How to organize a theme party - secrets of organization. Themed party - where to start? Equipment and staff

Difficulty level: Difficult

1 step

First you need to decide on a theme for the party. Will it be a holiday, presentation, theme or just an exciting event? Have you decided? Amazing. As an example, I will describe the holiday of February 14, or as it is usually called Valentine's Day.

Step 2

To prevent everything from falling through at the most crucial moment, you need to agree with the club in advance. The rental price will vary depending on the rating, time of year and, in fact, on what day you are planning the rental itself. On weekends it will be much more expensive, especially in the summer. Autumn (October-November) is the low season and any establishment will be happy to welcome you. Call, insist, but under no circumstances beg! Let the administrator think that you are the Messenger of Angels, who came down to improve the financial situation of the club. He himself must make concessions to you.

Step 3

To attract people's attention, you need a meaningful name and catchy advertising. Hang up posters all over the city, hand out flyers to passers-by, leave advertisements in stores (with the consent of the manager, of course). Make sure everyone is talking about your party! Create a meeting on social networks, invite all your friends, word of mouth will follow.

Step 4

To interest people, you need to outline the program of the evening: which DJs will play, who the host is, hint that there will be competitions with prizes, organize a show (dancing, break, go-go, striptease, fire show, whatever!) The main thing is that people are interested . Invite DJs (it will be much cheaper if you have familiar DJs, even if they are unknown, there will be such a trick). The presenter can be some chatty classmate who leads KVN or simply knows how to make speeches. He himself will be happy with the unexpected gift of fate and will try to bring as many people as possible to the concert so that they can look at him, handsome. By the way, this also applies to the speakers you put on the list. This could be a starting rock\rap\break\beatbox group. Newcomers try to bring a bunch of people to their premiere, which will have a beneficial effect on your return on investment.

Step 5

And now the main thing. Where can I get the money for all this? Very simple: sponsors. Don’t be alarmed, I’m not talking about “daddies” who sponsor girls, but about the most ordinary partners)) This is done like this: print out the contract form (it is advisable to draw it up yourself, indicate all the clauses, agreements, etc.) and go ahead - shopping! Choose stores that can afford to allocate 10-15 thousand (depending on the city. In Astrakhan, for example, you can organize a party for 30 thousand, and in Volgodonsk it costs 15 thousand) in return offer advertising. Banners above the stage, posters around the city (at the bottom there is a note “with the support of the Boltik store”), mention on flyers, advertising from the stage... It will be better if you have information sponsors, for example, local television or a local radio wave. Then you will need to allocate 3-4 tickets for the live drawing. And the ratings increase, and you will have additional advertising!

  • If you approached this issue responsibly and followed the instructions, then your party should go with a bang!!! Be careful with tickets, sell them in advance to avoid dissatisfaction and crowds at the box office. Also mark them with a seal or in any other way so that they cannot be counterfeited! Good luck)

The time for holidays is approaching - from Halloween to the Old New Year - so we have a reason to gather guests. You can organize a themed party: beach, cocktail or 80s style, even a pajama party will do - it all depends only on your imagination. I've put together some great tips for you on how to have a good time with friends and celebrate at home:

1. Invite friends, old and new

Use your party as an excuse to renew and refresh your relationships with people you haven't seen in a while. New acquaintances will add surprise to everyone present - no one knows who they will meet this evening. The ideal group for a party is those you know and love, plus those you want to get close to and could very well love. To decide how many people to invite, make a list of potential guests with different interests and think about which of them would want to appear at your reception.

2. Calculate seats

The math is simple: do you have 15 guests and only 5 chairs? This means the problem will not work. Move away unnecessary furniture, organize additional seating with bright pillows and blankets right on the floor. People will be moving around all the time, so don't worry about assigning each location to a specific guest.

3. Use all the rooms

Is it convenient to gather everyone in the living room like sprats in a jar? Encourage movement throughout the apartment, even if it is small. Make the bed in the bedroom, turn on dim lights or garlands. Place platters of snacks even on the hallway table so that guests don't have to keep coming into the living room, interrupting their conversations. Each room creates its own atmosphere, which will give strangers more chances to connect.

4. Pay attention to detail

A good party should take your mind off everyday life. Details are important because they strengthen the belief in an alternative reality. If you are having a role-playing party, then the apartment needs to be filled with all the attributes for a good game.

5. Greet guests at the door

Your guests should not be scared and leave at the sight of a dancing crowd. Greet everyone with a big smile, be sure to indicate where everything is, especially the toilet and food. Introduce new arrivals to someone present before running off to check out the snacks.

6. Set up a photo zone

Bright photos on Instagram should also talk about a good party! All you need is a good backdrop on the wall, suitable lighting and some fun sayings. Place your camera there on a tripod or place a selfie stick in a visible place. Some go further: using instant cameras like Instax.

7. Organize games with real prizes

People love to compete, especially if the winnings are material. The prize could be a chocolate medal or a bottle of good champagne - the price is not that important. Avoid complex board games, the rules of which will take a long time to understand.

8. Choose good music

No good party is complete without a thoughtful playlist that maintains the right atmosphere. Select music in advance for a specific mood: it can be of different genres, from calm to fiery. Guests will be able to chat to relaxing music, and dance until the morning to energetic music. Romantic songs are the highlight of the program, because slow songs have not been canceled.

You can use special selections from Yandex.Music or Spotify. Be sure to check how long your playlist will last, and add a couple of “highlights” to it - your friends’ favorite tracks.

9. Menu. Simple but tasty

Make sure the food you prepare is easy to eat. Don't forget to tell people with allergies what ingredients you used. If there are a lot of salads, place cards next to them with a brief description of what is in it. Remember that products should not spoil the smell of your mouth and should be sufficiently satiating. And make sure everything on the menu is delicious.

10. The best drinks come first

Serve early in the evening because no one will remember them later. Wine is usually offered for dinner, and vodka and tequila are kept at the ready. Don't forget soft drinks for guests who don't drink alcohol.

11. Label glasses

Special pendants for the stems of glasses will help guests not get confused about whose glass is whose. If possible, appoint a person in charge who will act as a bartender this evening.

12. Don't skimp on napkins

Set out a roll of paper napkins and stop worrying about not having enough for someone. A package of toothpicks will also come in handy. You can also make some wonderful canapes for a snack with them.

13. Be mindful, but don't forget to enjoy yourself

Once the fun has begun, the hostess's main job is to make sure everyone is having a good time. Difficult, but no more difficult than final exams. Make sure everyone has enough food, drinks, enjoys the music, and introduce people to each other. Leave the rest to your friends, and everything will go as planned. If you're too uptight it can ruin the atmosphere, so have fun!

14. Make sure your guests leave comfortably

Most likely, guests will arrive at your party by public transport, which means it will be difficult for them to leave on their own late in the evening. It is worth checking in which direction they are going and organizing several shared taxis or inviting guests to stay with you. In the latter case, make sure that they have somewhere to sleep, something to hide in, and, if necessary, something to change into.

15. Provide assistance on time

In any party, sooner or later there comes a climax. Your guests may drink too much alcohol, and some may even begin to feel unwell. - help the poor guy.

Make sure your first aid kit has everything you need to provide first aid to a guest who is vomiting or simply unwell. Place an extra towel in the bathroom for those who decide to take care of themselves. If you don’t have enough time to provide a first aid kit, catch the moment when it’s time to switch to a non-alcoholic mojito.

16. Celebrate your success

Successful parties are exhausting, but this is a significant achievement, so don't forget to reward yourself with a hot bath. And to get a good night's sleep, go to bed with an eye mask and earplugs - protect yourself from the outside world.

The most common misconception about parties is that if you bring together incredibly cool people, add cocktails and loud music, you will automatically be a success. And even a more elaborate version of the same thing - with light refreshments, in a rented space and with a guest DJ - does not guarantee stunning success. What does it take to throw a good party?

Keep in mind: the most important part of a good party is you and your talent for picking people. You can gather a group of your coolest friends, all of whom are wonderfully interesting and would like each other terribly if they had the chance to meet, but without a catalyst, a crossroads, a mutual friend to connect them, they will all stick close to those who they came with or who they know. They can have a good time, but the magic of making new acquaintances, general conversation between different people, adventure - all this will not happen at the party.

For a party to be a success, you need to be a good hostess whose etiquette is so impeccable that the guests don't even notice that you are running the whole show.

What should a good housewife do?

Firstly (and most importantly), a good hostess has fun at her party. If you are comfortable and fun with both two and two hundred guests, the rest will catch the same from you. In addition, the following is characteristic of a good housewife.

Introduce everyone you don't know to each other: “Dima is a photographer, and Dasha works in a photographic agency.” It is very important. One of the best things about parties is the opportunity to meet new people.

Don't leave anyone to prop up the wall, smiling stupidly while everyone around is having fun. Do you see that poor guy who was abandoned by his friends? A good housewife will talk to him and introduce him to one of her friendliest friends, who will involve him in the general fun.

A good housewife will make sure that everyone's glasses are not empty. Of course, for those who don't drink, you can stock up on soft drinks. AND a good housewife will call a taxi to an over-done guest.

The theory of supply preponderance in practice in party planning: always err on the large side - ice, food, cups and spare drinks. Nothing kills the atmosphere like when the booze runs out and people leave for pizza.

Never Do not force guests to take part in dubious “entertainment”. If everyone spontaneously agreed that now is the time to fool around, then pseudo-infantile drunken games can begin, but when the hostess proclaims: “Now let’s play “Crocodile”!” - this is the best way to clear the room of guests, unless everyone has agreed in advance.

Don't get drunk to the point of intoxication so as not to spend a fair part of the evening in an embrace with a former friend, saying goodbye to the eaten snacks. This will ruin all your efforts to become a good housewife. A good housewife drinks a couple of glasses, makes sure her lipstick doesn't smudge, and has a good time herself - in moderation.

A good hostess will take care not only of drinks, but also of snacks. Offer as high-end an appetizer as your budget allows. This could include cheese and crackers or French bread, sauces and vegetables. Sushi and rolls always sell out quickly, large pitted olives (stuffed with all sorts of interesting things like almonds, orange, sun-dried tomatoes and whatever else if you want complexity) and grapes. Firm salami works well for a crowded crowd - even if no one admits to eating meat, the salami is always the first to go. The main thing is to cut everything into such pieces that you don’t need to bite off

If you, as a hostess, received a bottle of wine or cake as a gift, unless the gift is clearly intended for later or does not match what you gave, put it on the table. Your guests will enjoy it, the giver will feel appreciated, and you won't look like you're saving the best for yourself.

A good hostess won't clean everything up herself after a party., otherwise the whole atmosphere of the evening will spoil. Make sure your mom or a girl from the agency helps you with the cleaning. You should not involve the remaining few guests in cleaning, even if they themselves offer their help. Let everyone at the party have pleasant memories.

Now you know the secrets of a good party. Use them and your friends will always happily respond to your invitations.

Electro & House 2013 Summer Dance Mix

Select time, date and location. Start planning your event at least three months in advance to give yourself enough time to create your guest list and send out invitations. Let guests know about the event date six weeks before the party. Send formal invitations (via mail or email) at least two weeks in advance. This will give your guests plenty of time to prepare for the biggest party of the year. Please note the following:

  • It is important to choose a date for which nothing else is scheduled. If there's a big event happening on the day you like, or if your friends always meet for a glass of wine on Wednesdays, don't throw a party on that day. After all, you want people to come, don't you? Before confirming the date, make sure that there will be no sports, city, church or other important events on that day. You shouldn't have a party downtown at six o'clock in the evening if there is a major sporting event in the city at seven o'clock. Consider traffic conditions, travel time for your guests, parking, and other factors that may reduce the potential number of guests. Does the date or time overlap with something else? Will there be enough parking near the party venue and will it be free? Will it take guests too long to get there?
  • It is not necessary to hold the event late in the evening. Think brunch. Everyone will happily eat pancakes and drink cocktails for a weekend lunch.
  • The easiest way is to throw a party at home, although you can choose another place (cafe, bar, restaurant). You can also rent a premises (club, park area, historical site, sports facility, spa, etc.).
  • Make a guest list. Usually 20–25% of those invited come. The more guests, the merrier. However, a large party will need more space, so consider what kind of space you'll need and how many people you'll need to feed. If you want 200 people to come, send out 800 invitations in advance.

    • Remember that people are always late and sometimes don't show up at all. If guests come with friends, things can quickly get out of control. Indicate in the invitation whether guests can bring anyone else.
  • Choose a topic. Skip the 80's themed party or high school party because everyone is already tired of these themes. How about a certain cartoon? Or a topic related to your favorite TV series or movie? You can tie the theme of the party to a location, a specific food (for example, make huge sandwiches like in the cartoons), a concept or a season.

    • The theme can be very simple - for example, color. This will make it easier for you to decorate the room and select food and drinks. Ask guests to dress in this color and have a competition for the best costume!
    • You can throw a party for any occasion - for example, organize a wine or beer tasting. What's up: arrange a naval pasta tasting! A holiday, a historical event (such as the launch of the first artificial satellite), a murder mystery game, or even superheroes can be an occasion for an event. If you choose superheroes, imagine everyone entering the room wearing costumes and playing their own theme song.
  • Tell us about the party. Nobody needs paper letters anymore, so notify everyone about the party on social networks or instant messengers. Then write to your friends (see how they can help you below) and send out reminders a couple of days before the event, especially if you ask guests to bring their own food or drinks. And don't forget to tell the people you talk to about the party! Everyone should look forward to this day!

    • Do you want people to confirm their participation or bring food or drink? Mention it on social media, in private messages and in conversations, otherwise you'll have 50 people showing up empty-handed on the day of the event. You probably won't like it.
  • Allocate a budget for the party if necessary. Throwing a party can cost a lot of money. You will need to buy food, drinks and decorate the premises. If you plan to bear the costs yourself, create a budget. Allocate a certain amount of money for food, drinks, etc. If you don't have enough money for something, remove it from your list of necessities. You won't have fun at the party if you spend all your money.

    • For this reason, you can organize an event by pooling money, decorate the room yourself, or ask people to contribute any amount. If guests have their own responsibilities, you won't have to think about everything. In addition, this way people will definitely come (and on time), And you will not have problems with money. If you're on a budget, don't think you can't throw a party. Just ask everyone to participate financially. Start preparing six months before the event if you want to receive cash contributions or items, and two months if the event is being held together (everyone will need to plan their expenses, take this into account).

    Planning meals, entertainment and more

    1. Decide on food. No party is complete without food. If you want to keep guests busy, offer snacks. But what if you don't want to spend three days before the party in the kitchen? Whoever is throwing the party should have fun too!

      • Encourage guests to assemble their own snacks. Prepare ingredients for sandwiches, sundaes, breakfasts, or anything else. Guests will feel like they are doing something, and it will give them something to talk about and do something together.
      • When guests arrive, have finger foods ready to eat. Something small that you can eat quickly will do. This way you will immediately win the favor of your guests. Prepare vegetables, chips, fruits, cheese or desserts. These snacks are quite quick and easy to prepare.
    2. Think about your drinks. Consider what guests will drink when they enter the premises. Surely everyone will want to drink right away, and not just eat. Prepare your drinks ahead of time so you don't have to worry about serving because you already have enough on your plate.

      • You can make a signature drink and serve it throughout the party. It can be combined with the theme color of the party. For example, you can make a delicious pot of punch (it's inexpensive and quick), or you can invite guests to make their own cocktails (for example, prepare all the martini cocktails and post instructions on the table). You can simply buy a large bottle of strong alcohol and a bottle of soda.
      • Don't forget about non-drinking guests, if there are any. Don't limit their choices to water and diet cola. Prepare syrups for homemade lemonades or add fruit juice or berries to sparkling water.
    3. Think about the music. Plan everything so that the need to play music does not distract you from your responsibilities. If you put all the music on your player in random order, you run the risk of your guests hearing some weird music that you wouldn't normally listen to. In addition, someone could steal your player. Organize the music so that it plays continuously and so that no one can take away the source of the sound.

      • Buy wireless speakers if you don't already have them. Make a list of songs that are suitable for the party. This activity can bring party organizers together, and children can also participate in this process. Make a playlist long enough so that no one notices the repetition of all the music for the second or third round. When the party starts, all you have to do is press a button and start the playlist!
    4. Buy or make decorations for the room. This is another interesting activity for organizers. If the party is themed, this will make your task easier. Once you know what you need, you can make a list of what you need and pass it on to your helpers. If you don't want anything complicated, just prepare tablecloths, coasters and other small items, because this will make it easier for you to clean up. Here is a minimum list of what you will need:

      • tablecloth and/or coasters;
      • matching plates, cutlery and napkins;
      • vase for table(s);
      • lighting;
      • gifts for guests, place cards, markers for glasses, etc.
    5. Consider how guests will move around the room. Your home probably isn't ideal for party planning right now. Make sure guests have easy access to the restroom, food and drinks are everywhere, and there's plenty of storage somewhere. Where will everything be located? Do you have enough chairs? Where will the music be played?

      • Protect any items you don't want damaged if there are any in the area where the party will be held. Move all valuables to one place so that guests do not touch them. Such items may include fragile items, antiques, and valuables.
    6. Consider doing something personal for your guests. If you have a small guest list and know your invitees well, give them something personalized to make them feel special and remember the party. This could be a specially decorated cupcake, a beautiful vase of flowers, a person’s favorite dish or glass.

      • If everyone will have the same glasses or glasses, use markers for them. Markers can replace name cards. If you have 20 or more people as guests, be sure to prepare name cards and games for getting to know each other. All this is easy to do using the Internet and a printer.
    7. Protect the premises. If there will be alcohol, children or teenagers at the party, consider securing the premises. You'll regret not doing this if you find it a mess in the morning. Lock doors to rooms that children are not allowed to enter unaccompanied, or designate a special area for children. Prepare pillows, headache medicine, and carpet cleaner.

      • If you are hosting a party, the guests will be your responsibility. If you are afraid that someone might drive drunk, take the person's keys when they arrive. Hide them and give them away at the end of the party only if the person doesn't drink. You're not being a coward - you're simply protecting yourself from unpleasant consequences if something goes wrong.
    8. Don't forget to plan your cleaning. Always decide in advance who will do the cleaning. What's worse than a party that leaves a terrible mess? A party that leaves a terrible mess with a complete lack of cleaning supplies. Therefore, when you buy cheese and alcohol, do not forget to look in the detergent department. You will need paper towels, trash bags, sponges, and spray detergent.

      • Ideally, you should agree with a few friends in advance to help you get organized. If you haven't done this, try to persuade them before they leave. Ever seen a cleaning game where each team cleans a different place and the one who does it better or faster wins a prize? Try arranging such a game at your place.

    How to be the host at a party

    1. Delegate responsibilities. Be sure to delegate! The party is about to begin. Call a couple of friends and assign responsibilities, or plan ahead and ask certain people or groups of people to take on certain tasks. This will ensure the party goes smoothly and people will have an invaluable experience. This may sound harsh, but it will keep people more engaged (unless, of course, you assign them to clean the toilet). Ask someone to set the table, someone to do the decorations, and the time will fly by.

      • Try dividing responsibilities between guests. If guests have responsibilities, they will not only feel like they are part of something bigger - they will also Necessarily you'll have to come. Someone can bring dessert, someone ice, and so on. Only together can you throw a party, and you, as the organizer, will have much less responsibilities.
    2. Get organized and make sure the party venue is comfortable for your guests. People will need to walk, sit, and use the toilet and bathroom. The toilet should be close to where guests will be and it should be suitable for people with disabilities. Rearrange the furniture if necessary and plan the arrangement of everything. Keep everything you need close at hand, but in a safe place. If you run out of something, you'll be ready for it. The place should be convenient for you too!

      • At some point, things will start to get dirty. Of course, the floor, toilet and table should be clean, but you should not clean the tiles on the floor with a toothbrush. This can be done after parties where you'll end up scrubbing something sticky off the floor on your knees anyway.
    3. Decorate the room! It may be enough to cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth and wait for the guests to bring their food. If you want to surprise your guests, fill the room with artificial snow and lower the air temperature. Any decoration will be better than nothing.

      • Don't forget about lighting. People love shiny things, especially if the party is outside. Use garlands, candles, artificial torches and glowing decorations. Assign people responsible for lighting and challenge them to come up with something interesting.
      • If the location is difficult to find, provide signs. Finding a location can be stressful, especially if there are parking issues near the building you want. Set up some signage to make it easier for everyone. This applies not only to parking, but also to toilets, rooms for children and other premises. Signage is also needed if the event is taking place in a very large room. Don't make guests waste time searching for the right place. Think about who will be responsible for navigation and assign responsibility.
    4. Make sure your guests don't get bored. This will only be partly your concern - you should be able to have fun too! Leave the entertainment to outgoing guests or extroverts in advance. Give them a list of dating options. Perhaps you could make colored bracelets, cup markers, or name tags. Observe the atmosphere. Do I need to change the music? Have you run out of anything? Does everyone have someone to talk to? Introduce people to each other and give them something to talk about if necessary. Some people just need a nudge in the right direction.

      • Offer guests games or other activities. Organize an ice cream eating contest or a photo shoot with giant sandwiches. Guests love to follow the party planner, so show them what kind of party you want to throw!
      • If you invite people who don't know each other, you will be the one who brings them together. Be sociable and try to find topics of conversation so that people can get to know each other. Prepare a couple of games to entertain your guests if things get boring. Parties go well when everyone tries new things and meets new people.
    5. Know when it's time to finish. The party can last for hours, but you must decide at what time you will ask people to leave. If it's two o'clock in the morning and you have a bunch of dishes to wash, don't hesitate to push people towards the exit. Everyone had fun, but it's time to rest.

      • The easiest way to end a party is to clean up. People will take the hint and maybe even help you. Tell them you're glad they came and are looking forward to the next time they meet. But they should host the next party! And you will bring your famous pancakes.
    • Try not to change the date of the party at the last minute. The new date may not suit guests, causing them to not attend, potentially ruining the evening.
    • Think about entertainment so that your guests don't get bored.
    • If you're planning a surprise party, do your best to make sure no one knows anything in advance.
    • If your guests don't know each other, offer them games to break up the tension.
    • You shouldn't throw a party if you are a child or teenager. It will be very difficult for you to clean up after the party. Your parents might find out about the party, and they might not like that you invited a bunch of people without their permission.
    • Music. Prepare music to dance to. It should be good music that you can ignore for the most part in your mind when communicating with guests and other people, speaking about something, and so on. Suitable instrumental music: lounge, acid jazz, dub, rasta, tribal and jazz.
      • African music is also suitable, since it has an expressive rhythm, but the words are not understandable to most, so such music can be perceived as instrumental. Limit music with lyrics to very popular rock and pop songs with a catchy rhythm that will make you want to dance, or karaoke so that guests can sing out of place.
    • Games. Find games suitable for all ages.
      • Video games are ideal for parties, especially ones that are easy to pick up, like Guitar Hero or Wii Party. Try to keep the atmosphere relaxed and non-competitive, so that non-players can make fun of the players' skills.
    • When choosing drinks, be sure to provide something for those who do not drink alcohol or sugary carbonated drinks. You can buy fruit juices. Tomato or vegetable juice can be used for more than just Bloody Mary cocktails. Don't forget about water: buy artesian water without gas and, if desired, add a little lemon to it.
      • At a minimum, buy whiskey (including scotch), vodka, dark and white rum, gin, and whatever you'll be mixing the alcohol with: cola, ginger ale, sparkling water, and tonic. If you want to surprise your guests, prepare a martini cocktail (you will need dry vermouth, gin, olives and a shaker). All other cocktails will be just a waste of time: no one will appreciate your efforts if you decide to make a Margarita or Tequila Sunrise.
    • Every party needs good food and drinks. Even if you're having a chip-in party and everyone brings their own food, be prepared to prepare a couple of appetizers and buy a few alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
      • Vegetable chips (from potatoes, beets, carrots and other vegetables), fresh cut into strips (carrots, cauliflower) and sauces for them, quiches, meat and cheese slices (blue cheese, mozzarella, brie) with toast, buns are always popular and butter, canned vegetables, etc. Get creative.


    • Stock up on enough food. A good party is not complete without food.
    • Invite people with similar interests who will find it easy to get along with each other.
    • Don't invite people who don't like each other because they might ruin the party. If you do invite them, make sure they keep a distance from each other or ask them to behave civilly during the event.
  • Before throwing a party, you need to plan everything carefully. First, it’s worth answering a few important questions: who, what, where and when.

    1. Who?

    Who will be invited to the party? Friends, family, co-workers, boss?

    2. What?

    What kind of party do you want to throw? Will it be a themed holiday, a sporting event or a traditional feast?

    3. Where?

    Where will your party be held?

    Venue is one of the main issues. Sometimes the ideal place is the host's kitchen. It is convenient and functional, if, of course, there is enough space. Otherwise, it is better to move to the living room or dining room. Consider whether a house party will be accompanied by problems such as crowded rooms, one restroom for everyone, lack of comfortable seating for guests, limited access to food and drinks. It is unlikely that this will give guests much pleasure. The idea of ​​holding a party at home is successful only in large areas or with a small number of guests.

    • When deciding on the location of the party, answer yourself a few more questions:
    • Is there enough space where you are going to invite guests?
    • Will it be comfortable for guests?
    • Are there enough seats for all guests?
    • Is there a bathroom and toilet where I invite guests?
    • Is it convenient to get there?
    • Will guests be able to park their cars there if they decide to drink alcohol? Will a taxi pick them up from there? By the way, the host of the party must take care of a taxi in advance.

    If you are planning to rent a banquet hall, hotel room or cafe, consider these questions:

    • Are food and drinks included in the rent?
    • Are there all kinds of amenities for guests (toilet, bathroom)?
    • Is there a smoking area (eg outside or patio)?
    • What time will you be able to start the party at this location and what time will you and your guests need to leave?
    • Is there parking near this place?

    When is your party?

    Answers to the following questions will help you choose the time:

    • Will it be a holiday? At what time is this holiday usually celebrated (day, evening, night)?
    • Will those invited be alone or with families?
    • What is a good time to start a dinner party? (Answer according to the rules of etiquette: between 18 and 21 hours).
    • Will your guests be hungry when the party starts? Do I need to think about hot dishes or should I make do with snacks?
    • Is the party theme appropriate for the timing? (Sporting events are best held early, and, for example, a vampire party can be scheduled for midnight)
    • Well, and, of course, take care of whether your party will wake up the neighbors. If there is such a possibility, then invite your neighbors to the holiday - the problem will be easily solved!

    What is the reason for the party? What are its goals?

    There are different reasons for parties: bachelorette parties, baby showers, vacations, promotions, etc. Any holiday can be celebrated in a variety of ways - with a dinner party, a youth party or a sporting event. In any case, you should be clear about what the goals of your party are. Designing and sending out invitations will allow you to communicate your goals to your guests.

    Include all the important aspects of the party in your invitations - this will greatly increase the chances that your goal will be achieved. It is important to make sure that guests understand the reason and method of celebration. There's nothing worse than an elaborate party for which the guests are completely unprepared. For example, the ladies will come in evening dresses, and it turns out that you are having a sports party. Girls in long dresses jumping for fitballs are, of course, funny. But will all ladies react positively to this prospect?

    Indicate on the invitation the exact start and end time of the party. By planning your time, be sure that you will be able to attend your party until it ends. Do you doubt this? Then it’s better not to organize a holiday at all - celebrate it at home with a narrow circle of close people.

    Careful preparation for the party – this is a guarantee of its success! Find answers to all the questions listed above, and then your guests will appreciate your party and want to come to you again and again.

    And our theme party scenarios.

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