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An article about how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women and mature mothers after childbirth. We will analyze the main types of such clothing and their differences. Let's find out why such medical clothing is needed and what contraindications there are.

In addition, we will decide which type is best for you. And also what sizes to choose, where it is better to buy such a product and at what price. At the end you will be able to see various reviews and photos.

Prenatal bandage for pregnant women - types and which one is better to choose

Prenatal bandages for pregnant women can be of various types and designs. We will look at them below. Which one is better to choose is up to you. Just try on each type, and you yourself will understand which one is most comfortable.

Prenatal bandage

Comfortable - this means that the clothing does not restrict movement, does not rub, does not cause sweating or irritation on the skin.

Just because the fetus is still inside does not mean that its opinion should not be taken into account. If the child pushes hard when you put on the bandage, then the design does not suit him.

Please note that before wearing such medical clothing, consult your doctor first. Perhaps you may have some contraindications.

How long does it take to wear a maternity bandage?

So, from when to wear a bandage for pregnant women? Usually the doctor recommends wearing it from the second trimester, that is, from 20 to 25 weeks. But this is very individual. After all, sometimes the exact period may be incorrectly determined.

If there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor may advise you to start wearing a bandage from the very beginning.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?

Let's talk about why a bandage is needed during pregnancy. It is worth saying that a doctor may prescribe wearing such clothing after an initial examination for various medical reasons. Now we will look at them.

Premature birth

The threat of premature birth can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Proper distribution of the load on the body will help maintain good health while carrying a child.

If you have weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, then wearing a bandage during pregnancy is mandatory. Such clothing tightly fixes the position of the uterus and prevents its premature prolapse.

Against the formation of scars (stretch marks)

Due to the increase in weight and size, the skin tension on the abdomen and upper legs increases. In addition, any skin of even the most trained woman stretches. This leads to the formation of unsightly scars (stretch marks).

Pregnancy scars

Scars are very difficult to fade from the skin. In some cases, this memory of pregnancy can last a lifetime.

Low location of the placenta

This is when the fetus is implanted in the lower part of the uterus. In order not to provoke placental abruption with a sudden movement, it is recommended to fix the abdominal wall.

Breech presentation of the fetus

The child lies head down. There's nothing wrong with that. If the fetal position is already stable, then you can wear a prenatal bandage.

If the situation is unstable, then it is better to try to turn the fruit over. There are special exercises for this. In this case wearing a bandage is contraindicated.

The exercises helped or the child himself took the correct position - only a doctor can make these conclusions. But this medical clothing for expectant mothers will help to fix the correct position of the fetus.

Increased amount of amniotic fluid

Polyhydramnios is diagnosed using ultrasound. The reasons that cause it can be different:

  • Various chronic diseases
  • Unusual fruit size
  • Multiple pregnancy

It is worth noting that at such moments the belly can grow to a very large size.

Repeated pregnancy

If the interval between pregnancies is very short, then stretch marks on the skin may still persist. The abdominal cavity is weakened by previous births.

Also, after a previous birth, there could be a scar from a cesarean section. In general, the experience of your previous pregnancy will help you determine from what time to wear a maternity bandage.

Back pain and osteochondrosis

The spine experiences increased stress during pregnancy. There is a shift in the usual center of gravity of the woman’s entire body.

If the expectant mother moves a lot during the day, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases. Back pain can lead to persistent sleep disorders. This is unacceptable for a woman.


Restructuring of internal organs with enlargement of the uterus causes problems with blood circulation in the pelvis. The entire circulatory system experiences additional stress, as it must supply oxygen and nutrients to the growing body.

Varicose veins on the legs

Signs of varicose veins appear in the form of stars and blue threads on the legs. Capillaries and small vessels cannot withstand and stretch. It happens that this leads to their complete rupture.

The compression bandage will reduce and correctly distribute the load on the lower limbs. But remember that this is only one of the measures to prevent varicose veins. There are many other ways to combat varicose veins.

What else do you need a maternity bandage for?

Why else do you need a bandage for pregnant women? In addition to medical indications, such clothing can ease the load on the spine, internal organs and skin.

By supporting your belly, it helps relieve fatigue and heaviness on your legs. This is important when maternity leave is still far away, and the belly begins to grow rapidly.

But a bandage alone won't prepare your abdominal muscles for childbirth. Ideally, you should start strengthening your muscles long before pregnancy.

But for those who did not have time to do this, there are various exercises for pregnant women. It is important to do them regularly. You can do the exercises while wearing a bandage.

Until you give birth, it will be an item in your wardrobe. If such clothing is worn for medical reasons, the period of its use will be determined solely by a doctor.

If clothing helps you withstand physical activity and makes you feel comfortable, then wear it as needed.

Some expectant mothers do not stop exercising during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles must be kept in excellent shape. The bandage will help you perform all exercises during training without experiencing pain in your back.

How to wear a universal bandage for pregnant women correctly

Many people do not know how to properly wear a universal bandage for pregnant women. Let's fix this problem. It is worth saying that this model consists of two strips of stretchable material. You can wear it both before and after childbirth. Hence the name - universal.

Universal bandage before and after childbirth

Before giving birth worn as follows. A wide band is fastened along the back to relieve it, and a narrow band is placed under the stomach. The tension of the tapes is adjusted with Velcro.

The sides of the tape are reinforced with an elastic band with flaps. This allows you to adjust the tension without undoing the entire bondage. After childbirth he is simply turned over with the wide part onto his stomach.

The disadvantage of this type is its bulk. It may protrude from under clothing. Velcro sometimes ruins clothes and tights.

Bandage panties for pregnant women

Bandage panties for pregnant women are sewn like regular panties, only with an elastic insert in the lower abdomen. An elastic insert at the back runs along the lower back. It is narrower in the front to support the tummy from below. The wider the elastic insert, the more effective the bandage is.

Bandage panties for pregnant women

Briefs may have fasteners on the sides to adjust the size. There is a fastener at the bottom for convenience when visiting the toilet.

Model in shape panties for pregnant women is usually sold with decorations: ruffles or lace inserts. If you are not going to deny yourself beautiful underwear because of your position, then you can also choose a color. It usually has warm pastel colors.

Bandage thong panties with lace for pregnant women

If you plan to wear these panties instead of underwear, you will need to wash them frequently. So buy a few in advance.

If you gain a lot of weight in the last trimester, these maternity clothes can cause a lot of chafing and irritation.

Panties come in different designs:

  • classic
  • shorts
  • thong

But any doctor will advise you to choose the classic option. And shorts are very good for winter. During the cold season they are much warmer.

Maternity belt

The maternity belt is a wide elastic band. It is worn along the lower back and lower abdomen. Secure with Velcro, while adjusting the degree of tension.

Bandage belt for pregnant women

You need to wear such a bandage belt over underwear and tights. Velcro can be on the sides and front. The side ones are fixed once at the beginning of the socks and then adjusted as the belly grows. Daily adjustments are made using the Velcro front flap.

In summer, the belt does not completely cover the stomach. As a result, the expectant mother does not suffer from heat and excessive sweating.

Nowadays the model with a hood is very popular. This is the same elastic band, but in the upper part there is a kind of elastic hood for the tummy. This model slips less during everyday wear.

Special models are produced for summer with a mesh hood or a slit on the convex part of the abdomen.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

Another important question: how to wear a maternity bandage correctly? It should be noted that wearing such medical clothing all the time is not recommended. After 3 - 4 hours you need to remove it for 30 - 40 minutes. At this time, it is better to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair.

If you or your fetus experience any discomfort while wearing the bandage, it should be removed immediately. The child can force you to take off such clothes with active pushes. I also recommend taking it off during night sleep or daytime rest in a supine position.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

Your doctor should tell you how to properly wear a brace for pregnant women. And not only tell, but conduct the first training session.

Bandages are usually put on and taken off in a supine position. This is not very convenient. But everything has its own explanation.

Lying on your back, you need to slightly lift your pelvic area up. In a horizontal position, the load on the abdominal cavity is minimal. Also, the uterus does not fall down under the influence of gravity.

Sometimes you won't always have the opportunity to lie down. In this case, you need to sit down and lean back as much as possible. Then use your hand to slightly lift your stomach. In the pressed position, you can fasten the bandage.

Postpartum bandage

The postpartum bandage is intended for different purposes compared to the prenatal bandage. Do not rush to put it on and consult your doctor in advance.

Postpartum bandage

Postnatal bandages have the same varieties as prenatal ones. But the specifics of the design are determined by their functionality.

They are designed to restore a slim figure and muscle tone after a difficult period of gestation and childbirth. Such clothes are made more dense and elastic.

Contraindications for use

There are various medical contraindications for using such a bandage after childbirth. Therefore, I will start this important section of the article with them.

Slow contraction of the uterus after childbirth requires close monitoring by doctors. Its main part is adjacent to the abdominal wall. The uterus remains mobile due to its distension after pregnancy.

The tone of the ligamentous apparatus here is reduced. Therefore, you should never make your own decisions about wearing such clothes.

Stomach and kidney diseases after childbirth they can enter the acute stage.

C-section also plays a role. During this operation, the bandage provides fixation of the suture and the entire abdominal wall. This is important to ensure the healing process. But if the seam is non-standard (longitudinal), then such clothing is contraindicated.

Bowel prolapse may be caused by changes in the location of internal organs and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, wearing such clothing is prohibited.

Allergic reactions and skin diseases are also included in the contraindications.

You should not wear a bandage after childbirth without your doctor's permission. He will take into account the progress of labor and general condition after the examination. This can happen on the day of birth or the next day. But still, among the obligatory list of things to go to the maternity hospital, it is better to take such clothes with you.

How to wear a postpartum bandage correctly

Now let's talk a little about how to wear a postpartum bandage correctly. Depending on the indication, it is usually worn until 6 weeks after birth (postpartum period).

If the doctor did not prescribe wearing such clothes immediately after childbirth, then to restore your figure, you will be able to wear them no earlier than after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Remember that such medical clothing alone will not cope with increasing the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdominal wall. Therefore, be sure to perform sets of exercises, while gradually increasing the load.

How to put on a bandage after childbirth

Some people may have difficulty putting the brace on correctly after giving birth. It must be put on while lying down. Then the pressure in the abdominal cavity normalizes. And the muscles relax as much as possible and are effectively fixed.

Immediately after giving birth, you need to get back on your feet very slowly. You may feel dizzy or faint. Therefore, be careful here.

The size for a postpartum bandage is selected according to the size before birth. If you gain more than 10-12 kg of body weight over 9 months, you should take a size 1-2 larger than usual.

Bandage panties for postpartum woman

Some manufacturers can offer special bandage panties for postpartum women. This model usually has a reinforced insert in the abdominal area.

Postpartum bandage panties

Sometimes they make a design similar to a corset. More rigid bone plates of different lengths are sewn into the fabric from the inside. In this case, the height of the bandage increases. You can wear such a model with plates no earlier than 30 days after birth.

Pants - shorts

Various manufacturers offer bandage shorts or Bermuda pants. This type of clothing supposedly makes the figure slimmer. The hip line is also corrected. The buttocks and upper legs are tightened.

Bandage pants

You should not overuse such corsets. It is better to go in for sports and quickly regain the shape lost during pregnancy.

The bandage belt is worn around the waist after childbirth. It is secured with Velcro. Modern belts, as a rule, have several additional fasteners on the side to adjust the tension.

Postpartum bandage belt

The disadvantage of this type of clothing is that it slips. It usually slides upward. Therefore, such a belt is not very convenient to wear with trousers. Sometimes, in order to prevent folds from forming on the sides of the belt, additional inserts-bones are made.

Due to its density, such clothes do not highlight the waistline. It not only pulls in the stomach, but also the buttocks, which visually spoils the figure.

Many people may not know how to wear a universal bandage after childbirth. It is usually worn upside down. The wide strip should fall on the stomach, and the narrow strip should support the back. This design is more resistant to slipping.

Universal bandage after childbirth

However, this type of model is quite voluminous and can be visible from under clothing. After giving birth, you will have to be patient and wear a loose dress. But after a month and a half, you will regain your shape and be able to wear your favorite tight dresses and skirts.

Postpartum bandage after caesarean section

A postpartum bandage after a cesarean section covers the entire area from the waist down to the pubic area. It is equipped with a fastener across the entire width of the belt. Made to be softer than regular postpartum clothing.

Postpartum bandage after cesarean

This model, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscle, prevents the formation of postoperative abdominal hernias.

Can be worn over a sterile bandage with a suture. You should also wear it until the scar is completely formed and its shape is completely restored.

Where to buy a maternity bandage and how much it costs

Some may wonder where to buy a bandage for pregnant women and mothers after childbirth, and also how much it costs. It is sold both in specialized stores and in pharmacies. Sometimes they can sell it directly at the women's clinic.

It is best to buy in specialized stores that have fitting rooms. Pharmacies may not allow you to try on clothes. And it’s better not to buy it without trying it on.

In this case, it is better to try it on with outerwear. The bandage should not be visible under the dress. Velcro can get into inconvenient places and ruin your clothes.

You can also buy such products in online stores. However, I recommend making such purchases only for an already familiar model. For example, if you needed another one of a certain model to replace it.

How much it costs?

I will say that the price in pharmacies and stores ranges from 300 to 3000 rubles. It mainly depends on the type of clothing, size, brand and quality of the material itself.

Which bandage for pregnant women is better to choose?

Which bandage for pregnant women is better to choose - they will tell you at specialized sales points. It is important to try it on before purchasing medical clothing. Try on all the models available in the store.

After putting on a bandage in the fitting room, do not rush to take it off. Stay in it for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Be sure to complete most of your daily movements. Clothes should not press or rub you. It should be comfortable.

It is better to choose models with several rows of fasteners. This will give more precise tension adjustment and will be useful when going up in size.

When buying clothes for pregnant women or after childbirth, it is better to try on the bandage you are wearing. He will help you choose the right size of clothing so that it is not too noticeable.

The designs of the models are determined by when they are used: during pregnancy (prenatal) or after childbirth ( postpartum).

There are also universal bandages. Its versatility allows you to save on purchases, as you can wear it before and after childbirth. But if you expect to use it after childbirth, it’s better to buy two. After all, the entire wearing period can take a whole year.

Bandages are made from the most ergonomic and hygroscopic modern materials. High-tech materials allow you to create the effect of a second skin. Natural cotton is ideal for skin. But inserts made of elastane, microfiber or microfiber cannot be avoided.

Cheaper models are also available for sale. They are made from synthetic materials. But it’s better not to save money and choose natural materials.

Maternity bandage with lacing

Elastic fabrics have replaced lacing on bandages. Although models with laces, like those of our mothers and grandmothers, are still produced. It is impossible to quickly put on and take off such a bandage. The lacing is also often located on the back. We need to call someone for help.

In the summer, it is better to purchase a bandage with perforations in the upper part. This creates additional ventilation and...

How to choose a maternity bandage by size

Now let's talk about how to choose a maternity bandage by size. Naturally, you need to buy a new one, not a used one. If you will wear it constantly, it is better to buy several pieces per change. After all, as you wear them, the elastic parts can stretch.

Clothing sizes should also vary. This cannot always be done using fasteners and Velcro. At different stages of pregnancy, the belly has different sizes.

The size will be selected for you in a specialized department of a pharmacy or store, if your doctor has not taken care of this. To determine the size, measure the volume of the hips under the abdomen with a centimeter. Sometimes you also need to additionally measure your waist circumference.

How to determine the size of a maternity bandage?

In general, sizes are indicated corresponding to hip volume 90, 100, and so on. 1, 2, etc. may be indicated. In this case, 1 corresponds to 90, 2 - 100 and then in increasing order.

The size can be indicated in Latin letters or numbers, like regular clothing. In this case, the size of the bandage is determined by your pre-pregnancy size. A table of correspondence between Latin letters and numeric values ​​can be found in any reference book.

Example of a size chart for a maternity bandage

Bandage for pregnant women photo

Below I suggest you look at photos of several models of prenatal bandages for pregnant and postpartum women. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Panties before childbirth

Panties after childbirth

Postpartum shorts

Belt after childbirth


Now you know how to wear a maternity bandage correctly and which one is better to choose. There are two main directions - prenatal and postnatal. Then there are various models.

Before wearing, be sure to consult your doctor, as there are various contraindications. If you have already decided on the model, then buying it will not be difficult for you. Pay attention to the size and especially the quality of the material. In general, be healthy!

The right size and type will help pregnant women feel comfortable even in the later stages of pregnancy. This accessory will help a woman fix her growing tummy, maintain the normal development of the baby’s internal organs, and also reduce the likelihood of occurrence during pregnancy. In order for it to bring only benefits, you need to know how to put it on correctly and how much to wear it. Only a serious approach to business will provide you with a positive result.

Despite the imaginary harmlessness of this accessory, you need to use it for its intended purpose, because the process of bearing a child requires caution in detail. There is essentially nothing to support yet, so it will not bring any benefit. Thus, the question arises, from what period can it be worn. Its main purpose for pregnant women is to prevent the baby from moving in the womb. Only closer to, at the 32nd week, the child takes a stable position. Correct presentation of the fetus is considered head down, but at any moment it can change, which will become an indication for.

To prevent such an outcome, doctors prescribe a special support corset to “fix” the baby. It is recommended to wear it no earlier than the third trimester. From the 39th week, the brace should only be worn for long walks or housework that requires activity.

At a later stage, the stomach drops, because the baby is approaching the “exit”. In the case of multiple pregnancy, “support” should appear already at . We also use this advice for polyhydramnios.

Did you know?Many pregnant women's feet increase by 1-2 sizes.

When to start wearing a brace during pregnancy

It is up to the woman herself to decide whether to wear a bandage or not, with the exception of special instructions from the doctor. Most often, pregnant women wear it because of back pain and heaviness in the stomach. This accessory helps to facilitate the activity of the expectant mother and maintain the tone of the abdominal muscles. There are medical indications when wearing a retainer is mandatory.

These include:

  • pregnancy with several children, when the spine receives double load;
  • pain when a spinal nerve is pinched;
  • previous operations in the abdominal cavity shortly before pregnancy;
  • scars after operations;
  • low presentation;
  • poorly developed abdominal muscles;
  • risk of pregnancy.
If a pregnant woman experiences excessive physical activity, it is simply necessary to use supportive underwear. An orthopedic product will help avoid fatigue and problems in the child’s development. Mothers who have not gained much weight during their entire pregnancy, and their belly does not cause them any particular difficulties in moving, do not understand why support is needed. If you feel light in your body, then you don’t need to make useless acquisitions.

Important! The appropriate size of the belt is the main condition for its effectiveness and comfortable wearing. Don't take him to grow. You can determine the desired size if you add 5 cm to the volume of the abdomen at the level of the navel. Remember that the retainer should not squeeze or hang on you.

How to properly put on a maternity bandage: instructions with photos

The packaging of any elastic product contains instructions on how to properly put on maternity bracelets. However, they often do not accurately describe the entire process and subtleties, so we will provide general recommendations.

  • Put it on while lying down, breathing deeply. This is done for the comfort of the child inside the abdomen and the safety of his internal organs.
  • Lift your buttocks using under your thighs, but do not tighten the bandage too tightly. When you lie down, your palm should pass between it and it.
  • Make sure the product rests on your pubic bone and fits snugly when you stand.

How to determine if the bandage is on correctly

If you followed the instructions, but are not sure whether you put on the jock strap correctly, there is an easy way to check. First of all, a properly worn product will not cause any discomfort when worn. It should cover the pubic area, pass under the stomach and down the buttocks. A loose bandage will not bring the desired result, but you should also not tighten it too much.

Most often, to find out how to wear a brace for pregnant women correctly, you just need to follow the instructions for use, watch photos and video tutorials on using special underwear. But it’s safer to take it with you to an appointment with a gynecologist to get professional recommendations.

Important! After you put on the elastic product, carefully roll over onto your side and stand up. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances!

You can get additional advice from your treating gynecologist. The doctor will tell you which type of product is suitable for you personally, and also warn about possible contraindications.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly: what not to do while wearing a bandage

Experts warn that continuous wearing of a corset disrupts the blood circulation of the fetus. Give time to move around and take a break from the brace by removing the bandage every few hours. In addition, you should not make sudden movements or bends, as this will cause discomfort and put pressure on the child.

Under no circumstances leave it on overnight; take it off during the day. In the supine position there is no emphasis on the spine, and pressure on the abdomen can damage the fetus. As for whether it is possible to sit in it, doctors are still arguing about the correct way. Some are sure that wearing a bandage like this is dangerous for pregnant women, while others insist on the opposite. Therefore, listen to yourself, if you feel comfortable sitting in special underwear, then it will not cause any harm to the baby.
There are many more exceptions to the use of a corset after childbirth. It is not recommended to wear an elastic retainer if:

  • restrictions due to caesarean section;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • , kidney failure;
  • and skin damage.

How long to wear a brace for a pregnant woman

Despite the many benefits of wearing support garments, it is not recommended to wear them continuously. Be sure to remove the retainer at night or during the day. If your doctor has prescribed you to use a restraint belt, you will have to use it until your baby is born.

In other cases, it is not necessary to wear it throughout pregnancy. In order to prepare the uterine and abdominal muscles for childbirth, the use of a corset should be supported with special sports exercises for pregnant women.
Let's figure out whether it's worth leaving the retainer during. For those who were used to playing sports before pregnancy, it will be much easier to bear the stress, so they will not need support. However, beginners may experience unpleasant pain, so an elastic product will be useful for active pregnant women. It is best to learn how to wear a bandage correctly and for how long from your treating gynecologist.

Did you know? All pregnant women have enlarged internal organs - the liver and heart, and their sense of smell becomes 11 times stronger. This is how nature takes care of the expectant mother, protecting her from dangerous products.

How to remove a prenatal bandage

Just like putting on and removing the prenatal bandage, lying down correctly. However, pregnant women who rarely sit at home will have to adapt to doing this in a standing position. While standing, you need to lean back, slightly raise your stomach, and, having fixed a comfortable position, carefully pull off the corset.

It is better to wear supportive underwear over panties, then it will last you much longer and bring more comfort.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

If you don't want to buy two different corsets for your pregnancy and period, choose a universal one. This is a double-sided orthopedic belt, reinforced with a powerful lining and bones.
Let's look at how to wear a universal bandage for pregnant women. Its design is disproportionate: one side is much wider, because before childbirth it is put on with the wide side backwards, and after it is put on the other way around. This is due to the fact that while carrying a child, it is necessary to provide maximum support to the back, and then to the stomach. The size of the product and the degree of tightening are adjusted with side Velcro.

Did you know? The absolute record for the number of births belongs to the British woman Elizabeth Greenhill. She gave birth 38 times, and produced 7 boys and 32 girls.

If you are interested in how to properly put on a universal bandage for pregnant women from FEST, then the principle is no different from that described above. The packaging and the manufacturer’s official website also necessarily contain information on this issue.

When will you need a postpartum bandage?

The name “postpartum bandage” speaks for itself, so you need to start wearing it immediately after the birth of your baby. This will help restore elasticity to the muscles, tighten the skin, relieve pressure on the back and tighten the overall appearance of the figure. The use of an elastic product is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on the mother’s health condition and how the birth went.
Postpartum bandages are made of durable fabric with a thick insert to hold the tummy in place. Convenient fasteners and a tape that fits the waist help to adjust the product to your actual figure and securely fix the right places.

How to care for orthopedic products

In order for the bandage belt to serve you as long as possible, proper care is necessary. There are basic rules for cleaning a bandage:

  • Do not wash the product too often. Manual cleaning is necessary only when dirty;
  • use only cold water, otherwise the elastic band will stretch;
  • do not wash the product with powders, it is better to use regular soap;
  • dry the fixative only in a horizontal position;
  • Wear supportive accessories over underwear. This will help keep them clean longer.

Important! One bandage is designed for only one pregnancy. For younger children, you will have to buy new ones. Moreover, you should not wear someone else’s second-hand product.

Contraindications for use

There are very few serious contraindications for using bandage underwear during pregnancy. The bandage helps maintain muscle tone, fix the presentation of the fetus in the womb, and facilitate the movements of the expectant mother.
Control the time you wear the product: every four hours you need to take it off for half an hour so that the body has time to rest. However, it is worth considering the uniqueness of each female body, so you should consult a gynecologist.

Now you know how to put on a maternity bandage correctly, and what precautions doctors take. Do not rely only on the instructions on the packaging; take your purchase to an appointment with your doctor, he will clearly demonstrate and teach you how to properly handle the product. Then any pregnancy will cause only positive emotions.

Main function prenatal bandage– provide support for the abdomen (without squeezing it) and at the same time help the baby take the correct position in the uterus (in particular, the bandage prevents premature descent of the fetus). A rationally designed and properly selected bandage relieves stress from the spine, which helps prevent the occurrence of lower back pain. By supporting the expectant mother's belly, the bandage thus prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

We list the main indications for wearing prenatal bandage:

  • Active lifestyle. This is especially true for pregnant women who are in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day (primarily, of course, for working women).
  • Weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvic floor.
  • Lower back pain, osteochondrosis.
  • The appearance of stretch marks.
  • Repeated pregnancy (with a repeat pregnancy, the abdominal wall usually stretches more than during the first).
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Some types of obstetric pathology (such as threatened miscarriage, excessive enlargement of the uterus).

Contraindications for use prenatal bandages practically none, but there is no unity among obstetrician-gynecologists on the issue of the advisability and necessity of wearing them. Some doctors strongly recommend that all pregnant women use this benefit of civilization, others are strongly against such “violence against nature,” so “think for yourself, decide for yourself.” In any case, be sure to consult with your doctor - he will take into account the specifics of your pregnancy and your constitution, which is always much more convincing than appeals to any “advanced” theories.

How to wear a brace correctly for pregnant women

Typically, bandages are worn from the 4th month of pregnancy: it is during this period that the belly begins to rapidly increase in size and the first stretch marks may appear. Prenatal bandages can be used until the last days of pregnancy.

Wearing bandage for 24 hours a day (and even during the entire waking period) is unacceptable. Every 3 hours it is recommended to take a break for at least 30 minutes (unfortunately, women do not always remember this, especially when outside the home - at work, for example).

The most common 3 options prenatal bandages.

  1. Briefs-bandages with elastic support insert, placed in front under the stomach, and in the back - on the lower back. Because such bandage for pregnant women used as panties, it naturally needs to be washed frequently, which is some inconvenience: to ensure constant support for an enlarged belly, you need to stock up on several bandage panties.
  2. Lace-up bandages. Strictly speaking, this is an “old-regime” domestic version of bandage belts, differing from its imported and more modern Russian counterparts in several very peculiar features. Firstly, they are extremely complex and inconvenient to use, and secondly, they are made of material that has little or no stretch, and therefore does not support the stomach well. To be fair, we will say that the domestic industry has now mastered the production of bandages for pregnant women made of elastic fabric (without lacing - with Velcro) with a good level of support.
  3. Bandage belts. The support belt fits over your underwear, eliminating the need for frequent washing. Bandage belts are fixed under the abdomen using a Velcro valve. Most models are equipped with not one, but three valves, i.e. In addition to the central one, there are two side joints, which provides additional opportunity to adjust the size of the bandage. You can put on the bandage tape either lying down or standing (it fixes the uterus, but does not put pressure on top). Whereas it is recommended to wear the panty bandage in a horizontal position in order to correctly distribute the pressure of the elastic insert on the abdomen (less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower).

Modern technologies have made it possible to create materials that allow the skin to breathe (they are even sometimes called “second skin”). Bandages for pregnant women, manufactured with the addition of such hygroscopic, “breathable” materials, satisfy the most stringent hygienic requirements. Bandages made in the UK and Germany are deservedly popular. In these countries there are small companies specializing exclusively in clothing for mothers - expectant and nursing. These products are quite expensive, but they combine an attractive design and high functional qualities, and also satisfy all medical requirements. Unlike relatively cheap models, available only in the “white” version, expensive branded underwear is available in a rich range of colors - white, black, beige... However, it should be noted that doctors strongly recommend wearing white underwear: in their opinion, whiteness represents is an additional incentive to keep your laundry perfectly clean. Products in the mid-price range include bandages made in Italy and the Baltics, which are very popular in our country. Unfortunately, these models, although very attractive in appearance, sometimes do not fully correspond to their intended purpose, i.e. do not have a very good degree of support.

In order not to make a mistake with the size maternity bandage, it is best to seek help from a consultant at a specialized store or pharmacy. If you still prefer to do it yourself, keep in mind that the size of the bandage belts corresponds to your pre-pregnancy size (S (42-44), M (46-48) or L (50-52), XL (52-54 ), XXL (56 and above)), and to find out the size of the panty bandage, you should add one more size to the “pre-pregnancy” size. When choosing a bandage belt, it is best to try on several options and settle on the one in which you feel most comfortable.

Postpartum bandages

Postpartum bandages not only support the abdomen and hips (the skin and muscles of which naturally temporarily lose their original tone during pregnancy and childbirth), but also relieve stress from the spine, relieving fatigue and back pain.

Postpartum bandages can be in the form of panties made of elastic fabric or in the form of an elastic band.

Combined postpartum bandages can be used both before and after childbirth (when used during pregnancy, the wide part of this bandage falls on the back, and the narrow part is fixed under the stomach; after childbirth, the bandage is turned “back to front”: the wide part fits the stomach, the narrow part is fixed on the back).

If in the case of prenatal bandages There are practically no contraindications to wearing them, then using postpartum bandages is subject to certain restrictions.

Wearing postpartum bandages not recommended (or should be limited) for certain types of sutures after cesarean section, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases accompanied by swelling, skin and allergic diseases and in some other cases. You should consult your doctor about a postpartum bandage. An obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of labor, the postpartum period and the individual characteristics of your body, will decide the admissibility and advisability of using a bandage after childbirth and will help you choose the appropriate model.

Of course, wearing a postpartum bandage does not eliminate the need for special exercises to maintain abdominal muscle tone. Both can (and should) be combined when doing gymnastics in a bandage.

Since carrying a baby is not an easy task, most products for expectant mothers are designed to alleviate this condition. A bandage during pregnancy is one of these: the innovation was introduced quite recently, but has already become the subject of discussion and has received both negative and positive reviews.

To decide whether a bandage is necessary, a woman needs to collect more information on this issue. If the expectant mother still sees the advisability of wearing a special prenatal bandage, she needs to know how to choose the right option from the whole variety of brands.

During pregnancy, a bandage is of great importance for a woman's health. It is a special medical belt (or elastic pants) and fixes the anterior abdominal wall. It is easy to guess what the true purpose of this device is - to support. This has a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of the woman, but also contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

It is known how great the load is on the spine of the expectant mother. Especially if she is expecting two or three babies at once. In addition, the internal organs, compressed by the enlarged uterus, also suffer. This is exactly the condition when you need a bandage during pregnancy.

The purpose of wearing it is to compensate for the load and also prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

It is of great importance whether you choose special supportive panties or a maternity belt: for each expectant mother it is individual, and many characteristics of the body should be taken into account.

Positive aspects of wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • significantly facilitates pregnancy, especially if the pregnancy is multiple;
  • helps reduce the feeling of fatigue and pain in the ankle joints;
  • reduces discomfort in the lumbar region, reducing pressure on the spine and organs located in the pelvis;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents untimely descent of the fetus (physiologically, the phenomenon is characteristic of the 38th week of pregnancy), reduces the risk of premature birth;
  • supports the stomach if the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct positioning of the child inside the mother's womb;
  • thanks to special breathable fabrics, such a device will not be hot even in summer;
  • easy to use (each model is accompanied by detailed instructions and an operating diagram).

How to choose a bandage? Kinds

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bandage is better for pregnant women - you need to consult a gynecologist who will perform an examination, study the examination results and make a decision.

Bandage panties for pregnant women

They went on sale not so long ago, but have already received a lot of positive reviews due to their convenience. This type of bandage consists of panties with an elastic belt insert located under the lower abdomen. There is a wide range of styles and colors.

One of the obvious advantages is the low cost of this type of bandage. In addition, the device is easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the model, and, in particular, the presence of an elastic insert, good support for the abdomen is guaranteed - the panties stretch as it grows.


  • They need to be put on in a lying position, which makes it inconvenient if you need to visit the toilet in a public place.
  • Manufacturers specify in the instructions the need for daily washing. Therefore, the expectant mother will have to buy several spare bandages at once.
  • Not suitable for women who are predisposed to gaining excess weight: the model is not designed for excessive stretching, so soon the panties will squeeze the stomach, rubbing the skin and creating significant discomfort.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

The peculiarity of this medical product is that it can be worn not only during pregnancy: the bandage is intended for use after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide section and a narrow section, each of which is adjustable with adhesive-backed fasteners.

When carrying a child, the narrowed section of the belt should be under the enlarged belly, the wide section should be located on the lower back. When using the belt in the postpartum period, you need to turn it the other way around.

This type is most convenient for women who are subject to rapid weight gain during pregnancy. The product prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body and acts as a prophylactic against sagging skin after childbirth. The advantage is the practicality of the bandage, its universal purpose and low cost.

Bandage corset for pregnant women

Currently, it is considered a relic of the past, as modern manufacturers offer more convenient and versatile products. The main disadvantage of this device is the presence of lacing, which is very problematic for a pregnant woman to tie without outside help.

Popular brands that produce bandages for pregnant women

There are a huge number of support devices for pregnant women on the modern market. According to reviews, expectant mothers particularly appreciate certain brands of bandages.

Bandage for pregnant women "Fest"

The manufacturer "Fest" produces a whole line of products for expectant mothers. Therefore, based on the individual characteristics of the body, each woman will be able to choose exactly the bandage in which she will feel comfortable. The advantage of a medical product of this brand is the ability to treat existing pathology and prevent the development of new complications.

Its main purposes:

  • reducing the likelihood of circulatory disorders in the kidney parenchyma;
  • reducing the risk of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • prevention of prolapse of a woman’s genital organs in the postpartum period.

Orlett maternity bandage

It is distinguished by its practicality, range of purposes and high cost. The fabric from which the product is made is characterized by wear resistance and breathability. It is resistant to moisture and has a low degree of allergic effects.

The bandage has additional elastic bands that make it easier to adjust it to the desired size, while reducing pressure on the lumbar spine. The accompanying instructions indicate when to wear the bandage during pregnancy: the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester and the postpartum period.

Maternity bandage “Nuova vita”

This manufacturer offers bandages of different styles, sizes and colors. You can purchase a prenatal bandage in the form of either panties or a belt. If you decided to purchase a product from this manufacturer, you were not mistaken: the bandage is made of microfiber, which ensures a tighter fit to the body without compromising the feeling of comfort.

Each expectant mother will be able to choose the most suitable color for herself: white, nude or black.

Bandage for pregnant women "Ekoten"

The undoubted positive quality of bandages of this brand is the presence in each product of an additional tie that holds the pregnant woman’s belly and two plastic “ribs”. The reason for wearing it is a predisposition to sagging skin, prevention of weakening of the abdominal wall and unloading of the lumbosacral spine. The belt is universal, so it can be used after childbirth.

There are many brands, colors and models of this orthopedic design. The gynecologist will recommend the best option. Before purchasing, you should measure your abdominal circumference and hip circumference - this will allow you to determine the desired size of the maternity bandage.

It is advisable to purchase this product only in pharmacies or specialized stores for pregnant women: there is no need to buy it “from hand”. First of all, it's unhygienic. Secondly, this is not entirely practical: the bandage could be washed multiple times, which would negatively affect its functionality.

How to put on and when to start wearing a bandage?

If you are soon to become a mother and do not know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, ask your gynecologist to advise you. He will explain that this support device should only be worn in a horizontal position, with the hips slightly elevated.

The belt or elastic insert should be located in front under the stomach, slightly covering the pubic area. This is provided so that the woman can use the bandage herself: fasten and unfasten it without outside help. In a fixed state, it should not put pressure on the expectant mother’s belly or cause even slight discomfort or, even worse, pain.

If you continue to work, you need to plan your time in such a way that you can unfasten the bandage every 3 hours. The duration of such a break should be at least half an hour. Otherwise, constantly wearing a support product in a fixed position can result in a number of troubles. For example, impaired motor activity of the child, circulatory failure of internal organs or diseases of the spine.

Pregnancy should proceed without complications. If you don’t know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, it is better to ask a specialist and not choose it based on your personal vision of the situation, which is often erroneous.

Useful video on how to choose a bandage for pregnant women

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During pregnancy, the growing belly requires additional support. A correctly selected bandage during pregnancy alleviates the condition of the expectant mother, allows her to feel confident, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and provides support to the internal organs. So that the bandage brings only benefits, it is important to find a comfortable model and learn how to put it on correctly.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?

A maternity bandage is an orthopedic product that supports a growing belly, ensures the correct position of the fetus and prevents prolapse of internal organs. A correctly selected product does not compress the body, but also does not slip during movements. There are different styles of bandages, some products can be worn after childbirth. Typically, recommendations for choice are given by the attending physician.

Main functions of prenatal bandages:

  • abdominal support;
  • relieving stress from the spine;
  • prevention of skin stretch marks;
  • ensuring freedom of movement;
  • additional protection against accidental injuries;
  • fixation of the fetus in the desired position.

Bandages are absolutely necessary during multiple pregnancies, after various gynecological operations. They are needed by women leading an active lifestyle. A properly selected bandage can prevent the threat of miscarriage.

Which is the best prenatal bandage for pregnant women?

Expectant mothers have several options for bandages at their disposal. The choice depends on your body shape, time of year, personal preferences and other important points.

  • Bandage panties for pregnant women. A very popular model. Made from elastic, high-tech fabrics, the panties have a high waist and a comfortable belly panel that look aesthetically pleasing and are easy to put on and take off. This model is almost invisible under clothes. The bandage provides good support for the abdomen without squeezing the hips. Panties are not suitable for women prone to swelling. In the early stages, you can wear variations of this model in the form of shortened panties and even thongs. Such options with elastic lace inserts look very elegant, but they will not be able to support a belly that is too large.
  • Bandage belt for pregnant women. An alternative to panties, ideal in hot weather. A wide strip of elastic fabric is located under the belly, a tight fit is guaranteed by a wide Velcro fastener. For greater convenience, there are additional fastenings on the sides. There are products of various densities. A type of belt is a bandage with a “hood” - a wide fabric insert that fits over the stomach. This product is ideal for multiple pregnancies that require particularly careful and effective support.
  • Lace-up bandage. Many gynecologists consider this model to be outdated. This type of bandage is sewn from dense, non-elastic fabrics: cotton, linen satin. The lacing located in the central part of the product and on the sides helps regulate the tightness. By loosening or tightening it, you can adjust the volume of the product. Some skill is required to put the bandage on correctly; the fabric is thick and the lacing may bulge under clothing. Good back support.
  • Universal bandage for pregnant women. Elastic model suitable for wearing during pregnancy and after childbirth. An economical option for women who want to maintain their figure and tighten their muscles. It is a tape with a latch, narrow on one side and wide on the other. During pregnancy, the wide part of the tape moves to the back, and the narrow part is fastened under the stomach, providing it with support. During the postpartum period, the bandage is worn so that the wide part completely covers the stomach, and the narrow part supports the back, fixing correct posture.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

Buy a quality bandage You can go to a pharmacy, an orthopedic salon, or a special store for expectant mothers. An experienced consultant should help in the selection.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women? The volume of the hips under the body is measured and checked against the table that comes with each product. You need to measure your hip circumference immediately before purchasing, without relying on pre-pregnancy sizes. A couple of months after conception, the pelvic bones begin to expand, and the volume increases significantly.

Women, prone to swelling and weight changes, it is worth choosing models with additional Velcro fasteners. They help to vary the volume of the product and guarantee comfort.

Prenatal bandages may have different degrees of fixation, from light to very dense. Important and fabric structure. Bandages intended for summer are sewn from thin, breathable materials. There are also models that combine several functions. For example, special bandages with enhanced fixation of the spine have been created for this purpose.

Bandages are available in black, white or nude colors. Color selection depends on the time of year. In summer, it is more convenient to wear skin-colored products that are completely invisible even under thin clothing. It is advisable to choose smooth models without protruding seams, lace inserts and other decorative elements. These bandages are more comfortable and look much better.

The selected model is desirable try it on before purchasing. Try to fasten and unfasten it yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror from all sides, sit down and bend over. A correctly selected bandage does not restrict movement at all, but you should feel constant comfortable support. If the model slips, rides up or twists, it is better to find something else.

How to put on a maternity bandage

Gynecologists recommend put on prenatal bandages while lying down. This will help fix the stomach in the desired position, preventing prolapse and without squeezing the uterus. The subtleties of putting on and wearing each model should be explained by sellers upon purchase. Don't hesitate to ask them. An incorrectly worn bandage will not only not provide good support, but can also cause harm.

Rules for wearing a bandage

When to start, for what period to wear a bandage during pregnancy? Buy a bandage recommended at 3-4 months of pregnancy, when the belly begins to enlarge. Some gynecologists recommend wearing the product no longer than 4 hours a day, others do not see a problem in spending most of the day in a bandage. It's important to take breaks, removing the product every 3 hours for 30-40 minutes. You cannot sleep in a bandage; during the rest period, the muscles must completely relax. But the product is absolutely necessary during walks, sports and other active movements. The bandage will also help with discomfort in the back, which often happens in late pregnancy.

Doctors recommend having at least 2 bandages. Products will have to be washed frequently, intensive use stretches the elastic fabric, and the degree of support deteriorates. If it is noticeable on the skin redness, itching and small pimples, you should use a hypoallergenic baby cream and increase the rest time from the bandage.

Contraindications for use

There are very few contraindications to wearing a prenatal bandage.

  • Malposition. If the baby lies across the uterus or is positioned with his head up, you should not fix him in this position. The bandage will prevent the baby from turning over, which can complicate childbirth.
  • Skin hypersensitivity, allergies to synthetic materials. Most models are made from the latest generation of high-tech fabrics that do not irritate the body. However, if you have allergic reactions, you will have to make a choice in favor of classic products made from thin cotton. Such models are made to order in orthopedic salons or sewing workshops.

Video about a bandage for pregnant women

Watch a training video on the topic. A brief overview of the most popular models of bandages with recommendations for wearing them will be useful for all expectant mothers.

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