Blue hair color: dyeing options, photos. Who suits extraordinary blue hair and how to get the desired shade Blue hair coloring options

From generation to generation, fashion changes so rapidly that it is almost impossible to keep up with it. Young people try to stand out through creative outfits, fashionable gadgets, and colorful hairstyles. They allow themselves the courage to change their hair color in the most dramatic way, dyeing it red, green and blue.

All this has led to the fact that colored hair has become a trend in the last two years!

This is especially common among representatives of informal subcultures and emo, but also some independent individuals decide to turn themselves into the prototype of Malvina from Leo Tolstoy’s work “The Golden Key”. Who, how, why and why becomes Pinocchio's girlfriend or is she a creative person in life? - Let's try to find out...

Why blue? Psychology of color

So, let's figure out who dyes their hair blue. This is quite a rare and at the same time alluring shade. A person who chooses this color is most likely not aggressive; on the contrary, he has a calming effect on others.

Blue hair will attract the attention of balanced and flexible people. At the same time, the psychology of this color has depth and confidence, mystery and dreaminess.

If we talk about hairstyles, blue dye will be purchased by lovers of cool shades, somewhat closed in their own vacuum. Such people are prone to deep introspection and comprehension; in ancient times, only nobles and rich people could afford outfits of this color. And all because to obtain natural paint of a heavenly shade it was necessary to use an expensive precious stone - lapis lazuli.

At the subconscious level, many people associate this color with prosperity, tranquility and greatness.

Who suits blue color

Despite its versatility in interior design and clothing, blue hair color is not suitable for everyone. To understand who suits blue hair and who doesn’t, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • First of all, strands of this color will look good on light and brown hair. Red, brown and highlighted hair should not be dyed.

It is important to remember that everyone is individual, and you may be the exception to the rule. Therefore, the best way to determine whether a color suits you or not is to try on a wig.

How to choose the right blue color. Shades of blue

Despite the variety of shades, each person needs to choose a tone separately. There is a general rule that will help you decide: the darker the skin, the lighter the color you can afford, and vice versa - for pale-skinned people it is better to choose indigo dyes, which result in dark blue hair.

The table will tell you more specifically about combinations of hair color and skin color:

In addition, purple hair color with a tint of blue will suit brown-eyed girls with natural skin color. It will emphasize the depth of brown eyes and make facial features more vibrant.

As for the hair structure and length, this does not in any way affect the choice of shade, the main thing is that the color suits the natural characteristics and pleases the owner.

Useful video: Creative hair coloring - ombre, balayage, shatush

Blue hair and career

The status of most reputable offices and firms excludes the possibility of hiring a person with tattoos on open parts of the body and with a non-standard hair color.

Therefore, having decided to dye your hair, you need to reconsider your priorities once again.

In other cases, if your career is more important than your appearance, it is better to use a rinse-off tinted shampoo only during the holiday period.

The best paints in creative shades

Blue hair dye is present in the lines of many brands, so there are no problems with purchasing. Regarding quality, we can highlight several of the most popular brands approved by consumers:

Technique for dyeing blue

There is nothing complicated about how to dye your hair blue. The procedure does not differ from regular painting in almost any way, with the exception of discoloration. This action is carried out before starting coloring using a special cream, which is offered by the same manufacturers of color paints.

You need to be prepared for the fact that all materials involved in the process will become unusable after the first use.

The exposure time of the dye on the hair depends on how intense the color you want to get in the end. The manufacturer usually indicates a time from 20 minutes to three hours.

Zoning options are very different, because the process of such bold coloring is creative. Those with short hair don't have much choice. It is best to do a solid coloring.

But those with long hair can experiment: for example, make an ombre of two colors on their hair or dye the strands in different colors according to the rainbow principle.

How to care for blue hair

Caring for blue hair is not difficult.

Both short and long hair should be washed with a pigmented tinted shampoo or tonic once every 1-2 weeks. It will help keep the color longer.

To prevent split ends from forming at the ends, you need to treat them with oils and serums after washing. Moisturizing masks and care balms will also come in handy.

Hats in the cold or scorching sun are mandatory for hair dyed blue, because the dye itself dries out the hair shaft; you should not expose it to negative temperatures.

How to change color again (get rid of blue)

If the hair dye is permanent, getting rid of it is extremely difficult. There are several options for eliminating blue stains in hair, namely:

  • Haircut is the most radical and effective way. In the case of ombre dyeing, the hair will become shorter, but at the root it will remain natural and not over-burnt.
  • You can apply black dye to dark hair dyed blue and become a burning brunette. If after painting there is a bluish tint left, you can make a mask from a 6% soda solution for 15 minutes.
  • It is most difficult for those with light brown and light tones to switch from blue to a more familiar color. Most often, such transformation occurs in several stages. The process consists of several lightening and toning procedures.
  • If getting rid of the color is not urgent, then you can wash off the blue stains at home with special shampoos. They, of course, do not act as quickly, but they are more gentle on the hair.

In any case, even such a rich color as blue can be eliminated over time, no matter whether it was applied to blond or light brown hair.

Therefore, do not be afraid to change and be bright, everything is in your hands!

The desire to stand out from the crowd leads people to the most unexpected experiments with their appearance. The desire to transform is primarily affected by hair. Some girls prefer to dye them the craziest colors. For example, in blue. If you are not afraid of puzzled glances and criticism from others, then feel free to begin the transformation.

Temporary coloring

Not everyone can decide to radically dye their hair blue. But why not surprise your friends at a party? For such purposes, there are special sprays that are shaped like hairsprays. They provide stunning bright color, and are washed off literally in 1-2 times. However, you need to know one subtlety. If the air humidity is high or water gets on your hair, the coloring composition may begin to wash off, staining your skin, clothes and other objects.

A rather interesting method of short-term coloring is the use of colored crayons. At the same time, you don’t have to buy a professional product, but use dry art pastels. To do this, first wet your hair with water (for blondes, this step can be neglected). Divide your hair into strands, twist them into strands and start rubbing with colored chalk. When the strands dry, they will turn a bright blue color.

It is worth noting that both special crayons and art pastels strongly stain fabrics, so during the procedure, throw a towel over your shoulders. If you get your clothes dirty, don’t worry – they can be easily washed off.

You can dye your hair blue with crayons

Hair dye

We are used to seeing paint in traditional light and dark shades on store shelves. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to purchase a product for those who like unexpected experiments. When dyeing your hair blue, keep in mind that to achieve the desired result, you will have to use an aggressive chemical remover. Otherwise, the color will turn out dirty and inexpressive. Even fair-haired young ladies cannot avoid this procedure.

It is also important to choose the right haircut, because... Not every hairstyle will look impressive and flattering in blue. So, this shade is suitable for owners of short asymmetrical or stepped haircuts. But for owners of long hair, it is better not to dye their entire hair, but to touch only some strands. Ombre or balayage would also look interesting.

If you are painting blue for the first time, then you should not immediately buy super-resistant paint. It will be better if it stays on your hair for a couple of weeks so that you have time to understand whether you like this shade. There are also many coloring shampoos and conditioners on the market that last for several days. During this time, you will be able to determine the advisability of further staining. In addition, you will not spoil your hair, because... such products do not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to find high-quality hair dyes on the open market that would give you a bright blue color. For the sake of experimentation, it is better to use crayons or sprays that can be quickly and without consequences washed off from your curls. But if you are serious, then it is better to have your coloring done in a salon by a professional technician.

Professional paints

If you want to change your appearance, then SanoTint hair dye will help you. With its help, you can get any shade, even if you wanted to dye your hair blue, and the main thing is that you won’t cause much harm to your hair.

SanoTint paint is made using plant ingredients. It includes extracts of millet seeds, birch leaves, grape seeds, and walnut shells. The dye also contains silicic acid, which perfectly protects our hair from various harmful influences, gives hair softness and vibrant shine, activates hair growth and improves its nutrition. That is why SanoTint is one of the few hair coloring products that cares for hair and heals it from the inside.

SanoTint contains less than one tenth of one percent of dyes of chemical origin, so experts classify it as a semi-natural paint. This explains the safety of the paint for sensitive skin: according to research, the paint does not cause allergic reactions.

The dye can be used to color hair of light shades and to cover gray hair. It is possible to make dark hair lighter by only a few shades using SanoTint, since the dye does not contain ammonia. In this case, it is better to first use a special lightener of the same brand, but it will still not be possible to dramatically change your appearance (from a brunette or brown-haired woman to a blonde). At the end of the dyeing procedure, be sure to apply the balm contained in the package with the dye to your hair. This balm will soften hair after coloring, making it stronger and shiny.

When choosing the future color of your hair, use the special shade table found in the SanoTint brochure, but be sure to open another page of the brochure and see if the desired shade will be obtained with your original hair color. Another feature of paints: when choosing golden tones, you will get a lighter shade as a result, when choosing ashen tones, you will get a darker shade.

To cover gray hair, you can apply tinting or dye your hair completely (if there is a lot of gray hair). For full coloring, it is better to choose shades that are close to your natural hair color.

Surely everyone has heard about indigo people - gifted with superpowers, the glow of a blue aura and the talent to communicate using telepathy. For those who want to look unusual, it will be enough to have blue hair color.

Who loves blue

It's no secret that creative people with creative thinking try to stand out from the crowd with the help of unusual styling. This should not be regarded as a statement of one’s uniqueness, as immodest behavior that goes beyond the generally accepted framework. It’s just that such people think and feel a little differently, therefore, for spiritual comfort, they need other ways of expressing their “I”.

They are pleased with their extraordinary appearance in the same way as an ordinary accountant is happy with a successful permanent. And it may turn out that in their eyes it is the blue color that is the most organic, as it merges with the aura of those gifted from above! So you shouldn’t throw stones either at a teenager who is looking for himself, or at an adult woman who has suddenly realized that she is different and decided that one of the signs of her “awakening” will be blue hair color.

To each his own - besides, the blue color is amazingly beautiful and goes very well with light eyes and white matte skin. Who said that unnaturally white hair is good and blue hair is not? Is it really impossible to dye your hair blue just because such hair does not exist in nature? But the blue color is present in flowers, the sky, the plumage of birds - and how can we be sure that in a few years the ecology will not lead us to it?

Blue hair is beautiful, fantastically stylish, and if you have already decided on such an experiment, then hold your head proudly, it is not proper for innovators to hide their eyes! Of course, there will be dissatisfied people and protesters all around - but personally, I am more disgusted by aunts with hair cut by the “Sovdepov” chemicals than by the charismatic blue-haired elves of big cities.

At one time, while studying to become a director, I dyed my hair indigo, using an inexpensive plant-based dye, which was called “indigo.” It was powdery and made from henna and basma, with the addition of plant blue pigment. The effect was simply amazing, even despite the fact that everyone on the course was far from being “good boys” and did all sorts of things with their hair! But when leaving the university walls, I had to withstand the sidelong glances of passers-by, gloomy grins and frankly negative remarks - but everything was immediately forgotten when I caught the admiring glances of my peers! At that time, not everyone could decide to do this - the spirit of conformism was still strong in our parents, and even an additional earring in the ear was considered by them as an attempt to rebel!

So today I look with great pleasure at the colorful youth, who are not prevented from expressing their inner world with bright colors! It’s a different matter for those who work in an office - everything is more complicated here, although as they say, “you can’t cover your wings with a jacket,” and even there you can manage to get the desired blue color. How to dye your hair blue if there is a strict dress code? You can try to “get out” by explaining to the boss that this is the result of the hairdresser’s inept manipulations; you can say that by mistake, instead of shampoo, you poured a bottle of blue solution on your head. Or tell the truth - after all, you need to be able to defend your principles!

If we talk about the purely technical side of the matter, today you can buy that vegetable dye that I once used, but it has one side effect - it colors the pillow great while you sleep! But at least it doesn't ruin your hair. They say that Schwarzkopf has a permanent blue dye that fits perfectly on hair of any shade. There are also tinted shampoos, for example Fructis, and tinted balm Tonic can give a beautiful blue color to bleached hair. Choose the shade “Wild Plum” - it looks very unusual.

Secrets of successful coloring

If you are planning to radically change the color of your hair to blue, remember the rules, if not followed, your appearance may suffer:

  • Be sure to lighten your curls before applying blue dye. This rule is necessary for owners of hair with dark shades. If you skip this stage, it is possible that you will get an unexpected and hardly desired result: your hair may turn green.
  • Protect the forehead and cheek area. To do this, use a thick cream or apply medical tape. Otherwise, you may show up to work (school) with blue spots on your face. Agree, the image is far from ideal.
  • Review the contents of your cosmetic bag. If you like warm colors in cosmetics (peach lipstick, beige eye shadow and brown mascara), then while you “wear” blue, you will have to give them up. For a Malvina girl, a cool palette (blue, metallic, silver, white, gray) is suitable.
  • A few more rules concern the combination of the blue shade and your color type. A fair-skinned blonde with blue or gray eyes will suit gentle variations: blue or light lilac.
    If your skin is olive or dark, you tan easily and quickly, and your eyes are black or dark brown, choose rich blue shades.
  • Bright brunettes can dye their hair blue without bleaching. True, then the black color of the hair will not change significantly, but under certain lighting the curls will look bluish black. Beautiful and mysterious!

Caring for colored hair

In most cases, unless she is a burning brunette or natural blonde, she has to pre-lighten her hair. This dries them out, makes them brittle and brittle, and contributes to split ends. Therefore, try not to “overdo it” when washing your blue hair. Usually washing once every 4-5 days is sufficient. Don't forget to use caring masks, for example, using the recipes from this article.

How to wash off

If you are tired of the blue color and it takes a long time to wait for your hair to grow, try getting rid of it in a simple way: dye your hair a dark shade. Another method is washing. But it is only done in salons, since it can ruin your curls for a long time.

Sometimes it is recommended to use at home:

  • medical alcohol;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • laundry soap;
  • vegetable oil.

These products help “wash” the blue dye out of your hair. True, you are unlikely to see immediate results.

Blue color can look different, it can be provocative and gentle, provocative and bewitching. It all depends on what you want to tell this world: that you are a romantic Malvina, stuck in childhood for a long time, or a daring Violet (remember how she was played by Milla Jovovich?), who goes towards her goal, despite any obstacles.

Do you like Malvina's look, but don't know how to dye your hair blue? Take our advice. Yes, the image of the beautiful doll of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was loved by all the girls and boys of the USSR. After that, the fashion for blue and blue hair returned every few years. But those who like it don’t look at fashion, but paint whenever they want. Some people dye only a strand or bangs, leaving the hair with its own color, or combine several colors on the head.

How to dye your hair blue for a long time or before the first wash; what paints will be needed; what shades will suit different ages and types; reviews of blue paints in a nutshell - let’s try to find out all this now.

You're probably going to be disappointed right now, but there are simply no permanent blue hair dyes. There are only compositions that stay on the hair for as long as possible, but after the first wash the bright, juicy color goes away, leaving only a dull echo of yesterday’s juicy color.


But this also has its advantages, since after each wash you actually have a new shade that is 1 tone lighter than yesterday. In fact, if you start straight with blue, then after 3 months your hair will remain light bluish gray, which is also not without a certain beauty. Sometimes the blue will fade into green, sometimes into gray, so you won’t know what shade you’ll get after washing your hair again.

On the other hand, this will not last forever, and if you suddenly get tired of everything, you can dye your hair a different color or gradually cut off your dyed hair.

So, away with boring tones, long live experimentation!

And where do you think it will start?

From the worst - etching of the native pigment with hydrogen peroxide. Yes, yes, unless you are platinum blonde, you will have to bleach your hair. Otherwise, you won’t get that rich blue color; it will look green or gray. Even if you are a yellowish brunette, you will not turn blue, you will be green like a frog. And if you are a natural brunette, then the blue color, even in bright light, will not hint at its presence on your hair.

No matter what hair color you have, you will have to etch the pigment to a whitish state. For brunettes, at least 2 peroxide dyes will be required. This is a serious blow to the health of your hair, so think 7 times before you dare to make drastic changes.

Have you finally decided and now you are a hydropyrolide blonde? Great! We don't stop halfway, we keep moving forward.

After this, we take the dye selected in advance and dye the hair blue. Long-lasting blue shades can be selected from Londa Color or Wella Color Touch.

If the first time you do not get a saturated shade or it appears unevenly, repeat the procedure a second time.

The result obtained can last from 4 weeks to 3 months, then only a hint of color will remain, but it will last until completely washed out for a year. It all depends on the type of hair, compliance with the dyeing conditions, and on the composition.

You can repeat the coloring every 3-4 months or constantly maintain it with high-quality tint tonics that remain for up to 8 washes. Among these we can recommend Crazy Color and Manic Panic.

How to paint for 8-10 washes?

If your obsession with the color blue is transitory and common sense weighs in favor of temporary changes, then all tinted tonics will suit you. You will find a more detailed review with reviews of them below. It is worth considering that toners also love platinum blondes, otherwise there will be an unclean blue color.

How to paint before the first wash?

If you are a constant experimenter, any non-persistent products before the first wash will suit you. These include mascaras, gels,... Each of them has its own pros and cons, so it’s worth trying everything to settle on one. For example, crayons dry out hair very much, so girls with thin and weak hair should avoid them.

The mascara colors the hair well. It is convenient for her to apply dye; the procedure is similar to tinting eyelashes. But the composition of the mascara is such that it immediately gives the impression of greasy hair. You'll look like a dirty hippie with blue tow.

Tinted shampoo does not have the disadvantages of its competitors listed above, it is less harmful, and therefore is suitable for all hair types. But one of the downsides is the frail shade. It will be a faint blue color and will only be noticeable on white hair.

All of the listed one-day remedies have one big drawback: God forbid you get caught in the rain - all the paint will be on your face and clothes. Mascara will bluish hair even without water, so light collars will be painted a similar color.

How to choose shades based on age?

If you are a young 15-year-old girl, blue-blue hair suits your face. But if you are a woman 30+ with characteristic wrinkles, with bright blue hair you will look very frivolous, strange, and will stand out from the gray crowd.

Don’t despair, they have also created an interesting offer for mature women: dye your hair blue-black. The hair will seem to be black, but in the light it will cast blue. Stylish, beautiful, and completely appropriate. All professional manufacturers have such tones.

How to choose shades by type?

Remember that people are divided into 2 types: cold and warm.

Pure blue and cyan are cool colors. Accordingly, they are suitable for girls with a similar type of appearance. Ideally, it will be whitish skin, blue or blue eyes, and a beautiful frosty blush on the cheeks.

For warm types, it is better to choose warm shades, and these are turquoise and many different shades: azure gray, the color of blue steel.

Of course, if you have warm skin but cold sapphire eyes, you can try dyeing your hair blue. However, this is not so effective, since the imbalance with the skin of the face will be noticeable.

Also keep in mind that the blue color is too bright and attracts a lot of attention. Your appearance should be in harmony with the color. If you have a large head, but weak hair of sparse thin hairs, a flat face like a plate, a large nose and ears, then using blue you will make your already non-standard appearance with irregular facial features even more humanoid to the point of complete absurdity. Believe me, it's ugly.

Review of blue paints

There are a lot of blue paints, and new formulations appear every day, so there is no point in reviewing everything. Almost every manufacturer of permanent or tint paints has offers for blue lovers.

Among the durable paints, the following can be noted:

Color Save Silver(Schwarzkopf) – this ammonia-free tint paint is good for maintaining the blue color between main coloring procedures with permanent blue paint. It is not suitable as a first resort.

Crazy Color– the most famous ammonia-free paint, or rather a tint dye for up to 8 washes. The blue palette in it is so diverse that you can choose not only by color, but also by shade. There are several shades of blue, so you can choose one to suit your type. There are both very flashy colors and more restrained ones.

Manic Panic– mineral paint without ammonia. The palette is large enough, you can find your favorite blue, cyan, turquoise and similar color. This manufacturer has been on the market since 1980 and has managed to develop many interesting offers. Among the latter are neon blue colors that glow in the dark.

Anthocyanin Second Edition Acid Color– ammonia-free dye with hair lamination function. With one paint we kill two birds with one stone.

London Color– ammonia resistant paint. Suitable for first coloring for a long time. But the shade leaves much to be desired, so coloring with tinted shampoos will be required.

Wella Color Touch- medium longevity, lasts up to 4 weeks. There is only one blue paint, suitable for the first painting.

Tonic– tint balm, lasts up to 8 washes. In fact, there are often cases when the balm is not washed out for a year, and after the first wash it acquires. Perhaps the worst dye for dirty blondes, but it lasts well on platinum blondes.

Isadora hair mask– an excellent tinted mascara before the first wash. Well suited for coloring strands for 1 evening.


  • Kapous Professional Studio Fast Help Hair Mascara;
  • Hair Mascara by Stargazer and many others.
Estell tint shampoos are perfect for one-time coloring. The color is purple, but that's about it.

Hair chalks" Master pastel" - before the first wash.

Hot Huez- crayons.

There are also sprays, varnishes and many, many other things if you look hard enough.

Before dyeing your hair blue, you need to wash it until it's squeaky clean. Masks with balms are not used. Now you know how to dye your hair blue, but how not to stain your forehead? You can apply a rich cream or on it and your neck so as not to stain the skin on your face, otherwise you will have to sit at home for a long time. It is recommended to try a small section before coloring your entire head. Blue dye behaves capriciously, and on your hair it can give a completely different result, even the color of a swamp toad.

If you are interested in the question of how to dye your hair blue, then you are an extraordinary person, creative and not afraid of experiments. Hair dyed in shades of blue will help you stand out from the crowd and will definitely attract attention.

A few useful tips will help you dye your hair correctly and avoid disastrous mistakes.

Blue hair dye

Before you dye your hair blue, you need to decide on the shade. For example, jet-black hair will only appear blue in certain lighting, which does not look as extravagant as pure blue. A bright, rich indigo color will look very colorful and will certainly attract attention to your hairstyle - accordingly, it should always look perfect, even if it is an “artistic mess.” Light blue, soft turquoise shades will add vulnerability and femininity to the image, softening the sharp features of the face. But this shade is not recommended for women over 30, as well as girls with extremely pale skin.

There are practically no permanent dyes that can dye hair blue. A professional colorist can select several shades, combining which will produce a blue color, but it will not be pronounced. Colors that are as close as possible to blue are found in professional palettes, for example, paint from Vella - Koleston perfect, shade 0/88 intense blue or from the same manufacturer in the Color Touch palette, shades 2/8 Blue-black and 0/88 Magic sapphire.

Among the permanent dyes, we can separately highlight two products created specifically only for non-natural bright shades - tint dye with a lamination effect - Anthocyanin (Anthocyanin Second Edition Sarangsae), shades B02, B03, B04, B05 and hair dye Crazy Color Extreme, shades 44 / blue-blue, 59 / sky blue.

More often, tinted shampoos and conditioners are used to achieve blue hair color. Products with shades of blue are produced by Rocolor, Stargazer, SanoTint, and "". The clear advantage of such dyes is that they do not penetrate deeply into the hair structure and are washed off over time. However, experts note that even when using unstable tint balms, you need to take care of strengthening your hair with nutrients. The disadvantage of unstable dyeing is that being exposed to rain, swimming in a river or in a pool can cause wet hair to stain clothes and towels blue.

How to dye dark hair blue?

In order for the blue color to look bright and not have a green tint, it is advisable to bleach any hair before dyeing. This is especially true for dark hair, on which tinted shampoos and conditioners simply will not work without first lightening. You can bleach your hair either yourself, using a special cream or liquid, or by turning to professionals (the second option is definitely preferable). It must be remembered that before “dying your hair blue” after bleaching, it must be completely dry, otherwise the dye will not take.

How to dye your hair blue for one evening?

If you are not ready for radical hair coloring, but want to experiment a little with color, or an unusual hair color is only needed for one evening for a party, you can use simple, quickly washed off products. Among these, it is worth mentioning a colored hair spray, which gives a very bright, rich color (“Color Xtreme Hair Art” or “Kyolan Color Spray”), or ordinary pastel crayons - for this they use only dry pastels, not oil ones.

Professional brands also offer their products here, for example, Schwarkopf released the Igora Action Paint coloring gel, it will give your hair a bright blue color, and does not require additional lightening. However, be careful, the gel will not be washed off your hair the first time.

Blue hair is extremely stylish and fashionable! Just remember that such an unusual hair color requires appropriate accessories and careful selection of clothes.

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