The smartest people on earth. The smartest person in the world right now

There are many miracles in the world, one of these mysteries that scientists have not been able to solve for many decades is the question of the genius of some people, whose mental abilities are simply amazing. It is quite difficult to say unmistakably who is worthy of the title of the smartest person in the world or in Russia, because each of the applicants has their own individual abilities.

Very often, after solving some life problem, we can hear the statement addressed to us: “You are the smartest person on earth.” We are glad that our efforts were noticed, but at the same time we don’t think about what kind of person he is - really the smartest person on the planet, what talents does he have and what can he do with the power of his mind? The only thing that can be said is that all brilliant people throughout history were united.

How to measure intelligence

In the modern world, identifying people with high performance and mentality is very simple - an IQ test was invented for this purpose. This test was originally invented by the English psychologist Hans Eysenck in order to accurately determine the smartest person in history.

Now the test has become widespread and everyone can try their hand. At the development stage, the test was used only on children, but in 1905 it was refined by psychologist Alfred Binet and became suitable for use on adults. The test was first used in 1916, but even its results failed to determine a person’s special talents. The idea that the smartest people who ever lived on the planet achieved success in life through constant work is still relevant in our time.

To make it clearer to most readers, the average IQ for average people is 90–110 units, for people with weak mental abilities the coefficient is less than 70%, for those who can develop their abilities and achieve something - 125–135%, and only 0. 5% of all people on the planet have an IQ above 135 - they are usually called geniuses.

All Nobel laureates take an IQ test, and most of them score 160. Unfortunately, there are people with high mental abilities who have never managed to distinguish themselves in anything and have not found an application for their talent. Such people in most cases go crazy or commit suicide.

The highest intelligence score ever was possessed by a ten-year-old girl born in 1946. A girl named Marilyn Vos Savant managed to score 228 units based on the results of the entire test. So far, no one has managed to score more than this little girl, and she is considered to this day the smartest person in history. According to the owner of this unusual title, only such disciplines as mathematics and nuclear physics can reflect high human abilities. Marilyn married a man as gifted as herself - her husband Robert Jarvik (his IQ is 180 units) invented an artificial heart. Marilyn also claims that with the help of proper nutrition, everything that is inherited by a person can be increased by 20%.

Our country also has something to be proud of, since our compatriot is listed in the Guinness Book as the first person who managed to prove the Poincaré theorem. He is Grigory Perelman, born in 1966, he is considered the smartest person in Russia.

Now many people consider Anatoly Wasserman the smartest person in the country; he often won in various television shows.

Top Smartest on Earth

If we consider the issue of genius more globally, we can confidently note that in every corner of the world there are special and unusual people. Now we will try to recreate the top of the smartest people, based on their IQ results and the successes that they were able to achieve in their lives.

So, in first place, as mentioned above, is Marilyn Savant.

She is only 10 units behind the Chinese genius Kim Pik, who has a phenomenal memory.

He is also included in the Guinness Book of Records, as he can remember 98% of all information he reads. Throughout his life, Kim Peak retained more than 12 thousand books in his memory, which he could recite by heart in different orders.

Daniel Tammet from the UK, born in 1979, can mentally calculate and solve complex problems in the field of mathematics.

Daniel also managed to master a new language within a week. In total he knows 11 languages. At age 4, he could easily multiply and divide multi-digit numbers. As he himself claims, such abilities appeared to him after suffering an attack of epilepsy in childhood.

Albert Einstein is also on the list of greatest people.

The German physicist became known to modern times thanks to the theory of relativity. Much to our surprise, we can say that as a child, Einstein was not a very active child - he spoke poorly, he was generally considered underdeveloped and mentally retarded.

The name of the next genius is probably known to all modern people - Stephen Hawking, an outstanding theoretical physicist, is one of the few people who know about the structure of the Cosmos.

A cripple, in a wheelchair, who does not control his body, lives an incredibly busy life: he teaches, acts in films, publishes scientific works and travels. His IQ is much lower than most of the inhabitants of this list, but nevertheless he managed to change his life and most modern people with his lectures and scientific treatises.

Arran Fernandez is the first person to obtain a Secondary Education Certificate at age 5. At the age of 14, he became a student at Cambridge University and is the most talented and youngest mathematician in the world.

Paul Allen is the man who co-founded Microsoft. His IQ is only 170 units, but this did not stop him from becoming a big man and putting his skills into practice.

Manahel Thabet is a Yemeni woman, economist, and the youngest Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering. Her IQ is 168.

Another woman who impressed with her talent as a strategist is Judit Polgar, a chess grandmaster originally from Hungary. Her IQ is 170.

John Sununu, with an IQ of 180 and three degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, became famous for his political career.

In addition to his unprecedented successes in science, he worked in the administration of President George H. W. Bush.

It would take a very long time to count talented people, because there are so many of them. Using the example of several of the above personalities, we have shown that there are people today who can improve things with the help of their intelligence and wisdom.

Most of these people with genius abilities today lead an unpretentious lifestyle. As almost every one of them claims, they do not consider themselves special, because an unusual mindset is a gift of nature with which they were endowed.

Video about five great minds of humanity:

When talking about something or someone, you need to take into account many factors. For example, who can be said to be the smartest person in the world? The tallest can be measured, the heaviest can be weighed. How to determine the degree of intelligence? Many are guided by IQ.

The smartest people in the world

However, many believe that judging a person's intelligence by IQ is the wrong tactic. Perhaps the title of a real intellectual deserves the one who made a revolutionary discovery in the field of science? Or the one who solved the problem that has haunted the great minds of the whole world for a whole century? If so, then perhaps the smartest person in the world is our compatriot, Grigory Perelman.

Many tried to solve it, but only Perelman was able to do this, who posted materials on the Internet in 2003 that were the correct solution. However, this fact is not at all interesting, although it also attracts attention. The scientist amazed absolutely everyone by refusing a well-deserved reward - one million dollars (this money was allocated by the Clay Institute of Mathematics). And this despite the fact that Perelman lives in an apartment in which, according to neighbors, there is nothing else except a table, a chair, an old mattress and crowds of cockroaches. But what can you do, they are the smartest people!

The human brain is such a complex and multifunctional organ that not a single scientific institute in the world has been able to study all its capabilities. Thanks to the brain, every cell of our body works correctly, the heart pumps blood, the liver processes toxins, and the lungs breathe, filling the body with oxygen.
But the main property of the brain is the human thought processes that occur in it, and the level of mental abilities of each individual is checked by a special IQ test, which was invented and developed by the German scientist Wilhelm Stein in 1912.

For an ordinary person, the average IQ level ranges from 91 to 110 points, for smarter people from 111 to 130 points, but if a subject manages to score from 131 to 140 points on the test, he can safely consider himself one of the smartest people on the planet, so There are only 3% of the world's population who are so lucky. And only people with an IQ above 140 are considered true geniuses. They make outstanding scientists, brilliant politicians and famous artists.

1. Stephen Hawking

A brilliant scientist, cosmologist and theoretical physicist, he has never ceased to amaze researchers of the human brain with his incredibly high IQ level of 160. Stephen Hawking was born in England, in Oxford in 1942, and devoted his entire life to studying the theory of black holes and the theory of the formation of the world as a result of the Big Bang. explosion.

In 1960, Hawking began to show the first signs of a serious illness - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; he was subsequently paralyzed and remained forever confined to a wheelchair. But the disease did not weaken the outstanding mind of the great physicist. His contributions to the development of cosmology are invaluable, and in 2009 Stephen Hawking was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest US honor that can be given to a civilian.

2. Judit Polgar

Judit Polgar, a prodigy with an IQ of 170, became a chess grandmaster at the age of 15, becoming the youngest grandmaster in the history of the sport, beating the record previously held by the unsurpassed Robert Fischer by a full month.
She is considered one of the strongest chess players on the planet, with victories over such great chess virtuosos as Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov and Boris Spassky.

3. Andrew Wiles

Sir Andrew Wiles is a Knight of the Order of the British Empire and an outstanding mathematician with an IQ of 170.
Andrew Wiles in 1994 was able to prove one of the most difficult theorems in mathematics - Fermat's Last Theorem. He searched for a solution to this mathematical problem for more than 8 years; Wiles began working on Fermat’s theorem back in 1986.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and teaches number theory at Oxford University. Andrew Wiles has received 15 different awards for his contributions to science, especially mathematics.

4. Paul Gardner Allen

Entrepreneur and programmer Paul Gardner Allen is not only one of the smartest people in the world, but also one of the richest, ranking 51st on the list of the richest people on the planet in 2015, according to Forbes magazine.
His intelligence level of 170 points on the IQ test is impressive, thanks to his commercial spirit, he founded Microsoft with his school friend Bill Gates in 1975.

Having amassed a massive net worth of $14.2 billion, Paul Gardner Allen is also widely known as an inventor, philanthropist and investor. He invested huge amounts of money in the construction of a large telescope to search for extraterrestrial life and in the creation of the world's first space, suborbital civil aircraft, SpaceShipOne.

5. James Howard Woods

American film actor James Howard Woods is rightfully considered one of the smartest people on the planet, with an IQ level of 180. With such intelligence and with the right education, he could easily become a famous scientist or scientific figure. Moreover, he graduated from school brilliantly, receiving the highest possible scores on the exam and a scholarship to the Institute of Technology.

He entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but soon dropped out, realizing that the career of an actor attracted him much more than the career of a “techie.”

And he turned out to be a great actor, he was nominated for an Oscar twice, received three Emmy awards and starred in such famous blockbusters as White House Down, Straw Dogs, Jobs: Empire of Seduction and others. By the way, Woods is ambidextrous; he is equally good with both his right hand and his left.

6. Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov, whom many chess experts call the best chess player in history, has an unusually high IQ level of 190 points. He discovered his talent at the age of 5, when he suggested the correct answer to his father, who was struggling with solving a chess problem published in a newspaper.
At the age of 15, he received a master of sports in chess, and in 1985 he became the world champion, beating Anatoly Karpov in the 16th game in a very difficult and intense struggle. He became the youngest champion in history, receiving his title at 22 years old.

He managed to retain his champion status for 15 years, until Vladimir Kramnik beat him in 2000. In May 1997, Kasparov was defeated in a game against the Deep Blue supercomputer, but this loss can be called relative.
The calculation speed of the supercomputer was 200 million moves per second, the device itself was in another room, Kasparov had suspicions, which he later expressed, that a person could have adjusted the program during the game.

He is also known for his political career, he is the founder of the United Civil Front, and in 2008 he even ran for the presidency of Russia from the Other Russia party.

7. Rick Rosner

American Rick Rosner, having an outstanding intelligence of 192 points on an IQ test, wastes it pointlessly writing television scripts for soap operas. He didn’t distinguish himself in anything special, he worked as a stripper, a model, and loves to roller skate.
According to some rumors, he is now poring over the next tests in order to raise his IQ bar even higher. It’s just not clear what benefit it will have to him?

8. Kim Ung-Yong

One of the smartest people on the planet is Korean Kim Ung-Yong. The term "prodigy" is simply a clear understatement of this person's mental abilities. There are many prodigies, but there are only a few people like Kim on the planet.
At the age of four, the boy already spoke 4 languages ​​fluently, and at the same age he passed the IQ test, which is usually used to test children from 7 years old. Kim showed an outstanding result, scoring more than 200 points.

At the age of 8, he received an invitation from NACA to study at the Colorado State Institute. At the age of 14, he solved complex mathematical problems live on Japanese TV. Kim Ung-Yong was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person on the planet, with an IQ level of 210.

9. Christopher Hirata

American Christopher Hirata has an incredible IQ of 225! At the age of 12, he was studying in college, focusing on physics, and at the age of 14, he was already studying at the California Institute of Technology.

At the age of 13, he received a gold medal in the International Physics Olympiad in 1996, becoming the youngest American to win this award.

At the age of 16, he began working at NACA in the Mars flight program, and at the age of 22, he successfully defended his PhD, becoming the youngest doctor of science. He currently teaches astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology.

10. The smartest man in the world - Terence Tao

This talented guy, already at the age of 2, amazed his household by trying to teach arithmetic and language to a five-year-old child. When his dad asked him how he knew all this, he replied that he learned everything from watching the cartoon “Sesame Street.”

Terence Tao has the highest IQ in history, with an IQ score of 230. Gifted with great mathematical abilities, Tao was able to easily cope with university-level math problems at the age of 9, and at the age of 16 he completed his master's and bachelor's degrees.
At the age of 20, he received his doctorate from Princeton University, and at 24, he became the youngest professor in US history.

There are a large number of miracles in the world, the main mystery being the genius of certain people. Determine without error who is worthy of the title “ The smartest man in the world” is not a simple task, because each unique person has his own specific feature that only he possesses.

A fairly common occurrence is situations when, after solving a certain problem, some people hear words addressed to them such as: “Are you the smartest?” Agree that it is very pleasant to hear such phrases addressed to you, and it immediately warms your soul that the efforts that were put into solving a certain problem were noticed and appreciated by others. Most likely, no one has ever thought about the question of what the smartest person in the world looks like, what talented abilities he has.

In our country there is also a person who was included in the Guinness Book of Records; he managed to substantiate the Poincaré theorem. This genius’s name is Grigory Perelman, he was born in 1966 and he is considered the smartest person in Russia. Today, a large number of people consider Anatoly Wasserman to be one of the smartest people; this man was a frequent winner in various intellectual programs.

IQ test

Today, measuring your intelligence is not difficult; for this purpose, special tests have been invented to determine IQ. The founder of this test is Hans Eysenck; he wanted to determine without errors the smartest person in the world. Now anyone who wants to know their IQ can take this test. At the beginning of the development of the test, it was used only on children, and in 1905 it was refined by a psychologist, his name is Alfred Binet. After the test was refined by a psychologist, it began to be used for both children and adults. The test was first used in 1916, but, unfortunately, its results were not able to determine a person’s extraordinary talents. There is an opinion that some of the smartest people who once lived on Earth achieved success in their lives through daily work, and this is also true today.

The coefficient of the average person is 90-110 units; if the coefficient is 70, then the person has weak mental abilities. If a person has talent, then his coefficient is 125-135 units, and only 0.5% of all people on the planet have a coefficient of more than 135, such people are called geniuses.

Nobel Prize winners take an IQ test and score around 160. But, unfortunately, there are people who have a high coefficient, but have not found its application in their lives. These people mostly go crazy or take their own lives.

Marilyn Savant

In history, the highest coefficient for passing an IQ test was recorded, and it is equal to 228 units. This record was set by a 10-year-old girl named Marilyn vos Savant, born in 1946. To date, no one has managed to score a coefficient higher than Marilyn Savant, and she is considered one of the smartest people in history.

Marilyn Savant states that a person's high abilities are reflected by such items as:

nuclear physics.

Marilyn tied the knot with a man like her, he is just as talented. Her husband is Robert Jarvik, his coefficient is 180, and he created an artificial heart. Marilyn Savant also says that if you adhere to a healthy diet, then all the data that is inherited increases by 20%.

The smartest people on Earth

Top smartest people in the world:

Merlin vos Savant.
Kim Pik, his feature is a phenomenal memory, he has the ability to remember 98% of information. During his life, Kim read and memorized more than 11 thousand books, he could recite them by heart, this is truly a gift.
Daniel Tammet's specialty is learning a new language in just 7 days. He knew 11 languages.

Albert Einstein became famous due to his theory of relativity. Although in childhood he was considered an underdeveloped child.
Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist, he knew everything about the devices of space. Despite the fact that he spent most of his life in a wheelchair, this did not stop him from living and enjoying life.
Arran Fernandez is the first person to receive a high school diploma at age 5. And already at 14 he was a student at Cambridge University, he was the youngest mathematician in the world.
Manahel Thabet is an economist, she is the youngest Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering, her IQ is 168 units.
John Sununu has a coefficient of 180 units. He became known to everyone due to his political career, he worked in the administration of President George W. Bush.

Grigory Perelman

Grigory Perelman solved the first of the seven mathematical “millennium problems,” and when the scientific community finally read his work (Perelman himself made no attempts to publish), it twice wanted to give “Grisha Perelman” money.

But Perelman refused the money, saying that the American scientist Hamilton also made a contribution to solving this problem, so he considers the decision of the mathematical community to be incorrect.

In December 2006, Perelman's proof of Poincare's theory was named the major scientific breakthrough of the year by Science magazine. In April 2011, in his first interview after a long lull, Grigory Perelman explained his refusal to give up a million dollars by saying that this money was nothing for “the man who controls the Universe.”

Stephen Hawking (IQ 160)

Stephen Hawking can be called the most famous scientist and popularizer of science today.

Movies are made based on his biography, he plays cameos in popular TV series and is a cartoon character.

Hawking is an expert on black holes and cosmology, and from 1979 to 2009 he served as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a prestigious post held by Isaac Newton in the 18th century. In 2009, Hawking became Emeritus Lucasian Professor at Cambridge.

Hawking is often talked about as the scientist who made the greatest contributions to astronomy, cosmology, black hole theory and the understanding of gravity since Einstein.

Kim Ung-Yong (IQ 210)

Kim Ung-Yong was born in Korea in 1963. At two years old he knew five languages, then learned one language a month.

At three years old the child knew algebra, at five he solved the most complex differential equations.

From 4 to 7 years old, Kim Ung-Yong attended the Faculty of Physics at Hanyang University, and in 1970 he received an invitation and scholarship from NASA (NASA, USA). He also received a PhD in physics from Colorado State University at the age of 15.

Returning home in 1978 after working at NASA, Kim earned another degree, this time in civil engineering, and began working in the field. Kim has published nearly a hundred scientific papers on hydraulics.
As of 2007, Ung-Yong worked as a professor at Chungbuk National University.
In September 2012, Kim Ung-Yong was officially mentioned as one of the "10 Smartest People in the World".

Bill Gates (IQ 160)

We couldn't ignore the pioneers of the computer age and not talk about Bill Gates.
Bill Gates was a freshman at Harvard University in 1973, but dropped out in his third year to devote himself to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 with Paul Allen.

Firmly convinced that the PC would become indispensable in every workplace and home, they began developing software for personal computers.

Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. He is actively involved in charity work, writes articles and books. Bill Gates was one of the first people in history to show that with your mind you can earn not just a lot of money, but a lot of money, very, very much.

Terence Tao (IQ 230)

Terence Tao knew the basics of algebra at two years old, took university mathematics courses at nine, received a doctorate in mathematics from Princeton at 20, and at 24 became the youngest professor at the University of California. Wrote more than 250 scientific papers.

In 2006, the young scientist received the Fields Prize, a year later he became a member of the Royal Society of London, a year later a member of two US Academies, and in 2010 he became a laureate of the King Faisal International Prize in Science.

Daniel Tammet

Daniel Tammet is one of the most famous savants - owners of an “island of genius” in some area that contrasts with the limitations of the individual. Tammet was not always a savant.

He grew up as an ordinary child, but then he began to have epileptic seizures, after which he discovered his superpowers.

Tammet is capable of performing complex calculations in his head; in March 2004, he broke the world record by reproducing the number P to 22,514 decimal places in five hours and nine minutes. At the same time, Daniel does not count numbers, but feels them. He admitted: “I represent numbers in the form of visual images. They have color, structure, shape. Number sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like paintings. It’s as if the universe with its fourth dimension appears in my head.” Daniel also knows 11 languages; he can learn a new language in just a week. Tammet also invented his own language, which he called mänt

Zhores Alferov

Zhores Alferov was one of the creators of the electronic reality that we encounter every day. At the same time, he began work on it at a time when it was not talked about not only here, but also in the West.

Alferov made discoveries that led to qualitative changes in the development of all electronic technology back in 1962-1974.

Today, all mobile phones contain heterostructure semiconductors created by Alferov. All fiber optic communications operate on its semiconductors and the Alferov laser. Without the Alferov laser, CD players and disk drives of modern computers would not be possible. The scientist's discoveries are used in car headlights, traffic lights, and supermarket equipment - product label decoders.

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