The child is 11 months old. Main operating points. Baby's physical skills

Your child’s first anniversary is getting closer! After reading this article, you will learn what indicators you need to approach this date, what you can learn and what games to play with your baby.

General development of a child 11 months

A loving mother will definitely notice that the development of an 11-month-old child has moved from a quantitative to a qualitative level. Children do not develop new skills in as many ways as before. But all acquired skills are actively developed and consolidated daily.

The periods of two meals a day are reduced nap. Moreover, some children independently and voluntarily switch to one-time sleep.

If you have followed the chosen regime for a year, then the baby is completely accustomed to the main points: he asks to eat and goes to bed on time, he loves hygiene procedures, gymnastics, massage and bathing.

Bathe your baby daily or every other day. You can already use baby shampoo and soap. If there are small rashes on the baby’s body, once a week you can bathe in a small bath with herbal decoction or anti-inflammatory salt.

Don't rush to reduce the number of meals!

Let there still be five of them. Experts advise feeding your toddler boiled, stewed, baked, steamed food from the common table.

The time has not yet come for: nuts, chocolate, sausage, factory-made semi-finished products, citrus fruits and any mushrooms.

If there is no dairy kitchen near you, you can gradually offer your baby half-diluted cow's milk.

Continue teaching your baby to use her own spoon and drink from her own cup. Choose high-quality and safe bright dishes for your child. Be prepared in advance for the fact that not all children immediately understand why a spoon is needed and what to do with it.

Perhaps your little one will master this skill a little later.

The average height and weight of a child at 11 months is as follows:

  • Boys 7.7-11.7kg, and girls 7-11.1kg
  • Height 70-79cm and 67.8-77.8cm respectively.

The head circumference is 48.3-47.3 cm in boys and girls.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months?

Regarding what a child should be able to do at 11 months, this is the beginning of a period of increased independence.

It becomes a little easier for mom because the baby can do something alone for a while.

  • The little one is already standing confidently, and if he didn’t go earlier, he may well do it now. Buy orthopedic shoes toddler, bright push walkers to encourage the little one to walk
  • You notice the first signs role-playing games. The baby can “feed” his toys or put them to sleep
  • The child learns to combine objects into groups, although these groups can be quite unexpected. So, the ball can be any round object
  • “Autonomous”, that is, the baby’s own speech appears. He calls an object or action with one word, invented or similar to the real one.
  • Imitates the sounds of animals and cars much better, and willingly demonstrates this skill
  • Speaks conscious short words: “dad”, “baba”, “give”, “mom”
  • Continue to introduce your baby to the potty and don't be upset if he doesn't understand its purpose. The baby fully understands the purpose of the potty after two years

If the weather permits, walk for as long as possible, while encouraging your baby to walk more actively. You can use a stroller as a pusher: many children love this very much.

In general, the development of a baby at 11 months does not stand still, as it may sometimes seem. The baby is simply learning to better understand and be aware of what is happening around him.

Educational games for 11 month old babies

Due to a qualitative leap in consciousness, educational games for 11-month-old children become much more focused.

Role-playing games begin in which the baby copies your actions or the actions of loved ones.

In order to bring the game environment as close as possible to reality, purchase a set of large doll dishes and furniture. The little one will sit the toys at the table, feed them and put them to bed. Of course, first with your help and comments.

Improve your little one's skills in folding pyramids, purchase different sorters and large-sized insert frames.

Along the way, reinforce the names of colors and learn geometric shapes.

Try to collect simple pictures from four cubes.

Teach your little one to find the necessary objects or familiar animals in the picture and ask the baby to say something of his own, for example, “What does the cow say?”

Focus your efforts on nurturing your child’s emotional kindness and responsiveness. Ask for pity on your brother or sister if they are hurting.

What to teach a child at 11 months

Comparing the desired indicators of what a baby should be able to do with the indicators of his child, it now becomes clear what to teach a child at 11 months.

Don’t try to teach your little one everything at once, but highlight one result that you want to achieve. When the “height” is taken, move on to the next point.

For example, if an 11-month-old child does not walk, but is actively crawling and your doctor does not find any abnormalities, try to entice the stubborn little one to walk, but do not overdo it.

Typically, most children take independent steps closer to one year.

Introduce the baby to new adults and go out more often so that the baby gets used to society and communication.

Increase play time with other children. Go to the window and show the child the world and comment on what is happening, naming objects, colors and sounds.

The little one tries to imitate adults in everything, so give the baby some adult clothes: a hat or gloves and see with what pleasure he will learn to put them on.

Teach your little one basic self-care skills

  • Let him learn to brush his teeth
  • Wash a small bath
  • Wear boots or shoes.

Thus, the child's development at 11 months becomes more socially oriented, but still very individual. Don't be upset if your little one hasn't achieved anything yet.

With proper, but not excessive, persistence on your part, the baby will definitely master everything you want to teach him.

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Eleven month old baby can please parents with a few independent steps and simple words. At this age, he actively grows stronger physically and emotionally, consolidates previously acquired skills and learns new ones. From the article you will learn how a child of eleven months develops and how to stimulate him to new achievements further.

Physiological development

Muscles of an 11 month old baby have become so strong that he manages to control his body in an upright position, that is, he can stand without the help of an adult and walk.

Many children this age already have four teeth. But for some, the third pair has begun to emerge - the second incisors, while others are missing even the first tooth. All this is considered normal, so there is no need to worry until the year is over. This is what concerns physiological development baby at 11 months. How a baby should develop physically and mentally will be discussed further.

Physical development

For the eleventh month the child gains approximately 400 grams in weight, height increases by approximately 1.5 cm. Head circumference and chest becomes larger by 0.5 cm.

A child's development at 11 months occurs differently. Children grow at their own pace, but to determine whether a child is developing normally, there are normal limits for boys and girls. Indicators for boys 11 months:

  • Weight - 7601-11700 g,
  • Height - 70-79.3 cm,
  • Head circumference - 43.3-48.3 cm,
  • Chest circumference - 45.5-52 cm,

Indicators for girls aged 11 months:

  • Weight - 6900-11200 g,
  • Height - 67.7-77.8 cm,
  • Head circumference - 41.8-47.2 cm,
  • Chest circumference - 45.9-50.9 cm.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months?

The baby's skills gradually develop:

The little one gradually learns how to dress, wash, brush his teeth and eat with a spoon. If a child lacks something, he no longer cries, but shakes his head (yes or no), points at the object with his finger, and speaks in simple words.

To check the development of an 11 month old child, do the following test:

Development activities

For the development of a child at 11 months, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:


A child at 11 months needs the following procedures:

Daily regime

Baby at 11 months needs 14 hours of sleep throughout the day. He sleeps for about 10 hours at night, during the day he rests twice for 1-2 hours. He needs to go for a walk twice a day. fresh air, while he sleeps for part of the walk and stays awake for the second. It is recommended to go for a walk at 10-11 a.m. and 4-5 p.m.

The wakefulness of a baby of this age is organized taking into account the time of day. In the morning, the child needs gymnastics, developmental classes and active games. After lunch there is a quieter time. A nightly bedtime ritual helps make it easier to fall asleep, so it is recommended that you follow it. It may include: bathing, reading and any other actions repeated every day in a certain order.

Nutrition for babies aged 11 months remains five times. There should be an interval of 3-4 hours between meals. You need to try to ensure that the baby eats at approximately the same time every day; deviations of no more than 30 minutes are allowed. The break should not be more than 4.5 hours.

To determine how much food a child of this age needs per day, you need to divide the weight by 9. Typically, children of this age need 1000-1200 ml of food. This total volume is divided by the number of feedings, resulting in an average serving of 200-240 ml.

Kids menu that are on artificial feeding, and children who receive mother's milk are almost identical. The only difference is the first and last feeding, during which the baby is given formula or breast milk. Another difference is that a baby of this age, fed with mother's milk, is usually put to the breast at night; artificial babies usually do not wake up at night to feed.

At this age, breastfeeding becomes a little different. This is due to an increase in the volume of complementary foods. During the day, the baby is applied to the breast for a few minutes and can drink any food with it. At night, while sleeping, he actively sucks in the morning.

How is the day going?

The 11-month-old baby is growing up and spending time with him is becoming more and more interesting. Organizing a daily routine helps the mother do more around the house and regularly conduct activities with the baby. And the baby gets good dream and appetite. Each 11 month old baby will have an individual daily routine, We offer the following example with a sample menu:

At night, breastfed babies can be attached to the breast several times; artificial babies, as a rule, do not wake up.

Common problems

During the development of the baby, some problems are possible

  • Traumatization. Children learning to walk are often injured due to falls. This is dangerous to a greater extent due to the fact that the child will stop taking the first steps due to fear of falling. To prevent this, you should not leave the baby alone; stay close to him and, if he falls, calm him down and distract him. If your baby is injured in a fall, be sure to monitor his condition and, if the symptoms are serious, seek help from a pediatrician.
  • Refusal to eat pieces of food. Some children become addicted to crushed and grated food, so they often choke on pieces of food. You will have to postpone the habit of eating pieces for a while and continue chopping the food. Then start suggesting solid food, for example, carrots, dried fruit, a piece of apple, boiled potatoes. There is no need to worry if the child nevertheless begins to refuse food pieces, because he is at the very beginning of learning to chew. Refusal may occur due to teething and other health problems.
  • If you are concerned about your baby's refusal to eat mushy foods, you should consult your doctor.
  • Refusal of products. At the age of 11 months, the baby has already formed food preferences; do not insist if he does not like any product. The solution may be to exclude the unloved product from the menu for a certain period of time, after which you can offer it to the child again.

So, a child at 11 months can already do a lot, don’t worry if your little one is a little behind his peers, remember that each child is individual and has his own pace and path of development.

On the eve of his first, official day By birth, children have already grown noticeably and learned a lot. Every day their life becomes more and more eventful, and their waking time increases. Children spend a lot of time in active exploration, and they have almost descended from mother's hands. Parents will probably be interested in comparing the acquired skills of their babies with the average indicators indicating what a child should be able to do at 11 months.

At eleven months, the baby gains 400 grams in weight and stretches 1-1.5 centimeters in height. If the child has not gained weight at all, or the increase has occurred only by 150-200 grams, this is not a reason to panic in general, feeling good son or daughter. After all motor activity they have increased greatly, and the body quickly uses up its energy reserves and nutrients. It may be worth offering your child foods containing more calories.

In terms of anatomy and physiology, intensive formation occurs at this moment muscular system, so the baby can already be in an upright position for more or less a long time and even move around using support, and sometimes independently.

Another important change is the appearance of baby teeth; as a rule, these are four teeth - two each on the lower and upper jaws; some children have already developed second incisors.

Already before one year, the baby can take his first steps and utter his first words, but there is no need to despair if this does not happen - the development of a child at 11 months proceeds according to its own schedule, in accordance with its individual genetic program. True parents have good opportunity help him with this by monitoring his diet and normal sleep toddler, as well as regularly developing it through games and educational activities.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months?

Children at this age are extremely inquisitive and active. If you turn away for a minute, you don’t know where the baby will be in a moment, so they need minute-by-minute monitoring.

What should an 11 month old baby be able to do? Fortunately, the increased strength and endurance associated with strengthening muscles allows him to master a wide variety of skills:

  • he can easily rise to his feet without outside help and stand;
  • sit down from a vertical position without using support, although this is still difficult for him;
  • crawl quickly, changing direction;
  • sit independently for a long time;
  • the baby begins to walk with small, uncertain steps, holding on to the hand of his father or mother;
  • he easily recognizes familiar objects and toys by pointing at them with his finger;
  • coordination of movements increases, and the child’s hand, if it is necessary to take an object of interest, opens in accordance with the dimensions of the thing;
  • A toddler can hold a mug with both hands;
  • eats with a spoon;
  • washes his face and brushes his teeth.

Changes also occur in the psycho-emotional plane of the child:

  • he becomes more sociable;
  • repeats words after parents;
  • understands what adults are talking about;
  • responds adequately to requests and demands: take, give, eat, throw; in response, in addition to action, can use facial expressions and gestures, shake the head;
  • the child becomes not only more dexterous, but also smarter - he can use improvised objects to get toys from out of reach places.

Children develop hobbies, personal preferences regarding toys, and inclinations for plot gameplay– many girls and boys can already babysit dolls, feed and put bunnies and bears to sleep.

A child’s awareness of himself as an individual can be quite noticeable and can be reflected in attempts to manipulate parents. At this moment, adults should calmly respond to the whims of children, otherwise in the future the child will constantly use hysterics or crying as a way to achieve what he wants.

It cannot be said that the mental and physical abilities of children of opposite sexes are very different, but there are certain characteristic nuances that are worth knowing about:

  1. When figuring out what an 11-month-old girl needs to be able to do, you need to understand that babies are not like boys, who are usually more active and restless. They are much calmer and can spend a long time playing with blocks, enthusiastically drawing or sculpting. A process that is interesting to them can captivate them for half an hour, and this is quite a lot for a child who is not yet a year old.
  2. Taking into account how active and independent the boy is, at 11 months he can be able to do everything related to movement, first of all, he will quickly learn to walk without the help of adults, although he will have time for a short time get yourself a lot of trouble.

Everything that an eleven-month-old baby can do, of course, is primarily embedded in his genetic program, but the role of parents in this process and its success occupies an important place.

How to develop a baby at 11 months

For comprehensive development Adults need to create favorable conditions for this child.

If the baby already bends, squats and walks, leaning on furniture or the parent’s hand, it is worth helping him in this difficult task:

  1. It is necessary to continue to stimulate active crawling, which helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.
  2. It’s good if the baby pushes a gurney or stroller on his own, but under the supervision of his mother. You can also use a large ball as a pusher.
  3. The child already knows how to climb one or two steps, but it is still difficult for him to go down the stairs. Such exercises should be carried out a couple of times a day for a few minutes.
  4. While bathing, children can also learn and gain new skills - small rubber toys will help with this, which the baby will catch using a small plastic scoop.
  5. At this age, the child benefits from all games with bulk materials and small details- cereals, beads, pebbles, let the baby pour them from one container to another, fold them, sort them. This way he can quickly learn to control his fingers.

When figuring out what a child should be able to do at 11 months, don’t forget about creative activities- You can already give him thin markers that he can hold in his fingers. Crayons and pastel paints in the form of small pencils are also suitable. For modeling, it is better to choose homemade or special dough, or a set soft plasticine, which does not stick to your hands.

To improve colloquial speech needed daily activities, consisting of joint reading. At the same time, the baby can look at the pictures and later compose from them short stories. In addition, you need to talk a lot with children, explaining a variety of events, describing ordinary things and natural phenomena. During walks, you can meet other children - the sooner your daughter or son learns to get to know and communicate with their peers, the easier it will be for them to adapt to the conditions of the real world.

Under the supervision of adults, children can play independently and the best toys for them are still rubber toys, balls, large cars that the child can climb into, pyramids, cubes, toys in the form of animals and dolls for story games. It is better to choose books for a child with large, dense pages made of rubber or cardboard, as well as musical accompaniment. Toys musical instruments, a set of dishes or a stroller for a doll are more suitable for girls; boys can be pleased with a construction set and walkers, which will help them master walking faster.

Development success test

Knowing the standards that determine what a baby should be able to do at this stage of life, parents must understand that such an assessment is relative, and yet, in some cases, verification is necessary.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • by the age of eleven months, the baby should already have fully mastered crawling, sit and stand confidently;
  • the child must make attempts to stand up and take at least a couple of steps;
  • ideally, children normally perceive the independent use of a cup, spoon, towel and comb;
  • out of three cubes, the little one should already be able to build a turret;
  • A normally developed baby will definitely notice if you hide his toy and try to find it.

You can also pay attention to how the butuz behaves in different circumstances. If he is angry, he does not cry as before, but expresses his dissatisfaction - he can hit his mother and even bite. Rejoicing, the children laugh and clap their hands.

Some negative actions of the child should be stopped already at this age - to do this, he needs to be clearly explained what is good and bad, what can and cannot be done - this will make further education easier.

When dealing with the development of children of 11 months, it is already worth deciding on expanding the space for them in the house and making sure that they do not injure themselves while learning to walk and active games. All dangerous, sharp and breakable objects should be removed from the room, access to sockets and wires should be limited, and corners should be covered with soft cloth.

At this age, the child will fall often, and he will have to come to terms with this. The mother should not immediately run to the baby, so he will learn to get up on his own, moreover, he will better navigate the environment and correctly coordinate his actions.

Baby routine at 11 months

Complementary foods, as such, have ended, and the child has already become a full member of the family, taking his place behind common table. Of course, the rules for preparing dishes for him remain the same. Children's food is prepared by boiling, stewing, lean meat in the form of meatballs, meatballs and cutlets is steamed. The food is still crushed, and the main number of feedings remains the same - 5 times a day. Not counting liquids - water, juices, a child eats up to 1.2 kilograms, so one serving is about 200-250 grams, depending on the baby’s size and appetite. This power system will continue to be used for about two years.

In fact, the little one has become acquainted with all the products, but the prohibited ones also include citrus fruits, mushrooms, nuts, coffee and tea, and chocolate. Tomatoes, oranges, some other vegetables and fruits, including honey, can cause allergies and are therefore not advisable.

Those mothers who plan to wean from breastfeeding gradually reduce the amount of milk and then the number of feedings, limiting themselves to only once before bedtime. There is no longer enough in mother's milk necessary for the child substances, and he will receive nutrients from regular food.

Even if continued breastfeeding It is noted that at the age of 11 months, children sleep much more peacefully at night and no longer cause so much trouble, with the exception of cases of toothache and illness, from which at this moment they need to be protected especially carefully - low immunity is the most vulnerable spot during this period.

At night, children sleep from 10 to 11 hours, and during the day for another 3-4 hours. Age is characterized by the transition of each child's body to your own natural biorhythms. Therefore, some children may go to bed and get up later or earlier.

Child care includes:

  • morning washing, combing, brushing teeth (children can already carry out some procedures independently);
  • washing after using the toilet - groin area The child is washed with warm water, occasionally using soap or other products;
  • bathing is carried out at a time convenient for children and parents, but mainly in the evening;
  • rubdowns are used as hardening procedures, air baths, massage to improve blood circulation and digestion;
  • Gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles and spine should be carried out regularly, as they help restore the toddler’s body after active activities while awake.

Child development at 11 months: video

Understanding what a child should be able to do at 11 months old, parents can only help the baby get comfortable and learn many skills, but not rush things. You should not adjust his behavior to some general, and very conditional, framework, because small man– this is a person whose opinion must be respected.

Your baby is becoming more and more mature every day, and his first birthday is just around the corner. Baby, I learned so much and learned a lot during this time, but there are so many more interesting things ahead.

Your baby already knows how...


68.9-81.1 cm.
8.3-12.3 kg.
44.3-50.0 cm.
44.8-56.3 cm.
68.8-79.4 cm.
8.2-11.4 kg.
43.2-49.6 cm.
45.0-42.7 cm.

Physical development at 11 months of life

During the eleventh month of life, the baby should gain 400 - 450 grams.

The child’s body length increases during this month by 1-1.5 cm. The chest and head circumference increases by 0.5 cm.

Teeth continue to emerge. By the eleventh month there may already be eight. As a rule, these are 2 lower middle incisors (erupt at 6-7 months); 2 upper middle incisors (at 8-9 months) and 2 upper lateral incisors (at 9-10 months) and 2 lower lateral incisors (at 11-12 months).

Neuropsychic development of a child at 11 months

Your baby is already so big, he understands your requests and prohibitions, and of course he doesn’t forget to show his “I” from time to time, because he is already a big personality.

Motor skills at 11 months

At eleven months a child can:

  • Sit down and stand up independently;
  • Climb up and down a hill;
  • Overcome various obstacles;
  • Maybe quickly and long distances move on all fours;
  • The baby can drink from a cup or sippy cup, while being able to hold it independently;
  • Tries to eat independently with a spoon;
  • Squats freely;
  • Depicts some semblance of a dance to the music;
  • He is starting to walk better and better without assistance. Most babies walk holding an adult's hand or balancing with their hands. While walking, the baby sways, tilts his body forward, spreads his legs, and grabs a support.

Cognitive development

An 11 month old baby can play simple games story games(feed the dolls, put them to bed, bathe them, and so on). Knows well and shows body parts on himself and other people.

Many kids know how to build a tower from several cubes, distinguish colors, and string rings onto a pyramid.

At the request of an adult, finds and gives the desired toy.

Children at this age really like to copy the actions of adults. Therefore, adults should carefully monitor their actions, since the baby can very quickly adopt bad habits.

As babies approach one year of age, they begin to take an active interest in communicating with other people, especially children.

The baby's taste and sense of touch are actively developing. The child tries new food, he is interested in touching different surfaces. It is very useful at this age, for the development of the child, to let him walk barefoot on sand, grass, or rough surfaces. Let him touch wet toys, put his hand in a jar of beans or jelly.

Speech development

By the age of 11 months, a child begins to imitate simple sounds well, such as the noise of a car engine, the ticking of a clock, how water drips, how animals and others speak.

Try to encourage your child to speak as often as possible. Ask more questions, at this age the child understands 5-6 times more than he can pronounce.

Child with great interest watches how adults speak, their lips. Begins to use simplified words (av-av, boo, bi-bi and others). By 11 months, at vocabulary The baby has about 4-5 such simplified words. Some little ones have special words that they themselves came up with to designate certain objects. For example, a child may call a fish “tank”, tights “ota” and others.

At 11 months, the child understands well when he is praised and when he is scolded.

Caring for a baby at 11 months

By the age of 11 months, the regime and daily routine remain the same. Children at this age, as a rule, sleep twice a day and eat 4-5 times.

Many babies wean themselves off night feedings by 11 months.

By 11 months, babies begin to walk, so you need to pay attention to your baby's shoes. She must be suitable size, with a fairly rigid sole, with a hard heel, bends well and is made of safe materials.

At this age, you can begin or continue (if you have already started) to potty train your child. Don't forget to praise your baby, even if he just sat on the potty, this is very important!

Pay attention to oral hygiene, especially if your baby is already teething.

Otherwise, caring for the baby remains the same. Washing, bathing, walking in the fresh air, massage, gymnastics.

Baby's nutrition at 11 months

Many children's appetite decreases by the age of one year, most often this is due to teething, while others show their character in this way. Be patient and resort to different tricks to feed your baby. Food in the form of a game, feed him and his favorite toy at the same time, decorate dishes, give something tasty.

As a rule, by 11 months, basic foods have already been introduced into the baby’s diet. These are a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish dishes, dairy products, bakery.

For a child of this age, dishes of a homogeneous consistency, crushed, with small pieces, stewed, steamed or boiled are suitable.

By 11 months, the baby can eat many adult dishes, the only difference is that children's dish do not add spices and give it the appropriate consistency. For example, a stew with meat and vegetables can be prepared for the whole family. Using lean beef or chicken for this purpose. Adults add spices to their plates, and the child’s portion is simply mashed with a fork into small pieces or to a puree-like consistency. If desired, the meat for the baby can be crushed using a blender, or divided into small fibers and mixed with vegetables.

Fruit juices - 90-100 ml;

Fruit puree - 90-100 grams;

Cottage cheese - 50 grams;

Yolk - 1/2

Vegetable puree- 200 grams;

Milk porridge - 200 ml;

Minced meat - 60-70 grams;

Fish puree - 60-70 grams;

Minced liver - 30 grams;

Kefir - 200 ml;

Rusks, cookies - 10-15 grams;

Bread - 10 grams;

Vegetable oil - 5 - 6 grams;

Butter 5-6 grams.

Approximate diet of a child at 11 months

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), 1/2 yolk fruit puree(30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable soup, pureed 50 ml; Vegetable puree 150 grams; Meat puree(or fish 1-2 times a week) - 60 grams; Bread 10 grams, Fruit juice 50 ml.

18:00 -Adapted kefir - 150 ml; cottage cheese (50 grams); cookies (5-10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

If the mother has milk, then it is ideal for normal development baby, it is considered to feed him breast milk, at least 1-2 times a day up to a year, and after the first year of life (as long as the mother has milk).

Necessary examinations at 11 months

At 11 months it is necessary to go to the pediatrician to evaluate the physical and neuropsychic development child. The doctor will weigh and measure the child and ask about what he can do. The data obtained will be recorded in the history of the child’s development.

How to play with a baby at 11 months?

At 11 months, a child is good at finding objects, so he will really like it if you forgive him to choose from a bunch of toys and give you a specific toy. Be sure to praise him because he is trying so hard.

Also, the baby is very interested in parts of the body, which he no longer knows well and shows. Ask him “Where is his (or your) mouth? Where are the eyes?

The baby already knows how to play simple story games, help him with this - feed the dolls, put them to bed.

Look at books with your baby bright pictures, give him the opportunity to turn the pages himself.

The baby at this age is very active, so he loves to play noisy, active games. Swinging, tossing, spinning, and falling upside down are especially delightful. Dads are especially good at these games, as they are physically stronger and reliably protect the baby.

What toys are appropriate for this age?

As children approach the age of one year, they increasingly like to play not with toys, but with adult objects. Don’t drown out his interest, because it’s quite possible to give your baby a saucepan, an old watch or a telephone. Let him tinker with them, study them.

The baby quickly gets bored with the same toys, so try to change them, and don’t offer too many toys at the same time. This can quickly tire a child.

At this age, the baby is very active, do not restrain him, try to talk to him more, tell him and show him. Play with him, and through play teach him independence, sociability, and teach him to work.

Other information on the topic

  • Child development at 3 years old

  • Child development at 2 years 6 months

  • Child development at 1 year 6 months

  • Child development at 2 years 9 months


The 11th month for some children will be marked by their first independent steps. But for most, this event will happen a little later. Don't rush your child into natural development, and do not compare his achievements with the successes of other kids. Each child has his own unique face and equally unique development. And your task is to raise a person who is confident in his abilities.

At this age, the issue of organizing a safe space for your active toddler is especially acute. The baby not only actively moves around the apartment, he finds objects to study everywhere. But sometimes they are not entirely suitable for children's play. A child of this age is most interested in the question: “Is it possible to somehow use one object to do something with another?” Therefore, a young researcher, without hesitation, can pick up a frying pan that catches his eye and start banging it on the stool.

Playing with two objects at the same time, the baby comes up with the idea of ​​​​turning one of them into an instrument. In his actions, the child seems to separate the means and the result. The object used as a tool serves as a means for the little man, and the resulting effect is the result.

Depending on the tools used, you can get a rather unexpected, not always pleasant, result. Watch what ends up in your baby's hands. Replace the above-mentioned frying pan with a typewriter, and switch the attention to electrical appliances that almost all kids of this age demonstrate to new game, which the tips below will help you organize.

The child continues to enjoy games “with communication,” singing “together” with his mother, but activities with toys, and those that make him think, come first. The time has come for pyramids, nesting dolls, all kinds of boxes and cups.


The child willingly uses his babble to talk to a new person, and the baby enjoys experimenting with all sorts of sound effects. Staying in good mood, the baby pronounces bright, intonation-rich “monologues.” If he is irritated, he becomes silent or changes his intonation. At this age, the child develops the ability to imitate, and he tries to copy sounds and words that he does not yet have in his repertoire. The baby already understands some words and readily demonstrates his achievements in front of a familiar audience.

Despite the fact that the little one begins to feel like an independent person, he is still attached to his parents. If he enters the room stranger, little man will cling to the parent’s leg and hold on to it until the “stranger” leaves.

Children who are very afraid of their parents leaving should be gradually accustomed to their temporary disappearance. Relatives or close friends who know the baby well can help you in this difficult matter - if the baby stays at home with someone he knows, it is much easier for him to say goodbye to his parents.


In the development of motor skills in children 11 one month old noticeable developments are observed. One child is improving his crawling skills, and the other is already walking well. But in contrast to the baby, who persistently wants to walk and only walk, “crawling specialists” move much faster and maintain balance better.

When exploring new territory, a skilled crawler is less likely to harm itself. Let us note that, according to some researchers, the absence of the slider period in development affects the further development of spatial orientation. The baby needs to crawl a lot, walk along the support, independently controlling the load. Do not use a walker - only a natural transition to a vertical position will strengthen the back muscles and protect your little one from developing incorrect posture.

The child had a new achievement - he learned to tear paper. The baby grabs thin pages of a magazine or phone book and with a quick movement, turning his hand at the wrist, tears the sheets. Around this time, the baby may develop another interest - he will want to engage in construction, and for this purpose he uses cubes. Having placed one cube on top of another, the baby, of course, will then push and knock down his “structure.” However, you will soon notice that the height of the “tower” is increasing - the baby already wants to put a third on the second cube, and then a fourth.


An adult knows that the things we look at from afar do not become smaller. Being at the other end of the room, we can easily identify by eye a cup of the same size that is standing in front of us. This ability to take distance into account when determining the size of an object is called constancy of magnitude. Some psychologists believe that children gradually develop this ability, but it is still necessary for the child to have some training in perceiving an object.

In the behavior of a 10-11 month old child there are signs indicating the emergence of the concept of constancy of quantities. Big dog, seen for the first time, scares the baby, even if it is on the other side of the room, but the little one wants to play with a small dog that happens to be very close.

The baby already has an idea of ​​how certain things should look and demonstrates this different ways. Give your child a cup upside down and he will immediately turn it over. On this age stage The child’s sound perception continues to improve. Hearing something behind him, the baby immediately turns and looks at the place where the sound source should be. The baby can distinguish family members solely by voice and by slight changes in tone understands the mood of loved ones - anger, a desire to tease, calmness, joy.

In the previous month, the child was still attracted to emptying boxes and jars. Now he begins to be interested in their content. The inquisitive little one puts his fingers in his nose and mouth, puts rings on the rod of the pyramid, and hides little dolls in toy furniture. The child is very interested in the problem of what goes with what. He will work hard trying to fit the matryoshka doll into the smaller figurine, making dissatisfied sounds as he does so.

Your child may also be attracted to another activity - throwing objects into a box. When the child was smaller, he already threw toys at her, but these were random movements. Several months have passed, and the baby has learned to purposefully throw an object into the box; now he will experiment by throwing objects. The toddler can hold a bunch of keys over a saucepan, and then open his fingers to check how the keys jingle at the bottom of the vessel.


Talk to your child through a cardboard tube, trying to change your voice. You will be surprised at how attentively your son or daughter will listen to you, then have some fun by saying sounds like “ba-ba-ba” or “ma-ma-ma” into the phone! Give the phone to the baby. He may want to repeat these sounds. Hide a clock or small radio under your pillow. The child will look for the clock, listening to where it is ticking. Such an experience will improve the baby’s ability to listen.

Take a cereal box and turn it into a baby drum. Give your child a wooden spoon as a stick and show him how to hit the box with it. A handful of clothespins and plastic bottle will allow the child to practice filling and emptying the container. At first, the little one will need your help, especially if he needs to shake out the clothespins. When your baby has had enough of playing with the bottle, you can give him an empty cereal box or a coffee can - they will significantly add to the fun.

Place a small toy in the box. Let the child try to get the toy - this experience will help him better understand what is “inside” and what is “outside”. Tie a ribbon or cord around the toys that your child likes to play with while sitting in his high chair, and tie the other end of the ribbon to the arm of a chair or to a table. The child will enjoy lifting the toy by pulling the string.

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