relatives visited each other's families, went to visit their children, feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes. They baked multi-colored pancakes: traditional wheat, dark ones made from buckwheat flour, orange ones with carrots, dark red ones with beets, green ones with dried nettles (dill), yellow ones with honey (with lemon).

Game "Let's bake pancakes"

Thursday - wide, roam-four. This day was the day with the most entertainment.
Horse racing and sports competitions were organized. They built a snow town and took it in battle. We rode horses around the village. We went down the mountains on sleighs and skis. The mummers amused the people. Everyone enjoyed pancakes. They walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties.

Snowball game

Friday is mother-in-law's evening. The family went to grandma's for pancakes.

Oh guys, this was my favorite day of Maslenitsa week! My grandmother had a painted house just like this! And I went to visit her for pancakes! Guys, are you interested in knowing what the inside of a village house is like?

Children: yes!

“Then make yourself comfortable, and you’ll see everything now!” The house in the village was called a hut! Grandmother Matryoshka lives in our hut, and today she also welcomes guests - her grandchildren!

The main thing in a Russian hut was the stove! The hot stove made the hut feel warm and cozy even in the most severe frosts. They called her “mother stove”, “nurse”, because she actually fed people - they baked bread in her, cooked potatoes, cabbage soup (borscht), and porridge! Do you see a pot on the stove? Porridge is cooked in it! There was a large table in the center of the hut, and the whole family gathered around! They set up a big samovar!

— What was the main treat for Maslenitsa?

Children: pancakes!

- Right! Look how ruddy, golden and fragrant they turned out! During Maslenitsa, pancakes were eaten with butter!

What else can you eat pancakes with, what filling?

Children: with cottage cheese, with condensed milk, with jam, with honey, ...

(We try red caviar from a barrel, using a “big” wooden spoon)

The teacher and the children examine the decoration of the house: chairs, a bench, a striped rug, curtains, and draws attention to the fact that the porridge for the stove is already ready!

He points to the grip that stands near the stove, tells what it is for and how to use it. Puts a pot of porridge on the table!

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. We went to visit our aunts and uncles.

Game "Stream"

Sunday is a forgiven day. On Forgiveness Sunday, we went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if we had offended them earlier. Then they kissed and did not remember any more about the insults. But even if there were no quarrels or insults, they still said: “Forgive me.” Even when we met a stranger, we asked him for forgiveness. This is how Maslenitsa ended.

(junior group)

1 day

"Farewell to Winter"

Target: introduce children to folk traditions; organization of children's leisure time.

1. Guys, I want to introduce you to a fun holiday- Maslenitsa . You have noticed that the days are gradually becoming long and bright, the sky is becoming blue, and the sun is becoming bright. It was at this time that folk festivals were held in Rus'. And this holiday was called Maslenitsa. Cheerful and mischievous, it lasted a whole week: On these days, fairs, street games, performances by mummers, and dances were held. It was not without reason that people called this holiday the broad Maslenitsa. With songs and cheerful calls they called the Sun so that it would warm the earth warmer, and the red Spring would not linger.

2. Looking at the picture “Maslenitsa festivities”.

What holiday is it?
- Why are they saying goodbye to Winter?
-Have you taken part in Maslenitsa festivities before?

3. Learning the nickname.

Go away shaggy frost,

Do you hear, old or not.

And above the garden, and above the house

Blue spring light.

Day 2.

"Straw Maslenitsa" Target : expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about folk holidays, enrich their vocabulary with folk terms; develop agility and speed.
1. Maslenitsa originated in the far North, and the father of this holiday is Frost. It says that during a harsh season, a man noticed Maslenitsa, which was hiding behind the snowdrifts, and called her so that she would warm people with her warmth and cheer them up. And the beauty with oily and rosy cheeks came, warmed their hearts and blood, and began to dance.

The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa - Maslena Avdotya Izotyevna. She was dressed in a dress, a scarf was tied around her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes. The doll was seated on a sleigh and taken up the mountain with songs, and rode on a carousel. The fun continued all week, and at the end of all the activities they “said off Maslenitsa” - they burned an effigy and scattered the ashes across the field in order to reap a rich harvest the next year.

2 . Finger game “Masha began to call guests »

Goal: develop speech, form correct sound pronunciation, ability to speak quickly and clearly; develop hand coordination and fine motor skills.
Masha began to gather guests (clap your hands).
And Ivan come (
with the tip of the half-bent index finger of your right hand, move over all the fingers of your left hand in turn; start with the thumb),
And Stepan come,
Yes, Andrey come,
Yes, and Matvey come,
A Mitroshechka
Oh please!
(with the index finger of your right hand, shake the little finger of your left hand four times)
Became Masha
Treat guests (
clap your hands)
And damn Ivan (
Turn your left hand palm up with the thumb of your right hand, press the pads of each finger in turn)
And damn Stepan,
And damn it to Andrey,
Damn Matvey too,
And Mitroshechka
Mint gingerbread!
(the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger of the left hand four times)
Became Masha
See off guests (
clap your hands)
Goodbye Ivan! (
bend the fingers on your left hand one at a time)
Goodbye, Stepan!
Goodbye, Andrey!
Goodbye, Matvey!
And Mitroshechka, goodbye.

Day 3.

"Pancakes for Maslenitsa."

Target : expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about folk holidays, enrich their vocabulary with folk terms.

1. One of the main versions is that the appearance of the word “Maslenitsa” is associated withtradition of baking pancakes . Russian people tried to attract the mercy of the sun and met it with pancakes, which personified it. At that time, it was believed that the more pancakes, the sooner the sun would begin to shine stronger and warmer.

What shape does the sun have? Pancakes?

What color is the sun? Pancakes?

2. Outdoor game "Carousel". Target : exercise children in walking and running in a circle holding hands.
contribute to the improvement of motor skills.
develop dexterity, attention, and speed of reaction in children; bring up

create a positive emotional mood.
Progress of the game.
Children form a circle, hold hands and move in a circle to the words: “Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel turned. And then, then, then, Everybody run, run, run. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel! One-two, one-two. The game is over."First, the children walk in a circle, then run, and stop when the words are finished.

4 day

“Do it yourself pancakes.”

Target : expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about national holidays
enrich your vocabulary with folk terms; develop

fine hand motor skills; to instill in children interest and respect for the culture of the Russian people.

- What is the main treat for Maslenitsa?
-What do pancakes look like?

1. Outdoor game “Burn, Sun, brighter.”
Progress of the game.

In the center of the circle is the “Sun” (child).

The children say in chorus:
Shine, sun, brighter -
It will be hotter in summer
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer. (Children dance in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle).

2. Making pancakes from salt dough.

Day 5

Maslenitsa is wide.

Target : expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about folk holidays, enrich their vocabulary with folk terms; develop

agility, speed, attention to cultivate children's interest and

respect for the culture of the Russian people.
Throughout Maslenitsa they bake pancakes and pancakes. This is where the saying came from: “It’s not life, but Maslenitsa.” What is the most important thing about Maslenitsa? Well, of course, pancakes! Without them there is no Maslenitsa. Housewives baked pancakes every day from buckwheat or wheat flour.
Let's brown our pancakes so that they become completely sunny - let's color them. (Coloring salt dough pancakes with yellow paint)

The pancakes were served with sour cream, jam, butter, honey, fish roe, and eggs.
- Damn, more than one is good!
- Damn is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly!
-Like pancakes were flying out of the chimney during Shrovetide week!
-Oh, my pancakes, my pancakes!
Wide Maslenitsa, we boast about you,
We ride in the mountains and gorge ourselves on pancakes!

Reflection -What do they eat at Maslenitsa?

And why?

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