When to go to kindergarten It's normal for your baby to react negatively to new environments. What if the baby gets sick often?

Due to the fact that in the 90s there was a decline in the birth rate in the country, most preschool educational institutions were closed. From the beginning of the year, the birth rate of children began to rise and led to the problem of lack of places.

Parents who go on maternity leave cannot plan their work accurately, and kids grow up without the proper level of education, which leads to problems in learning at the primary level at school.

The most frequently asked question in our country is: “At what age do children start kindergarten?”. Worth sorting out.

Key Aspects

Regulation on institutions dated September 12, 2008 No. 666 answers the question: “At what age do they take kindergarten?” as follows: in the presence of nursery groups, you can give the child when he reaches one year. In some institutions, children are accepted from the age of two months. But such pupils of the preschool educational institution are a rarity.

I would like to note that if parents have the opportunity not to send their babies to kindergarten at such an early age, then it must be used, since the child’s weak immune system will be subject to severe tests.

Registration of a child in a nursery group does not allow parents to consistently attend work, since diseases of a different nature will begin during the adaptation period. Moreover, plus everything, it will be necessary to carry out a number of preventive vaccinations, which sometimes require the imposition of quarantine for up to 5 calendar days.

The new law on institutions of 2015 to the question: “At what age should they take to kindergarten?” - gives a different answer. Children whose age is between three and seven years old must be provided with places in kindergartens. And parents have the right to send their child to preschool at any time if the baby meets the listed criteria.

Kindergartens in Moscow

Many parents living in the Russian Federation have the impression that only they cannot identify their child in And very often you can hear the following question: “At what age do they take to kindergarten in Moscow?”.

It seems that there are no problems in the capital. Of course, this is far from true. In Moscow, there are also queues, especially since it is a metropolis, and the population there is many times larger. To date, such facts are known that children in Moscow begin to be accepted at the age of 2.5 years, although according to the law, all children from the age of 3 must be provided with places.

Therefore, the Moscow authorities are developing a bill according to which preschool institutions will have to accept all children whose age has reached 2 years. It is hoped that in the near future there will be significant changes in the law on preschool educational institutions. And to the question: “At what age do they take to kindergarten?” - it will be possible to answer safely - from 2 years.

Why three years?

So, according to the law of the Russian Federation, children must be provided with places in preschool educational institutions, having reached the age of 3.

At what age are children actually taken to kindergarten? Most preschools prefer not to deviate from legislative norms. Why don't they take babies for upbringing earlier? There are several reasons for this:

  • not strengthening the child;
  • lack of preventive vaccinations;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state of the baby;
  • the impossibility of creating groups with a large number of children (since the kids do not have basic self-care skills);
  • the possibility of one of the parents being on maternity leave for up to 3 years (this fact is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • only from the age of 3 the child begins to need communication in order to acquire new knowledge and skills.

What do you need to know?

Before you figure out at what age they take to kindergarten, you should get answers to the following questions:

  1. At what age should a child write an application for admission to a preschool educational institution?
  2. Is there a queue for kindergartens and how big is it?
  3. What documents are required to get on the waiting list?
  4. Do parents have priority status?

Psychologists about age criteria for kindergarten

Specialists, answering the question: “At what age should a child be taken to kindergarten?” - share a common opinion. Still, if there are no good reasons, children should be surrounded and cared for by their mother until the age of 3. Toddlers do not yet need to communicate with their peers, as they are just beginning to acquire verbal communication skills. And long partings with a loved one very often, especially at first, deal a severe blow to the baby's psyche.

In situations where the mother has firmly decided to send the child to kindergarten, increased attention is required on her part during the period of free time from work. In addition, the child needs to talk more. It is worth explaining that parting is temporary. You can not break the promise to pick up the baby immediately after dinner in the garden. This can provoke resentment, distrust or isolation.

What should a child be able to do when entering a preschool educational institution?

All issues related to preschool education are answered by the law. At what age do they start kindergarten? From 3 years old! The thing is that, according to the regulations of preschool educational institutions, a child, entering a kindergarten, must possess a number of skills that are mastered in the age range from 2 to 3 years. These include:

  • the ability to independently consume food with a spoon;
  • the ability to wash, wipe your face and hands with a towel;
  • the ability to ask for a potty;
  • the ability to independently play with toys for 15 minutes.

Of course, sending a child to a kindergarten at an earlier age, parents should understand that he does not have all these skills. This leads to additional dislike of children for kindergarten, as educators begin to demand the implementation of these actions.

Private kindergarten

In the modern world, for parents whose children did not end up in a state preschool educational institution, there is an alternative to send their child to a private kindergarten. However, only kids, moms and dads who earn enough money will be able to get into such an institution.

At what age do they take to a private kindergarten? We can safely say that children are taken to such institutions upon reaching the age of 1 year.

Gardens are usually small - they are 2 or 3 groups. They are an alternative option and in no way affect the queue for registering a child in a public kindergarten. In this case, the Department of Education does not give vouchers to attend a private kindergarten: this is a voluntary decision of the parents.

How is a private preschool different?

First of all, parents should understand that they will have to pay a monthly fee for the baby's stay in the kindergarten. Not every middle-income family can afford such pleasure. The most expensive are kindergartens in Moscow. For a month of stay in some of them, you have to pay 30 thousand rubles.

They have private institutions and their advantages. Children are treated according to a special program. Each child has an individual approach. The groups are small. This means that the pupil can be given enough attention. A separate issue is nutrition. The menu is compiled together with the parents. This is a plus for those children who, for a number of reasons, are shown dietary nutrition.


You should not ask the question: “At what age do they take to kindergarten?” Until the baby is 1 year old. We need to pay more attention to the health of the child, his comprehensive development.

It is worth devoting all your free time to your baby, because maternity leave is given for this. It is from the moment of birth and up to 3 years that the child needs constant monitoring and care of the mother.

What if there are financial problems in the family? In any difficult situation, you can find the right solution. It makes sense for spouses to look for work with a 2 * 2 schedule. Thus, the child will be with both mom and dad.

At what age do they start kindergarten? If this is a private institution, the baby can be accepted as early as 12 months. However, do not forget that close contact with parents at an early age will affect the rest of the child's life. Don't be in a hurry.

Is your child going to kindergarten? When is it better to give the baby to the garden, how to properly adapt to the conditions of an unfamiliar environment, how to protect the child from viral infections? Almost every mother faces these questions.

The question of whether to send the baby to kindergarten, and at what age it is better to do this, arises for every mother. How many experiences and excitements are connected with this event! Of course, any mother wants her child to get used to the new environment as early as possible, make friends with peers and go to kindergarten with pleasure.

Unfortunately, things don't always go so smoothly the first time. Often it is impossible to avoid tears and worries in the first days of visiting the kindergarten. Let's figure it out together when the baby will be most prepared for visiting kindergarten and what needs to be done to help him get used to the new environment.

How to avoid baby illness

When is a child psychologically ready to attend kindergarten?


The optimal time to send a child to a preschool institution is considered to be between 3 and 4 years of age. At this time, the immune system becomes more mature, and psychologically the child is better prepared to communicate with children in a new large team.

Sometimes, for objective reasons, you cannot stay at home with a child and are forced to work, sending the baby to kindergarten. A child of two or two and a half years is still very dependent on his mother. Although, younger children sometimes endure separation from their parents more easily and can stay in the garden for a long time without whims and worries.

But some psychologists believe that in such children the development of a natural sense of attachment to parents, to the home is disrupted, the feeling of the family as the most valuable and expensive is lost, which in the future may adversely affect the child.

If the baby cannot get used to the kindergarten in any way (there is such a category of children), then it is better, if possible, to leave him with his grandmother or nanny. However, it should be noted that "home" children experience a lack of communication with peers, compared with children attending kindergarten. Therefore, on a walk, they strive to communicate with other children, up to obsession. Consequently, the kindergarten contributes to the development of communication skills in a team, confidence, and the formation of the child's personality.

How to teach a child to go to kindergarten

To accustom the child to attend kindergarten should be gradual. First, go there with your child several times so that the baby gets acquainted with the environment in which he will spend time. At the same time, already at home, about a month before the deadline for visiting kindergarten, try to leave him to play alone longer than you usually do.

For the first few days, bring your child to kindergarten for a short time (for 1-2 hours) and stay close to him. When the baby feels comfortable, you can leave, leaving him alone, but not for long. Gradually increase both the time your child is in the garden and the time you are away.

All children are different and it is difficult to say how many hours, days or weeks a particular child needs to adapt to new conditions for him. The process of adaptation in the broad sense of the word implies addiction, adaptation of the body to new conditions of existence. Someone gets used easily and quickly, someone - long and painfully.

But it is in your power to make sure that visiting the kindergarten becomes a joy for the child, not a punishment. In addition, be sure to tell the baby that you are proud of him, because he has already become big and can go to kindergarten!

Your presence next to the child at the very beginning of the visit to the kindergarten is necessary for two reasons: firstly, you will facilitate the period of adaptation of your baby, and secondly, you will be able to see all the subtleties of the inner life of the kindergarten and the teacher's behavior style.

How to prepare your child for kindergarten

What if the baby gets sick often?


First of all, babies start to get sick because immunity decreases due to a sharp change in the situation: a different regimen, unusual food, a lot of noise and impressions, feelings due to separation from their mother. In addition, everyone in their family is used to dealing with microbes that are often found in the house and have developed protective reactions to them, and since each toddler comes with his own “microbial set”, their exchange is inevitable.

When deciding whether to send a child to a nursery or kindergarten, remember that among all children who cross the threshold of a children's institution for the first time, about 25% of those who can be called "late starters". In these children, the immune system develops later than in others. While they are at home, they are healthy, but when they get into the kindergarten, where there is always a danger of meeting with a large number of different viruses and bacteria, they begin to get sick all the time. So they need special training, and that's what it is.

First, you need to temper the child. In the summer it is easy: the child runs barefoot on the ground, takes air baths, bathes, that is, it hardens naturally. But the problem is that hardening does not "work" for the future, it is effective only during the period of time until the child is hardened. Therefore, it is impossible to interrupt the hardening process.

In autumn, a child can run barefoot on the floor (but not all the time). Do not forget to ventilate the room where the baby is located more often. Hardening allows you to normalize the function of the respiratory tract during cooling, which reduces the number of viruses that enter the body during infection. Therefore, by hardening, it is possible, if not to completely avoid a cold, then reduce the child's sensitivity to it. Do not forget about gymnastics and, if possible, massage.

Secondly, we need to strengthen immune system baby. A child constantly crying, being in a state of stress from separation from parents is an excellent prey for viruses and microbes. It will not be superfluous to take vitamin complexes (if the child does not have allergies), it is imperative to use fresh fruits and vegetables.

During epidemics of viral infections, do not tempt fate, leave the child at home. If this is not possible, start preventive measures. First drip interferon into the nose. If the child falls ill, at the first sign, leave him at home and treat him not only until the symptoms of the disease disappear, but also until his strength is fully restored.

"Mom-ah-ah, don't go!!!"

Some children endure separation more or less calmly, and some cry and cannot calm down for a long time. How to make the moment of parting less dramatic?

If no persuasion helps, try to communicate in a playful way. Let the baby participate in the preparations for work, help bring something, or tell you what else you need to take with you, wave goodbye with a pen from the window. Instruct him to do something in your absence, let him draw his favorite toy or put the toys in their places on their own. At the meeting, ask the baby in detail about the day he lived and praise him for his successes, tell him how much you managed to do, because he helped you.

If the problems are more serious: the child is nervous without a mother, refuses to eat, does not sleep, you should contact a psychologist.

Getting ready to go to kindergarten


For easier and faster adaptation of the child to new conditions, preparation should begin a few months before visiting kindergarten. During the adaptation period, it is better to exclude active events and unnecessary stress from the baby's life (visiting the circus, theater and guests).

Approximate acclimatization time is about one month. Some children get used to it faster, some - much more difficult. You just need to experience this moment.

First of all, visit the kindergarten where you plan to send your child. See for yourself the situation, how the teachers communicate with the children. Talk to the staff, and most importantly, to the parents of other children.

Create a positive emotional mood in the child: say that there are guys in the kindergarten with whom you can make friends and play, there are a lot of toys, etc.

Encourage your child to interact with other children. Whether it's going to visit or chatting on the playground.

Tell the child in advance about what awaits him, how he will play with the children, that he will make friends. Teach your baby to offer children their toys, ask permission to play with them, address children by name.

The team will consolidate the ability to self-service: eat and dress independently. Use clothes that are easy to put on, blouses without buttons. Buy Velcro shoes.

Introduce a variety of vegetable products, cottage cheese casseroles, meat and fish soufflés, etc. into the child's diet. If the baby gets used to eating like this, there will be no problems with food in kindergarten.

Teach your child to follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash their hands with soap and blow their nose in a handkerchief

Adjust your child's daily routine. Bring feeding closer to meal times in kindergarten. Do not arrange "snacks" between meals.

Hours of daytime sleep should also coincide with a quiet hour in the garden.

When taking your child to kindergarten for the first time, do not show your excitement - your condition is easily transmitted to the baby. Never scare your child with kindergarten. This can form a fear of visiting him.

Support the child emotionally. Hug your baby more often, and then he will be sure of your love, support, and it will be much easier to endure parting with you and the transition to a new stage of growing up - visiting a kindergarten.

Vera ANOKHINA, pediatrician

Many modern mothers are in a hurry to go to work and kindergarten for their kids is inevitable. In the same families where there is someone to look after the child, the issue of a preschool institution is solved in different ways. Some adults remember their own negative experience and refuse to register their son or daughter in kindergarten, while others, on the contrary, believe that socialization is necessary, and life in a team will best prepare the baby for school.

Which position is correct? Should I take my child to kindergarten? It is worth exploring these issues in more detail. We will consider the pros and cons of an ordinary kindergarten, the issue of preparing for school, and also give the opinions of experts.

If a mother or other relative has the opportunity to be at home with a child, then the kindergarten issue is resolved in different ways.

Benefits of attending a preschool

There are many arguments that are usually given by the adherents of the kindergarten. We list the main ones:

  • The main and most obvious plus of attending a preschool is the opportunity to communicate with peers. A child in a team learns to communicate, hones his sociability. As early as two years old, kids begin to be interested in peers and learn to play together. Disputes and quarrels bring up in children the ability to compromise, admit their guilt and find true friends.
  • In the team, the baby's immunity is subjected to a powerful attack, which trains him and makes him stronger. Kids 2-5 years old often infect each other with infectious diseases. Pediatricians believe that it is better to have infectious diseases in childhood in order to develop immunity to them. Chickenpox, mumps and rubella are much easier to tolerate in preschool age and rarely cause complications.
  • Any institution for children must meet the basic parameters: have enough space for games, it must have a room equipped for sleeping. Children study, dance and sing, teachers, speech therapists work with them, there is a full-time psychologist. In addition, there is a program of preparation for school, which takes into account all the nuances.
  • The garden helps its pupil to become autonomous. Often it is here, far from mom, that you have to learn to dress yourself, go to the potty on time, eat with a spoon and use a towel (we recommend reading:). There is only one educator and it is not necessary to expect guardianship from him akin to the one that the baby sees at home. The word "I want" or "give" is no longer so often heard from the lips of my mother's pet. So, you need to learn to do many things on your own.

In the kindergarten, the child becomes part of the team, learns to make friends and communicate

What else is a clear advantage?

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Above, we have listed the most obvious advantages of a standard kindergarten. There are also less noticeable things that any parent of a kindergarten child can realize:

  • Children get used to the regime, which has a good effect on health and overall development. In addition, teachers require kids to adhere to the rules of behavior in a team. Thanks to the regime and the constant example of classmates, children, surrounded by peers, eat and sleep better, and also dress for a walk faster. Usually a kindergarten child is more disciplined than one who grows up under the supervision of a mother or a babysitter.
  • Modern children already at the age of 2-3 spend a lot of time in the virtual world or watching cartoons. It is in a peer group under the supervision of a teacher that a small person is reliably protected from computers, tablets, smartphones. Children spend the whole day according to the schedule: instead of cartoons - drawing or modeling from plasticine, instead of computer games or the Internet - preparing for the matinee.
  • A good preschool for a son or daughter will allow a mother to go to work and increase her material well-being. In addition, some women need to realize themselves in a team, move up the career ladder, which makes it possible to feel needed not only at home, but also at work. A financially secure, self-confident mother will not be annoyed over trifles, but will be able to bestow her love on the baby in full.

In the kindergarten, the child will definitely not spend his days at a computer or tablet - there are many exciting activities for him

Cons of Kindergarten

Some mothers say: “I don’t want to send my child to kindergarten, I’m afraid that he won’t get enough attention there!”. This is partly true, every day visiting such an institution is fraught with a number of difficulties and many see many disadvantages in it. Here are some of the more obvious ones:

  • A peer group is not always the best environment for a little person. The ability to communicate, find compromises and even make friends can be perfected at home with adults, on the playground. In addition, the child can attend various children's classes - circles or sections. In the garden, there is often some pressure from the educators, the requirements “to be like everyone else”, the presence of leaders in the team. If the baby is brought up at home, he will avoid the stress that will certainly arise in a new environment, among unfamiliar children and strict educators. He will learn a lot by watching and participating in the current events of his family, instead of replacing real situations with play ones.
  • Even the most progressive pre-school institution separates the child from the family, teaches them not to feel too deeply attached to their parents. Today, many mothers and fathers do not know how to communicate with their child and spend time with their families. It’s all to blame for the persistent belief that children need to be constantly distracted, to look for entertainment for them. Any child will be able to play on their own for quite a long period, being near their mother. Sometimes it is enough to play with the baby for a short time so that for the next half hour he finds something to do, completely satisfied with communication with his mother.
  • Independence in a children's institution is very conditional. Pupils are subject to strict rules that do not allow them to express themselves. For the educator, the main advantage of each baby is the ability to obey and act within the outlined framework. Mom prepares her daughter or son for adulthood, sensitively reacting to his achievements, each time giving him more and more freedom.

The opportunity to spend time with parents is priceless for a child, and a visit to the kindergarten reduces these hours and minutes.

Caring for mental and physiological health is the task of parents

Giving a daughter or son to the garden, many do not think about how this will affect his health. Here we are talking about both physical and psychological aspects. I would like to note that the cons far outweigh the possible pros:

  • The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky believes that a child will have healthy respiratory and cardiovascular systems if he spends enough time outdoors. In this case, it is not at all necessary to go through the stage of a series of diseases. Frequent colds and infectious diseases, which are inevitable in a large children's team, do not always favorably affect the immunity and general condition of a preschooler. Each disease is fraught with complications, and regular dropouts from the life of the team do not allow the child to comfortably adapt in his group.
  • In a children's institution, discipline is above all. It is difficult for different pupils to adapt to the routine for everyone. Active kids can hardly fall asleep at the allotted time, because they do not have time to calm down before bedtime. It is difficult for them to wake up "on call". As a result, they are deprived of a good rest. Each baby has its own biorhythms, according to which it is best to organize classes, sleep or active games. These mismatches can have a negative impact on the general condition.
  • Sometimes educators are quite rude and require the children to instantly fulfill their requirements. Not a very good teacher, not wanting to understand children's conflicts, often punishes everyone who does not obey. An impressionable baby can experience stress and even get psychologically traumatized if he is unfairly punished.
  • Children tend to adopt the behavior of others, and not just adults. In a team, you can get a bad example of behavior, learn to fight or use foul language - quarrels and fights are possible among peers. No mother or educator can protect an obedient child from the influence of aggressive children, unless they violate discipline too grossly.

Is preparation for school an obligatory part of the program?

What is considered good school preparation? A preschooler's ability to read, print, and count on sticks? It turns out that when entering school, these skills will not be superfluous, but they are not required. The main thing that school teachers are guided by is the ability to learn: to listen, to assimilate information, and also to have developed logical thinking.

It is necessary to think about whether it is necessary to take a preschooler to kindergarten for the sake of quality preparation for school:

  • There is no special program in the kindergarten, which is designed to direct the development of the future student in the right direction. In order to develop logic, it is necessary to solve special problems with the child, ask them to argue one or another decision. It is also desirable to develop his general outlook and encourage the desire to know the world - all this is best done on an individual basis.
  • Especially collective preschool education is not suitable for children with a pronounced personality. Educators instill in pupils the idea that you need to be like everyone else and not stand out. During creative activities, children are instructed to make applications or sculpt figures according to a template, draw on a declared topic. If a child likes to fantasize and invent his own games, unusual ways of creating paintings, applications, it will not be easy for him in such conditions. For him, the result of classes may be zero.
  • Often, in a children's state institution, the school preparation program is somewhat outdated. Every year the requirements for entering the first grade change, it is better to prepare the future student in accordance with the new requests of teachers.

As you can see, there is no need to visit the garden solely to prepare for school. Mom can work with her preschooler herself, or take him to classes a couple of times a week. In a preschool institution, they devote very little time to lessons and do not practice an individual approach to each preschooler.

In order for a child to join the ranks of schoolchildren without problems, preparation should take into account his individual characteristics.

What do the experts say?

Parents should decide on their own whether a kindergarten is needed for their son or daughter, says teacher and psychologist Anna Besinger. In order for the decision to be balanced, it is advisable to sensibly evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a preschool institution. For those who decide to register their baby in the garden, it is important to think about how to make it easier for the child to adapt to new conditions. It’s great if the baby knows how to eat on his own, use the potty, dress, can communicate with peers (we recommend reading:). Those families that are going through a divorce, have recently moved, replenished with a newborn brother or sister, it is better to wait a little with kindergarten. The child at this moment is going through a period of adaptation to new conditions and the kindergarten will become another factor that can cause stress.

According to Lyudmila Petranovskaya, a well-known family psychologist, writer, member of the Family for a Child Family Device Association, it is advisable to immediately determine the status of a kindergarten for yourself. If you perceive it only as a place where you can fearlessly leave the child while the parents are at work, the garden turns into a necessary, convenient and inexpensive service. If you make excessive demands on this institution and expect that the child will be qualitatively prepared for school in it and that a lot of attention will be paid to its development, you can get a negative result. Those parents who need to free up time for work may well leave the baby in kindergarten without worrying about his safety and entertainment. Moms and dads who are ready to be with their child, communicate with him, play - they can do without a kindergarten.

A psychologist and psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences Irina Mlodik takes a different position. Every adult who visited the garden as a child has memories of him - some are pleasant, funny, some are not very, Irina believes. Despite such opposing opinions, a kindergarten - necessarily a good one - is necessary for a child who has reached 3 years of age.

The ideal option is to completely disengage from the impressions that kindergarten left on parents in their childhood. You should also take into account the warehouse of the child's personality, his hobbies and inclinations.

The decision is yours

As you can see, not all experts adhere to a single point of view. Some believe that home education is more even, calm and, with the right approach, allows you to identify and nurture individuality in a child, the ability to express one's thoughts. Others strongly recommend that parents think about the socialization of the baby and be sure to find him a good teacher.

It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer to the question of whether your child needs kindergarten. All parents are different and each of them has their own experience of visiting the garden. This experience will certainly become one of the weighty arguments in favor of making a decision “for” or “against”. However, sometimes it is worth giving up your own impressions in order to make an informed decision. In reality, the garden is a good way to arrange a child while mom is busy. While the baby is visiting the group, you can not worry about his leisure time, regular meals and sleep. If parents can look after the child on their own, you can organize creative and developmental activities for him at home. Loving parents are able to give their baby a decent upbringing, as well as provide him with full and regular communication with peers.

All our activities are related to communication with other people. Kindergarten, school, college, work - these skills and abilities to find their place in society will come in handy everywhere. Acquire knowledge from more experienced people, respond correctly to criticism, learn to make friends and conflict competently.

The sooner a person masters this difficult science, the easier it will be in the future for him to master other knowledge necessary for life. Going to kindergarten is like taking the first step towards learning the ability to communicate in a team. And the first steps are not always easy. The task of parents is to teach the child not to be afraid of acquiring these necessary skills.

If you took care of the issue of adaptation in advance and prepared the child for kindergarten, then consider that you helped him take the first half step. You can read about this in the article "How to prepare your baby for kindergarten." Now it remains to take another half step, this is to help him go through the period of adaptation. Perhaps you should think about sending your child to some kind of early development school before kindergarten. The next steps of the baby will be more confident, although you can’t do without “falls, bruises and abrasions”. This is our whole life, it is the difficulties that teach us to grow and develop. So there is no need to be afraid of them.

First you need to choose the time when to give your baby to kindergarten

The most favorable months for this: from early July to mid-August. Firstly, at this time, babies get sick less often, viruses have not yet arrived, and the body has already managed to be fed with vitamins. Secondly, all educational programs that take place in kindergartens are usually designed for the period from September to May.

The period from July to August is just what the child needs in order to "fit" into an unfamiliar environment, get to know the guys, the kindergarten regime and other new conditions for themselves. Then already in September he will be able to start mastering the educational program of the children's institution in a calmer and more confident mode.

The most unfavorable period is at the end of autumn, winter, beginning of spring. At this time, in the midst of the epidemic. It will not be easy for the child, and even these viruses, plus all the natural stresses, there will be embarrassment from the fact that he is in many ways behind the program that takes place in the kindergarten.

The first days in kindergarten, children behave differently.

There are kids who are in a hurry to get acquainted with the new environment and the guys, to see new toys. But still, most children go through this period through tears. In some babies, the lacrimal period is very delayed. There are children who cry only when their parents see them off, and then, in the absence of loved ones, they are already calmer.

And there are babies who roar throughout the day. Such children are usually taken much earlier and the adaptation period lasts longer. Some children still cannot get used to the new environment, they often begin to get sick. This turns on the protective reaction of the body. Such is the involuntary protest of the child. It largely depends on the parents how the period of adaptation of the child in kindergarten will pass.

It's normal for your baby to react negatively to new environments.

New restrictions and rules, less love and care - who will like it? The child simply does not understand - why does his mother send him to such unfavorable conditions? Therefore, the behavior of the child, even at home, can change dramatically. Aggression, tearfulness, uncontrollability, poor sleep are all a reaction to a stressful situation. It is important for parents during this period to help the child adapt to kindergarten.

In some children, even the reverse process of development can be noticed. For example, those who already knew how to dress now demand that their mothers help them or be spoon-fed, even if the child used to do it himself. There may be deterioration in speech. If before going to kindergarten you taught your child to speak correctly about objects, not to distort words, then in kindergarten he can learn the opposite, because not all children have the same level, and kids copy each other.

In a difficult period, parents should reduce homework for the child, spend as much time as possible with him in quiet activities. Watching TV at this time should be excluded. Read good stories to him, hug and kiss the child more - this will help relieve his psycho-emotional stress. You should not scold the baby for the fact that he again began to "fall into childhood", behaves worse, etc. Try to surround the baby with care and love, and then the adaptation period will pass more quickly.

How long does this difficult period take?

It depends on many factors, on the immunity of the child, his character and temperament. On average, the adaptation period lasts 1-2 months, but for some children it can be delayed for a longer period.

Preparing a child for kindergarten is not always the biggest problem for parents. Sometimes we have to face an equally difficult question - how to get to the right kindergarten. One of our club members shared her experience

What's good about kindergarten?

Does the child need to go to kindergarten? They say that "home" children are very difficult to adapt to school, because they are not used to being in a team.

Until recently, it was believed that Kindergarten is a truly essential link in the development of every child. And indeed, "home" kids often had difficulty adapting to school rules.

Perhaps these difficulties were primarily due to the fact that there were very few such children, the vast majority were precisely "kindergarten" children. Often, children moved in whole groups from the "yard" kindergarten to the same "yard" (that is, in the microdistrict) school. And if a child who spent the first seven years of his life under his mother's and grandmother's wing fell into the same class, he, of course, had a hard time.

Today the situation is different. Children who have never attended kindergarten are no longer an exception. In addition, the very concept of "kindergarten" today is not as clear as it used to be. In addition to the standard public kindergarten, there are a number of other options for "employment" of a preschooler. So, children come to the first grade with the most diverse "luggage": someone went to an ordinary kindergarten, someone - to some Development Center, and someone sat at home with a nanny.

What exactly does attending a kindergarten give a child?

  • First of all, the possibility communication with peers, inclusion in the group. You can be convinced individualists, reserved and unsociable, but you must remember: From about three years old (and from four - absolutely!) the child needs to communicate with other children. And you must give him this opportunity.
  • Of course, in kindergarten, a child learns to communicate not only with other children, but also with adults. The experience of communicating with kindergarten teachers helps the child avoid difficulties in establishing relationships with school teachers in the future. The kid learns that in addition to the mother, there are other adults whose opinions need to be listened to, and sometimes simply obeyed.
  • In kindergarten, the child gets acquainted with certain rules of behavior and learns to observe them.
  • Finally, in kindergarten, the child receives opportunities for intellectual and physical development. Strictly speaking, a "kindergarten" education alone is not enough for a child. In any case, parents should deal with the baby themselves. But if a "home" child spends whole days exclusively in front of the TV screen, then in kindergarten, of course, he will receive incomparably more.

Are household children different? We analyze the main questions

1. Can I provide my child with all the conditions necessary for his harmonious development at home without sending him to kindergarten?

The most difficult thing in home education is, perhaps, not the intellectual or physical development of the child. It is much more difficult to create all the necessary conditions for the baby for social development.And if you do not want to send your baby to kindergarten, you need to think carefully about how you will provide these opportunities to your child.

2. Does a "home" child need friends?

The home child must spend a lot of time on playgrounds while playing with other children. In addition, it is highly desirable to provide him with some kind of permanent friend-the same age - or rather, several friends. You need to take him to visit and invite other children to your home.

3. Communication with adults is necessary!

If you don’t send your child to kindergarten because you don’t trust the teachers and think that no one but you will be able to properly treat the child, find the right approach to him, you need to urgently change this point of view! The main thing is to understand thatthe child needs experience with other adults besides the mother- even if this mother is really the best in the world!

Do not want to send your beloved child to kindergarten - give it to some circle, section, game group. The best thing is if among your friends there are young mothers just like you. You can create a "visiting schedule" by taking turns hosting other kids. Let your private "kindergarten" "work" for only a few hours a day, at least a couple of times a week. They will learn to communicate with each other, and little by little they will get used to the fact that sometimes you have to obey not only your mother.

Suitable age: does it make sense to send a child to a nursery?

The most optimal age for publication is four years. Yes, no less! And please, try not to listen to the persistent advice of experienced grandmothers, who are always ready to explain to us that "the sooner the better - you'll get used to it quickly"! Because it's not true.

One year old toddler, of course, she can "get used" to the fact that for some reason her beloved mother was replaced by someone else's, not too affectionate aunt. Get used to - it means to accept and suffer silently, reacting to stress "only" with frequent colds and other illnesses, a bad mood, a decrease in interest in the outside world. Such passive resistance is far from being a trifle, it has a very negative impact on the further emotional, intellectual and physical development of the baby.

Today, most nurseries accept children only from a year and a half. But this is too early! A year and a half is the age when the so-called separation anxiety is just beginning to subside. Simply put, the baby is still too strongly attached to the mother and very painfully reacts to her absence, as well as the appearance of strangers, especially if they try to get too close to him.

Interest in other children wakes up in kids only by the age of three.At the same time, at first they are drawn to comrades older than themselves, then they begin to be interested in those who are younger, and only in the last turn they pay attention to their peers. So, a nursery of one and a half years can only be justified by the most extreme necessity.

BiennialIt is a little easier for a child to get used to the nursery. The general rule remains the same - early!By the age of two, a baby can be really very sociable., and if the kindergarten (primarily educators!) Is good, perhaps the child will like it there. In any case, you can try to take the child to a nursery if you are already convinced that he is not afraid of other children and adults, has the necessary self-care skills (he knows how to use the potty, can eat on his own), without much suffering experiences your absence.

At the same time, you must observe the behavior, mood of the baby, the state of his health. If you see that your two-year-old is difficult to adapt to the nursery - in no case do not insist, do not persist in your intention to accustom him to the "institution" right now.

Some mothers send two-year-old babies to nursery not because they really need to go to work, butfor pedagogical reasons:they say that in a group a child will be taught to be independent, he will develop faster, etc. Yes, talking all day with other people's aunts and being just one of fifteen or twenty of the same little ones, your child will probably learn to hold a spoon and pull on his pants faster than his "home" peers.But is it really that important in and of itself?At home, he also learns independence.

And the age characteristics of a two-year-old child, and the quality of our nursery, in general, lead to the following conclusion: wait, do not rush! Proved that Nursery pupils are often later characterized by less initiative in decision-making, since activity and emotionality are largely laid in the first years of life.

This hard adaptation

A child who is not getting used to a nursery or a kindergarten does not necessarily demonstrate this explicitly. He can behave quite obediently and even submissively, expressing his feelings in some indirect way. The most common form of passive resistance in toddlers is frequent colds.

But there are other points that you need to pay attention to. This is sleep, appetite, the behavior of the child at home in the evenings, after kindergarten. For the first time after starting a nursery or kindergarten, such "charms" as a decrease in appetite, difficulty falling asleep and even crying at night, domestic whims and a somewhat reduced or irritable mood can be considered "normal". But if after three or four weeks the situation does not improve, we can say that the child does not adapt well to kindergarten or nursery.

In this case, it is advisable to save the baby from visiting the kindergarten for the next year, and if this is completely impossible, try to mitigate the traumatic situation for him: leave him in the kindergarten only for half a day, give him an extra day off in the middle of the week, look for a kindergarten or nursery with fewer children in a group.

What is the best age for a child to start kindergarten?

We have already begun to answer this question. Let us repeat once again: most psychologists today consider the optimal age to befour years, and quite admissible - three.By the age of three, the childis no longer afraid to be without a mother for some time, begins to be interested in communicating with other children, and has self-service skills. But he will really enjoy playing with peers only closer to four years.

The ideal option is to start gradually, without haste and without strict requirements.to acquaint the child with kindergarten at three - three and a half years.First, go for walks with him with the kindergarten group, then leave him in the kindergarten for half a day.

If it quickly turns out that the child does not mind spending time in a new environment, you can move on to a regular kindergarten visit. If the baby does not express any particular enthusiasm, there is nothing wrong with the fact that until the age of four he will attend the kindergarten according to a "sparing" regimen.

Do not worry about the fact that he will lag behind his peers in some way. The main thing is that after three years he does not remain in a closed home space, one on one with his mother or grandmother, but gradually expands the boundaries of the familiar world.

O. Zhukova

Dear readers! Have you taken your child to kindergarten? At what age? How was the adaptation? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

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