What does a baby do in the belly for 15 weeks? Tests and medical examinations. The most needed substances now

The 15th week of pregnancy is a “golden” time for mother and baby. The pregnant woman feels excellent; if something tormented her in the first third of the period of bearing the baby, now all the troubles are behind her. The baby is still very free in the cozy space of the uterus, his movements are not constrained by anything. Find out in this material what the features of this obstetric week are, what happens to the baby and the expectant mother.

How many months is this?

By the 15th week, all women, with extremely rare exceptions, are under clinical observation in their antenatal clinic. And this fact itself becomes the reason that pregnant women do not experience confusion about the timing. At earlier dates, there are some discrepancies - the woman believes that she has one term, but for some reason the doctor puts it a couple of weeks longer. Now women “in pregnancy” have already become accustomed to such a concept as obstetric gestational age. It is counted from the day of the last menstruation before the onset of pregnancy.

The 15th obstetric week is the 13th week from conception. 11 weeks (more than 77 days) have already passed since the delay began.

This is the fourth month of pregnancy, and this period is considered the easiest and most relaxed of the entire pregnancy. The main examinations are left behind, now the woman can rest a little and tune in to the “equator”. Very soon the pregnancy will reach half of its term.

In order not to be confused, you should also clearly understand that the 15th obstetric week is not 15 full weeks, but the 14-15 obstetric week, in other words, six days that are between 14 and 15 weeks.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How does the woman feel?

The hormonal “revolution” in the body has taken place. Now enough progesterone and hCG have accumulated to ensure the normal development of the baby in the future, and these substances are no longer produced in large quantities. Since the hormonal background becomes more stable, the woman feels much better. Many note that at the beginning of the 15th week they experienced an unexpected surge of strength and vigor.

Some women do not experience anything unusual during this period; most often these are the “lucky ones” who did not experience the pangs of toxicosis in the first trimester. If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman had a hard time, then right now she notes with pleasure that she felt easy, good, and pleasant. The nausea has subsided, the morning vomiting no longer occurs, the smells from the kitchen do not make me sick, and the perfume does not disgust me.

The drowsiness that haunted the expectant mother from the first weeks of pregnancy begins to disappear, and the woman becomes more alert and productive, she no longer feels very tired in the afternoon, and has fewer headaches. Headaches, which were also a consequence of exposure to large doses of progesterone, become less intense. Your mood improves. There are no longer sudden emotional swings, causeless tears or anxiety. Understanding that the dangerous period from the point of view of the likelihood of miscarriage is left behind, makes a woman more confident, calm, balanced and peaceful.

Among the unpleasant sensations that are quite real at this stage of gestation are weak pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in its lateral parts, and also in the lower back. They usually have a completely understandable physiological origin - the uterus grows, the woman begins to feel it, and the ligaments holding the female reproductive organ stretch, and this process is accompanied by those same episodic pains.

Some women continue to have some difficulty in nasal breathing - rhinitis, which is caused by swelling of the mucous membranes, may persist, but in most cases it goes away along with toxicosis and other unpleasant “companions” of the first trimester of pregnancy.

A pleasant “event” of the 15th obstetric week is the normalization of urination. Women who previously suffered from frequent urges begin to visit the toilet less often. But the growing uterus slowly and steadily rises and is already trying to squeeze the diaphragm, and therefore this week or a week later the woman may experience shortness of breath and it becomes more difficult for her to breathe. This condition will last until the end of the third trimester, and only when the stomach “drops”, a few weeks before giving birth, will she be able to breathe deeply again.

Some expectant mothers continue to suffer from heartburn at week 15, and constipation often occurs. Physiologically, these unpleasant phenomena can be explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive organs. They are also often associated with a woman’s violation of the principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy. By the way, appetite begins to grow from the second trimester, and the main thing here is not to overdo it and not gain extra pounds, which will definitely not benefit either the mother or her child.

Changes in the body

The most important change in the expectant mother's body this week is her growing belly. Now everyone can see it. It’s rare that anyone manages to keep their pregnancy a secret at this stage. But this is no longer required, because all the bad “omens” that “prohibit” a woman from disclosing the fact of her pregnancy at an earlier stage no longer play a role, because the threat of spontaneous abortion is now minimal.

Externally, the woman has changed a lot. She has become rounder, her waist has added 3-4 centimeters, her hips look wider. The normal weight gain this week is considered to be 3-3.3 kilograms for thin women, 2-2.6 kilograms for women with a normal build and no more than 1.2 kilograms for obese women. This increase consists of the mass of the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and fat reserves in the mother’s body, which the pregnancy hormone progesterone diligently creates.

Weight gain above these values ​​is a reason to consult a doctor and choose the right diet and physical activity.

The height of the uterine fundus this week is 12-13 centimeters. The fundus of the uterus approaches the middle of the vertical between the pubis and the navel. The uterus has already reached such a size that it can be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall without any problems.

The average length of the cervix at the current stage is 36 mm. During the second pregnancy, it is slightly larger - up to 36.7 mm. The uterus is located above the womb, it is already in the abdominal cavity. The uterus itself begins to stretch, while it is more rounded, but gradually the shape changes to an oval. The ligaments holding this organ are stretched, which can cause mild aching pain and tingling in the lower abdomen and lower back. Due to a change in the center of gravity, complaints of back pain may appear.

A woman produces melatonin more actively, because of this, freckles can become brighter; in some pregnant women, age spots and large spots begin to appear right now. There is no need to be afraid - the peculiarities of pigmentation during pregnancy are such that after childbirth, even the largest pigment “marks” will not leave a trace.

The breasts continue to grow, but not as intensely as in the first trimester. Therefore, at the 15th obstetric week, there is practically no pain or itching in the nipples. The nipples themselves darkened a few weeks ago; now many women, especially those who have previously given birth and breastfed, produce colostrum quite intensively - the “prototype” of future breast milk.

To make it easier to “wear” large and full breasts, a woman needs a bra with wide straps and comfortable cups. If there is so much colostrum that it stains your clothes, you can wear a nursing bra - it has special internal “pockets” for inserts that will prevent blouses and T-shirts from getting dirty.

This week, a woman’s body has another 20% more circulating blood. This is due to the intensive growth of the placenta. That's why Short-term attacks of dizziness and decreased blood pressure may occur. If the pressure decreases gradually, the woman usually does not feel anything special. But sharp jumps in blood pressure can be quite noticeable.

In case of loss of consciousness, headaches, nausea and weakness, you should definitely visit the doctor ahead of schedule, without waiting for a scheduled appointment at the antenatal clinic.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels begin to decline. It reached its “peak” at 12-13 weeks and will now gradually fall down until the birth. Now the concentration of this hormone is in the range of 6140-130000 Med/ml, and during pregnancy with twins it is twice as high.

This week the outlines are being drawn up and The “mother-placenta-fetus” system begins to function. Uninterrupted blood circulation is established between the uterus and the placenta (uteroplacental blood flow) and between the fetus and the placenta (fetoplacental blood flow). The placenta completes its formation, completely protecting the child from everything negative from the outside and feeding him everything he needs.

The discharge characteristic of the 15th week is no different from the accepted norms for previous weeks. Their quantity should be moderate, the color should be white or slightly yellowish, there should be no odor, but the presence of a slight sour odor is not considered abnormal. Naturally, there should be no itching, pain or other unpleasant sensations. If the discharge becomes greenish or gray and acquires an unpleasant odor, this indicates inflammation, an infection localized in the genital tract.

Thrush with its characteristic white, cheesy discharge does not happen often this week, but if this happens, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

The most dangerous discharges are bloody, bloody, brown or pink. This color is given to them by blood in different concentrations. These may be symptoms of problems with the cervix or placenta.

If any bleeding occurs, with or without pain, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to a medical facility. Self-medication and the hope that “everything will go away on its own” can be extremely dangerous for the health of the child and the expectant mother.

Movements - when to expect?

Pregnant women at 15 weeks, having read reviews on the Internet, begin to look for the first, barely noticeable signs of the baby’s first movements. Primiparas should not worry about this until the 20th week. However, women who have previously become mothers can theoretically feel the first movements of their baby at this stage, but for now they are quite difficult to distinguish from intestinal peristalsis. Women who are carrying twins often feel their babies moving at 15 weeks, but so far it is rare and weak.

There is no need to count movements now, even if they have appeared. So far this has no diagnostic value. It is most likely that at week 15, the first light touches of the baby from the inside will be felt by very thin, delicate women and girls. Women of heavier build will not yet be able to perceive these unusual sensations.

Fetal development

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a significant size - it can be compared to a large orange. His full height now reaches 15-17 cm, and his weight is almost 75 grams. The baby is growing much faster than his mother can imagine - at the beginning of the 15th week it is about 14 cm in length from head to heels, but in just six days he will grow by as much as three centimeters and increase his weight by 25%!

Baby's appearance

Nothing of the embryo remained in the child's form. There is no tail, which is characteristic of all mammals at the embryonic stage of development. The baby looks quite human, although certain disproportions are still observed. So, the baby’s head remains large compared to the rest of the body, but it is no longer oval, as before, but rounded.

Arms and legs continue to grow. The upper limbs are still longer than the lower limbs, a balance between them will be achieved later.

The fruit is thin and awkward. His entire body is covered with folds of skin. Such thinness is a consequence of the lack of subcutaneous fat: it is not yet produced. The skin itself is red due to the fact that a network of blood vessels is visible through it. When subcutaneous fat begins to be produced, both of these “flaws” in the baby’s appearance will be eliminated - he or she will become chubby with pink, soft skin.

Hair is now growing on the baby's head, but it has no color - all babies at this stage are natural blondes. At week 15, the baby begins to develop eyelashes and eyebrows. The eyes are still closed and the eyelids are fully formed. This week the formation of the ears ends; now the baby’s external hearing organs look exactly as they will look at the time of his birth.

The ears and eyes “rose” to their proper places. The face doesn't look weird anymore. The nose develops and grows. Already now you can see the profile of the fetus, and some babies are already snub-nosed, while others have an impressive nose, just like their dad or mom. More and more individuality appears in appearance this week.

Now little nails are growing on my little fingers. While the nail plates are still very thin and delicate, they will begin to harden much later. Unique fingerprints appeared on the pads of the fingers - each baby has his own pattern on his fingers, it is impossible to find two identical ones.

Sense organs

Despite the fact that the formation of sensory organs has been completed, the baby cannot yet see and hear in the full understanding of these words. The retina of his eyes now distinguishes the light that penetrates through the closed, very thin eyelids. This can be checked using an ultrasound. If you shine a flashlight on the mother’s belly, the baby will begin to move actively, not yet knowing any other way to react to the stimulus, which is bright light.

The baby already has hearing, but it still resembles the hearing of reptiles - it is vibrational, that is, the baby reacts to special vibrations created by sound waves - to the mother’s voice, to the beat of her heart, to loud sounds on the other side of the mother’s belly. In about a month, the inner ear will begin to function fully, transform sound waves, and then the child will begin to hear in the same way as we do, albeit adjusted for the aquatic environment and the thickness of the mother’s abdominal wall.

Already now, the baby in the mother’s womb has tactile sensitivity - nerve endings on the skin allow him to feel touch if he accidentally touches the walls of the uterus or himself.

The baby has been discerning tastes for a long time: the papilla receptors on the tongue and the inside of the cheeks work properly, and the baby already gives preference to sweet over salty or sour. But the baby cannot yet distinguish smells, since the nasal passages are closed with mucus and there is no breathing in the usual sense of the word, The baby receives oxygen from the mother's blood.

Endocrine system

From the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby reaches a new level - his endocrine glands begin to work, which produce all the hormones necessary for growth and development. The endocrine system begins to function. The pituitary gland begins to control the production of hormones and secretion glands. The pancreas produces insulin, and the thyroid gland produces thyroid-stimulating hormones, due to which, including the child’s bones, they begin to accumulate calcium and harden. The adrenal glands, thymus and pineal gland are already beginning to function.

In addition, from the 15th week, the baby’s own endocrine glands - sweat and sebaceous - begin to work. Its own endocrine system will allow the baby to better adapt to changing living conditions, ensure metabolism, and it will also “spur” the development of immunity.

Nervous system

During the current obstetric week, the central nervous system takes control of the baby’s body. Now, with each passing week, his movements will become more voluntary and conscious. In the brain, which already has hemispheres and all departments, at this time the cortex begins to appear. This is the same gray matter that will allow the child to think after birth and provide higher nervous activity.

The cortex develops from the embryonic ectoderm - the anterior part of the neural plate. In the near future, all six layers of the cerebral cortex will develop.

Red bone marrow at this stage ensures the production of blood cells. The spinal cord conducts impulses from all organs and systems to the brain. Now all components of the central nervous system are being improved and “honed” their interaction. Already now, the baby’s “arsenal” has several reflexes that are important for survival - he can suck, swallow, and push off obstacles with his feet. If the baby gets scared, he tries to hide, the instinct of self-preservation begins to work.

Internal organs

The baby's gall bladder has grown, it functions by producing bile, and now this liquid begins to enter the intestines. It is this that will color the original stool “meconium” dark green, almost black. The intestines themselves have learned to contract perfectly. Up to 70 times a day, the child’s intestines “rehearses” peristalsis, despite the fact that there is no complete digestion yet.

Thanks to the smooth functioning of the stomach and kidneys, the child now swallows amniotic fluid and pees regularly. Urine again enters the amniotic fluid, which very often renews its composition and remains a safe, sterile environment for the baby.

The child's heart is functioning at full capacity. Now this small organ is doing a great job - it ensures the flow of blood to all parts of the body; the baby’s heart pumps 23-25 ​​liters of blood per day. The heart rate (HR) at week 15 averages 157 beats per minute. Variations from 146 to 168 beats per minute are possible.

Already now, by the nature of the fetal heartbeat, one can conclude how well the fetus feels - hypoxia causes an increase in rhythm, and long-term chronic hypoxia causes a decrease.

The baby's lungs and bronchi are formed. The respiratory system is actively “training”, making movements that will become the basis of breathing after the baby is born. The liver is now becoming the digestive organ.

Gender of the child

You can already try to determine the sex of the baby using an ultrasound, however, provided that the baby is located towards the sensor with the desired part of the body. The genitals are formed and grown enough to be visualized. It is at this stage that many pregnant women go for an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby, but the number of erroneous conclusions is now quite large. In order not to doubt, not to think whether the doctor was mistaken or not, it is better to wait another three weeks. Then gender identification can be made more easily, and there will be much less room for doubt.

Male fetuses now produce their own sex hormone - testosterone. In girls, estrogens will begin to be produced a little later, but for now the little princess has enough maternal sex hormones. The internal genital organs are fully formed - boys have a prostate gland, and girls have ovaries with millions of eggs.

In female fetuses, the ovaries descend from the abdominal cavity into the pelvis. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum; this process has not even begun. Their testicles continue to remain in the abdominal cavity. They will begin their journey down from about 19 weeks of pregnancy, and will descend into the scrotum from the small pelvis by 28-30 weeks.

Now the child’s development begins to “adjust” to gender. Thus, male fruits gain weight somewhat faster than female ones, and the boys grow a little faster.

What can the baby do?

Despite the fact that the baby is in the mother’s womb and is completely dependent on her, he has already learned a lot and can do a lot. His muscles are developing rapidly. He already has many different movements and facial expressions at his disposal.

At week 15, most children know how to smile and willingly demonstrate this new skill to ultrasound doctors, if such an examination is now prescribed to the woman. In addition, all children know how to frown, yawn, hiccup, and fold their lips into a tube. Babies are keenly interested in what is happening around them, touch the umbilical cord, themselves, feel their faces, put their fists in their mouths and suck them with pleasure, just as they will do after they are born.

Some kids are already beginning to show “character” - some cover their genitals with their hands or turn away from the ultrasound scanner, while others are not at all against attention to themselves and happily pose, showing everything they have to the doctor. Some babies are shy and “freeze” from loud sounds, while others are curious and active and, on the contrary, come into active movement from external stimuli.

Fetus on ultrasound

Ultrasound as a type of diagnosis at week 15 is not considered mandatory. Therefore, the woman is not prescribed it; this period is in the middle between the first planned and second planned prenatal screenings. If there are no special reasons, which include deterioration in condition, well-being, the appearance of atypical discharge or pain, then the pregnant woman is not sent to the ultrasound room now. Many mothers themselves undergo such diagnostics in order, for example, to find out the sex of the child or to look at the baby in three-dimensional format using a 3D ultrasound.

Preparation for an ultrasound is no longer required - the uterus has reached a sufficiently large size for the examination to be carried out through the anterior abdominal wall without a full bladder. A woman also does not need to take medications that eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines; the intestinal loops are already pushed aside by the uterus.

The baby is clearly visible from all angles. The mother is allowed to listen to his little heart beating, and they are also shown how the baby moves. If the genitals are visible, they will be shown separately. When the mother asks if everything is okay with the baby, the doctor will name its main parameters; they are now talking about how the baby’s growth and development are proceeding. The following parameters are typical for this week.

  • BPR. This size between the parietal bones is also called the transverse size of the head (bipariental). This week it is in the range of 27 to 31 mm. If the BRP turns out to be larger, then the doctor may assume a tendency towards the formation of a larger fetus. A significant excess of the BPD is the basis for a careful study of the structures of the child’s brain, because the head can be large due to the presence of tumors, dropsy (hydrocephalus). A delay in BPD is considered a sign of an incorrectly set period or delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • LZR. This size will most likely be measured for the first time during the current obstetric week. It is called fronto-occipital because the distance from the frontal bone to the occipital bone is measured. Together with the BRP, this size indicates the development of the baby and the proportionality of his head. Normally, at week 15, the LZR ranges from 25 to 39 mm.

  • Paired dice. At week 15, the LBD (length of the femur), as well as the bones of the shoulder and lower leg, are measured. The normal length of the femur is considered to be 10-18 mm, the bones of the lower leg are now in the range from 7 to 17 mm, the length of the humerus is 10-19 mm. The length of the forearm bones has not yet been measured - the forearms are still small.
  • Tummy circumference. The baby is still thin, his tummy cannot boast of significant dimensions. At week 15, readings of about 90 mm are considered normal.
  • Head circumference. The head is still the largest part of the baby's body, so it should not be surprising that the head circumference is now quite large - in the range of 110-130 mm.

CTP (coccygeal-parietal size) is rarely measured this week, because it becomes difficult - the baby is large and may not fit entirely within the sensor’s area of ​​action. And even more so, pregnancy dates are not now verified using KTR; now there are other indicators for this. However, if measured, it will now be in the range of 87-90 mm. Moreover, if the period is approximately 14 weeks and 3-4 days, then the size from the tailbone to the crown will be less than the same indicator at 14 weeks and 5 days.

If for some reason a woman is recommended to have an extended ultrasound examination, which is done exclusively on expert-class devices, then Here are a few more very interesting sizes that are typical for the 15th week of pregnancy:

  • The width of the baby’s shoulder blade is now at the level of 6-11 mm;
  • The length of the baby’s foot at week 15 is 8-11 mm;
  • the diameter of the fetal orbit is 7-9 mm.

As for the possible pathologies that the baby may have, it is quite difficult to diagnose them this week despite the level of development of medicine, because all the internal organs are still very small. For example, there is no way yet to know whether the lungs are healthy, because their formation is still ongoing. Brain abnormalities are also difficult to evaluate, with the exception of cases of anencephaly (absence of the brain).

There is no way to evaluate the structure of the kidneys and bladder. The only exceptions are cases of gross pathologies - for example, the absence of one or two kidneys. Everything else will be seen a little later.

But at this stage, the digestive organs are already well visualized; the doctor will be able to see gross defects, for example, esophageal atresia. There are no difficulties in assessing the skeletal system.

Possible risks and dangers

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period has passed, and a sudden miscarriage at 15 weeks is almost impossible, a woman should closely monitor her well-being and record any changes. The list of dangers that can happen during this period is quite long. Let's look at what threats may await a pregnant woman this week, how to recognize them and what to do if this happens.

Threatened miscarriage, non-developing pregnancy

As already mentioned, the likelihood of a threat occurring is now minimal, but it is not zero, and therefore it is worth being vigilant. If the lower back hurts severely, or there is bloody or spotting discharge from the genitals, the woman should definitely see a doctor, and call an ambulance.

Timely contact with a specialist in 97% of cases allows you to quickly determine the cause and maintain the pregnancy.

If a bloody “spot” appears, and the ultrasound shows no signs of the baby’s vital activity, we may be talking about a frozen pregnancy. For reasons unknown to science, this happens at 15-17 weeks. Even if a woman has successfully overcome other “critical” periods - 3-4 weeks, 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, then something irreparable can happen right now. The likelihood of fetal death at this stage is small, but it exists.

Unfortunately, medicine cannot help in this case. If the child dies, then the only thing that can be done for the woman is to empty the uterine cavity of the fetus as soon as possible, because internal inflammation can cause sepsis.

Samples of fetal tissue are taken for genetic analysis to find the cause of its death. They don’t always find it, but if they do, this information will be of great value to the doctor, who will subsequently help the couple plan a new pregnancy.

Lack of calcium

Calcium deficiency in a woman’s body can occur due to the fact that she does not have enough of this mineral in her blood, and the child, whose bones are now actively hardening and muscles are growing, has a great need for calcium. Hypocalcemia can manifest itself in different ways. Most often, a woman’s nails become brittle, her teeth may deteriorate, her gums and hair may begin to bleed. Often, expectant mothers complain of cramps in the legs - the calves “cramp” in the evening or at night during sleep.

The attending physician will help correct the situation. It is not necessary to wait for a scheduled appointment at the antenatal clinic; you can call him and find out what vitamins and minerals you can start taking, and whether there is a need and advisability for additional calcium supplementation.

Colds, flu, ARVI

All these unpleasant diseases, if it was not possible to protect yourself from them, can no longer harm the child as much as if they had happened earlier, in the middle of the first trimester. The placenta now copes well with its protective barrier function, and the woman can even take some medications to alleviate her own condition during illness.

You should not immediately start taking pills when symptoms and signs of illness appear. Not all medications that used to help well are now allowed. A pregnant woman should definitely call a doctor and consult with him about how best to be treated if she contracts the flu or ARVI.

The most dangerous thing about these most often seasonal ailments is high temperature. Severe and prolonged fever can cause problems with uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow. Doctors will help lower the temperature by telling you which antipyretic drugs the expectant mother can now take.

“Short” neck or ICN

If a woman has previously been diagnosed with ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) and the cervix is ​​shortened, then at week 15, as a rule, certain measures are already taken to maintain the pregnancy.

Some women are shown complete bed rest in a hospital setting, others have already had a pessary installed or stitches have been placed on the cervix. If cervical insufficiency is not pronounced, then the woman is allowed to lead her usual lifestyle, just not lift heavy objects or put stress on herself.

If there is a diagnosis such as central nervous system, regardless of the method of treatment proposed by the doctor, the woman should remember that the greatest danger for her is uterine hypertonicity - the cervix may not be able to withstand it, and then a miscarriage will begin.

Determining the tone of the uterus is quite simple - the stomach becomes hard, almost “stony”, pulling the lower back.

If a woman has previously had problems with the condition and functioning of the adrenal cortex, now she may feel worse. This is possible provided that she is carrying a boy. Testosterone, which is produced in the baby, enters the blood of the expectant mother, and if there are difficulties with the adrenal glands, and one’s own testosterone is exceeded, an excess of this hormone may occur.

Simple recommendations that are relevant for women who are 15 weeks pregnant will help you avoid most complications and not overshadow the second trimester with illnesses and deterioration in health.


Maintain a good mood and positive frame of mind. This is very important, because the baby already subtly feels all the changes in his mother’s mood. Perinatal psychologists claim that right now - in the fourth month of gestation - the baby’s basic understanding of the world is being laid, and it is being decided whether he will be an optimist or a pessimist. To increase the baby’s chances of becoming an optimist, it is important for a woman to monitor her emotions and protect herself from negative communication, stress and anxiety.

Now is the right time to watch and rewatch good films, fairy tales, favorite cartoons, read good and interesting books, start reading magazines and books for young parents that talk about the intricacies of child care.


Women who proudly show off their rounded belly to others should not forget that clothes should not be too tight or put pressure in the waist or hips. These things can impair circulation. You should not wear things made of synthetic fabrics; the skin does not “breathe” in them, and sweating in pregnant women is increased, regardless of the season.

Women who are uncomfortable when their belly is closely examined in public transport or on the street should wear loose and spacious clothes, they can still hide the “interesting position”, and in order to divert attention from the belly, it is worth choosing a beautiful bright scarf, hat, noticeable beads - when you see a pregnant woman, much less attention will be paid to the belly.

It is now important for a woman to learn to sleep on her side. To make sleep more comfortable now and later, at a later stage, special pillows for pregnant women that can be wrapped around your legs and on which a large and heavy belly can comfortably rest in the third trimester will help.


A prenatal bandage is not a fad or a medical prescription, although sometimes you cannot do without it in case of certain complications of pregnancy. A bandage is an effective way to ease the period of bearing a child. Already now, a woman can visit the nearest orthopedic salon and choose a comfortable device that will carefully fix the stomach, support it from below, easing the load on the legs and back.

It is only important not to forget that positions with deep penetration are now undesirable, as is the use of warming or cooling lubricants.


Proper nutrition now will help avoid many problems - heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, pathological weight gain. If a woman has not yet adjusted her diet, now is an excellent opportunity to do so. It is important to avoid prohibited foods - smoked meats, marinades, canned food, fatty meats, mayonnaise, fried and spicy foods. Each meal should be balanced: slow carbohydrates should be supplemented with fats and proteins.

You should eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Don't forget about clean drinking water. It should be consumed at least 1.5 liters per day. Salt and sugar are limited to a minimum. But fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and low-fat dairy products are welcome.

Now it is important that the diet contains enough foods containing calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, C.

Physical activity

A woman, if she is not prescribed bed rest, at week 15 can lead her usual lifestyle, take walks, do gymnastics, swim, and yoga. It is important to remember not to stay in one position for too long. If the expectant mother’s work involves sitting or standing in one place, you should make it a rule to take five-minute warm-up breaks to improve blood circulation and relieve stress on the legs, tailbone, and lower back.

It's the second week of the second trimester. After completing the first trimester, usually the most difficult period for the expectant mother, at the 15th week of pregnancy there is a noticeable improvement in her condition.

Now the expectant mother’s body is resting and accumulating energy for the further development of the baby and future birth. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the woman feels much better.

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is the period of complete maturation of the placenta and the beginning of the functional complex mother-placenta-fetus. Now the circulatory system is being formed between these components.


During the normal course of pregnancy, the content of estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother increases. Thanks to this, the uterus grows at the 15th week of pregnancy and proper metabolism occurs. But a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body of the expectant mother indicates problems in the development of the fetus.


The baby is actively developing, changes are taking place in the uterus. During this period, it can grow quite slowly, so the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy for many expectant mothers is quite small, but the uterus can be easily felt through the abdominal cavity.


The child develops rapidly, as evidenced by the constant change in his height and weight. The endocrine system is being formed, the pancreas continues to improve, and now produces insulin. Thanks to this, the fetus gains weight at the 15th week of pregnancy. The heart performs full-fledged work.

The baby's bladder is endowed with the function of emptying, which occurs in the amniotic fluid. They, in turn, are updated about 10 times a day.

Now all the child’s organs are involved in work. The baby actively moves, straightens and bends its legs, and the expectant mother can already feel the movements of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy. Sense organs continue to develop. Now the baby can blink, because his eyes have eyelids. He easily reaches his mouth with his hand and often sucks his finger.

The child’s body consists of cartilage, which is gradually transformed into bone composition. Now all 20 baby teeth are formed. They will begin to erupt around 6 months after birth.

At 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 14-15 cm. Many of the baby’s joints already have the correct shape. The subcutaneous tissue has not yet been formed, but the baby’s body has a reddish tint. Now the baby has the first hairs on her head (baby fuzz).

Around this time, gender identity is formed. At the same time, the brain includes a female or male behavior program. The baby hears noise and feels touch. His movements are still chaotic.


Often at this stage the expectant mother experiences relief. Normally, toxicosis should no longer be present, but some women may still be bothered by nausea in the morning at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If the vomiting still has not stopped, the expectant mother should consult a specialist about proper nutrition.

In the absence of toxicosis, the woman has a good appetite, and she makes up for lost kilograms. However, you should not abuse food, because excess weight can harm the child.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, breasts continue to fill out, and nipples, moles and freckles (if any) become darker. This is due to the production of melanin: this condition is temporary and goes away after childbirth. The expectant mother is probably already accustomed at the 15th week of pregnancy to the feeling of constant nasal congestion, which is quite typical for her “interesting” position.


Bleeding at 15 weeks of pregnancy is rare. The second trimester is more favorable than the first. Any bleeding should alert you. The reasons are different: threatened miscarriage, placental abruption, mechanical injury to the cervix, erosion or other pathologies. Only a gynecologist can identify the true cause. Regardless of the intensity of the bleeding, it is necessary to abstain from sex until the threatening factors are eliminated.


The temperature at the 15th week of pregnancy should be normal, but sometimes deviations are possible. For example, a pregnant woman may have a low-grade fever in the late afternoon. If the values ​​reach 38 ˚С, then you should consult a doctor. You need to bring down the temperature with antipyretics; they are less harmful than prolonged fever in a pregnant woman.

Now the nausea has subsided, and it is easier for a woman to follow simple recommendations that will contribute to the proper development of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy.


Nutrition at the 15th week of pregnancy should be healthy and varied. The diet must include dairy products. You should eat porridge, cottage cheese, cheese.

Of the meat products, it is best to eat chicken, veal or beef, boiled or baked. A woman should not forget about fish products, nuts, and dried fruits. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must.

At the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs vitamin E, which is best obtained from healthy foods. It is found in vegetable fats.

It is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of flour products, fried, salted and smoked foods. Alcoholic drinks are not permitted. It is also better to refrain from taking sweets in large quantities.


Only a specialist can determine the need for vitamins. A woman should not self-prescribe them without consulting a gynecologist. Uncontrolled intake of vitamins during the 15th week of pregnancy can negatively affect both the condition of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

It is best if she gets her nutrients from foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Often, at 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, a specialist prescribes a vitamin and mineral complex for expectant mothers. If a woman has uterine hypertonicity, she is advised to take vitamin magnesium B6.


Now intimate life is not contraindicated. However, the expectant mother should be careful and not choose dangerous positions. Sex at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not recommended if there is a threat of miscarriage or if you are pregnant with twins.

Physical activity

During this period, the expectant mother needs certain physical exercises. In addition, you should take daily leisurely walks lasting half an hour.

For this, it is better to choose the evening time: the woman will relax before bed and rest peacefully at night. The expectant mother can still go to the pool and perform other safe physical activities, as long as there is no pressure on the stomach at 15 weeks of pregnancy.


For serious illnesses, the doctor will prescribe certain medications, calculating the possible risks and reducing the risk of miscarriage.


Alcohol should be avoided during the 15th week of pregnancy. It penetrates through the placenta directly to the fetus and has a toxic effect. If there is an irresistible desire to drink an alcoholic drink, then most likely the body is experiencing a protein deficiency. You need to eat a piece of meat, a handful of nuts or a couple of eggs.


Many women experience mild pain in the abdominal area at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If they are minor and pass quickly, then you should not pay attention to them. However, the next time you visit a specialist, you need to inform him about this.

If at the 15th week of pregnancy the expectant mother’s stomach is tense, this indicates the tone of the uterus. This condition is dangerous and requires consultation with a specialist. Usually the uterus is in good shape when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy

If significant mucous discharge occurs during the 15th week of pregnancy, accompanied by small blood clots, you should immediately consult a doctor. If cramping pain is present, urgent assistance from a specialist is needed.

At this stage, any health problems are dangerous: injuries, colds, poisoning, etc. Therefore, the expectant mother should take care of herself and her baby.

Frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks

It is important for the expectant mother to closely monitor her feelings. If the signs of toxicosis suddenly disappear, the breasts also sharply sag, become soft and painless, fetal movements are no longer felt - you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms usually indicate a frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks - a very dangerous condition for the mother.

Tests and screening at 15 weeks of pregnancy

At 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, your doctor may recommend a urine and blood test. The expectant mother should have the following normal indicators:

  • estriol - 3.5–15.4 nmol/l;
  • hCG 10000 – 35000 mU/ml;
  • hemoglobin - 115–150 g/l.


Ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy is prescribed only in accordance with certain indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Now is a favorable period for the expectant mother. The risk of miscarriage has decreased. However, you shouldn’t discount it completely. Therefore, you should not completely relax and stop monitoring your condition.

Otherwise, at week 15, IVF pregnancy proceeds without any special features.

Multiple pregnancy

When it comes to carrying twins or more babies, at the 15th week of pregnancy the expectant mother's belly grows very quickly. The uterus is enlarged, and others can already find out about the “interesting” position of the woman.

Her toxicosis stops - you can breathe a sigh of relief. But if the vomiting continues, you should not worry about it: it is possible that the next week will become more favorable.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, many mothers already begin to feel fetal movements. However, don’t worry if this doesn’t happen: the crumbs can show themselves next week.

If a woman has anemia, the specialist will prescribe her treatment at the end of this week. Otherwise, multiple gestation at 15 obstetric weeks proceeds in the same way as a normal pregnancy.

Video of the fifteenth week of pregnancy

The 15th week of pregnancy is a quiet period when the baby enters the phase of active growth. At this stage, the baby’s movements become intense, his size is already quite large, so the expectant mother may very soon feel light blows in her stomach.

Fetal development: what happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is already well grown, reaching a length of 10 cm, and its weight is about 50 g, the same as the weight of a large orange.

The fruit increasingly resembles a person: its arms and legs are elongated, hairs and marigolds appear on the body. The following systems are also being formed and developed:

  • The pituitary gland has already matured enough to begin working in the fetal body. It is thanks to the cells produced by the pituitary gland that the baby’s further growth and development will occur.
  • The baby's gums have already formed 20 baby teeth.
  • The fetus can swallow and breathe, training on amniotic fluid. His kidneys also work, so his bladder empties regularly.
  • The baby continues to suck his finger, explores the space around him, moving freely in the amniotic fluid. But his movements remain chaotic.
  • The child already hears, showing sensitivity to sharp sounds.
  • The liver becomes the main digestive organ.
  • The heart is already capable of pumping more than 20 liters of blood per day.
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands are developed and begin their work.
  • At this stage of its development, the baby’s heart already beats 150 times/1 minute.

At 15-16 weeks of pregnancy there is every chance to find out the Rh factor and blood type of the baby. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, of course, if the fetus wants to show it and accepts a convenient position.

What happens to mom at 14-15 weeks?

A woman’s sensations during these weeks of pregnancy are associated with increased body tone, excessive mobility and activity. By this period, toxicosis practically ceases to torment the expectant mother, so there is a high risk of gaining extra pounds that go beyond the schedule. The fact is that the body, depleted by toxicosis, requires replenishment of losses, and the expectant mother must compile her menu from healthy and light food.

A woman also notices the following changes in her body:
1. The breast continues to enlarge, becoming covered with a network of veins. Nipple halos darken and become sensitive, especially in multiparous mothers.
2. Unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen; there may be slight nagging pain.
3. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, a feeling of constriction occurs; when urinating, the feeling of fullness of the bladder remains.
4. In some women, blood pressure decreases, causing headaches and dizziness.
5. The tone of the uterus is preserved, the woman may feel her stomach become “hard.”
6. At this time, the body, exhausted by toxicosis, can produce various reactions. Many pregnant women experience problems with teeth, musculoskeletal system, and nails. This condition is easily corrected by taking a multivitamin complex.

At week 15, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases significantly. And mothers who have already carried a baby can feel the first movements. By the way, slender women pregnant with their first child can also feel slight tremors.

How many kilograms do you need to gain by this time?

In the 1st and 2nd trimesters, weight gain is distributed evenly, and this period accounts for about 40% of the total weight gained. The remaining 60% is allocated to the 3rd trimester, during which the baby actively gains weight and subcutaneous fat. By week 15, the expectant mother should gain the following number of kilograms:
  • With a BMI below 19.8 about 3 kg
  • With a BMI from 19.8 to 26, about 2 kg
  • With a BMI over 26, about 1.2 kg

The higher your pre-pregnancy weight, the less weight you need to gain. Be prepared for the fact that between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy, weight gain is intense. So, the increase can be from 2 to 5 kg. This is normal, especially if the woman suffered from toxicosis in the first trimester.

Is pain normal at this stage?

Mild pain is a natural accompaniment of pregnancy. Pain appears at the moment when the pelvic bones move apart, preparing for childbirth and bearing a baby. Pain in the left and right side can be caused by an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the digestive system and other internal organs. Pain in the legs is most often caused by swelling, and discomfort in the lower back is provoked by an enlarged tummy.

Pain that causes anxiety

The expectant mother should be alert to pain of this nature:
1. Stomach pain, like PMS. These pains are cramping, often radiating to the back or sacrum; if they appear and disappear at a certain interval, they can be harbingers of a miscarriage. Dangerous cramping pain radiates to the lower back, accompanied by bloody discharge.
2. Frequent pain in the lower back and back may indicate the presence of pyelonephritis.
3. Pain in the back or in the tailbone area can be caused by changes in the body or a simple pinched nerve. They can be alleviated by doing the following exercise: you need to get on all fours, making rotating movements with your back.
4. Swelling and skin pigmentation may also appear.

At this stage, a headache of different nature can become a faithful companion of a pregnant woman. It appears due to high or low blood pressure and is relieved by walks, a warm shower, and herbal tea. If the pain is severe and frequent, the doctor will consider the advisability of drug treatment.

Belly at 15 weeks

By the 15th obstetric week, the pregnant woman’s hip bones are already diverging, so the hips become wider. The belly at this stage is already clearly visible, but for now it can be hidden under clothes.
For some women, the tummy acquires a pleasant, slight roundness; for others, it just begins to grow, but the waist becomes wider. The size of the belly depends on the woman’s body type, so don’t worry.
A dark stripe appears on the tummy during 14-15 weeks - this is hyperpigmentation, which will disappear in the first weeks after birth.

Tests and examination

At week 15, during a normal pregnancy, important tests are not prescribed, and the expectant mother needs to show the doctor the results of previously conducted studies.

Week 15 enters the second trimester, during which routine examinations are carried out 2 times a month.

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, she undergoes tests from this week until the end of pregnancy to monitor the production of antibodies. It is also necessary to undergo screening, which is carried out between 15 and 17 weeks, to assess the likelihood of abnormalities in fetal development.


What tests can be prescribed in case of pathologies and abnormalities?

In case of discomfort in the abdomen, threat of miscarriage and pathologies of its course, the following may be prescribed:
  • Blood test for hCG. A low level of this hormone may indicate gestosis, chromosomal abnormalities or abnormal development of the placenta.
  • A series of screening tests that will assess the likelihood of incomplete development of the neural tube or Down syndrome.
  • If the risk of fetal abnormalities is high, the doctor may order a test that requires the collection of amniotic fluid.
  • For a number of discharges, a vaginal smear is prescribed.

These tests and procedures may additionally be prescribed to women who are pregnant with their first child and have already crossed the 30-year mark. Every year in this case, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus increases, so do not neglect the recommendations of your doctor.

Ultrasound this week

An ultrasound is not performed at the 15th week of pregnancy; it is necessary if a woman missed a scheduled examination at week 12. The study may also be prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage or disruption of its course.
But during this period, the doctor can already determine who will be born using an ultrasound, so many couples undergo an unscheduled procedure. If the baby’s location is favorable, then parents will be able to find out about his gender. But even if the baby turns away, you can admire how he sucks his thumb, moves his arms and legs, moving around in the amniotic fluid.


This week, clear discharge and viscous milky discharge are considered normal. Brown, red, brown and pale pink discharge is dangerous at any time, so if it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Discharge with a strong odor that is greenish, yellow or white, discharge that looks like flakes or a curdled mass indicates the presence of an infection. They may be accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, and even high fever. In this case, the expectant mother will be prescribed tests that will help identify the specific cause.

Is sex allowed this week?

Week 15 is a beneficial period for resuming normal intimate life, if there are no special contraindications. In the first trimester, most couples refuse sex for fear of miscarriage, and the 2nd trimester is more stable in this regard.
Avoid difficult poses, don't put pressure on your tummy and everything will be fine.

Sex helps the female body train different muscle groups, including the smooth muscles of the uterus.

In addition, sexual life helps the body produce endorphin - this is the hormone of happiness, which is necessary for both the expectant mother and the future father.

What is dangerous for the baby at this stage?

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is safe, but a number of external factors can have a negative impact on it:
  • By week 15, the expectant mother should completely stop smoking. Women who do not part with nicotine until childbirth have low birth weight children. After giving birth, such a baby may experience discomfort without receiving the usual dose of toxic nicotine substances.
  • Alcohol. At week 15, any alcohol is dangerous due to the formation of the cerebral cortex.
  • Drugs that have a detrimental effect on the body of the baby and mother. Drugs cause addiction in the fetus, contribute to developmental delays and subsequent weakness of the baby.
  • Colds, inflammation, infections accompanied by high fever. If the thermometer stays at +38 C or higher for more than a day, it is recommended to consult a doctor to undergo a medicinal and safe course of treatment.

Uncontrolled use of medications is also dangerous.

If you have a cold, toothache, fever or other illnesses, do not rush to take the old, proven medicine.

Many of the drugs that you calmly took before pregnancy pass through the placental barrier, causing a blow to the fetus. Read the instructions, beware of taking medications without your doctor's permission.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman during this period

The future mother's diet, as in any other week of pregnancy, should be balanced. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge yourself in the food you want without forgetting about the benefits:
  • 200 g of meat daily
  • More than 2 times a week, eat fish in any form, 200-250 g with a side dish of vegetables
  • Every day the menu is enriched with 300 g of vegetables and the same amount of fruit. In winter, eat more citrus fruits, which effectively strengthen the immune system and contain a record amount of vitamin C.
  • For constipation, you need to add dried fruits to your diet, in particular steamed prunes, raisins, figs

    If a woman suffers from bloating and heartburn, then legumes and white cabbage are removed from the diet

  • Reduce salt for swelling

At this stage of fetal development, calcium is very important: milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir should be included in the pregnant woman’s menu more than 4-5 times a week.

  • Gaining weight is not good for your skin, try to use moisturizing creams for pregnant women, peeling, which can be prepared from sugar or coffee grounds
  • If your growing belly is making it difficult to sleep, then think about buying a pregnancy pillow. It will be useful to you both during breastfeeding and during recovery in the postpartum period.
  • Try to spend more time walking, do not forget that you can sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women. The latter will not only help strengthen muscles, but also prepare the body for childbirth.
  • Keep an eye on teeth that may be painful or decaying due to calcium deficiency. At the first alarm bells, contact your dentist, and then your doctor for a prescription for vitamins
That's all a woman should know about this week of pregnancy. Finally, we invite you to look at photos of bellies at 15 weeks of pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a responsible time for any woman. Every week she gets closer to the happiest moment in her life, connected with the birth of a child. However, the trimesters are noticeably different from each other. Every day can not only change the condition of the expectant mother, but also bring new sensations and feelings into her world. It is important to monitor your health and its changes every week of pregnancy to know exactly what is normal.

What does the tummy look like?

The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy is noticeably rounded. Now the woman’s previous outfits no longer suit her. Clothes for pregnant women should be comfortable and loose, not restrict movement. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the belly can reach volumes of up to 80 cm. If it is slightly smaller or larger, it’s okay, because the course of pregnancy for each woman is very individual. In addition to the abdomen, the mammary glands enlarge. The alveoli of the nipples darken. Pigmentation also increases. If a woman has very fair skin, this will not be so noticeable. But for most, moles and freckles darken and become much brighter. The stripe on the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy also becomes more noticeable.

The health of the expectant mother is generally very positive. She no longer suffers from constant morning sickness, and her mood swings are less noticeable. 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen becomes more impressive. It is noticeable to the naked eye. It is often slightly triangular in shape. This is due to the location of the fetus. When palpating during this period, you can clearly feel the baby’s “home”.

The placenta is already fully formed. Blood circulation is established between her and the uterus, her and the fetus. The formation of the baby's organs continues. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen can be measured for accuracy using a tape. By the circumference of the abdomen you can judge whether the baby will be large. Some mothers already experience fetal movement by the 15th week, and the belly itself is much larger than the average. This indicates the speed of development of the child, which in principle is the norm. By the 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the belly becomes the pride of any young woman. The baby's weight increases. It ranges from 50 g. up to 75 gr. . Its head diameter already reaches 28 mm. . A child the size of an orange already has nail plates, hair, and eyelashes.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the tummy can already undergo an ultrasound to determine the sex of the child. True, this will only be possible if it is turned in a certain way. This week there is already a surge of hormones in the baby, if it is a boy. Testosterone is released much faster than female hormones in girls. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the tummy is shown to be in absolutely comfortable conditions in order to protect the mother from unnecessary stress. Therefore, it is better for her to refrain from watching heavy films, and watch more cute comedies and read fairy tales. By the way, they can also be read to the tummy at 15 weeks of pregnancy. After all, it is at this stage of gestation that the child’s auditory system is formed. His ears become like the ears of a newborn. The baby already recognizes his mother’s voice, distinguishing it from everyone else, and even feels the beat of her heart. Classical music will also contribute to the development of the fetus, so you should definitely switch to it in your musical preferences. You can, and even need to, stroke your belly at week 15, because scientists have long proven the benefits of tactile sensations during pregnancy. The baby is actively developing, so the mother herself must support him in this, both physically and spiritually.

What else happens in the belly at 15 weeks? The child's circulatory system is improved. It pumps more than 20 liters of blood per day. And his heart beats 2 times faster than his mother’s, reaching 160 beats in a short minute! The hemispheres of the brain stop moving, and the outlines of the first convolutions are already visible. The baby's skin looks reddish because the blood vessels are very visible. The belly at 15 weeks needs proper care. The baby's hair begins to change to the color it will have throughout its life. The baby's intestines are filled with original feces. The gallbladder begins to work actively. The placenta becomes increasingly thicker due to increased stress.

Tummy at 15 weeks is characterized by an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. Their composition and purity largely determine the condition of the baby. Homogeneity is maintained by the baby's urine and the chemical composition of the placenta. A special type of fluid, called amniotic fluid, maintains a constant temperature regime of the amniotic fluid. Therefore, even if the mother gets sick, nothing threatens the tummies at the 15th week of pregnancy.

The muscle mass of the uterus is growing rapidly. The height of the fundus of the uterus in this week of pregnancy reaches 14 cm. This distance is comparable to the length of the distance from the navel to the pubis. At week 15, bellies become larger in size due to qualitative and quantitative changes in the woman’s body. Moreover, during this period the uterus is already raised from the pelvis, which reduces the frequency of urination. This significantly improves the mother's quality of life, although constipation may occur. This is absolutely normal. Changing your diet may help the situation.

You can only find out what kind of belly at 15 weeks is considered normal for a particular woman from a doctor. He will calculate what size the fetus should be at this stage and how quickly it develops. Any deviations from the norm will immediately arouse his suspicions. For accuracy, you can do an ultrasound. At this time, having found out what kind of belly should be at 15 weeks, you can find out the gender of the child, his blood type, and the Rh factor. All this data can be even more detailed if you use an ultrasound machine with 3D technology. Then the woman can examine the fetus in more detail.

What kind of belly is formed by the 15th week is not so important, the main thing is proper care of your own health. A balanced diet will lay the foundation for your baby's health. Food should be rich in vitamins, minerals, and especially proteins. Calcium must be present in the diet in large quantities, otherwise the child’s skeletal system will spoil the mother’s teeth, hair and nails. You should never forget about such things.

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