Congratulations on the upcoming day of the angel Tamara. Name Tamara. In your eyes, Tamara

"queen" (lat.). Tamara is a committed person; you can confidently rely on her in everything. In addition, she is diligent - she will make every effort to fulfill the assignment given to her. Toma is emotional, sometimes overly vain and troublesome, but her sober approach to resolving issues never betrays her. Tamara counts money well, but is not at all stingy. She is unpretentious, and the only thing she can’t stand for a long time is monotony. Therefore, travel is her element. He is wary of people and is in no hurry to sign up even people he has trusted over the years as friends.

name day Tamara

Congratulations for the name Tamara

Happy Angel Day to Tamarochka
And we will celebrate a beautiful holiday in her honor!
Nature plays on a May day -
It’s as if Tom is congratulating him too!
We are proud of you, Tamarochka,
What an amazing person you are -
Diligent, responsible, reliable,
He is careful in business, secrets, and friendship.
But if you believe it, let it be in a year! -
Then you will keep your friendship forever.
You will give a lot of tenderness, warmth,
May the friendship be the strongest!
On your name day, Tamara, congratulations!
We wish you all the best and happiness.
Let life be bright, varied,
After all, such a life is wonderful for you!

She's beautiful, no doubt about it. There is something in her from Queen Tamara and something from a fragrant prairie flower. Her name contains the first letter of the alphabet three times, that is, it carries the desire for superiority, and she is worthy of her name. We congratulate the birthday girl and call happiness, peace and love to her home.

Long live Tamara! Hooray!

Black-eyed and mysterious
Like an ancient manuscript.
The truth shines in the haze of the eyes,
And the soul conceals peace.
Unearthly distant music
Speech flows like a river from the mountains,
Your beauty is not Russian
The demon is still raving.

Meaning of the name Tamara:"Date palm" (Hebrew).

Outwardly, Tamara is very sweet, gentle and vulnerable. She is quite inquisitive, interested in everything new. She will never let you down, as she takes promises of any kind responsibly. She diligently applies to everything that is entrusted to her. True, thanks to her rich imagination, sometimes she likes to be carried away in her dreams somewhere far away. Toma is always very well read, but she reads only those books that she likes, and not those provided for by the school curriculum. She is a creative girl, so she is practically not interested in schoolwork, which is why her studies are at an average level.

Professionally, Toma cannot find himself. She tries to work at different jobs, changes areas of activity. However, nothing attracts her. This is explained by the fact that she does not like monotony and routine in life, cannot stay in the same job, she needs to constantly change her environment.

After getting married, Tamara becomes a leader. She is jealous of her husband about almost everything, often this jealousy is justified.

Other forms of the name Tamara: Toma, Tomka, Tomulya, Tata.

On this day everything is for Tamara -
Congratulations and flowers,
Fanfares sound in her honor,
Toasts are raised.

Be cheerful and beautiful
Radiant, mischievous,
Cheerful and clear,
With an eternally young soul!

You bear a royal name,
And it’s not without reason that there’s a rumor about this,
You could rule the world
After all, your name is Tamara!

Proud posture
An imperious look, but not arrogant,
Be happy Tamara,
And certainly a loved one!

Tamara, I hasten to congratulate you on your holiday! I wish you bright sunny days, warmth and peace in your soul, happy eyes and a great mood! Let there always be reliable and faithful people nearby, warm family relationships and excellent health!

Tamara, I wish you
Health, happiness and goodness.
I congratulate you today,
Always be so beautiful.

I wish you prosperity
I wish you to always live in love,
May your life be sweet,
And you create, and you live.

Drink champagne and whiskey
Eat sushi and lobster
In general, life is royal
I wish, Tamara.

Let there be a villa and a yacht,
Bentley is standing at the gate,
And on white blankets
Let Prince Charming lie.

Let the fur coat be made of fur,
And diamonds sparkle in my ears,
And let fate offer
Only bright options.

Tom, Tomochka, Tamara,
You are beautiful, no doubt about it.
We know you have a secret -
The secret of your beauty!

We wish you longer
Stay young
Sweet, kind and happy.
Well, we are always with you.

Tamara, I sincerely wish you
Always be beautiful like this.
May everything in your destiny be smooth,
May you always remain happy.

Let adversity and sadness not upset you,
Let there be no problems at all.
Health will be strong, like steel,
Sometimes let a miracle happen in life.

I wish you now, Tom,
May you bloom like a rose!
Let it be cozy at home,
I wish you earthly blessings and warmth!

Love and be always loved,
Let the world give colorful paints,
Let sorrows pass by,
May you live as if in a fairy tale!

May it be with you, Tamara,
Happiness comes in pairs
May the sun be with you
Laughs merrily
Every new day
It will be light, bright,
May you have everything in life
Tom, it works.
To be happy
Desired and loved,
In your heart,
So that love lives
So that the road of life
It was smooth, long,
To a fairy tale and a dream,
To lead you.

Name meaning: translated from Hebrew as “date palm”. By nature, Tamara is a very inquisitive and curious child. The only thing that tires Tamara is the monotony. Tamara is always friendly and welcoming to strangers. She is always diligent in school and reliable in her promises. Even after getting married, Tamara remains an independent woman who relies only on her own strength. She is the clear leader in the family. Tamara often chooses a man younger than herself as her husband. Tamara happily manages the family budget, providing her family with everything they need. Tamara is a very jealous person who is capable of ruining the mood of herself and other people. Tamara is a rather hot-tempered person, but at the same time, having quickly flared up, she quickly calms down. She cooks well, loves to clean up the apartment, involving her husband and children in the task. Loves to travel with his family. He loves novelty in everything: he never tires of rearranging the furniture in the apartment, changing curtains and wallpaper. Tamara can become an excellent leader in almost any industry.

Tamara, on the day of your angel I want to say,
I wish you his protection for the whole year,
Let him always be behind your back,
So that you will never be alone.
Let him cover you from trouble with his wing,
After all, you are so beautiful, and you are so charming.
May troubles always pass you by,
May your guardian angel be the most faithful.

Today is Tamara’s name day,
We don't know the best girl in the area
We want you to find a mate
Finally got into caring hands.
May the angel always protect you from trouble,
Let him stand behind you and guard you,
So that everything always works out well for you,
May you move through life cheerfully and not be afraid.

Tom, Tomochka, Tamara, happy holiday to you,
Congratulations on Angel Day, and I say lovingly,
Always remain so charming,
A fluttering girl with an easy fate.
May an angel protect you from troubles
Let time not add extra years to you,
Let life bring only happiness,
May bad weather never touch you.

Today we congratulate Tamara with the whole company,
Only for her alone all our attention,
In honor of the name day, we will arrange a holiday from the heart,
Hurry up and come out to us.
We wish you bright emotions and impressions,
We wish you new exploits and creative creations,
Bloom and be happy every hour,
With your smile, please and make us all fall in love.

On your name day, Tamara, accept
Our greetings, congratulations, good luck,
Set the table, light the big candles,
Pour some wine and let your soul sing.
May the angel give you many bright days,
Let him surround you with his affection and love,
On your sweet holiday, sit with your friends,
Be cheerful and drink a glass to your health.

Tamara, dear Tamara!
Today is your angel day.
Do not extinguish the fire in your chest,
I swear on my head.
All perfections are intertwined in you,
I wouldn’t dream of listing them.
You are the promise of bliss
And life with you is like heaven.
So as not to look at things gloomily,
Be friends with humor more often.
Everything will be successful for you,
And as if the song will become life.

Black-eyed and mysterious
Like an ancient manuscript.
The truth shines in the haze of the eyes,
And the soul conceals peace.
Unearthly distant music
Speech flows like a river from the mountains,
Your beauty is not Russian
The demon is still raving.

You are pure soul Tamara
Always good looking.
And in this festive fun
I give you congratulations.
Let your dreams come true,
After all, you deserve it.
Love, health, more affection,
May you live as if in a fairy tale.
So that all doors are open
In your brilliant career.
I will say on behalf of everyone and myself,
Happy angel day to you beautiful.

Tamara, Happy Angel Day to you!
Congratulations on the holiday today,
After all, we can’t forget about name days,
On my own behalf I wish you:
Clear skies and sunny days,
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
There is always prosperity and comfort in the house,
Let trouble not knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family there is understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Tamara is an affectionate name,
Let your dreams come true!
Don't compare you to others
After all, you are the only one!
Be happy on your birthday
Don't forget about your friends!
And inspiration from life
And have success!

As the old legend says,
Tamara is a lady of royal blood:
Posture, speech, manners, upbringing -
Everything is majestic and beautiful about her!
Tamara is like a precious stone
Needs a gold frame.
Fate, shower Tamara with gifts,
She deserves the right to be a star!

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If you have been invited to Tamara’s name day, before going you need to prepare, choose beautiful words and a simple but unusual gift, since the owners of this name love to fantasize and do more and more new things.

Character of the birthday girl

The origin of the name is associated with the biblical king Tamar. Translated from Hebrew as “Phoenician palm tree.” The name came to us in Soviet times from Armenia and Georgia.

From a very young age, the girl is characterized by incredible activity and curiosity. The girl is constantly trying to take in everything around her with her gaze. She tries to understand the whole world around her from her own experience, but it all ends only in frustration, since she does not have enough time for everything.

Tomochki is very attached to their mothers, they always try to help and be like them. That is why Tom learns the mystery of household chores from an early age - cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing.

The girl is very sociable, so she will always have both friends and enemies. That's because she always says everything straight. Adult Tamara always relies on herself; she finds a way out of any situation thanks to her creative thinking and logic. She is also not devoid of leadership qualities. She is also characterized by a quick temper, which fortunately does not last long.

Angel Tamara Day according to the church calendar

According to Orthodox custom, Tamara’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated only once a year. This date falls on May 14 - it is celebrated in memory of the holy Queen of Georgia Tamara, who was the heiress of an ancient family from the great King David. This day also celebrates the name day of all the girls who bear this charming name.

It is best to give the owners of this name items that allow them to fantasize and be creative.

May the Lord protect you!

The name Tamara came to Russia in the 12th century. It symbolized the name of the Georgian queen Tamara. The name translates as “fig tree.” Since childhood, Tamara has strived for her life to be varied and interesting. Therefore, she cannot sit in front of the computer or read a book for a long time. She also quickly loses interest in games. But curiosity and curiosity do not disappear anywhere. Tamara is quite an artistic person, and she always wants to show off in front of other people. One such option is the school theater. She is friendly with strangers, but does not forget to be careful. The character of a leader often leads her to marry a man younger than her in age. Such a marriage satisfies both parties. She loves children very much and stops at nothing to satisfy their needs. An exemplary housewife.

We congratulate Tamara on Angel Day
And we will celebrate a beautiful holiday in her honor!
Nature plays on a May day,
It’s as if Tom is congratulating us.
We are proud of you, Tamarochka,
What an amazing person you are -
Diligent, responsible, reliable,
He is careful in business, secrets, and friendship.
And if you believe - even after a year, -
Then you will keep your friendship forever,
You will give a lot of tenderness, warmth,
May the friendship be the strongest.
On Tamara's name day, congratulations,
We wish her all the best and happiness!
Let life be bright, varied,
After all, such a life is wonderful for you!

With all my heart I wish you on Tom’s name day
Health, vigor, cheerful mood.
Peace in life and comfort in the home,
Strength to hope and make plans.
To love and receive love in return,
Don't forget your friends at the feast,
Live many more bright years -
Life is good and worth admiring.

Girlfriend, today is your name day!
And this is a Holiday, whatever one may say,
Angel Day, Tamara, good reason -
Therefore, accept my brother’s wishes:
I wish to merge with Tenderness,
And live with Lady Luck,
Never meet with Tosca,
To be friends with strong Love.
Let it be difficult - don't be sad!
Look into Madame Bede's face.
Be your own boss
And stand next to Happiness everywhere!

You were born beautiful for a reason,
Wonderful beauty Tamara!
I wish you happiness today,
Let your dreams come true - I know for sure
That you deserve great happiness,
I want love to rush towards you,
I will wish you a lot of luck,
And you should never be discouraged!

Friend Tamara, Happy Angel Day to you!
Congratulations on the holiday today,
After all, we can’t forget about name days,
On my own behalf I wish you:
Clear skies and sunny days,
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
There is always prosperity and comfort in the house,
Let trouble not knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family there is understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

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