How to make pomegranate face masks? Pomegranate mask with egg white. Unique properties of the fruit

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A pomegranate mask is one of the oldest facial skin care products. Due to its versatility, pomegranate seeds are used both for cosmetic sessions and for getting rid of insomnia.

What are the benefits of pomegranate mask?

The secret of pomegranate masks is their double effect: they are not only an excellent cosmetic product, but also psychologically calm a person during a session with their light, fresh aroma.

Benefit and effect

  • Slowing down the aging process, smoothing out the depth of wrinkles, accelerating metabolic processes, enhancing collagen production is provided by vitamin C;
  • Eliminating the first signs of aging, renewing the skin, due to which acne scars disappear - vitamin B is responsible for all this;
  • Vitamin PP helps smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion;
  • To alleviate inflammation and form new skin cells, pomegranate pulp contains calcium;
  • Potassium and magnesium contained in this fruit stabilize intercellular metabolism and make the walls of blood vessels stronger;
  • Iron acts to tighten the skin and optimize its hydration;
  • Phosphorus promotes the regeneration of new cells

Indications and contraindications

The use of pomegranate in homemade face masks is possible for any skin type, but, first of all, its composition is intended to eliminate problems with oily or aging skin types, namely:

  • Loss of elasticity, poor facial contours, wrinkles;
  • Presence of small cracks;
  • Excessive sebaceous secretions, enlarged pores, acne and post-acne, pimples.
  • It is undesirable to use pomegranate for masks in the presence of damage to the skin layers, infectious diseases, cancer formations and individual intolerance main ingredient.

Tips for use

  • The pomegranate must be ripe;
  • Before use, you need to peel the fruit and remove the seeds;
  • Before applying the product prepared according to the recipe, you need to wash your face with a cleansing gel, because... There should be no makeup on the face during the procedure;
  • The composition can also be used on other areas of the body that require nutrition and rejuvenation;
  • At fat type skin, in addition to masks, you can wipe your face with pomegranate juice every day;
  • Any of the products can be used 1-3 times a week.

Recipes at home

For dry skin

The mask is literally created for excellent nutrition and hydration:

  • Mash the pomegranate, squeeze out 1 tbsp. spoon of juice and add to two tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • Wet your face and massage the mixture in a circular motion;
  • After half an hour, remove the remaining composition with a dry cloth, and leave the rest to soak in overnight.
  • Several sessions give excellent results: the skin is smoothed, nourished and moisturized, the feeling of dryness goes away.

For oily skin

The best option for those who want to get rid of sebaceous secretions, narrow and cleanse pores, and renew epidermal cells:

  • Make a paste from pomegranate seeds, after removing the seeds, grate the peel of the fruit on a fine grater. Connect 2 tbsp. spoons of pulp and peel pulp with whipped egg white;
  • After application, leave for no more than 20 minutes, wash cool water.


The recipe is useful for oily and problem skin types, and it is best to carry out such a preparatory procedure before using any other type of mask. It has scrub properties and is prepared as follows:

  • Grind the hazelnuts (2 tbsp) in a coffee grinder, mix them with pomegranate puree (2 tbsp) and 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • Distribute uniform layer on pre-moistened skin with massage movements (massage for 3 minutes), then leave to absorb for 10 minutes;
  • Wash.


One of the most the best means for people suffering from heavy pigmentation:

  • Mix cucumber juice extracted from 1 grated cucumber with pomegranate juice (3 tbsp.) and lemon juice(1 tbsp);
  • Blot the gauze with the solution and apply it to your face;
  • Remove the gauze and rinse the remaining product with cool water after 15 minutes have passed.
  • Besides effective whitening, this procedure refreshes, tones and tightens pores.

For acne

A real find for people with oily or mixed type skin. Action this tool consists in drawing out harmful substances from deep subcutaneous layers, dries, eliminates greasy shine.

  • Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm green clay boiled water to a pulp state. Grind 1 egg white with pomegranate pulp (1 tbsp), add everything to the diluted clay and mix;
  • Apply, observing the order of layers: after the first layer, wait 2 minutes, then spread 3 more such layers on top of it;
  • When the composition dries (in 10-15 minutes), wash with warm water and apply cleansing cream.


In addition to moisturizing, using this recipe You can slightly whiten and soften the skin. Especially recommended in autumn-winter period when there is a risk of skin vitamin deficiency and drying out from cold:

  • Grate the pomegranate peel and mix with the pulp (3 tablespoons). Add 5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream high fat content and a few drops of any essential oil;
  • Spread the well-stirred mixture over the dry surface of the face and leave for no more than half an hour;
  • Rinse with warm water.


Struggling with various kinds inflammations and rashes:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice with the same amount of melted honey, add 5 drops of rose or lavender essential oil;
  • Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer, rinse with cool water after 20 minutes.

For aging skin

Smoothes wrinkles, tones and brightens. The action consists of effective rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles and inflammation.

  • Grind ginger root (2 tbsp), add to 2 tbsp. l. Pomegranate juice;
  • Apply the well-mixed mixture onto the face and décolleté, leave to soak for half an hour;
  • Wash with cool water.

Facial care


19.08.14 18:45

Also in Ancient Egypt pomegranate fruits were used to produce cosmetic products. Sweet and sour grains were considered an effective medicine to combat acne and its consequences for the epidermis. And today pomegranate face masks can be a real salvation when getting rid of defects problem skin, pronounced pigmentation and damage skin.

The main benefits of pomegranate face masks are explained by the presence of tannins, acids and vitamins in the fruit. Properly selected additional ingredients can either enhance the effect active ingredients, or smooth out their influence.

Useful substances in pomegranate:

  • Vitamin C prevents the development of signs of aging, eliminates wrinkles from the face, and starts the processes of skin rejuvenation and cell renewal. The surface of the epidermis is disinfected, cellular immunity is increased;
  • B vitamins normalize lipid balance, reduce the severity of acne, eliminate the effects of acne and comedones;
  • vitamin PP stimulates cell division and regeneration, improves facial tone, smoothes age-related wrinkles;
  • due to the high percentage of organic acids, salts and tannins, pomegranate face masks restore damaged epidermis, have a bactericidal effect, and neutralize inflammatory processes;
  • calcium accelerates the process of formation of new cells and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • phosphorus soothes the skin and relieves stress;
  • iron has a tonic effect, moisturizes and tightens the epidermis;
  • magnesium and potassium make the skin softer, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize intracellular metabolism.

Taking everything into account positive sides pomegranate masks, we can highlight the main indications for their use:

  • Aging skin, with age spots and decreased tone.
  • Problematic epidermis with a tendency to form acne.
  • Dry and normal skin, in need of additional nutrition and hydration.
  • Getting rid of the effects of acne, dermatitis, damage.
  • You will have to discard pomegranate masks if you have an individual intolerance to the product, skin tumors, open wounds and serious infectious processes.

Pomegranate face masks will only be beneficial if you follow the following rules:

  • When choosing a fruit, you need to pay attention to its peel and hardness. The skin should be dry, uniform and dense. The grains should appear underneath. IN otherwise, the fruit is not yet ripe. If the pomegranate is soft, this is a sign of improper transportation or the beginning of rotting of the fruit;
  • Only pomegranate juice is used to prepare masks. Seeds of grains, even in a ground state, can cause significant damage to the surface of the epidermis;
  • Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin. After the procedure, use detergents forbidden! Pomegranate masks are washed off only with cool running water or mineral water, final treatment of the face with an ice cube is allowed;
  • pure pomegranate juice can only be used for oily skin. With other types, signs of dry epidermis may appear;
  • The frequency of using masks is strictly individual. From 3-4 sessions per week for oily and problem skin, to 1-2 for normal and dry skin. The exposure time of the product on the skin is 10-15 minutes.

Pomegranate face masks: recipes

If possible, it is recommended to undergo a course of epidermis restoration at least once a season using a pomegranate face mask: the recipes are varied and will not require large financial and energy costs. If pomegranate remedies become a habit, you can forget about a number of cosmetic problems and fading youth of the skin.

Pomegranate mask with egg white

Grind the pomegranate peel in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. Mix a tablespoon of the resulting dry composition with pomegranate juice and whip it into a thick foam (at least five minutes) egg white. Apply the product to the skin, carefully working on the T-zone and areas with pronounced shine. After just one session, the oily shine will go away, the skin will become smoother and cleaner. With a course of use of the composition, the facial contour will be tightened, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and age spots will lighten.

Soft scrub mask with hazelnuts and pomegranate

Grind the hazelnut kernels to flour, mix it with two parts pomegranate juice and one part lemon juice. The mass should be quite liquid, but homogeneous. Apply it to the skin in a circular motion, massage acne areas or sebaceous plugs for at least two minutes, after which we leave the composition on the skin. Before removing the pomegranate face mask with abrasive particles, there is no need to additionally massage the skin, as it can be damaged. This simple manipulation allows you to exfoliate dead cells, making the skin softer and silkier. The epidermis dries slightly, tightens and becomes fresh before the eyes.

Sour cream mask with jojoba oil

Mix in equal proportions full fat sour cream and pomegranate juice, add a teaspoon of jojoba oil and bring the composition to a homogeneous state. The product is applied to damp skin! If you use this product every two or three days, you can restore the elasticity, freshness and firmness of dry skin in a couple of weeks. The epidermis will get rid of inflammation and peeling, soften and smooth out. This mask It also has a pronounced brightening effect and can be used to prepare the face for sunbathing.

Yolk mask-cream for sensitive skin

Combine a tablespoon of pomegranate juice and cool milk, add half a teaspoon nourishing cream. Bring the composition to a homogeneous state and apply to the skin. After a quarter of an hour, remove the product wet cotton pad. If the procedure is carried out in the morning or afternoon, you need to wash your face after half an hour, but if before going to bed, wash your skin only in the morning. After this pomegranate face mask, dry sensitive skin receives necessary nutrition and hydration, the surface of the face is smoothed and rejuvenated.

Sour cream mask with cinnamon for facial rejuvenation

To three tablespoons of medium-fat sour cream, add a tablespoon of pomegranate juice and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix everything and apply to the skin for no more than 15 minutes. Cinnamon can act quite aggressively, so at the first sign of discomfort, remove the composition. The mask is contraindicated for rosacea and fragility of blood vessels. The product softens and smoothes the skin, nourishes its deep layers, and cleanses the surface of the face. Sour cream mask with pomegranate and cinnamon is indicated for any signs of aging at any age.

Curd mask with honey for aging skin

Mix two parts of pomegranate juice with one part of soft, low-fat cottage cheese, mashed into sour cream. Add a little liquid honey, mix and apply to the skin of the face, neck, and hands. Regular use of the curd composition helps get rid of age-related pigmentation, wrinkles, and sagging skin. The product can be used when the first signs of aging appear or to improve the condition of mature epidermis.

Multi-component pomegranate mask for acne

We dilute a tablespoon of green or white clay powder with plain water to obtain a thick paste. Beat the egg white and mix it in equal proportions with pomegranate juice. Mix the resulting mass with diluted clay and add three drops of rosemary oil and tea tree. Mix the product again and apply the first layer of the composition, and after 5 minutes - the second. When the mask dries (after 10 minutes), wash it off with water and moisturize the skin with a small amount of cream. Clay masks for the face from pomegranate have amazing ability draw out dirt, toxins and residues from the thickness of the skin decorative cosmetics. As a result of the procedure, the epidermis is renewed, dried, and the pores are narrowed.

Ginger mask with disinfecting effect

Grind the ginger root into flour; we will need three tablespoons of the resulting powder. Add two tablespoons of chilled pomegranate juice to it and mix until a mass similar to a thick dough is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for half an hour. After the composition is washed off with cool water, you can treat the skin with an ice cube or even make an ice compress for 2-3 minutes. The product combines two actions - effective rejuvenation and toning, plus skin disinfection and removal inflammatory processes. Using the product twice a week will reduce the intensity of acne, alleviate the condition of the skin with a number of dermatitis, smooth out wrinkles and correct the oval of the face.

A shining smile on the face with a beautiful velvety skin the key to the attractiveness of every woman. And if with a smile the issue is resolved quickly ( good mood and a compliment from a beloved man), then everything is not so simple with the skin. Any type of skin at any age requires care. Young people have problems with acne and pimples, but with age, every time we look in the mirror, we begin to find wrinkles, we note increased dryness and dullness of the skin, and with trepidation in our souls we begin to look for ways to prevent its premature withering. And then the visit begins beauty salons, intimate conversations with sellers of expensive, but in their words very effective cosmetics, after which family budget is emptied at the speed of light, and the result is not always expected.

However, we will not discuss the successes and failures of world-famous cosmetic companies, but will focus on the means at hand, after using which our skin will glow, the family budget will be preserved, and time, which is always in short supply, will be saved.

Everyone, except those who don’t like it, is probably tempted by the taste of a fruit like pomegranate at least several times a year. However, after getting acquainted with his healing properties, and you can find out about this in a separate article on our website “Pomegranate and pomegranate peels” you are unlikely to remain indifferent to this fruit. After eating a pomegranate, the peel usually goes into the trash, which is an irreparable mistake. Because it is not only effective remedy, but also an excellent product for facial skin.

Let's start with the fact that it has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. That is, it eliminates all inflammatory foci (pimples, blackheads, etc.), promotes the healing of various cracks and the growth of the epithelium, and maintains its moisture. And most importantly, it protects the skin from damage from the burning rays of the sun and prevents the breakdown of collagen - the most main reason the appearance of wrinkles.

Pimples and acne one of the main problems of young people. And, despite the fact that the cause of their appearance is often age-related changes in the body or metabolic disorders, pomegranate peel masks can help get rid of these problems.

To do this, you need to pour boiling water over a handful of pre-dried pomegranate peels and, after they have softened, grind them in a blender to a paste, adding a few drops of lemon juice. You can first grind them in a coffee grinder to a powdery state, and then add a little boiling water so that they soften, and after they have cooled, add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. This mask is applied to the face, avoiding the eye area, and left until it dries, and then washed off with warm water. It can not be applied to the entire face, but only to problem areas skin (where pimples or blackheads appear). Such procedures are performed two to three times a week, and they not only cleanse the skin of pimples and blackheads, but also whiten it, eliminating age spots.

But to get rid of wrinkles, hot milk is added to two tablespoons of pomegranate peels crushed in a coffee grinder and, after they have cooled, they are also applied to the face, left to dry. Then washed off with warm water. To obtain results, this procedure is performed twice a week.

But daily pomegranate peeling perfectly moisturizes the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Indeed, pomegranate peel contains ellagic acid, which retains moisture very well, making the skin soft and elastic. To do this, you need to prepare at least a week's supply of powder by grinding the peel in a coffee grinder and storing it in a tightly closed container. Then, every day, two tablespoons of powder must be thoroughly mixed with unsweetened yogurt or kefir to a paste and applied to the face. This mixture is kept for 10 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water.

In summer, our skin needs special protection, because Sun rays it's not only a tan, but also bad influence ultraviolet rays. For such protection, just mix pomegranate peel powder with your favorite cream or lotion and apply it to your face 20 minutes before going outside, and after ten minutes rinse with warm water.

Pomegranate peel powder is also wonderful scrub, cleanses the skin of black and whiteheads, old dead cells and improves blood circulation. To do this, two tablespoons of powder are thoroughly mixed with one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of essential or vegetable oil(castor, olive). The mixture is applied to the face and massaged thoroughly, then washed with warm water. However, after this procedure, the face must be lubricated with a moisturizer or tonic and repeated once a week or even two.

After such procedures, your skin will become soft, elastic, silky, and acquire healthy color, and wrinkles for a long time they won’t remind you of themselves. And to be completely attractive, you will only need a charming smile.

Health and prosperity to you.

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Pomegranate is a very tasty and unusual tropical fruit, consisting of hundreds of crispy, juicy, appetizing grains. It has long been considered medicinal fruit, since with regular use it slows down the aging process in the body and improves blood circulation.

Even then, in ancient times, its cosmetological properties were noticed. A rejuvenating pomegranate face mask prepared at home can transform appearance even the most problematic skin.

The benefits of pomegranate masks

Very useful mask for the face, pomegranate has a wonderful effect on the skin due to its composition. This fruit and its juice contain various vitamins, tannins, amino acids, and mineral elements. Each of them makes its own contribution to the rejuvenation and treatment of the skin:

  • ascorbic acid(vitamin C) fights signs of aging, eliminates fine wrinkles, stimulates rejuvenation processes, accelerates collagen synthesis, increases cellular immunity;
  • subgroup B vitamins make the skin soft, youthful elastic, smooth, accelerate many metabolic processes, eliminate post-acne and pimples due to constant renewal of skin cells;
  • niacin(vitam.PP) stimulates, tones, improves complexion, smoothes out even the smallest wrinkles;
  • calcium has anti-inflammatory properties, activates recovery processes in cells;
  • potassium + magnesium= normalization of intercellular metabolism, formation of new cells, strengthening of vascular walls;
  • iron tones, tightens, moisturizes, participates in hematopoiesis;
  • phosphorus soothes tired skin;
  • amino acids dry out acne and...

Having such wide range beneficial properties, a pomegranate face mask can become a real salvation for the most problematic skin. A bunch of cosmetic defects(constant greasy shine, yellowness, post-acne, pimples, acne) under its active influence are eliminated quickly, easily and without consequences. To enjoy and not be disappointed with the effect of the mask, you need to take into account several nuances for preparing it at home.

Features of application

Since this is not an ordinary fruit (botanically it is actually a berry), you need to know how to use pomegranate for your face. You will use grains that need to be ground and juice that is easy to squeeze out. On the one hand, the features of using such masks are simple and not much different from preparing other homemade cosmetics, but still you need to know some of the nuances and follow the recommendations.

  1. Indications for the use of pomegranate masks: fading, mature, wrinkled, oily, problematic skin, acne, yellowness of the skin.
  2. Contraindications: allergic reaction on pomegranate juice, neoplasms, extensive open wounds on the face, inflammatory and infectious diseases skin.
  3. Action time: no more than 20 minutes - for oily and problematic skin, no more than 7-10 - for dry and flaky skin.
  4. It is best to crush pomegranate seeds and turn them into pulp in a blender.
  5. To prepare masks, you need to choose a juicy, ripe fruit.
  6. The pomegranate mask can only be used on clean skin.
  7. Frequency of use: 2 times a week. You can wash your face with pomegranate juice every day if you have problem or oily skin.

A pomegranate mask prepared in accordance with these recommendations will transform the skin after the first use, restoring its youth and radiance. If you do something like this cosmetical tools regularly, soon you will do without expensive serums and creams from stores. Now your epidermis will be provided with all the substances it needs. What exact problem the mask will solve depends primarily on the recipe you choose.

Recipe overview

Cosmetic homemade face masks with pomegranate mostly have a wide spectrum of action on any type of skin. However, additional ingredients in their composition determine their narrower focus, strengthening or weakening beneficial features this unusual fruit. What specific problem this or that mask solves is usually indicated in the recipe.

For oily skin

  • From greasy shine

Crushed pomegranate seeds (1 tablespoon) are mixed with 1 beaten egg white. This pomegranate mask for oily skin controls the work sebaceous glands and prevents the release of excess sebaceous secretions. The result is a clean, dried epidermis.

  • For acne

Mix pomegranate juice (1 tablespoon), ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon), low-fat sour cream (3 tablespoons). In cosmetology, pomegranate juice for the face is considered one of the best anti-inflammatory and disinfectants, as it contains many organic acids. Therefore, it makes very effective masks against pimples and acne.

For dry skin

  • Rejuvenating

Mix pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) with high-fat sour cream or cream (1 tablespoon) and (1 teaspoon).

  • For peeling

Mix pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) with full fat milk(1 tablespoon), any moisturizing cream (0.5 teaspoon), 1 egg yolk. Use these masks with pomegranate in the cold season - and they will become real protection from winds and frost.

For normal skin

  • Nutritious

IN equal quantities Mix pomegranate juice with natural juice (necessarily unrefined) olive oil. Just like grains, pomegranate juice for facial skin is not only rejuvenation, but also year-round nutrition for the most useful vitamins and microelements.

  • Improves complexion

Pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) is mixed with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

Now you can check for own practice, how useful and effective pomegranate is for facial skin, by preparing the most various masks. Their correct and regular use is the key to solving many cosmetic problems. Be sure to take advantage of these properties to look stunning and get rid of unnecessary complexes.

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