How does ultrasound affect the fetus? The influence of ultrasound on pregnancy. Reasons for prescribing additional ultrasound procedures

Ultrasound examinations have appeared in medical practice relatively recently. But for short term they have gone from being an outlandish novelty to a routine procedure. In particular, expectant mothers know about it firsthand. It should be noted that ultrasound evokes different feelings in people - some consider it completely safe procedure, and some try to avoid it if possible. Expert opinions also differ. Some argue that frequent ultrasound during pregnancy is absolutely harmless for both mother and child, while others believe that without special instructions You shouldn't get carried away with this. It should only be noted that this procedure is still being studied, so at present no one can give a definite 100% answer. Therefore, it is better to do an ultrasound only as prescribed by a doctor.

How often should an ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

At normal development Fetal ultrasound examinations are carried out 3 or 4 times during the entire period of pregnancy. This usually happens at 12 weeks, then at 22 (sometimes also from 32 to 37) and immediately before birth.

All these procedures are necessary to ensure the normal development of the fetus and the absence of any abnormalities. In addition, they help with early stages determine the gender of the unborn baby.

In some cases, frequent ultrasound examinations may occur during pregnancy. But this does not happen at the whim of the future parents, but only in case of serious deviations that threaten miscarriage or pathologies in the development of the fetus. Ultrasound examinations can be performed as often as the situation requires. Sometimes they help correct situations that would otherwise lead to termination of pregnancy. The degree of severity can only be determined by a doctor, who will compare the risks and choose the most rational path.

The harm of frequent ultrasound

It is impossible to say with complete certainty how harmful frequent ultrasound scans are during pregnancy. However, in such a situation, even the slightest risks should be avoided. Therefore, you should not go for an ultrasound examination once again just to look at the unborn baby.

To make up your own own opinion, you need to learn about both sides of the issue. In this case, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. But first, it is important to understand the operating principle of ultrasonic equipment. Its work is based on ultrasonic waves. They create microscopic vibrations that cannot be detected by hearing. These waves are repelled from the tissues of the embryo and returned to the apparatus, which processes the information, displaying a picture on the screen. This way, future parents can see the future baby with their own eyes. At the earliest stages, it looks like a small bright spot with a flickering dot, which is nothing more than small heart. As the fetus develops, it takes on human features, and by the end of pregnancy the face and entire body are clearly visible. Many parents are touched by this, but they doubt the safety of such a procedure.

Frequent ultrasound during pregnancy: can only be done in cases of emergency

Some experts who consider frequent ultrasound scans during pregnancy to be harmful refer to outdated studies that have shown that some developmental abnormalities have been identified in the younger generation. All the kids are on time intrauterine development were subjected to ultrasound. In particular, an increased percentage of left-handers among them was noticed. It is believed that there may be others hidden consequences. However, currently improved equipment is used, which has a milder effect.

Some expectant mothers claim that fetal activity increases during an ultrasound. It may seem that this is how the baby reacts to harmful effects ultrasonic waves. However, with the same degree of probability it can be said that this reaction caused by the touch of the sensor and the mother's excitement.

There is also a version according to which ultrasound waves create vibrations that can disrupt the development of the embryo. There is a version that early stages they can even lead to DNA failure in cells. But qualified specialists consider such statements to be nothing more than irrational fears of future parents.

Overall, at the moment serious consequences Frequent ultrasound scans have not been detected, but research is ongoing. This means that there still cannot be 100% certainty. In this case, only one piece of advice can be given to future parents - do not resort to ultrasound unless necessary.

Also, remember that ultrasound is voluntary procedure. If a woman feels well and there are no indications for additional examinations, then she has the right to refuse ultrasound.

Currently, the principle of the so-called natural parenthood. Some families strive to get closer to nature and refuse many means modern world. In particular, they do not want to perform ultrasound even in minimum quantities. It should be noted that this is their moral right.

For a favorable pregnancy, it is very important to choose a competent specialist who will prescribe only the most necessary procedures. But a lot also depends on expectant mother. She should listen to her inner sensations, then her body will signal in advance about any deviations. And no matter what your doctor says about the safety of ultrasound, try to minimize such procedures unless they are truly justified.

To every woman who bears under her heart little hero or a beautiful princess, you want to protect him or her from everyone possible dangers. Any risk, even the most insignificant, appears to be a huge threat and serves serious reason for concern.

And therefore, is it any wonder that many expectant mothers are worried about the same question - is ultrasound performed during pregnancy harmful to the child or not? Well, let's try to figure this out as accurately as possible.

The abbreviation ultrasound stands for ultrasound examination, but this process should not be confused with radiation x-rays. The latter will indeed be extremely harmful to the fetus, which cannot be said about ultrasound diagnostics.

An ultrasound machine is designed to study the baby using ultrasound waves, which, when reflected from the fetus, will display its silhouette on the monitor. Despite the ongoing controversy about this, ultrasound does absolutely no harm to either the mother or her mother. to the born baby.

Thermal impact waves can only slightly disturb the child, however, according to doctors, it cannot lead to any harmful or irreversible consequences.

When and why should an ultrasound be performed?

During pregnancy, the test is usually prescribed 3 times. One can talk for a long time about how harmful frequent ultrasound examinations are, but it cannot be denied that it allows initial stages identify (and then eliminate) the presence of abnormalities in the baby’s intrauterine development or complications associated with the mother’s condition (stress, infectious diseases and so on).

First ultrasound , as a rule, is carried out at 11-14 weeks. He is called genetic research, since during this period of pregnancy the probability of identifying most of the child’s malformations (for example, Down syndrome) is as high as possible. In addition, the first ultrasound helps determine exact date pregnancy (up to several days) or to establish the presence multiple pregnancy.

Second diagnostic carried out in the second trimester, at 18-22 weeks. Using this procedure, the gestational age and condition of the baby are clarified, and the condition is also recorded. amniotic fluid in the expectant mother, the number of umbilical cord vessels and the degree of development of the placenta.

The most exciting moment for parents during this period is the possibility of determining the sex of the child, but this is impossible without an ultrasound.

3D ultrasound, which is often prescribed instead of conventional diagnostics at this stage of pregnancy, allows you not only to see your child, but also to capture it in a photograph.

Last, third ultrasound , is prescribed at 30-34 weeks. It is necessary to determine the position of the baby in the uterus, its presentation and the correspondence of the degree of development of the baby to the gestational age. The doctor also checks the condition of the amniotic fluid, placenta and umbilical cord again.

These are three mandatory ultrasound examinations that everyone must undergo expectant mother. However, in some cases their number may vary. For example, when you need to confirm or exclude ectopic pregnancy or there is a threat of miscarriage, diagnosis can be carried out earlier than the 9-10th week of pregnancy.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about the harm of ultrasound performed in the early stages of pregnancy, since in this case the question is about the health and sometimes the life of the mother and child.

Disputes about the dangers of ultrasound: who is right?

And yet, when asked about the dangers of ultrasound in relation to pregnancy, doctors and experts give a wide variety of answers. Some believe that performing an ultrasound is mandatory procedure to determine the condition of the fetus and that it does not pose any harm. Others are convinced of the opposite, insisting that it is better to avoid this diagnosis during pregnancy, or at least resort to it not so often.

Experiments carried out on animals have shown that ultrasound waves are in some way capable of influencing the growth and development of the embryo, but no such studies have been conducted in humans.

A more accurate answer to the question is provided by statistics, according to which during the entire period of use of this method for diagnosis in pregnant women, not a single confirmed case was recorded negative impact Ultrasound radiation to the fetus.

Many doctors call ultrasound diagnostics one of the safest and most convenient methods for examining the fetus and managing pregnancy. However, this does not mean that you can resort to the procedure an unlimited number of times, citing your concern for the baby’s condition.

Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus during pregnancy? How often can an ultrasound be performed? These and other questions related to ultrasound concern many pregnant women. At the same time, there is a lot of conflicting information, so doctors often recommend carrying out such an examination, only three times in the entire 9 years monthly period pregnancy and additionally according to indications.

The essence of ultrasound examination

Ultrasound machine in obstetric practice began to be used relatively recently, in the late 70s of the twentieth century. Therefore, the effect of ultrasound on the fetus has not yet been fully studied. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the negative impact is either completely absent, or it is so minimal and insignificant that it does not require careful study.

Ultrasound cannot be perceived by humans like other ordinary sounds, because the vibration frequency is much higher. In this case, when the device transmits a signal through a sensor, the wave is reflected from the tissues, and an image of these vibrations is displayed on the screen.

It has been proven that the picture on the monitor will be better if there is a lot of fluid in the tissues. For example, an examination is carried out genitourinary system. In the womb, the child is in amniotic fluid; in addition, a large amount of fluid is present in the human brain, which contributes to good quality Images.

The strength and frequency of ultrasound waves are adjusted during the examination, and during pregnancy this parameter is set to lower values. It should be noted that this applies only to 2-dimensional ultrasound; with 2D and 3D studies, the frequency and duration increases many times over.

The importance of ultrasound for the course of pregnancy

For pregnant women, uniform mandatory deadlines conducting ultrasound, in which the study becomes the most revealing and significant. First of all, the first examination is carried out at the beginning of the second trimester at 11-13 weeks of intrauterine development. At this stage, many fetal parameters are measured:
  • the exact gestation period is calculated;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid is assessed;
  • measurements of the baby’s basic anatomical indicators are taken;
  • the condition of the woman’s internal organs is diagnosed due to increased load;
  • the number of embryos is established;
  • An ectopic or frozen pregnancy is diagnosed.
Any physiological changes and congenital malformations will be visible on the monitor screen ultrasound machine, which is very important for determining the course of pregnancy and diagnosis in general.

In addition, an infection of the amniotic fluid during pregnancy can be diagnosed using ultrasound. Infection has specific signs, by which the disease is determined. Among them are delayed development of the child (inconsistency with the gestational age), edematous reaction of the fetal head, lack or presence large quantities amniotic fluid, deviations in the formation of the placenta. Of course, to confirm the diagnosis, additional tests(urinalysis and biochemical analysis blood).

The second ultrasound is performed from 22 to 25 weeks; during this period, the child’s gender can be determined and the condition of the internal organs of the fetus can be assessed. Other ultrasound examinations are prescribed strictly according to indications, when there is a suspicion of the development of intrauterine defects or for the purpose of diagnosing pathological processes.

Thus, the influence and importance of ultrasound is invaluable; only thanks to this examination it is possible to promptly notice developmental abnormalities and carry out appropriate drug therapy. In the third trimester, the presentation of the fetus is determined and, based on the results, a decision is made on the method of delivery.

How often can you do a fetal ultrasound during pregnancy?

Negative influence frequent ultrasound has not been proven, nor is there any reason to assume that the study is dangerous for the fetus. Doctors are of the opinion that the less often the better. Also, there is an unspoken statement that it is not worthwhile to conduct an ultrasound examination in the first trimester. For the reason that during this period, the formation of all significant internal organs of the child occurs, and the uterine cavity, under the influence of ultrasound, becomes toned, which is dangerous premature birth. Therefore, an ultrasound scan of the fetus should be done strictly as prescribed by the doctor, and not expose the child to unnecessary risk.

Over decades of using ultrasound in obstetric practice, statistical data have not revealed any pathologies that could in one way or another be associated with ultrasound. The diagnostic method, on the contrary, is considered the safest; ultrasound is harmful, even with frequent exposure does not make changes in the formation of the baby.
The rare use of the examination is associated only with the fact that the danger has not been proven. Therefore, it is better to coordinate ultrasound examinations with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy is a basic examination that is performed on all pregnant women. This method has been used in medicine for many years, but it still causes various myths and personal opinions about the need for its use. This article will help expectant mothers figure out whether they can have an ultrasound during pregnancy, and whether it has any effect bad influence for their unborn child.

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Benefits of holding

Of course, one cannot underestimate the opportunities provided by using this method in modern gynecology. Timely diagnosis of many pathologies that occur during pregnancy helps save thousands of new lives around the world. In many cases it is simply impossible to do without an ultrasound.

This study helps determine the presence of a fertilized egg. This criterion is the most early manifestation pregnancy. A gestational (fetal) egg is detected already in the first weeks after conception. To determine it, only the most modern devices with a fairly high resolution are used.

Ultrasound helps to establish signs of embryo viability at the most early stages its intrauterine development. Using this method “frozen” or “frozen” pregnancy is perfectly detected. In this case, as a rule, further development fetus may be impossible and is required urgent implementation gynecological surgery.

By holding this study you can determine the expected gestational age. If the expectant mother is carrying several babies at the same time, then in this case it is practically impossible to do without the use of ultrasound. This study is especially necessary if pregnancy occurs after in vitro fertilization. In this case, ultrasound helps to assess the viability of each of the implanted embryos, as well as monitor their development and growth.

Ultrasound can be used to determine various genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. These diseases can appear in the fetus as early as different dates its intrauterine development. For more late stages Ultrasound diagnostics helps to identify anatomical defects in the placenta, as well as identify signs of oligohydramnios.

For many years, obstetricians determined the position of the fetus in the uterus only using own hands. Quite often they were wrong. This led to doctors resorting to incorrect gynecological techniques during childbirth. Ultimately, all this contributed to causing severe birth injuries to the babies.

Currently, the position of the unborn baby in the uterus can be determined using ultrasound. Such a study, carried out before birth, helps doctors decide best tactics future obstetric care.

Is it harmful to the fetus?

It cannot be denied that frequent ultrasound can be harmful to the health of the unborn child. IN scientific world there is a huge number various studies, proving this statement. Scientists from Ireland claim that the abuse of ultrasound during pregnancy can lead to the development of various neoplasms in the future. True, they made this conclusion using the example of laboratory mice.

Ultrasound may be more likely to be harmful in the early stages of pregnancy. At this time, a very important process occurs in the body of the unborn baby - organogenesis. The fetus begins to form all internal organs and systems. Any physical impact in this period have an undesirable effect on this process. In this case, frequent ultrasound examination negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Negative impact may also be associated with a certain temperature effect. This effect is possible during contact of the ultrasonic sensor with various organs. The longer the study is conducted, the more pronounced the consequences after its implementation.

Scientists note that when an ultrasonic sensor is pointed at a certain anatomical area, its temperature rises by several degrees. Under the influence of ultrasound, the permeability of cytoplasmic membranes also increases in the cells of internal organs. The composition of the ions that participate in their structure also changes. This leads to the fact that cell membranes become more permeable for various substances to penetrate into the cells.

Experts in ultrasound diagnostics also note that when conducting such studies in different cells In the body, even the speed of various enzymatic processes can change. Prolonged exposure to ultrasound in this case can provoke the formation of various deviations.

In this case, it is especially unfavorable to perform the study during the period of intrauterine development of 5-6 weeks, when all the internal organs of the unborn child are actively developing.

European scientists note that the use of ultrasound can even lead to conditions associated with impaired cellular respiration and metabolism. Some experts believe that it is precisely such violations that lead to further possible formation the fetus has various chromosomal abnormalities. However, it should be noted that all assumptions are only scientific theories and are not recognized by the entire medical world.

According to the majority of experts, the most It is dangerous to perform ultrasound examinations using focused ultrasound. In this case, the effect on a specific area of ​​the skin becomes most pronounced. If the treatment is carried out over a long period of time, it can even lead to significant disturbances.

For many years, scientists have been trying to determine the internal organs that are most vulnerable to the effects of ultrasonic waves. They came to the conclusion that anatomical formations that have a fairly good blood supply and innervation are most susceptible to this effect. The brain is one of the most vulnerable organs. The impact of ultrasonic waves on this organ can damage it.

Some scientists believe that frequent use ultrasound leads to the fact that the number of left-handed children born in last years has increased significantly. They also believe that this is a consequence of the direct effect of ultrasonic waves on actively growing brain cells - neurons. Experts believe that such children may later have various difficulties with learning at school or, conversely, develop some kind of genius abilities.

American experts note that the incidence of autism in their country is increasing every year. They suggest that there is a pattern between frequent vaginal ultrasound and the subsequent appearance of various neurological and mental disorders in born children.

The first signs of autism usually appear in children. preschool age. The appearance of unfavorable symptoms is greatly influenced by disruption of the coordinated functioning of the cerebral cortex. These children develop various behavioral disorders and speech changes. Some American scientists believe that the appearance in babies such deviations Frequent ultrasound during pregnancy is affected, but no serious studies have yet been carried out.

Some researchers believe that performing an ultrasound in the early stages may even lead to miscarriage. This theory has no scientific confirmation. All the results obtained were also carried out on laboratory animals. Some studies have found that performing an ultrasound between 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy may cause the mother's body to reject the fetus. The probability of such a situation occurring is usually 20-25%.

Another theory implies that the overuse of ultrasound during pregnancy can lead to an increase in the birth of babies who later have any neoplasms of the blood and hematopoietic organs. As proof of this, supporters of this scientific assumption cite statistics on the incidence of leukemia in children. The incidence of blood tumors in children in last decades is really growing significantly.

Debunking myths

It is important to note that it is not only ultrasound examinations performed during pregnancy that can lead to heat exposure. Ultrasound of the kidneys or heart also has a pronounced effect on the woman’s body. However, exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy causes the greatest anxiety among expectant mothers.

Many of the scientific assumptions are myths because they have no real evidence.

Most of them were performed only on laboratory animals. In this case, we cannot talk about a clear correlation with the pediatric population. Many theories have existed in medicine for quite a long time, but have never been confirmed.

Parents' opinions about ultrasound also differ significantly.

Clear relationship between impacts frequent There are currently no ultrasound examinations and various developmental defects. Such judgments are largely subjective.

One of the most common myths is the assumption that during an ultrasound, the baby in the womb experiences some kind of severe discomfort. In the very early period of its development, the embryo practically does not feel this effect at all, or it has an insignificant effect on it. In the later stages of pregnancy, amniotic fluid protects the baby from the direct effects of ultrasound, which supposedly brings severe discomfort to the baby.

Many mothers believe that in order to make their unborn baby move more actively during the examination, they should definitely drink coffee before the ultrasound. This real myth. Coffee has no significant effect on motor activity fetus Baby in mother's womb, begins to move more actively not from caffeine, but when the mother’s body position changes. The uncomfortable position of the mother causes the fetus to move more actively, which is manifested on ultrasound.

Some parents believe that during an ultrasound examination future baby sees various light effects and even recognizes sounds. This opinion currently does not have any scientific evidence. Nervous system a child in the early stages of his development, as a rule, is not yet able to perceive irritations that are provoked by an ultrasonic sensor.

How often can I do it?

Currently, obstetricians-gynecologists adhere to current regulations in their work. Taking into account such regulatory medical documents, the expectant mother, whose pregnancy proceeds without any pathological disorders, should undergo an ultrasound examination at least three times during the entire period of pregnancy. Such a number of procedures, according to representatives of official departments, cannot cause pathology in either the mother or her unborn child.

It should be noted that if a pregnant woman has any chronic diseases, and there are also defects in the development and growth of the unborn child, then she will need to undergo an ultrasound scan somewhat more often. In this case, the need for additional research determined by the attending physician.

Currently, ultrasound techniques are constantly being improved. 3D and 4D studies are becoming popular. With the help of these studies, you can obtain not only a three-dimensional and spatial image, but also even observe the performance of active movements the fetus while it is still in the mother's womb.

This examination is usually very popular with future fathers and mothers. The first movements that their baby makes bring parents into real delight and gives them pleasant, exciting memories in the future. However, their joys little man, which is in the mother’s womb, does not separate. For him, such an examination is a real test of “strength”.

Ultrasound examination carried out in this mode has a very strong effect on the growing small organism. If ultrasound is performed only in special M and B modes, then in this case it is tolerated by the fetus much easier.

Parents should remember that an ultrasound is not an entertainment procedure, but is carried out only for the diagnosis of various pathological conditions and monitoring the course of pregnancy.

Doctors recommend that ultrasound examinations be performed in the first trimester. Usually The first examination is performed up to 12 weeks. This initial screening is carried out at 13 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examinations at earlier stages should be carried out only according to strict medical indications. Do frequent research Absolutely all pregnant women should not.

Unjustified ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy can contribute to the development of adverse manifestations that will appear in the child in later life.

The next regulated period for completing this study is the 2nd trimester. Usually examination carried out at 20-22 weeks intrauterine development of the baby. This type of ultrasound examination can also be called anatomical. At that time experienced doctors ultrasound diagnostics may notice various pathologies and developmental disorders in the baby.

If the course of pregnancy expectant mother normal then in the third trimester, additional ultrasound may not be required. This decision is made by the observing gynecologist. It should be noted that normal healthy course pregnancy is now extremely rare. This situation explains why ultrasounds are so often performed before childbirth in pregnant women.

To learn whether it is safe to do an ultrasound during pregnancy, watch the following video.

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