7th month of child development. Games in the bath. We develop coordination of movements, the concept of cause-and-effect relationships

Every day you notice changes in your baby. This is no longer the tiny lump that you brought from the hospital. The baby has grown noticeably and is now showing himself as a full member of the family. At 7 months, the child communicates more, moves more, and eats and sleeps no longer like in the first half of the year.

What's new in physical development?

During the seventh month, the child grows by 2 cm and gains about 600 g; by the end of the month, the weight of the babies is 7.5 - 8.5 kg (± 1 kg), and their height is 66 - 70 cm (± 3 kg).

What a 7 month old baby can do:

  1. Some children can already sit without support and learn to sit on their own.
  2. Some are already crawling at seven months. While it is difficult for the baby to lift his body completely, so he...
  3. Lying on his stomach, he can lean on one arm and reach out with the other and grab a toy.
  4. Actively turns over different sides. The baby’s physical development is now entirely aimed at increasing his activity, so this is the time when bruises and injuries begin. Physical activity The baby has grown, but the movements are still uncoordinated and awkward, while parents still tend to underestimate the baby’s capabilities, leaving him alone in the middle of the sofa or bed. Children can roll from one end of the sofa to the other in a matter of seconds, so do not leave them alone.
  5. A child of 7 months can hold a bottle himself and pick it up if it falls.
  6. In the crib he can stand up on his knees or fully on his legs, holding onto the railing.
  7. With support from the armpits, he walks.
  8. A 7-month-old child uses his hands more and more confidently: he transfers a toy from one hand to another, turns it in his hands.
  9. Picks up and throws the toy again. He hits it on the table, pulls it into his mouth, and examines it.
  10. Can put small ones into large objects.
  11. Hearing and vision are already fully formed. The child reacts by turning his head even to quiet sounds. But do not teach your baby to sleep in complete silence, allow a small sound background (TV or radio), otherwise in the future the child will begin to wake up from minor sounds.
  12. Many children already have their first teeth at seven months, but if they don’t, don’t worry, calmly wait until they appear until they are a year old. Big role Heredity plays a role in the timing of teething; if the parents have teeth at 9 months, then the child will most likely have the same. Some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. For some it may pass without special problems, and the mother will know that a tooth is breaking through only by the white edge on the gum. But most children still exhibit signs that precede the appearance of a tooth:

  • Salivation;
  • Redness and swelling of the gums;
  • The baby bites everything: toys, your fingers and his own, puts his fist into his mouth;
  • The baby rubs its cheek on the pillow, pinches its face and ears;
  • Some children may have low-grade fever (37).

What's new in mental development?

  1. Now the child understands the meaning of many words and can point his finger at familiar objects. Continues to communicate in babble.
  2. He knows his name and reacts to it.
  3. The baby distinguishes all relatives. A feeling has already been formed in him deep affection. Of course, the baby is most emotionally attached to his mother and in her absence may now burst into tears, but this will not be associated with hunger, but with a loss of a sense of security and anxiety. Some children at this age may even experience fear of separation, which indicates big step in the mental development of the baby.
  4. The baby can already guess by facial expressions and gestures about the feelings you are experiencing. He distinguishes intonations in the voice: gentle or strict, kind or evil. And when a child is scolded, he is already trying to understand his guilt.
  5. The baby learns to show his feelings: he grabs you by the face, by the hair, presses you, or, on the contrary, turns away.
  6. The baby's babbling becomes more and more complex. Gradually it becomes meaningful. The baby turns his head towards the object, which the mother named several times before (dad, kitty, woman), and can repeat the first syllable himself. Tries to attract attention with certain syllables.
  7. To the question “where?” can find with a glance what is being asked about.
  8. The kid understands that hidden things do not disappear completely, but they are simply not visible.
  9. The child is now ready to make friends with anyone, but he himself does not show initiative, but waits for it from the object.
  10. In this period right hemisphere (left-hand side body) develops more intensively than the left ( Right side body), so you may notice that your baby uses his left hand more than his right. This is a temporary phenomenon and does not at all mean that the child is left-handed. ()
  11. At this age, babies may begin to be afraid of sharp or loud noises (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fan). Try to keep these devices away from your child. ( We read: )

Baby development test 7 months

  • A baby at 7 months should be able to roll over in different directions, sit with a straight back with support, roll over onto his side for a rattle from a supine position;
  • Sit with your child on your lap at the table. The baby will firmly grab the edge of the table, begin to rearrange the objects lying on it, and slam his hands on the table;
  • Deliberately ignore your child. The baby will begin to seek your gaze or even whine;
  • A child at 7 months shows interest in strangers, the fear of strangers gradually goes away;
  • When the baby is lying on his back, cover his face with a diaper, the child should be able to free himself from it;
  • Give the baby a toy in both hands, and then offer another one. At first the baby will be puzzled, and then let go of one toy to take another.

What should you be wary of?

  • The baby does not try to roll over and sit up;
  • Doesn't knock the cube on the table;
  • Does not react to sounds, does not show emotions, tenderness towards mother, does not attract attention;
  • Cannot bring objects to mouth;
  • Cannot support its own weight in an upright position;
  • Doesn't follow a moving object with his eyes, doesn't babble.

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VIDEO 1: baby development at 7 months

How to feed a baby at 7 months

At this age, the child should already be able to drink from a cup on his own - ?

If you introduced solid foods at 6 months and your baby is natural feeding, then by seven months there is already one breastfeeding replaced with porridge and vegetable puree.

The porridges are still gluten-free (buckwheat, rice, corn) and one-ingredient. You can give ready-made cereals industrial production, they already contain powdered milk and oil.

If you cook it yourself, then the porridge should first be 5%: for 5 g of cereal - 100 g of water, then - 10%: for 10 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid. Start adding vegetable oil to vegetable purees (preferably extra virgin olive oil), first 1 drop at a time and gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon. Into the porridge - butter(82%), first 1 g, and then up to 4 g per serving of porridge.

If you have successfully introduced vegetable purees, then start giving fruit purees (apple, pear, prune, plum, peach) and continue to introduce other vegetables in turn (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes). It should be noted that spinach and potatoes are somewhat heavy for a child’s stomach, so it is better to give them together with zucchini or cauliflower, so introduce them at the end of the 7th month, when the child is ready for multi-component food. From the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is better to feed only one-ingredient purees and cereals for two months.

At the end of the month, you can introduce the yolk, starting with 1/4 (and then 1/2 yolk), twice a week.

If your baby has teeth or started to grow, buy him special baby cookies that quickly dissolve in his mouth. Thus, at the full 7 months, a breastfed baby has approximately the following diet:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 7 o'clock - breast milk 200 g.
  • 11 o’clock – porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 -50 g, juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 - 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), cookies (crackers), juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 – 30 g.
  • 19 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 22 - 23 hours - breast milk 200 g. At night, continue to breastfeed as required.

If complementary feeding was introduced from 4 to 5 months, then at 7 months the child can begin to be given boiled meat (turkey, veal, rabbit, chicken), after rubbing it in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

It is better to give meat with vegetable complementary foods, with addition vegetable oil or formula milk. You need to start with 1/2 teaspoon, bringing up to 25 - 30 g. For a child on artificial feeding The diet at 7 months will look like this:

  • 7 hours – mixture 200 g.
  • 11 hours – porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 – 50 g, juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 – 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, meat puree 20 -30 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 - 30 g.
  • 19 hours – mixture 200 g, cookies (crackers).
  • 22 – 23 hours – mixture 200 g.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Night sleep will become more restful and deeper, and its duration will be approximately 10-11 hours. Daytime sleep lasts 1.5-2 hours, 2-3 times a day, while the duration and time of sleep may depend on the nature of the child, the situation, and the regime created in your family. It is especially useful for a baby to sleep on fresh air. If you stick to a daily routine, your baby will wake up at approximately the same time.

How to help your baby develop

Continue the same activities with your child that you started in previous months, making the games a little more difficult and prolonging them. Do everything so that your baby develops speech and his babbling gradually turns into words.

  • Draw your baby's attention to the things you are talking about. Take walks not only during sleep, let the baby learn the world and outside the apartment. Repeat the words until the child understands them. Use Doman cards (thematic pictures with words), with them children remember words faster. Look at and read children's books more often, let your baby learn to turn the pages himself.
  • Develop your child's fine motor skills.
  • Ask your child to do something (throw or pick up a ball, pick up a cube). Of course, the child must be able to do what you asked. After completing the task, be sure to praise your child.
  • Teach your baby to point his finger at an object, clap his hands, and wave his hand.
  • Surely you made friends during your walks. Go visit each other sometimes. Kids are already interested in watching other children play.
  • 6 – 7 months is the best age to nurture a child: “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, “Horned Goat” and play games with fingers:

This finger is a grandfather (we bend thumb, and then everything in turn),

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This one is my baby (bend the little finger).

That's my whole family (we hold our fist).

  • Don't ignore your child's fear of strangers. Don't leave your child alone with them. The baby does not yet understand whether they are good or bad; for him, everything unfamiliar is dangerous. Try to take the baby in your arms in front of strangers and keep a distance in communication until you notice that the child himself is interested in or reaches out to a new person.
  • Teach your child to crawl - it is necessary and very important stage, which precedes upright walking. At first, the way all children move is different: some crawl on their bellies, some crawl with their butts forward, some crawl like a caterpillar. Only later baby will learn the technique of “cross” crawling, when the leg and arm are opposite sides moving at the same time. The most difficult thing for a baby is to lift his tummy off the floor and synchronize his movements. Therefore, create conditions for your child to learn: comfortable clothes, free space, exercise and achievable goals in the form of toys.
  • A complete calendar of child development in one article “development up to one year by month” - >>>

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

In this article:

A child's development at seven months is still active, but compared to development in the first six months, it is not as rapid. The baby continues to get acquainted with the world and achieves certain success in this activity due to improvement mental abilities and motor skills. What features does a baby’s development have in the seventh month of life and what do parents need to know?

Physical indicators of the child

In the seventh month of life, babies usually weigh from 8 to 8.9 kilograms, their height reaches 67-70 cm, their head circumference is from 43 to 45 cm, and chest- from 42 to 44 cm.

Over the previous month, the baby grows several centimeters and adds 500-600 grams in weight. At the same time, the chest and head circumferences become almost equal. The body proportions of a child at this age already resemble the body proportions of an adult.

Baby's motor activity

IN motor development the baby reaches the seventh month important successes. The child begins to sit confidently without support and maintains balance even when reaching for toys. The seven-month-old baby can already crawl and is trying to stand on his feet, holding onto a support. A new activity for a baby at this age is rocking on his knees and crawling backwards. In general, it can be noted that the development
Babies at this age are so individual that it is very difficult to draw a specific portrait.

From the moment the baby starts crawling, he will make every effort to improve this skill. Parents should help the baby in every way, creating suitable conditions for this. Crawling is extremely beneficial for a baby's development. During the crawling process in a child:

  • back muscles are trained;
  • strengthens the abdominal muscles;
  • pulmonary ventilation improves;
  • blood circulation improves.

Parents should encourage their baby's attempts to crawl by turning activity exercises into an interesting game.

In a sitting position, the baby is already doing whole line actions. The child plays with toys, entertains his parents with “okays,” and “cooks porridge” for the “white-sided magpie.” The baby already knows how to use both hands at once, transfers toys from
one hand to the other. At this time, it is already possible to determine whether the child is right-handed or left-handed.

When lying on his stomach, the baby rests on his forearms. It looks funny when the baby tries to “float” on his tummy, moving his arms and legs in the air. The baby becomes more active and is able to spend some time without adult supervision, but only if he is protected from falling by a playpen or the sides of the crib. Already at this time, you need to make sure that there are no dangerous objects within the baby’s reach.

How to play with your baby?

The baby gets great pleasure from development motor abilities. The baby squeals with delight when he is thrown in the air, rocked or exercised with him in his arms. Parents need to play with their children in this way more often to strengthen their vestibular system.

A game with a blanket, in which mom and dad can participate, is a great way to develop a baby. The child should be placed on a blanket and rocked sideways, up and down. It is very important to monitor your baby’s reaction to the game. He should enjoy rocking in the blanket, but as soon as the baby shows that he wants to stop, you need to stop rocking and cuddle the baby. If the child likes everything, then during
When swinging, you need to try to change the direction so that he doesn’t get dizzy.

At 7 months, child development is associated with improvement subject activity. The baby shows increased interest in bright objects and toys, and tries to touch or grab them. Children are very curious, expect results from their own actions, learn to understand and feel themselves.

Many parents teach their children during this period simple gestures: “bye”, “hello”, “yum-yum”, etc. A child of 7 months is already able to master and use gestures, establishing contact with others.

You can already captivate your toddler with educational toys, inviting him to play with nesting dolls, cubes or pyramids. The baby is especially interested in objects from the adult world. Children enjoy using phones, laptops, and remote controls, imitating the actions of adults. Parents should consider making sure these things are safe for children.

Features of the baby's speech development

Significant progress has been observed in the speech development of the baby. The child babbles and listens to his own voice with pleasure. He can already pronounce many sounds, knows how to ask “give me!” and giving something with the word “na”, pronouncing “mama”, “baba” and others simple words. Parents can work with their baby by repeatedly repeating some words to him to reinforce them.

Sleep and diet

At seven months, the child eats 4-5 times a day, sleeps twice during the day and practically does not wake up at night. At this age, parents can already establish a daily routine, teaching the baby to a certain routine. It's very important to try
Put the baby to bed at the same time to prevent a disruption in his biological rhythm.

If a child continues to be active at night even in his sleep, this is normal. At seven months he has so many new impressions that restless sleep is a kind of side effect active cognitive and motor activity. To calm the baby, before going to bed, you can bathe him in water with a decoction of soothing herbs, put on pajamas with closed legs and arms.

Features of the baby's mental development

At seven months, the baby’s mental development moves to new level. The child becomes more intelligent, shows dissatisfaction, is happy, nervous and enjoys pleasant moments. It is becoming increasingly easier for parents to determine the mood and desires of their baby by the manifestation of his emotions.

A seven-month-old baby is still distrustful of strangers, but more often curiosity overcomes fear, and the baby is ready to make contact after a superficial acquaintance. It is already easy to make a toddler laugh and explain the reason for the refusal or prohibition. As before, the most important thing in the world for a baby is to be in the company of his parents as long and as often as possible.

In the child’s speech in the seventh month of life, new sounds and whole syllables appear. His babble is already conscious and has a bright emotional coloring. The auditory and visual analyzers. The baby is able to hold objects in his hands for a long time, examining them,
tasting it. Through experiments, the baby learns which objects make sounds when dropped or hit and which do not.

The baby peers at the faces of loved ones for a long time, remembers facial expressions, and tries to copy the facial expressions of adults. He already knows how to concentrate on one process and reacts adequately to the first prohibitions. Remember that in the life of a child at this age the number of categorical prohibitions should be kept to a minimum. It is better to remove from the child’s field of view and reach everything that he is not allowed to take, than to constantly tease and irritate with prohibitions.

You can stimulate the mental development of a baby at this age through active and regular communication, repeating with him simple syllables, changing the intonation, timbre, volume of the voice. At this age, you can already tell your child fairy tales and poems, sing songs, amuse him with tongue twisters, and reward him for any achievements.

What should a seven month old baby be able to do?

The development of a child at 7 months occurs according to its own schedule, and the indicators do not always fully correspond to the norms. Nevertheless, children in most cases acquire the bulk of their skills by this age. At 7 months healthy child, as a rule, already knows how to:

Parents need to know that the second half of the year is the period when the baby will need to start learning to fight diseases on his own, since the antibodies supplied with mother’s milk will no longer be enough. This is especially true for children who by this time no longer receive breast milk. Hardening, massage, vitamins and regular exercise will help strengthen the baby’s immunity. Important role will play and
balanced diet, into which during this period they introduce egg yolk and lean meats.

Bathing. You can already bathe your baby at this age. adult bath, using a special circle on the neck and a rubber mat that will prevent slipping. To make the bathing process even more enjoyable for your baby, you can surround him with special bath toys. Never leave a child of this age in the bathroom unattended.

Strengthening the immune system. The first sign of reduced immunity will be frequent acute respiratory infections and ARVI in the baby. You can help your baby strengthen her immune system with massage and regular intake of vitamins.

Lure. The seventh month of a child’s life means an updated diet. It should already contain a tenth of the yolk along with cottage cheese and vegetables, still in a grated form. Pay attention to possible manifestation allergic reactions. If they occur, then you should temporarily exclude the yolk from the children's menu.

Meat can be introduced into the diet in the first half of the 7th month of life. This can be either special canned food for children or low-fat meat minced through a meat grinder, mixed with vegetable puree. By the end of the seventh month, the baby already receives an almost full meal of three courses: soup, second and third (compote, jelly or juice).

Educational games. Special games will help speed up the mental and physical development of the baby. For example, sit your child on the floor so that he can rest his back on the sofa. Place your favorite toys next to him and sit next to him. The baby should notice the toy from the side and reach out to her. If this does not happen, try to attract his attention by knocking or moving an object.

Try to surround your toddler with toys of all shapes and sizes from a variety of different materials so he can explore them and remember the differences. Also great option educational game - these are boxes and dishes different sizes, which the baby can stack on top of each other.

At 7 months, the baby can already make decisions, so parents will need to develop this ability in him in every possible way. Invite your baby to take the toy that lies in front of him, making sure that both his hands are already occupied. The baby will need to decide which of the toys to put aside in order to free up his hand for a new item.

What a child should be able to do at seven months is a question that undoubtedly worries you, my dear reader. At this time, when the baby's development accelerates, rapid physical changes, appearance large quantity new movements stimulate the emergence of social and emotional skills.

Baby's motor activity

There is quite a long list of what a baby should do when he turns seven months old. By this time, children already know how to:

  • crawl on one's bellies;
  • make attempts to crawl on all fours;
  • During the first few days of learning to crawl, your baby may crawl backwards, and this is absolutely normal. Soon he will figure out how to control his arms and legs and will move as he should;
  • Some babies skip the crawling stage and immediately try to walk. This phenomenon is also not considered a pathology.

Taking new steps in your baby's physical development at seven months can be a real challenge for you. At this time, some children begin to stand at the support. At the same time, many still do not know how to sit and sit down, so in order to change position they simply fall on their backs.

The baby can sit without support for several minutes and tries to sit down. The baby takes the “sitting” position by first standing on all fours and then sitting on one hip. You can train your child a little and do the following exercise with him:

  1. The child lies on his back, extend your fingers to him so that he grabs them;
  2. Raise your baby to a sitting position and lower him back down;
  3. Repeat three times. If the baby has a weak grip, hold him by the wrists, tightly grasping the arms.

This exercise is necessary to develop sitting skills and strengthens all muscle groups.

Development premature baby at seven months, physically, it is almost no different from the development of children born at term. Parents of “hurried” children need to pay more attention fine motor skills, playing with toys with children different shapes, size and texture.

A child’s seven months is the time when he actively demonstrates everything he should be able to do; The video will help you remember everything interesting points his growing up.

Mental development and new games

Here's what a baby can do by the time he's seven months old:

  • take the toy with the right and left handles, transfer them from hand to hand;
  • hold an object with both hands, throw, take and give it at the request of an adult;
  • find a toy hidden under a napkin or blanket;
  • knock two rattles against each other;
  • break or disassemble various objects;
  • press buttons, knock on the keys of a musical toy;
  • clap;
  • leaf through a book with thick pages;
  • point with a finger at the thing he wants to reach;
  • hiding on mom's shoulder.

Development continues fine motor skills. The baby can take soft balls in his fist and put them in round hole. You can take any sorter and give it to your child fabric pom poms and pieces of any soft material, or small Stuffed Toys. He will be happy to push them into the sorter holes.

The seventh month of baby's development is the time when he shows interest in tableware and can imitate you and try to pick at food with a spoon.

But you shouldn’t take the spoon away from the baby: a little more time will pass, and the child’s development will lead to the fact that he will learn to eat carefully, even if this happens not at seven months of life, but a little later. In the course “The ABCs of complementary feeding: safe introduction of complementary feeding,” you will learn how to teach a child to eat carefully, instill in him correct behavior at the table and teach them to eat with appetite.

Independent actions are necessary for the development of the cerebral cortex.

If the little one begins to sit, then he can already bathe in the bath while sitting. To insure your baby, you can purchase a special seat. Children love bright floating toys; rubber figures that you can fill with water and splash.

At this age, kids love listening to music. It's good if you have a musical toy that plays different melodies. Just choose a device with a volume control and a pleasant tone, as the baby will play music endlessly.

For psychomotor development For a seven-month-old child, it will be useful to learn a few easy dance moves with him:

  1. clapping your hands (if you don’t already know how);
  2. "flashlights";
  3. head shaking;
  4. turning the body left and right (when the baby is sitting);

Just demonstrate these movements to your baby several times, and he will happily repeat them after you. When a child is seven months old, it’s time to teach him how to dance; this is something that both a girl and a boy should be able to do.

Children are very interested in their reflection in the mirror. They smile at him, sometimes even make faces at him.

It is advisable that the mirror be positioned so that the baby cannot reach it on his own. The baby is already able to hit the glass with a heavy object.

Communication with other people

  • At seven months, the baby is very attached to one of the family members (usually the mother). The baby is constantly looking for her and gets upset if she leaves.

For mental development A child at seven months needs to spend this period next to an important person for him. At this age, children develop basic trust in people, and the mother is the guarantor of the safety of the world around them.

  • At the age of seven months, the baby learns to say hello and goodbye: to wave his hand when meeting and parting. Teach your toddler politeness: always greet people you meet and say goodbye to them, say “thank you” and “please”.

If your child has an example of polite treatment before his eyes from childhood, then you will not need to further teach him the rules of behavior in society.

  • In this period little man constantly imitates adults. The baby copies their facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. You can benefit from this age characteristics child development: show by example how to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, wave “hello” and “bye” - a baby at 7 months is already able to master all this.
  • Children treat well people they know and are wary of a person they see for the first time in their lives. To help your little one overcome this fear, show him your affection for the new person. Seeing your good attitude, the baby will “melt” faster.
  • At seven months, it is important for a baby not only to be close to loved ones, but also to receive their approval. When praising children, be sure to say what exactly they did to deserve the encouragement. To develop sense of purpose, a child needs to know what actions lead to praise.
  • At seven months, the development of the cerebral cortex leads to the fact that the baby understands what adults are talking to him about. Let it be at the level of intonation and individual words, but this skill is improving every day. Your baby already understands perfectly what “impossible” means, and can protest quite violently when he hears this word.

A child’s seven months is a time when children of different sexes have approximately the same development; what a boy should be able to do, a girl can also do.

See also my short video lesson about baby development at 7 months:

Your baby's speech development

The little one continues to pronounce more and more new syllables. In the seventh month of life, the baby begins to “give out” their combinations: for example, “ma-pa.” The baby is delighted that he can pronounce different sounds. At seven months, your baby can already squeal piercingly.

Children pronounce syllables louder and quieter, with different intonations.

When talking to your baby, show your emotions clearly with your voice and facial expression. This way the baby will quickly learn to express joy or sadness.

At seven months, babies are very different. Some are already on their feet and trying to walk, others are just starting to crawl on their bellies. Mark the main development milestones of your baby, watch him, do more photos. After all, this time will never happen again!

Seven-month-old babies are incredible fidgets and active explorers. At the beginning of the second half of its life, the baby continues to make daily progress. The baby tirelessly crawls and stands up in the crib, pulling himself up on the railing. By the end of the seventh month, he should be able to sit without your support. Your efforts during this period will be aimed at strengthening the baby’s muscles and preparing him to begin learning to walk.

The baby’s communication with his parents becomes longer, the child enthusiastically combines vowels and consonants and repeats them for a long time. In the seventh month of life, the baby continues to actively grow teeth, and in an effort to eliminate the itching of the gums, he puts into his mouth absolutely all objects that come his way.

Comparing a seven-month-old baby with what he was like in the first half of the year, you will certainly notice the changes that have occurred. But now is just the beginning long way, and you have a lot of work ahead of you. The Baby Development Calendar will tell you what a baby should be able to do at 7 months, and how you can help them acquire those skills.


The physical development of a child at 7 months continues to progress actively. But children's doctors, analyzing the progress of a baby, will pay attention not only to the work of his muscles and the ability to crawl. To assess the compliance of a seven-month-old baby with the norms and standards determined by the development calendar, specialists will also take into account the mental and psychological progress of the baby. Here is a basic list of what a child should be able to do at 7 months:

  • the child must be able to crawl forward and backward, this process occurs absolutely consciously: if you beckon him with a bright toy, he will actively crawl in your direction;
  • the baby can already stand up in the crib, pulling himself up on the sides, and, holding on to them, take several steps;
  • a baby at seven months of age has fairly strong back and arm muscles, which allow him to sit down or kneel down on his own. supine position;
  • a child in the seventh month of life can show you a named object and know the names of frequently used toys and objects;
  • A seven-month-old baby’s hands are quite well developed, he can already hold a bottle on his own and pick it up if it falls; lying on his stomach, he can lean on the surface under him with one hand, and take an object with the other;
  • if you hold a baby under the armpits, he will walk; it is important to develop this reflex, so that later the baby begins to walk earlier.

If in the first six months, in order to see something or move, the baby needed your help, now he has gained a little mobility and can move independently. The baby will cry less often, calling for your help or trying to get rid of boredom. All you have to do is spread a blanket on the floor, sit the child on it and surround him interesting toys that will develop the baby. The play space, of course, should be completely safe for a seven-month-old baby.


By the seventh month of life, babies should already have normal bowel movements; they appear at approximately the same time every day. Such changes are due to the fact that nutrition has changed significantly. As a rule, a child of this age should eat fruits, vegetables and cereals. These products not only promote active peristalsis, but also give the stool its usual dense consistency.

Due to the normalization of stool, you will significantly reduce the amount water procedures during the day. Continue to bathe your baby every evening and show him how to play with the available toys.

In the seventh month of life, children continue to cut their baby teeth, use special gels to relieve pain and antipyretics to bring down the temperature.

You can start trying to put your baby to sleep without a diaper. nap, placing an oilcloth or disposable diaper under it.

Such liberation from the convenient, but harmful remedy hygiene if you have a boy, since overheating will negatively affect his reproductive system.

Emotions and behavior

The psycho-emotional development of a child at 7 months of age is also progressing at an active pace. The baby really needs your communication, so try your best free time spend time with your baby, talk to him, expect feedback from him.

The baby already knows the names of all the household members and rejoices at their appearance. TO to strangers the child is still openly wary, but when they stay in the apartment for a long time, he gradually takes a closer look at them, gets used to them, and in the end can even allow himself to be picked up.

The appearance of loved ones triggers a revival complex: seven month old baby starts to do active movements arms and legs, smiles and may even babble something joyfully.

At seven months of life, a baby is already quite developed long term memory, if you put away some complex toy for a while and then show it to your child, he will continue to play with it in the same way as you showed him, for example, a week ago.

Height and weight

During the seventh month of life, children continue to grow actively and gain about 600 grams of weight. The child's height increases by 2 centimeters. The circumference of the head and chest is approximately equal and is each 44 cm. The difference in indicators remains in children of different sexes: a boy, as a rule, is larger than a girl.


A seven-month-old baby continues to combine different sounds and pronounce the resulting syllables repeatedly with different intonations. The child responds with his baby babble to calls to him and listens carefully to the conversations of adults.

To develop speech skills, continue to read books with your baby, learn poems that should be accompanied by simple movements, as well as new combinations of sounds.


Children on breastfeeding As a rule, they eat frequently - they can eat up to 10 times during the day and 4 at night, while the nutrition of artificial animals is more orderly both in time and in quantity.

Nursing mothers in the seventh month of their baby’s life begin to face the problem of their baby biting the breast with his teeth. In such a situation, you need to show your baby that you are in pain and stop feeding.

In the seventh month of life, the baby's table continues to be enriched with new products. Depending on the pediatrician’s recommendations, the baby can already eat fruits, vegetables and cereals. Since, starting from six months, the value of milk is not enough for the baby to gain height, weight and actively develop, new nutrition allows the baby to replenish strength. If the introduction of complementary foods in the first six months began early, from 4-5 months, now egg yolk, meat and fish can enter the baby’s diet.


Due to the fact that a baby's day at seven months is filled with new discoveries and bright events, at times he can be overexcited. This condition often prevents children from falling asleep peacefully. Since pediatricians recommend that infants at this age sleep 14 hours, try to stick to a previously established daily routine. An hour before bedtime, do not let your baby run wild; choose quieter activities.

You can also develop certain rituals that will subsequently precede sleep - read a book, do easy for baby massage or, dimming the lights and turning on the music quietly, stroke him gently.

It is not recommended to maintain complete silence when the baby falls asleep, otherwise later, when his hearing is fully formed, he will wake up from any noise.

Games and toys

Babies at seven months are enthusiastically engaged with educational toys, they like to explore them. Also, children after six months are interested in books that contain bright pictures, inserts made of different materials and buttons, after pressing which the baby will hear music.

A seven month old baby will love playing with the ball. You can put your baby on the floor, sit opposite him and roll the ball in his direction. The baby is already quite capable of both catching objects and throwing them back.

A baby at seven months should already be able to assemble a pyramid; now you can complicate his task and learn the colors and sizes using rings from it. Show him two different parts, pay attention that one of them is large and the other is small. Pick up a ring of a certain color and, together with your baby, look for toys of the same shade.

Any success of a child needs to be supported by exaggerated delight, this will stimulate him to further work. If something didn’t work out for the baby, and he was very upset, calm him down, show him in a gentle tone and smile that nothing terrible happened, and help him finish the job.

Since babies at seven months are not yet assiduous enough, you will have to have quite a lot of toys to keep the baby's attention. Babies really like to throw objects, so you can put all the baby’s “dowry” in boxes. The baby will enthusiastically take out toys from there and throw them on the floor. You may be able to persuade him to put them back together.

Not only a boy can play with cars, you can buy a similar toy for a girl, she will be happy to sit and roll it on the floor. Everyone likes to be a winner, especially little researchers. “Hide” the switched on one from the baby musical toy(just cover it with a pillow or handkerchief) and ask them to find it. The child will try to find the singing pet by sound, and when he finds it, he will be full of delight and pride. Any success of your baby that you approve will encourage him to move on and develop himself.

“The world is a huge space with a lot of interesting things” - this is how you can express your baby’s motto during this period of life. Try and adhere to his rules of the game and help him perceive new things wherever you are together.

The third quarter of a baby's life is an exciting period of growth and further development. After all, the second half of the year has arrived in the biography of a new person, and you, of course, are worried about his every next step in the manifestation of his personality. What will your baby be like: kind or meek, stubborn or persistent, lazy or cheerful creature? Most likely, he will have a little of all these qualities, and they will depend on his mood, goals, feeling of satiety and many other factors. After all, in front of you is a person just like you, with his own problems and troubles, only his problems are still as small and funny as he himself (for example, reaching for a shiny necklace that lies so far on the table, or trying tastes like a big ball that for some reason you can’t put in your mouth). So, always try to look through the baby’s eyes at what caused his mood change or crying, and do not make global generalizations just yet.

Physical development

Features physical development during this month there will be an average increase in body weight of 600 g. It will be 8-8.5 kg if infant was born full-term with a weight of 3-3.5 kg. U premature babies The rate of weight gain is slightly different. During the seventh month, the child’s height will increase by 2 cm and will be 65-66 cm, the head circumference will increase by 0.5 cm and will reach 43-43.5 cm, the chest circumference will increase by 1.3 cm and will be 45-46 cm To assess the physical development of a baby at this age, you can use a very simple fatness index. It characterizes the degree of development of the subcutaneous fat layer in a child. To do this, add three shoulder circumferences (measured in the middle third of the shoulder), shin circumference (at the level of the thickest part), thigh circumference (in the upper third of the thigh) and subtract the child’s height (in centimeters) from this amount. Normally, this value is 20-25 cm. A decrease in the index value indicates insufficient nutrition of the baby.

Physical activity

During the seventh month, the child becomes more mobile. The ability to sit is improved. Your baby is already sitting with a straight back, sometimes resting his hands. When trying to free his “supports” in order to grab something interesting, the baby may fall. Therefore, you should not leave him alone on a sofa or any other elevated surface.

The habit of crawling appears at this age or is improved if such attempts were made in the past month. There are many ways for babies to crawl. You can make a whole guide out of them. But everyone has their own path to mastering the world. Some children first learn to stand on their knees and hands and swing back and forth for a long time, others risk immediately moving one hand, followed by the other, and then their legs in the same order, some move in a “kolobok”, some crawl backwards. The baby will work on crawling on his own, because no matter how lazy he is, curiosity takes over. Your role is to find something that will arouse the baby’s interest and become an incentive for him to move. Make sure that during such children's training there are no sharp corners around, and that the floor is covered with a soft surface. It happens that a baby, having hit himself during a fall, gives up trying to crawl for a long time, sometimes even until the time when he can simply immediately get to his feet.

If the baby has already worked out some method of crawling, then double attention will be required. Since the object of his interest will be everything: a large porcelain vase that stands in the corner, a mountain of books that weigh tens of kilograms, ironing board, tape recorder, sockets, etc. Therefore, once again inspect your home and prevent possible “sabotage” on the part of your child. Buy plugs and close the sockets in the apartment, especially if they are located low. Take away unnecessary and dangerous items for your baby. At the same time, lay out toys that will interest the child and make him move.

And one more important point. Now that your baby is getting older, more active every day and is already learning to crawl, pay attention to the fact that the diaper provides him with increased fluid absorption, comfort and convenience while moving.

Watch your baby explore the room. Of course, when the baby crawls along and across it, he will want to look at what is behind the door. But, having reached the threshold, he stops and thinks. Because if he leaves this room, he will lose sight of you. And this is still for him a big problem- to be without you. Therefore, even if the baby gets out the door for a second, he will immediately return. Curiosity – great strength, so the next attempt at mastering the world behind the door will be longer, and then even longer. But don't test your baby's nerves. Do not under any circumstances disappear from the room during such “forays.” Because it's not funny. The child will worry, and this will end with the cessation of further exploration of the world around him.

The baby will be interested in bright objects, which are convenient to grab with your hand. Grasping at this age becomes more coordinated, with the participation of the palms and, partially, the fingers. Such movements resemble the work of forceps or tweezers. Having grabbed a thing, the baby studies it for a long time with his hands, feet, and over time - with his mouth. All objects are defined as good or bad. This is expressed with sounds of approval or, on the contrary, dissatisfaction.


The baby continues to experiment, pronounce or sing syllables and sounds. More successful in its execution, as a rule, the syllables “da”, “pa”, “ma”, “ta”, “ba” are obtained. Sometimes he manages to combine several syllables “da-da”, “pa-pa”, etc. Pronunciation gains different shades, which depend on the child’s mood and the presence of loved ones. If there are listeners, then the baby willingly, for a long time and with satisfaction tells something, combining everything possible options syllables.


The baby's communication abilities are improving. The look becomes meaningful. The baby is happy when he recognizes friends, and on the contrary, he shouts out with displeasure in search of his mother if he happens to be nearby unfamiliar person. An interesting game becomes studying oneself in the mirror.


In the seventh month of life, your baby already has or is about to have one or two teeth. The two lower central incisors usually appear first.


Of course, after such a busy day, someone would sleep "deadly." Children of this age are no exception to this rule. In the absence of any certain reasons to sleep disturbances, night sleep they become calmer. They may wake up, but eventually fall back to sleep peacefully. During the day, the baby sleeps twice or three times. The time and duration of sleep depend on your family's routine, emotions, and noise. It should be noted that at this age the baby is already able to roll over and open up at night or during the day. You shouldn't worry too much about this. Analyze whether the child is not dressed very warmly or whether the child is covered. Observe the room temperature and how it changes throughout the night. When the room is warm (more than 22 degrees), there is no reason to worry about the baby opening up. But if the room is cool (17 degrees or below), buy warm pajamas for your child, then you will sleep more peacefully, knowing that your baby is not in danger of the cold. In cold apartments with sharp temperature fluctuations, it is better for the baby to sleep in a special sleeping bag.


We bathe the baby daily or every other day. If you used a small baby bath for this, then it’s time to move on to large bath. You don't need to take a lot of water. It’s better to pour less, just so that the baby sits and calmly plays with toys. The best toys During bathing at this age there will be a plastic bucket, a boat, a duck, a fish, etc. The baby is interested in the fact that something can overflow and pour out. In general, bathing should be an exciting game, and the child will enjoy this procedure for the rest of his life. Bathing should not last more than 10-15 minutes. The water temperature is recommended no more than 36-37 degrees, the room temperature no lower than 22 degrees. Under no circumstances should you leave your child alone in the bathtub, as the baby at this age is still sitting unsteadily and can therefore very easily roll over and choke!

Visit to the pediatrician

Pay attention to how often your baby gets sick during this month. colds. Since even before 6 months of life he was “helped” to fight surrounding infections by his mother’s antibodies received through the umbilical cord. This is, in fact, the first month of the “strength test”. Babies who are breastfed still receive them now, and therefore have advantages compared to children who are breastfed artificial mixtures. If illnesses occur frequently, discuss possible measures to reduce infections or improve prevention and treatment for your baby. Don't forget about hardening, gymnastics and massage.

Get advice on how warmly the baby should be dressed, as well as on the daily routine and how best to keep the child occupied in the periods between bedtimes.

My achievements


  • I can concentrate, focusing on details.
  • I imitate sounds.
  • I pronounce the syllables: “ma”, “mo”, “da”, “pa”, “ta”.
  • I can combine several sounds in one breath.
  • I understand that objects do not break if you hit something hard with them.
  • I begin to analyze my own actions.
  • I associate the baby in the picture or photo with myself and demonstrate this with sounds.
  • I readily play with toys that make sounds.


  • I have a sense of humor.
  • I resist if something is persistently offered.
  • I love looking at myself in the mirror.
  • I know the tone and meaning of the word “no.”
  • I show my desire to be in society, not myself.


  • I hold the head and balance it well.
  • I can move around by crawling on my knees and hands or on my belly.
  • I can move on my back, lifting and moving my buttocks.
  • I have two teeth (lower incisors).
  • I sit confidently with a straight back, but when I try to use my hands in the game, I turn over.
  • I can distinguish two different things in different hands, I love putting them together.
  • I shake, knock, suck, chew objects in my hand.
  • I love exploring my body with my mouth and hands.
  • I use my fingers to pick up an object.


  • My body weight increases by 600 g per month.
  • I'm growing a full 2 ​​cm.

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