Wise statuses about love. The most sincere VK statuses about love

More recently, statuses have firmly entered our lives and become entrenched, which many of us use on social networks and when communicating with friends. As a rule, statuses reflect a person’s mood, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of “status” implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists of certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the bravest, most faithful and reliable.

Your loved one will always be perfect even with any flaws!

Separation has one big advantage, because only after parting with a person do you feel who he really is to you and how much you need him.

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

Do you think that happiness is looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being next to one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes, simply because you are you!

If I said “I love”, then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

I need you... - For what? - Just for happiness.

With just three words you can give a person the desire to live by saying “I need you”, with three words you can make someone cry by saying “Let’s be friends”, and with three words you can increase your heart rate by saying “I love you”. What important three words are you ready to tell me?

If you ask me to hug you as much as I love you, you run the risk of being strangled!

Every person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can only fly by hugging our soul mate!

Only that person is worth being close to, at the very thought of whom a happy sparkle appears in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

Between people destined for each other, there is an invisible thread connecting them, which can get confused, stretch, but still in an unknown way will lead these people to each other.

Happy eyes in love decorate better than any makeup!

It’s not that I have butterflies fluttering in my stomach... I have hippos dancing the samba.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never cheat!

The people sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you shouldn’t worry, if a person disappeared from your life, it means that he simply wasn’t your person.

You meet love exactly when you least expect it and look for it.

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are sleeping, kisses you tenderly, running his hand through your hair with admiration, and you just lie with your eyes closed, dreaming that this happiness will last as long as possible.

I really want to be with you,
And forget the past with you,
To love and always feel reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

Friendship is friendship, but you want to kiss.

The one who values ​​the relationship more is always the first to ask for forgiveness, not the one who is actually to blame.

Never talk about your love without feeling it inside, and do not remain silent about it if you are sure of its existence. It is these two mistakes that prevent most people from being happy!

I fly with happiness, goosebumps on my skin... When, confessing “I love you,” I hear “Me too.”

Love is the best antidepressant, weight loss remedy, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

If you love, love, if you don’t love, don’t fool yourself, move away and don’t interfere with others’ love.

The boy gave the girl 101 roses (100 real and 1 artificial) and said “I will love you until the last one withers!” 247

Saying “I love you” can be difficult. Saying “sorry” is even more difficult. Saying goodbye is always possible. Say “go away” - at least every day. Not everyone can say “come back.” To say “I’ll die” - but only to say it. Of course you can say “I love you.” But it's very difficult to prove... 298 (4)

How scary life becomes when a person appears whom you are afraid of losing... 468 (1)

I love it when you say to little children: show me how much you love me, and they hug you with all their strength and sincerity... 232 - Statuses about love

I will give fidelity to my husband, intelligence to my son, beauty to my daughter, love to my family. 178

Now that I met him, I understood why it didn’t work out with others. 175

When your loved one calls, you want to kiss the phone... 198

Happiness is not in those with whom you want to sleep... but in those with whom you want to wake up! 115

If you love, then with all your heart... If you dissolve, then without a trace... If it’s morning, then in a tender embrace... If you cry, then with happiness... 160

I will take a ball of golden threads and weave love for you, I will weave happiness for you, I will weave joy and affection. And I will never tell you where I get these threads from! I weave your life, unraveling mine... 128

Women are like cats... Who cares them, they purr. 107 (1)

Friendship is love minus sex and plus logic.
Love is friendship plus sex and minus logic. 71

They looked for love and idolized it, they lost love and did not take care of it. "Love does not exist!" - people said... And they themselves died of love... 83

And your eyes are similar. -How? After all, I have brown ones, and he has green ones... -They are equally in love 133

Life is too short to waste it on short relationships. 134

You have him as a friend, but you don’t write to him, don’t draw on the wall. You just look at his photo and think: how much I love you. 153

Love is when the whole world is not able to replace a loved one, but he replaces the whole world.

In general, it doesn’t matter who you spend time with, kiss, laugh... What matters is who you think about when you close your eyes... 124

I may not be the one you dreamed of... but I will be the one you will not forget. 141

Everything annoys me! - What exactly? - He! - Why do you say “everyone”? - Because he is everything to me! 83

Darling, you are the most dear person in my life and only with you next to me am I truly happy. 105

People who see each other in a dream should wake up next to each other. 112

Love is... When you change the world around you for his sake! When you want to belong body and soul to only one person! This is when you say goodbye to your head and start living with your heart! 92 (1)

If someone has problems in love, don’t be upset, but read funny statuses about love

What a pity that I’m sick not from you... But from the extra mug I drank yesterday...

I really want to hear “I love you” from the opposite sex. Should I call dad??

Did you really come to me from a fairy tale? - Yes - Which one? - From a good one.. - Kicked out?..

People feel such a need for love that some even love their spouses

I love him...I really like him...and to whom this is dedicated, who the hell will guess

Anyone can have dinner with a girl, but breakfast has to be earned...

In a love triangle, one of the angles is usually obtuse

When my beloved starts kissing and hugging me, I go to a psychologist because I don’t have any boyfriend!

A story about a love triangle. Cast: me, refrigerator, computer. Melodrama

That's how you fall in love. First the crown will fall, and then you can completely lose your head.

It seems to me that you are not sick with me.
It seems to me that you are sick in life.

Love makes a person purer. At least it forces you to wash, shave and wash your socks.

When you quarrel, and then make up, and a day later you don’t remember what you were fighting about - this is true love. However, sclerosis manifests itself in exactly the same way.

We are all in the bustle of love... Either we are not the same... Then we are not the same...

Female logic: Scum... bastard... creature... COME BACK!!

I wanted to call him, but I realized that the subscriber was temporarily... not worthy!

Sometimes you see a person and feel - this is the one you have been looking for all your life. But he doesn’t care, he goes for bread.

Don't get involved in our love triangle, there are already seven of us here!

From love to hate - 1 step. And from hatred to indifference, in principle, also 1 but..., bitch, so long...

In general, I love cherry pies. Of course, they don’t reciprocate, but they don’t behave like schmucks either.

Oh, the bananas are blooming in the field by the stream, I fell in love with the young black man. I fell in love with a black man, unfortunately, I’m afraid of him during the day, I can’t find him at night.

Jealousy is a mixture of possessiveness, mistrust and defeat. At the same time, the presence of a feeling of love is not necessary!

The one who is jealous all the time loves, The one who is silent when they meet loves. And not the one who kisses all the time, And always talks about love... .

A person is jealous not when he loves, but when he wants to be loved.

Jealousy is the suspicion that not only you are cheating, but also you.

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives its absence.

Jealousy for any reason does not make a man look good. However, the horns don’t decorate him too much either.

Jealousy is stupid, that's a fact! But love is different... He who doesn’t love is a fool! And who loves - twice!

Sometimes getting a divorce is enough to achieve happiness in your personal life.

There was a moment when I was afraid that all my friends would become family friends and there would be no one to hang out with. But then, fortunately, they began to divorce.

It is impossible to “drink little,” “smoke rarely,” “cheat on your wife within reason.” There is no “golden mean” when determining the degree of depravity. You can't degrade in moderation.

Mistreatment of a woman, depending on her status, can lead to marriage or divorce.

The baker whose wife cheats on him doesn't have horns, but bagels.

If your wife cheated on you, then this is very good. It means that besides you, there are still worthy and wonderful people in the world.

Nothing strengthens a marital relationship more than unsuccessful affairs between spouses.

Some grow wings out of love, others grow horns.

There are no beautiful partings... only beautiful bridges are raised.

Sometimes you want to love so much that you don’t want to live...

Happiness exists - it cannot but exist

Take your time until YOU understand that I am alone, and there is no one dearer than me... When YOU have walked a hundred roads of fate, but you cannot reach the hundred and first without me.

I know how to love, I know how to forgive, I know how to bite, I can caress... I stamp my foot loudly... I touch you with my hand, I say with my eyes that you are mine...

Our life is a book, and love is its best pages...

How important it is to be loved! For real, seriously. The only one necessary to the point of madness, to tears! To be loved without fear, without suspicion and anxiety, without fear and empty doubts, since God intended love!!!

It just happens sometimes that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other

There are 1,000,000 guys, but why is there only one? Because he is 1, and all the others are 000000...

Your boyfriend is not a hero, not tall or slender. Fussy at times, often restless. He is not a millionaire, there is no trace of a car. And he didn’t act in films or paint pictures. A suit with the wrong cut won’t buy Chanel for itself. Your boyfriend is not a hero... He just loves you!

Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest one will hear, and only I will hear what you are silent about...

Do you know what will happen in 5 years? -What? -I will marry a handsome man, give birth to a son, and I will also love him madly. -And what about me? -You will marry a psychopath and you will be happy... -What about us? -Stupid, I’m talking about us...

Standing at the cliff of a mountain, she asked: “Do you love me?” - I love! - Then jump! He smiled, looked into her eyes and said: “Do you love me?” - I love! - Then push...

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, on the day of sweet eyes illuminated with love! Let sadness melt like a winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!!!

If a person appears in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future!

5 words about the ideal person: The One Who Is Now With Me.

Love is when you get up early to make him a cup of coffee, and the coffee is already ready.

There is no difference between the phrases “I love you” and “I will wash the floor” as long as you have not done anything.

Lord, sometimes it seems to me that I cannot live without him! - You're right! - the Lord answered, - ... it only seems to you ...

The heart decides who to love... Fate decides who to be with...

Statuses for VK about love - about everything related to this wonderful feeling.

Don’t be afraid to share your feelings, because this will only make them bigger

  1. It's not a fact that we will always be together. But I am very glad that these memories will remain with me.
  2. Don't play at love: if you play too hard, it will hurt.
  3. They say that we love not those with whom we are with, but ourselves next to this person. But what difference does it make if you're in love?

For those who are fascinated, right now - statuses about love on VK.

  1. Love makes you lose weight. Why? Because there’s no time to eat...
  2. You look at some couples, and it seems that they fell in love many years ago, and remain in this feeling...
  3. Only mature people can experience true love. And our youthful romances are still just falling in love.
  4. And no matter how many times I remember past experiences, I still think of something in the relationship.

I wish everyone could meet their love

VK statuses about love are for those who believe that sincere feelings are happiness.

  1. It seems to me that I impudently stole the best guy from the whole world!
  2. I stopped catching the meaning of his words, because the sounds no longer seemed important to me...
  3. How cool it is to catch the smell of it on your hair after you come back from a date.

For the warmest hugs, you simply need a love status in VK.

  1. Only someone like me could find the nicest guy just to ruin him...
  2. It’s so nice to see a smile light up the face of even a usually serious person.
  3. If the prince is not seen on a horse, it is likely that he is still on some kind of mare.
  4. Relationships are always a little painful. It is important to understand the line between where you need to remain silent and where there is no point in tolerating.

Give your hearts without regret

A beautiful status about love on VK will appeal to both blondes and brunettes.

  1. Being with a scary girl is love, enduring the behavior of a psychopath is true love.
  2. I want to sweetly stretch, say: “It’s time to get up,” and you: “It’s still early, let’s lie down some more”...
  3. Oh, that feeling when you fall in love with a guy and completely forget your ex.

If you don’t want to reveal all your cards, then set a beautiful status about love on VK.

  1. The more we are silent, the stronger our love turns out to be.
  2. Girls, remember that when you put someone first in life, you have to cross someone out...
  3. Oh, that moment when there’s nothing left to talk about, but you don’t want to hang up.
  4. Falling in love is a universal remedy for migraines, aging and excess weight. If only they could sell it in pharmacies!

Trust your loved ones. Don't betray your loved ones

What to write on VK in a status about love? Definitely something unusual!

  1. I really want it to be forever, I really want it to be for the rest of my life. But no, we don’t fit according to the horoscope.
  2. It’s good when he feeds her dinner, and she feeds him breakfast.
  3. Loneliness is when, when asked: “What are you thinking about?”, you constantly lie.

Choose today what status to put on VK about love.

  1. Having fallen in love, a guy becomes pure and pleasant. Unwashed socks don't do much good.
  2. Strength of spirit is manifested not only at heights or at depths. And also when your other half leaves you.
  3. Our problem is that only after falling in love do we begin to wonder whether he is worthy of it.
  4. Quarrels, screaming and swearing are a kind of development of relationships. But not silence and indifference.

Love is when you know absolutely everything that is on his page

What status can you put on VK about love? One that can touch the hearts of all your friends.

  1. If you offend me, I will come home and write everything down in detail for a long, long time. So that when we make peace, I always remember: everything is not so smooth.
  2. And whatever one may say, everything in this life is done for the sake of love.
  3. When you fall asleep at night, know that this is the time I definitely think about you.

We provide the best answers to the question “What can you write in a status about love?”

  1. The ability to drink together is useful - this way spouses make peace faster.
  2. You know, I’m ready to miss you endlessly, just to never lose you...
  3. Woman, remember, after breaking up with a man whom you called “cat,” call the next one something else.
  4. Yes, I think about what he ate and where he is right now. This doesn't sound like me. I probably do.

Don't forget to make your neighbor happy

Cool statuses about love on VK - for those who are not afraid to share a piece of warmth with the world.

  1. If the loved one who betrayed returns, this is not happiness. This is a test of your common sense.
  2. I love you so much that it seems to me that I painted your image in my head as a child...
  3. Remember, if you kiss and they kiss you back, this is already happiness.

If lately your breathing has become rapid due to tenderness, it’s time to set good statuses about love on VK.

  1. True love is like a cat. Even if you ever miss her, she herself will find ways to return to you.
  2. I’m so happy with you that I involuntarily look for rose-colored glasses on the bridge of my nose.
  3. If you are destined to meet, you will meet. Even on the way to buy bread at a nearby kiosk...
  4. I'm not afraid that you'll ever do something rashly. I'm afraid that you'll just lose interest in me someday...

Don't think that this is forever. Just enjoy the moment

Quotes for VK status about love - for those to whom your thoughts are dedicated before bed.

  1. I won't suffer or hate if you leave. I'll just come and take you back.
  2. The whole beauty of a relationship is that at any moment they can say to you: “Give me your hand here,” and squeeze it tightly in yours.
  3. You can read as much as you like and not respond to my messages. But only if you are not my boyfriend...

Rather, choose what status to write on VK about love.

  1. If you change something in life, then change it radically: hairstyle, job, apartment, boyfriend...
  2. I used to love spring, and was very afraid of autumn. But then you appeared, and I didn’t care about the seasons.
  3. I hate the phrase “parting as friends.” Hello, you believed each other, kissed under the moon, came up with names for your children, and now you will be friends?!
  4. They say that men are stimulated by omissions and well-veiled manipulations. But those who say this don’t think about what kind of men they are talking about...

May there never be tears in your life!

What kind of VK status can you make about love? The one that reflects the most sincere feelings!

  1. I will gladly change the status of “single” to the status of “going crazy from mutual love.” I even agree with “married.”
  2. Girls, if you are offended, leave quickly. If we all start moving away from such men, they will definitely change!
  3. You shouldn't smoke because of a bad man. It's worth quitting smoking for a good man!

If you have someone to call your beloved, be sure to set the following phrases for your VK status about love.

  1. When you are alone, you will not expect offense from anyone. But also no one will come to you to make peace...
  2. You are thousands of kilometers away. But your one SMS makes me a thousand times happier than millions of fans could make me.
  3. The good thing about starting a relationship is that no matter how you explain, you will definitely be understood. But the point is that it won’t be like this anymore...

Feel free to talk about your feelings in statuses. Especially if they are intended for a loved one!

This is real joy if it lives in the soul. Therefore, both representatives of the strong half of humanity and beautiful, sweet women should share this happiness with everyone around them. Let everyone around you know how crazy you are at the moment, and how dizzy your head is from love.

Why do we need statuses about love?

Status is not voluminous, but incredibly capacious statements. Those related to love always reflect the state of mind of the lover, his experiences, some special opinion. With the help of such expressions you can show your individuality. If you update your love status, it immediately becomes clear:

  • What do you live and breathe?
  • What exactly is happening in your life at the moment.
  • What is important to you today.

A love status will help show a person as he is on any social network. These juicy aphorisms so accurately show the essence of the feelings and thoughts of the one who puts them on his page in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or other social networks.

Such different love

Statuses about love can be very different:

  • Cool and unusual expressions.
  • Aphorisms of famous personalities of the past and present.
  • Humorous phrases that at the same time tell us about the truth of life.
  • Serious expressions.

Moreover, all these statuses about love can have different moods. After all, like many other feelings, love has different sides:

  • This is the joy of wonderful moments.
  • And the topic of jealousy is often touched upon in statuses.
  • Treason cannot be avoided.
  • Perhaps someone suffers from loneliness, and his heart and soul require love.
  • Flirting is another fun and intriguing topic for love statuses.
  • Parting with loved ones causes unspeakable trauma that one can only reflect philosophically on this topic and not lose hope for the future.
  • Finally, I always want to share with everyone my incredible happiness that your soulmate is nearby and you have the opportunity to touch her!

How are love statuses created and where to get them?

You can come up with all these statuses about love yourself. However, why “reinvent the wheel” if it has already been done for you? Here you will find a gorgeous collection of the best love statuses for social networks. It can be incredibly interesting and exciting to “rummage” through other people’s thoughts, humor and philosophical thinking. Here you can find a lot of short, but so vivid and accurately reflecting the state and mood of a person in love with life, his soulmate, parents, children or animals.

Thanks to our collection of love statuses, you can change them every day or even several times a day. Not only gentle girls, but also strong guys can use them. We are just ready to provide you with a whole fireworks display of various love statuses, which are constantly being updated!

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