Ancient and strange women's professions. Servants of carnal love: women of the ancient profession of different times and peoples Women of the ancient profession in old age

Women in Rus' have always been famous as great craftswomen, and found many unusual activities for themselves. Let's look at a few of the most notable ones.


In ancient times, pottery was entirely in women's hands. These products did not differ in beauty and functionality. Usually these were bowls made in a simple, unpretentious way. A hole was squeezed out of the clay coma approximately in the middle, or a long sausage was rolled between the palms and laid in a spiral. But handmade and the author's style. Each owner of the bowl had her own secrets for making it. The craftswomen added various impurities to the clay - white river sand, pebbles, and some small pearls. The needlewomen also “baked” other things: clay beads, toys for children, whistles.

Plastic workers

“We need strong girls for marshmallows,” the producers of the airy delicacy could well have asked. They recruited young ladies who were strong and resilient. Two girls non-stop whipped a homogeneous mass of sour Antonovka for two days. Then the peasant women spread the paste in an even layer to dry and waited several days for the applesauce to harden. And only then carefully cut into even strips. But you could enjoy the remaining scraps to your heart's content. So, on the one hand, it’s delicious and sweet, on the other, it’s hard work.


Various knots are often mentioned in mythology. Evil spirits in Rus' confused horse manes and yarn. And especially mischievous spirits could tie a long journey or even fate into a knot. But people also had their own specialists in artistic knitting - nauznitsa. According to legends, these healers of narrow specialization could bring good luck, cure a serious illness, bewitch, or even destroy. For difficult cases, experts in intricacies made “ladder” amulets. Very exotic objects were woven into these long silk or woolen ropes. It could be bones, needles, bat wings, snake crawling. Such magic was considered very powerful.


When seeing off their family on their last journey, relatives had to shout loudly. Otherwise, they would have been suspected, at a minimum, of indifference to the deceased. The masters of “artistic” sobbing used their talent to tune everyone into the desired tragic wave. In many villages, they not only created the mood, but also dictated to the departed soul how and where to move in order to find bliss. Professional women were valued not only for their ability to moan for hours, but also for their ability to add up their rhymes specifically for each case. They were invited not only to funerals, but also to weddings. After all, a bride at a peasant wedding was supposed to be weeping and mournful, and not every girl managed to be so upset. And as soon as the mourner screams: “Oh, I’m sorry, goodbye, dear donya...” - and so, you see, the tears well up on their own, which means that all decency has been observed.


The profession of matchmaker does not go back to ancient times. Previously, marriages were concluded simply - either stolen or bought. But with the complication of this process and the development of ritual, a mediator was required. A real “pro” could do the impossible: persuade an unwilling mom and dad to marry, convince a picky girl that this or that “freak” is her destiny. Even the loss of innocence by the bride before marriage could be hidden by these craftsmen. The first person who was allowed to enter the newlyweds' bedroom was the matchmaker. In addition, she had to know a million suitable signs, speak sweetly and convincingly. And we had to be on our guard all the time: the parents of the bride or groom kept trying to unexpectedly drop by to visit each other. And then it was necessary to catch up with them, overtake them and arrange a worthy reception.


If a woman accepted a child into your family, then you should welcome her all her life. Otherwise, in the next world she will have to lick her palms for an infinitely long time (so the rumor went). Good midwives were placed in mittens in the coffin, out of respect for their magical hands. These women had a whole code of conduct. It was impossible to refuse help, it was necessary to know ancient prayers and spells, to have wealth in the house (so as not to infect the newborn with poverty). The grandmother stayed with the new mother for as many as 40 days - she helped bathe, treat and... heal. Swaddling was previously called wrapping.

German word " Hebamme" comes from Old German " Hevianna", where the first part means " heben"(raise), and the second - " Ahnin" - „ancestor/grandmother". That is, the word midwife originally meant “ elevating" According to the ancient custom of the Germanic tribes, the midwife raised the newborn on a shield and handed it to the father, and he recognized (or did not recognize) the child. According to the traditions of those harsh times, the father also had the right to kill the child if he saw that he was weak.

The English word midwife comes from the Old English „ mid wife“ - “with a woman/wife.” I can guess the German preposition „ mit" and the German noun “ Web“(woman), huh?) That is, “ together with the woman/mother in labor».

Russian word " midwife», « midwife" is associated with the verb " twist/tie"umbilical cord. The modern word " midwife"French origin. Verb accoucher- give birth/give birth.

You can discuss the etymology of this word in other languages ​​in the comments below.

1513 A midwife delivers a baby.

The reason that women do not give birth as easily as female animals is, of course, not the biblical curse on the daughters of Eve at the time of their expulsion from the Garden of Eden." ..and you will give birth to your children in pain...”, and anthropological features of the structure of the female pelvis. In the process of evolution and changes in climatic conditions on the planet, human individuals began to walk on two “back” legs, and the “payment” for upright walking and running was the narrowing of the pelvic bones.

To reduce the fear of childbirth, magic has been called upon to help since pagan times. Amulets and other amulets were attributed with the properties of protection from all kinds of evil spirits, which supposedly lie in wait for the woman in labor and the baby, as well as the properties of reducing pain and “safety net” against possible death. Many midwives used elements of magic in their work. In the room where the birth took place, magic spells were pronounced, bunches of herbs were burned, symbolic fumigation was carried out, and the mineral aetite ("eagle stone") was tied to the thighs of the woman in labor. Various pagan deities were called upon to help.

Birth of twins:

When the child was born, the midwife cut the umbilical cord to the length of four fingers and tied it up. Then she cleaned the body of blood and mucus and bathed it. The newborn's palate was smeared with honey to stimulate appetite. Those born prematurely were smeared with pork fat until he himself could not maintain body temperature.

With the spread of Christianity, the Virgin Mary, who herself was a mother, began to be considered the patroness of women in labor. By the way, back in the Middle Ages, many midwives questioned the fact of the virginity of Mary who gave birth to Jesus. But, of course, they kept their opinions to themselves, since the all-powerful church in the Middle Ages was not to be trifled with.

The woman in labor and her family should read a prayer “ Quicumque vult" For difficult childbirths in German-speaking regions, the following conspiracy was popular: “O child, living or dead, come into the light, the Lord is calling you!” At least purely psychologically, these measures had a positive effect on the woman in labor.

1505 From a manual for midwives:

The craft of a midwife in the Middle Ages was very honorable and respected. And so it was until the period of the "witch hunt"....

The “dark” era of the Middle Ages was marked by the strengthening of the authority of the church in all aspects of life. And the midwives were also driven into a narrow framework of norms, regulations and “Christian” rules, which they were obliged to strictly follow.

1569 Maternity ward of the hospital:

The Witches' Hammer (1486), an instruction manual for unmasking witches, described in detail how to recognize a witch and why she was dangerous. And midwives were a “risk group” in this terrible massacre.
Given the pathetic state of hygiene of the time, the death of a newborn or a mother in labor was a common occurrence. However, the family of the deceased often looked for someone to blame. If in any village the mortality rate of women in labor or newborns increased, suspicion fell on the local midwife. In addition, theologians claimed that witch-midwives prepared their potions from unbaptized babies.


The Church was most concerned that during a difficult birth, when the lives of mother and child hung in the balance, the midwife had time to perform the rite of “emergency” baptism. After all, the most terrible thing was not considered death, but the fact that the “unchrist” would burn forever in fiery hell, and Satan would take possession of his soul!!! While a baptized baby can die peacefully, his soul will immediately go to heaven.

Midwives received “instructions” for conducting “emergency” baptisms. In the 21st century, these instructions sound completely absurd. Even if the child partially came out of the mother’s womb, and things did not go further, the midwife was obliged to concentrate her efforts on the speedy baptism of this “part” of the child that came into the world, and only then continue to provide further assistance to the woman in labor and the baby. Each midwife in her bag, along with her instruments, had a bottle of “holy” water (which, of course, was often teeming with germs).

In some regions, the midwife could administer the last communion, take confession, and absolve the dying person of her sins.

Still from the film "The Midwife", other photos below.

There is certain evidence according to which historians suggest that midwives in the Middle Ages were less susceptible to church obscurantism than other people, did not really adhere to these instructions of the church, and most often acted in the interests of the woman in labor and the child. However, ill-wishers could report her to the church “authorities” that they say she did not have time to baptize the child. And the priest, if he suspected that such and such a midwife “does not keep the faith,” could come and be present at the birth. The midwife could be in trouble. And during periods of “witch hunt” the matter could have ended in a fire for her. After all, women of this particular profession were the very first “candidates” for “witches.” The midwife possessed a lot of secret knowledge - she understood herbs, conspiracies, and the life of the mother and child was in her hands. Sometimes a woman in labor or a newborn died - but did she have a hand in this? She constantly dealt with unbaptized babies, which means that, according to theologians, she was most susceptible to the temptations of the devil. The sick brain of the church obscurantists came up with completely crazy scenarios - that the midwife could succumb to the persuasion and temptations of Satan and throw Satan's child to the woman in labor, and kill the unbaptized child of the woman in labor. Such scenarios are found in modern horror films, but back then it was reality. In addition, the Inquisition considered a woman, by default, unclean and sinful. The midwife's craft was associated with women; she touched their genitals, and through them, according to theologians, Satan could enter the body. And the midwife herself was a woman.


Although this was prohibited by both the church and professional ethics, she, being a herbalist, knew what herb to drink (for example, a decoction of thuja fruits, which are poisonous) so that the pregnant woman would “throw out” the unwanted child, since she was already exhausted seven hungry people shopping. Even if the midwife did not do this, but purely theoretically she COULD. And since she COULD, it means she is guilty. All in all, " If only there was a person, there would be an article"(With). During the witch hunts, hundreds of midwives were tortured and executed. Some, before dying under torture, “confessed” that they had killed dozens of babies (note: under torture, the Pope himself would have admitted that he had committed adultery with Satan)

17th century The midwife came to the woman in labor:

The midwife had to lead a pious Christian lifestyle. She was also charged with asking the woman in labor to find out the name of the child’s father if she was unmarried. Issues of Christian morality in the Middle Ages were given much more importance than issues of medical and psychological assistance to women in labor. One can only guess how the midwives of those times managed to maintain a balance between professional ethics and the requirements of the church. With all their advanced (for those times) medical knowledge, we must not forget that they were still products of their era, with the same fears and problems as others. And they had to live according to the standards of their time.

Childbirth of a noble woman:

The medical knowledge of midwives is of interest. Since time immemorial, good midwives have known that ergot speeds up contractions, and henbane, belladonna and poppy have a narcotic analgesic effect. They knew how to stitch a ruptured perineum with silk threads and performed a caesarean section alive (however, many women in labor did not survive). Some of the skills of the midwives of earlier times have been lost - for example, how to turn the fetus in the desired way using knitting needles and ribbons inserted into the uterus.

Family waiting...

Even in the Old Testament, wise “knowing” women were mentioned who provided assistance to women in labor at the most crucial moment.

For many thousands of years, training in the craft of a midwife among all peoples took place according to the same principle: “learning by doing,” as they would say today. That is, a young novice midwife learned her craft from an old, experienced woman, at first she simply accompanied her mentor, helped her give birth, observed, learned all the secrets, and then she herself began to give birth under the supervision of the elder one. This is how knowledge and experience were passed on from generation to generation.

To be fair, it should be noted that not only women played the role of midwives. In remote rural regions, it was common for poor women in labor to call upon male shepherds to act as midwives. It was believed that if he could give birth to a cow or sheep, then he could also give birth to a woman. But most of the midwives were women.

Among the ancient Roman, ancient Greek and Persian doctors, obstetrics was not considered part of medicine. Some ancient treatises touched upon such “gynecological” topics as conception, pregnancy, infertility, and menstruation. In general, as long as processes took place within the body itself, this was related to medicine. But as soon as the stage of expulsion of the fetus from the mother’s womb began, this was no longer medicine, but the field of knowledge of the midwife. Medical scientists referred to the fact that these were “women’s affairs” or were content with a couple of superficial pieces of advice... For example, “ make a woman in labor sneeze so that the fetus comes out faster».

One of the few known works on obstetrics written by men dates back to 350 AD. The author, physician Theodorus Priscianus, expresses in the preface his gratitude to a certain midwife named Victoria, with whom he consulted on the practical part of the book. " I just want to support you with my knowledge so that you, having the advantage of belonging to the same sex, can use this knowledge to cure women’s ailments.” History has not preserved any information about this Victoria; it is not even known whether she had the literacy to read this book. We only know that she shared her knowledge with the doctor.

Thus, the practical area of ​​obstetrics was entirely in the hands of female midwives. Doctors did not interfere in their affairs for a long time. Women themselves experimentally found methods to help mothers in labor with complications. The first textbooks on obstetrics were written by female midwives, not doctors.

1819 The midwife carries the child to church. Midwives often became godparents of the children they helped into the world.

One of the first names of such “knowledgeable” women that have come down to us is Trotula from Salerno, who lived in the 11th century. In her book, she described 16 options for complications during childbirth - for example, the head does not pass through the birth canal, transverse presentation, the child walks with his feet, and so on. lips and face. For each complication, Trotula gives detailed instructions to the midwife.

Trotula also describes recipes for ointments, compresses, and potions. To expel frozen fruit, Trotula recommends water or steam baths with certain herbs. If this does not help, then follow the instructions on how to extract the fruit piece by piece.
If the midwife saw that the woman in labor had died, but the fetus was still alive, she was OBLIGED to perform a caesarean section as soon as possible with a sharp razor blade. This was the rule for all midwives, as well as the requirement of the church synod - in order to save the life of the child. If the midwife did not have the courage to perform a caesarean section, she had to call a man for help, for example, the husband of the woman in labor. Otherwise, she was considered guilty of the child’s death and could be punished. Caesarean sections were performed mainly on deceased mothers.

1774 Childbirth in a wealthy family.

If the child walked with his feet, then he should be slightly “push” back and try to turn him head down. If this did not help, particularly skilled midwives knew how to insert two knitting needles through the birth canal, at the ends of which thin ribbons were tied. Using knitting needles, they wrapped ribbons around the legs of the fetus in a special way, turned it in the desired direction and pulled it out into the light of day. These knitting needles were the only auxiliary tool that midwives were allowed to use. The use of forceps was an absolute taboo for them; for them one could end up in prison or at least get into serious trouble. Only doctors had the right to apply forceps. The midwife was OBLIGATED, at the first request of the “precinct” doctor, to show him her bag so that he could check for the presence of forceps, abortion devices, as well as “forbidden” herbs.

A midwife consults a pregnant patient:

When contractions began, the midwife knew her job. But as soon as complications occurred, she had few resources in the Middle Ages. Proof of this was the high mortality rate of mothers and newborns literally until the 19th century. After all, every manual intervention (all these knitting needles, hooks...) was associated with the risk of infection or bleeding. Rotating the fetus in the womb carried the danger of detachment of the placenta or compression of the umbilical cord. There were no serious painkillers.

They were very afraid of childbed fever, which was caused by an infection acquired during childbirth. Most often it happened during the first birth.

Data from the archives of the city of Florence for the years 1424, 1425 and 1430 show that 20% of all married women in the city died in childbirth or from puerperal fever. In English aristocratic families in the period 1330-1479, 36% of all boys and 29% of all girls died before reaching the age of 5. The mortality rate for English mothers in labor is 25%.

Historical research also sheds light on the topic of infertility. 16-17% of all marriages of ducal families in England in the 14th and 15th centuries were infertile (marriages where both spouses lived to an infertile age were taken into account).

1510. Noble woman in labor:

As for the lower classes, more or less reliable (fragmentary) data on the mortality rate of women in labor from the poor have existed only since the 17th-18th century. But undoubtedly before that they were as tall, if not even taller, than among noble women in labor. The midwives were not sorceresses. But without their help, the mortality rate would have been even higher.

18 century. Male obstetrician in England. It is clear from his clothes that he was not allowed to look at the genitals of the woman in labor; he did his work by touch:

Midwives were paid in different ways. In most cases, their income was funds received from the families of women in labor. Therefore, some midwives preferred to visit rich patients, and from time to time to refuse poor ones. To avoid this, the magistrates of some rich cities themselves paid a (fixed) salary to their midwives. For example, in 1381 the city of Nuremberg paid each midwife a guilder every three months. The city of Bruges paid 12 groschen per day for 270 working days a year. The authorities of Ulm in 1491 passed a law where midwives were forbidden to refuse poor patients. But still, the vast majority of midwives lived from the payment of their work by the family of the mother in labor in money or “in kind.”

Until the 20th century, there were persistent rumors about midwives in many regions that they also performed abortions. And even the reputations of those midwives who never did this suffered because of their colleagues who practiced abortions. In German, women who have abortions were called Engelmacherin - « making angels" This could be either a professional midwife or a housewife who simply decided to earn extra money in this way. The latter charged very little for the “service,” but they also had no qualifications. They sometimes performed abortions using the most absurd and dangerous methods.

Childbirth with husband:

The 18th century (the century of Enlightenment) brought significant changes to science and to the centuries-old way of life. European states began to take control of the training of midwives. Now they had no right to practice without a license. A license can only be obtained after a training course at the hospital. The hospital patients were mostly unmarried and other pregnant women without means of support. In exchange for shelter and board, they agreed to become subjects of study by doctors, students and future midwives.

Noble women always gave birth at home, often under the care of several midwives.

Scene in the hospital (still from the film “The Midwife”):

It was undoubtedly very humiliating. These women were treated unceremoniously, like guinea pigs. But on the other hand, without this experience in hospitals and the mistakes of doctors, it was impossible to move medicine forward. It is to those anonymous women that we owe the fact that in the 21st century the death of a mother or child is extremely rare.

Midwives, especially older and more experienced ones, were very unhappy with the fact that they were required to have a license. They were offended that some young, beardless doctor, yesterday’s student, who had only seen a pregnant woman in a picture, would examine her and tell her how to give birth. And even worse - to have the right to check her travel bag for “prohibited” items.

Mid 20th century. Rural midwife (Germany):

Gradually, the rights of midwives were curtailed. And not because of the church, but because of the medical authority of male doctors. In case of birth complications, they began to call the doctor more and more often. By the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th centuries, it became simply safer to give birth with doctors, as discoveries were made (by doctors!) in the field of anesthesia, asepsis and antisepsis, which made successful caesarean sections possible. The mortality rate of women giving birth has decreased significantly.

Rural midwife:

It is worth noting that in remote regions the role of a midwife was often taken on by neighbors or relatives, for whom this was not the main craft, they did it occasionally. After all, there was an acute shortage of professionally trained midwives in rural areas, and many and many births were given there. And as long as the self-taught people did not charge for their services, they did not come into conflict with the law. Problems only started if they started charging for their services - this was only allowed after attending midwifery school and obtaining a diploma and license.

First bath:

But in rural areas, midwives remained the authorities on obstetrics until the mid-20th century.

Early 20th century. Rural midwife (country?)

Since ancient times, there have been women in society who provide special services for money. Time and customs either turned them into outcasts or elevated them to the elite of society. In our review, there are 10 representatives of the most ancient profession - from temple priestesses to modern Muslim women who get married for the night.

1. Ying-chi

The Chinese Ying-chi are perhaps the first prostitutes in history to be brought under control by the authorities. According to historians, Emperor Wu hired women for the sole purpose of accompanying his armies during campaigns and entertaining the soldiers. Ying-chi literally means "camp of harlots." True, if the opinion is that these are far from the first moths taken under state control in China. Emperor Yue created the first brothels, where he recruited widows of dead warriors.

2. Temple priestesses of love

The role of temple priestesses of love in ancient Greco-Roman society is the subject of much debate. At the same time, the popularity of the priestesses themselves in society is beyond doubt. Scientists' opinions are divided. Some believe that the priestesses were simply slaves whose services were sold by temples to earn money. Others are sure that copulation with priestesses was a special cult, worship of the temple deity.

3. Devadasi

Devadasis are priestesses in temples where the Hindu goddess of fertility, Yellamma, was worshiped. When girls reached puberty, their parents put their virginity up for auction. Then the dedication to the goddess took place, and until the end of their days, the cult ministers gave the girls to the one who would pay the most for them.
My parents thought it was a pretty good deal. Such a custom has been an integral part of the Yellamma religion for centuries. Even though the practice was outlawed in India in 1988, it continues today. Moreover, devadasis are irrevocable, they have no way back. Even if women decide to give up this lifestyle, they will never get married.

4. Women for soldiers' pleasures

There are many moments in World War II that people prefer to keep silent about. One of these moments is the so-called “comfort women”. Beginning in 1932, the Japanese military began recruiting women, mostly of Korean descent, to work in "comfort centers." The women were promised work, but they were not told that it would be work in brothels for Japanese soldiers. As a result, about 200,000 women fell into real sexual slavery. According to statistics, no more than 30% of the unfortunate were able to survive this. Even 11-year-old girls were forced to serve from 50 to 100 different men every day, and if they refused, they suffered beatings.

5. Auletrides

Auletrides are a special class of Greek representatives of an ancient profession who occupied a special position in society. They were not only intimate gurus, but also graceful dancers and skilled flutists. Some of them knew how to juggle, fencing and had acrobatics skills. Many auletrides gave public performances on the streets during religious ceremonies and festivals. In a private setting, Greek mistresses provided intimate services.

6. Ganika

Ganika is the Indian version of Japanese geishas. These women occupied a fairly high position in the social hierarchy. It was believed that a night with ganika would bring a man good luck, happiness and prosperity.
In the Indian pantheon of priestesses of love there were 8 types of moths. Ganika is the elite. In addition to being super skilled in the intimate sphere, they were true masters of the fine arts. A woman could be called Ganikov only if she had mastered 64 types of arts. While other members of the ancient profession in India tended to be housewives who earned extra money for their husbands, ganikas held a place of honor in the royal courts.

7. Zones

Zonah is the biblical priestess of love. She did not belong to any man and did not give birth to children. The zones existed outside the laws of the Bible and were subject to virtually no rules. Men could not only buy services from the zone, but also marry her. Only the priests were relieved by this.

3. Hetaera

Hetaeras were high-class courtesans in Athens. Sexual services were completely legal, and as a rule, slaves became hetaeras. Less often, these were simply residents of the city, whose fathers were not citizens of Athens. Hetaeras often worked in groups at symposiums. They were forbidden to marry citizens of Athens, but the latter could ransom them. The status of hetaera was for life. If women tried to gain citizenship, they could be taken to court and made slaves.

2. Tawaif

Tawaif - priestesses of love in Northern India in the 18th - 20th centuries. Many of them, like Japanese geishas, ​​were musicians and dancers, but at the same time they did not disdain providing intimate services. If a tawaif found herself a rich patron, she became a very wealthy person. If a tawaif had a daughter, she passed on not only her accumulated wealth, but also her profession. They could not officially marry, but very often their patrons lived with them as wives.

1. Muta

Mutah is an Islamic temporary marriage in which two parties enter into an agreement to be married for a specified period of time. The contract may be written or oral, and all details of the marriage are agreed upon in advance, including how much "dowry" the woman will receive, what kind of physical contact will take place, and how long the "marriage" will last. On the one hand, proponents of muta say that it is a good way for two people to try living together before getting legally married to make sure they are right for each other. On the other hand, some contracts stipulated that the “marriage” would last only a few hours and that the woman would be paid for it. In this way, Muslims circumvent the ban on “love for money.”

Since ancient times, there have been women in society who provide special services for money. Time and customs either turned them into outcasts or elevated them to the elite of society.

Servants of carnal love: women of the most ancient profession of different times and peoples

In our review there are 10 representatives of the most ancient profession - from temple priestesses to modern Muslim women who get married for the night.


The Chinese Ying-chi are perhaps the first prostitutes in history to be brought under control by the authorities.

According to historians, Emperor Wu hired women for the sole purpose of accompanying his armies on campaigns and entertaining his soldiers.

Ying-chi literally means "camp of harlots." True, if the opinion is that these are far from the first moths taken under state control in China. Emperor Yue created the first brothels, where he recruited widows of dead warriors.

2.Temple priestesses of love

The role of temple priestesses of love in ancient Greco-Roman society is the subject of much debate. At the same time, the popularity of the priestesses themselves in society is beyond doubt.

Scientists' opinions are divided. Some believe that the priestesses were simply slaves whose services were sold by temples to earn money. Others are sure that copulation with priestesses was a special cult, worship of the temple deity.


Devadasi in India.
Devadasis are priestesses in temples where the Hindu goddess of fertility, Yellamma, was worshiped.

When girls reached puberty, their parents put their virginity up for auction. Then the dedication to the goddess took place, and until the end of their days, the cult ministers gave the girls to the one who would pay the most for them.

My parents thought it was a pretty good deal. Such a custom has been an integral part of the Yellamma religion for centuries. Even though the practice was outlawed in India in 1988, it continues today.

Moreover, devadasis are irrevocable, they have no way back. Even if women decide to give up this lifestyle, they will never get married.

4. Women for soldiers' comforts

Women for soldiers' comforts.
There are many moments in World War II that people prefer to keep silent about. One of these moments is the so-called “comfort women”.

Beginning in 1932, the Japanese military began recruiting women, mostly of Korean descent, to work in "comfort centers." The women were promised work, but they were not told that it would be work in brothels for Japanese soldiers. As a result, about 200,000 women fell into real sexual slavery.

According to statistics, no more than 30% of the unfortunate were able to survive this. Even 11-year-old girls were forced to serve from 50 to 100 different men every day, and if they refused, they suffered beatings.


Auletrides dance.

Auletrides are a special class of Greek representatives of an ancient profession who occupied a special position in society.

They were not only intimate gurus, but also graceful dancers and skilled flutists. Some of them knew how to juggle, fencing and had acrobatics skills. Many auletrides gave public performances on the streets during religious ceremonies and festivals.

In a private setting, Greek mistresses provided intimate services.

6. Ganika

Ganika is the Indian version of Japanese geishas.

These women occupied a fairly high position in the social hierarchy. It was believed that a night with ganika would bring a man good luck, happiness and prosperity.

In the Indian pantheon of priestesses of love there were 8 types of moths. Ganika is the elite. In addition to being super skilled in the intimate sphere, they were true masters of the fine arts. A woman could be called a Ganika only if she had mastered 64 types of arts.

While other members of the ancient profession in India tended to be housewives who earned extra money for their husbands, ganikas held a place of honor in the royal courts.

7. Zones(zone)

Biblical priestess of love.
Zonah is the biblical priestess of love.

She did not belong to any man and did not give birth to children. The zones existed outside the laws of the Bible and were subject to virtually no rules. Men could not only buy services from the zone, but also marry her. Only priests were forbidden to do this.

8. Getera

Hetaeras were high-class courtesans in Athens.

Sexual services were completely legal, and as a rule, slaves became hetaeras. Less often, these were simply residents of the city, whose fathers were not citizens of Athens. Hetaeras often worked in groups at symposiums. They were forbidden to marry citizens of Athens, but the latter could ransom them.

The status of hetaera was for life. If women tried to gain citizenship, they could be taken to court and made slaves.

9. Tawaif

Tawaif - priestesses of love in Northern India in the 18th - 20th centuries.

Many of them, like Japanese geishas, ​​were musicians and dancers, but at the same time they did not disdain providing intimate services. If a tawaif found herself a rich patron, she became a very wealthy person.

If a tawaif had a daughter, she passed on not only her accumulated wealth, but also her profession. They could not officially marry, but very often their patrons lived with them as wives.


Mutah is an Islamic temporary marriage in which two parties enter into an agreement to be married for a specified period of time.

The contract may be written or oral, and all details of the marriage are agreed upon in advance, including how much "dowry" the woman will receive, what kind of physical contact will take place, and how long the "marriage" will last.

On the one hand, proponents of muta say that it is a good way for two people to try living together before getting legally married to make sure they are right for each other. On the other hand, some contracts stipulated that the “marriage” would last only a few hours, and that the woman would be paid for it. In this way, Muslims circumvent the ban on “love for money.”

The oldest profession in the world is said to be that of women who sell their bodies or as they say love. “Sales love” - prostitution. The world has been familiar with this type of trade since the time when man realized himself to be different from animals. And it seems to me, and I’m more precisely sure, that the founders were men who had power and strength, woman was a commodity. The foundations of the worldview laid in this way and the assumption of the opportunity to make money from a woman as a source of pleasure gave birth to this ancient profession.

Perhaps the origin of this type of activity has other roots, but the fact is that the man sought to find a woman who would realize what he could not realize with his wife and bride. Women giving love, or rather selling it, could fulfill the wildest fantasies of men, which created a demand for this type of activity.

There are many places where you can avail the services of such women, these places are called brothels because anyone can come and enjoy a moment of pleasure. In fact, this is illegal (at least in Russia), but for some reason it was not a priority for the authorities of any country in the world to eradicate this phenomenon.

Prostitution is an easy and quick way for women to earn money, although there are also men who allow women to use their services. For ordinary people, however, all this causes disgust and even condemnation.

With the development of civilization, the ancient profession also improved; less intelligent and more attractive women stopped hanging out on the street in search of so-called clients, and switched to searching for and waiting for work by phone. Sometimes their photos can be found on the website. Their meetings occur only with those men who have a certain status, most of them have made a career and money and can afford to use the services of these women, because they lack time and luck in normal relationships. Such girls often accompany men at various parties and events. Expensive gifts, money, housing, sponsors, that’s what we now call such men, how should we feel about this? To condemn or not? You probably read our article about Amazon women who engage in prostitution for the sake of survival, for the sake of a child. And the husbands of these Amazon women sit at home and wait for them to get home from work.

Women who carry out this type of activity as prostitution, in those countries where it is not officially legalized, do their work underground, because they do not enjoy respect in society. Clandestine prostitution gives rise to a number of even more negative manifestations in society, described in one word - crime.

For reference:

  • Prostitution is permitted, but is strictly regulated by the state with the help of specific measures aimed exclusively at prostitution (examples: Holland, Switzerland, most of Austria, some states of Australia, etc.).
  • Prostitution is also allowed in a state like Turkey - those who sell love are officially registered and can carry out their activities.
  • Since 2000, prostitution has been legalized in the Netherlands - it is allowed to open brothels. Officially registered prostitutes have all the civil rights of workers, including social benefits. As a result of the legalization of prostitution in the first years of the 21st century, income from the sex industry amounted to approximately 5% of the state’s national income.
  • Prostitution in Germany was legalized for EU citizens in 2002. Democratic legislative concessions in relation to the oldest profession were also made in Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Significant differences in attitudes towards prostitution in different countries have contributed to the emergence of a very developed phenomenon today, sex tourism. Residents of Europe and America go on sex trips, mostly visiting Asian countries (Thailand, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka), Eastern Europe and Latin America.
  • Recently on television the news showed the Red Light District and two women practicing the oldest profession. They are 65 years old, they are twin sisters, they have earned their entire lives through this kind of work; one of the sisters still works to this day. But they became known to the whole world thanks to their written memoirs, which contain not just dry facts but also a dose of humor. So think about why they are showing this? Is this profession so dangerous? Of course, if it is not allowed in your country, then you should not compete with the law.

How to approach this profession today? Everyone has their own opinion. Mine, for example, is AGAINST. The female body should not be a commodity! And at the same time, who, besides women, can give pleasure to lonely men whose fate and life do not work out in the direction of finding the one.

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