Dries out your face a lot. Daily cleansing of dry skin. Excessive sun exposure

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The skin is the largest organ of the human body, which has numerous and highly varied functions. This organ takes part in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. In addition, the skin protects the body from a number of negative environmental factors. By the appearance of the outer covering one can judge the general condition of the entire organism as a whole. But what does it “signal” about? dry skin and how dangerous this phenomenon is, you can find out by reading this article.

Dry skin – what is it?

Dry skin, dry skin or xeroderma- this is one of the signs of lack of moisture in the epidermis, or rather in its uppermost layer. The epidermis is the outer stratum corneum of the skin, the distinctive feature of which is considered to be the absence of living cells in it. In the same layer there is an accumulation of a very small amount of water ( about 20%). As soon as this layer begins to lack moisture, the lower layers of skin with living cells immediately begin to intensively evaporate water. As a result, there is a significant slowdown in the metabolic process, which leads to dulling of the skin. Any pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through such skin, provoking the development of a wide variety of pathological conditions. Dry skin is a fairly common phenomenon, which is especially common in middle-aged and elderly people.

Symptom or normal?

Modern experts distinguish two main types of dry skin, namely:
1. acquired dry skin;
2. constitutionally caused dry skin.

1. In the first case, the skin becomes dry under the influence of certain external factors. This can be either ultraviolet rays, high temperature or low air humidity, frost, wind, etc. Often, excessive dryness of the skin is the result of a variety of therapeutic measures or numerous peeling procedures ( exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin) or dermabrasion ( skin rejuvenation method). The same changes are possible with external use of retinoids, azelaic acid and some other drugs.

2. Constitutionally dry skin is usually caused by physiological or genetic characteristics. Most often it is observed in children aged 2 to 6 years. It is during this period that a physiological decrease in the synthesis of sebum by the sebaceous glands occurs. Dry skin on the back, legs, face and hands can often be found in representatives of the fairer sex with thin and white skin. There is such a term in modern medicine as senile xerosis.
Senile xerosis is a clinical symptom characterized by excessive dryness of the skin as it ages. Quite often, the skin becomes dry during premenopause, as well as menopause ( complete cessation of menstruation due to cessation of ovarian function). Constitutionally caused dryness can also be observed with some skin pathologies such as ichthyosis ( hereditary disease characterized by various keratinization disorders).

There is another classification of dry skin, according to which it can be:
1. with good tone;
2. with decreased tone.

1. The surface of dry skin with good tone is smooth, elastic and matte. In addition, there are no wrinkles on it, however, it reacts sensitively to any external irritants, so it requires regular cosmetic care. If you don't take care of it, it will very quickly lose its tone. In most cases, such skin is typical for young people.

2. The surface of the skin with reduced tone is thinned. This is especially noticeable in the area around the mouth and eyes, since it is in these places that early wrinkles and folds appear. Owners of such skin require more modern methods of caring for it, since conventional cosmetics are not able to improve its general condition and appearance.

Is it possible to identify dry skin on your own?

Yes, you can. To do this, you need to press on the skin with your fingers. If fingerprints do not disappear for a long time, it means that your skin is dry and, therefore, vulnerable. There are other signs of dry skin.
Their list includes:
  • The skin cracks and peels;
  • Peels off in scales;
  • Itching and discomfort are felt;
  • Covered with red spots;
  • Very rough and inelastic;
  • There are practically no visible pores on it;
  • It is especially tight after a bath, shower or swimming;
  • You can feel its roughness;
  • There are deep cracks that sometimes even bleed.

Why does the skin need water?

A sufficient amount of moisture is one of the main conditions for the normal functioning of the entire skin. The appearance of the skin also depends on the level of hydration. It is moisture that gives the skin firmness and elasticity. It also enriches the skin cells with all the necessary nutritional components. Without the necessary hydration, the skin becomes both thin and dry. In addition, it becomes covered with wrinkles and becomes hypersensitive to external influences.

The degree of skin hydration is determined by 2 regulatory mechanisms:

  • general condition of the stratum corneum;
  • total amount of sebum.
Both horny cells and sebum tend to form a so-called lipid layer, which protects the skin from losing large amounts of moisture. The lipid layer is also necessary to prevent the penetration of foreign agents such as pathogenic microbes, toxins and allergens into the deep layers of the skin. It follows that dry skin is a direct path to the development of immune reactions and inflammatory processes. It also provokes premature aging.

Mechanisms that prevent skin dryness

The epidermis, or rather its stratum corneum, is precisely the mechanism that not only prevents the skin from drying out, but is also responsible for its normal general condition. There is a unique structure designed to maintain normal moisture content of this layer.

In this structure, a special role is assigned to corneocytes ( postcellular structures of the stratum corneum) and intercellular lipids. Lipids include: ceramides, so fatty acid, ceramides etc. The production of these substances occurs in special organelles ( parts) cells of the granular layer. The produced lipids, in turn, form the main barrier to water, which prevents large amounts of moisture from evaporating. Lipids are also responsible for the integrity of the skin, since they tend to firmly connect postcellular structures to each other.

Diseases accompanied by dry skin

1. Hypothyroidism;
2. Psoriasis or lichen planus;
3. Atopic dermatitis ;
4. Diabetes ;
5. Eczema;
6. Stress;
7. Kidney failure;
8. Allergic rhinitis;
9. Chronic intoxication;
10. Ichthyosis;
11. Keratosis pilaris;
12. Dystrophy;
13. Seborrhea ( dandruff);
14. Hypovitaminosis A And RR ;
15. Sjögren's disease.

1. Hypothyroidism: a specific condition of the body that occurs as a reaction to low levels of thyroid hormones. In this case, the skin becomes especially dry in the elbow area. Other symptoms include drowsiness, hearing loss, split nails, dull hair, swelling of the limbs, etc. All these signs can be eliminated by compensating for the required amount of hormones.

2. Psoriasis or scaly lichen: is a chronic non-contagious skin disease that occurs as a result of disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems or metabolism. In such cases, the skin of patients becomes not only dry, but also inflamed. It swells and begins to peel off. Peeling of the skin in certain areas of the body that have been affected is often observed. The course of treatment for this pathology depends on its form.

3. Atopic dermatitis: a chronic allergic disease that develops in individuals with a genetic predisposition to atopy ( allergies). This disease is not contagious, but it is characterized by a relapsing course, so its treatment will take a lot of time. In such cases, the skin becomes dry and thickened. Crusts are observed in places where scratching occurs.

4. Diabetes: a chronic pathological condition accompanied by a disorder of all types of metabolism due to an absolute or partial lack of insulin in the body, i.e. pancreatic hormone. Skin with diabetes mellitus becomes dry most often in the area of ​​skin folds, although any other areas of the skin can be affected.

5. Eczema: acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, which is allergic in nature and is not contagious. With this pathology, patients complain of dry skin, rash, itching and a burning sensation in the affected area.

6. Stress: the body’s general reaction to a psychological or physical impact that disrupts its usual state. Such a reaction can provoke the development of a number of symptoms, namely: nausea, abdominal pain, fever, chills, feeling short of air, etc. Frequent stressful conditions are especially dangerous. They lead to uncontrollable anxiety and loss of large amounts of moisture from the body.

7. Kidney failure: a pathological condition accompanied by impaired renal function to maintain a constant internal environment of the body. Patients experience nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and decreased consciousness. The skin is typically dry and pale with a yellow tint.

8. Allergic rhinitis: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which occurs under the influence of certain allergens and is accompanied by itching in the nose, sneezing and difficulty in nasal breathing. Often this condition is characterized by dry skin in the area of ​​inflammation.

9. Chronic intoxication: a pathological condition resulting from regular exposure of the body to certain toxic substances that arise in the body itself. In this case, all systems and organs of the human body, including the skin, are affected.

10. Ichthyosis: hereditary dermatosis, characterized by the formation of scales on the skin that resemble fish scales in their entire appearance. Dry skin is especially pronounced on the extensor surfaces of the upper and lower extremities. Sometimes the torso is also affected.

11. Keratosis pilaris: a congenital familial pathology that begins to develop in childhood, but its symptoms become more pronounced only during puberty. The skin of such patients is hard, dry and rough. The extensor surfaces of the upper and lower extremities, the skin of the abdomen and back are affected.

12. Dystrophy: a pathological process in which a particular tissue loses or accumulates substances that are not characteristic of it in its normal state. The skin becomes very dry and pale.

13. Dandruff or seborrhea: a pathological condition of the skin caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, as well as changes in the composition of their secretions. The skin becomes dry only with the dry form of seborrhea.

14. Hypovitaminosis A and PP: represents a lack of these vitamins in the body. A specific symptom is general dryness of the skin with slight pityriasis-like peeling.

15. Sjögren's disease: systemic autoimmune pathology, accompanied by damage to various secreting glands. Dry skin is a common sign of this pathological condition. In addition, patients experience decreased visual acuity, photophobia, stomatitis, dental caries, etc.

Other Possible Causes

  • Bathing in hot water;
  • Aging;
  • Failure to maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • Frequent washing;
  • Taking medications;
  • Seasonal factors;
  • Climate change;
  • Dehydration;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Irritations;
  • Wounds, scratches, cuts;
  • Dry air in homes;
  • Excessive use of alkaline soaps and cosmetics;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin after vacation

Quite often we face the same problem - we come from vacation with soft and elastic skin, but after 3-4 days it becomes hard and dry. There are plenty of reasons for this. First of all, this is a long stay in the sun, the consequences of which do not immediately become apparent. The local climate, which is much drier than the maritime climate, also plays an important role.

What to do?
First of all, it is necessary to humidify the air in the house as much as possible. To do this, place vases with fresh flowers or vessels with water throughout the rooms. While in the car, set the air conditioner or climate control to 85% humidity for at least 7 days. It is very important to carry out several moisturizing procedures under polyethylene. Such procedures will help increase sweating and reabsorption of water by the skin. Just 3 procedures and you don’t have to worry about dry skin.

Fish skin and swimming pool

“Fish skin” or ichthyosis is a congenital pathological condition characterized by excessive dryness of the skin. Coping with this pathology is not so easy. Patients are prescribed baths with starch, salt or soda, as well as special ointments based on urea or salicylic acid. Often the skin becomes dry for all those citizens who regularly visit the pool. Most often, the elbows, knees and forearms are affected by peeling, although the whole body can become dry. To avoid all these problems, be sure to rinse with cool water after each swim in the pool.

Skin climax

Quite often, the skin becomes dry in women over 45 – 50 years old. The skin of their feet and palms suffers especially badly. This phenomenon is due to very diverse hormonal changes that occur both before and during menopause. Treatment in such cases should be comprehensive. Women are often prescribed hormone replacement medications.

Weight loss products are also harmful!

Quite often, the skin becomes dry among the fairer sex, who are constantly trying to get rid of extra pounds. In this case, two options are possible. The first is a fairly strict diet, due to which the body lacks proteins, vitamins and microelements. The second is special weight loss products, which have both diuretic and laxative effects. These properties of such products cause the removal of huge amounts of water from the body. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated. It becomes dry and begins to peel. Given this fact, while taking such medications, you must drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily. You should opt for low-fat fermented milk drinks, plain water and juices. Strong tea and coffee should be avoided, as these drinks contribute to dehydration of the body.

Risk factors

Despite the fact that anyone without exception can become the owner of dry skin, there is a certain group of people who are especially at risk of developing this phenomenon.

This group can include:

  • people over 65 years of age;
  • citizens who very often take a hot bath or shower;
  • persons living in climates with low humidity or in cold climates.

Possible complications

1. Phlegmon – acute inflammation of the connective tissue of the skin under the influence of bacteria or infections;

2. Eczema or atopic dermatitis – a pathology characterized by redness, inflammation, and cracking of the skin;

3. Folliculitis – inflammation of the hair follicle, characterized by redness and swelling of the affected area. At the site of the lesion, a nodule with an abscess on the surface, which is penetrated by hair, may also form.

The development of all these diseases is possible in case of improper care of such skin or against the background of weakening of the protective functions of the skin.

When is it necessary to consult a dermatologist?

You should seek help from a doctor if:
  • In addition to dryness, there is redness of the skin;
  • Your sleep is disrupted due to dryness and itching;
  • The efforts made did not help improve the general condition of the skin;
  • Ulcers appeared on the skin;
  • Large areas of severely flaky skin are observed.

What should the diet be like?

Both dryness and flaking of the skin are most often caused by insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. In most cases we are talking about vitamins of the group IN . To replenish the amount of these components, experts recommend eating more eggs, fresh fish, green vegetables, brown rice, dairy products, brown bread, liver, fruits and nuts. Eating vegetables and fruits will help activate the process of collagen production, but the liver is one of the main sources of protein. Large amount of vitamin WITH found in both lemons and oranges, as well as sea buckthorn juice. Dairy products will enrich the body with amino acids, which take part in the construction of body cells, including skin cells. “Good” cholesterol, which is involved in metabolism, is found in fatty fish. It is imperative to include vitamins in the diet A . All red vegetables and fruits are enriched with this vitamin. Every day you should eat 300 to 400 grams of beets, carrots, red bell peppers, red apples or tomatoes. In addition, you can seek help from special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Dry skin in newborns

Numerous young mothers are faced with the phenomenon of excessive dry skin in their babies. In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal, since the sweat glands do not work actively enough in the first days of a baby’s life. Their increased activity is observed only during the period of adaptation of the baby, so that after a few days the dryness disappears, and on its own. Additional moisturizing in the form of oils and creams is not required.

Dry skin in children

In childhood, the skin can become dry for a number of reasons. These can be both natural factors and frequent bathing, hard water, early artificial feeding, malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy or lactation, various intestinal pathologies, too early introduction of complementary foods, the presence of various household chemicals in the house, etc. It is worth remembering that children's skin is very delicate, so it quickly reacts to any, even the most insignificant changes. Even the most common talc-based baby powder can dry out your skin. Dry skin is one of those problems that needs to be dealt with, as it can lead to redness, pain, flaking, itching and cracking of the skin. Most often, dryness is combated with moisturizing lotions and creams. If they do not help, then the child needs to be shown to a specialist who can determine the true cause of what is happening and, therefore, prescribe adequate treatment.

During pregnancy

Dry skin is one of those problems that almost all expectant mothers face, and all because during this period the body experiences a sharp need for fluid. This “dehydration” most often affects the upper limbs, feet, and facial skin. This phenomenon should be combated with the help of special means to relieve irritation, the instructions of which indicate that they do not tend to have side effects on the fetus. Under no circumstances should you opt for products that contain hydrocortisone or cortisone, as they will only increase dehydration.

It's best to start by following some fairly simple tips, namely:

  • Use emollients;
  • Wash your face 2 times a day using foam for dry skin;
  • Make a moisturizing mask once a week;
  • Drink as much non-carbonated mineral water as possible, which helps moisturize the skin from the inside;
  • If necessary, use a humidifier;
  • Use scrubs with small particles only;
  • Take a bath no more than once a week, using healing oils that contain extracts of medicinal plants.

5 myths about dry skin

Myth 1:
Dry skin is a congenital property.

This also happens, however, this is not a pattern. The skin can become dry under the influence of cosmetics or due to an unbalanced diet, so it’s not always Mother Nature’s fault.

Myth 2:
Dry skin needs a nourishing cream, but dehydrated skin needs a moisturizing one..

In fact, all skin needs hydration, regardless of its type. Even if you have normal skin, without additional moisturizing, very soon it will become dehydrated, and, consequently, begin to peel and crack.

Myth 3:
Dry skin is dehydrated skin.

This is wrong. These problems are different. In the first case, there is a significant decrease in the production of sebum, but in the second, it is all due to a lack of moisture against the background of impaired barrier functions.

Myth 4:
For dry skin, proper care is enough.

Care alone is not enough. Very often, patients need complex treatment, including a balanced diet, the use of cosmetics, as well as therapy for the underlying disease.

Myth 5:
Dry skin doesn't need water.

Despite the fact that water “washes away” the special protective film, there is no way to do without it, since only with its help can complete cleansing be achieved. Having cleansed the skin, you can be sure that the applied cream will be completely absorbed, and, therefore, will give the necessary therapeutic effect.

Dry scalp - what to do?

Dry scalp is a fairly common phenomenon, which is especially common in winter. The first sign of this problem can most often be found on the shoulders. In such cases, people come to the conclusion that they have dandruff, but they should not make hasty conclusions and immediately buy anti-dandruff shampoo, which in this case will only worsen the general situation. First, carefully examine the fallen flakes. If they are large and endowed with a yellowish tint, then this is not dandruff, but the result of an imbalance of the sebaceous glands.

What to do?
First of all, seek help from your diet. Enrich your daily diet with fatty acids. Eat more avocados and fatty fish. Avoid using perfumed conditioners and shampoos for a while. Buy softer products and wash your hair with them carefully. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar for a week. It would not be a bad idea to purchase an air humidifier.

This mask is also perfect for caring for dry scalp: thoroughly mix 1 tbsp. l. honey with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil . Pour the resulting mixture into a plastic container. Then take a coffee cup, pour almost boiling water and carefully lower the container into it. After 3 - 4 minutes, take out the container, cut off one of its corners and pour the contents onto your hair. We put on a cap and leave the mask for exactly 15 minutes, after which we wash our hair with shampoo.

It is important to note that the scalp can be dry even in the presence of certain diseases. It could be like psoriasis ( autoimmune pathology characterized by dry, itchy and flaky skin), and baldness or seborrheic dermatitis ( a chronic inflammatory disease that affects those areas of the skin where the sebaceous glands are developed). In all these cases, complex treatment will be required, which can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Dry hand skin and how to deal with it?

The condition of the skin of the hands directly depends on a number of factors. These include the rules of hand care, the general condition of the body, living conditions, nutrition, and much more. If at least one of these conditions is violated, the skin of the hands almost immediately becomes dry and rough. In addition, the skin begins to age. It is not surprising that sometimes it is the hands that reveal a woman’s true age. Various internal causes, such as chronic pathologies, which provoke persistent metabolic disorders, also have a detrimental effect on the hands.
  • Regularly use soap that contains nourishing cream;
  • Dry your hands thoroughly after each wash;
  • Wash your hands with lukewarm water, then rinse them with cold water;
  • Under no circumstances go outside with wet hands, and in cold weather without gloves;
  • In the morning and evening, massage a nourishing cream containing glycerin into the skin, which has a moisturizing effect;
  • During the hot season, lubricate your hands with sunscreen before going outside;
  • Do all housework with rubber gloves;
  • Regularly treat your hands with a scrub, which will help get rid of dead cells;
  • In the evening after using the cream, put plastic gloves on your hands for 30 minutes.

Masks and compresses for dry skin of hands

Recipe No. 1: Make mashed potatoes and apply it in a thin layer to the skin of your hands. We put on gloves and walk like this for 120 minutes, after which we wash our hands with warm water.

Recipe No. 2: mix 2 yolks with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1/3 cup vegetable oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and hold until it dries, then remove the mask with a damp cotton swab.

Recipe No. 3: one glass of sour cream must be mixed with 1 yolk and the juice of 1 lemon. Spread the resulting mixture in a thick layer on gauze, then wrap your hands in gauze, wrap them in cellophane and wrap them in a towel. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cotton swab, then put cotton gloves on your hands.

Recipe No. 4: Pour celery root with 1 liter of water and boil it for 60 minutes. Then we filter the resulting broth and use it to wipe our hands.

Recipe No. 5: 1 tbsp. l. steam crushed plantain leaves in 1 liter of boiled water. Strain the resulting infusion and keep your hands in it for at least 20 minutes. After this procedure, your hands must be thoroughly dried and lubricated with a rich cream.

How to properly care for dry skin?

Dry facial skin requires both careful and timely care. If you do not take care of such skin, very soon the wrinkles that we are so afraid of will appear. Irritation and inflammation of such skin can occur even from ordinary water, which is why it is best to use melt water or special lotions for washing. Even if you don’t have melt water on hand, then add a little soda to the water or use milk, after diluting it with water. Infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs are also excellent for washing. Regularly apply special masks to the skin, but only after cleansing the skin and after a warm compress or massage. Masks can be made from oatmeal, dairy products, warm porridge or mashed potatoes. Special gymnastic procedures, as well as a balanced diet, can also give good results.

Recipes for some face masks

Mask with vegetables: grind the oatmeal and mix it with grated carrots in a 1:1 ratio. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of milk and apply it to the skin. After 15 – 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Mustard mask: mix 1 tsp. mustard with the same amount of vegetable oil and a small amount of boiled water. Apply the mixture to your face for 5 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

Mask of honey and yolks: Mix 2 yolks with 0.5 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Lightly heat the resulting mixture in a water bath and apply it to the face in layers. Each layer should be applied after 5 minutes. Just 3 – 4 layers. After applying the last layer, wait 20 minutes and rinse off the mask with warm water.

Dry skin around the eyes

Dry skin both on the eyelids and around the eyes is a fairly serious problem, since if it is present, women not only experience pain and discomfort, but also cannot use decorative cosmetics and apply makeup. There are many reasons for dry skin in this area. These include problems with the cornea, allergic reactions, and chronic inflammation of the eyelids ( blepharitis), and lack of tear fluid, and frequent use of eye makeup, as well as numerous eye infections. Often the skin around the eyes becomes dry due to such an addiction as smoking. If the reason lies in some disease, then it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the reason is not so significant, then start following some fairly simple rules:
  • Regularly moisturize your skin with special moisturizing creams for the eye area;
  • Choose facial cleansers that contain skin-friendly ingredients;
  • Apply night cream regularly to the eye area;
  • Carefully protect this area from ultraviolet rays;
  • Switch to a healthy diet;
  • Keep yourself hydrated from within by drinking plenty of fluids daily.
Today, there are numerous home remedies that can be used to easily moisturize the skin around your eyes. One such remedy is a plant called aloe. Take a leaf of this plant, cut it, wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in a cool, dark place. After 10 days, squeeze the juice from the leaves and use it to wipe the area. This juice will restore both irritated and dry, as well as inflamed skin.

Dry skin on lips

In most cases, the skin on the lips becomes dry due to our own fault, since many of us have the habit of licking our lips, as a result of which the moisture formed on them evaporates very quickly. This problem occurs especially often in cold and windy weather. Lips can also become dry when exposed to direct sunlight. There are other reasons for the development of this phenomenon, among which can be identified a lack of moisture or nutritional components. In all cases, the problem must be dealt with, or better yet, prevent its development. To do this, before each exit from the house, you need to lubricate your lips with a special balm or cream that will help prevent chapping in this area. In summer, it is best to smear your lips with a product with a sunscreen effect. We must not forget about hygienic lipstick, as well as special vitamin complexes, the use of which is relevant at any time of the year. At the pharmacy you can also find special nutritional products in the form of creams that carefully care for this area and prevent the loss of large amounts of moisture. At least once a week you should massage your lips with a soft toothbrush. Avoid all long-lasting lipsticks for a while, as they tend to dry out your skin.

Masks for dry lips

Apple and butter mask: mix 1 tsp. grated apple with 1 tsp. softened butter. Apply the resulting mixture to your lips for 15 minutes.

Carrot and cottage cheese mask: mix 1 tsp. carrot juice with the same amount of cottage cheese and apply everything to the lips for 15 minutes.

Mustard or linseed oil mask: Apply one of the oils to your lips for 15 minutes.

All these masks can be applied to the lips no more than 2 times a week.

Dry foot skin in children and adults

In adults, dry skin is most often observed on the heels, since it is in this area that the skin is endowed with a thicker stratum corneum. Given this fact, this area should be treated with special attention. First of all, it is necessary to remove dead cells from the heels at least once a week. Pumice is perfect for this procedure. Immediately after removing loose particles, the heel should be thoroughly wiped and lubricated with one of the moisturizing creams.

Attention! Failure to properly care for this area can cause small cracks to appear, through which both microbes and fungus can easily penetrate.
As for dry skin on the feet of children, it has its own distinctive features. This skin is very susceptible to infections. In addition, inflammatory processes easily spread on it. Insufficient care of the skin of a child’s feet can cause the development of diaper dermatitis ( areas of red, inflamed skin) and diaper rash or prickly heat ( small red rashes). You can avoid all these troubles. To do this, after each hygiene procedure, you need to massage the baby’s feet and lubricate them with baby cream or oil.

Dry skin of the foreskin

Dry skin of the foreskin can be observed in the following pathological conditions:

Krauroz: inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis, which has a recurrent form;

Balanitis: inflammation of the skin on the head of the penis, which can develop as a complication of an infectious or non-infectious disease;

Balanoposthitis: inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin.

In the fight against all these diseases, experts recommend paying close attention to genital hygiene, as well as using special drugs with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Every woman dreams of healthy facial skin, so that she can use cosmetics to a minimum and not bother with wellness procedures. But not everyone gets only the best from nature, and then we have to restore the skin in every possible way so that the face remains young and fresh as long as possible. After all, on dry skin, wrinkles are more noticeable, and makeup does not adhere well. That's why it's important to know how to care for such skin.

Principles of dry skin care

Care includes not only the selection of cosmetics, but also the ritual of washing and drying the skin. When you're late for something, you often hastily wash your face with the first water that comes out of the tap, wipe yourself roughly to make it faster, and don't even have time to apply moisturizer. Of course, in isolated such cases, a catastrophe is unlikely to happen, but constant such care leads to peeling and dryness.

Any cosmetologist or just a woman who knows how to take care of herself will give three principles of healthy skin:

  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • hydration.

Not only dry and sensitive skin, but every skin type needs the listed procedures, but there are some differences in the composition of cosmetic products. Usually the packaging of cosmetics indicates what type it is best used for, you just need to select it carefully.

What is included in the cleansing procedure

Carefully removing dead cells and impurities from the skin not only makes it healthier, but also allows you to apply tinted cosmetics evenly. Cleansing begins with regular washing, which should be done not only in the morning, but also in the evening. Hot water dries out the skin, so you only need to wash your face with pleasant warm water.

Don't be too zealous when drying your skin. It will be enough to simply blot the moisture with a well-absorbing towel. Friction with hard fabric has a negative effect on sensitive skin, so preference should be given to soft terry products.

You should stop using toilet soap and purchase a special gel or milk. They have a gentle cleansing effect and do not deprive the skin of natural moisture. It is better to remove cosmetics with an alcohol-free toner or milk. These products are applied with a cotton pad and gently wiped over the face, after which you need to wash.

Deep cleansing of the skin is available using various scrubs or masks. For dry types, it is preferable to use gentle products. You can find a fairly mild scrub, but one prepared according to a home recipe will be healthier for the skin. The basis is finely ground oatmeal (not instant), to which a pinch of soda and a little warm water are added to make a paste. You need to rub it in a circular motion into problem areas of your facial skin, and then rinse everything off.

Nutrition and protection

Homemade products are best for nourishing the skin. This is especially true for dryness caused by changing cosmetic products. Perhaps the unnatural composition causes irritation and, as a result, peeling.

Masks containing natural vegetable oils can not only enrich the skin with vitamins, but also significantly improve the condition of the upper layer of the epidermis. Grape seed or almond oil are well suited for these purposes; you can also use more affordable unrefined olive oil.

Honey can be an additional ingredient provided there is no allergy. For a teaspoon of honey, take a tablespoon of oil, stir and apply on your face for 10 minutes. The most convenient way to remove such a mask is with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. If you carry out the procedure at least once a week, then after a month the skin will look much healthier.

A mask with glycerin prevents not only dry skin, but also the appearance of early wrinkles. You need to mix a teaspoon of glycerin and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil with warm water in the same amount, add a couple of drops of ammonia to the mixture. The mask is applied to previously cleansed skin and kept for about half an hour, and then washed with water at room temperature.

For deep nourishment of very flaky skin, a mask made of oatmeal, honey, natural vegetable oil and raw yolk is suitable. All ingredients are taken in approximately equal proportions and mixed well (pre-grind the flakes). The mask is applied with rubbing movements and left for fifteen minutes, then washed off with slightly warm water. With regular use, the skin will stop drying out and acquire a healthy tone.

You can protect your skin from the harmful effects of frost and wind using regular Vaseline. This product creates a protective layer and ensures moisture retention inside the layers of the epidermis. You just need to apply the product to your face before going outside in bad weather. You can use Vaseline all year round if your skin is subject to periodic peeling.

Dryness can appear from incorrect temperature conditions in the room, insufficiently humidified air or air exposure. To give your skin a normal, healthy appearance, you first need to bring the environment back to normal or reduce its negative impact to a minimum. For example, the room temperature should not exceed 20-21°C, and air humidity should fall below 40%.

In windy or frosty weather, you need to apply a cream with glycerin, which will protect the skin from chapping and further peeling (if Vaseline was not used). After each wash and cleansing, you should immediately use a moisturizer, preferably keeping the skin slightly damp. At least a couple of days a week, the skin needs a break from cosmetics to restore its natural balance.

If your regular moisturizer no longer works, you should try making homemade masks with natural nourishing ingredients twice a week. For example, oatmeal with raw vegetables will moisturize the skin well and give a healthy glow. To prepare this mask, chopped oatmeal is mixed with finely grated potatoes and carrots. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water. After the mask, use a moisturizer.

The combination of cucumber juice and sour cream not only helps get rid of dry skin, but also makes it fairer and more radiant. Fresh cucumber should be chopped without peel and mixed with rich (ideally homemade) sour cream, applied to the face for about fifteen minutes, then rinsed off.

Washing your face with whole milk every day will help significantly improve the condition of dry facial skin. This product contains a large amount of vitamins and fats, which not only moisturize the skin, but also deeply nourish it and prevent the appearance of dryness and wrinkles. Milk washes are well suited for the evening (after thoroughly removing makeup), then there is no need to wash off the valuable product, and simply blot off the remaining residue with a napkin and then apply the cream.

Proper care and individually selected cosmetics help maintain a healthy appearance of facial skin, relieve it from dryness and flaking. Before using any new product, purchased in a store, pharmacy, or made yourself, you need to conduct a sensitivity test to its components to avoid irritation and worsening the condition.

Video: getting rid of dry skin

Dry skin is considered the most sensitive skin. It has certain advantages, namely fine porosity and special tenderness. If you take proper care of this type of skin, it becomes beautiful and healthy, emitting an attractive pink color. But it should be borne in mind that even minimal mistakes can lead to peeling and tightening, as well as a rapid loss of healthy color and shine of the face.

Why does the skin become dry and also flabby??

This is usually caused by some kind of malfunction in the functional activity of the sebaceous glands; they begin to produce a noticeably smaller amount of fat, which significantly reduces the protective film of the face. This film normally consists of sebum and sweat; it is designed to maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin, as well as protect it from external negative environmental influences.

If the amount of fat in the skin decreases, this causes the destruction of the upper stratum corneum, as a result of which the face quickly loses moisture. A lack of fluid and fat leads to the formation of wrinkles. For most people, as they age, their skin changes and becomes more sensitive and dry. Therefore, you need to look after her very carefully.

Exists a few classic mistakes that owners of this skin type usually allow, let’s look at some of them:

Using low-fat creams;

Visiting swimming pools with chlorinated water;

Frequent showering;

Frequent peeling;

Excessive sun exposure.

You ask, what should you do to avoid spoiling your skin?

Basic rules for caring for dry and sagging skin

In the morning, it is recommended to completely abandon the use of cleansers, as they will destroy the already small protective film. A simple wash with warm water will be enough for you. If you lightly massage your skin with a napkin, this will become a good kind of peeling for dry and sagging skin.

In the evening, cleanse your face with oils. In Japan, young girls most often use sesame and shark oil. They perfectly cleanse all skin cells from dirt particles and makeup. In addition, they dissolve fat very effectively and have a gentle type of effect. These oils contain about 50% moisture. They wash off very easily and are not capable of damaging the skin of the face.

During the day, it is recommended to use day creams with a nourishing effect. But you should not use the same product first in the morning and then in the evening; it is better to purchase separate day and night creams. In the morning there is no need to apply a product containing a large amount of fat. After you have washed your face, pat your face dry with a towel and apply cream to it. Wait about five minutes and remove any remaining product with a napkin. When you finish the stage of nourishing the skin, feel free to move on to the process of applying makeup.

In the evening, be sure to use night cream. During sleep, a huge number of new cell formation processes occur in the body, so the nutrient will provide them with excellent support.

One of the very important aspects of caring for sagging and dry skin is the use of masks, since they are able to gently smooth the skin and contribute to its intensive renewal. With the help of properly selected products, you can make wrinkles less noticeable, and your face more toned and elastic. Therefore, let’s look at several recipes for masks that you can easily make with your own hands from available ingredients.

Folk remedies

Take one yolk from a fresh or homemade egg and grind it thoroughly in a small container. At the same time as rubbing, add to it a teaspoon of any unrefined vegetable oil of your choice (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.). Also stir in one teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice from any fruit. You will get a mixture that needs to be applied to your face with a cotton swab, rubbing a little. After half an hour, remove the residue with cotton wool, gauze or a paper napkin. This mask will have a softening and tightening effect.

Beat a whole egg, grease the skin with a thin layer of vegetable oil and apply the resulting mixture to it. Rinse off after half an hour, first with warm and then with cold water.

Grind one egg yolk and add a tablespoon of heavy cream to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to face and décolleté. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

To the mashed yolk, add a little grated lemon or orange zest, a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This recipe is one of the most effective.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of oven-baked apple with an egg and apply to your face. Rinse off with warm water after half an hour.

Peel one small medium-sized apple and cut it into cubes. Boil them in milk until a thick paste forms. Cool it a little and apply it to your face. After twenty minutes, rinse with cold water.

Take a fresh egg yolk and grind it with a quarter teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Add half a tablespoon of oatmeal to the mixture. Apply on your face for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

Mix a teaspoon of any freshly squeezed juice with an egg yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of fat sour cream. Add some black bread to the mixture until it becomes thicker.

Daily and careful care of dry and sagging skin can make it elastic and toned. In addition, it smoothes out wrinkles and adds a healthy glow.

Greetings, dear fashionistas and beauties! In this article I will tell you what to do if the skin on your face is dry and flaky. Let's consider the causes, effective methods of treatment with folk remedies and prevention of the problem.

The skin of the face is the most unprotected place on the human body. Every day, in any weather, the face is always open. Naturally, in such conditions the skin is constantly exposed to insufficient humidity, frost, cold, wind and sun.

The skin of the face suffers the most in cold weather. Under the influence of low temperatures, the top layer of the skin becomes very thin and dry. This very unpleasant problem that all women face accelerates the aging process.

The main cause of dryness and flaking is a lack of sebum and moisture. Most often, this is caused by drinking insufficient amounts of water in combination with drinking coffee and eating sweet foods. In addition to poor nutrition, the problem is caused by a deficiency of vitamins and inappropriate cosmetics, which negatively affect the condition of the skin and cause an allergic reaction.

Now we will talk about ways that will help normalize the condition of the skin and restore a healthy appearance. Believe me, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is desire.

The fight against dryness and flaking should begin by identifying the root cause and eliminating it. In particular, track the amount of liquid consumed, give up sweets and coffee, and include fruits, nuts and vegetables rich in fiber and vitamins in your diet.

Ideally, get examined by a dermatologist. If this is not possible, and the cause of dryness and flaking remains unknown, listen to the following recommendations, which include the use of folk remedies.

You can make a cream, cleanser, toner, lotion or mask at home without much difficulty. To do this you will need vegetable oil, natural yogurt, sour cream and cream.

  • To prepare the milk, mix 50 ml of cream with the same amount of milk and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Boil the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour. The tonic is made even simpler - mix the juice of one cucumber with a spoonful of honey.
  • To make the cream, combine two parts coconut oil with one part honey and the same amount of lemon juice. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator in a closed container for no more than two weeks.
  • There are many masks for flaky and dry facial skin. I will discuss recipes for making effective masks below.

Video tips

Now you have an idea what to do if the skin on your face is dry and flaky. The products, the preparation techniques of which I have described, are very simple, but effective. If a problem arises, do not run out and buy an expensive cream. To get started, use the recipes listed below to save money and protect your body from the effects of chemicals that are often found in cosmetics, especially uncertified or counterfeit ones.

Causes of dry skin on the face

There are many factors that contribute to dehydration and deficiency of fat produced by the sebaceous glands. If the factors are hereditary, the solution to the problem comes down to regular and proper facial care. If dryness and flaking are caused by other circumstances that can be changed or eliminated, you need to put a little effort into tidying up your facial skin.

The problem caused by dryness and flaking can appear suddenly and for various reasons. Among them:

  1. Avitaminosis.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Prolonged exposure to frost or sun.
  4. A set of age-related changes.
  5. Nervous system disorders and digestive system diseases.
  6. Disturbed functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Wrong choice and further use of cosmetics.
  8. Incorrect care.

As you can see, the problem appears both due to the fault of a person and regardless of his actions. If dryness and flaking are caused by a factor that can be influenced, it will be possible to restore and stabilize the balance of fat and water inside the cells quite quickly. At the same time as eliminating the cause, provide your facial skin with thorough, competent and situation-appropriate care.

The urgency of the problem increases in cold weather. Winter is an extremely difficult time for the body. Not only does cold air outside negatively affect the condition of the skin, but dry indoor air also enhances the effect.

The skin constantly takes care of itself. The sebaceous glands actively produce lubricant, which protects against environmental influences, keeping it beautiful, elastic and normally hydrated. In some cases, the skin's own protective properties are not enough. Therefore, she has to help using night creams, lotions and other means.

Treating dry skin on the face at home

Continuing the topic of conversation, let's look at treating dry skin on the face at home using serums, gels and creams. Cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid are also suitable for this purpose.

Dry skin is greatly benefited by products containing fatty acids, phospholipids and ceramides. We are talking about affordable and simple preparations that help normalize not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the entire body.

5 effective folk recipes

  1. Milk compress . Soak a paper towel in milk and apply to the problem area for 5 minutes. If you don’t have milk on hand, kefir or whey will do.
  2. Aloe juice. Aloe juice will eliminate dry skin. Cut the thoroughly washed leaf lengthwise and carefully remove the pulp. Using a cotton pad soaked in the medicinal mixture, gently wipe the skin. This will remove dead cells.
  3. Beeswax . A wonderful remedy for flaking and dry skin. Melt a spoonful of wax and a couple of spoons of lanolin in a water bath, add a spoonful of aloe juice and a spoonful of olive oil to the resulting liquid, wipe the dry areas of skin on the face with the product.
  4. Oils except sunflower . Wipe your face with linseed, rapeseed, rose, peach or apricot oil. Simple remedies will take care of skin health.
  5. Epsom salt . If you want to restore elasticity to your skin, take a warm bath with two glasses of Epsom salts. After the water procedure, you should not dry yourself.

Proper nutrition

Now some recommendations regarding nutrition. If your facial skin is dry and flaky, replenish the deficiency of linoleic acid, which is found in sesame, olive, soybean and flaxseed oil. Add it to salads. Include walnuts and fatty fish in your diet.

The diet of a person with dry skin should include vitamins A, B and C, selenium and zinc. Regularly eat meat, cabbage, fish, buckwheat, green onions, tomatoes and carrots, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cheese.

For dry skin on your face, drink water, juices and herbal teas. Eliminate beer, coffee and soda from your drinking diet. It is recommended to drink 1500 ml of water per day. Start your morning with a glass of clean water. This simple technique will start metabolic processes and replenish the balance of fluid that was consumed overnight.

To summarize, I will highlight 4 main tips for combating dry skin on the face.

  • Drink one and a half liters of water daily.
  • Use flaxseed oil for food.
  • Pay special attention to plant and raw foods. We are not talking about a raw food diet. Such products should account for about 40% of the diet.
  • Take care of your skin using the right products.

Video instructions

If dry skin does not disappear after several weeks of intensive therapy using the listed remedies, go to an endocrinologist. Perhaps the cause of the problem was a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Masks for moisturizing the skin at home

The problem associated with dry skin indicates a decrease in the activity of the glands. Consequently, the fat they produce is not enough to form an optimal protective layer. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks based on a large number of moisturizing components.

Before the mask, be sure to cleanse your face with a steam compress, tonic or gel. The main thing is to apply the mask to clean skin.

11 proven mask recipes

  1. Oils. Lightly heat the vegetable oil, soak a cotton swab in it and apply to an area of ​​dry skin for a third of an hour. Remove the remaining mask with wet cotton wool. At the end of the procedure, pat your face dry with a cold, damp towel.
  2. Apricot. Soak a clean napkin in apricot juice and place it on your face. Before this, wipe the skin with lotion or sour cream. To remove a homemade mask, use a regular cotton ball. I recommend carrying out the procedure three times a week. If you have acne on your face, do not use the mask.
  3. Cornflowers. Pour a spoonful of cornflowers with a small volume of water and boil a little. After cooling, add a little lemon juice and rye flour to the broth. A third of an hour after application, rinse off the product with warm water.
  4. Raspberries. Squeeze juice from one hundred grams of berries and strain thoroughly. Combine raspberry juice with two tablespoons of milk, soak gauze in the liquid and apply to your face.
  5. Watermelon. Soak a small piece of gauze in watermelon juice and apply it to your face. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the fabric, wash your face and treat it with nourishing cream.
  6. Zucchini. Place the grated zucchini on gauze, which is applied to the problem point. This mask helps cleanse and moisturize the skin, has an excellent tonic effect and eliminates age spots.
  7. Banana. Mash a ripe banana and mix with a spoonful of milk. Cover your face with the resulting mixture. To remove the mask, use a cotton pad soaked in heated water.
  8. St. John's wort. Combine a spoonful of water with the same volume of olive oil, ten drops of vitamin E and half a spoonful of St. John's wort. After mixing thoroughly, apply the mixture to the surface of dry skin and rinse after 15 minutes.
  9. Grapefruit. Beat a spoonful of vegetable oil with a spoonful of grapefruit juice, mix it with a spoonful of sour cream and gently apply it to your face. A homemade mask is ideal for high-quality care for flaky skin that needs hydration.
  10. Birch leaves . Steam a spoonful of raw materials with boiling water and leave for about two hours. Mix the infusion with a spoon of melted butter or regular skin cream. Apply to the skin with cotton wool.
  11. Grape. Soak a piece of clean gauze in grape juice and apply to your face. With this simple mask you will make your facial skin velvety, fresh and elastic.

Video recipes

If you have dry facial skin, masks at home will solve the problem. I think you have already seen that the listed mask options are as simple as possible to make, but provide an effect that cannot be overestimated, especially if you combine them with cosmetic ice.

How to care for dry and flaky skin

The final part of the story is devoted to the rules for caring for flaky and dry skin. Sometimes a beauty is forced to come to her senses by a face covered with a flaky crust or “crow’s feet” appearing under her eyes. It is not right. If you have dry facial skin, try to understand that constant care is the only guarantee of success.

  1. Wash your face only in the evenings. By doing the procedure in the morning, you wash away the fat produced by the glands overnight. As a result, the skin will lose its protective barrier that protects against external influences.
  2. For washing, use water at room temperature. It is recommended to take a warm shower. Hot water is best avoided.
  3. Forget about tap water. It is better to wash with settled, cooled after boiling or filtered water.
  4. Wash without soap, use foam or moisturizing gel. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, but lightly blot the moisture.
  5. Caring for dry skin involves using carefully selected products. Products must be from the series of the same name. The mark “moisturizing” must be present.
  6. Before purchasing products, be sure to study the composition. Avoid products containing alcohol, as it dries out the skin greatly. Be sure to take this fact into account when preparing lotions and masks.
  7. Use decorative cosmetics wisely and with restraint. You can apply powder with protective filters or foundation with a moisturizing effect to your facial skin.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup from your face. For this purpose, special products are provided, including cosmetic milk.
  9. Correct drinking regime. If your facial skin is extremely dry, drink as much water as possible. The daily norm should be within two liters.
  10. Proper nutrition is the key to success. It is recommended to consume spices and spicy foods, alcoholic drinks and soda as little as possible. All this has a diuretic effect and evaporates moisture, worsening the condition of the skin.
  11. Take a course of multivitamins every six months. If your face is covered with a flaky crust, pay special attention to vitamins “A” and “E”, which are abundant in fish oil.
  12. In the room where you are constantly located, the air should be fresh and humidified. Constantly ventilate your workplace or apartment or use a humidifier.
  13. Experts do not recommend that women with dry skin use saunas or swimming pools. It is undesirable to engage in sports accompanied by profuse sweating.
  14. Before water procedures in a pool or natural reservoir, cover your face with a layer of rich cream.
  15. Do not expose your skin to prolonged exposure to low temperatures or sun. If this cannot be avoided, a protective cream will come to the rescue.
  16. If you really want to keep your skin moisturized, you'll have to

Beautiful ladies are always looking for ways to become better, but dry skin is one of the main causes of disorders. It is accompanied by peeling, decorative cosmetics do not adhere well to the face, and painful areas often appear. Newfangled cosmetics don't always help. It all depends on the principles of basic care and the main causes of dryness. Let's look at the important nuances in order.

Dry skin - what is it like?

  1. Features of a dry face include sensitivity to cosmetics and external factors. The skin remains beautiful, matte, with a pleasant blush as long as it is taken care of. As soon as this stops, the face loses its former attractiveness and begins to peel off.
  2. In the winter season the situation becomes more complicated. Under the influence of wind and frosty air, the face becomes very red and can remain so for several days.
  3. After washing, the epidermis tightens; a person constantly wants to apply cream or wash his face in order to somehow relieve the discomfort. These sensations indicate that the skin lacks precious moisture.
  4. The loss of fluid does not disappear immediately, but under the influence of extraneous irritants. The skin consists of several layers, the top of which protects against fluid loss. But if the stratum corneum is thin and deprived of its protective functions, the face begins to dry and peel.
  5. It's all about the features of the dry type. The top layer is too thin, so it is not able to retain all the moisture located in the lower layers of the dermis. Also, this type of epidermis has a low lipid balance, unlike normal or oily skin.
  6. But it is lipids (fats) that help retain moisture. With their shortage or virtual absence, the skin becomes even drier due to fluid loss. These processes are rapid, they are intensified under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, low-quality cosmetics, poor nutrition, and other conditions.
  7. It is worth understanding that there are differences between dry and dehydrated skin. The first option implies that the epidermis is thin and delicate by nature, and is more susceptible to negative environmental influences.
  8. The second type indicates that due to certain circumstances (illness, weather, poor nutrition, etc.) the skin has lost moisture and lipids. Dehydration occurs due to severe drying of oily or combination skin with special products.

Choosing cosmetics for dry skin

Every skin type, be it excess oily or dry, needs to be properly cared for.

  1. When carrying out procedures on your own, it is important to choose the right cosmetics that will suit you and use them systematically. It is advisable to give preference to hydrogels or serums, which mostly consist of water (moisturizing).
  2. Also use products containing hyaluronic acid as external moisturizer. It covers the epidermis with a protective “breathable” film, which retains moisture in the deep layers of the dermis, but at the same time does not clog the pores. As a result, the face always looks hydrated, rosy and healthy.
  3. It is important to maintain the appropriate structure of dry skin. As the main care products that will be used 3-5 times a week, choose targeted formulations (for dry skin). They should contain lactates, amino acids, B vitamins, acids, and natural saccharides.
  4. If the skin is depleted under the influence of extraneous irritants, such as weather conditions, low-quality decorative cosmetics, non-compliance with the drinking regime, choose additional products to restore the lipid layer. It can be restored with appropriate cosmetics. It should contain organic acids (for example, linolenic, linoleic), ceramides, esters and natural oils. The latter include argan, shea butter, cucumber, soybean, sesame, sea buckthorn, sunflower, and olive oil.
  5. It is worth remembering forever that all cosmetics, caring or decorative, must contain a minimum of impurities. Give preference to natural hypoallergenic cosmetics. It retains moisture and restores lipid balance. Avoid harsh scrubs and sometimes use acid-based peels.

Even if you choose the right cosmetics that include all kinds of natural substances to maintain moisture and increase fatty tissue in the facial area, you cannot do without daily care. It is considered basic and includes several main stages. Let's sort them out.

Basic cleansing

  1. For dry skin, you need to use only the gentlest and most natural cosmetics you can find. Hard gels are not suitable if they contain carbon, abrasive particles, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.
  2. Give preference to a mild milk or foam cleanser designed specifically for dry and sensitive skin.
  3. Pay attention to formulations that contain algae extract, natural oils, azulene or bisabol.
  4. Cleansing is carried out once a day - after waking up in the morning. You should not carry out the procedure more often, so as not to aggravate the dryness.

Using lotion

  1. Dry skin cannot do without the systematic use of a moisturizing lotion or toner. This product is used 2-3 times a day after washing.
  2. The toner should not contain alcohol or other drying substances. Choose products for your skin type that will restore pH balance.
  3. When in contact with tap water, the alkaline environment is disrupted, and the appropriate lotion will bring it back to normal and prepare the face for applying serum (cream, hydrogel).

Regeneration and nutrition

  1. To achieve the desired result and overcome dry skin, you should use a thicker night cream. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to semi-synthetic based cosmetics.
  2. The natural fat composition is considered heavier for such a delicate type of epidermis. Experts insist on using creams containing fatty acids, vegetable oils and ceramides.
  3. Such creams may contain whey protein, algae extract, elastin and collagen. Before using a cosmetic product, the face must be prepared and cleaned. Distribute the composition 1 hour before bedtime.
  4. Spread the cream in a thick layer and wait about 20-25 minutes. After this, excess product can be removed with a paper towel.

Protection and hydration

  1. To give your skin everything it needs, it is important to apply a day cream daily. Please note that such a product must contain special enzymes that protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment.
  2. Among these antioxidants are ascorbic acid, UV filters and tocopherol. Such substances resist premature skin aging. The cream should also contain hyaluronic acid, collagen and milk protein.
  3. As a result of systematic use of the cosmetic product, the skin will acquire a healthy and toned appearance. To fill the cells from the inside, it is important to include honey extract, algae extract, grape seed extract and lecithin in the product.

Deep cleansing

  1. This procedure must be carried out once a week. It is important to remove dead skin particles from the skin. It is recommended to use exclusively targeted products for sensitive and delicate epidermis.
  2. It is worth paying attention to cosmetic products in the form of masks on an oil and cream basis. Give preference to gomages, enzyme peels and masks with fruit acids in the form of mandelic and lactic acids.
  3. It is prohibited to use aggressive products that are not suitable for your type of epidermis. Such products in most cases contain glycolic and salicylic acids.

Nourishment and deep hydration

  1. Directional masks are recommended to be used at least 2 times a week. Such cosmetics should fully nourish and moisturize the epidermal tissue. To achieve maximum results, before applying masks, it is recommended to cleanse your face with a product containing fruit acids or gommage.
  2. As a rule, manufacturers include microelements and extracts of bilobo, algae, guarana and ginkgo in nutritional masks. Active components significantly increase tissue tone and their protective functions. Moisturizing masks include chitosan, collagen, milk proteins and hyaluronic acid.
  3. Such products should be spread over prepared, cleansed skin for no more than a third of an hour. Wait the specified time and wash with non-hot water. After this, moisturize your face with a targeted cream. To maintain the effect for as long as possible, it is important to exclude drying products from cosmetics.
  4. You should completely abandon facial care products in the form of masks, cleansers and tonics if after use you feel a tingling sensation and a feeling of tightness.

  1. Chamomile with hop cones. Combine equal amounts of blackberry and strawberry leaves, yarrow, crushed hop cones, and chamomile. Take 30 gr. collection and pour 200 ml. boiling water Infuse the components for a quarter of an hour. Strain the mixture and add 30 ml. apple juice, egg yolk and 15 gr. honey. Achieve homogeneity from the components. Distribute the product over your face and wash after a third of an hour.
  2. Olive oil with lettuce leaves. Finely chop 2 fresh lettuce leaves and mix with 15 ml. olive oil, 15 gr. village sour cream. Mix the components into a homogeneous mass and apply to the skin. Wait about 25 minutes, wash with non-hot water.
  3. Sunflower oil with mustard. Combine 10 g in a small saucer. mustard powder and 30 ml. sunflower oils. If the composition is too thick, dilute the components with still mineral water. Distribute the mask over your face for no more than 5 minutes. Wash your face the classic way. After this, moisturize your face with day cream.

To eliminate dry skin, it is important to identify the causes of this problem. If necessary, visit a cosmetologist. If funds allow, it is worth using targeted procedures. Do not forget to monitor your skin daily and provide it with proper care, nutrition, and hydration. Use homemade masks.

Video: how to determine your skin type

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