Congratulations in alphabetical order. Free online generator of personalized greeting acrostics: data entry

This kind of chamomile can be made to decorate a gift. It's nice to receive 100 warm wishes!

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and warmth!
4. Bright smile!
5. Have a bright destiny!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Fame and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. Kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Self-confidence!
12. Have a great mood!
13. Warm attitude of others!
14. Great success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attention and care!
17. Have an exciting life!
18. Pleasant discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Desires come true!
21. Eternal youth!
22. Sensitivity!
23. More free time!
24. Magical sunrises!
25. Have a wonderful meeting!
26. Believe in good things!
27. Comfort and coziness!
28. Shining sun!
29. Maximum positive!
30. Fun everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Feelings of flight!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Have a rainbow dream!
35. Gifts+ and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Vivid sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Nice people nearby!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all your endeavors!
42. Have an easy attitude towards life! 43. Amazing surprises!
44. Amazing sunsets!
45. Excellent news!
46. ​​Travel around the world!
47. Prosperity!
48. Homes where they love and wait!
49. Senses of humor!
50. Beautiful minutes!
51. Kind words!
52. Prosperity!
53. Selfless friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheerfulness!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Lots of reasons to have great fun!
59. Important and desired events!
60. Love of life!
61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Fulfillment of all desires!
64. Have a good mood!
65. Peace of mind!
66. Prosperity in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Good luck in your work!
69. Joys of life!
70. True friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Achievements!
73. Opportunities to relax more often!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Bold plans!
76. Great shape!
77. Active and eventful days!
78. Blooming gardens and singing birds!
79. Only happy occasions!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Soulful beauty!
82. As much money as you want!
83. Clear skies!
84. Smiles of Fortune!
85. Fire and enthusiasm!
86. Have fun communicating!
87. Good films and books!
88. Feel great!
89. Persistence and perseverance!
90. Desire to go forward!
91. Sweet song of the surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and in the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Happy and delicious feasts!
96. Priceless taste of life!
97. Caress and care!
98. Lots of possibilities!
99. Longevity!
100. Have a wonderful holiday!!!

Long live the ABC!

The alphabet is a symbol of the beginning of beginnings. It begins with the introduction to the knowledge accumulated
humanity. No wonder they say: “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.” But another popular saying expresses doubt: “Will the beeches save you from torment?” And although for the guests of the party the alphabet as the basis of literacy is a long-past stage, the joys and sorrows of apprenticeship that began with it will always accompany them both on weekdays and on holidays. After all, you have to learn all your life, and the sooner you understand the need for this, the better - you will live longer.
It is no coincidence that in the East they remarked: “A person has no friends and enemies, he only has teachers.” We constantly put something aside in the treasury of knowledge received from fate. It is she who brings us together with certain people, gives us this or that experience, “slips” certain books...
Appealing to the alphabetical principle of constructing a scenario (and the alphabet was once introduced to the party participants, like everyone else, by the alphabet) will allow it to include a wide variety of games and competitions that are at the same time exactly relevant to the festive occasion. Our “elementary” games are not only wise, not only exciting, but also very funny!

What do you need for a party?
- Invitation cards in the form of large letters, clearly in a good mood. An invitation for each guest - in the form of the first letter of his full name. Where will there be space for text? On the letter itself.
- Festive treats are laid out on dishes mainly in the form of various letters of the Russian alphabet. The sequence of placing plates on the table is a secret. For example, an attentive guest, looking from one dish to another, can read the name of the birthday person (and maybe other words?).
- Posters with reminders of “elementary truths” will decorate the walls of the room. For example:
“Learning the ABCs means being smart.”
“If you don’t work on the alphabet, you won’t have fun with us!”
“Learning is light - our advice to everyone!”
- Places for guests are “scheduled”. A monogram “derived” based on the first letter of the full name is attached to the chair intended for one or another party participant. The material for such decoration is intertwined plastic “sausages” of special balloons.

Props for competitions: envelopes, cards with signal words for a congratulations competition, forms (or their photocopies) of postal telegrams, satin ribbons, tablets with letters of the alphabet, sheets of paper and pens, etc. (see below).
- Prizes are letters cut out of paper of a certain color, from which the final major phrase is formed at the end of the party.
- A canvas for collecting winning letters and laying out phrases.
- Musical accompaniment - to taste. We will venture to offer only the song “They teach at school” (from the television film “Twice two is four”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

How to throw a party

The main feature of the party is that each of the competitions is in one way or another connected with the letters of the Russian alphabet. And this despite the fact that the competition program is very diverse: educational fun, movement competitions, musical... In a word, you won’t be bored!
The entire holiday - the basic all-around competition - can be structured as a team competition. The optimal number of participating teams is no more than three.
The points won have their material embodiment - cards with letters written on them. Place the cards on the scoreboard - canvas. There is a specially marked line on the canvas for each team. In this case, the presenter puts the won cards face down so that the participants and spectators do not see what phrase is formed from individual letters. At the end of the holiday, the cards are turned over and the resulting sentences are read out. That is, the presenter must distribute wise sayings among the teams in advance and hand out letters from them as rewards for victories in competitions.

Entertainment program

If a party is a birthday


What birthday can take place without congratulations, sometimes completely unexpected ones? At this stage, guests must come up with them, guided by the following rules:

1. Congratulations should look like a telegram.
2. Words in the text must begin with letters that make up the word that the presenter will tell you or the card will tell you, which for the time being lies in the envelope. For example, the team got the word “damn”. Using the letters of this word, the participants in the game must compose the text of a congratulatory telegram addressed to the birthday boy within a minute. It could be like this: = Be loved, interesting, extraordinary, period =
3. The number of letters in the words reported by the presenter or read on the cards should be approximately the same (4-5).
4. After thinking about the text, guests enter it into the forms of postal congratulatory telegrams, which, after voicing, are handed over to the birthday person for safekeeping for a long lasting memory.

Possible words to use and telegram options

PIE (= Congratulations to the birthday boy dot Grow up zpt get naughty zpt go for a walk dot =)
PILAF (= Celebrate easily zpt orange zpt fun dot =)
GIN (= You give an interesting life, a new point =)
CAKE (= We demand to hug the newborn dot Comrades dot =)

The logic in the texts of such “telegrams” may be lacking.
But what fun!


Everyone knows: his deeds say more about a person than his words.
Therefore, this time the guests should make wishes for the newborn to perform certain actions. And all wishes must be arranged strictly alphabetically. Cards with letters from “A” to “Z” (naturally, “unpromising” letters - “y”, “e”, “s”, “b”, “b”, etc. - were not taken into account) guests without looking, they take it out of the envelope that the presenter is holding in his hands.
After a short reflection on what words can be selected for the dropped letter, the guest sitting to the right of the birthday person names his letter and formulates a wish to perform some worthy deed starting with this letter. Since we are talking about actions, we will need both words denoting actions (verbs) and words denoting the manner of action and its quality (adverbs). The task is not an easy one, which is why the wishes for quick sleep often turn out funny.

For example:

“A” - attack your laziness (say hello artistically, carefully write off, carelessly wash the floors, etc.);

“B” - run in the morning (be the first to rush to help the weak, root for your favorite team, fight for clean ears, treat your friends with care, etc.).


There can never be too many gifts, especially on a birthday.
Therefore, the next entertainment gives an extra reason to please the birthday boy.
The package with the gift (the organizers must take care of it in advance) is hidden in a secluded place in the room even before the party starts. Only the host knows about the whereabouts of the package, who invites the guests to help the hero of the occasion find the gift of friends and girlfriends who have shown
some hardness of heart.

The first search method. The starting point of the search is the middle of the room, then the birthday boy slowly moves in any direction, carefully listening to the sound cues of the guests. If he is on the right path, then everyone present rejoices: “O-o-o-o-o-o!” If he took a wrong turn, then the guests are upset: “U-oo-oo-oo!” A knowledgeable presenter guides the sound prompts - he quickly shows the guests cards with letters
"O" or "U".

Second search method. In this case, the guests, not the host, know about the location of the gift. And they independently guide the search using the same prompts, changing the volume of their sound. Of course, the gift is there. And, mind you, with the help of friends. It turns out that they are not bad? A? They just like to joke.

If the party is in honor of the calendar,
personal holiday... or just a holiday for the soul


After eating holiday treats, it’s useful to warm up a little - draw a particular letter
The host helps the guests divide into two teams, and they line up. After the presenter announces what the task will be, he turns on cheerful music, and the contestants show what they are capable of.

Task options
- Draw the letter with which the full name (or patronymic) of the neighbor on the right (the hero of the occasion) begins.
- Show the letter with which the word begins, indicating the last digit of the mobile phone of the neighbor on the right (the birthday boy).
- What might the fifth letter of today’s day of the week (date, month) look like?
- Make a letter that occupies the seventeenth position in the Russian alphabet (many people will definitely get stuck on this task).
- Show the letter with which the full name of the tallest (long-haired, curly, etc.) guest present here begins.

It is advisable that this complex include no more than seven exercises. When grading each task, the time spent by the team on its completion is taken into account. The depicted letters must be “written” as expected; viewers should see their usual outlines, and not a mirror image.


This entertainment, like the previous one, will help guests stay in good physical shape. But true; The meaning of this competition is to tell the audience as many interesting facts as possible from the life of one of the friends who was chosen by lot.

- Ribbons up to 1 m long - for each team
- Pencils - as handles for tapes
- Cards with questions about a friend
- Box for cards

The leader gives each team a pencil and a ribbon, which must be tied to the tip of the pencil. Taking a pencil in your hand, you need to draw a letter with a ribbon. But first it needs to be defined. And to do this you will have to answer a question from the private life of one of the guests and select the letter under the specified number.

The presenter hands a box of cards to the players. Responses from members of different teams alternate. And the very first answerer is chosen using a counting rhyme.

To carry out such a responsible task, teams can delegate their special representatives.

So, each player first answers the question, and then depicts the treasured letter with a ribbon.

Sample questions

1. Father’s profession (letter No. 5)?
2. Name of your desk neighbor (according to the official version - class teacher) (letter No. 3)?
3. Genre of books preferred by a friend (letter No. 2)?
4. In what elementary school class did your friend’s first love visit (letter No. 1)?
5. Mom’s friend’s signature dish (letter No. 4)?
6. Nickname of our friend’s beloved four-legged friend (last letter)?
7. Grandmother’s name - on mother’s side (letter No. 1)?

8. Favorite musical group (letter No. 3)?
9. The name of the author of the physics textbook that your friend is studying this year (letter No. 2)?
10. What is your friend’s favorite time of year (letter No. 4)?

The expert in this competition is the one who became the subject of the study. After listening to the answer and demonstrating the letter, he, if required, gives the correct answer and, if desired, comments on what he heard and saw.
The presenter carefully monitors the letters shown using the tape.
Thus, the prize letters are awarded to the team that best knows the hero chosen by the merciless lot, and also has impeccable “calligraphy skills” - able to “write” letters faster and more correctly, even in such an unusual way.


Since, as we said, games, competitions and other entertainment at this party are best conducted as competitions between teams, the host invites 5 people from each team to compete in the upcoming competition.
Participants of the competition line up in one line, with rivals standing one after another.

Each of you, in order of priority, will be read an original definition of concepts and subjects related to school life. You need to very quickly - on the count of “one, two, three” - figure out what is being said and name the word after the word “three” is heard. In case of an error or if no answer was given at all, the contestant is eliminated from the competition. So that everyone can pass the test successfully, the assistant will give a hint - show a sign with the first letter of the searched word. Good luck to everyone!

Unusual definitions of school-themed words
A Letters lined up like in a parade. (Alphabet)
B What your best friend (the birthday boy) was taught to write in a notebook with a thin feather when he was little. (Letters)
IN The mathematical operation that occurs with pocket money when you have to buy a bun at the school cafeteria. (Subtraction)
G A subject studied at school, which Mrs. Prostakova considered a non-noble science. (Geography)
D The traditional place in the classroom where everyone, if they can, shares their knowledge with teachers and classmates. (Board)
E The official name of the unloved mark, which is marked with a stake. (Unit)
AND A collective dossier compiled by teachers on students. (Magazine)
3 If it’s too much for the birthday boy, then it’s unrequited. (Task)
AND One that is not always born in a dispute between friends. (True)
TO The best, but very short time in the life of students and teachers. (Holidays)
L Traditional formation of students on the first day of classes. (Ruler)
M What everyone called to the board uses to solve a problem. (Chalk)
N Part of the face that is often hanged by someone who received a bad mark. (Nose)
ABOUT An egg studied by the birthday boy in geometry lessons. (Oval)
P The container that parents went to school with. (Briefcase)
R A guide to life at school in stripes and checks. (Schedule)
WITH The only place in the school where they feed you not spiritual food, but normal food. (Dining room)
T A minus in punctuation or a sign of despair for those confused by the grammar of the Russian language. (Dash)
U Something that needs to be cooked every day, but cannot be eaten. (Lessons)
F A favorite school subject for big and little boys, which they willingly continue to master in the yard. (Physical training)
X Science, one of the luminaries of which was D.I. Mendeleev. (Chemistry)
C Stationery with long legs. (Compass)
H A writing instrument, thanks to which A.S. Pushkin created. (Inkwell)
Sh An institution where all illiterate people are accepted. (School)
SCH A liquid studied in chemistry lessons. (Alkali)
E The procedure of educational control is equally painful for the teacher and his ward. (Exam)
YU The period of life following adolescence. (Youth)
I A fruit from the owner’s dacha that “prompted” Newton to discover one of the laws of physics. (Apple)

Victory goes to the team whose representatives remain in the majority on the playing field.


Letters, as everyone knows, are needed in order to form words from them. This is what will happen during the fun relay race, only its participants will have to form unusual words - charades.
Recall that charades are words made up of parts of other words, and these parts represent a separate whole word.
For example: a jacket is a whale + spruce,
a pathfinder is a trail + experience.

- Two flippers of whatman paper with words written on them - the initial parts of charades
- Backpacks containing cards with words - the endings of charades. There must be as many bags as teams
- Chalk - to mark the starting line
- Musical accompaniment

In front of each team, at a distance of 3 meters, on the floor lies a sheet of paper, divided into cells in which words are written - the beginning of charades.
The presenter gives cards with the endings of charades in backpack bags to those who run first.
Teams line up in columns at the starting line.
At the signal from the leader, the competitors rush to the sheets of whatman paper to the accompaniment of cheerful music. Once next to the desired sheet, each competitor, without looking, takes out a card from the bag and places it on the lined field so that a new word is formed.
Having completed the task, he runs back to his team to pass the bag as a relay baton to the next player ready for battle.
The team that manages to collect all the charades faster than the opponent becomes the winner of the relay race.

Variants of the initial parts of charades :
trail, pass, steam, bale, dock, weight, hay, mouse, yar, floor, post.
Options for ending charades :
spruce, experience, port, mustache, rice, wasp, point, fret, shaft, yak, mark.
pathfinder, passport, sail, cypress, news, report, hayloft, arsenic, strip, fair, bed.


The time has come to sing, demonstrating vocal abilities and, again, knowledge of the Russian alphabet. The leader uses lots to determine the order
team performances. And when this becomes clear, he suggests reproducing some well-known song, replacing the words with the names of the letters of the alphabet - and singing only the letters in the proper order to the chosen melody. The presenter should draw the attention of the competition participants that the names of the letters must be correct - unfortunately, not everyone remembers, for example, that “K” is actually called not “ke”, but “ka”, etc.

In order for an unusual competition to go off without a hitch, you can conduct a test chant - let everyone together, for example, sing the alphabet in an unusual way to the melody of “Suliko”, or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, or “Grasshopper”, etc.

After undergoing a baptism of fire, the teams take turns performing a verse of three favorite songs. Victory is awarded to the singers
- if they sang together;
- if you haven’t made any mistakes in naming letters;
- unless you forgot the order of letters in the alphabet and, say, after the letter “ge” the letter “er” suddenly did not sound.


Letters, in addition to their direct purpose, can be used in the most incredible ways: for example, applied to yourself. Of course, for this purpose, the letters must first be written on cards.

- A set of paper cards the size of playing cards with the same letters - for each participant in the competition
- Musical accompaniment

The signal for the start of the competition is the sound of cheerful music.
Competitors must place as many cards as possible on themselves within one and a half minutes and hold them.
The cards are not placed anyhow, but each letter should “hint” at one or another part of the body or an item of clothing, accessory, or shoes. Simply put, the designated areas on the body, costume details, etc. should begin with the letters written on the cards attached to them.
To win you will need resourcefulness. After all, for example, a card with the letter “K” can indicate a knee, a collarbone, a pocket, a pendant, tights, sneakers (if any), and the correct choice determines both the speed with which the card takes its place and how long she can last on it.
The signal for completing “applied work” is to stop the music.
To sum up, all “models” are lined up (sitting, bending, or taking a position convenient for holding cards is not allowed). The prize fund is replenished by the team whose members, based on the results of the overall standings, turned out to be the most cunning.


There are people who have strong intuition, and there are people endowed with a special kind of ability - it is called “linguistic instinct”. All guests will be able to check its availability at the same time.

- Sets of signal cards on which numbers from 1 to 3 are written, Number of sets - according to the number of guests
- A list of little-known words (for this, party organizers need to dig deep into dictionaries)

The presenter pronounces a certain mysterious word and offers three options for its interpretation, of which only one is correct.
Players guess by showing a card with a particular number. A point is awarded for the correct answer.
The one with the most points is declared the winner.
In addition, he is given the title of Chief Biographer of the birthday boy (host of the house): all the quiz questions are written as if the competition was intended for a party in honor of one of his friends. For all other cases, rearrange the wording of the questions in your own way.

Mystery word options

1. The Indian dancer the birthday boy saw on TV has this.
2. The birthday boy’s favorite cat has this.
3. This is in the large suitcase with which the birthday boy’s family went to the sea.
Correct answer: bakhtarma - the side of the skin adjacent to the body of the animal.

1. A person who can teach the birthday boy horse riding.
2. A person who can teach the birthday boy the technology of raising chickens born in an incubator.
3. A person who can tell the birthday boy about the difficulties of life for emigrants outside their historical homeland.
Correct answer: rider - a person who teaches horse riding.

1. This could be relevant to the life of the birthday boy if he lived in Russia in the 19th century and participated in the war with the French.
2. This could be relevant to the life of the birthday boy if he lived in France in the 18th century and had a title
3. This could be relevant to the life of the birthday boy if he lived in modern America and raised chickens.
Correct answer: Wyandotte is an American breed of domestic chickens.

1. This action means that the flighty birthday boy is capable of turning the heads of several girls at the same time.
2. This action means that the birthday boy sometimes allows himself to make faces and behave unnaturally.
3. This action means that the birthday person would like to live in a family where all controversial issues are discussed and put to a vote by both adults and children.
Correct answer: vote - resolve issues by voting.

1. Appearance of the birthday boy.
2. The fabric from which the birthday boy’s waterproof coat is made.
3. A polar seabird that the birthday boy has never seen before.
Correct answer: habitus - the external appearance of someone or something.

1. A guest who eats everything.
2. This is what mom calls the birthday boy when he refuses to eat yesterday’s soup.
3. This can be seen and even felt by a guest returning from a party held on the occasion of the birthday of a friend born in the spring, if he has holes in his shoes and there are a lot of puddles around.
Correct answer: zazhora - melt water under the snow in potholes and hollows on the roads.

1. She approached the birthday boy while he was performing an acrobatic stunt in the circus in a dream.
2. The birthday boy dreamed of her when he and a group of cavalrymen were galloping towards the enemy.
3. The birthday boy dreamed about her when he and other travelers were making their way through thickets of thorny bushes.
Correct answer: lyadunka - a bag for cartridges among cavalrymen, which is worn in a sling over the shoulder.


It turns out that the letter that a person unexpectedly singled out from the alphabet can tell a lot about him.

- A stack of cards with letters written on them
- Sheets of paper and pens - for each player
- Alarm clock - as a means of signaling

The host asks each guest to choose a letter for themselves by drawing one of the cards stacked in a pile. Then the presenter gives everyone a piece of paper and a pen.
In a couple of minutes, players must write 10-12 words in a column, starting with the dropped letter. Opposite each word you need to write down any association that it evokes, or a judgment based on experience and your own philosophy of perceiving life. The end of all thoughts
will set the alarm. To ensure that the task is correctly understood, the presenter can demonstrate the answer options compiled in advance (the letter used should not be duplicated later).

For example:
Neither I nor anyone close to me has ever won a lottery ticket, but I believe in a “lucky ticket” as a gift from fate.
The bun - I loved different ones over the years, but especially my mother's - straight from the oven.
Ballet - in fact, I didn’t have to watch it live, and I don’t know if I want to.
Hospital - it’s better not to think about it, although I know people who like to be examined and treated, this is not normal.
Beads - I guess I don’t have aesthetic taste; they almost always seem unnecessary to me on girls.
Shore - “...the gentle shore, oh, dear, I wish I could swim to you...”. I love this song very much.
Brother - I don't have one. If I had, I would be different in many ways, I know that for sure.
Boxing evokes compassion and a desire to change the channel.
Brynza - one classmate really likes adding it to vegetable salads, and now I do too.
The library - there was a time when I visited it almost every week. I like to read, but only intermittently, more often when I feel bad.

Such revelations from friends are worth a lot, and it is impossible to look for the best among them. Therefore, between reading the results of the creative efforts of each participant in the game and after its completion, you can simply listen to good music that suits the occasion - for example, composer Enio Maricone. She will support the desired emotional mood.


Those sitting at the festive table will take turns calling the names of those present. After the host says the name of one of the guests, the player to his (her) left says:
“I love (appreciate, respect, thank) him (her) for the fact that he (she) ...”

And then, with a word starting with the first letter of the alphabet, he names the quality of the guest or guest that appeals to him so much.
Then the next neighbor joins in the praise, mentioning another quality - and it will begin with the second letter of the alphabet. And then the confessions “roll in the sun” until the definition of a pleasant character trait starting with the letter “I” is heard.
If someone cannot remember a single suitable word starting with the required letter, he says: “I love him (her) just like that,” after which any other participant, counting the leader “one, two, three,” can optionally fill in the gap - and the circle of confessions continues. And then it begins
the second, dedicated to another guest, the third, etc.
At the same time, the presenter’s assistant records on a piece of paper all cases of mistakes, as well as additional performances by guests.

You cannot repeat confessions that have already been made!

The winner is the one who has an inexhaustible supply of feelings and was able to utter kind words to his friends more often than others. Although, we must admit, there is also some luck in such a victory: try to endlessly shine with your wit if you get the last letters in the alphabet or the very first one!
Guests who score the fewest points (usually 3-5 people) are fined with forfeits.

Dictionary to help players
A Artistic, neat, active, aristocratic, avant-garde, altruistic.
B Big, noble, selfless, rich, sinless, brilliant, fearless.
IN Magnificent, cheerful, well-mannered, polite, attentive, loyal, lucky, generous, magical, in love, great.
G Proud, humane, ardent, gallant, hospitable, deep, heroic.
D Delicate, kind, homely, sincere, monetary, businesslike, homely, worthy, trusting, virtuous, daring.
E The only one, natural, rough.
AND Desired, lively, life-loving, cheerful, married, compassionate.
3 Mysterious, funny, perky, knowledgeable, healthy, earning, entertaining, caring, tanned, sultry.
AND Interesting, intelligent, playful, sophisticated, sincere, intelligent.
TO Handsome, colorful, sociable, cool, competent, cultured, creative, curly.
L Affectionate, lyrical, best, inquisitive, dexterous, amiable, radiant.
M Musical, alluring, dreamy, sweet, wise, fashionable, courageous.
N Inimitable, gentle, well-read, elegant, unpredictable, extraordinary, frantic, inexhaustible, real, assertive, unpretentious, reliable, non-drinker.
ABOUT Special, gifted, charming, optimistic, committed, spiritual, witty, educated, courteous, exemplary, easy-going, mischievous, courageous, charming.
P The first, understanding, simple-minded, practical, helpful, exemplary, festive, melodious, cool, attractive, stunning, poetic, truthful, beautiful, correct, decent.
R Various, rare, rainbow, timid, zealous, chivalrous, handy, playful, eloquent, risky, welcoming, joyful.
WITH Strong, bright, sexy, sporty, sunny, fair, stylish, modest, short-haired, capable, fabulous, sweet, metropolitan, perfect, smart, free, persistent, wealthy, warm-hearted.
T Creative, talented, hardworking, warm, reverent, patient, tactful, tolerant, intelligent.
U Amazing, unique, enthusiastic, smiling, respected, stubborn, morning, stubborn, smart, lucky, learned, skillful, successful.
F Phenomenal, fantastic, curly, dapper, lucky.
X Economic, brave, good, textbook, cunning.
C Whole, purposeful, valuable, regal, blooming.
H Pure, honest, sensual, humane, wonderful, sincere, honoring.
Sh Broad-shouldered, playful, nimble, playful, silky, Shakespearean, chef-like, wide.
SCH Generous, dapper, sparing, chirping.
E Elegant, erudite, economical, energetic, evolving, expressive.
YU Young, humorous, nimble, jewellery, youthful, southern.
I Clear, clear-eyed, clairvoyant, bright, tongue-in-cheek, vigorous, distinct, amber.

If we sum up the results of the competition at the team level, then the winning points go to the team whose representative managed to say the last compliment in the game.

After the entire entertainment program is completed, the
number of winning letters typed by guests
and the luckiest team is determined.
After this, the best players from each team turn over
letters and pronounce the resulting phrase out loud,
whose purpose is to finish the festive program
on a positive note. If the letters were not enough,
friends must try to guess the one proposed by the organizers
the final phrase.
In case of difficulty, the leader can come to the rescue.


The party can be continued with such fun as “Story with one letter”, a home version of “Fields of Miracles” (guess the word by letter), modifications of the games “Balda”, “Scrabble”, “Typesetter”, “Conversation with a forbidden letter”, various alphabet games rings, etc.

Variants of final phrases intended for a newborn
- Happy your day! Be!
- Know: we love you.
- Live with a smile!
- Be interesting to yourself!
- See you in a year!

Other options for final phrases
- Without the alphabet - nowhere.
- Together - we are force!
- A friend’s victory is your victory.
- Peaks are conquered by the strong!
- The whole earth is a homeland for the brave.

The final phrase that two teams can write together
- All the truths from “A” to “Z”
Friends will help me understand.

The generator composes personalized greeting acrostics for Birthday, March 8 and New Year. If you don’t already know, an acrostic is a poem in which a word, phrase or whole phrase is read from the first letters of all lines from top to bottom. This generator gives you the opportunity to surprise a loved one: after reading a poem, suddenly reveal a secret, and the hero of the occasion will find out that the first letters read, for example, his first and last name. In addition to this, you can, in the usual form, “implant” a person’s name or another address to him in the poem.
Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
The “First letters of lines” field must contain from 8 to 15 Russian letters (“ь” and “ъ” are not taken into account).
When generating a poem, the letters “е” are replaced with “е”, “й” and “ы” - with “и”, “ь” and “ъ”, as well as all inappropriate characters (i.e. all characters except Russian letters ), are skipped.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

If you do not want to replace letters, then rebuild the phrase. For example, instead of a surname there may be a place of residence, or the words “beloved”, “dear”, “love”, “kisses”, “miss”, etc. Be sure to check the correct definition of the stressed syllable in the address (to the right of the input field), and correct it if necessary.

After viewing the poem, you can always return to filling out the form, and all fields will retain their values.

Happy co-authorship!

You should not give compliments without thinking at all about the form in which they were delivered and how timely they were. Praise should not contain open flattery. Often a girl is told: “You look great today!” Now imagine that instead of being grateful for the praise she received, a woman asks: “Did I really look much worse yesterday?” or to “How beautiful you are today!”, and in response the question involuntarily arises: “But on other days you can’t say this about me?” When giving a compliment, it is always important to remember: it should not have a hidden meaning or subtext. Compliments said casually, in passing, sound indecent, and one should not be surprised that the response to such words is also not serious.

It is undesirable to give moralizing advice with a compliment, for example: “This color suits you very well, you should dress in this color scheme.” You must give compliments in a confident voice, with a smile, kindly and with all your heart. You should avoid cheap theatrical effects, ostentatious facial expressions, feigned enthusiasm, and gestures must correspond to the spoken words. There is no need to allow even hints of irony in compliments.

When planning to give a compliment, it is important to calculate the possible reaction to it. If you expect a negative reaction to a compliment you have given, then it would be better to refrain from pronouncing it. When giving a compliment to one girl, it is important to be careful, because these words can be heard by another girl and an awkward situation will result. Often this can worsen the mood of a woman who accidentally overheard, in which case a dual situation may result. Guys don’t give each other compliments; it’s considered stupid and looks funny coming from the mouth of the one who says them, indecent, at least if they don’t look like an innocent joke. It is inappropriate for a man to compliment unfamiliar women, and especially girls.

A woman, having received pleasant words from a man, should not give in to flattery. Usually, it is important to accept any compliment very carefully, since imaginary love and false affection are hidden in the pleasant words expressed.
What then should be a person’s reaction to a compliment? What should you do when receiving compliments?

It is necessary to thank you from the bottom of my heart; a short “thank you” will suffice. If it is noticeable that a person is openly fawning, simply limit yourself to words of polite gratitude. Questions and comments (in response to inappropriate or backhanded compliments) should be kept to yourself. When accepting praise, do not argue with the person. Don't downplay your strengths. If a person admires your appearance, you don’t need to respond by talking about how you feel unwell, even if you really don’t feel well.

Topic: Happy birthday wishes in alphabetical order. On her birthday, I want to wish my beautiful girlfriend many happy moments in life, great mood, bright emotions, true friends, and fulfillment of desires.

On your personal holiday, I raise my glass to making your dreams come true, but not all at once. After all, while a person dreams, he is alive. I wish that your supply of dreams will last for at least a century.

Sometimes it seems to me that you were brought not by a stork, but by an eagle, you are such a freedom-loving and brave, proud and courageous person! So may happiness wink at you on your birthday and give you everything and more for a long, prosperous life in which the sun always shines!

Our congratulations to the most beautiful and pure girl on this day. On this bright birthday, may the people and flowers that friends and numerous fans brought to you in armfuls smile at you. And may all your hopes and dreams come true.

Did I miss your birthday? Although it's late, congratulations! And I give you this wonderful opportunity to extend the holiday. All the best and brightest to you on this day and on all others! May your every day be like a holiday!

On your birthday, I wish you great mutual love, good health for many years to come, sincere smiles, may every day give you happy moments and many bright emotions.

My love! Your birthday is always a day filled with joy. My dear, I wish you to achieve everything you think about, and to receive all the good things that you don’t yet have. Everything is ahead, and I am with you, and I will support you on the path to your success! Happy birthday!

You taught me a lot! He taught me how to hammer nails, fish, and believe in people! You taught me to enjoy life! Taught me to be kind, honest and sincere! Thank you for all this! Take care of yourself, because I would really like you to teach all this to my children too! Happy birthday!

We wish you happiness with all our hearts. good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, family well-being and always a good mood.

I wish you immeasurable happiness, all-consuming, mutual love, devoted friends, inexhaustible wealth, rapid career growth and constant luck in everything!

Today your eyes glow, there is a beautiful smile on your lips, and the air is saturated with the love of loved ones, let it always be like this, and not just on your birthday.

You walk through life with your head held high, never give up, always full of strength and patience! We all love you very much! You are very dear to us! Grandfather, we sincerely want to congratulate you on your birthday! And wish you good health!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman, the queen of earth and sky, the most unattainable and brightest star, my wonderful mother-in-law! I wish you to be the most dazzling, unforgettable, beautiful, talented, smart, triumphant, honest, faithful, joyful, happy, beloved, most charming.

I wish that you don’t skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Have a good and happy journey!

Today is my beloved friend's birthday! I wish you true female happiness, an interesting and vibrant life, unforgettable impressions, and the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your home, and let worries always remain outside the door!

Life is a book. There are people who write it. There are those who read and live as someone prescribed... I wish you to write “your own book” - bright, full of impressions, love, happiness, understanding, so that there is something to remember... and tell others! Happy birthday!

My dear, may your birthday bring you a lot of pleasure and many joyful moments. I want your eyes to always shine with happiness and a smile to shine on your face.

Let a kind artist paint your life with bright colors, and a talented composer write a major melody of your destiny. Sleeping Beauty had fairies, and may your fairy have a benign fate. I wish that she spoils you with pleasant gifts and sudden surprises, and not only on your birthday, but much more often.

Today, four generations have gathered at this festive table! Grandpa, we all love you very much! And we want to wish you to be as young as your great-grandchildren, healthy as your grandchildren and wise as your children! You can be proud of us! Although we are proud of you and set you as an example! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a fresh stream of change, miracles, inspiration, charm, happy accidents and indecent wealth!

Happy birthday! Let me present you with these short but sincere congratulations in prose. Let there be explosive strength in your body, an inquisitive, clear and cold mind like a spring morning in your head, and let there be balance and harmony of apothecary scales in your soul. Have a festive mood!

On your birthday, I wish you vigor of soul and love of heart, favor of fate and happiness in life.

Dear aunt, accept sincere congratulations on this wonderful holiday of your birth from your nephew! You are a very close person to me. I wish you to always remain young and attractive, as mischievous and radiant. Let everyone envy your health, happiness and good luck!

Dear birthday boy! Today in life you are crossing the threshold beyond which adulthood begins, the age of a young man. In this regard, I want to express my parting words to you in verse: If you have a chance, show diligence in your work, no matter what happens, do not deviate from the goal. After all, you will only get what you gain through diligence and struggle.

On your birthday, think about what you dream about most... Many desires only seem unrealistic, everything is real, you just have to really want it. I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dream! Happy birthday!

Grandfather! You have lived your entire difficult life with dignity! You have seen a lot on your way, both good and bad. All this will forever remain in your memory! But you still believe in people, and you go through life with courage! And don’t even think about talking about death! After all, your great-grandchildren are still waiting for you! Happy birthday!

May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like the jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way. And may your eyes always glow with happiness, like the polar lights above the pole!

Let there be no place for any sorrows and disappointments in your life. I wish that all your brightest dreams come true and give you a lot of joy and goodness. May every moment of your life be filled with the warmth and closeness of your loved ones. I wish that all your endeavors are crowned with breathtaking success!

Don't stop on this amazing path! Congratulations! I wish you happiness, love, health, joy, success, satisfaction from life, faith in yourself and your future, a great desire to create and love!

Happy Birthday to You! We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you are the source of all good things for us. Be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!

Better late than never! We have to congratulate you “in hindsight.” Well, let another day in your life be festive, once again your face will light up with a smile and your heart will become warm. I wish you that this happens every day!

You are a wonderful, kind and sincere person. It’s pleasant and interesting to communicate with you. I wish you to always remain like this. It is very rare to have good human qualities. I think you, like all people, have a dream, follow it, dreams tend to come true! Good luck and good luck!

May the light of a lucky star lead you towards joyful and interesting events, bright hopes and dreams, to success and prosperity!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that every day of your life is filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood.

Dear..., on your wonderful holiday I would like to express my sincere respect for you. The entire team notes your desire in work and dedication in your work. May your eyes glow with happiness, may a loving family wait for you at home, and may your work bring only joy!

May all your wishes come true in the world, may the wind of happiness whirl you around, may the whirlpool of successful affairs spin you around all year round, may your friends not betray you, may there be comfort in your home! My man, happy birthday!

I wish that life will be favorable to you, and that the people who meet on your life’s path will be kind and sincere. Let your professional career go up smoothly and rapidly, giving you moral and material satisfaction.

Happy Birthday! Let life be a full cup, love intoxicates your head, let problems pass. Health, wisdom, goodness!

Dear godfather, I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! May your path in life run exclusively through beautiful, safe and level areas. Let your internal energy only gain momentum and allow you to enjoy life to the fullest!

For some reason, it is on our birthday that we so love to sum up life’s results and make plans. Well, well! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to always achieve your goals as a winner crowned with happiness!

Why do I love the birthday boy? He's as smart as me. Let's drink a glass of wine to a good man and wish him to always have joy for the eyes, delight for the soul, and may the grains of his labors fall on fertile soil and always yield a rich harvest! — Happy birthday wishes in alphabetical order

I am the happiest woman in the world, because I have a loving and beloved husband, and beautiful children - what else is needed for simple female happiness! And I would like to tell you that you are the best man in the whole universe! Happy Birthday, my dear!

I congratulate you on your birthday and thank fate for introducing me to you, my dear friend.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On this holiday, I sincerely wish you and your family health, happiness and prosperity, great success and achievements in all your endeavors, encouragement and inspiration, long years of life in a strong family circle and among loyal friends and reliable partners.

Let everything that you have achieved up to this day become a strong foundation for future achievements: let your family grow, your career develop brilliantly, and life delight you with pleasant surprises. May you have enough strength and energy to realize everything you dreamed about and what you want in the future.

When a person is born, the world is filled with such wonderful colors of love and joy that time itself stops for a moment. Time stops to look and smile at the newborn, look into the eyes and remember this sparkle of tenderness and kindness.

Happy birthday! I wish you that your life will be fulfilling, with pleasant worries, brilliant ideas and brilliant victories!

My dear and beloved brother-in-law, happy birthday! I wish you to be first in everything and everywhere, good health and happiness for the 10 years ahead! May your life be interesting, amazing, smooth and bright, and may there never be any obstacles along the way!

Happy birthday and sincerely wish you a daily surge of strength, vigor, happiness and joy. I wish you constant self-confidence and unquenchable love in your heart.

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