My son wants me. My son wants me My son mistakenly imprisoned his own mother stories

My mother is behaving very strangely and it is unclear what to do about it. Starting from the age of fifteen, I began to notice very unpleasant things about my own mother. After dad left us and went to a very young girl, she decided that she would now live in a new way.

She began to dress in such a way that when I met her on the street, she blushed. I felt especially sick if my acquaintances were near me at that moment. The guys generally reacted very strongly! Like a stripper or some kind of whore.

Extremely short dresses, very tight trousers, extremely deep necklines, provocative shorts. Well, just a walking caricature of a sex diva. Almost every day, her drinking and screaming girlfriends began to be in our apartment.

We always walked until midnight. I couldn't sleep at all because of this noise. Then men began to appear. She swam in our jacuzzi with everyone else. I stopped washing there. I was disdainful! She had both young guys and old guys. Some of them harassed me too. But my mother immediately drove such bastards out of the house. At least one positive moment in this whole story.

Then I fell in love and started dating a guy. He came to me often, and we could not tear ourselves away from each other. Mom knew about this, he stayed with me overnight with her permission. And then we actually started living with him together.

One day I came home and found an “oil painting”. My own mother, dressed in a thong and a corset, is trying to sit in my boyfriend’s arms. He looked at me with wide open eyes and did not know how to react correctly.

It was clear that this was a completely unhappy event for him. He hid his hands behind his back and pressed his plump lips so that they turned into a thin thread. And at that moment my mother said loudly: “Don’t be afraid, my little fool, we won’t tell anyone!”

I screamed very hard at the woman who gave birth to me. I was sick of what I had to see! Mom was completely drunk and completely inadequate. In general, what can we say, there was no one to talk to.

I had to send the guy to his house. He was also not in the best condition after what happened! And in the morning my mother herself came to me with explanations. It turns out that, in my interests, she provoked my lover and checked him for lice!

Then there were tears, and conversations about how much of that youth she had left! My boyfriend and I went to the apartment. Now we are married and expecting a child. I visit my mother very rarely and every time I get very upset.

What happened to her? How can I help her? Why did you do this to me? After all, she wasn’t like this when my father was with us...

Hello. I may have a strange problem, not normal. But the fact is a fact - my son wants me. He is 19, he is a student, studying. Sometimes I notice how he masturbates on me when I am washing in the bathroom or shower. When I notice, he feels awkward and hides. I noticed this a long time ago. I, of course, am a young, attractive woman, many men look at me, young guys, but here is my own son! How can this be! I talked to him many times, I was embarrassed, but he said that he couldn’t help himself, he wanted everything. I say, there are many peers, young girls, students and in general, but he is fixated on me. I never gave him any reason, of course! When I’m sitting in the room on an armchair, my legs are visible, he looks at me, he’s all burning with desire, I feel it. He comes out of the bathroom and walks around naked in front of me, and doesn’t hide his genitals. I have a husband, but of course I don’t tell him such things, it’s terrible. I was drunk on a holiday, pestered me (my son), threw me on the sofa, tried to undress him. Why do I excite him so much? Why doesn’t he get aroused by girls of the same age? No I can understand. Some kind of abnormality. He often compliments me on how beautiful, sexy I am, and gives me flowers. This is, of course, nice, but it gives not only as a mother, but also as a woman, it turns out. Sometimes he tells me, let’s make love! But how can I, this is my son!! This is some kind of incest!! He worries when I refuse and cries. But I can’t have sex with my child! I can't wrap my head around this! It is not right. He convinces, says that no one will know, but I will know! I can’t. He often watches erotica, then he wants us to have the same thing as they show in these films, unearthly sex. Tell me, how can I adequately respond to all this? Is my son sick? Does he need the help of a psychiatrist or sexologist?? I'm confused, I don't know what to do, what to do!

Hello Diana! let's look at what's going on:

Sometimes I notice how he masturbates on me when I am washing in the bathroom or shower. When I notice, he feels awkward and hides. I noticed this a long time ago.
I talked to him many times, I was embarrassed, but he said that he couldn’t help himself, he wanted everything.
He comes out of the bathroom and walks around naked in front of me, and does not hide his genitals.

You are showing the behavior of a victim of sexual violence - you KNOW that there is a place for something unnatural in your family, BUT YOU support it - why are you bathing and he is watching? why are you silent when he says that he has a desire? all this silence covers him and, accordingly, you - what are YOU afraid of? admit that something is happening? BUT by doing so you are NOT protecting it, but rather contributing to further destruction!

He was drunk on holiday, pestered me (my son), threw me on the sofa, tried to undress me.

what's going on in the family? Why doesn't my husband know this!? after all, the son sees that YOU ALL are hiding this and accepting his behavior!!! be sure to talk to your husband, YOU NEED to resolve the situation and NOT STAY in it!

Sometimes he tells me, let’s make love! But how can I, this is my son!! This is some kind of incest!! He worries when I refuse and cries.

Yes, this is incest, BUT emotionally incest is already being committed when he walks around naked in front of you, and you KNOW all this and remain silent!

How can I adequately respond to all this? Is my son sick? Does he need help from a psychiatrist or sexologist??

be sure to consult a psychiatrist - perhaps there are disturbances of attraction (perhaps, to a sexologist - this is also a doctor), BUT in order to RESOLUTE the situation you need to start talking about it, you need to admit it, admit that something is happening in the family, in the relationships between You and your son, you and your husband! Don’t waste time, and don’t indulge the development of the situation to the point of violence on the part of your son by keeping quiet about what’s happening!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 5 Bad answer 21

Hello Diana.

The sexual development of a child begins from an early age, and the child’s parents play a large role in this regard. Their behavior and upbringing will determine whether the child will be able to be sexually mature in the future or will have to face sexual disorders.

After 12 years, a phase of sexual development begins in which the child begins to experience a real sexual need. Parents cannot help but notice changes in the physical appearance of their growing children, for whom it is important to have the opportunity to “flirt” with the opposite sex and receive confirmation of their attractiveness. Here, as at an earlier stage, it is important for parents to remember boundaries. Parental anxiety, expressed in Puritan upbringing, stiffness, and also in the case of violation of borders, when one of the parents offers the child greater emotional intimacy than that intended for the partner.

It follows that your boundaries are too permeable. You must strengthen them.

I have a husband, but of course I don’t tell him such things, it’s terrible.

In the case when the marriage is strong, the parents love each other, care about each other’s sexual satisfaction, they will let the child understand gently but decisively that he is “superfluous” here. The child will breathe a sigh of relief and join in, i.e. identifies with the parent of the same sex in order to follow his example and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Hello. Diana. Unfortunately, you are giving your son, unconsciously, favor towards what is happening. And at the expense of your son, you are, to some extent, increasing your importance. It is possible that your husband’s attention to you is not compensated by your son’s attention. But silence is a sign consent. Therefore, your son will continue to bring your distance closer, even to the point of real incest. And your contribution to this will be the same. In my opinion, you need to solve your own problems with uncertainty, self-acceptance, and relationships with your husband with a psychologist. You have dual behavior. One You object to your son, you give hidden encouragement to others because you make concessions to him. Therefore, work with a psychologist and start saying a confident and intimidating no, after which your son’s attraction to you will disappear. The reason may be in early childhood, when the child often saw you undressed .The second reason is poor adaptation to communicating with the female sex. He cannot meet either peers or mature women because of the low self-esteem you brought up. And with this difficulty it will be important for him to visit a psychologist in the future. And today, show your unambiguous behave towards his actions, and the problem between you will disappear. And you need to threaten your husband without fail.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychologist of the Volgograd psychoanalytic school

Good answer 2 Bad answer 16

Alexander and Semyon were friends since the first grade, they were friends like water, they stood by each other like a mountain. They constantly went to visit each other; Semyon’s mother, a young, beautiful, elegant woman, always aroused Alexander’s burning interest. She often stayed late at work and returned home quite late; she was often accompanied home by men who showed her signs of attention, but, as a rule, none of them got further than the entrance. Alexander always envied Semyon that he had such a beautiful mother.

Ekaterina Viktorovna, and that was her name, looked very impressive at 37 years old. She was short with huge blue eyes, light pink lipstick emphasized her plump lips. She cut her dark brown hair short, and the short haircut suited her surprisingly. But the most remarkable thing about her appearance were her legs: slender, surprisingly proportional, with graceful, beautiful feet. When she walked like a girl in a miniskirt, gracefully swaying her hips, grown men always paid attention to her.

At that time, Alexander was 18 years old, he always had problems with girls, they did not pay anyone any attention to him, often calling him a nerd behind his back. Alexander graduated from school with a medal and was planning to join the army in the fall; he did not listen to the persuasion of his parents about entering college. One could understand him in this; he always repeated that in order to become a real man, you need to serve in the army and then everything will work out with the girls.

Ekaterina Viktorovna, or as Alexander called her Aunt Katya, whom he could watch for hours when he came to visit his friend with or without reason, each time a different pretext, just to observe his ideal woman. Aunt Katya raised her son alone, dad left them when Semyon was three months old, he went north to earn money and it turned out well. One summer day, Alexander came to his friend, with whom they agreed to go fishing, but Semyon was not at home, as it turned out, he went to his grandmother in the village and brought her some medicine. Ekaterina Viktorovna was at home, a slight smell of alcohol could be heard from her, she smiled very affectionately at Alexander and asked him to stay with her for at least an hour, the young man readily agreed.

He looked at his ideal without taking his eyes off, the woman was dressed in a special, sexy way, as if she was waiting for her son’s friend to arrive. Her light light blouse with a large cutout in the chest area. On her legs she wore thin flesh-colored nylon stockings, almost invisible to the eye, and a very short skirt, from under which her gorgeous slender legs were visible. When they walked into the room, on the coffee table that stood next to the sofa, there was a bottle of wine and various fruits and a chocolate bar. Sitting comfortably on the sofa, the woman offered a drink. After drinking a glass of red aromatic wine, which made the guy’s face flush and his head began to buzz.

Ekaterina began to complain about her unsettled fate and problems at work, Alexander also shared his problems with the girls, that they did not notice him or simply ignored him, the woman listened attentively to the young man with pleasure, without interrupting, and sometimes asked leading questions. Having carefully listened to the problems of her interlocutor, Ekaterina suggested drinking more aromatic red wine, after the second portion of the sweet, but rather intoxicating drink, Alexander finally relaxed. When Ekaterina poured the next glass, she offered to solve the guy’s problem and turned on “Autumn Waltz,” smiled tenderly at her secret admirer, and said: “Sasha, come, I’ll teach you a slow dance, all the girls will run after you in a crowd.”
- I agree.
Alexander approached Catherine, she lightly hugged her admirer and pressed him closely to her, with the forearm of his left hand the young man felt the pleasant roundness and softness of her chest, with which Catherine pressed herself against the guy. Alexander collected his thoughts, which, under the influence of alcohol, were slightly confused and for some reason revolved around the desire to do something nice for Catherine. Pleasant, quiet music began to sound, they plunged into the world of slow dance, but soon the young man felt incredible excitement, and his erect penis stuck out his trousers and simply prevented him from moving. The guy’s face turned red with shame, and in confusion he even lost his rhythm. Catherine pretended that nothing was happening and led the dance herself, while Alexander clearly heard the rustling of her legs, covered with the thinnest nylon stockings. Her thigh was periodically gently brushed against the young man’s protruding penis, and this made him even more excited.

Her breasts touched his chest, he even felt her nipples, which were not constrained by the bra. The guy’s head was spinning, and he slightly closed his eyes to come to his senses; suddenly he felt that Catherine gently touched his earlobe with her lips and whispered:
- Well, how do I dance? Do you like it?
“Yes, very much,” he whispered back.
Catherine gently pressed her admirer's head to her shoulder and began stroking his hair with her hand.
“Let’s sit down,” she suggested.
“Come on,” the young man muttered uncertainly.
They sat down on a huge soft sofa, Catherine hugged the guy by the shoulders with one hand, and her other hand, as if by chance, lay on his leg, she stroked the young man’s leg, which made his penis stand up even more, and he felt that color floods his face.
“And I know what you want,” Catherine unexpectedly whispered in her ear.
And without waiting for an answer, she took the young man’s hand and placed it on her nylon-covered thigh. Alexander felt the pleasant, delicate surface of the stocking and ran his hand along the inside of his thigh.
- Don’t be shy, let’s be bold.

Catherine, moving her hand a little higher, began to stroke the erect penis through his trousers, then she unbuttoned his trousers and asked to take them off, Alexander hastily fulfilled this request, he acted as if in a dream and was even slightly chilled with excitement. The young man stood in his shorts, the woman lowered them and gently touched his crimson penis, which was huge with excitement.

How beautiful he is,” she whispered, gently grasping the head of his penis and began rhythmically moving her hand up and down.
She threw the guy onto the sofa and pressed her lips into his, the young man got a chill and began to shake feverishly, while his right hand ended up between Catherine’s legs, Alexander involuntarily felt with his fingers the delicate nylon of her panties, under which he felt the soft pliable tubercle that instinctively began to stroke.

Why are you trembling so much, don’t be afraid, you will like it, I always dreamed of being a man’s first woman.
Catherine spread her legs wider, and the guy’s fingers under the wet nylon felt a wet, hot slit, which he continued to caress. Meanwhile, the rhythmic movements of Catherine’s right hand, caressing his penis, brought the guy to the highest state of bliss, he felt his penis growing to incredible sizes, immediately the young man was pierced by an impulse of unusually acute pleasure, sperm began to pour out of his penis, pulsating in a violent stream , spreading a specific smell. Alexander was lying on the sofa, he had never experienced anything like this, Catherine brought a towel from the bathroom and carefully wiped the guy’s stomach and chest, which were splashed with semen. Then she kissed him tenderly on the lips and whispered in his ear that it was very nice for her to meet him one on one. Alexander lay on the sofa and felt at the height of bliss, meanwhile Catherine’s gentle fingers continued to stroke his chest and went lower and lower, so they were already stroking his stomach, and then again touched his tense penis.

How nimble you are, however,” she whispered, feeling his penis and testicles with her gentle fingers.
“Now it’s your turn to please me.”
Alexander nodded his head fervently and got up from the sofa, Catherine lay down in his place and asked to sit next to him.
- Do you like my legs?
“Oh, yes, they are beautiful,” was all he could say, choking with a renewed desire.
“Kiss them, stroke them, do it and I’ll be pleased,” she cooed tenderly.

Alexander did not believe his feelings, he touched the divinely beautiful legs of his beloved woman, stroked the pleasant soft surface of her thighs, then he touched her knees with his lips and began to cover her thighs with kisses, rising higher and higher, she was breathing heavily and moaning slightly with pleasure . With her hand she again felt the penis and began to stroke it, sometimes lightly caressing it. With her other hand, she parted the swollen lips of the vagina, the young man saw a hole framed by bright red lips.
“Kiss me there,” she said in a slightly broken voice from excitement.

Alexander brought his face closer to her vagina and began to kiss it.
“Play with your tongue,” she whispered.
Alexander began to diligently lick her lips and a small tubercle with his tongue, which he had previously caressed with his hand, unexpectedly, she trembled all over, and a spasm of pleasure pierced her body, liquid came out of the vagina, which he involuntarily swallowed. To his surprise, this did not cause any disgust in the guy, but on the contrary, he felt that his penis was again becoming simply incredible in size.
“Come to me,” she whispered, and spreading her legs wide, she pulled the young man towards her. He didn’t know what to do in this situation, but she helped him.

Her gentle hand directed his penis into the vagina, the feeling was very pleasant, the hot walls of the vagina enveloped his penis from all sides, causing the guy unusual pleasure,
instinctively he began to move his penis, repeating the rhythmic movements with which his beloved woman had previously caressed his penis. To the left and right of his body, Catherine’s legs were visible, widely spread, her thighs, covered with shiny thin nylon, caused the guy to have an attack of extraordinary excitement.

Then she, seeing that he was admiring her legs, raised her butt a little and threw her legs over his shoulders, and again he felt the approach of the highest point of pleasure. A powerful impulse of pleasure pierced his body, and it began to convulsively pour out directly into the body of his beloved woman; she, too, let out a cry of pleasure and hugged Alexander tightly to her.

“My God, how nice,” she whispered and covered her admirer’s sweaty face with kisses.
Alexander's eyes were closed with pleasure, he lay exhausted on his beloved woman, he felt both pleased and at the same time very ashamed. I'm ashamed of what happened to his friend's mother.

Having come to his senses a little, Alexander began to get dressed, Catherine gently kissed her admirer on the lips and invited him to come whenever he wanted. For the entire week after this event, Alexander was not himself from the happiness that fell upon him after his date with his beloved woman...

Story “Friend's Mom. Part I" | Read by MikePoll

Story “Friend's Mom. Part II" | Read by MikePoll

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