Smell good as always. How to make your scent more pleasant

Some people think that to do this, it is enough to wash often and pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself at a time. Everything is correct, hygiene and goodness are of great importance, but we will still smell like “ourselves”: some good and some not so good.

It turns out that the smell of our body depends on what we eat. Therefore, it is quite easy to adjust it. This was proven by specialists from the United Arab Emirates, who determined which foods give our body a pleasant smell, and vice versa.

Numerous experiments have shown that unpleasant body odor is caused by foods rich in fats (butter, margarine, milk, cheese, lard, cream, poultry skin) and simple carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, flour products, sugary drinks). But in the first place, of course, are meat products, because it is known that we are what we eat. But meat-eating is nothing more than corpse-eating, and a corpse, excuse me, cannot smell good in any way.

Therefore, to give your body a pleasant aroma, experts recommend eating fiber-rich foods. These are: nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, soy products.

What smell makes a woman look younger?

By the way, as the study showed, young women and older women smell differently. And it turns out that by the smell of a representative of the fair sex one can determine her real age.

Thus, Japanese scientists have found that the older a person is, the more chemicals (nonenals), which arise as a result of the breakdown of fatty acids in the skin, his body begins to produce. These substances have a specific unpleasant odor, and it is they that can reveal a woman’s true age. In women over 40 years of age, the level of nonenals in the body is 2 times higher than in 20- and 30-year-olds. And men can subconsciously determine a woman's age by her scent.

During the experiment, fifteen men aged 20-60 were asked to determine which scents were more suitable for women of different ages.

The smells of fruit, vegetable and flower crops were selected: banana, mint leaf, lavender, grapefruit. Their scents were applied to the skin of middle-aged women, after which the men were asked to determine the lady's age. The most powerful influence on men's sense of smell was made by grapefruit, which helped a woman look an average of 6 years younger!

Almost all men associated roses with an older lady, but they associated fruity smells with young girls.

Scientists from the Smell and Taste Institute made the same conclusions back in 2005, proving that grapefruit, when affecting a man’s sense of smell, allows a woman to “look” younger in his eyes.

Therefore, we suggest that ladies who want to appear younger try:

The more saliva, the fresher your breath

It has been found that the food we eat has a direct impact on the smell that comes out of our mouth. And the smell is present until the food is removed from the body. And from the moment we eat a dish even slightly flavored with onions, garlic, curry... these products enter the bloodstream, then are transferred to the lungs, and until they are eliminated from the body, you will exude the smell of onions and garlic changed by your body.
And since these products contain sulfur compounds, you are guaranteed to have bad breath.

If you cannot resist garlic, onions and other “smelly” foods, then rinse your mouth with a special solution saturated with oxygen and brush your teeth. Oxygen compounds contained in such a solution and in toothpaste combine with sulfur compounds and create odorless compounds. Solutions containing alcohol dry out the mouth and eliminate odor for a short time.

It is not surprising, but seemingly harmless products such as milk, cheese and yogurt can make those who communicate with you turn away with disgust. And all because of the proteins contained in them.

By the way, candy and chewing gum that contain sugar are also a source of problems because bacteria feed on sugar.

In addition, what you drink is important for fresh breath.
For example, you cannot live without coffee. And since it is an acidic liquid, and bacteria love acidic environments because they multiply faster in it, your breath will not smell very pleasant.

But water is the best remedy for unpleasant odors. Drinking up to eight glasses of water (tea) a day will ensure fresh breath.
Food containing a lot of water will also be your friend: cucumbers, grapes, zucchini and carrots. Juicy foods such as watermelon and strawberries also help protect against bacteria because they stimulate saliva production. And saliva is a natural means of maintaining fresh breath. And the more saliva, the fresher your breath.

This is why you definitely need to have breakfast. If you skip breakfast, you are guaranteed to have an unpleasant odor, since eating in the morning stimulates saliva production. After all, when we sleep, saliva is not produced, and sulfur begins to be produced in the mouth, which is why our breath smells in the morning.

A woman should always smell delicious, but her aroma should be light and refined, and not heavy and suffocating. Sometimes you just start to choke (on the street, in a store, on a bus, etc.) when a beautiful lady floats past, pouring half a bottle of perfume on herself.

I even wonder how such ladies themselves do not faint from the aroma of their own perfume. The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, barely noticeable and in no way aggressive. It should attract, excite, dizzy, seduce, and not suffocate or knock down!

So how to smell delicious in order to charm and captivate, and not repel?

A woman's scent is a secret weapon of seduction

1. There is no need to pour a huge amount on yourself; there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. This is a sign of bad manners and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer smell your perfume, other people smell it very well.

2 . It happens that some women do not smell of perfume, which can suffocate. But they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

3. You need to take care not only of hygiene, but also of your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food the smell becomes heavy. In addition, this negatively affects the figure.

You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it is clear that they do not add the aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, your breath will smell bad, which you may not even notice.

So, if everything is in order with your personal hygiene and nutrition, that is, you eat healthy food, take a shower every day and do not have the habit of pouring half a bottle of perfume on yourself, then this is just great. Then let's move on and learn a few more secrets about how to always smell delicious.

4. Before you go out, especially if it's a date or an important meeting, put one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your hands a light aroma, and if you touch the hands of your interlocutor, this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind him of you.

And if it is an exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be purchased only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell. In our “I want to get married” club, the “Pyramid of Love” perfume has simply become a bestseller. They last a very long time, as they are very durable and exclusive. The set contains five different unique and magical scents. You can find out all the details about perfumes with pheromones Here .

5. Spray a little eau de toilette onto your comb before combing your hair. You are guaranteed a pleasant and light scent all day long.

6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or eau de toilette.

7. Place a handkerchief or woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it with your perfume before doing so.

8. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon the aroma will smoothly envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, a pleasant and light aroma will emanate from you.

9. And, of course, don’t forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbows, area under the knees).

Take these tips to heart to always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.

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The question of how a girl can smell delicious is relevant for most ladies. Surely the first thing that came to your mind was perfume. That's right, we'll talk about him. But this is far from the only option.


It's no secret that people choose each other by smell. In order to create a unique scent, a perfumer spends years going through hundreds of options, looking for that very note.

Perfumes are divided into several categories: perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette and cologne. The difference between them is huge - not only in price, but also in quality.


Perfume is the most expensive and lasting type of perfume (and the rarest). The perfume is based on different notes that appear gradually throughout the day. The trailing notes are very strong, so it is recommended to wear the perfume in winter or for an evening event. It is better not to use it in hot weather, otherwise everyone around you - and you yourself - will suffocate from the heavy aroma.

Real perfumes are produced in a volume of 20 milliliters. Such a small bottle costs from $300.

Composition: perfume contains about 30% aromatic substances in 90% alcohol.

Eau de parfum

In terms of durability, this product is between perfume and eau de toilette. In eau de parfum, the middle notes (the “heart” notes) are more pronounced, while the base notes are much weaker. Eau de parfum can be worn at any time of the year and throughout the day. It lasts on average 6 hours.

There is no need to douse yourself head to toe in perfumed water - this will make the scent not last longer, but will become more “flashy” and unpleasant.

Composition: eau de parfum contains about 20% aromatic substances and 90% alcohol.

Eau de Toilette

The top and middle notes are most pronounced in the eau de toilette, while the base notes are barely audible. Suitable for all day use, in all weather conditions and under all circumstances. This is the most affordable and widespread type of perfume. The durability of the eau de toilette is about 2-3 hours.

Composition: eau de toilette contains about 10% aromatic substances and 85% alcohol.


This is the weakest perfume. It is mainly used by men. The aroma lasts a little less than 2 hours, it is not multifaceted and all notes are weakly expressed.

Composition: cologne contains about 3% aromatic substances and 70% alcohol.

Smell from the mouth

Halitosis is bad breath. Every third person faces this disease. First you need to determine whether the problem is imaginary or not.

  • Bend your palm slightly and breathe into it for a few seconds. Bring it to your nose. Do you feel an unpleasant smell?
  • Gently rub the cotton pad onto your tongue and inner cheeks.
  • Swipe the floss a few times and smell it.
  • Lick your wrist, wait 5-10 seconds and smell.
  • Go to the mirror and say “Ah.” If there is a white or yellow coating on the root, then there is also an unpleasant odor.
  • The surest way is to ask your loved one directly.

The cause of bad odor is bacteria. Wherever they hide: on the teeth and between them, on the tongue and on the palate, in places of caries and on diseased tonsils. Stomach problems are not directly related to the appearance of halitosis. But problems with the digestive system increase the amount of plaque on the tongue.

What to do?

    There is no point in fighting the smell without eliminating the original cause. A visit to the doctors is mandatory: visit the dentist or ENT specialist. The first will improve the condition of the teeth, and the second will improve the condition of the tonsils.

    Brush your teeth twice a day. A brush alone is not enough - also purchase dental floss to remove food debris and plaque between your teeth. Clean your tongue with a brush, a special scraper, a simple gauze cloth or a piece of bandage.

    If after eating you cannot brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, eat any fruit - they remove plaque well.

    Prepare mouthwash infusions with natural antiseptics: sage, eucalyptus, calendula or chamomile leaves. The more often you rinse, the more noticeable the effect.

    Use chewing gum or mints.

    Tea, especially with mint, is a good remedy for unpleasant odors.

    For quick refreshment, use unscented antibacterial wipes.


The smell of the room you spend a lot of time in affects your aroma. Make sure the room is well ventilated and not musty. Store dirty clothes in a closed basket and hang clean clothes in the bedroom. Spray your linens with an herbal spray to add scent. Clean your room and my carpet regularly.

    How can a woman smell good without perfume? Fill small bags with aromatic herbs and place them in your cabinets. This way your clothes will always have a pleasant aroma.

    If you combine perfume and deodorant, choose the latter without scent so that they do not interrupt each other.

    The crown of the head, ears, carotid artery, elbow, under the knee, groin area and wrists - these are the places where perfume lasts the longest. Before an important meeting, you can drop a little perfume on your palm - when you touch your interlocutor, you will leave your scent on him.

    Shoes can also be sprayed with deodorant. To eliminate unpleasant odors, add baking soda or tea bags.

    Scientists have found that the vast majority of men adore the scent of vanilla and cinnamon. Use this perfume on your first date to enhance the romantic mood.

    Before taking a shower, drop a very small amount of aromatic oil on the floor or wall. The steam will help the aroma to envelop your entire body.

    You can carry a change of clothes with you if you plan to be outside all day.

    Wash your backpacks, bags, scarves and hats from time to time - they can also have an unpleasant smell.

    Wash (or dry clean) jackets and coats every 2-3 months.

    Strictly distinguish between shoes for sports training and everyday life. You don't need to wear the same sneakers to the gym and to work.

    If possible, use socks - without them, your feet will sweat more.

    Try to eat as little spicy, fried and fatty foods as possible - they create bad breath.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, if she has an unpleasant odor, then no normal man will look in her direction. To avoid accidentally ending up in such an unpleasant situation, check out this article on how to smell good at any time of the day.

What can a woman do to always smell good?

1. Take a shower every day immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If you play sports, then after training you should also splash yourself with some water and wash away excess unpleasant odors of sweat.

2. To keep your body smelling good, use deodorant immediately after your morning shower, and if necessary during the day, but remember that if you apply deodorant to an unclean body, you can get the opposite effect.

3. Wear only clean clothes with a pleasant smell, because if you put a blouse with the smell of sweat on even a very clean body, you will smell correspondingly unpleasant.

4. Control your foot odor. If you have particularly sweaty feet, you can resort to the following tricks:

Use talcum powder on your feet.

Carry spare socks, undershirts, and tights with you.

Do not wear shoes on bare feet.

Check your shoes for odor before wearing them.

Always use a different pair of shoes for training.

5. Watch your breath, because if your dental hygiene is not very good, you can easily get a very unpleasant odor, which will definitely not allow you to always smell good. Helps freshen your breath:

Mint candies.

Rinsing your mouth with water or special rinses after eating.

Ignoring foods with strong odors, such as onions and garlic.

6. Use high-quality perfume. But you need to apply perfume correctly and carefully so as not to overdo it. To do this, drop a drop on those places on your body where you can feel your pulse, for example, on your temples, neck, wrist, dimple under your knees, or the bend of your elbow.

7. If your shampoo does not have a very pronounced smell, then you can add a drop of your favorite aroma to it, then your hair will also smell fragrant, like your skin. You can also use essential oil with a pleasant aroma.

And remember, to always smell good, it’s not enough to do one of the above tips. The best option is to comply with all the specified points, in which case you are guaranteed an excellent body odor.

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Feminine scent. Smell delicious as always: small but important nuances

The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, barely noticeable and in no way aggressive. It should attract, excite, dizzy, seduce, and not suffocate or knock down! So how to smell delicious in order to charm and captivate, and not repel? Take these tips to yourself so that you always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.

A woman's scent is a secret weapon of seduction

1. There is no need to pour a huge amount of perfume on yourself; there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. This is a sign of bad manners and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer smell your perfume, other people smell it very well.

2. It happens that some women do not smell of perfume, which can cause suffocation. But they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

3. You need to take care not only of hygiene, but also of your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food the smell becomes heavy. In addition, this negatively affects the figure. You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it’s clear that they don’t add an aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, your breath will smell bad, which you may not even notice.

4. Before going out, especially if it’s a date or an important meeting, put one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your hands a light aroma, and if you touch the hands of your interlocutor, this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind him of you. And if it is an exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be purchased only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell.

5. Spray a little eau de toilette onto your comb before combing your hair. You are guaranteed a pleasant and light scent throughout the day.

6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or eau de toilette.

7. Place a handkerchief or woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it with your perfume before doing so.

8. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops of aromatic oil on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon the aroma will smoothly envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, a pleasant and light aroma will emanate from you.

9. And, of course, don’t forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbows, area under the knees).

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