Oral folk art pestushki examples. Pestushki, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, fables and shapeshifters for your children

Traditionally in Rus' big role Folklore played a role in raising children - pesters, jokes, nursery rhymes. Every mother knows rhymes and can sing children's songs, but few have heard of pestushki.

This short poem, which is chanted and accompanies the baby’s actions - waking up, stretching, smiling, humming, feeding, washing, bathing. At these moments, the mother gently strokes the baby’s fingers and palms, legs, tummy, and cheeks.

When your baby just wakes up, read to him with an expression:

"Pull the ears, pull the ears!

Where are the toys, rattle the ears?"

Not all children are calm about the washing procedure. The nursery rhyme "Water" will cheer you up:

"Water, water,

Wash Masha's face!

So that your eyes sparkle,

And the cheeks turned red,

The mouth smiled,

And the tooth bit him!"

The well-known "Magpie-Crow" is very popular with children and develops their imagination. Playing “Horned Goat” perfectly trains the attention and reaction of the baby, and it is better to massage the palm accompanied by the rhyme “Finger-Boy”:

"Finger boy,

Where have you been?

With the first brother

I went to the forest!

With second brother

I cooked borscht,

With third brother

I ate porridge

With little brother (little finger)

Sang songs!"

What effect do pestles have on a child?

1. Pestushka is a remedy for the emotional and the baby and mother. Communication with the closest person, whose voice is familiar to the child, develops the baby better than any interactive toy. It is the mother’s voice that activates the maximum, so songs and poems performed by the mother are necessary for the baby’s development.

2. The mother’s utterance of pestles gives the child the first example. verbal communication and lays the preconditions for the timely pronunciation of the first words. It is on the fingertips of the baby that the nerve endings responsible for the speech centers of the brain are located. The text of the pestle is structured in such a way that every 2 lines rhyme with each other, making it easier to memorize the rhyme.

3. Pestushka is not only a spoken poem, but also stroking, patting and other movements that act as restorative massage. Due to the stimulation of multiple receptors and nerve endings, tone increases nervous system, blood circulation of tissues and organs and their saturation with oxygen improves. Children who receive massage develop faster and gain weight.

4. Folk pestles are in the nature of a spell and are aimed at the successful growth of the child. Thus, the mother creates a certain psychological climate, setting up the baby for harmonious and safe development.

How to perform pestles correctly?

In order to achieve maximum effect For the development of the baby, pestles need to be performed correctly, adhering to established traditions.

1. Best time for nurturing a child - the pre-speech period, which lasts up to 1 year, since the songs performed by the mother at this moment stimulate the accelerated development of speech. Repeated syllables, simple and sonorous rhymes make it easier to memorize sounds and words.

2. Pestushka is a kind of song accompaniment to a game in which the text of the work is situational in nature, applied to a baby. Many rhymes contain the name of the baby as the main one actor, therefore, certain stanzas must be accompanied by the actions of mother and child.

3. While performing the song, the mother adheres to special intonations, stretching and thereby imitating the baby’s babble. Remember, your speech should be emotionally diverse; this will make it easier for the child to identify individual syllables and sounds, memorize them and reproduce them in the future.

Thanks to its properties, the pestle acts as a universal tool for physical and psychological education child.

Our great-great-grandmothers did not know the word massage, but they knew a lot of pestles. What is a "petal"? The word itself tells us its meaning. Nurture - nurse, educate, raise with affection and care, take care of a child.

Pestushka in our time is often confused with a nursery rhyme or joke, the most common forms children's folklore. What is their difference? Nursery rhymes and jokes contain an element of learning, and pesters were invented specifically for the little ones, for children under one year old. What is important for the first year of life? Of course, physical development. The mother's gentle voice and, of course, her affectionate touches - here deep meaning pestles. This is a folk, time-developed system of exercises for physical development child.

Without knowing it, young mothers, massaging their infants and saying the familiar “stretch, stretch”, introduce the baby to his first poems - pestushki.

Simple, but very important movements for the baby: bending, straightening the legs, spreading and crossing the arms, turning the head, tapping the fists and heels, which adults seem to do for him, accompanying him with a gentle voice, are the key to his emotional and physiological well-being.

“Stretchers, stretchers,

Across the fat girl

And there are walkers in the legs

And in the hands there are grabbers,

And in the mouth there is a talk,

And in the head - the mind."

Despite their form - short, often only 4 lines, poems and pestles carry a lot of information. They tell the baby about the world around them and tell the adult what movements to make.

Pull the canvases, sip - we spread the baby’s arms to the sides,

Put it in a box - cross your arms over your chest,

This is a canvas for mom, we stroke one hand,

And this is Katyusha’s canvas - we iron the other one.

When pronouncing the pestelka, the adult addresses the baby by name, me if necessary, ending the words. For example, for Lyubushka - stretching exercises, for Yurochka - stretching exercises. Or: “Dybochek, dybok, the baby will soon be one year old.” The word “baby” is replaced with the baby’s name.

Teaching a child to walk was also accompanied by pestles.

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, top, top,

Top, top, top.

Little feet

Running along the path:

Top, top, top, top,

Top, top, top, top!

Pestushki touches on all aspects of a baby’s life: bathing, dressing, waking up, going to bed.

Stretch, stretch,

The geese flew low

Stretchers, stretchers,

The feathers are soft in the pillow.

The water is flowing,

Growing child

Water off a duck's back,

You're too thin

Water to the bottom

And the child to the top!

The first words are still a long way off, but the baby’s speech development needs to be taken care of now. Pestushka for a child is the first genre of Russian folk art. Through them, the child gets acquainted with the beauty of his native language. The baby responds to the mother’s gentle cooing with his cute “aha.” This is a pledge, the basis of his future speech.

Despite the antiquity of their origin, pestles are still relevant in our time. They are charming, insightful and full of the wisdom of our ancestors. Although pestles belong to small forms folklore, but they will have a huge impact on your baby's development.

Previously, nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes were an integral part of raising a child. They were passed down from generation to generation and were a wonderful way to communicate with a baby. Today we use these funny folk poems less and less and are not even aware of the enormous benefits they bring.

First of all, nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes are a way of establishing contact with the baby and pleasant emotions. During pestle you can do light massage child, stroke the arms and legs. When mom pronounces a rhythmic nursery rhyme or nursery rhyme, she does it expressively, affectionately, drawing out the vowel sounds. Babies like this kind of speech, they understand it, and thus the foundations are laid for the development of speech from the first months of the baby’s life. And for this you don’t need to do anything special - just have a nice time with your baby, accompanying some of your actions with nursery rhymes or nurseries.

With the help of nursery rhymes and pestles, you can play with your child and introduce him to the world around him through simple and easy communication. They are also indispensable when it is necessary to distract or calm the child, to accustom him to the daily routine: wash, dress, comb his hair, go to bed. With nursery rhymes one masters one’s native speech and develops fine motor skills, sense of rhythm and getting better emotional connection between mother and baby.

All this good reasons so as not to forget to pamper and entertain the baby with funny nursery rhymes, jokes and nursery rhymes.

In the morning when the baby woke up

We woke up,
We woke up.
Sweet, sweet reached out.
Mom and Dad smiled.

We woke up, stretched,
Turned from side to side!
Pull-ups! Pull-ups!
Where are the toys and rattles?
You, toy, rattle, lift our baby!

In little hands - grips,
In the legs - walkers,
In the mouth - a talker,
And in the head - reason!

Who, who lives in this room?
Who, who rises with the sun?
Mashenka woke up
Turned from side to side,
And, throwing back the blanket,
Suddenly she stood up on her own feet!
(A. Barto)

The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.

Cockerel cockerel
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard.
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let Sasha sleep?

For washing

Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water,
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.

Okay, okay,
Wash your little paws with soap.
Clean palms
Here's some bread and spoons for you.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!

The swan geese were flying,
They flew into an open field,
We found a bathhouse in the field,
The little swan was given a bath.

The bunny began to wash himself.
Apparently he was going to visit.
I washed my mouth,
I washed my nose,
I washed my ear
It's dry!

For combing

You grow, grow, braid,
To the silk belt:
How will you grow, braid,
You will be a beauty to the city.

Cockerel cockerel,
Comb my comb.
Well, please, please
I'll comb my curls.

For dressing

Masha put on her mitten.
“Oh, where am I going?”
Masha took off her mitten,
Look, I found it!

We have only one Vanechka,
We won't give it to anyone.
We'll sew him a coat,
We'll send him for a walk.

Our Katya is little,
She's wearing a scarlet fur coat,
beaver edge,
Katya is black-browed.

When we cook food

Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
When it cools down, we’ll eat
And we'll give it to the sparrows.

Cunning saucepan
She cooked porridge for us
Covered it with a handkerchief.
And he waits and waits
Who will come first?

Carcasses, carcasses,
Mom baked vitushki,
Mom baked vitushki
For my beloved Ilyushka.

Ay, tu-tu, ah, tu-tu,
Cook some porridge,
Add some milk
Feed the Cossack.

There are rolls in the oven,
Hot as fire.
For whom are they baked?
Rolls for Mashenka,
They are hot for Mashenka.

For feeding

Clever girl, Katenka,
Eat some sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy,
Soft, fragrant.

The delicious porridge is steaming,
Sasha sits down to eat porridge,
The porridge is very good
We ate the porridge leisurely.
Spoon by spoon
We ate a little.

The cat went to the stove -
I found a pot of porridge.
There are rolls on the stove,
Hot as fire.
Gingerbread cookies are baking
They don't let the cat get into their paws.

Our Vanyusha is restless,
He won't finish his lunch.
They sat down, stood up, sat down again,
And then they ate all the porridge.

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,
The little ones have arrived,
The ghouls began to say:
“What should we feed Mashenka?”
One will say: “Porridge”
Another: “Sour milk”
The third will say: “With milk,
And a rosy pie."

Donut, flatbread
She was sitting in the oven,
She looked at us
I wanted it in my mouth.

Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Don't grumble, pots,
Don't grumble, don't hiss,
Cook sweet porridge.
Cook sweet porridge,
Feed our baby.

The cat went to market,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Mashenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I’ll demolish Mashenka too.

For the first steps

Baby, little baby,
Little remote
Walk along the path
Stomp your foot, baby

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

For comfort

Don't cry, don't cry
I'll buy a roll.
Don't whine, don't whine,
I'll buy another one.
Wipe away your tears
I'll give you three.

Don't cry, don't cry baby
A squirrel will jump up to you,
Will bring nuts
For Car nursery rhymes.

The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby
Meow-meow - the pussy will say
Our baby is good.

For going to bed

Little bunnies
They wanted some goodies,
They wanted some goodies,
Because they're bunnies.
We'll get some sleep
We'll lie on our backs.
We'll lie on our backs
And let's sleep quietly.

The night has come
Brought darkness
The cockerel dozed off
The cricket started singing
It's late, son,
Lie down on your side
Bye-bye, go to sleep...

You, little kitten,
Kitty - gray tail!
Come and spend the night with us,
Rock our Mashenka,
Rock our Mashenka,
To lull.
How am I for you, cat?
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.

Sleep walks around the cradle -
Bye, bye.
Whose eyes wanted to sleep here?
I know I know.
Don't shake them with your fists, close them,
Sleep rocks the cradle.
Go to sleep.

(bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise,
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will stand up!
(fingers straighten)


Many mothers, rocking their baby in their arms or playing with him, remember the poems and songs of their childhood - kind, perky little songs and nursery rhymes that their mothers or grandmothers sang to them. This method of developing babies through folk word, woven into the game, has been refined and tested over centuries. But for some reason modern families it is being replaced by newfangled methods of development and education. But in vain.

The word “petestushki” comes from the word “to nurture”, that is, to nurse, raise, love and care. Russian traditions and customs of raising children include a rich and unique experience of nurturing babies.

Pestushki say or sing to the baby in the first months of life, accompanying everyday worries: changing clothes, bathing, playing, the very first movements.

Pestushki- these are small folklore works (poems, songs), in which two main features are distinguished:

  1. Rhythmic, with clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables and with exaggerated prolongation of vowel sounds, the speech of a mother or grandmother.
  2. The actions of the mother - stroking the baby's arms and legs, massage, rocking the child - which give new tactile sensations baby.

Not in pestushki active actions the child himself. In them, the child only “accepts” what his mother “gives” him. Pestushki include playful interaction with a child, when an adult performs movements “for him”, playing with his arms and legs. The baby may still not be able to perform such movements as turning the body, he cannot purposefully use his hands, he cannot sit down, crawl, or stand on his own - all this will come to him during the 1st year of life. It is during this period that the mother nurtures the baby: plays with his hands, strokes the baby’s tummy, makes “stomps” with his legs, and so on.

Nursery rhymes- songs-sentences accompanying the game with fingers, arms, head, legs. Nursery rhymes differ from pestushki in that they are designed for the activity of the child himself, who performs them independently. game movements, correlating them with the content of the nursery rhyme

What do pestels and nursery rhymes give to a baby?

By reciting funny rhyming songs or nursery rhymes, the mother tunes the baby’s entire body into a healthy mood.

  • Not understanding at first the words addressed to him, the child very sensitively picks up the mother’s affectionate intonation, her friendly attitude, which is immediately transmitted to him and causes a feeling of reliability, calmness, and comfort.
  • The familiar and familiar maternal voice contributes to the response of the baby, who listens and remembers the words of his native speech, tries to reproduce them, begins to hum and coo, his vocal cords are trained, and his hearing also develops.
  • Pestushki are always accompanied by gymnastics or massage, which help the baby understand and feel his body, its capabilities, and also feel the mother’s endless love through nurturing. Massage is a kind of communication, during which you need to “see” the whole baby - look into every fold of the skin, as if to say: “And you are needed, and everything is fine here.”
  • Nursery rhymes promote development motor activity baby, which is very closely related to their speech activity. The melodiousness and musicality of the poetic lines contribute to the fact that the baby himself begins to finish the individual sounds and words of the nursery rhyme. He likes the play on words that he notices in the work. This leads to the fact that, imitating the speech of adults, children begin to play with words, sounds, and sound combinations. Short, expressive and understandable poetic lines are easily and quickly remembered by young children, replenishing their vocabulary.
  • The decisive factor in telling nursery rhymes is the creation of verbal and playful communication between an adult and a child. At the same time, the narration of a poetic folklore work, reminiscent of fun game, broadens the child’s horizons, enriches his feelings and speech, and shapes his attitude towards the world around him. And most importantly, with the help of poetic folklore forms From birth, a child finds himself in a melodic musical and poetic environment.

How to nurture a baby

The emotionality of an adult helps support the child’s emotional activity and satisfy him emotional needs. To receptions emotional support include changes in the strength and pitch of the voice, changes in timbre sound, facial expressions, and gestures.

The mother caresses the awakened baby, touching her with light massage movements, and gently says:

Stretch, pgrown ups,

Across the fat girl,

And there are walkers in the legs

And in the hands there are little grabbers,

And in the mouth - a talk,

And in the head - reason.


Little ones!

Across the fat girl,

Hands are grasping.

Legs are runners.

To strengthen the child’s arm muscles and develop his motor skills, an adult can slowly spread the baby’s arms, imitating swimming movements and saying:

The harrier is swimming

The harrier is swimming.

The so-called “tytyushka” is aimed at strengthening the baby’s back muscles.

Ay, tyushki - tyushki - tyushki!

Burdocks have grown.

Burdocks have grown -

All the meadows were overgrown.

While washing, you can say:

Water, water,

Wash our face

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

So that your mouth laughs,

So that the tooth bites.

While bathing the baby, the mother tenderly says:

The water is flowing,

The child is growing.

Water off a duck's back,

The child is thin!

Water downwards

And the child is up!

If a child is hit, he seeks protection, salvation from pain from his family and friends. Adult blowing on sore spot or strokes it, repeating:

The magpie is in pain,

The crow is in pain

Live with Olenka.

To amuse the child and cheer him up, the adult butts him with his fingers placed like horns:

A horned goat is coming

For the little guys

Legs top, top,

Horns clap, clap!

Who sucks a pacifier

Doesn't drink milk -

I'll gore, I'll gore!

Massage, turning the head, throwing hands on the head, waving the hands with mother's help, etc. - all this not only physically improves the baby, but also gives him a lot of pleasure. If at the same time the mother cheerfully says:

“I’m kneading, kneading the dough,

There is a place in the oven

I'm baking, I'm baking a loaf!

Little head - go ahead, go ahead!”

what is happening causes an emotional “outburst” in the child, a need to contact an adult, and most importantly, a desire to repeat those movements that he cannot yet perform on his own.

Exercises that prepare a child for mastering walking are so beneficial.


I forge, I forge legs.

Antoshka's legs

They're driving along the path

The path is crooked,

No end, no edge.

While reciting the rhyming lines, the mother alternately spanks the baby's feet, which reflexively react to light touches, as he lies on his back. This is how an adult forms a sense of the rhythm of walking when stepping with one leg or the other.

Pestlets are also entertaining for the child, thanks to which he learns to make rhythmic clapping with his palms. The adult grabs the baby’s hands and, bringing them closer, says:

“Okay, okay,

Where were you? - At Annushka's.

What did you eat? - Pancakes.

Where are the pancakes? - Ate...

No pancakes!”

Game continues. The adult suggests going to Panichka:

Okay, okay,

Where were you? - At Panechka's.

What did you eat? - Gingerbread!

Where are the gingerbread cookies?


No gingerbread!(The child’s arms are spread to the sides.)

Then the adult offers to “go” to Mikeshka for some nuts, then to Troshka for some potatoes, and then to Senechka for some seeds (by analogy). The important thing is that while playing, the child learns to fold his hands when he hears the word “okay” and perform playful movements with his hands in the rhythm of the song.

Muscle tone and rapid palm opening are most easily achieved by touching a round surface. To your own palm, to your head or to your mother’s hand.

The game is called “Ladushki” because it improves the work child's body. And you probably already guessed what the word palm means.

Gradually, pestles are replaced by nursery rhymes.

When a child begins to master walking, the following nursery rhymes come to the rescue:

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat;

The cat walks on the bench

Leads the cat by the paws,

Tops and tops on the bench,

Hands on hand.

While pronouncing these verses, the mother holds the baby by the hands and, stepping back, carefully leads him along. The rhythm of the verse also sets the rhythm of walking: “tomp-tomp”, “tomp-tomp” coincide with the steps of a walking child.

The baby can be led in another way: an adult holds him from behind by the armpits and, spreading his legs wide apart, encourages him to step with his legs.

Big feet

Walked along the road:



Little feet

Running along the path:

Top-top-top, top-top-top!

Top-top-top, top-top-top!

Also entertaining for children is rocking on their feet, “jumping” and swaying on their mother’s or father’s lap, grandmothers imitating a horse race, riding down a mountain, dancing, etc. Of course, such games are useful for older children, when the baby can already sit well and rise to his feet on his own:

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts!

Let's gallop, gallop

With rolls, with rolls!

Leap, skip

Over the bumps, over the bumps -

In the hole - bang!

The adult throws the child on his knees, and then pretends to lower him down (pinches him with his knees and puts him back on the “horse” (“sleigh”, “cart”, etc.).

good road

good road

Something has become worse

Something has become worse

Playing naughty, lying around,

Playing naughty, lying around,

On the bridge, under the bridge,

On the bridge, under the bridge,

Thump into the hole!

Toddlers are also attracted to tossing on their feet, the so-called gushka. At the same time, the adult recites more energetic, quick nursery rhymes:


Vanya rides on a stick,

And Dunya is on a cart

He cracks nuts.

Chicks, chicks, chicks,

Birch strips!

Two birds flew

They're not big.

How they flew -

All the people looked

Where did they sit?

All the people were amazed.

The desire of mothers and grandmothers to raise a child strong, healthy and well-fed gave rise to many sayings, with the help of which they tried to feed the child, give him milk, treat him to a pie, pamper him with pancakes, jelly, etc.

The jelly has arrived

Sat down on a bench,

Sat down on a bench,

He told Olenka to eat.

A very short version is also possible:

Let's cook porridge

We'll feed Sasha.

It should be taken into account that for small child It’s not just conversations, stories about something or someone that are significant. He needs to be a participant in what is happening and hear a direct address from an adult to himself in order to feel the attitude of his mother, father or grandmother, etc. specific situation, understand their mood at the moment.

In a bright little house

Lizusha has grown up!

People love her

Everyone loves her.

Option for a boy:

Who's good?

Who is our handsomest?

Kolya is good,

Kolya is handsome.

In this case, you can pat the child on the head, hold his hands or dance with him in a round dance.

Games based on acupuncture

Among such educational Slavic games with children, many are those that affect energy meridians and biologically active points, smoothing, straightening and thereby improving the flow of energy in the child’s body.

On the palms and feet there are projection points of all internal organs. And all these fairy tale games that many of us remember from childhood are nothing more than massage in a playful form.

By the way, in modern world the basic elements of those play actions have become the basis for professional children's massage.

And these games look very simple.

Magpie white-sided

Circular movements of an adult finger on a child’s palm in the game “ The white-sided magpie cooked porridge and fed the children” stimulate work gastrointestinal tract at the baby's.

The massager should start from the center of the palm. Then increase the circles - in a spiral to the outer contours of the palm: this way you “adjust” the large intestine (the text must be pronounced slowly, separating the syllables). You need to finish “cooking the porridge” with the word “nourished”, drawing a line from the unfolded spiral between the middle and ring fingers: the line of the rectum runs here (by the way, regular massage between the pads of the middle and ring fingers on your own palm will relieve you of constipation).

Next - attention. It is not that simple. When describing the work of the “white-sided magpie” in distributing this very porridge to children, you shouldn’t mess around, pointing with a light touch “ gave to this, gave to this...“Each “baby,” that is, each finger of your baby, should be taken by the tip and slightly squeezed. First the little finger: it is responsible for the work of the heart. Then the nameless one - for good functioning of the nervous system and genital area. Massaging the pad of the middle finger stimulates the liver; index - stomach. Thumb (which “ I didn’t give it because I didn’t cook porridge or chop wood - here you go!”) it is no coincidence that they are left for last: it is responsible for the head, and the so-called “lung meridian” also comes out here.

Therefore, it is not enough to just squeeze the thumb slightly, but you need to “beat” it properly in order to activate brain activity and prevent respiratory diseases.

By the way, this game is not at all contraindicated for adults. Only you can decide for yourself which finger needs the most effective massage.

Magpie white-sided

Where were you? - Far!

I lit the stove,

I cooked porridge,

She fed the children.

I jumped on the threshold,

Called guests.

The guests heard

They promised to be.

Guests in the yard -

Porridge on the table.

I gave it to this one on a platter,(bend the little finger)

This is on a plate,(bend the ring finger)

This is on a spoon,(bend the middle finger)

This one needs scrapings.(bend the index finger)

But she didn’t give it to this one!(touch the thumb)

You didn't carry water

I didn’t chop wood

I didn’t cook porridge -

I won't give you anything!

Finger boy

Holding the baby’s thumb in the marigold area, the adult asks: “Finger-boy, where have you been?” Next, he touches each finger on the baby’s palm and continues the story: “I went to the forest with this brother. I cooked cabbage soup with this brother. I ate porridge with this brother. I sang songs with this brother.” Having touched each finger, the adult raises both the baby’s hands up and turns them from side to side above his head and says:

- Finger boy,

Where have you been?

- With this brother -

went to the forest.

With this brother -

I cooked cabbage soup.

With this brother -

I ate porridge.

With this brother -

Sang songs.

Kikuyu leg

Playing with a child’s feet is also useful, when you gently tap your fingers on the foot or heel, touching each toe - with such simple actions they improve blood circulation on the baby’s foot. An adult “forges a leg”, saying:

I forge, I forge a leg,

I'll hit the road.

I need to shoe the horse

To spend the night at home.

I forge, I forge a leg,

I'll hit the road.

Four miles away

The horseshoes were knocked down.

Three wells

During this game there is an impact on the lung meridian - from thumb on the arm up to the armpit. Starts with stroking the thumb:

- Ivashka went for water and met a grandfather with a beard. He showed him the wells...

- The water here is cold, By clicking on this point, we activate the immune system.

Now swipe your finger across inner surface hands to the elbow bend, press on the bend.

- The water here is warm, — we regulate the functioning of the lungs.

- The water here is hot.

- And there’s boiling water here!- Tickle the little one under the armpit. He will laugh - and this in itself is a good breathing exercise.

In wet autumn weather, such a game comes in handy: both entertainment and prevention of colds.

And today, just as at all times, children expect attention, care, and love from their loved ones, expressed in looks, words and their intonations, in actions and play. You need to be able not only to love, but also to show your love. And this is best taught by the traditions of our ancestors, on whom more than one generation of glorious Russians grew up. That is why it is so important for modern adults, who want to return to their roots and not deprive their children of their Ancestral memory, to master the techniques of folk art and, when communicating with the baby, skillfully “weave” them into everyday speech.

Pestushki are songs and rhymes that accompany the child’s first conscious movements.

Nursery rhymes are songs and rhymes for a child's first games with fingers and hands. legs. Pestushka and nursery rhyme are a genre of oral folk art.

Such definitions for these elements of folklore can be given for 2nd grade children in a literary reading lesson.

When the child begins to understand speech and recognize loved ones, he is amused with songs and short nursery rhymes, etc. Their purpose is to evoke joyful, cheerful emotions in the child.

They are followed by nursery rhymes - songs and poems for the child’s first games with fingers, arms, and legs. Later comes the turn of jokes - songs and poems, interesting primarily for their amusing content, then fairy tales.

Having woken up, tired of immobility and swaddling, the nurse encouraged the baby, stroking along the body and saying to the pestel:

Grown-up girls,
Across the fat girl
And there are walkers in the legs,
And in the hands of grabbers,
And in the mouth there is a talk,
And in the head there is reason.

Pestushki and nursery rhymes - texts, examples.

When a child gurgles or gurgles, they say:

Oh, he sings, he sings
Oh, he sings, he sings

When the child wakes up and stretches, they stroke his tummy, saying:

Stretchers, stretchers!
Mouth talkers,
Grasping hands
Walker legs.

When the child begins to stand on his feet:

Stand on end, stand on end, stand on end,
For the first year!

When a child learns to walk:

Legs, legs, Where are you running?
- To the woods along the motorway
Mosh the hut,
So as not to live coldly.

Using the movements of children's hands, they depict stretching the canvas and say:

Pull the canvases
Pull the canvases
On a shirt
On the tabletop.

The mother or nanny puts the child on her lap and, holding him by the arms, rocks him towards her, then away from her, saying:

I'm pulling Tonya
I catch fish
I put it in my wallet,
I bring it home:
Bee-eaters in piles,
Little rafts in police camp"
One brush
-Yes, and that one is in the pot.
I'll make some cabbage soup,
I'll feed Nikolai,
Get some sleep, guys.
Don't sniff.

Having taken the child, they rock him up and down, singing and saying:

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't cook porridge,
Cook it thin,
Boil it soft
Yes, young.

Tyushki, Tyutushki,
There are little birds on the mountain.
Vanyushka was there
Birdie, I caught it.

And tari, tari, tari!
I’ll buy Masha amber,
There will be money left
I’ll buy Masha earrings,
There will be nickels left,
I’ll buy Masha shoes,
There will be pennies left,
I’ll buy Masha some spoons,
There will be half a half left,
I’ll buy pillows for Masha,

The lady was driving

On a smooth path,
Over the bumps, over the bumps
- Yes boom!

The child is led under the arms or by the arms along the bench, saying:

Three-ta, ta, three-ta, ta!
A cat married a cat.
The cat is walking on the bench,
And the cat is on the counter,
Catches the cat by the paws:
- Oh, you cat, cat,
Play with me, cat,
With Masha, the young cat!

The child is rocked, placed on his lap, and sentenced:

Young blackbird
I walked along the water
I found a young girl
Young girl,
About an inch herself,
Head with a pot.
Shu-you! flew,
-They sat down on their heads.

Mimicking with fingers right hand horns, lightly tickle the child with them and chant:

The horned goat is coming,
A butted goat is coming:
Legs: top! top!
With your eyes: clap, clap!
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
He's gored, gored.

Taking the child’s hands, they clap their hands to the beat, and when last words The arms are spread and raised onto the child’s head:

Okay, okay!
- Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Porridge.
- What did you drink?
- Mash.
Sweet porridge,
The drunken gang
Grandma is kind.
We drank, ate,
-Shu-u-u - they flew,
They sat on their heads.

Take the child’s hand and move it across the palm index finger and they say:

Forty, forty,
Magpie white-sided
I cooked porridge,
I jumped on the threshold,
Called guests.
There were no guests, K
Ashki didn’t eat.
I gave everything to my children.

Pointing to each finger of the hand, starting with the thumb, they say:

I gave it to this one on a platter,
This on a plate
This is on a spoon,
This one has some scratches.

Stopping at the little finger, they add:

And there is nothing to this.
And you are little, little one:
I didn’t go for water
Didn't carry firewood
I didn't cook porridge.

Moving the arms apart and then quickly placing them on the head, they say:

Shu-u-u, let's fly
-They sat on their heads.

They finger the child’s fingers one by one and say:

Bolshak to chop wood (thumb),
Should you carry water (index)
And you have to heat the stove (nameless),
And sing songs to the baby (little finger),
Sing songs and dance,
To amuse my siblings.
Sing songs and dance,
To amuse my siblings.

They touch their fingers and say:

Four brothers are walking towards the eldest.
- Hello, big guy! - They say,
- Hello, Vaska the pointer,
Grishka the Orphan
Yes, little Timoshka.

Empirically, women came to understand the need for massage and a gentle touch to the baby. And the massage is doubly pleasant for both the child and the mother if such a nice and affectionate poem is uttered in time with the movements. To develop coordination of movements and strengthen muscles, practical folk pedagogy and medicine have developed a whole set of exercises accompanied by pestles.

The most correct and scientifically based ones may seem boring physical exercise in comparison with those accompanied by such sentences: “The harrier is swimming, the harrier is swimming...”, “The swans flew, the swans flew...” And how much joy the pester “Pull the canvases” brings to a growing child! No one is forgotten in it, all family members got a fathom, and the youngest got the most! And now the child is “dancing” merrily, sitting in the palm of his mother, who supports him by the chest with the other hand, to the cheerful song: “Tratatushki, tratata, a cat married a cat...”

The child gets on his feet, takes his first steps, begins to speak - everyone is so important stage in its development it is accompanied by pestles. Pestushki are also close to comic conspiracies; they accompany the child’s bathing; dousing him with water, the mother says: “Water off a duck’s back, thinness off a duck’s back”; consoles him if he is hurt: “The magpie is in pain, Sanya is in pain...”

In the second year of a child’s life, new joys await him - acquaintance with nursery rhymes - elementary games: “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow”, “Horned Goat”. They sometimes contain instructions: in the fairy tale nursery rhyme “Magpie-Crow,” a fantastic bird generously feeds everyone with porridge, except for one - the one who was lazy and did not work with everyone else.

By playing with the child's fingers, he is taught to count: “One finger, another finger...” Gradually the time for fairy tales comes.

Based on materials from the book: Russian folklore. Songs, fairy tales, epics, jokes, riddles, games, fortune telling, skits, lamentations, proverbs and proverbs. V. Anikin

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