Family holiday when celebrated. Day of Family, Love and Fidelity: what kind of holiday it is and how it is celebrated. Why is this holiday special?

The family is not just a unit of society, as Russian revolutionaries liked to say, it is one of the highest values ​​in the life of a person and society. In recent years, the institution of the family, however, has been slightly shaken; traditional marriage has been replaced by varieties such as guest or civil marriage.

That is why the Russian authorities, concerned about the situation, decided to return citizens to traditional values. And therefore, for some time now, the Russian holiday calendar has included such a thing - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. We will tell you further about its history, traditions, celebration in Russia and abroad.

history of the holiday

The first to take the initiative to introduce such an unusual celebration into the holiday calendar were residents of the town of Murom. It is located in the Vladimir region, famous for the fact that here in one of the churches the relics of Saints Fevronia and Peter rest.

It is this couple that reminds of the main family values ​​- piety, loyalty to each other, love, mercy. Many legends have already developed around the names of Fevronia and Peter; some historians put forward the version that the prototype of the main character was Davyd Yuryevich, the Murom prince, who took monastic vows under the name of Peter. Folklorists point to the presence of this couple in folk legends.

The documentary basis is “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”, written in the 16th century by an unknown brilliant author. On the way to their love, the heroes had to endure many trials; Peter was terribly ill, and only love saved him from leprosy.

In turn, when the prince’s subjects did not want a commoner to become a princess, Peter also abandoned the throne. At the end of their lives, both spouses took monastic vows, died on the same day and, according to the will, were buried together.

In 2008, deputies of the State Duma supported the initiative of the residents of Murom and other Russian cities and introduced a new holiday into the calendar. It still can’t compare in scale to Valentine’s Day, but it’s slowly gaining momentum.

When and how is the holiday celebrated in 2019?

The Russian holiday, dedicated to love, family, and fidelity, is celebrated annually on Saints' Day. It is known that they passed away together into another world on June 25 according to the old style, and on July 8 according to the new style.

In the state act, the date of celebration is July 8. In 2019, the holiday falls on Monday. It doesn’t matter that he is considered difficult, thanks to such a celebration he can become one of the most beautiful and happiest.

Traditions and interesting facts of the holiday

Despite the fact that the Russian family holiday is still quite young, it already has its own traditions and symbols. Chamomile was chosen as the main symbol of the celebration, this is not without reason, it was this ordinary wildflower that was a symbol of love among the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', and modern people know how to tell fortunes using snow-white petals.

The family celebration also has an important tradition - on July 8, a ceremony for presenting a commemorative medal is held in different cities and towns of Russia. Its name - “For Love and Fidelity” - speaks for itself; this award is given to couples who were able to maintain their marriage, respect and love for decades.

Another tradition appeared not so long ago - many young people believe that registering a marriage on such a day is an additional chance to preserve love and trusting relationships for many years.

Therefore, the registry offices record an increase in the number of marriage registrations on this day; representatives of the local administration come to congratulate the newlyweds and present gifts.

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia and Abroad

Although the holiday is included in the list of public holidays and solemn days of the Russian calendar, it is celebrated at different levels. And here everything depends on two factors - the initiative of ordinary citizens and the capabilities of the local administration.

The most popular events are concerts, music programs, art and documentary exhibitions.

One of the important traditions is honoring couples who celebrated their silver and golden anniversaries of marriage. Also, an event with the beautiful name “Give me life!” is held annually; it is of an informational and educational nature. Its goals are to preserve family relationships and reduce the number of abortions in the country.

There is a worldwide holiday similar to the Russian one, it is called Family Day, celebrated annually on May 15.

The Day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is the Russian answer to the world famous holiday of St. Valentine's Day. In Russia, this holiday is best known to everyone as a holiday of family, love and fidelity.

history of the holiday

Almost everyone in Russia knows the love story of Peter and Fevronia. Many researchers believe that these names include David Yuryevich (he ruled in the early 8th century, and in monasticism took the new name “Peter”) and his wife, about whom, unfortunately, information has not been preserved.

According to legend, Prince Peter of Murom was struck by leprosy (a terrible disease). Scabs appeared all over my body that did not respond to any treatment. No matter how hard the doctors and healers tried. The prince was getting worse every day. One night the prince had a dream that only the beekeeper’s daughter Fevronia could save him from this illness. The girl was very well versed in medicinal herbs, and agreed to help the prince only on the condition that when he recovered, he would marry her. And after some time, the scabs actually disappeared and the disease subsided. But the prince did not want to marry a simple peasant woman. Peter went to his Murom, but forgot about the promise he made to the girl. But as soon as he was halfway home, the scabs reappeared on his body. The frightened prince returned to his healer and, lying at his feet, begged him to be cured. Fevronia took pity and cured him. But this time the prince kept his promise and took the girl as his wife.

They lived in happiness for many years, and in old age they went to separate monasteries.

According to the will of the couple, they were to be buried in the same coffin with a thin partition. The couple died in their cells at the same hour and on the same day. But they did not listen to the will of Peter and Fevronia. As the legend says, their bodies still lay next to each other every other day. After which they were buried together. Today, the relics of the spouses are kept in Murom in the Holy Trinity Convent for women.

What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated?

The day of family, love and fidelity is always celebrated on the same day, starting in 1547 - July 8th. As legend says, it was on this day that the lovers’ lives ended. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates their memory with all honors. This year the celebration falls on Sunday.

Every year July 8 In our country, with great participation in our hearts, we celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which also has a second, less common name, the Day of Peter and Ferovronia of Murom. In the Orthodox Church, this married couple is a model of love in the family, respectively, they are also the patrons of love and fidelity, therefore in Russia this holiday corresponds to the Western Valentine's Day.

All-Russian Family, Love and Fidelity 2016: what date

The idea for the holiday came from the authorities of the city of Murom, where the remains of Peter and Fevronia are buried. Various sources mention that they died on the same day, June 25, so the date of the holiday, July 8, is as close as possible to this date.

In 2008, the State Duma of the Russian Federation received 15 thousand signatures of Murom residents supporting the idea of ​​holding a holiday, and positively approved their appeal, thanks to which this year we will celebrate this wonderful holiday for the eighth time.

On top of that, in honor of the new Russian holiday, a commemorative award was developed - the medal “For Love and Fidelity”, which is awarded on the day of the holiday. The symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia is the chamomile, which has been considered a symbol of love since ancient times.

On this day, in many cities of the Russian Federation it is customary to hold various special events: concerts, charity events, and also to honor married couples who have been married for more than 25 years. And among young people there was a belief that a marriage entered into on this day would be long and happy.

Family is one of the main components of modern society. Whether in ancient times or now, family, marriage and children have always come first for Russians. This is a kind of shrine for every person. But, as you know, it is difficult to create a strong union without love, and even more difficult to maintain it, because for this, loyalty and trust must reign in the family. Only the interaction of all this serves as a guarantee of happiness and strength of family ties.

A friendly and strong family is a reason for joy and smile, because it is an indispensable support and support for any person. But due to modern temptations, which are increasing every day, the desire of young people to create families and marriages has sharply decreased. It was in order to strengthen the people’s faith in strong family ties that a holiday was created - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all family members and wish them family comfort, happiness and prosperity.


It is probably no coincidence that this date was approved in 2008, because it was the year that was proclaimed the “Year of the Family.” The holiday is dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia.

The initiators of the introduction of this celebration were residents of the city of Murom. It was there that a couple of centuries ago lived the family of Saints Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, their remains were buried in one of the monasteries of Murom. The couple spent their last years of life in prayer. Their connection was so strong that they passed away on the same day.

People from all over our country travel to bow to the married couple and ask them for family well-being.

Everyone knows that the family is a fairly important social unit; it is protected by law. One of the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

  1. Family, motherhood and childhood are under state protection.
  2. The upbringing and care of children falls equally on the shoulders of both parents.
  3. Working adult children are supposed to take care of their disabled parents.

The newly created holiday now has a commemorative medal “For Love and Fidelity,” which is awarded on July 8, and the most delicate symbol is the daisy, this flower has been considered a sign of love in Russia for centuries.


Traditionally, many thematic events are held. Exhibitions, charity events and children's drawing competitions are held on the streets of many cities. Most often, this family holiday is celebrated at festive tables in the family circle.

Amusement parks are considered the main center of events. There they organize competitions in which the whole family can take part, and at the end the participants receive gifts and prizes from the organizers.

On July 8, do not forget to congratulate your friends, relatives and family members on this tender family holiday. Try to give them unforgettable moments of happiness and joy on this day.

It is celebrated in our country. It is symbolic that it was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family.

This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of deputies of the State Duma, which was supported by all traditional religious organizations of Russia - after all, the idea of ​​​​celebrating the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity has no denominational boundaries. Every religion has examples of family fidelity and love.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, are buried, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.

The life of Peter and Fevronia embodies the traits that the traditional religions of Russia have always associated with the ideal of marriage, namely: piety, mutual love and fidelity, performing acts of mercy and caring for the various needs of their fellow citizens.

Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia

But the family is also a very important social unit, which is protected by law. Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly states that:

  1. Motherhood and childhood, the family are under state protection.
  2. Caring for children and raising them is an equal right and responsibility of parents.
  3. Able-bodied children over 18 years of age must take care of disabled parents.

The new family holiday already has a commemorative medal “For Love and Fidelity,” which is awarded on July 8, and a very gentle symbol - the daisy, because this wild flower has been considered a symbol of love in Rus' since ancient times.

The commemorative medal “For Love and Loyalty” is awarded to families who have proven their fidelity to each other over decades

And every year the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming more and more popular in our country. In many cities, local authorities and public organizations hold various festive and special events - congratulatory concerts, various exhibitions, honoring large families, spouses who have lived together for more than 25 years, charity events, etc. By the way, young people have a belief that a marriage concluded today will be long and happy.

It has also become traditional to hold an awareness-raising campaign “Give Me Life!” in Russian cities and regions dedicated to this holiday, which is aimed at reducing the number of abortions in Russia and preserving family values. All events are widely covered in the media.

And, of course, today’s date is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family and show special care for your family and friends. After all, this warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it is so easy for him to walk - having left the church calendar, he is ready to knock on every door.

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be a cozy nest for you!
The bliss of comfort and the babbling of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!

Love each other, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate your loved ones, respect, cherish,
With the warmth of your hands you will warm each other!

We wish you happiness for many years to come,
Good friends and beautiful weather.
And tender feelings and pleasant moments to you,
And always the most wonderful impressions!

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