Does Santa Claus exist: what to tell a child. Does Santa Claus really exist: evidence and real cases

New Year's Eve was in full swing, the floors and ceilings were shaking - the adults were celebrating.

I padded into the next room and in a sleepy voice asked my parents: “Did you come?” “Oh, yes... I didn’t want to wake you up, but I asked you to pass this on,” something smooth and snow-white was released from the wrapping paper. Skates!!! Dream!!! Since then, I am absolutely sure that it still exists.

And why not, if...

Our parents tell us about him. And parents don’t lie to their children. The foolish little one can still afford to doubt that mom and dad are being dark about the strange old man, who cannot be caught red-handed, even if you don’t sleep all night. But you and I are adults, well-bred people. We will not suspect them of this.

He draws patterns of unimaginable beauty on the windows. An ordinary person is simply not able to depict a fabulous winter forest on the back of glass without the help of brushes and paints. Overnight. On the fourteenth floor.

He is a thousand times more popular than any of the stars show business, sports and politics. How many of you have met in person? But no one doubts that it exists.

Number of gifts received by the population for the New Year, significantly exceeds the cast of all troupes of all theaters in the country, who work part-time during the holidays with congratulations to children and adults. According to the latest census. Have you taken a bath with fragrant foam, and the census takers never reached you? Then even more significant. Don't forget to go to the bathhouse before December 31st so you don't miss Santa Claus.

He has a huge number of doubles in any part of the globe. Santa Claus in English-speaking countries, French Pere Noel, Karelian Pakkaine, Azerbaijani Shakhta Baba, Finnish Joulupukki and even Shen Dan Laoren in China, which is certainly much more difficult for us to imagine. Perhaps these are not even doubles, but relatives. And if he has such a large family, then how can he not exist?

100% of participants in the survey “Why did you believe in the existence of Santa Claus as a child?” They said they still believe in him. If you are confused by the fact that these were just my friends, and the research was carried out within the framework of the task set to prove the unprovable, you can double-check this on your friends. I assure you, the result will be the same.

There is no more or less convincing evidence that he really doesn't exist. We continue to believe in it, and few people seriously think of interrupting this wonderful tradition and debunking the myth.

He loves his granddaughter. Like a real grandfather. Pampers and does not burden with hard work. Despite the fact that the Snow Maiden is officially considered his main and only assistant, in reality she does not have a single time-consuming responsibility. And she doesn’t always accompany him.

Many different events happen in life, the reality of which is impossible to believe. Let's take, for example, the very desires that we make with such zeal, trying to formulate in one minute, write down on a piece of napkin, dissolve in a glass of champagne and swallow the volume of tasks that, according to our common sense, cannot be solved even in a five-year period. But they come true!

He believes in us. Although he could have long ago become offended and stopped contacting such suspicious and distrustful creatures as people.

He is the only one of the invented fairy-tale characters who somehow becomes real at least once a year. The rest do not even bother to leave their haunted ovens, strange forests, magical swamps, and other fantasy worlds, children's books, films and cartoons.

He has an excellent pedigree, dating back to the history of the ancient Slavs. The ancestor on the male line - Grandfather Treskun - was a strict but fair old man. He did not favor those who whined and were angry about the cold, but rewarded the hard-working and patient with good health.

His image has not been subject to any criticism for many years. With the current speed and instantaneous reactions of fashion to the rapidly changing tastes of a demanding public, we have to admit that maintaining such a stable demand for the same ensemble of a red fur coat and matching cap is the result of cooperation with a team of competent modern stylists.

He is a citizen of his country. He has a homeland and a permanent place of residence. The presence of a passport and registration will most likely be confirmed by the employees of the corresponding passport office in the glorious city of Veliky Ustyug.

Nothing human is alien to him. For example, a love of poetry, even in the form of children's poems. It’s hard to even imagine how many of them he heard in his lifetime from obedient boys and girls. However, every time in every house he is ready to listen to them again and again.

He is kind. Among folklore heroes it is difficult to find a more generous, noble and tireless one. At the most inappropriate time of year for fun - cold and inhospitable winter - he comes to us with gifts, love and faith in the best.

It appears on the horizon only on holidays. Like all other normal people. Sometimes even your closest friends won’t get around to drinking coffee and chatting about this and that in the middle of the work week. This is the harsh reality.

He doesn't care at all about the laws of physics. Therefore, he travels through the air on reindeer, descends chimneys whose diameter does not even fit his staff alone, and manages to visit millions of homes in one night. What, have you never covered crazy distances in a matter of minutes? Even when you're late for work? Have you ever found yourself at home at a time when no transport is running anymore? Even when returning from a corporate party? How did you manage to do this? Maybe you are Santa Claus?

He doesn't have a wife. It is possible that he does not want to get married at all. And in this he is no different from the average man of our time.

He's quite successful. If not to say that his career can top the list of the most successful in history. At the same time, it seems that he does not intend to stop there and retire. But a career still cannot exist separately from the one who makes it.

He's not without sentimentality and other human weaknesses. Imagine how many letters he receives from kids! But all of them need to be read very carefully. He definitely just really enjoys the process. It is touching.

“I personally think yes! I can’t explain it, but... yes!” The words are not of a boy, but of a girl. An ordinary 6-year-old girl. I personally think that this is quite objective evidence. I can't explain why, but... yes!

He takes care of his health and plays sports. Because, being at a fairly advanced age, he accomplishes a lot and never complains about anything.

There are those who doubt this. In other words, there is no smoke without fire. The presence of opposition is direct evidence that there is an informational reason to argue.

Every man has been Santa Claus at least once in his life. Well, or a fisherman who caught such a fish! Or having won a tender against such a rival! And we trust men even more often than our parents. From a certain point on, we generally only trust them.

He has a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands. Perhaps he is simply an employee of the secret security services. You can't imagine a better cover for catching spies and other scoundrels than the New Year celebration.

He might get confused. Call Sasha Vitya, Konstantin Valentinovich Valentin Konstantinovich, and Snegurka Marinochka. It happens to everyone. It doesn’t happen only with fairy-tale characters, but for living people it’s a common thing.

He's old. If they had invented him, they would have portrayed him as a handsome, kind fellow - charming, smart and with good prospects. Well, at least that's what I would do.

There is not a single person who does not have a special relationship with him. He owed someone something ever since he gave him a construction set instead of an ordered car. Someone is racking their brains: whether to use the services of a holiday agency or ask the neighbor from the apartment on the left to play the role of a winter grandfather for their beloved child. Someone had a lot of philosophical questions for him.

But we are all waiting for him. And we will wait until we believe in a miracle. Even when we stop believing in Santa Claus.

We will tell you a secret: where the New Year's wizard lives. And we’ll even tell you what to tell your children if they begin to doubt his existence (seeing, for example, a fairly tipsy artist in a red sheepskin coat and a white beard on the street). “This is a helper,” a modern child will say, but he will still be waiting for a gift under the Christmas tree! And, by the way, ask parents “puzzling” questions, one of which is where does Santa Claus live?

So, let's start with the most important thing. Is there life in the snow, that is, does the fabulous New Year's wizard really exist?

Who grants wishes and is there really a Santa Claus?

"Of course not!" - such serious, experienced adults will exclaim. - “But - shhh! We won’t talk about this to our children yet! Let them believe for up to ten years, and then they themselves will understand.” Are you right, fellow adults? Yes, it is unlikely that we will receive, by making a wish, a foreign car under the window, tied with a huge gift ribbon, or a trip to the Maldives, without having a rich sponsor or without having earned and accumulated a certain amount of money.

But some people make wishes, and what’s most interesting is that they come true! For example, several years ago one man who believed in miracles asked Santa Claus for a million. True, Russian rubles, but still, the amount is not small. I wrote a letter and sent it, so to speak, “to my grandfather’s village,” without indicating the exact address and coordinates. Then a couple of days later I bought a lottery ticket and won exactly a million! Having become the happy owner of a bag of money, he now makes wishes every year and never ceases to believe in the good Father Frost, although he still does not know where Father Frost and the Snow Maiden live.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden - where do they live?

Regardless of what these fairy-tale heroes arrive on - on a “Gelika” or “Kruzak”, a sleigh drawn by horses, deer, dogs, or even get there on foot, where do they come from? And the child will certainly ask - where do they live? And suddenly we, too, having cast aside all doubts and mentally said goodbye to failures, want to write a letter to the fairy-tale grandfather, but where should we write?

Today, it just so happens, there are two of the most important residences of Father Frost - in Lapland, among the eternal snows (Finland) and in Veliky Ustyug (Russia, Vologda region). This is where letters flow in an endless stream, and on holidays games, celebrations, round dances, and excursions are held. The Finnish Father Frost is called Santa Claus, his name is Joulupukki, and he has his own village on the Arctic Circle line, it is called Rovaniemi.

Having seen the Russian and Finnish Santa Clauses, even adults begin to believe that they are seeing real New Year's wizards!

If you tell us in more detail about Veliky Ustyug, where Father Frost lives, it turns out like this. His property is located near Veliky Ustyug, and he welcomes guests all year round, even in summer. The carved gates open and the Magic begins. Fairy-tale heroes and the Snow Maiden greet each guest as if they were the most dear and escort them to a magnificent patterned tower. There is also a fairy-tale throne in the mansion, on which people sit and make a wish. And, mind you, no one will drive you away or curse! They will also show you this whole wonderful house with its rooms, and you can even see a bedroom with a huge bed and feather beds. And the air, what air! Pine trees surround the residence of Father Frost, decorating the landscape and creating an already fabulous atmosphere.

Buses run to the residence from Kirov, Kotlas, Vologda, Ureni and Arkhangelsk (usually they go to Kotlas by train). Children's tourist trains run from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vologda and Cherepovets in winter and spring.

The official postal address where the Russian Father Frost lives: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost.

Finnish Santa Claus is also real!

Joulupukki. This is the Finnish Santa Claus. He does not have a beautiful granddaughter, Snow Maiden, but he has a wife, elves and deer. That's it, to each his own. The translation of his name is a little funny, Joulupukki - “Christmas goat”. And this is not because someone once didn’t get a gift, he got angry and called Grandfather a goat, but such a tradition, even in the 19th century he was depicted with horns and in goat skins. Yes, our Santa Claus is somehow cuter and dearer, but Finnish is also considered the most real!

His residence is located on Mount Korvatunturi, and his gnome assistants live in the caves of Echo, helping him before Christmas in all his festive affairs - reading letters, preparing gifts... This place, located on the border with Russia, resembles the shape of animal ears ( hare or dog, we still haven’t figured it out yet). This is the Big Ear to hear the wishes of children and adults from all over the world.

Santa Park - the residence of the Finnish Father Frost is very different from the patrimony of our Russian New Year's wizard. There is no magnificent mansion or palace here, and Joulupukki's home is not available for public viewing. But there is a workshop - a log building, where you can meet him and the gnomes, chat, get an autograph, make a craft, or learn how to be a gnome (they will even give you a certificate). Watch a wonderful show at the café, admire the ice sculptures, and buy gifts for your loved ones in the shopping alley (souvenirs made from deer antlers and skins).

Now you know where Finnish Santa Claus lives and you can also write him a letter to the address: SANTACLAUS, ARCTICCIRCLE, 96930, ROVANIEMI, FINLAND. You can write in Russian - this is a New Year's wizard, he will understand!

Are there still Santa Clauses?

In addition to the towers in Veliky Ustyug and Lapland, the residences of Father Frost are located all over the world. For example, entire villages have been built in America (the town of Torrington, Connecticut and Wilmington, New York). However, you don’t have to go far - in almost every city (usually on the outskirts or not far beyond) palaces or towers of New Year’s wizards have been built, where on holidays you can go with your child, receive gifts, take part in games, dance in round dances, communicate with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Therefore, it is very easy to find out where Father Frost lives in Russia - the information service in your city probably has a residence not far from you. Not everyone can go to Veliky Ustyug, but I want to give a New Year’s holiday to my child! (There is an address for letters to the Moscow residence: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Grandfather Frost).

What should I tell my child?

Modern children may not believe in the existence of New Year's Grandfather, saying that it is all his “helpers” walking the streets. Then the mothers say: “The real Santa Claus comes with gifts on New Year's Eve. I can’t tell you his secret yet, because then he might disappear.” And yet - he comes? Then we take a map and look where Santa Claus lives in Russia. Again, here it is - Veliky Ustyug, with a fairy-tale castle, ice sculptures and animated cartoon and fairy tale characters.

There is even a winter garden there for those who don’t like the cold. New Year's performances, excursions, master classes, slides - no one gets bored!

A real fairy tale, Russian or Finnish, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it exists and that there are such wonderful New Year's wizards who will make wishes come true, give wonderful gifts and give Magic to children and adults!

If you ask preschool children about this, then, most likely, the answer will be a unanimous “Yes!”, Younger schoolchildren will begin to shake their heads with doubt. Adults will agree with the hero of Alexander Green, who said: “I understood one simple truth. It is about miracles..."

These words of Arthur Gray, the hero of the Scarlet Sails extravaganza, became popular.
Parents take on the role of good wizards on New Year's Eve to please their kids, who are impatiently rushing to the Christmas tree in search of long-awaited gifts.

On the other hand, a fairy-tale grandfather with a white beard can be seen at every New Year's holiday, receive a gift that he takes out of his huge bag, and take a photo with him. Here he is - alive, real! That's what kids think. As they grow older, they realize that there are many such wizards, and a doubt arises in the child’s heart: does Santa Claus really exist?

Hero of Slavic mythology Moroz

The prototype of modern Santa Claus can be called the hero of Slavic mythology, the deity who was “responsible” for the onset of winter cold. Different Slavic tribes had different names for it: Zimnik, Snegovei, Treskun, Karachun, Studenets and, by the way, Moroz. It was he who froze rivers and lakes, sent cold and icy winds with blizzards, and covered the earth with snow. Like any deity, Frost could not be too favorable to people: he froze the winter crops, and the barn could get cold, and he bound the wells with ice, and covered the roads with impassable snowdrifts.

In a word, his character was not very similar to the Grandfather Frost familiar to modern people. But he was similar in appearance: the Slavs imagined him as a tall and strong old man with a long beard. This image can also be found in literary works. Such, for example, is Moroz Ivanovich in V. Odoevsky’s “Morozko” and the hero of A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose.”

So, if we consider Frost the spirit of cold and winter, as the Slavic ancestors did, then we can say that he really exists: after all, cold weather comes every year, frost binds the earth and covers it with snow until next spring. The laws of nature are constant, and the forces responsible for them act unchanged.

Santa Claus - a fairy tale come to life

But what about a familiar character? As a giver of gifts from the forest, old man Moroz began appearing at New Year's and Christmas parties in Russia at the end of the 19th century, but did not manage to gain widespread popularity. A revolution occurred, and for more than a quarter of a century, New Year and Christmas were banned. It was believed that Soviet Russia did not need such people.

In the 1930s, the party decided to bring back the tradition of taking children to the New Year tree (of course, they did not remember Christmas).

The first Kremlin Christmas tree was held in 1937.
It was then that this half-forgotten figure arose from oblivion, to whom the name of Santa Claus was firmly attached. He became the main character of children's parties, distributed gifts to children and noticeably became prettier. The guys also fell in love with his assistant, Snegurochka, who gradually turned from his daughter (for example, in the fairy tale of the same name by N. Ostrovsky) into his granddaughter.

Now it is difficult to imagine the New Year holiday without Santa Claus. A kind old man with a staff and a long beard can come home to congratulate the kids. And in 1999 he received official “registration”. The residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug. Nowadays, excursions are held there all year round, during which children and their parents can walk through the fairytale forest, watch a fascinating performance, walk through the rooms of his tower and, of course, meet the good wizard himself. And there is no doubt: Santa Claus really exists!

This question is quite difficult to answer. On the one hand, I want the child to believe in miracles and fairy tales for as long as possible. But, on the other hand, he grows up, and the boundary between fiction and reality becomes more and more distinct. A six-year-old child already understands that New Year's gifts are placed under the tree by mom and dad, and at the New Year's party he leads round dances with the children and famously dances and sings not at all from the real Santa Claus, but from an uncle or even an aunt in disguise. Make the child an accomplice in an adult secret, this should comfort him. You can ask him to keep his discovery a big secret from his younger brothers and sisters. Let them believe in an amazing fairy tale and think that Santa Claus comes at midnight and leaves gifts for them under the tree. Now the child himself can take part in a small home conspiracy of adults, this will give him the opportunity to feel that giving gifts to others is as pleasant as receiving them.

So does Santa Claus really exist? Yes, he exists, but not as a real, living person, but as a character in ancient legends, fairy tales, songs, legends about the past of his native land. Read with your children N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose”, the fairy tale “Morozko” and other works.

Any child in Russia can send him a letter with their wishes by writing a simple address on the envelope:

Russia. Veliky Ustyug. Residence of Father Frost.

And you can rest assured that the letter will be delivered to its intended destination. And who knows, maybe your wishes will come true next year, Grandfather Frost himself will write to you about it.

Why is the Christmas tree decorated on New Year's Day?

How impatiently the guys are waiting for the fluffy and fragrant forest beauty to take its place of honor in the apartment. And how beautiful she is in her New Year’s outfit, everything sparkles, shines and shimmers. Once upon a time, for ancient people engaged in livestock breeding and agriculture, greenery was a symbol of life. They tried to appease the tree in every possible way, decorated it with ribbons, brought all kinds of gifts, and lit candles at the base. Is this where the custom of decorating the Christmas tree and lighting lanterns came from? And the spells we resort to every year, asking the Christmas tree to light its lights? Remember?

One two Three,

One two Three -

Shine Christmas tree!

Over time, the evergreen tree began to be associated with the New Year and was considered a symbol of happiness.

Why is a star installed at the top of the Christmas tree?

Later, the tree also became a symbol of Christmas. And there is an old legend about how the star appeared on its top. Once upon a time, almost two thousand years ago, a poor girl named Mary lived in Palestine. She lived in the house of the old carpenter Joseph and helped him with the housework. She was a kind, good and pious girl. It was for this that in heaven it was decided to choose her as the mother of little Jesus, who was destined to save people from evil and troubles. The angels who descended from heaven told Mary about this. Joseph and Mary went to their hometown of Bethlehem for the census. And it so happened that it was winter, there was a lot of snow, and therefore it took a very long time to get there. Night overtook the travelers near the city. And then suddenly Maria felt that the time had come for the baby to be born. There was no housing nearby, and the travelers had to seek shelter in a small cave, in which shepherds took refuge with their livestock from the weather. It was there that little Jesus was destined to be born. With his appearance, a new light flashed brightly in the night sky. star, with her radiance she illuminated not only the vaults of heaven, but also the earth and the cave where the son of God lay in a manger on simple straw. So the Star of Bethlehem notified the whole world about the appearance of Jesus Christ. According to legend, magicians went to the light of the Star of Bethlehem to find the born Savior of the world and give him gifts.

The day Jesus was born began to be called Christmas (from the word “birth”). And the star on the top of the Christmas tree should remind people of this memorable and historical event.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

The kindergarten is conducting a survey to help you raise your children. Your sincere and thoughtful answers will allow us to obtain reliable data and give you useful recommendations.

1. How do you assess the contribution of kindergarten to your child’s upbringing?

2. How do you assess the degree of your participation in the work of the group your child attends:


Didn't think about it;

I find it difficult to answer.

3. Who, in your opinion, plays the leading role in raising children:


Family and kindergarten.

4. What questions do you most often ask your teacher:

Find out any misunderstanding (child's offense, disorder in his locker, broken toy, etc.);

Appetite, sleep of a child in kindergarten;

the child’s mood and behavior in kindergarten;

The child’s success in the classroom;

5. What questions does the teacher most often ask you:

The child behaved badly in kindergarten;

The child ate poorly (well) and slept;

The child studied poorly (well), does not know how (can) do anything;

The child’s success in the classroom;

request to help the kindergarten;

Advise on how best to raise a child in a family;

Ask if his advice helped in raising a child

6. How often do you turn to a teacher for advice in raising a child:

Not good;

7. For what problems in raising your child would you like to receive help from a specialist?

8. What forms of work between kindergartens and parents do you consider the most effective:

A teacher visiting a child at home;

Parent meetings;

Parents visiting classes in kindergarten with their subsequent discussion;

Joint celebrations and entertainment;

Individual conversations and consultations with specialists;

Other forms.

Thank you! Good luck to you in raising your baby!

Tips for parents

Mothers often had questions: “How to build a normal relationship with a child? How to make him obey? How to avoid conflicts?” One day I came across an amazing book by Moscow State University professor, famous scientist and talented teacher Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter “Communicate with a child. How?" Since then, it has become my reference book. And today I would like to introduce you to some positions on how to competently build relationships with children, which I hope will help you in life.

Sooner or later, the unconditional faith of children in Santa Claus begins to be subject to critical questions about the reality of his existence, how he is in time for everyone, how he guesses wishes. Many parents are frightened by this moment because they don’t know what to say: tell the truth or allow them to remain in the magical world?

Does Santa Claus exist? What to say?

At 8-9 years old, a child distinguishes between the fictional world and the real one. For the interest shown in the person of Santa Claus, you can choose one of the explanations listed below.

  • Santa Claus exists as long as faith in him is alive.
  • Santa Claus is a citizen of a magical land, along with other fairy tale characters.
  • Santa Claus lives not as a person, but in our thoughts, as a legendary hero.

Belief in miracles later helps children cope with difficult situations. Fairy tales develop creativity. In the child's later life, they facilitate adaptation to the adult world.

If the child is interested in why Santa Claus always looks different, tell him that the real one can’t cope with everything, since he needs to do everything in one night and has to use the services of assistants.

The opinion that maintaining a child’s belief in magic can cause harm and lead to disappointment in the future is wrong. With age, he will figure everything out on his own. And if he asks why he was told a lie, say that the main thing is the opportunity to give joy to loved ones, the desire to create miracles, and whether Santa Claus exists in real life is a secondary question.

What not to do

You should not resort to blackmail and manipulation by trusting Santa Claus, declaring that in case of bad behavior he will leave the child without a gift. To achieve the desired behavior, one must resort to skill-building methods. In its absence, good behavior will be forced and not long-term.

Brothers of Santa Claus from different parts of the world

Tell your child that the whole world believes in Santa Claus, as evidenced by the number of his relatives.

If the answers to the question “does Santa Claus exist?” still leaves doubts in the child’s mind, tell him that the existing personality is known - St Nicholas, patron of travelers and children. It is known that Saint Nicholas was born in the year 270 in what is now Turkey, the date of death is December 6, 346. Legends about his kindness and noble deeds are known to this day. They say that he helped the poor, and secretly put money and food in the shoes of the children, which were placed outside the threshold.

The tradition began in the 10th century. In the Cologne Cathedral (in Germany) on December 6, the students of the parish school were presented with sweets; over time, throughout Germany they began to hang shoes for the saint in anticipation of a gift. Soon they began to do this throughout Europe. Adults can also find surprises left by St. Nicholas in the most unexpected places. Adherents of the Catholic faith in Mikolajki celebrate December 6th. Supporters of Orthodoxy celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 19.

Video about whether Santa Claus exists

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