Elina Mazur: biography, personal life. The secret of Elina Mazur has been revealed, her biography and personal life. Who is Elina Mazur, Vitalina’s friend?

Tatyana Vlasova and Elina Mazur
// Photo: frame from the program

Elina Mazur continues to reveal the insidious plans of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In the next episode of the “New Russian Sensations” program, she personally met with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s first wife, Tatyana Vlasova. The actor’s ex-girlfriend was clearly not happy about the visit of her rival’s once best friend. She spoke openly about the current situation and her attitude towards the guest.

“Do you think it’s enough to come to me, bring me a cake and apologize? Some might say I'm evil. Here you are apologizing, practically falling on your feet, and I’m being rude. But listen, who will give me back my nerves, sleepless nights, broken shoulder? All this went on for too long. And, to be honest, I’m still afraid of both Vitalina and you,” Vlasova emphasized.

Mazur visited Vlasova in the very apartment for which legal disputes are ongoing
// Photo: frame from the program

The ex-wife of the famous actor still lives in an apartment filled with boxes. She is ready for the fact that people will show up at the house at any moment and kick her out, because Dzhigarkhanyan’s share in this property has been sold.

Mazur hastened to once again console Vlasova and emphasized that Dzhigarkhanyan’s lawyers are now actively fighting for this apartment. According to Elina, Armen Borisovich does not intend to leave his ex-wife without housing and livelihood.

“Artur Soghomonyan (representative of Dzhigarkhanyan - Ed.) is now fighting especially carefully for this property. The fact is that Armen Borisovich especially emphasized that he wants to leave you the apartment. He regrets everything that happened and is ashamed of having done something wrong to you,” Mazur shared.

The words of the unexpected guest surprised Tatyana Vlasova, but still she is not yet ready to forgive Elina. Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife is afraid that her trust will once again be deceived.

To prove the sincerity of her intentions, Elina Mazur decided to go to Dzhigarkhanyan’s lawyers. She handed them documents that allegedly compromised Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. However, lawyers have so far refused to disclose the details of the dialogue. Vitalina’s ex-girlfriend also visited the Investigative Committee.

Elina also met with Dzhigarkhanyan’s lawyer
// Photo: frame from the program

“I can say one thing: I am now 100 percent sure of the fraudulent scheme through which the share in the apartment on Konyushenny Lane was sold. Here we are talking about clearly illegal activities,” Elina said at the finale of the “New Russian Sensations” program.

Fans of Dzhigarkhanyan are sure that the scandalous story is reaching the finish line. They hope that soon the impeccable reputation of the famous actor will be restored.

It seems to me that for Alexey Pimanov, too, “the ice has broken” (not to say “the roof has moved off”).

I dug up such fiction in the investigations of the “Man and the Law” program... He talks about witches and witchcraft as if he himself believes.

Elina Mazur was once Galkina. I changed my last name, so what?!

Not everyone likes their husbands' last names, not everyone is ready to become an Ovechkin.

Paulina Andreeva changed her name, she was just Ekaterina, she invented Paulina for herself.

Marina Alexandrova - all such a pretty girl in the role of a cute girl of all times and peoples - did not want to live with the surname of Papa Pupenin,

actor Sergei Astakhov was Kozlov.

It is no coincidence that our law allows you to change your first and last name simply at will, without giving reasons.

Elina Galkina became Mazur. Yes, she is an ambiguous character.

But around Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina such devils are painted, as if the epidemic of schizophrenia has acquired an airborne nature of spread (it even works through the TV screen).

It is difficult for non-schizophrenics to retell what has been dug up in the biography of Elina Mazur; it is better to listen to this from treasure digger Alexei Pimanov.

All her sins were found: from fraud to pimping in fact.

Why did Elina Mazur change her last name? Real name and past life?

Judging by her past, Elena Mazur has something to hide and fear, but journalists have already sensed another sensation and are unlikely to let this topic go now.

In the recent past, a woman bore the very popular surname Galkina and even practiced black magic, receiving sufferers at home. This could also be one of the reasons for the change of name: they would go to Mazur faster than to Galkina. Having an economic education, the woman for some reason deals with legal issues of the notorious ex-wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

She does this with the best intentions, since she is Vitalina’s friend. The story now happening with the actor and his ex-wife is of course very unpleasant.

Now Elina is on a wave, all the media write about her and discuss her on all talk shows, in connection with the divorce of Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk, since this person is Vitalina’s trusted representative with complete trust. It is surprising to many how a person without a legal education became a lawyer.

Previously, her last name was different, according to her passport she was Galkina, then there was a change of last name at the same time as her husband’s and she became Mazur. The popular program Man and the Law found this out.

The program also found out that Mazur had something to hide, and it turned out that in the past she was a witch who practiced black magic and cast spells, this is a twist. She was also a mother, meaning she kept girls for clients. So she has secrets from the past that could now be revealed and we will hear about her again on talk shows.

Why does Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s confidant hide her true face? What is Elina Mazur afraid of?

Unfortunately, the program “Man and the Law” in the episode dated December 1, 2017 not only did not answer the question, but also cast even more shadows around this person. We can say that they have hyped up a now popular name.

Here, even without them, it was clear that not only the personality itself was very dark, but also their relationship with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was very strange. We just met and one writes a power of attorney to the other to conduct business, to a person without a legal education.

“I don’t know who I am, I’m a shadow!”- Elina answers a question from a journalist from the “Man and the Law” program.

Everyone is hype! - this is how the plot can be assessed.

All that the program found out was that Elina was still Galkina 18 years ago. But I wanted a more sonorous surname.

A certain fortune teller Irina Khramenkova claims that Elina Mazur also used to be a witch and received people at home.

Also, some facts indicate that Elina may be involved in the provision of intimate services.

In short, we still have to find out who Elina Mazur is.

The only thing that is clear is that they don’t change their surname because of a righteous life.

As if Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya wouldn’t blame all her illnesses on this woman and avoid her punishment.

These women must answer for their affairs together before the law.

The “Man and Law” program conducted its journalistic investigation and discovered that Mazur in a past life bore a different last name - Galkina, but several years ago she and her husband changed their last name and became Mazur.

Why did this mysterious woman change her last name? But because he hides his past life, in which there are many blank spots. For example, journalists managed to find out that in a past life Mazur was involved in black magic and witchcraft. She had a business not only in this area, but also a business providing escort services, that is, she kept call girls.

When asked who she is, she answers “I am a shadow!”... almost like Shakespeare. All the details are in the video below.

A little more and a criminal case will be opened against Mazur.

Citizens of Russia and the post-Soviet space learned about the existence of Elina Mazur after a family and property scandal broke out in the family of the People's Artist of the USSR.

The woman who sided with the artist's ex-wife, a pianist, gained scandalous fame. Fans of the famous actor and lovers of “fried” became interested in her biography and personality.

In the biography of the woman, who in a month changed her role as lawyer and defender of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to her accuser, there are many blank spots. According to unconfirmed reports, even the surname Mazur is a fiction. There is talk on social networks that Elina Viktorovna’s real name is Galkina. Perhaps she became Mazur through marriage.

The woman indicates her year of birth as 1976, but meticulous Internet users name it as 1965, June 20. Allegedly, this data was preserved on the website “Russian Encyclopedia of Candidates” when Elina Mazur ran in the elections of deputies of the Strogino Municipal Assembly in Moscow.

Mazur’s birthplace, according to unconfirmed reports, is Rzhev.

No information can be found about Elina Mazur’s family and parents. In an interview, the woman mentioned that she has a sister, a Doctor of Law. But a relative or cousin is unknown.


There are no pages for Elina Mazur on Instagram or Facebook. Users claim that the woman deleted her accounts when the scandal with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan broke out.

Journalists found out that Elina Mazur does not have a legal education. However, she herself does not insist on this: she talks about higher economic education, but does not indicate the name of the university from which she received her diploma.

Elina Mazur speaks vaguely about her type of activity. If you believe her, she worked as a realtor and “solved the problems of people of art,” both housing and personal.

When a woman is called a “professional family problem solver,” she does not deny it. According to Elina Mazur, the acquaintance with Armen Borisovich’s wife took place at the request of the press secretary of the Moscow Drama Theater Natalya Korneeva in October 2017.

Elina Mazur is credited with co-founding several commercial firms in the capital.

On the “Actually” program, unsightly facts from Mazur’s biography surfaced. Former employees of Elina came to the program and spoke about a network of brothels disguised as massage parlors, allegedly owned by a woman. According to them, Elina Mazur is a pimp. She ran brothels in which she installed surveillance cameras. She used camera footage to blackmail wealthy clients.

The faces of the girls who spoke about their former boss were hidden by masks, but the truthfulness of the words was confirmed by a polygraph.

Elina Mazur denies the words of the program guests, calling them slander and revenge from enemies.

Personal life

Elina Mazur does not talk about family, husband and children. All we know is that the woman has a daughter. According to Mazur, the girl received a law degree and works at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

With her daughter, Elina Viktorovna arrived for the first meeting with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, when she was informed about the abduction of Dzhigarkhanyan. But Elina Mazur’s daughter, after listening to the story of the artist’s wife, did not believe Vitalina and avoided solving her problem.

Elina Mazur now

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya entrusted Mazur to conduct business in October 2017, signing a general power of attorney with her and allowing her, as an official representative, to make statements on her behalf.

On the “Actually” program on Channel One in December 2017, Elina Mazur shocked those present in the studio and television viewers with a loud revelation. The representative of the artist’s wife admitted that together with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya she had been leading the whole country by the nose. But she didn’t want to deceive people and slander Armen Borisovich, because she herself turned out to be a victim of a “swindler and swindler.”

Elina Mazur claims that “eyes were opened” when Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said about her famous husband: "When will he die". Then the woman realized that Vitalina was using her to take possession of the master’s property.

According to other information, Elina Mazur found out the truth about her ward after a call to investigators who had “serious questions” for her. During the interrogation, the woman realized that she had slandered and accused a decent person of non-existent sins.

The stream of revelations and revelations caused a storm of indignation among the star’s fans.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya refuted the words of the ex-representative of the company in the December (2017) edition of “Live,” explaining Mazur’s anger by the termination of the cooperation agreement.

The actor, who was present at Malakhov’s show, shared his assumption about the conspiracy of Elina Mazur and Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, and predicted the development of the plot for “another 100 episodes.”

Elina Mazur repented of the accusations she brought against Dzhigarkhanyan and admitted that she helped her ex-wife “sculpt the image of an obnoxious tyrant” by whitening Vitalina. Mazur taught her to lie and explained how to get her husband’s apartments and money.

Elina Mazur’s scandalous revelations continued in 2018: the woman appeared on the air of the “New Russian Sensations” show, where she added fuel to the dying fire.

Vitalina’s ex-representative told new details of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s fraud: about the fictitious pregnancy and the “preservation” that Vitalina went to in Georgia, about her departure to Germany and the conspiracy in which she became an unwitting participant.

In a new series of the project “New Russian Sensations” at the end of January 2018, the former defender, who taught her ward to lie and dodge, spoke about interrogation by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and testifying against Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife.

Elina Mazur went over to the camp of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s former enemies and agreed to cooperate with the artist’s lawyer Evgeny Parfenov, giving all the trump cards up the famous blonde’s sleeve.

Journalist Tatyana Khoroshilova contributed to the “global exposure” of the 2017-2018 scam. After the investigation, Tatyana posted in “

The official representative of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Elina Mazur, came to the studio of the “Actually” program with Dmitry Shepelev. Over the past month, the woman has been actively participating in the life of Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife. Often it is she who informs journalists about the latest events in the family of the famous actor. The woman also notes that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s parents were wealthy people, so Vitalina did not look for money when she married the director.

“They sold their property and came to Moscow with money. The first thing they did was invest Arthur Soghomonyan in the bank, when the bank burned down, he did not return the money to the family and Vitalina,” Elina noted.

According to Mazur, she met Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya on October 2, 2017. The woman is well versed in the papers of Dzhigarkhanyan’s family. She told the guests and experts in the studio when and with whose money the real estate of the artist and his wife was purchased. According to her, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya bought all the apartments with funds from her father, who came to Moscow following his daughter 10 years ago. The man had a share in a company involved in mineral resources; the company’s income was quite high to help his daughter purchase square meters in the capital. Dzhigarkhanyan, according to Mazur, has no relation to these residential areas.

“I represent Vitalina’s interests on the basis of a general power of attorney. I have a higher education in economics,” said Mazur.

During polygraph testing, experts found that Mazur had worked in real estate for several years. Her clients were people associated with organized crime groups. Elina explained the change in type of activity due to personal specific characteristics. According to her, they met Vitalina through mutual friends who were people of art.

A former employee of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater was also invited to the talk show. The actress said that she was fired during maternity leave, without explanation. “The theater began to change and it was not changing for the better. I was simply kicked out. Some actors became uncomfortable for Vitalina. It happened that salaries were delayed,” said a former employee of the institution.

At the end of the program, talk show host Dmitry Shepelev said that this is not the end and in the next episode the whole country will learn the truth about what really happened in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

This pretty brunette with a sly look became known quite recently - the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur (see photo below), as well as whether she has a husband and children, became interesting to the idle viewer only in connection with the scandal in the star family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In just 2 months, this “episode queen” became a real TV star, claiming that only thanks to her efforts, the ex-wife of the People’s Artist was able to withstand enormous pressure from the indignant press and Armen Borisovich’s many friends.

According to the woman, the divorce scandal and the news of Vitalina’s appropriation of elite square meters in the center of the capital attracted crowds of fans to the pianist. And they are not afraid to lose their own millions by marrying a treacherous beauty with such popularity. As Elina Mazur stated in her early interviews, her ward, whose interests she so staunchly defended, never deceived anyone, considering it humiliating for herself.

All the more sensational was the refusal of the pianist’s confidant to work for his ward. At the same time, at first Mazur presented everything as an independent transfer of all documents to lawyer Larisa Shirokina, citing her own incompetence in the legal aspects of the problem and the need for close communication with the investigative authorities. And only after some time, Elina Mazur (see photo below), whose personal life and biography, together with mythical husbands and children, remains a secret behind seven seals, became a real information bomb.

Elina Mazur was a confidant of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife

Biography facts

Since information about this “gray eminence” of criminal fraud with the property and finances of the famous artist has to be sought in her numerous appearances on various talk shows on Central Television, it is very difficult to connect them into a single whole.

The date of birth of the notorious swindler is a mystery - according to some sources it is 1965. Other sources claim that the woman is much younger and was born in 1976.

As Elina Mazur herself said, (see photo below), whose personal life and biography are unknown for certain, she has a husband and a daughter who is a lawyer. If you believe other open sources of information, the woman has no children at all, and her husband is disabled. She herself has a higher education in economics, but has never worked in her specialty. The former assistant of the notorious pianist also does not have legal knowledge confirmed by a state diploma. It seems even more strange that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya chose a person without relevant experience to serve as her representative. Although, probably, this is precisely the point - it was worth someone doing the dirty work with unclear legal boundaries, in order to then recklessly take away from the Master everything that was deserved by many years of back-breaking work.

Little is known about Elina's personal life

On one of the talk shows, several people said that Elina Mazur is the owner of a brothel, in which, under the guise of a massage parlor, young ladies offer their services to wealthy citizens. At the same time, neighbors of this establishment with eloquent Armenian surnames were interviewed. It's as if a lie detector test was being conducted live, and everything said is true. Whether this is true or not, all viewers who have been watching this strange story and even stranger characters for a long time are probably waiting for an answer from the competent authorities.

According to other online publications, Elina Viktorovna Mazur was once Galkina. She changed her surname together with her husband in order to be more popular with her clients in the process of practicing black magic.

And a completely incredible story surfaced on Dmitry Shepelev’s program, when it was said live that for many years the scandalous assistant of the no less scandalous wife of the People’s Artist had been involved in scams in the capital to take away housing from lonely old people. And allegedly the witness who gave such confessions on air was in cahoots with the pianist’s representative. This again raises questions about the inaction of law enforcement agencies and the truthfulness of such statements.

For a long time Mazur was involved in various scams

Friendship is friendship, but money is apart

The sensational interviews that the former representative began distributing to journalists from central channels simply blew up the network at the beginning of 2018. According to Elina Mazur, it was she who orchestrated the scandalous divorce in the star family, advising Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to pretend to be a faithful and caring wife to a capricious and half-crazy old man in order to steal Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s property and money. As the woman said, her conscience suddenly awoke, and Elina realized that she was acting unfairly towards the People’s Artist and his closest friend Arthur Soghomonyan. And then she made a reservation that she could not forgive the betrayal of her once closest friend, because with her help the unknown pianist became several million richer.

Most viewers and fans of the great Master believe that such revelations from Madame Elina are caused by a simple resentment towards her accomplice for refusing to pay good dividends from the stolen property. Vitalina herself comments on the words of her former confidant in exactly this way.

Elina Mazur refused to represent the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Moreover, according to a former real estate swindler, Vitalina has long ceased to distinguish reality from illusions and has accumulated a huge amount of loans to purchase several apartments in prestigious areas of the capital. Allegedly, the ex-wife, in one of her frank conversations with Mazur, said that the artist’s closest friend Artur Soghomonyan demands that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya transfer this property to his name.

According to Elina Mazur (see photo below), she does not want her biography and personal life to be soiled by the dirt in which she has unwittingly taken part over the past few months. And even more so, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s ex-girlfriend does not want to involve her husband, daughter and her future children in this situation.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 01/25/2018

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